(***************************************************************************) (* Implementation for sets of positive integers implemented as deeply hash-*) (* consed Patricia trees. Provide fast set operations, fast membership as *) (* well as fast min and max elements. Hash consing provides O(1) equality *) (* checking *) (* *) (***************************************************************************) INCLUDE "utils.ml" module type S = sig type elt type 'a node module rec Node : sig include Hcons.S with type data = Data.t end and Data : sig include Hashtbl.HashedType with type t = Node.t node end type data = Data.t type t = Node.t val empty : t val is_empty : t -> bool val mem : elt -> t -> bool val add : elt -> t -> t val singleton : elt -> t val remove : elt -> t -> t val union : t -> t -> t val inter : t -> t -> t val diff : t -> t -> t val compare : t -> t -> int val equal : t -> t -> bool val subset : t -> t -> bool val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool val filter : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t val partition : (elt -> bool) -> t -> t * t val cardinal : t -> int val elements : t -> elt list val min_elt : t -> elt val max_elt : t -> elt val choose : t -> elt val split : elt -> t -> t * bool * t val intersect : t -> t -> bool val is_singleton : t -> bool val mem_union : t -> t -> t val hash : t -> int val uid : t -> Uid.t val uncons : t -> elt*t val from_list : elt list -> t val make : data -> t val node : t -> data val stats : unit -> unit end module Make ( H : Hcons.SA ) : S with type elt = H.t = struct type elt = H.t type 'a node = | Empty | Leaf of elt | Branch of int * int * 'a * 'a module rec Node : Hcons.S with type data = Data.t = Hcons.Make (Data) and Data : Hashtbl.HashedType with type t = Node.t node = struct type t = Node.t node let equal x y = match x,y with | Empty,Empty -> true | Leaf k1, Leaf k2 -> k1 == k2 | Branch(b1,i1,l1,r1),Branch(b2,i2,l2,r2) -> b1 == b2 && i1 == i2 && (Node.equal l1 l2) && (Node.equal r1 r2) | _ -> false let hash = function | Empty -> 0 | Leaf i -> HASHINT2(HALF_MAX_INT,Uid.to_int (H.uid i)) | Branch (b,i,l,r) -> HASHINT4(b,i,Uid.to_int l.Node.id, Uid.to_int r.Node.id) end type data = Data.t type t = Node.t let stats = Node.stats let hash = Node.hash let uid = Node.uid let make = Node.make let node _ = failwith "node" let empty = Node.make Empty let is_empty s = (Node.node s) == Empty let branch p m l r = Node.make (Branch(p,m,l,r)) let leaf k = Node.make (Leaf k) (* To enforce the invariant that a branch contains two non empty sub-trees *) let branch_ne p m t0 t1 = if (is_empty t0) then t1 else if is_empty t1 then t0 else branch p m t0 t1 (********** from here on, only use the smart constructors *************) let zero_bit k m = (k land m) == 0 let singleton k = leaf k let is_singleton n = match Node.node n with Leaf _ -> true | _ -> false let mem (k:elt) n = let kid = Uid.to_int (H.uid k) in let rec loop n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> false | Leaf j -> k == j | Branch (p, _, l, r) -> if kid <= p then loop l else loop r in loop n let rec min_elt n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> raise Not_found | Leaf k -> k | Branch (_,_,s,_) -> min_elt s let rec max_elt n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> raise Not_found | Leaf k -> k | Branch (_,_,_,t) -> max_elt t let elements s = let rec elements_aux acc n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> acc | Leaf k -> k :: acc | Branch (_,_,l,r) -> elements_aux (elements_aux acc r) l in elements_aux [] s let mask k m = (k lor (m-1)) land (lnot m) let naive_highest_bit x = assert (x < 256); let rec loop i = if i = 0 then 1 else if x lsr i = 1 then 1 lsl i else loop (i-1) in loop 7 let hbit = Array.init 256 naive_highest_bit external clz : int -> int = "caml_clz" "noalloc" external leading_bit : int -> int = "caml_leading_bit" "noalloc" let highest_bit x = try let n = (x) lsr 24 in if n != 0 then hbit.(n) lsl 24 else let n = (x) lsr 16 in if n != 0 then hbit.(n) lsl 16 else let n = (x) lsr 8 in if n != 0 then hbit.(n) lsl 8 else hbit.(x) with _ -> raise (Invalid_argument ("highest_bit " ^ (string_of_int x))) let highest_bit64 x = let n = x lsr 32 in if n != 0 then highest_bit n lsl 32 else highest_bit x let branching_bit p0 p1 = leading_bit (p0 lxor p1) let join p0 t0 p1 t1 = let m = branching_bit p0 p1 in let msk = mask p0 m in if zero_bit p0 m then branch_ne msk m t0 t1 else branch_ne msk m t1 t0 let match_prefix k p m = (mask k m) == p let add k t = let kid = Uid.to_int (H.uid k) in assert (kid >=0); let rec ins n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> leaf k | Leaf j -> if j == k then n else join kid (leaf k) (Uid.to_int (H.uid j)) n | Branch (p,m,t0,t1) -> if match_prefix kid p m then if zero_bit kid m then branch_ne p m (ins t0) t1 else branch_ne p m t0 (ins t1) else join kid (leaf k) p n in ins t let remove k t = let kid = Uid.to_int(H.uid k) in let rec rmv n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> empty | Leaf j -> if k == j then empty else n | Branch (p,m,t0,t1) -> if match_prefix kid p m then if zero_bit kid m then branch_ne p m (rmv t0) t1 else branch_ne p m t0 (rmv t1) else n in rmv t (* should run in O(1) thanks to Hash consing *) let equal a b = Node.equal a b let compare a b = (Uid.to_int (Node.uid a)) - (Uid.to_int (Node.uid b)) let rec merge s t = if (equal s t) (* This is cheap thanks to hash-consing *) then s else match Node.node s, Node.node t with | Empty, _ -> t | _, Empty -> s | Leaf k, _ -> add k t | _, Leaf k -> add k s | Branch (p,m,s0,s1), Branch (q,n,t0,t1) -> if m == n && match_prefix q p m then branch p m (merge s0 t0) (merge s1 t1) else if m > n && match_prefix q p m then if zero_bit q m then branch_ne p m (merge s0 t) s1 else branch_ne p m s0 (merge s1 t) else if m < n && match_prefix p q n then if zero_bit p n then branch_ne q n (merge s t0) t1 else branch_ne q n t0 (merge s t1) else (* The prefixes disagree. *) join p s q t let rec subset s1 s2 = (equal s1 s2) || match (Node.node s1,Node.node s2) with | Empty, _ -> true | _, Empty -> false | Leaf k1, _ -> mem k1 s2 | Branch _, Leaf _ -> false | Branch (p1,m1,l1,r1), Branch (p2,m2,l2,r2) -> if m1 == m2 && p1 == p2 then subset l1 l2 && subset r1 r2 else if m1 < m2 && match_prefix p1 p2 m2 then if zero_bit p1 m2 then subset l1 l2 && subset r1 l2 else subset l1 r2 && subset r1 r2 else false let union s1 s2 = merge s1 s2 (* Todo replace with e Memo Module *) module MemUnion = Hashtbl.Make( struct type set = t type t = set*set let equal (x,y) (z,t) = (equal x z)&&(equal y t) let equal a b = equal a b || equal b a let hash (x,y) = (* commutative hash *) let x = Node.hash x and y = Node.hash y in if x < y then HASHINT2(x,y) else HASHINT2(y,x) end) let h_mem = MemUnion.create MED_H_SIZE let mem_union s1 s2 = try MemUnion.find h_mem (s1,s2) with Not_found -> let r = merge s1 s2 in MemUnion.add h_mem (s1,s2) r;r let rec inter s1 s2 = if equal s1 s2 then s1 else match (Node.node s1,Node.node s2) with | Empty, _ -> empty | _, Empty -> empty | Leaf k1, _ -> if mem k1 s2 then s1 else empty | _, Leaf k2 -> if mem k2 s1 then s2 else empty | Branch (p1,m1,l1,r1), Branch (p2,m2,l2,r2) -> if m1 == m2 && p1 == p2 then merge (inter l1 l2) (inter r1 r2) else if m1 > m2 && match_prefix p2 p1 m1 then inter (if zero_bit p2 m1 then l1 else r1) s2 else if m1 < m2 && match_prefix p1 p2 m2 then inter s1 (if zero_bit p1 m2 then l2 else r2) else empty let rec diff s1 s2 = if equal s1 s2 then empty else match (Node.node s1,Node.node s2) with | Empty, _ -> empty | _, Empty -> s1 | Leaf k1, _ -> if mem k1 s2 then empty else s1 | _, Leaf k2 -> remove k2 s1 | Branch (p1,m1,l1,r1), Branch (p2,m2,l2,r2) -> if m1 == m2 && p1 == p2 then merge (diff l1 l2) (diff r1 r2) else if m1 > m2 && match_prefix p2 p1 m1 then if zero_bit p2 m1 then merge (diff l1 s2) r1 else merge l1 (diff r1 s2) else if m1 < m2 && match_prefix p1 p2 m2 then if zero_bit p1 m2 then diff s1 l2 else diff s1 r2 else s1 (*s All the following operations ([cardinal], [iter], [fold], [for_all], [exists], [filter], [partition], [choose], [elements]) are implemented as for any other kind of binary trees. *) let rec cardinal n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> 0 | Leaf _ -> 1 | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> cardinal t0 + cardinal t1 let rec iter f n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> () | Leaf k -> f k | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> iter f t0; iter f t1 let rec fold f s accu = match Node.node s with | Empty -> accu | Leaf k -> f k accu | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> fold f t0 (fold f t1 accu) let rec for_all p n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> true | Leaf k -> p k | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> for_all p t0 && for_all p t1 let rec exists p n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> false | Leaf k -> p k | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> exists p t0 || exists p t1 let rec filter pr n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> empty | Leaf k -> if pr k then n else empty | Branch (p,m,t0,t1) -> branch_ne p m (filter pr t0) (filter pr t1) let partition p s = let rec part (t,f as acc) n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> acc | Leaf k -> if p k then (add k t, f) else (t, add k f) | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> part (part acc t0) t1 in part (empty, empty) s let rec choose n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> raise Not_found | Leaf k -> k | Branch (_, _,t0,_) -> choose t0 (* we know that [t0] is non-empty *) let split x s = let coll k (l, b, r) = if k < x then add k l, b, r else if k > x then l, b, add k r else l, true, r in fold coll s (empty, false, empty) (*s Additional functions w.r.t to [Set.S]. *) let rec intersect s1 s2 = (equal s1 s2) || match (Node.node s1,Node.node s2) with | Empty, _ -> false | _, Empty -> false | Leaf k1, _ -> mem k1 s2 | _, Leaf k2 -> mem k2 s1 | Branch (p1,m1,l1,r1), Branch (p2,m2,l2,r2) -> if m1 == m2 && p1 == p2 then intersect l1 l2 || intersect r1 r2 else if m1 < m2 && match_prefix p2 p1 m1 then intersect (if zero_bit p2 m1 then l1 else r1) s2 else if m1 > m2 && match_prefix p1 p2 m2 then intersect s1 (if zero_bit p1 m2 then l2 else r2) else false let rec uncons n = match Node.node n with | Empty -> raise Not_found | Leaf k -> (k,empty) | Branch (p,m,s,t) -> let h,ns = uncons s in h,branch_ne p m ns t let from_list l = List.fold_left (fun acc e -> add e acc) empty l end module Int : sig include S with type elt = int val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end = struct include Make ( struct type t = int type data = t external hash : t -> int = "%identity" external uid : t -> Uid.t = "%identity" external equal : t -> t -> bool = "%eq" external make : t -> int = "%identity" external node : t -> int = "%identity" external stats : unit -> unit = "%identity" end ) let print ppf s = Format.pp_print_string ppf "{ "; iter (fun i -> Format.fprintf ppf "%i " i) s; Format.pp_print_string ppf "}"; Format.pp_print_flush ppf () end