(******************************************************************************) (* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) (* Kim Nguyen (Kim.Nguyen@nicta.com.au) *) (* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) (* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) (******************************************************************************) let collect_tags v = let rec aux acc v = if Tree.Binary.is_node v then let tag = Tree.Binary.tag v in let acc = aux (Ptset.add tag acc) (Tree.Binary.first_child v) in aux (Ptset.add tag acc) (Tree.Binary.next_sibling v) else acc in aux Ptset.empty v ;; if Array.length (Sys.argv) <> 2 then begin Printf.printf "usage: %s file.xml\n" (Sys.argv.(0)); exit 1 end let doc = try Tree.Binary.parse_xml_uri Sys.argv.(1) with | _ ->( try Tree.Binary.load Sys.argv.(1) with | _ -> Printf.printf "Error parsing document\n"; exit 2) ;; let _ = Tag.init (Tree.Binary.tag_pool doc) ;; let tags = (collect_tags doc) ;; (* let _ = Tree.Binary.test_xml_tree Format.std_formatter tags doc ;; let _ = Printf.printf "Testing //a with jumping\n" ;; *) let rec test_a dir t acc ctx = if Tree.Binary.is_node t then let acc = if (Tree.Binary.tag t) == (Tag.tag "a") then Ata.TS.cons t acc else acc in let first = Tree.Binary.tagged_below t Ptset.empty (Ptset.singleton (Tag.tag "a")) and next = Tree.Binary.tagged_next t Ptset.empty (Ptset.singleton (Tag.tag "a")) ctx in let _ = Printf.printf "t is :"; Tree.Binary.print_xml_fast stdout t; Printf.printf " called from %s of " (if dir then "below" else "next"); Tree.Binary.print_xml_fast stdout ctx; if (Tree.Binary.is_node next) then begin Printf.printf ", Next a is %!"; Tree.Binary.print_xml_fast stdout next; end else Printf.printf ", Next a is empty!"; print_newline(); in test_a false next (test_a true first acc t) t else acc ;; let rec test_text dir t acc ctx = if Tree.Binary.is_node t then let acc = if (Tree.Binary.tag t) == (Tag.pcdata) then Ata.TS.cons t acc else acc in let first = Tree.Binary.text_below t and next = Tree.Binary.text_next t ctx in (* let _ = Printf.printf "t is :"; Tree.Binary.print_xml_fast stdout t; Printf.printf " called from %s of " (if dir then "below" else "next"); Tree.Binary.print_xml_fast stdout ctx; if (Tree.Binary.is_node first) then begin Printf.printf "First (text) is %!"; Tree.Binary.print_xml_fast stdout first; end else Printf.printf "First (text) is empty!"; if (Tree.Binary.is_node next) then begin Printf.printf ", Next (text) is %!"; Tree.Binary.print_xml_fast stdout next; end else Printf.printf ", Next (text) is empty!"; print_newline(); in *) test_text false next (test_text true first acc t) ctx else acc ;; (* let r = test_a true doc Ata.TS.empty doc;; (* let _ = Printf.printf "==> %i nodes\n" (Ata.TS.length r) let _ = Ata.TS.iter (fun t -> Tree.Binary.print_xml_fast stdout t; print_newline();) r *) let _ = Tree.Binary.init_contains doc "car" let r = test_text true doc Ata.TS.empty doc let _ = Printf.printf "==> %i nodes\n" (Ata.TS.length r) (* let _ = Ata.TS.iter (fun t -> Tree.Binary.print_xml_fast stdout t; print_newline();) r *) ;; *) let time f x = let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let r = f x in let t2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let t = (1000. *.(t2 -. t1)) in Printf.eprintf " %fms\n%!" t ; r ;; let _ = Printf.eprintf "Timing jump //keyword ... " let _ = time Tree.Binary.test_jump doc (Tag.tag "keyword")