open Ata open XPath.Ast type text_query = [ `Prefix | `Suffix | `Equals | `Contains ] type tri_state = [ `Unknown | `Yes | `No ] let pr_tri_state fmt v = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (match v with | `Unknown -> "`Unknown" | `Yes -> "`Yes" | `No -> "`No") ;; type info = { trans : Transition.t list; states : StateSet.t; marking_states : StateSet.t; bottom_states : StateSet.t; last : State.t; bottom_up : tri_state; text_pred : (text_query * string) list } let empty_info = { trans = []; states = StateSet.empty; marking_states = StateSet.empty; bottom_states = StateSet.empty; last = State.dummy; bottom_up = `Unknown; text_pred = [] } open Formula.Infix let mk_phi top phi loop = if top then phi *& loop else phi let rec compile_step toplevel (axis, test, _) state cont conf last = let test, cont = match test with | Simple t -> t, cont | Complex (t, p) -> t, Formula.and_ (Formula.pred_ p) cont in let marking = toplevel && last in let trans, new_cont = match axis with | Child -> let loop = `Right *+ state in let phi = mk_phi toplevel cont loop in ( [ (Transition.make (state, test, marking, phi)); (Transition.make (state, TagSet.any, false, loop))], (`Left *+ state)) | FollowingSibling -> let loop = `Right *+ state in let phi = mk_phi toplevel cont loop in ( [ (Transition.make (state, test, marking, phi)); (Transition.make (state, TagSet.any, false, loop))], (`Right *+ state)) | Descendant -> let loopfun = if toplevel then Formula.and_ else Formula.or_ in let loop = loopfun (`Left *+ state) (`Right *+ state) in let phi = mk_phi toplevel cont loop in ( [ (Transition.make (state, test, marking, phi)); (Transition.make (state, TagSet.any, false, loop)); (*(Transition.make (state, TagSet.any, false, `Right *+ state)) *) ], (`Left *+ state)) | _ -> assert false in { conf with trans = trans@conf.trans; states = StateSet.add state conf.states; marking_states = if toplevel then StateSet.add state conf.marking_states else conf.marking_states }, new_cont and compile_step_list toplevel sl conf = match sl with [] -> let state = State.make () in let phi = `Left *+ state in let loop = (`Left *+ state) *& (`Right *+ state) in true, phi, { conf with states = StateSet.add state conf.states; bottom_states = StateSet.add state conf.bottom_states; trans = let trans = Transition.make (state, TagSet.any, false, loop) in trans :: conf.trans } | (_, _, pred) as step :: sll -> let state = State.make () in let pred, conf = compile_predicate pred conf in let last, cont, conf = compile_step_list toplevel sll conf in let conf, new_cont = compile_step toplevel step state (pred *& cont) conf last in let conf = if toplevel && last then { conf with last = state } else conf in false, new_cont, conf and compile_predicate predicate conf = match predicate with | Or(p1, p2) -> let cont1, conf1 = compile_predicate p1 conf in let cont2, conf2 = compile_predicate p2 conf1 in cont1 +| cont2, { conf2 with bottom_up = `No } | And(p1, p2) -> let cont1, conf1 = compile_predicate p1 conf in let cont2, conf2 = compile_predicate p2 conf1 in cont1 *& cont2, { conf2 with bottom_up = `No } | Not p -> let cont, conf = compile_predicate p conf in Formula.not_ cont, { conf with bottom_up = `No } | Expr e -> compile_expr e conf and append_path p s = match p with | Relative sl -> Relative (sl @ [s]) | Absolute sl -> Absolute (sl @ [s]) | AbsoluteDoS sl -> AbsoluteDoS (sl @ [s]) and compile_expr expr conf = match expr with | True -> Formula.true_, conf | False -> Formula.false_, conf | Path p -> let phi, conf = compile_path false p conf in phi, { conf with bottom_up = match conf.bottom_up with | `Yes -> `Yes | _ -> `No } | Function(fn, [ Path(Relative [(Self, Simple (n), Expr True)]); String s ]) when n == TagSet.node -> let f = match fn with | "contains" -> `Contains | "equals" -> `Equals | "starts-with" -> `Prefix | "ends-with" -> `Suffix | _ -> failwith ("Unknown function : " ^ fn) in let pred = Tree.mk_pred f s in let phi, conf' = compile_expr (Path (Relative [(Child, Complex(TagSet.pcdata, pred), Expr True)])) conf in phi, { conf' with text_pred = (f,s) :: conf'.text_pred; bottom_up = match conf.bottom_up with | `Unknown -> `Yes | _ -> `No } | _ -> assert false and compile_path toplevel p conf = let sl = match p with | Relative sl -> sl | Absolute sl -> let prefix = Child, Simple (TagSet.singleton Tag.document_node), Expr True in prefix :: sl | AbsoluteDoS sl -> (Descendant, (Simple TagSet.node), Expr True)::sl in let _, cont, conf = compile_step_list toplevel sl conf in cont, conf let compile path = let cont, conf = compile_path true path empty_info in let init, _ = cont in let get t s = try Hashtbl.find t s with Not_found -> [] in let table = Hashtbl.create 13 in List.iter (fun tr -> let q, ts, _, _ = Transition.node tr in let l = get table q in Hashtbl.replace table q ((ts, tr)::l)) conf.trans; let auto = { id = (object end); Ata.states = conf.states; init = init; Ata.last = conf.last; trans = table; Ata.marking_states = conf.marking_states; Ata.topdown_marking_states = conf.marking_states; Ata.bottom_states = StateSet.union conf.bottom_states conf.marking_states; Ata.true_states = conf.bottom_states } in auto, (if conf.bottom_up = `Yes then Some conf.text_pred else None)