INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" open Format type t = { id : int; states : StateSet.t; init : StateSet.t; last : State.t; (* Transitions of the Alternating automaton *) trans : (State.t, (TagSet.t * Transition.t) list) Hashtbl.t; marking_states : StateSet.t; topdown_marking_states : StateSet.t; bottom_states : StateSet.t; true_states : StateSet.t } let print ppf a = fprintf ppf "Automaton (%i) :@\n\ States %a@\n\ Initial states: %a@\n\ Marking states: %a@\n\ Topdown marking states: %a@\n\ Bottom states: %a@\n\ True states: %a@\n\ Alternating transitions:@\n" StateSet.print a.states StateSet.print a.init StateSet.print a.marking_states StateSet.print a.topdown_marking_states StateSet.print a.bottom_states StateSet.print a.true_states; let trs = Hashtbl.fold (fun _ t acc -> List.fold_left (fun acc (_, tr) -> tr::acc) acc t) a.trans [] in let sorted_trs = List.stable_sort trs in let strings = Transition.format_list sorted_trs in match strings with | [] -> () | line::_ -> let sline = Pretty.line (Pretty.length line) in fprintf ppf "%s@\n" sline; List.iter (fun s -> fprintf ppf "%s@\n" s) strings; fprintf ppf "%s@\n" sline type jump_kind = NIL | NODE | STAR | JUMP_ONE of Ptset.Int.t | JUMP_MANY of Ptset.Int.t | CAPTURE_MANY of Ptset.Int.t let print_kind fmt k = begin match k with | NIL -> fprintf fmt "NIL" | STAR -> fprintf fmt "STAR" | NODE -> fprintf fmt "NODE" | JUMP_ONE(t) -> let t = TagSet.inj_positive t in fprintf fmt "JUMP_ONE(%a)" TagSet.print t | JUMP_MANY(t) -> let t = TagSet.inj_positive t in fprintf fmt "JUMP_MANY(%a)" TagSet.print t | CAPTURE_MANY(t) -> let t = TagSet.inj_positive t in fprintf fmt "JUMP_MANY(%a)" TagSet.print t end; fprintf fmt "%!" let pr_trans fmt (ts, (l, r, m)) = Format.fprintf fmt "%a %s %a %a" TagSet.print ts (if m then Pretty.double_right_arrow else Pretty.right_arrow) StateSet.print l StateSet.print r let compute_jump auto tree states l marking = let rel_trans, skip_trans = List.fold_left (fun (acc_rel, acc_skip) ((ts, (l,r,marking)) as tr) -> if not marking && ((l == states && r == states) || (l == StateSet.empty && states == r) || (l == states && r = StateSet.empty) || (l == StateSet.empty && r = StateSet.empty)) then (acc_rel, tr::acc_skip) else (tr::acc_rel, acc_skip)) ([],[]) l in let rel_labels = List.fold_left (fun acc (ts, _ ) -> Ptset.Int.union (TagSet.positive ts) acc) Ptset.Int.empty rel_trans in if Ptset.Int.is_empty rel_labels then NIL else match skip_trans with [ (_, (l, r, _) ) ] when l == r && l == states -> begin match rel_trans with | [ (_, (l, r, m) ) ] when (rel_labels == (Tree.element_tags tree) || Ptset.Int.is_singleton rel_labels) && (StateSet.diff l auto.true_states) == states && m -> CAPTURE_MANY(rel_labels) | _ -> JUMP_MANY(rel_labels) end | [ (_, (l, r, _) ) ] when l == StateSet.empty -> JUMP_ONE(rel_labels) | _ -> if Ptset.Int.mem Tag.pcdata rel_labels then begin LOG(__ "top-down-approx" 3 "Computed rel_labels: %a" TagSet.print (TagSet.inj_positive rel_labels)); LOG(__ "top-down-approx" 3 "skip_trans:@\n%a" (Pretty.pp_print_list ~sep:Format.pp_force_newline pr_trans) skip_trans); LOG(__ "top-down-approx" 3 "rel_trans:@\n%a" (Pretty.pp_print_list ~sep:Format.pp_force_newline pr_trans) rel_trans); NODE end else STAR module Cache = Hashtbl.Make(StateSet) let cache = Cache.create 1023 let init () = Cache.clear cache let by_labels (tags1, _) (tags2, _) = tags1 tags2 let by_states x1 x2 = let l1, r1, (m1 : bool) = snd x1 and l2, r2, (m2 : bool) = snd x2 in (* force m1/m2 to be of type bool for efficient compare *) let r = l1 l2 in if r != 0 then r else let r' = r1 r2 in if r' != 0 then r' else compare m1 m2 let merge_states (tags1, (l1, r1, m1)) (tags2, (l2, r2, m2)) = if tags1 == tags2 then tags1, (StateSet.union l1 l2, StateSet.union r1 r2, m1 || m2) else assert false let merge_labels (tags1, (l1, r1, m1)) (tags2, (l2, r2, m2)) = if l1 == l2 && r1 == r2 && m1 == m2 then (TagSet.cup tags1 tags2), (l1, r1, m1) else assert false let rec merge_trans comp f l = match l with | [] |[ _ ] -> l | tr1::tr2::ll -> if comp tr1 tr2 == 0 then merge_trans comp f ((f tr1 tr2)::ll) else tr1 :: (merge_trans comp f (tr2::ll)) let fold_trans_of_states auto f states acc = StateSet.fold (fun q tr_acc -> List.fold_left f tr_acc (Hashtbl.find auto.trans q)) states acc let top_down_approx auto states tree = try Cache.find cache states with | Not_found -> let trs = (* Collect all (ts, (l, r, m)) where ts is a tagset, l and r are left and right set of states m is marking flag *) fold_trans_of_states auto (fun acc_tr (ts, tr) -> let pos = if ts == then Tree.element_tags tree else if ts == TagSet.any then Tree.node_tags tree else TagSet.positive ts in let _, _, m, f = Transition.node tr in let ls, rs = f in if Ptset.Int.is_empty pos then acc_tr else (TagSet.inj_positive pos, (ls, rs, m))::acc_tr ) states [] in (* for all labels in the tree compute which transition is taken *) let all_trs = Ptset.Int.fold (fun tag acc -> List.fold_left (fun acc' (ts, rhs) -> if TagSet.mem tag ts then (TagSet.singleton tag, rhs)::acc' else acc') acc trs) (Tree.node_tags tree) [] in (* merge together states that have common labels *) let uniq_states_trs = merge_trans by_labels merge_states (List.sort by_labels all_trs) in (* merge together labels that have common states *) let td_approx = merge_trans by_states merge_labels (List.sort by_states uniq_states_trs) in LOG( let is_pairwise_disjoint l = List.for_all (fun ((ts, _) as tr) -> List.for_all (fun ((ts', _) as tr') -> (ts == ts' && (by_states tr tr' == 0)) || TagSet.is_empty (TagSet.cap ts ts')) l) l in let is_complete l = TagSet.positive (List.fold_left (fun acc (ts, _) -> TagSet.cup acc ts) TagSet.empty l) == (Tree.node_tags tree) in let pr_td_approx fmt td_approx = List.iter (fun (ts,(l,r, m)) -> let ts = if TagSet.cardinal ts >10 then TagSet.diff TagSet.any (TagSet.diff (TagSet.inj_positive (Tree.node_tags tree)) ts) else ts in fprintf fmt "%a, %a, %b -> %a, %a@\n" StateSet.print states TagSet.print ts m StateSet.print l StateSet.print r ) td_approx; fprintf fmt "\n%!" in __ "top-down-approx" 2 " pairwise-disjoint:%b, complete:%b:@\n%a" (is_pairwise_disjoint td_approx) (is_complete td_approx) pr_td_approx td_approx ); let jump = compute_jump auto tree states td_approx (List.exists (fun (_,(_,_,b)) -> b) td_approx) in Cache.add cache states jump; jump let get_trans ?(attributes=TagSet.empty) auto states tag = StateSet.fold (fun q acc -> List.fold_left (fun ((tr_acc, l_acc, r_acc) as acc) (ts, tr) -> (* let ts = if ts == then TagSet.diff ts attributes else ts in *) let b = TagSet.mem tag ts in LOG(__ "transition" 3 "tag=<%s>, %s: %a" (Tag.to_string tag) (if b then " taking" else "not taking") Transition.print tr); if b then let _, _, _, f = Transition.node tr in let l, r = f in (Translist.cons tr tr_acc, StateSet.union l l_acc, StateSet.union r r_acc) else acc) acc (Hashtbl.find auto.trans q)) states (Translist.nil, StateSet.empty, StateSet.empty)