INCLUDE "" let realloc l old_size new_size dummy = let l' = Array.create new_size dummy in for i = 0 to (min old_size new_size) - 1 do l'.(i) <- l.(i); done; l' module Lvl1 = struct type 'a t = { mutable line : 'a array; dummy : 'a; mutable offset : int; } let create n a = { line = Array.create 0 a; dummy = a; offset = ~-1; } let add a i v = if a.offset == ~-1 then a.offset <- i; let offset = a.offset in let len = Array.length a.line in if i >= offset && i < offset + len then a.line.(i - offset) <- v else if i < offset then begin (* bottom resize *) let pad = offset - i in let nlen = len + pad in let narray = Array.create nlen a.dummy in for j = 0 to len - 1 do narray.(j+pad) <- a.line.(j) done; a.offset <- i; a.line <- narray; narray.(0) <- v; end else begin (* top resize *) (* preventively allocate the space for the following elements *) let nlen = ((i - offset + 1) lsl 1) + 1 in let narray = Array.create nlen a.dummy in for j = 0 to len - 1 do narray.(j) <- a.line.(j); done; narray.(i - offset + 1) <- v; a.line <- narray end let find a i = let offset = a.offset in let len = Array.length a.line in if i >= offset && i < offset + len then a.line.(i - offset) else a.dummy let dummy a = a.dummy end module Lvl2 = struct type 'a t = 'a Lvl1.t Lvl1.t let create n a = let dummy1 = Lvl1.create 0 a in { Lvl1.line = Array.create n dummy1; Lvl1.offset = ~-1; Lvl1.dummy = dummy1; } let add a i j v = let line = Lvl1.find a i in if line == a.Lvl1.dummy then let nline = { line with Lvl1.offset = ~-1 } in Lvl1.add nline j v; Lvl1.add a i nline else Lvl1.add line j v let find a i j = let v = Lvl1.find a i in if v == a.Lvl1.dummy then a.Lvl1.dummy.Lvl1.dummy else Lvl1.find v j let dummy c = c.Lvl1.dummy.Lvl1.dummy end module Lvl3 = struct type 'a t = 'a Lvl2.t Lvl1.t let create n a = let dummy1 = Lvl2.create 0 a in { Lvl1.line = Array.create n dummy1; Lvl1.offset = ~-1; Lvl1.dummy = dummy1; } let add a i j k v = let line = Lvl1.find a i in if line == a.Lvl1.dummy then let nline = { line with Lvl1.offset = ~-1 } in Lvl2.add nline j k v; Lvl1.add a i nline else Lvl2.add line j k v let find a i j k = let v = Lvl1.find a i in if v == a.Lvl1.dummy then Lvl2.dummy a.Lvl1.dummy else Lvl2.find v j k let dummy a = Lvl2.dummy a.Lvl1.dummy end