(******************************************************************************) (* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) (* Kim Nguyen (Kim.Nguyen@nicta.com.au) *) (* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) (* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) (******************************************************************************) INCLUDE "debug.ml" open Ata let l = ref [] ;; let time f x = let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let r = f x in let t2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let t = (1000. *. (t2 -. t1)) in l:= t::!l; Printf.eprintf " %fms\n%!" t ; r ;; let total_time () = List.fold_left (+.) 0. !l;; let enabled_gc = Gc.get() let disabled_gc = { Gc.get() with Gc.max_overhead = 1000000; Gc.space_overhead = 100 } let main v query output = let _ = Tag.init (Tree.tag_pool v) in Printf.eprintf "Parsing query : "; let query = try time XPath.Parser.parse_string query with Ulexer.Loc.Exc_located ((x,y),e) -> Printf.eprintf "character %i-%i %s\n" x y (Printexc.to_string e);exit 1 in XPath.Ast.print Format.err_formatter query; Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "\n%!"; Printf.eprintf "Compiling query : "; let auto,ltags,contains = time XPath.Compile.compile query in let _ = Ata.dump Format.err_formatter auto in let _ = Printf.eprintf "%!" in let do_contains = match contains with None -> false | Some s -> let r = Tree.count v s in Printf.eprintf "%i documents in the TextCollection\n" (Tree.text_size v); Printf.eprintf "Global count is %i, using " r; if r < !Options.tc_threshold then begin Printf.eprintf "TextCollection contains\nTiming call to raw global contains (1st time): "; time (Tree.unsorted_contains v) s; Printf.eprintf "Calling global contains : "; time (Tree.init_contains v) s; Printf.eprintf "Timing call to global count contains : "; let r = time (Tree.count_contains v) s in Printf.eprintf " number of matching nodes %i \n%!" r; Printf.eprintf "Timing call to raw global contains (2nd time): "; time (Tree.unsorted_contains v) s; end else begin Printf.eprintf "Naive contains\nCalling global contains : "; time (Tree.init_naive_contains v) s end;true in Printf.eprintf "Execution time %s : " (if !Options.count_only then "(counting only)" else if !Options.backward then "(bottomup)" else ""); begin let _ = Gc.full_major();Gc.compact() in let _ = Gc.set (disabled_gc) in if !Options.backward then let tag,set = List.hd ltags in let r = if do_contains then time (bottom_up_count_contains auto) v else time (bottom_up_count auto v) tag in let _ = Printf.eprintf "Number of nodes in the result set : %i\n%!" r in () else if !Options.count_only then let r = time ( top_down_count auto ) v in (* not clean *) let _ = Printf.eprintf "Number of nodes in the result set : %i\n%!" r in () else let result = time (top_down auto) v in let rcount = IdSet.length result in Printf.eprintf "Number of nodes in the result set : %i\n" rcount; Printf.eprintf "\n%!"; begin match output with | None -> () | Some f -> Printf.eprintf "Serializing results : "; time( fun () -> let oc = open_out f in output_string oc "\n"; IdSet.iter (fun t -> Tree.print_xml_fast oc t; output_char oc '\n'; output_string oc "----------\n"; ) result) (); end; end; let _ = Gc.set enabled_gc in (* let _ = Ata.dump Format.err_formatter auto in *) Printf.eprintf "Total running time : %fms\n%!" (total_time()) ;; Options.parse_cmdline();; let v = if (Filename.check_suffix !Options.input_file ".srx") then begin Printf.eprintf "Loading from file : "; time (Tree.load ~sample:!Options.sample_factor ) (Filename.chop_suffix !Options.input_file ".srx"); end else let v = time (fun () -> let v = Tree.parse_xml_uri !Options.input_file; in Printf.eprintf "Parsing document : %!";v ) () in if !Options.save_file <> "" then begin Printf.eprintf "Writing file to disk : "; time (Tree.save v) !Options.save_file; end; v in main v !Options.query !Options.output_file;; IFDEF DEBUG THEN Printf.eprintf "\n=================================================\nDEBUGGING\n%!"; Tree.DEBUGTREE.print_stats Format.err_formatter;; Gc.full_major() ENDIF