INCLUDE "" module type SA = sig type data type t val make : data -> t val node : t -> data val hash : t -> int val uid : t -> Uid.t val equal : t -> t -> bool val stats : unit -> unit end module type S = sig type data type t = private { id : Uid.t; key : int; node : data } val make : data -> t val node : t -> data val hash : t -> int val uid : t -> Uid.t val equal : t -> t -> bool val stats : unit -> unit end module Make (H : Hashtbl.HashedType) : S with type data = H.t = struct let uid_make,uid_current,uid_set = Uid.make_maker() type data = H.t type t = { id : Uid.t; key : int; node : data } let node t = t.node let uid t = let hash t = t.key let equal t1 t2 = t1 == t2 module WH = Weak.Make( struct type _t = t type t = _t let hash = hash let equal a b = a == b || H.equal a.node b.node end) let pool = WH.create MED_H_SIZE exception Found of Uid.t let make x = let cell = { id = Uid.dummy; key = H.hash x; node = x } in try WH.find pool cell with | Not_found -> let cell = { cell with id = uid_make(); } in WH.add pool cell;cell exception Found of t let stats () = Printf.eprintf "Hconsing statistics"; let l = WH.fold (fun cell acc -> (Uid.to_int pool [] in let l = List.sort compare l in List.iter (fun id -> Printf.eprintf "%i\n" id) l end