INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" open Format open Ata type jump = | NOP of unit | FIRST_CHILD of StateSet.t | NEXT_SIBLING of StateSet.t | FIRST_ELEMENT of StateSet.t | NEXT_ELEMENT of StateSet.t | TAGGED_DESCENDANT of StateSet.t * Tag.t | TAGGED_FOLLOWING of StateSet.t * Tag.t | SELECT_DESCENDANT of StateSet.t * Ptset.Int.t * Tree.unordered_set | SELECT_FOLLOWING of StateSet.t * Ptset.Int.t * Tree.unordered_set | TAGGED_CHILD of StateSet.t * Tag.t | TAGGED_FOLLOWING_SIBLING of StateSet.t * Tag.t | SELECT_CHILD of StateSet.t * Ptset.Int.t * Tree.unordered_set | SELECT_FOLLOWING_SIBLING of StateSet.t * Ptset.Int.t * Tree.unordered_set | TAGGED_SUBTREE of StateSet.t * Tag.t | ELEMENT_SUBTREE of StateSet.t type dir = DIR_LEFT | DIR_RIGHT let _nop = NOP () let _first_child s = FIRST_CHILD s let _next_sibling s = NEXT_SIBLING s let _first_element s = FIRST_ELEMENT s let _next_element s = NEXT_ELEMENT s let _tagged_descendant s t = TAGGED_DESCENDANT(s,t) let _tagged_following s t = TAGGED_FOLLOWING(s,t) let _select_descendant s t = SELECT_DESCENDANT(s,t, Tree.unordered_set_of_set t) let _select_following s t = SELECT_FOLLOWING(s,t, Tree.unordered_set_of_set t) let _tagged_child s t = TAGGED_CHILD(s,t) let _tagged_following_sibling s t = TAGGED_FOLLOWING_SIBLING(s,t) let _select_child s t = SELECT_CHILD(s,t, Tree.unordered_set_of_set t) let _select_following_sibling s t = SELECT_FOLLOWING_SIBLING(s,t, Tree.unordered_set_of_set t) let _tagged_subtree s t = TAGGED_SUBTREE (s, t) let _element_subtree s = ELEMENT_SUBTREE s let jump_stat_table = Hashtbl.create 17 let jump_stat_init () = Hashtbl.clear jump_stat_table let jump_stat j = let i = try Hashtbl.find jump_stat_table j with Not_found -> 0 in Hashtbl.replace jump_stat_table j (i+1) let print_jump fmt j = match j with | NOP _ -> fprintf fmt "nop" | FIRST_CHILD _ -> fprintf fmt "first_child" | NEXT_SIBLING _ -> fprintf fmt "next_sibling" | FIRST_ELEMENT _ -> fprintf fmt "first_element" | NEXT_ELEMENT _ -> fprintf fmt "next_element" | TAGGED_DESCENDANT (_, tag) -> fprintf fmt "tagged_descendant(%s)" (Tag.to_string tag) | TAGGED_FOLLOWING (_, tag) -> fprintf fmt "tagged_following(%s)" (Tag.to_string tag) | SELECT_DESCENDANT (_, tags, _) -> fprintf fmt "select_descendant(%a)" TagSet.print (TagSet.inj_positive tags) | SELECT_FOLLOWING (_, tags, _) -> fprintf fmt "select_following(%a)" TagSet.print (TagSet.inj_positive tags) | TAGGED_CHILD (_, tag) -> fprintf fmt "tagged_child(%s)" (Tag.to_string tag) | TAGGED_FOLLOWING_SIBLING (_, tag) -> fprintf fmt "tagged_following_sibling(%s)" (Tag.to_string tag) | SELECT_CHILD (_, tags, _) -> fprintf fmt "select_child(%a)" TagSet.print (TagSet.inj_positive tags) | SELECT_FOLLOWING_SIBLING (_, tags, _) -> fprintf fmt "select_following_sibling(%a)" TagSet.print (TagSet.inj_positive tags) | TAGGED_SUBTREE (_, tag) -> fprintf fmt "tagged_subtree(%s)" (Tag.to_string tag) | ELEMENT_SUBTREE (_) -> fprintf fmt "element_subtree" let jump_stat_summary fmt = fprintf fmt "Jump function summary:\n%!"; Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> fprintf fmt "%i calls to %a\n" v print_jump k) jump_stat_table; fprintf fmt "%!" type opcode = | CACHE of unit | RETURN of unit | LEFT of Translist.t * jump | RIGHT of Translist.t * jump | BOTH of Translist.t * jump * jump type t = opcode Cache.Lvl2.t let dummy = CACHE() let print_opcode fmt o = match o with | CACHE _ -> fprintf fmt "CACHE()" | RETURN _ -> fprintf fmt "RETURN ()" | LEFT (tl, j) -> fprintf fmt "LEFT(\n[%a], %a)" Translist.print tl print_jump j | RIGHT (tl, j) -> fprintf fmt "RIGHT(\n[%a], %a)" Translist.print tl print_jump j | BOTH (tl, j1, j2) -> fprintf fmt "BOTH(\n[%a], %a, %a)" Translist.print tl print_jump j1 print_jump j2 let print_cache fmt d = let c = Cache.Lvl2.to_array d in Array.iteri begin fun tag a -> let tagstr = Tag.to_string tag in if a != Cache.Lvl2.dummy_line d && tagstr <> "" then begin fprintf fmt "Entry %s: \n" tagstr; Array.iter (fun o -> if o != dummy then begin print_opcode fmt o; fprintf fmt "\n%!" end) a; fprintf fmt "---------------------------\n%!" end end c let create () = Cache.Lvl2.create 1024 dummy let stats fmt c = let d = Cache.Lvl2.to_array c in let len = Array.fold_left (fun acc a -> Array.length a + acc) 0 d in let lvl1 = Array.fold_left (fun acc a -> if Array.length a == 0 then acc else acc+1) 0 d in let lvl2 = Array.fold_left (fun acc a -> Array.fold_left (fun acc2 a2 -> if a2 == dummy then acc2 else acc2+1) acc a) 0 d in fprintf fmt "L2JIT Statistics: \t%i entries \t%i used L1 lines \t%i used L2 lines \ttable size: %ikb\n" len lvl1 lvl2 (Ocaml.size_kb d); fprintf fmt "%s" "L2JIT Content:\n"; print_cache fmt c let find t tag set = Cache.Lvl2.find t tag (Uid.to_int let add t tag set v = Cache.Lvl2.add t tag (Uid.to_int v let collect_trans tag ((a_t, a_s1, a_s2) as acc) (labels, tr) = if TagSet.mem tag labels then let _, _, _, f = Transition.node tr in let (_, _, s1), (_, _, s2) = f in (Translist.cons tr a_t, StateSet.union s1 a_s1, StateSet.union s2 a_s2) else acc let has_text l = Ptset.Int.mem Tag.pcdata l let rec translate_jump tree tag (jkind:Ata.jump_kind) dir s = let child, desc, sib, fol = Tree.tags tree tag in match jkind, dir with | NIL, _ -> _nop | NODE, DIR_LEFT -> FIRST_CHILD s | STAR, DIR_LEFT -> FIRST_ELEMENT s | NODE, DIR_RIGHT -> NEXT_SIBLING s | STAR, DIR_RIGHT -> NEXT_ELEMENT s | JUMP_ONE t, _ -> let l_one, l_many, tagged_one, select_one, any, any_notext = if dir = DIR_LEFT then child, desc, _tagged_child, _select_child,_first_child, _first_element else sib, fol, _tagged_following_sibling, _select_following_sibling, _next_sibling, _next_element in let labels = Ptset.Int.inter l_one t in let c = Ptset.Int.cardinal labels in if c == 0 then _nop else if Ptset.Int.for_all (fun lab -> not (Ptset.Int.mem lab l_many)) labels then translate_jump tree tag (JUMP_MANY(labels)) dir s else if c == 1 then tagged_one s (Ptset.Int.choose labels) else if c > 5 then if has_text labels then any s else any_notext s else select_one s labels | JUMP_MANY t, _ -> let l_many, tagged_many, select_many, any, any_notext = if dir == DIR_LEFT then desc, _tagged_descendant, _select_descendant,_first_child, _first_element else fol, _tagged_following, _select_following, _next_sibling, _next_element in let labels = Ptset.Int.inter l_many t in let c = Ptset.Int.cardinal labels in if c == 0 then _nop else if c == 1 then tagged_many s (Ptset.Int.choose labels) else if c > 5 then if has_text labels then any s else any_notext s else select_many s labels | CAPTURE_MANY (t), DIR_LEFT -> if Ptset.Int.is_singleton t then TAGGED_SUBTREE(s, Ptset.Int.choose t) else if t == Tree.element_tags tree then ELEMENT_SUBTREE s else assert false | _ -> assert false let compute_jump auto tree tag states dir = (*PROF_CFUN("L2JIT.compute_jump"); *) if !Options.no_jump then if dir == DIR_LEFT then FIRST_CHILD states else NEXT_SIBLING states else let jkind = Ata.top_down_approx auto states tree in let jump = translate_jump tree tag jkind dir states in D_TRACE_(eprintf "Computed jumps for %s %a %s: %a\n%!" (Tag.to_string tag) StateSet.print states (if dir == DIR_LEFT then "left" else "right") print_jump jump); jump let compile cache2 auto tree tag states = (*PROF_CFUN("L2JIT.compile"); *) let tr_list, states1, states2 = StateSet.fold (fun q acc -> List.fold_left (collect_trans tag) acc (Hashtbl.find auto.trans q)) states (Translist.nil, StateSet.empty, StateSet.empty) in let op = let empty_s1 = StateSet.is_empty states1 in let empty_s2 = StateSet.is_empty states2 in if empty_s1 && empty_s2 then RETURN () else if empty_s1 then RIGHT (tr_list, compute_jump auto tree tag states2 DIR_RIGHT) else if empty_s2 then LEFT (tr_list, compute_jump auto tree tag states1 DIR_LEFT) else BOTH (tr_list, compute_jump auto tree tag states1 DIR_LEFT, compute_jump auto tree tag states2 DIR_RIGHT) in let op = match op with (*BOTH(_, NOP _, NOP _) | LEFT(_, NOP _) | RIGHT(_, NOP _) -> RETURN() *) | BOTH(tr, ((NOP _) as l) , NOP _) -> LEFT (tr, l) | BOTH(tr, l, NOP _) -> LEFT (tr, l) | BOTH(tr, NOP _, r) -> RIGHT (tr, r) | _ -> op in add cache2 tag states op; op let get_transitions = function | CACHE _ | RETURN _ -> failwith "get_transitions" | LEFT (tr, _) | RIGHT (tr, _) | BOTH (tr, _, _) -> tr