(******************************************************************************) (* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) (* Kim Nguyen (Kim.Nguyen@nicta.com.au) *) (* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) (* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) (******************************************************************************) INCLUDE "debug.ml" INCLUDE "utils.ml" external init_lib : unit -> unit = "caml_init_lib" exception CPlusPlusError of string let () = Callback.register_exception "CPlusPlusError" (CPlusPlusError "") let () = init_lib () type node = [ `Tree ] Node.t type tree type bit_vector = string external bool_of_int : int -> bool = "%identity" let bit_vector_unsafe_get v i = bool_of_int (((Char.code (String.unsafe_get v (i lsr 3))) lsr (i land 7)) land 1) type t = { doc : tree; elements: Ptset.Int.t; attributes: Ptset.Int.t; attribute_array : Tag.t array; children : Ptset.Int.t array; siblings : Ptset.Int.t array; descendants: Ptset.Int.t array; followings: Ptset.Int.t array; } external parse_xml_uri : string -> int -> bool -> bool -> int -> tree = "caml_call_shredder_uri" external parse_xml_string : string -> int -> bool -> bool -> int -> tree = "caml_call_shredder_string" external tree_print_xml_fast3 : tree -> [`Tree ] Node.t -> Unix.file_descr -> unit = "caml_xml_tree_print" let print_xml t n fd = tree_print_xml_fast3 t.doc n fd external tree_save : tree -> Unix.file_descr -> string -> unit = "caml_xml_tree_save" external tree_load : Unix.file_descr -> string -> bool -> int -> tree = "caml_xml_tree_load" external nullt : unit -> 'a Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_nullt" let nil : [`Tree ] Node.t = Node.nil let root : [`Tree ] Node.t = Node.null type unordered_set external unordered_set_alloc : int -> unordered_set = "caml_unordered_set_alloc" external unordered_set_length : unordered_set -> int = "caml_unordered_set_length" external unordered_set_insert : unordered_set -> int -> unit = "caml_unordered_set_set" "noalloc" module HPtset = Hashtbl.Make(Ptset.Int) let vector_htbl = HPtset.create MED_H_SIZE let unordered_set_of_set s = try HPtset.find vector_htbl s with Not_found -> let v = unordered_set_alloc (Ptset.Int.cardinal s) in let _ = Ptset.Int.iter (fun e -> unordered_set_insert v e) s in HPtset.add vector_htbl s v; v let ptset_to_vector = unordered_set_of_set (** tree interface *) external tree_root : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_root" "noalloc" external tree_first_child : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_first_child" "noalloc" let first_child t n = tree_first_child t.doc n external tree_first_element : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_first_element" "noalloc" let first_element t n = tree_first_element t.doc n external tree_tagged_child : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> Tag.t -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_tagged_child" "noalloc" let tagged_child t n tag = tree_tagged_child t.doc n tag external tree_select_child : tree -> [`Tree ] Node.t -> unordered_set -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_select_child" "noalloc" let select_child t n tag_set = tree_select_child t.doc n tag_set external tree_last_child : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_last_child" "noalloc" let last_child t n = tree_last_child t.doc n external tree_next_sibling : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_next_sibling" "noalloc" let next_sibling t n = tree_next_sibling t.doc n external tree_next_element : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_next_element" "noalloc" let next_element t n = tree_next_element t.doc n external tree_tagged_following_sibling : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> Tag.t -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_tagged_following_sibling" "noalloc" let tagged_following_sibling t n tag = tree_tagged_following_sibling t.doc n tag external tree_select_following_sibling : tree -> [`Tree ] Node.t -> unordered_set -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_select_following_sibling" "noalloc" let select_following_sibling t n tag_set = tree_select_following_sibling t.doc n tag_set external tree_prev_sibling : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_prev_sibling" "noalloc" let prev_sibling t n = tree_prev_sibling t.doc n external tree_tagged_descendant : tree -> [`Tree ] Node.t -> Tag.t -> [`Tree ] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_tagged_descendant" "noalloc" let tagged_descendant t n tag = tree_tagged_descendant t.doc n tag external tree_select_descendant : tree -> [`Tree ] Node.t -> unordered_set -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_select_descendant" "noalloc" let select_descendant t n tag_set = tree_select_descendant t.doc n tag_set external tree_tagged_following_before : tree -> [`Tree ] Node.t -> Tag.t -> [`Tree ] Node.t -> [`Tree ] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_tagged_following_before" "noalloc" let tagged_following_before t n tag ctx = tree_tagged_following_before t.doc n tag ctx external tree_select_following_before : tree -> [`Tree ] Node.t -> unordered_set -> [`Tree] Node.t -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_select_following_before" "noalloc" let select_following_before t n tag_set ctx = tree_select_following_before t.doc n tag_set ctx external tree_parent : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_parent" "noalloc" let parent t n = tree_parent t.doc n external tree_binary_parent : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_binary_parent" "noalloc" let binary_parent t n = tree_binary_parent t.doc n external tree_tag : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> Tag.t = "caml_xml_tree_tag" "noalloc" let tag t n = tree_tag t.doc n external tree_is_first_child : tree -> [ `Tree ] Node.t -> bool = "caml_xml_tree_is_first_child" "noalloc" let is_first_child t n = tree_is_first_child t.doc n external tree_is_right_descendant : tree -> [ `Tree ] Node.t -> [`Tree] Node.t -> bool = "caml_xml_tree_is_right_descendant" "noalloc" let is_right_descendant t n1 n2 = tree_is_right_descendant t.doc n1 n2 ;; let node_tags t = Ptset.Int.add Tag.document_node t.descendants.(Tag.document_node) let attribute_tags t = t.attributes let element_tags t = t.elements let tags t tag = t.children.(tag), t.descendants.(tag), t.siblings.(tag), t.followings.(tag) open Format let dump_tag_table t = eprintf "Child tags:\n%!"; Array.iteri (fun tag set -> eprintf "%s: %a\n%!" (Tag.to_string tag) TagSet.print (TagSet.inj_positive set)) t.children; eprintf "-----------------------------\n%!"; eprintf "Descendant tags:\n%!"; Array.iteri (fun tag set -> eprintf "%s: %a\n%!" (Tag.to_string tag) TagSet.print (TagSet.inj_positive set)) t.descendants; eprintf "-----------------------------\n%!"; eprintf "Sibling tags:\n%!"; Array.iteri (fun tag set -> eprintf "%s: %a\n%!" (Tag.to_string tag) TagSet.print (TagSet.inj_positive set)) t.siblings; eprintf "-----------------------------\n%!"; eprintf "Following tags:\n%!"; Array.iteri (fun tag set -> eprintf "%s: %a\n%!" (Tag.to_string tag) TagSet.print (TagSet.inj_positive set)) t.followings; eprintf "-----------------------------\n%!" external tree_subtree_tags : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> Tag.t -> int = "caml_xml_tree_subtree_tags" "noalloc" let subtree_tags t n tag = tree_subtree_tags t.doc n tag external tree_subtree_size : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> int = "caml_xml_tree_subtree_size" "noalloc" let subtree_size t n = tree_subtree_size t.doc n let subtree_elements t node = let size = tree_subtree_size t.doc node - 1 in if size == 0 then 0 else let size = size - (tree_subtree_tags t.doc node Tag.pcdata) in if size < 2 then size else let acc = ref size in for i = 0 to Array.length t.attribute_array - 1 do acc := !acc - tree_subtree_tags t.doc node t.attribute_array.(i) done; !acc external tree_closing : tree -> [`Tree] Node.t -> [`Tree] Node.t = "caml_xml_tree_closing" "noalloc" let closing t n = tree_closing t.doc n external tree_num_tags : tree -> int = "caml_xml_tree_num_tags" "noalloc" let num_tags t = tree_num_tags t.doc external tree_size : tree -> int = "caml_xml_tree_size" "noalloc" let size t = tree_size t.doc let stats t = let tree = t.doc in let rec loop left node acc_d total_d num_leaves = if node == nil then (acc_d+total_d,if left then num_leaves+1 else num_leaves) else let d,td = loop true (tree_first_child tree node) (acc_d+1) total_d num_leaves in loop false (tree_next_sibling tree node) (acc_d) d td in let a,b = loop true root 0 0 0 in Printf.eprintf "Average depth: %f, number of leaves %i\n%!" ((float_of_int a)/. (float_of_int b)) b ;; module TagS = struct include Ptset.Make ( struct type t = int type data = t external hash : t -> int = "%identity" external uid : t -> Uid.t = "%identity" external equal : t -> t -> bool = "%eq" external make : t -> int = "%identity" external node : t -> int = "%identity" external stats : unit -> unit = "%identity" end ) let to_ptset s = fold (Ptset.Int.add) s Ptset.Int.empty end module TSTSCache = Hashtbl.Make(struct type t = TagS.t * TagS.t let hash (x, y) = HASHINT2(Uid.to_int x.TagS.Node.id, Uid.to_int y.TagS.Node.id) let equal u v = let u1,u2 = u and v1,v2 = v in u1 == v1 && u2 == v2 end) module TagTSCache = Hashtbl.Make(struct type t = Tag.t * TagS.t let hash (x, y) = HASHINT2(x, Uid.to_int y.TagS.Node.id) let equal u v = let u1,u2 = u and v1,v2 = v in u1 == v1 && u2 == v2 end) let add_cache = TagTSCache.create 1023 let union_cache = TSTSCache.create 1023 let subset_cache = TSTSCache.create 1023 let clear_cache () = TSTSCache.clear union_cache; TSTSCache.clear subset_cache; TagTSCache.clear add_cache let _subset x y = (x == y) || (x == TagS.empty) || if y == TagS.empty then false else let key = (x, y) in try TSTSCache.find subset_cache key with | Not_found -> let z = TagS.subset x y in TSTSCache.add subset_cache key z; z let order ((x, y) as z) = if x.TagS.Node.id <= y.TagS.Node.id then z else (y, x) let _union x y = if _subset x y then y else if _subset y x then x else let key = order (x, y) in try TSTSCache.find union_cache key with | Not_found -> let z = TagS.union x y in TSTSCache.add union_cache key z; z let _add t s = let key = (t,s) in try TagTSCache.find add_cache key with | Not_found -> let z = TagS.add t s in TagTSCache.add add_cache key z;z let child_sibling_labels tree = let table_c = Array.create (tree_num_tags tree) TagS.empty in let table_n = Array.copy table_c in let rec loop node = if node == nil then TagS.empty else let children = loop (tree_first_child tree node) in let tag = tree_tag tree node in let () = let tc = table_c.(tag) in if _subset children tc then () else table_c.(tag) <- _union tc children in let siblings = loop (tree_next_sibling tree node) in let () = let tn = table_n.(tag) in if _subset siblings tn then () else table_n.(tag) <- _union tn siblings in _add tag siblings in ignore (loop root); table_c, table_n let descendant_labels tree = let table_d = Array.create (tree_num_tags tree) TagS.empty in let rec loop node = if node == nil then TagS.empty else let d1 = loop (tree_first_child tree node) in let d2 = loop (tree_next_sibling tree node) in let tag = tree_tag tree node in let () = let td = table_d.(tag) in if _subset d1 td then () else table_d.(tag) <- _union td d1; in _add tag (_union d1 d2) in ignore (loop root); table_d let collect_labels tree = let table_f = Array.create (tree_num_tags tree) TagS.empty in let table_n = Array.copy table_f in let table_c = Array.copy table_f in let table_d = Array.copy table_f in let rec loop node foll_siblings descendants followings = if node == nil then foll_siblings, descendants, followings else let tag = tree_tag tree node in let () = let tf = table_f.(tag) in if _subset followings tf then () else table_f.(tag) <- _union tf followings in let () = let tn = table_n.(tag) in if _subset foll_siblings tn then () else table_n.(tag) <- _union tn foll_siblings in let children, n_descendants, n_followings = loop (tree_last_child tree node) TagS.empty TagS.empty followings in let () = let tc = table_c.(tag) in if _subset children tc then () else table_c.(tag) <- _union tc children in let () = let td = table_d.(tag) in if _subset n_descendants td then () else table_d.(tag) <- _union td n_descendants in loop (tree_prev_sibling tree node) (_add tag foll_siblings) (_add tag (_union n_descendants descendants)) (_add tag n_followings) in ignore (loop root TagS.empty TagS.empty TagS.empty); table_f, table_n, table_c, table_d let is_nil t = t == nil let is_node t = t != nil let is_root t = t == root let node_of_t t = let _ = Tag.init (Obj.magic t) in let f, n, c, d = time collect_labels t ~msg:"Building tag relationship table" in let c = Array.map TagS.to_ptset c in let n = Array.map TagS.to_ptset n in let f = Array.map TagS.to_ptset f in let d = Array.map TagS.to_ptset d in let () = clear_cache () in let attributes = Ptset.Int.add Tag.attribute d.(Tag.attribute) in let elements = Ptset.Int.add Tag.document_node (Ptset.Int.remove Tag.pcdata (Ptset.Int.diff d.(Tag.document_node) attributes)) in { doc= t; attributes = attributes; attribute_array = Array.of_list (Ptset.Int.elements attributes); elements = elements; children = c; siblings = n; descendants = d; followings = f } let parse f str = node_of_t (f str !Options.sample_factor !Options.index_empty_texts !Options.disable_text_collection !Options.text_index_type ) let parse_xml_uri str = parse parse_xml_uri str let parse_xml_string str = parse parse_xml_string str let size t = tree_size t.doc;; external pool : tree -> Tag.pool = "%identity" let magic_string = "SXSI_INDEX" let version_string = "3" let pos fd = Unix.lseek fd 0 Unix.SEEK_CUR let pr_pos fd = Printf.eprintf "At position %i\n%!" (pos fd) let write fd s = let sl = String.length s in let ssl = Printf.sprintf "%020i" sl in ignore (Unix.write fd ssl 0 20); ignore (Unix.write fd s 0 (String.length s)) let rec really_read fd buffer start length = if length <= 0 then () else match Unix.read fd buffer start length with 0 -> raise End_of_file | r -> really_read fd buffer (start + r) (length - r);; let read fd = let buffer = String.create 20 in let _ = really_read fd buffer 0 20 in let size = int_of_string buffer in let buffer = String.create size in let _ = really_read fd buffer 0 size in buffer let save_tag_table channel t = let t = Array.map (fun s -> Array.of_list (Ptset.Int.elements s)) t in Marshal.to_channel channel t [] let save t str = let fd = Unix.openfile str [ Unix.O_WRONLY;Unix.O_TRUNC;Unix.O_CREAT] 0o644 in let out_c = Unix.out_channel_of_descr fd in let _ = set_binary_mode_out out_c true in output_string out_c magic_string; output_char out_c '\n'; output_string out_c version_string; output_char out_c '\n'; save_tag_table out_c t.children; save_tag_table out_c t.siblings; save_tag_table out_c t.descendants; save_tag_table out_c t.followings; (* we need to move the fd to the correct position *) flush out_c; ignore (Unix.lseek fd (pos_out out_c) Unix.SEEK_SET); tree_save t.doc fd str; close_out out_c ;; let load_tag_table channel = let table : int array array = Marshal.from_channel channel in Array.map (fun a -> Ptset.Int.from_list (Array.to_list a)) table let load ?(sample=64) ?(load_text=true) str = let fd = Unix.openfile str [ Unix.O_RDONLY ] 0o644 in let in_c = Unix.in_channel_of_descr fd in let _ = set_binary_mode_in in_c true in let load_table () = (let ms = input_line in_c in if ms <> magic_string then failwith "Invalid index file"); (let vs = input_line in_c in if vs <> version_string then failwith "Invalid version file"); let c = load_tag_table in_c in let s = load_tag_table in_c in let d = load_tag_table in_c in let f = load_tag_table in_c in c,s,d,f in let c, s, d, f = time ~msg:"Loading tag table"(load_table) () in ignore(Unix.lseek fd (pos_in in_c) Unix.SEEK_SET); let xml_tree = tree_load fd str load_text sample in let () = Tag.init (Obj.magic xml_tree) in let attributes = Ptset.Int.add Tag.attribute d.(Tag.attribute) in let elements = Ptset.Int.add Tag.document_node (Ptset.Int.remove Tag.pcdata (Ptset.Int.diff d.(Tag.document_node) attributes)) in let tree = { doc = xml_tree; attributes = attributes; attribute_array = Array.of_list (Ptset.Int.elements attributes); elements = elements; children = c; siblings = s; descendants = d; followings = f } in close_in in_c; tree let tag_pool t = pool t.doc let equal a b = a == b let nts = function -1 -> "Nil" | i -> Printf.sprintf "Node (%i)" i let dump_node t = nts (Node.to_int t) type query_result = { bv : bit_vector; pos : node array; } external tree_flush : tree -> Unix.file_descr -> unit = "caml_xml_tree_flush" let flush t fd = tree_flush t.doc fd external text_prefix : tree -> string -> query_result = "caml_text_collection_prefix_bv" let text_prefix t s = text_prefix t.doc s external text_suffix : tree -> string -> query_result = "caml_text_collection_suffix_bv" let text_suffix t s = text_suffix t.doc s external text_equals : tree -> string -> query_result = "caml_text_collection_equals_bv" let text_equals t s = text_equals t.doc s external text_contains : tree -> string -> query_result = "caml_text_collection_contains_bv" let text_contains t s = text_contains t.doc s module Predicate = Hcons.Make ( struct type _t = t type t = (_t -> node -> bool) ref let hash t = Hashtbl.hash t let equal t1 t2 = t1 == t2 end) let string_of_query query = match query with | `Prefix -> "starts-with" | `Suffix -> "ends-with" | `Equals -> "equals" | `Contains -> "contains" ;; let query_fun = function | `Prefix -> text_prefix | `Suffix -> text_suffix | `Equals -> text_equals | `Contains -> text_contains ;; let _pred_cache = Hashtbl.create 17 ;; let mk_pred query s = let f = query_fun query in let memo = ref (fun _ _ -> failwith "Undefined") in memo := begin fun tree node -> let results = try Hashtbl.find _pred_cache (query,s) with Not_found -> time ~count:1 ~msg:(Printf.sprintf "Computing text query %s(%s)" (string_of_query query) s) (f tree) s in let bv = results.bv in memo := begin fun _ n -> let b = bit_vector_unsafe_get bv (Node.to_int n) in D_TRACE_(Printf.eprintf "Result of memoized call to query %s is %b for node %i\n" s b (Node.to_int n)); b end; let b = bit_vector_unsafe_get bv (Node.to_int node) in D_TRACE_(Printf.eprintf "Result is %b for node %i\n" b (Node.to_int node)); b end; Predicate.make memo let full_text_prefix t s = (text_prefix t s).pos let full_text_suffix t s = (text_suffix t s).pos let full_text_equals t s = (text_equals t s).pos let full_text_contains t s = (text_contains t s).pos let full_text_query q t s = let res = (query_fun q) t s in Hashtbl.replace _pred_cache (q,s) res; res.pos