(******************************************************************************) (* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) (* Kim Nguyen (Kim.Nguyen@nicta.com.au) *) (* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) (* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) (******************************************************************************) INCLUDE "utils.ml" open Ata let () = init_timer();; let default_gc = Gc.get() let tuned_gc = { default_gc with Gc.minor_heap_size = 32*1024*1024; Gc.major_heap_increment = 8*1024*1024; Gc.max_overhead = 1000000; Gc.space_overhead = 100; } let mk_runtime run auto doc arg count print outfile = fun () -> if !Options.do_perf then start_perf (); let r = time ~count:1 ~msg:"Execution time" (run auto doc) arg in if !Options.do_perf then stop_perf (); Printf.eprintf "Number of results: %i\n%!" (count r); match outfile with None -> () | Some file -> time ~count:1 ~msg:"Serialization time" (print file doc) r ;; let main v query_string output = Tag.init (Tree.tag_operations v); let query = time ~msg:"Parsing query" XPath.parse query_string in if !Options.verbose then begin Printf.eprintf "Parsed query:\n%!"; XPath.Ast.print Format.err_formatter query; Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "\n%!" end; let auto, bu_info = time ~msg:"Compiling query" (Compile.compile) query in if !Options.verbose then Ata.print Format.err_formatter auto; Gc.full_major(); Gc.compact(); Gc.set (tuned_gc); let runtime = match !Options.bottom_up, bu_info with | true, Some [ (query, pattern) ] -> (* let nodes = time ~count:1 ~msg:"Computing full text query" (Tree.full_text_query query v) pattern in let nodes = Array.to_list nodes in *) if !Options.count_only then let module R = ResJIT.Count in let module M = Runtime.Make(R) in mk_runtime M.bottom_up_run auto v (query, pattern) R.NS.length R.NS.serialize None else let module R = ResJIT.Mat in let module M = Runtime.Make(R) in mk_runtime M.bottom_up_run auto v (query, pattern) R.NS.length R.NS.serialize !Options.output_file | _ -> (* run the query top_down *) if !Options.bottom_up then Printf.eprintf "Cannot run the query in bottom-up mode, using top-down evaluator\n%!"; if !Options.count_only then let module R = ResJIT.Count in let module M = Runtime.Make(R) in (* mk_runtime run auto doc arg count print outfile *) mk_runtime M.top_down_run auto v Tree.root R.NS.length R.NS.serialize None else let module R = ResJIT.Mat in let module M = Runtime.Make(R) in mk_runtime M.top_down_run auto v Tree.root R.NS.length R.NS.serialize !Options.output_file in runtime () ;; let () = Options.parse_cmdline() ;; let _ = try Printexc.record_backtrace true; let document = if Filename.check_suffix !Options.input_file ".g.bin" || Filename.check_suffix !Options.input_file ".g" then let is_index = Filename.check_suffix !Options.input_file ".g.bin" in let g = if is_index then time ~msg:"Loading grammar" (Grammar2.load) !Options.input_file else let g = time ~msg:"Parsing grammar file" Grammar2.parse !Options.input_file in if !Options.save_file <> "" then time ~msg:"Saving index" (Grammar2.save g) !Options.save_file; g in begin (* Todo Factorise with main *) Tag.init (Grammar2.tag_operations g); let query = time ~msg:"Parsing query" XPath.parse !Options.query in if !Options.verbose then begin Printf.eprintf "Parsed query:\n%!"; XPath.Ast.print Format.err_formatter query; Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "\n%!" end; let auto, bu_info = time ~msg:"Compiling query" (Compile.compile) query in if !Options.verbose then Ata.print Format.err_formatter auto; Gc.full_major(); Gc.compact(); Gc.set (tuned_gc); let runtime = let module R = ResJIT.Count in let module M = Runtime.Make(R) in (* mk_runtime run auto doc arg count print outfile *) mk_runtime M.grammar_run auto (Obj.magic g) () R.NS.length (Obj.magic R.NS.serialize) None in runtime (); exit 0 end else if Filename.check_suffix !Options.input_file ".srx" then time ~msg:"Loading file" (Tree.load ~sample:!Options.sample_factor ~load_text:true) !Options.input_file else let v = time ~msg:"Parsing document" (Tree.parse_xml_uri) !Options.input_file in let () = if !Options.save_file <> "" then time ~msg:"Writing file to disk" (Tree.save v) !Options.save_file; in v in main document !Options.query !Options.output_file; if !Options.verbose then Printf.eprintf "Maximum resident set size: %s\n" (read_procmem()); Gc.full_major(); Profile.summary Format.err_formatter with | Ulexer.Loc.Exc_located ((x,y),e) -> Printf.eprintf "character %i-%i %s\n" x y (Printexc.to_string e); exit 1 | e -> output_string stderr "\n"; flush stderr; Printexc.print_backtrace stderr; Printf.eprintf "FATAL ERROR: %s\n%!" (Printexc.to_string e); output_string stderr "\n"; flush stderr; exit 2