From 3623eefccfb5fc69e19ad975a3669f51a2a8b276 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: kim Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 05:00:50 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Initial commit git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 3cdefd35-fc62-479d-8e8d-bae585ffb9ca --- LICENCE | 165 + Makefile | 84 + OCamlDriver.cpp | 134 + OCamlSXSIDrive.cpp | 21 + OCamlStorageInterface.cpp | 217 + OCamlStorageInterface.h | 48 + StorageInterface.cpp | 16 + StorageInterface.h | 32 + Utils.h | 20 + XMLDocShredder.cpp | 303 + XMLDocShredder.h | 61 + | 449 + automaton.mli | 72 + benchmark/Makefile | 39 + benchmark/ | 282 + benchmark/benchmark.mli | 64 + benchmark/depend | 4 + benchmark/ | 105 + | 41 + depend | 20 + | 15 + intSet.mli | 7 + | 69 + | 40 + memory.mli | 9 + | 93 + tag.mli | 15 + | 172 + tagSet.mli | 49 + tests/a.dtd | 1 + tests/base.xml | 4688 + tests/dblp_bht_entity.dtd | 149 + tests/schema/calstblx.dtd | 215 + tests/schema/catalog.xml | 124 + tests/schema/dbcentx.mod | 384 + tests/schema/dbebnf.dtd | 122 + tests/schema/dbgenent.mod | 41 + tests/schema/dbhierx.mod | 2193 + tests/schema/dbnotnx.mod | 101 + tests/schema/dbpoolx.mod | 8701 ++ tests/schema/ | 113 + tests/schema/docbookx.dtd | 170 + tests/schema/ent/README | 14 + tests/schema/ent/isoamsa.ent | 97 + tests/schema/ent/isoamsb.ent | 83 + tests/schema/ent/isoamsc.ent | 51 + tests/schema/ent/isoamsn.ent | 103 + tests/schema/ent/isoamso.ent | 59 + tests/schema/ent/isoamsr.ent | 125 + tests/schema/ent/isobox.ent | 81 + tests/schema/ent/isocyr1.ent | 108 + tests/schema/ent/isocyr2.ent | 67 + tests/schema/ent/isodia.ent | 55 + tests/schema/ent/isogrk1.ent | 90 + tests/schema/ent/isogrk2.ent | 61 + tests/schema/ent/isogrk3.ent | 84 + tests/schema/ent/isogrk4.ent | 84 + tests/schema/ent/isolat1.ent | 103 + tests/schema/ent/isolat2.ent | 162 + tests/schema/ent/isonum.ent | 117 + tests/schema/ent/isopub.ent | 125 + tests/schema/ent/isotech.ent | 103 + tests/schema/htmltblx.mod | 245 + tests/schema/soextblx.dtd | 321 + tests/schema/tdg.dtd | 5 + tests/schema/xkb.dtd | 59 + tests/test.xml | 9 + tests/tiny.xml | 167296 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 418 + tree.mli | 26 + | 269 + ulexer.mli | 21 + | 402 + xPath.mli | 39 + 74 files changed, 190530 insertions(+) create mode 100644 LICENCE create mode 100644 Makefile create mode 100644 OCamlDriver.cpp create mode 100644 OCamlSXSIDrive.cpp create mode 100644 OCamlStorageInterface.cpp create mode 100644 OCamlStorageInterface.h create mode 100644 StorageInterface.cpp create mode 100644 StorageInterface.h create mode 100644 Utils.h create mode 100644 XMLDocShredder.cpp create mode 100644 XMLDocShredder.h create mode 100644 create mode 100644 automaton.mli create mode 100644 benchmark/Makefile create mode 100644 benchmark/ create mode 100644 benchmark/benchmark.mli create mode 100644 benchmark/depend create mode 100644 benchmark/ create mode 100644 create mode 100644 depend create mode 100644 create mode 100644 intSet.mli create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 memory.mli create mode 100644 create mode 100644 tag.mli create mode 100644 create mode 100644 tagSet.mli create mode 100644 tests/a.dtd create mode 100644 tests/base.xml create mode 100644 tests/dblp_bht_entity.dtd create mode 100644 tests/schema/calstblx.dtd create mode 100644 tests/schema/catalog.xml create mode 100644 tests/schema/dbcentx.mod create mode 100644 tests/schema/dbebnf.dtd create mode 100644 tests/schema/dbgenent.mod create mode 100644 tests/schema/dbhierx.mod create mode 100644 tests/schema/dbnotnx.mod create mode 100644 tests/schema/dbpoolx.mod create mode 100644 tests/schema/ create mode 100644 tests/schema/docbookx.dtd create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/README create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isoamsa.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isoamsb.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isoamsc.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isoamsn.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isoamso.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isoamsr.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isobox.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isocyr1.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isocyr2.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isodia.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isogrk1.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isogrk2.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isogrk3.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isogrk4.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isolat1.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isolat2.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isonum.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isopub.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/ent/isotech.ent create mode 100644 tests/schema/htmltblx.mod create mode 100644 tests/schema/soextblx.dtd create mode 100644 tests/schema/tdg.dtd create mode 100644 tests/schema/xkb.dtd create mode 100644 tests/test.xml create mode 100644 tests/tiny.xml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 tree.mli create mode 100644 create mode 100644 ulexer.mli create mode 100644 create mode 100644 xPath.mli diff --git a/LICENCE b/LICENCE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc8a5de --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENCE @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + + This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates +the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public +License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below. + + 0. Additional Definitions. + + As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU +General Public License. + + "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, +other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. + + An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided +by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. +Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode +of using an interface provided by the Library. + + A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an +Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library +with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked +Version". + + The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the +Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code +for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are +based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. + + The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the +object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data +and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the +Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. + + 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License +without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + 2. Conveying Modified Versions. + + If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a +facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application +that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the +facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified +version: + + a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to + ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the + function or data, the facility still operates, and performs + whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or + + b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of + this License applicable to that copy. + + 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. + + The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from +a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object +code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated +material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure +layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates +(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the + Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + 4. Combined Works. + + You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, +taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the +portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of +the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that + the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during + execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among + these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the + copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. + + d) Do one of the following: + + 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this + License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form + suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to + recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of + the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the + manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying + Corresponding Source. + + 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time + a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer + system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version + of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked + Version. + + e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise + be required to provide such information under section 6 of the + GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is + necessary to install and execute a modified version of the + Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the + Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If + you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany + the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application + Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation + Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL + for conveying Corresponding Source.) + + 5. Combined Libraries. + + You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side by side in a single library together with other library +facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this +License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your +choice, if you do both of the following: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based + on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, + conveyed under the terms of this License. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it + is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the + accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new +versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may +differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version +of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" +applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that published version or of any later version +published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you +received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser +General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide +whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall +apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is +permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the +Library. diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0510b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +DEBUG=false +PROFILE=true + +MLSRCS = +MLISRCS = memory.mli automaton.mli tag.mli tagSet.mli tree.mli ulexer.mli xPath.mli +MLOBJS = $( +MLCINT = $(MLISRCS:.mli=.cmi) + + +OCAMLPACKAGES = unix,ulex,camlp4 + +PPINCLUDES=$(OCAMLINCLUDES:%=-ppopt %) + +CXXSOURCES = XMLDocShredder.cpp OCamlStorageInterface.cpp StorageInterface.cpp OCamlDriver.cpp +CXXOBJECTS = $(CXXSOURCES:.cpp=.o) + +CXXINCLUDES = \ + -I/usr/include/libxml++-2.6 \ + -I/usr/include/libxml2 \ + -I/usr/include/glibmm-2.4 \ + -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 \ + -I/usr/include/sigc++-2.0 \ + -I/usr/lib/libxml++-2.6/include \ + -I/usr/lib/glibmm-2.4/include \ + -I/usr/lib/sigc++-2.0/include \ + -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include\ + -I`ocamlc -where` + +CXXFLAGS = -O3 -Wall $(INCLUDEDIRS) -fPIC -std=c++0x +CXX = g++ + +ifeq ($(DEBUG), true) +OCAMLOPT = ocamlopt -g -cc "$(CXX)" +SYNT_DEBUG = -ppopt -DDEBUG +else +OCAMLOPT = ocamlopt -cc "$(CXX)" -noassert -inline 10000 +endif +ifeq ($(PROFILE), true) +SYNT_PROF = $(SYNT_DEBUG) -ppopt -DPROFILE +endif + + +OCAMLFIND = ocamlfind +OCAMLMKLIB = ocamlmklib +OCAMLDEP = ocamldep +LINK=$(OCAMLOPT) -linkpkg camlp4lib.cmxa +SYNTAX= -syntax camlp4o $(PPINCLUDES) -ppopt pa_macro.cmo $(SYNT_PROF) + + + +LIBS= -lxml2 -lxml++-2.6 -lglibmm-2.4 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lsigc-2.0 + +all: libcamlshredder.a $(MLOBJS) + $(OCAMLFIND) $(LINK) -o main -package "$(OCAMLPACKAGES)" $(SYNTAX) -cclib \ + "$(LIBS) ./libcamlshredder.a" $(MLOBJS) + +.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmx .cmi .cpp +.PHONY:compute_depend + +.cpp.o: + $(CXX) $(CXXINCLUDES) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $< + $(OCAMLFIND) $(OCAMLOPT) -package "$(OCAMLPACKAGES)" $(SYNTAX) -c $< +.mli.cmi: + $(OCAMLFIND) $(OCAMLOPT) -package "$(OCAMLPACKAGES)" $(SYNTAX) -c $< + +libcamlshredder.a: $(CXXOBJECTS) + $(OCAMLMKLIB) -o camlshredder -custom $(CXXOBJECTS) $(LIBS) + +clean: + rm -f *~ *.cm* *.[oa] *.so main + + +OCamlStorageInterface.o: OCamlStorageInterface.h OCamlStorageInterface.cpp StorageInterface.h +StorageInterface.o: StorageInterface.h +XMLDocShredder.o: XMLDocShredder.h XMLDocShredder.cpp OCamlStorageInterface.h StorageInterface.h +OCamlDriver.o: XMLDocShredder.h StorageInterface.h + +compute_depend: + $(OCAMLFIND) $(OCAMLDEP) -package "$(OCAMLPACKAGES)" $(SYNTAX) $(MLSRCS) $(MLISRCS) >depend + + + +include depend diff --git a/OCamlDriver.cpp b/OCamlDriver.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48925b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/OCamlDriver.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +/************************************** + * OCamlDriver.cpp + * ------------------- + * A Test Ocaml Driver which calls the C++ methods and + * adds a C wrapper interface with OCaml code. + * + * Author: Kim Nguyen + * Date: 04/11/08 + */ + +/* OCaml memory managment */ +extern "C" { +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +} //extern C + +#include "XMLDocShredder.h" +#define CAMLRAISECPP(e) (caml_failwith( ((e).what()))) +#define NOT_IMPLEMENTED (caml_failwith("Not Implemented!!!")) + +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_call_shredder_uri(value uri){ + CAMLparam1(uri); + CAMLlocal1(doc); + char *fn = String_val(uri); + try { + XMLDocShredder shredder(fn); + shredder.processStartDocument(fn); + shredder.parse(); + shredder.processEndDocument(); + doc = (value) shredder.storageIfc_->returnDocument(); + + CAMLreturn(doc); + } + catch (const std::exception& e){ + CAMLRAISECPP(e); + }; + +} + +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_call_shredder_string(value data){ + CAMLparam1(data); + CAMLlocal1(doc); + unsigned int ln = string_length(data); + unsigned char *fn = (unsigned char*) String_val(data); + + try { + XMLDocShredder shredder(fn,ln); + shredder.processStartDocument(""); + shredder.parse(); + shredder.processEndDocument(); + doc = (value) shredder.storageIfc_->returnDocument(); + + CAMLreturn(doc); + } + catch (const std::exception& e) { + CAMLRAISECPP(e); + }; +} + +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_text_collection_get_text(value tree, value id){ + CAMLparam2(tree,id); + + NOT_IMPLEMENTED; + CAMLreturn (Val_unit); +} +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_xml_tree_root(value tree){ + CAMLparam1(tree); + + NOT_IMPLEMENTED; + CAMLreturn (Val_unit); +} +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_xml_tree_text_collection(value tree, value id){ + CAMLparam2(tree,id); + + NOT_IMPLEMENTED; + CAMLreturn (Val_unit); +} +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_xml_tree_next_sibling(value tree, value id){ + CAMLparam2(tree,id); + + NOT_IMPLEMENTED; + CAMLreturn (Val_unit); +} +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_xml_tree_first_child(value tree, value id){ + CAMLparam2(tree,id); + + NOT_IMPLEMENTED; + CAMLreturn (Val_unit); +} +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_xml_tree_prev_text(value tree, value id){ + CAMLparam2(tree,id); + + NOT_IMPLEMENTED; + CAMLreturn (Val_unit); +} +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_xml_tree_next_text(value tree, value id){ + CAMLparam2(tree,id); + + NOT_IMPLEMENTED; + CAMLreturn (Val_unit); +} +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_xml_tree_my_text(value tree, value id){ + CAMLparam2(tree,id); + + NOT_IMPLEMENTED; + CAMLreturn (Val_unit); +} + +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_xml_tree_text_xml_id(value tree, value id){ + CAMLparam2(tree,id); + + NOT_IMPLEMENTED; + CAMLreturn (Val_unit); +} +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_xml_tree_node_xml_id(value tree, value id){ + CAMLparam2(tree,id); + + NOT_IMPLEMENTED; + CAMLreturn (Val_unit); +} +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_xml_tree_tag(value tree, value id){ + CAMLparam2(tree,id); + + NOT_IMPLEMENTED; + CAMLreturn (Val_unit); +} +extern "C" CAMLprim value caml_xml_tree_nullt(value unit){ + CAMLparam1(unit); + CAMLreturn (Val_int(-1)); + +} diff --git a/OCamlSXSIDrive.cpp b/OCamlSXSIDrive.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fbee33 --- /dev/null +++ b/OCamlSXSIDrive.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +/************************************** + * OCamlDriver.cpp + * ------------------- + * The Ocaml Driver which calls the C++ methods and + * adds a C wrapper interface with OCaml code. + * + * Author: Kim Nguyen + * Date: 19/11/08 + */ + +/* OCaml memory managment */ +extern "C" { +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +} //extern C + +#include "XMLDocShredder.h" + diff --git a/OCamlStorageInterface.cpp b/OCamlStorageInterface.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52f3cb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/OCamlStorageInterface.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +/******************************************* + * OCamlStorageInterface.cpp + * ------------------------ + * + * + * Author: Kim Nguyen + * Date: 04/11/08 + */ + + +#include "OCamlStorageInterface.h" +#include "Utils.h" + +/* see caml/mlvalues.h + */ +/* tags */ +#define NODE 0 +#define STRING 1 + +/* fields */ +#define PCDATA 0 +#define ID 0 +#define TAG 1 +#define LEFT 2 +#define RIGHT 3 +#define FATHER 4 + +#define NIL (Val_unit) + +/* The OCaml function which computes the hash value of a tag */ +static value *caml_hash_tag = NULL; + +OCamlStorageInterface::OCamlStorageInterface() +{ + CAMLparam0(); + CAMLlocal4(node,nodeptr,dummytag,father); + nodeid=1; + if (caml_hash_tag == NULL) { + /* First time around, look up by name */ + caml_hash_tag = caml_named_value("caml_hash_tag"); + + } + + dummytag = caml_callback(*caml_hash_tag, caml_copy_string("")); + + // Atomic block, initialize must be called for every field + // Before any other allocation takes place. In particular, + // One should NOT place the call to caml_callback as an argument to + // caml_initialize but rather store its result in a variable. + father = caml_alloc_shr(1,0); + caml_initialize(&Field(father,0),NIL); + + node = caml_alloc_shr(5,0); + caml_initialize(&Field(node,ID),Val_int(nodeid++)); + caml_initialize(&Field(node,TAG),dummytag); + caml_initialize(&Field(node,LEFT),NIL); + caml_initialize(&Field(node,RIGHT),NIL); + caml_initialize(&Field(node,FATHER),father); + + nodeptr = caml_alloc_shr(1,LEFT); + caml_initialize(&Field(nodeptr,0),node); + + stack.push_front(nodeptr); + caml_register_global_root(&stack.front()); + + CAMLreturn0; +} + +OCamlStorageInterface::~OCamlStorageInterface() +{ + caml_remove_global_root(&stack.back()); +} + +void OCamlStorageInterface::newChild(string name) +{ + CAMLparam0(); + CAMLlocal5(nnode,onode,tag,taghash,id); + CAMLlocal3(father,nnodeptr,onodeptr); + DPRINT("newChild " << name <<"\n") + onode = stack.front(); + /* Allocate the new Node(tag,l,r) */ + + /* Compute the new tag hash and store it in the new block */ + tag = caml_copy_string(name.c_str()); + taghash = caml_callback(*caml_hash_tag, tag); + id = Val_int(nodeid++); + + /* Again, initialization must be atomic */ + father=caml_alloc_shr(1,0); + caml_initialize(&Field(father,0),onode); + + nnode = caml_alloc_shr(5,0); + caml_initialize(&Field(nnode,ID),id); + caml_initialize(&Field(nnode,TAG),taghash); + caml_initialize(&Field(nnode,LEFT),NIL); + caml_initialize(&Field(nnode,RIGHT),NIL); + caml_initialize(&Field(nnode,FATHER),father); + + nnodeptr = caml_alloc_shr(1,LEFT); + caml_initialize(&Field(nnodeptr,0),nnode); + + switch (Tag_val(onode)){ + case LEFT: + caml_modify(&Field(Field(onode,0),LEFT),nnodeptr); + Tag_val(onode) = RIGHT; + break; + + case RIGHT: + caml_modify(&Field(Field(onode,0),RIGHT),nnodeptr); + Tag_val(onode) = NODE; + break; + }; + + stack.push_front(nnodeptr); + + CAMLreturn0; +} + + + +void OCamlStorageInterface::newText(string text) +{ + CAMLparam0(); + CAMLlocal3(pcdata,snode,node); + DPRINT("newText " << text <<"\n") + + pcdata = caml_copy_string(text.c_str()); + snode = caml_alloc_shr(1,STRING); + caml_initialize(&(Field(snode,PCDATA)),pcdata); + node = stack.front(); + + switch (Tag_val(node)){ + case LEFT: + caml_modify(&Field(Field(node,0),LEFT),snode); + Tag_val(node) = RIGHT; + break; + case RIGHT: + caml_modify(&Field(Field(node,0),RIGHT),snode); + Tag_val(node) = NODE; + break; + + + }; + + CAMLreturn0; +} + + + +void OCamlStorageInterface::nodeFinished() +{ + + CAMLparam0(); + CAMLlocal1(node); + DPRINT("nodeFinished\n") + node = stack.front(); + + switch (Tag_val(node)){ + case LEFT: + DPRINT("Tagged left\n") + Tag_val(node) = RIGHT; + break; + + case RIGHT: + DPRINT("Tagged right\n") + Tag_val(node) = NODE; + + case NODE: + DPRINT("Under NODE\n"); + while (Tag_val(node) == NODE){ + stack.pop_front(); + node = stack.front(); + }; + break; + }; + + CAMLreturn0; +} + + void OCamlStorageInterface::parsingFinished() +{ + CAMLparam0(); + CAMLlocal1(rnode); + caml_register_global_root(&document); + document = stack.front(); + + stack.pop_front(); /* removes the root */ + rnode = stack.front(); + + DPRINT ("Stack size is "<< stack.size() <<"\n") + /* reinitializes the stack */ + caml_modify(&Field(Field(rnode,0),ID),Val_int(nodeid=1)); + caml_modify(&Field(Field(rnode,0),LEFT),NIL); + caml_modify(&Field(Field(rnode,0),RIGHT),NIL); + caml_modify(&Field(Field(Field(rnode,0),FATHER),0),NIL); + Tag_val(rnode) = LEFT; + + + caml_modify(&Field(Field(Field(document,0),FATHER),0),NIL); + Tag_val(document) = NODE; + + CAMLreturn0; + + +} +value OCamlStorageInterface::getDocument (){ + CAMLparam0(); + CAMLlocal1(doc); + doc = document; + caml_remove_global_root(&document); + CAMLreturn(doc); +} +void *OCamlStorageInterface::returnDocument(){ + + return ((void *) getDocument()); + +} diff --git a/OCamlStorageInterface.h b/OCamlStorageInterface.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08e44ce --- /dev/null +++ b/OCamlStorageInterface.h @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/***************************************** + * OCamlStorageInterface.h + * ------------------------ + * Header file for an OCaml Storage Interface + * + * Author: Kim Nguyen + * Date: 04/11/08 + */ + +#ifndef OCAMLSTORAGEINTERFACE_H_ +#define OCAMLSTORAGEINTERFACE_H_ + +#include "StorageInterface.h" +extern "C" { +/* OCaml memory managment */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +}// extern C + +#include + +using namespace std; + +class OCamlStorageInterface: public StorageInterface +{ + public: + OCamlStorageInterface(); + virtual ~OCamlStorageInterface(); + virtual void newChild(string name); + virtual void newText(string text); + virtual void nodeFinished(); + virtual void parsingFinished(); + virtual void* returnDocument(); + + private: + value getDocument(); + list stack; + value document; + int nodeid; +}; + + +#endif /*OCAMLSTORAGEINTERFACE_H_*/ + diff --git a/StorageInterface.cpp b/StorageInterface.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..821c397 --- /dev/null +++ b/StorageInterface.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +/********************************************** + * StorageInterface.cpp + * ------------------------ + * Abstract class defining methods for the storage interface. + * + * Author: Greg Leighton + * Date: 02/11/08 + */ + + +#include "StorageInterface.h" + +StorageInterface::~StorageInterface() +{ + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/StorageInterface.h b/StorageInterface.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6f94aa --- /dev/null +++ b/StorageInterface.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/************************************* + * StorageInterface.h + * --------------------- + * Header file for abstract class defining a storage interface. + * + * Author: Greg Leighton + * Date: 02/11/08 + * + * Changes: + * 05/11/08 -- Added returnDocument() method + */ + + +#ifndef STORAGEINTERFACE_H_ +#define STORAGEINTERFACE_H_ + +#include + +using namespace std; + +class StorageInterface +{ +public: + virtual ~StorageInterface(); + virtual void newChild(string name) = 0; + virtual void newText(string text) = 0; + virtual void nodeFinished() = 0; + virtual void parsingFinished() = 0; + virtual void* returnDocument() = 0; +}; + +#endif /*STORAGEINTERFACE_H_*/ diff --git a/Utils.h b/Utils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ab34e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils.h @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +/************************************** + * Utils.h + * ------------------- + * Utility macro for debugging purposes + * + * + * Author: Kim Nguyen + * Date: 05/11/08 + */ + + +#ifndef UTILS_H_ +#define UTILS_H_ +#ifdef DEBUG +#include +#define DPRINT(msg) std::cerr << msg; +#else +#define DPRINT(msg) +#endif +#endif // UTILS_H_ diff --git a/XMLDocShredder.cpp b/XMLDocShredder.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e9c41a --- /dev/null +++ b/XMLDocShredder.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +/********************************************************** + * XMLDocShredder.cpp + * --------------------- + * Implementation of the class that receives events from the XML parser and + * invokes corresponding construction methods of the storage interface. + * + * Author: Greg Leighton + * Date: 02/11/08 + * Changes: + * 05/11/08 -- Fixed bug related to parsing empty elements + * -- Set parser properties to automatically resolve + * entity references and load external DTD if present + * -- Modified processEndDocument() by adding a nodeFinished() + * call to the storage interface to close off the + * document node + * + */ + +#include +#include "XMLDocShredder.h" +#include "OCamlStorageInterface.h" +#include +#include "Utils.h" + +using namespace Glib; + +void XMLDocShredder::setProperties(){ + /* instruct the parser to expand entity references and report as + * regular PCDATA + */ + reader_->set_parser_property( + TextReader::SubstEntities, true); + + /* instruct parser to read external DTD, if present. This is + * needed to obtain any entity definitions in the DTD + */ + reader_->set_parser_property( + TextReader::LoadDtd, true); + + + /* + */ + reader_->set_parser_property( + TextReader::DefaultAttrs, true); + + + /* but we don't want to do validation since it would slow us down + */ + + + reader_->set_parser_property( + TextReader::Validate, false); + +} +XMLDocShredder::XMLDocShredder(const unsigned char * data, + TextReader::size_type size) +{ + reader_ = new TextReader(data,size,""); + setProperties(); + storageIfc_ = new OCamlStorageInterface(); + //tagsID_ = new unordered_map(107); + //idTags_ = new unordered_map(107); +} + +XMLDocShredder::XMLDocShredder(const string inFileName) +{ + reader_ = new TextReader(inFileName); + setProperties(); + storageIfc_ = new OCamlStorageInterface(); + // tagsID_ = new unordered_map(107); + // idTags_ = new unordered_map(107); +} + +XMLDocShredder::~XMLDocShredder() +{ + delete reader_; + delete storageIfc_; + +} + +int XMLDocShredder::tagID(string name) +{ + int res = tagsID_[name]; + return res; +} +string XMLDocShredder::idTag(int id) +{ + + return idTags_[id]; +} + + +void XMLDocShredder::processStartElement() +{ + // fetch element name; this will be the full qualified name + ustring name = reader_->get_name(); + bool empty = false; + + storageIfc_->newChild(name); + + /* We must be really carefull here. calling process attributes moves + the document pointer on the last attribute, hence calling reader_->is_empty + afterwards will yield the wrong result. It is better to call it while we are + on the element and generate a nodeFinished() call at the end */ + empty = reader_->is_empty_element(); + + + // now, process attributes + if (reader_->has_attributes()) + { + processAttributes(); + }; + + + if (empty){ + DPRINT("Node " << name <<" is empty!\n") + storageIfc_->nodeFinished(); + }; + + + + + +} + +void XMLDocShredder::processEndElement() +{ + // tell the storage interface that the current node has been completely processed + storageIfc_->nodeFinished(); +} + +void XMLDocShredder::processPCDATA() +{ + // send the content of this PCDATA node to the storage interface as a text node + if (reader_->has_value()) + { + storageIfc_->newChild("<$>"); + storageIfc_->newText(reader_->get_value()); + } +} + +void XMLDocShredder::processAttributes() +{ + reader_->move_to_first_attribute(); + + string nspaceStr = "xmlns"; + storageIfc_->newChild("<@>"); + do + { + ustring name = reader_->get_name(); + ustring value = reader_->get_value(); + + /* the libxml++ TextReader treats the xmlns attribute like an ordinary attribute, + * so we have to extract it and build a namespace uri node out of it before + * passing to the storage interface */ + + if ((name.find(nspaceStr.c_str(), 0, 5)) == 0) + { + storageIfc_->newChild(":" + value); + storageIfc_->nodeFinished(); + } + + /* otherwise, this is an ordinary attribute, so we construct a new child node of the + * parent element to store the attribute name, possessing a child text node storing the + * attribute value. Then, we close off the attribute node with a call to nodeFinished() + */ + + else + { + storageIfc_->newChild(name); + storageIfc_->newChild("<$>"); + storageIfc_->newText(value); + storageIfc_->nodeFinished(); + // storageIfc_->nodeFinished(); + } + } + while (reader_->move_to_next_attribute()); + storageIfc_->nodeFinished(); +} + +void XMLDocShredder::processSignificantWhitespace() +{ + ustring value = reader_->get_value(); + + // each significant whitespace sequence constructs a text node + storageIfc_->newChild("<$>"); + storageIfc_->newText(value); + //storageIfc_->nodeFinished(); + +} + +void XMLDocShredder::processStartDocument(const string docName) +{ + // tell storage interface to construct the document name + // storageIfc_->newChild(""); +} + +void XMLDocShredder::processEndDocument() +{ + /* tell the storage interface that document parsing has finished, and structures + * can now be written to disk. */ + // storageIfc_->nodeFinished(); + storageIfc_->parsingFinished(); +} + +void XMLDocShredder::processComment() +{ + //storageIfc_->newChild("!" + reader_->get_value()); + //storageIfc_->nodeFinished(); +} + +void XMLDocShredder::processProcessingInstruction() +{ + ustring name = reader_->get_name(); + ustring value = reader_->get_value(); + + /* Create a child node to store the target of the PI, append a text node to it to store + * the PI data, send to the storage interface. Close off the PI node with a call to + * nodeFinished + */ + + // storageIfc_->newChild("?" + name); + // storageIfc_->newText(value); + // storageIfc_->nodeFinished(); +} + +void XMLDocShredder::processDocTypeDeclaration() +{ + /* We currently ignore the DOCTYPE declaration, but we'll provide this method skeleton + * in case we do want to process it in the future. + */ +} + +void XMLDocShredder::processCDATASection() +{ + /* Currently, we don't preserve CDATA sections since they aren't part of the XPath data + * model. Instead, we simply pass the converted text value to the storage interface as + * a text node attached to the current context node. + */ + ustring value = reader_->get_value(); + storageIfc_->newChild("<$>"); + storageIfc_->newText(value); + // storageIfc_->nodeFinished(); + +} + +void XMLDocShredder::processUnknownNodeType() +{ + cout << "unknown token encountered during parsing" << endl; + throw xmlpp::parse_error("unknown token encountered during parsing"); + +} + +void XMLDocShredder::parse() +{ + while (reader_->read() && (reader_->get_read_state() != TextReader::Error)) + { + switch (reader_->get_node_type()) + { + case TextReader::Element: + processStartElement(); + break; + + case TextReader::Text: + processPCDATA(); + break; + + case TextReader::EndElement: + processEndElement(); + break; + + case TextReader::SignificantWhitespace: + processSignificantWhitespace(); + break; + + case TextReader::Comment: + processComment(); + break; + + case TextReader::DocumentType: + processDocTypeDeclaration(); + break; + + case TextReader::ProcessingInstruction: + processProcessingInstruction(); + break; + + case TextReader::CDATA: + processCDATASection(); + break; + + case TextReader::None: + processUnknownNodeType(); + break; + + default: + int type = reader_->get_node_type(); + cout << " Node type: " << type << endl; + break; + + } + } +} diff --git a/XMLDocShredder.h b/XMLDocShredder.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19ed10f --- /dev/null +++ b/XMLDocShredder.h @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/************************************** + * XMLDocShredder.h + * -------------------- + * Header file for the shredder routine that invokes the XML parser and + * calls the appropriate construction methods of the storage interface in + * correspondence with received parsing events. + * + * Author: Greg Leighton + * Date: 02/11/08 + */ + +#ifndef XMLDOCSHREDDER_H_ +#define XMLDOCSHREDDER_H_ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "StorageInterface.h" + +using namespace std; +using namespace xmlpp; +/* For Hashmap. Seems fairly well supported */ +using namespace __gnu_cxx; + +typedef pair cons_str; +typedef pair cons_int; + +class XMLDocShredder +{ +public: + XMLDocShredder(const string inFileName); + XMLDocShredder(const unsigned char * data, TextReader::size_type size); + virtual ~XMLDocShredder(); + virtual void processStartElement(); + virtual void processEndElement(); + virtual void processPCDATA(); + virtual void processAttributes(); + virtual void processSignificantWhitespace(); + virtual void processStartDocument(const string docName); + virtual void processEndDocument(); + virtual void processComment(); + virtual void processProcessingInstruction(); + virtual void processDocTypeDeclaration(); + virtual void processUnknownNodeType(); + virtual void processCDATASection(); + virtual void parse(); + virtual int tagID(string); + virtual string idTag(int); + + StorageInterface *storageIfc_; + + +private: + TextReader *reader_; + void setProperties(); + unordered_map idTags_; + unordered_map tagsID_; +}; + +#endif /*XMLDOCSHREDDER_H_*/ diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c09143 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,449 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +INCLUDE "";; + +module State = +struct + type t = int + let mk = let i = ref ~-1 in fun () -> incr i;!i + let compare p q = p - q + let equal p q = p==q + let hash p = p + let print fmt p = Format.fprintf fmt "<%.6i>" p +end + +module ISet : Set.S with type elt = int= +struct + let max = Sys.word_size - 2 + type t = int + type elt = int + + let empty = 0 + let full = -1 + let is_empty x = x == 0 + let mem e s = ((1 lsl e) land s) != 0 + let add e s = (1 lsl e) lor s + let singleton e = (1 lsl e) + let union = (lor) + let inter = (land) + let diff a b = a land (lnot b) + let remove e s = (lnot (1 lsl e) land s) + let compare = (-) + let equal = (==) + let subset a b = a land (lnot b) == 0 + let cardinal s = + let rec loop n s = + if s == 0 then n else loop (succ n) (s - (s land (-s))) + in + loop 0 s +(* inverse of bit i = 1 lsl i i.e. tib i = log_2(i) *) +let log2 = Array.create 255 0 +let () = for i = 0 to 7 do log2.(1 lsl i) <- i done + +(* assumption: x is a power of 2 *) +let tib32 x = + if x land 0xFFFF == 0 then + let x = x lsr 16 in + if x land 0xFF == 0 then 24 + log2.(x lsr 8) else 16 + log2.(x) + else + if x land 0xFF == 0 then 8 + log2.(x lsr 8) else log2.(x) + +let ffffffff = (0xffff lsl 16) lor 0xffff +let tib64 x = + if x land ffffffff == 0 then 32 + tib32 (x lsr 32) else tib32 x + +let tib = + match Sys.word_size with 32 -> tib32 | 64 -> tib64 | _ -> assert false + +let min_elt s = + if s == 0 then raise Not_found; + tib (s land (-s)) + +let choose = min_elt + +(* TODO: improve? *) +let max_elt s = + if s == 0 then raise Not_found; + let rec loop i = + if s land i != 0 then tib i + else if i = 1 then raise Not_found else loop (i lsr 1) + in + loop min_int + +let rec elements s = + if s == 0 then [] else let i = s land (-s) in tib i :: elements (s - i) + +let rec iter f s = + if s != 0 then let i = s land (-s) in f (tib i); iter f (s - i) + +let rec fold f s acc = + if s == 0 then acc else let i = s land (-s) in fold f (s - i) (f (tib i) acc) + +let rec for_all p s = + s == 0 || let i = s land (-s) in p (tib i) && for_all p (s - i) + +let rec exists p s = + s != 0 && let i = s land (-s) in p (tib i) || exists p (s - i) + +let rec filter p s = + if s == 0 then + 0 + else + let i = s land (-s) in + let s = filter p (s - i) in + if p (tib i) then s + i else s + +let rec partition p s = + if s == 0 then + 0, 0 + else + let i = s land (-s) in + let st,sf = partition p (s - i) in + if p (tib i) then st + i, sf else st, sf + i + +let split i s = + let bi = 1 lsl i in + s land (bi - 1), s land bi != 0, s land (-1 lsl (i+1)) + + +end +(* module SSet = Set.Make(State)*) +module SSet = ISet + +module Transition = +struct + + type t = Label of State.t * TagSet.Xml.t * State.t * State.t + | External of State.t * (Tree.Binary.t -> bool)*State.t * State.t + + let source = function Label(s,_,_,_) | External(s,_,_,_) -> s + let dest1 = function Label(_,_,d,_) | External(_,_,d,_) -> d + let dest2 = function Label(_,_,_,d) | External(_,_,_,d) -> d + + let compatible t1 t2 = + State.equal (source t1) (source t2) + && State.equal (dest1 t1) (dest1 t2) + && State.equal (dest2 t1) (dest2 t2) + + let check t1 t2 = + if not (compatible t1 t2) + then failwith "Incompatible transitions" + + let cup t1 t2 = + check t1 t2; + match (t1,t2) with + | Label(s,ts,d1,d2), Label(_,ts',_,_) -> Label(s,TagSet.Xml.cup ts ts',d1,d2) + | External(s,f,d1,d2), External(_,f',_,_) -> External(s,(fun x -> (f x)||(f' x)),d1,d2) + | Label(s,ts,d1,d2), External(_,f,_,_) + | External(_,f,_,_), Label(s,ts,d1,d2) -> External(s,(fun x -> (TagSet.Xml.mem (Tree.Binary.tag x) ts)||f x),d1,d2) + + let cap t1 t2 = + check t1 t2; + match (t1,t2) with + | Label(s,ts,d1,d2), Label(_,ts',_,_) -> Label(s,TagSet.Xml.cap ts ts',d1,d2) + | External(s,f,d1,d2), External(_,f',_,_) -> External(s,(fun x -> (f x)&&(f' x)),d1,d2) + | Label(s,ts,d1,d2), External(_,f,_,_) + | External(_,f,_,_), Label(s,ts,d1,d2) -> External(s,(fun x -> (TagSet.Xml.mem (Tree.Binary.tag x) ts)&& f x),d1,d2) + + let neg = function + | Label(s,ts,d1,d2) -> Label(s,TagSet.Xml.neg ts,d1,d2) + | External(s,f,d1,d2) -> External(s,(fun x -> not(f x)), d1 ,d2) + + + let can_take t = function + | Label(_,ts,_,_) -> TagSet.Xml.mem (Tree.Binary.tag t) ts + | External(_,f,_,_) -> f t + + (* Hashtbl indexed by source State *) + module HT = Hashtbl.Make(State) + + + + type hashtbl = { label : (TagSet.Xml.t*State.t*State.t) HT.t; + extern : ((Tree.Binary.t-> bool)*State.t*State.t) HT.t; + } + + + let empty () = { label = HT.create 17; + extern = HT.create 17; + } + + let clear h = HT.clear h.label; HT.clear h.extern + + let add h = function + | Label(s,t,d1,d2) -> HT.add h.label s (t,d1,d2) + | External(s,f,d1,d2) -> HT.add h.extern s (f,d1,d2) + + let find_all ?(accu=[]) ?(pred_label=fun _ _ _ _ -> true) ?(pred_extern= fun _ _ _ _ -> true) h q = + List.fold_left + (fun acc (t,d1,d2) -> + if pred_label q t d1 d2 + then Label(q,t,d1,d2) :: acc + else acc) + (List.fold_left + (fun acc (f,d1,d2) -> + if pred_extern q f d1 d2 + then External(q,f,d1,d2) :: acc + else acc) + accu + (HT.find_all h.extern q)) + (HT.find_all h.label q) + + let find_all_dest q h = + HT.fold (fun source (t,q1,q2) acc -> + if (State.equal q1 q || State.equal q2 q) + then Label(source,t,q1,q2)::acc + else acc) h.label + (HT.fold (fun source (t,q1,q2) acc -> + if (State.equal q1 q || State.equal q2 q) + then External(source,t,q1,q2)::acc + else acc) h.extern []) + + + let fold_state f_lab f_ext h q acc = + List.fold_left + (fun acc (t,d1,d2) -> + f_lab acc q t d1 d2) + (List.fold_left + (fun acc (f,d1,d2) -> + f_ext acc q f d1 d2) + acc + (HT.find_all h.extern q)) + (HT.find_all h.label q) + + +end +module BST = Set.Make(Tree.Binary) + +type t = { initial : SSet.t; + final : SSet.t; + transitions : Transition.hashtbl; + marking : SSet.t; + ignore : SSet.t; + mutable result : BST.t; + (* Statistics *) + mutable numbt : int; + mutable max_states : int; + } + +let mk () = { initial = SSet.empty; + final = SSet.empty; + transitions = Transition.empty(); + marking = SSet.empty; + ignore = SSet.empty; + result = BST.empty; + numbt = 0; + max_states = 0 + };; + + let print_tags fmt l = + let l = + if TagSet.Xml.is_finite l then l + else (Format.fprintf fmt "* \\ "; TagSet.Xml.neg l ) + in + Format.fprintf fmt "{ "; + ignore(TagSet.Xml.fold (fun t first -> + if not first + then Format.fprintf fmt " ,"; + Tag.print fmt t; false) l true); + Format.fprintf fmt "}" + + let dump fmt auto = + Format.fprintf fmt "----------------- Automaton dump -------------------\n"; + Format.fprintf fmt "Initial states: "; + SSet.iter (fun s -> State.print fmt s; + Format.fprintf fmt " ") auto.initial; + Format.fprintf fmt "\n"; + Format.fprintf fmt "Final states: "; + SSet.iter (fun s -> State.print fmt s; + Format.fprintf fmt " "); + Format.fprintf fmt "\n"; + Format.fprintf fmt "Marking states: "; + SSet.iter (fun s -> State.print fmt s; + Format.fprintf fmt " ") auto.marking; + Format.fprintf fmt "\n"; + Format.fprintf fmt "Ignore states: "; + SSet.iter (fun s -> State.print fmt s; + Format.fprintf fmt " ") auto.ignore; + Format.fprintf fmt "\n"; + Format.fprintf fmt "Transitions:\n"; + Transition.HT.iter (fun source (l,dest1,dest2) -> + State.print fmt source; + Format.fprintf fmt "-> "; + print_tags fmt l; + Format.fprintf fmt "("; + State.print fmt dest1; + Format.fprintf fmt " ,"; + State.print fmt dest2; + Format.fprintf fmt ")\n") auto.transitions.Transition.label; + Format.fprintf fmt "----------------------------------------------------\n" + + + +module BottomUp = +struct + + + exception Fail + + let pr_states fmt st = SSet.iter (fun s -> State.print fmt s; + Format.fprintf fmt " ") st + + let err = Format.err_formatter + let filter_map_rev filt map l = + let rec loop ((accuf,accum) as accu) = function + | [] -> accu + | t::r -> loop (if filt t then (t::accuf,SSet.add (map t) accum) + else accu) r + in + loop ([],SSet.empty) l + + let mem s x = SSet.mem x s + let rec accepting_among auto t r = + if SSet.is_empty r then r else + + let to_ignore = SSet.inter auto.ignore r in + let r = SSet.diff r to_ignore + in + let res = + match Tree.Binary.descr t with + | Tree.Binary.Nil | Tree.Binary.String _ -> + let i = SSet.inter r in i + + | Tree.Binary.Node(_) -> + let t1 = Tree.Binary.left t + and t2 = Tree.Binary.right t + in + let transitions = + SSet.fold + ( fun q accu -> + Transition.fold_state + (fun acc q t d1 d2 -> Transition.Label(q,t,d1,d2) :: acc) + (fun acc q t d1 d2 -> Transition.External(q,t,d1,d2) :: acc) + auto.transitions q accu) r [] + in + let transitions,r1 = + filter_map_rev + (Transition.can_take t) + Transition.dest1 transitions + in + let s1 = accepting_among auto t1 r1 + in + let transitions,r2 = + filter_map_rev + (fun x->SSet.mem (Transition.dest1 x) s1) + Transition.dest2 transitions + in + let s2 = accepting_among auto t2 r2 + in + let _,s = filter_map_rev + (fun x -> SSet.mem (Transition.dest2 x) s2) + (Transition.source) transitions + in + if SSet.is_empty s then s + else + (if SSet.exists (mem auto.marking) s1 || SSet.exists (mem auto.marking) s2 + then auto.result <- BST.add t auto.result;s) + in SSet.union to_ignore res + + + let accept auto t = + auto.result <- BST.empty; + if SSet.is_empty (accepting_among auto t auto.initial) + then false + else true +end +module TopDown = struct + + + let rec accept_at auto t q = + if SSet.mem q auto.ignore then true + else + match Tree.Binary.descr t with + | Tree.Binary.Nil | Tree.Binary.String _ -> SSet.mem q + | Tree.Binary.Node(_) -> + let tag = Tree.Binary.tag t + and t1 = Tree.Binary.left t + and t2 = Tree.Binary.right t + in + let transitions = + Transition.find_all + ~pred_label:(fun _ ts _ _ -> TagSet.Xml.mem tag ts) + ~pred_extern:(fun _ f _ _ -> f t) + auto.transitions q + in + let rec iter_trans res = function + [] -> res + | (Transition.Label(_,_,q1,q2) | Transition.External (_,_,q1,q2))::r -> + let _ = auto.numbt <- succ auto.numbt in + if (accept_at auto t1 q1) && (accept_at auto t2 q2) + then + begin + if (SSet.mem q1 auto.marking)||(SSet.mem q2 auto.marking) + then auto.result <- BST.add t auto.result; + iter_trans true r + end + else + iter_trans res r + in iter_trans false transitions + + + + + let accept auto t = + auto.numbt <- -1; + SSet.exists (fun q -> + P(auto.numbt <- succ auto.numbt); + auto.result <- BST.empty; + accept_at auto t q) auto.initial + + + let rec run_in auto t states = + if SSet.is_empty states then () + else + match Tree.Binary.descr t with + | Tree.Binary.Nil | Tree.Binary.String _ -> () + | Tree.Binary.Node(_) -> + let tag = Tree.Binary.tag t + and t1 = Tree.Binary.left t + and t2 = Tree.Binary.right t + in + P(let i = SSet.cardinal states in + if i > auto.max_states then auto.max_states <- i); + let s1,s2 = + SSet.fold + (fun q acc -> + if SSet.mem q auto.ignore then acc + else + Transition.fold_state + (fun (ss1,ss2) _ ts d1 d2 -> + if TagSet.Xml.mem tag ts + then + (SSet.add d1 ss1, + SSet.add d2 ss2) + else (ss1,ss2)) + (fun (ss1,ss2) _ f d1 d2 -> + if f t + then + (SSet.add d1 ss1, + SSet.add d2 ss2) + else (ss1,ss2)) auto.transitions q acc ) states (SSet.empty,SSet.empty) + in + if SSet.is_empty (SSet.inter auto.marking (SSet.union s1 s2)) + then () + else auto.result <- BST.add t auto.result; + run_in auto t1 s1; + run_in auto t2 s2 + + + let run auto t = + auto.result <- BST.empty; + P(auto.numbt <- 0); + + run_in auto t auto.initial + +end diff --git a/automaton.mli b/automaton.mli new file mode 100644 index 0000000..337debe --- /dev/null +++ b/automaton.mli @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +module State : + sig + type t = int + val mk : unit -> int + val compare : int -> int -> int + val equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool + val hash : 'a -> 'a + val print : Format.formatter -> int -> unit + end +module SSet : Set.S with type elt = State.t +module Transition : + sig + type t = + Label of State.t * TagSet.Xml.t * State.t * State.t + | External of State.t * (Tree.Binary.t -> bool) * State.t * State.t + val source : t -> State.t + val dest1 : t -> State.t + val dest2 : t -> State.t + val cup : t -> t -> t + val cap : t -> t -> t + val neg : t -> t + module HT : Hashtbl.S with type key = State.t + type hashtbl = { + label : (TagSet.Xml.t * State.t * State.t) HT.t; + extern : ((Tree.Binary.t -> bool) * State.t * State.t) HT.t; + } + val empty : unit -> hashtbl + val clear : hashtbl -> unit + val add : hashtbl -> t -> unit + val find_all : + ?accu:t list -> + ?pred_label:(State.t -> TagSet.Xml.t -> State.t -> State.t -> bool) -> + ?pred_extern:(State.t -> + (Tree.Binary.t -> bool) -> State.t -> State.t -> bool) -> + hashtbl -> State.t -> t list + val find_all_dest : State.t -> hashtbl -> t list + val fold_state : + ('a -> HT.key -> TagSet.Xml.t -> State.t -> State.t -> 'a) -> + ('a -> HT.key -> (Tree.Binary.t -> bool) -> State.t -> State.t -> 'a) -> + hashtbl -> HT.key -> 'a -> 'a + end +module BST : Set.S with type elt = Tree.Binary.t +type t = { initial : SSet.t; + final : SSet.t; + transitions : Transition.hashtbl; + marking : SSet.t; + ignore : SSet.t; + mutable result : BST.t; + mutable numbt : int; + mutable max_states : int; + } +val mk : unit -> t +val dump : Format.formatter -> t -> unit +module BottomUp : + sig + + val accepting_among : + t -> Tree.Binary.t -> SSet.t -> SSet.t + val accept : t -> Tree.Binary.t -> bool + end + +module TopDown : +sig + val accept : t -> Tree.Binary.t -> bool + val run : t -> Tree.Binary.t -> unit +end diff --git a/benchmark/Makefile b/benchmark/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11f4991 --- /dev/null +++ b/benchmark/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +MLSRCS = +MLISRCS = benchmark.mli +MLOBJS = $( +MLCINT = $(MLISRCS:.mli=.cmi) + + +OCAMLPACKAGES = unix,str + +PPINCLUDES=$(OCAMLINCLUDES:%=-ppopt %) + +OCAMLOPT = ocamlopt + +OCAMLFIND = ocamlfind +OCAMLMKLIB = ocamlmklib +OCAMLDEP = ocamldep +LINK=$(OCAMLOPT) -linkpkg + + +all: $(MLOBJS) + $(OCAMLFIND) $(LINK) -o test_suite -package "$(OCAMLPACKAGES)" $(MLOBJS) + +.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmx .cmi +.PHONY: depend + + $(OCAMLFIND) $(OCAMLOPT) -package "$(OCAMLPACKAGES)" $(SYNTAX) -c $< + +.mli.cmi: + $(OCAMLFIND) $(OCAMLOPT) -package "$(OCAMLPACKAGES)" $(SYNTAX) -c $< + +clean: + rm -f *~ *.cm* *.[oa] *.so test_suite *.output *.query + + +depend: $(MLSRCS) $(MLISRCS) + @ $(OCAMLFIND) $(OCAMLDEP) -package "$(OCAMLPACKAGES)" $(MLSRCS) $(MLISRCS) >depend + + +include depend diff --git a/benchmark/ b/benchmark/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da741db --- /dev/null +++ b/benchmark/ @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ +module Utils = +struct + type queryset = { documents : (string*int) array; + queries : string array;} + + let make_queryset docs queries = + { documents = Array.of_list ( (function f -> (f,(Unix.stat f).Unix.st_size)) docs); + queries = Array.of_list queries + } + + + type stats = { + mutable query : int; (* index in the query set *) + mutable input_document : int; (* index in the query set *) + mutable input_size : int; + mutable print_output : bool; + + mutable input_parsing_time : float; + mutable query_compile_time : float; + mutable query_execution_time : float; + mutable serialization_time : float; + + mutable memory_usage : int; + } + + type stats_token = + | Query of int + | Input_document of int + | Print_output of int + | Input_size of int + | Input_parsing_time of int + | Query_compile_time of int + | Query_execution_time of int + | Serialization_time of int + | Memory_usage of int + + + let print_stats fmt s = + Format.fprintf fmt "\ +Query number : %i +Document number : %i +Document size : %i bytes +Output was serialized : %s +Parsing time : %f ms +Compile time : %f ms +Execution time : %f ms +Serialization time : %f ms +Memory usage : %i kB\n" s.query + s.input_document s.input_size (if s.print_output then "yes" else "no") + s.input_parsing_time s.query_compile_time s.query_execution_time + s.serialization_time (s.memory_usage/1024) + + let empty_stats () = { + query = -1; + input_document = -1; + input_size = -1; + print_output = false; + input_parsing_time = infinity; + query_compile_time = infinity; + query_execution_time = infinity; + serialization_time = infinity; + memory_usage = 0 + } + + type result = (string*string)*(stats array list) + + + let re_vmrss = Str.regexp ".*VmRSS:[^0-9]*\\([0-9]+\\) kB.*" + let re_status = Str.regexp ".*Status:[^A-Z]*\\([A-Z]\\).*" + + let monitor_mem pid = + let zombie = ref false in + let rss = ref 0 in + let in_c = open_in (Printf.sprintf "/proc/%i/status" pid) in + let _ = try + while true do + let s = input_line in_c in + if Str.string_match re_vmrss s 0 + then rss:= int_of_string (Str.matched_group 1 s); + if Str.string_match re_status s 0 + then zombie:= (Str.matched_group 1 s) = "Z" + done; + + with + End_of_file -> close_in in_c + in + (!zombie,!rss*1024) + + + let input_str = ref "" + + let get_res i = Str.matched_group i !input_str + + let rec match_out stats = function [] -> [] + | (s,l)::r -> + if Str.string_match s !input_str 0 + then let () = + List.iter + (function Query i -> stats.query <- int_of_string (get_res i) + | Input_document i -> stats.input_document <- int_of_string (get_res i) + | Input_size i -> stats.input_size <- int_of_string (get_res i) + | Print_output _ -> stats.print_output <- false; + | Input_parsing_time i -> stats.input_parsing_time <- float_of_string (get_res i) + | Query_compile_time i -> stats.query_compile_time <- float_of_string (get_res i) + | Query_execution_time i -> stats.query_execution_time <- float_of_string (get_res i) + | Serialization_time i -> stats.serialization_time <- float_of_string (get_res i) + | Memory_usage i -> stats.memory_usage <- int_of_string (get_res i)) l + in r + else (s,l)::(match_out stats r) + + let parse_result pid in_c stats l = + let descr = Unix.descr_of_in_channel in_c in + let l = ref ( (fun (s,f) -> (Str.regexp s,f)) l) in + try + while !l <> [] && (0 == (fst (Unix.waitpid [ Unix.WNOHANG ] pid))) do + let _ = + match [descr] [] [] 0.75 with + | [d ],_,_ -> + input_str := input_line in_c; + l := match_out stats !l; + | _ -> () + in + if pid != 0 then + let z,rss = monitor_mem pid in + if rss > stats.memory_usage + then stats.memory_usage <- rss; + if z then raise End_of_file + done + with + | End_of_file | Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECHILD,_,_) -> () + | e -> raise e + + let build_xquery document query file print_output = + let oc = open_out file in + output_string oc "let $doc := doc(\""; + output_string oc document; + output_string oc "\") for $i in $doc"; + output_string oc query; + output_string oc "\n let $a := "; + if print_output + then output_string oc "$i" + else output_string oc "()"; + output_string oc "\n let $b := 1+1"; + output_string oc "\n return $a\n"; + close_out oc + + (* usually xslt processor take the filename + as argument on the command line *) + let build_xslt _ query file print_output = + let oc = open_out file in + output_string oc " + + + + + + + + +\n"; + if print_output + then output_string oc "\n"; + output_string oc " +\n"; + close_out oc +;; + + +end + +(* Signatures to build the test suite *) +module type CONFIGURATION = sig + val path : string + val result_basename : string + val num_runs : int + val run_without_output : bool + val run_with_output : bool +end + + +module type ENGINE = sig + val name : string + val description : string + val command : string + val mk_queryfile : bool -> (string -> string -> string -> unit) + val mk_cmdline : bool -> string -> string -> string -> string -> string list + val time_factor : float + val reference : bool + val parse_rules : (string * Utils.stats_token list) list +end + +module type ENGINE_TESTER = +sig + module Conf : CONFIGURATION + val test_engine : Utils.result list -> Utils.queryset -> Utils.result list +end +module INIT_TESTER (C : CONFIGURATION) : ENGINE_TESTER = +struct + module Conf = C + let test_engine l _ = l +end + +module MK (E: ENGINE) (C : ENGINE_TESTER) : ENGINE_TESTER = +struct + module Conf = C.Conf + open Utils + + let run_query mem print_output qnum docnum qset = + let docname = fst qset.documents.(docnum) + in + let query = qset.queries.(qnum) in + let stats = empty_stats () in + let qfile = + Printf.sprintf "%s_%s_Q%.2d_D%.2d.query" + Conf.result_basename qnum docnum + in + let _ = (E.mk_queryfile print_output) + docname query qfile + in + let qoutput = Printf.sprintf "%s_%s_Q%.2d_D%.2d.output" + Conf.result_basename qnum docnum + in + let cmdline = Array.of_list + (E.command :: (E.mk_cmdline print_output qoutput qfile docname query)) + in + let in_fd,out_fd = Unix.pipe () in + let in_c = Unix.in_channel_of_descr in_fd in + let pid = Unix.create_process E.command cmdline + Unix.stdin out_fd out_fd + in + parse_result (if mem then pid else 0) in_c stats E.parse_rules; + (try + ignore(Unix.waitpid [] pid) + with + _ -> ()); + Unix.close in_fd; + Unix.close out_fd; + Some stats + + let extract = function Some a -> a | _ -> failwith "extract" + let vb = function false -> 0 | _ -> 1 + let test_engine res qset = + let header = (, E.description) in + let _ = Printf.printf "Testing engine %s\n%!" in + let lres = ref [] in + let _ = Array.iteri + (fun qnum _ -> + Array.iteri ( fun docnum (_,docsize) -> + let sres = [| (empty_stats()); (empty_stats()) |] in + Printf.printf "Running query %.2d on document %.2d :\n%!" qnum docnum; + for j = (vb (not Conf.run_without_output)) to (vb Conf.run_with_output) do + if j = 0 then Printf.printf "No output : \t%!" + else Printf.printf "With output : \t%!"; + for i = 1 to Conf.num_runs do + let s = extract(run_query false (j==1) qnum docnum qset) in + if sres.(j).query_execution_time > s.query_execution_time + then sres.(j) <- s; + Printf.printf "pass %i ... %!" i; + done; + Printf.printf "Ok\n%!"; + done; + Printf.printf "Monitoring memory use: ... %!"; + let s = extract(run_query true false qnum docnum qset) + in + sres.(1).memory_usage <- s.memory_usage; + Printf.printf "Ok\n%!"; + let _ = Array.iteri (fun i s -> s.print_output <- (i==1); + s.query <- qnum; + s.input_document <- docnum; + s.input_size <- docsize) sres + in lres := sres::!lres + ) qset.documents + )qset.queries + in + C.test_engine ((header,!lres)::res) qset + + + +end diff --git a/benchmark/benchmark.mli b/benchmark/benchmark.mli new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e8e40f --- /dev/null +++ b/benchmark/benchmark.mli @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +module Utils : + sig + type queryset = { + documents : (string * int) array; + queries : string array; + } + val make_queryset : string list -> string list -> queryset + type stats = { + mutable query : int; + mutable input_document : int; + mutable input_size : int; + mutable print_output : bool; + mutable input_parsing_time : float; + mutable query_compile_time : float; + mutable query_execution_time : float; + mutable serialization_time : float; + mutable memory_usage : int; + } + type stats_token = + Query of int + | Input_document of int + | Print_output of int + | Input_size of int + | Input_parsing_time of int + | Query_compile_time of int + | Query_execution_time of int + | Serialization_time of int + | Memory_usage of int + val print_stats : Format.formatter -> stats -> unit + val empty_stats : unit -> stats + type result = (string * string) * stats array list + val parse_result : + int -> in_channel -> stats -> (string * stats_token list) list -> unit + val build_xquery : string -> string -> string -> bool -> unit + val build_xslt : string -> string -> string -> bool -> unit + end +module type CONFIGURATION = + sig + val path : string + val result_basename : string + val num_runs : int + val run_without_output : bool + val run_with_output : bool + end +module type ENGINE = + sig + val name : string + val description : string + val command : string + val mk_queryfile : bool -> string -> string -> string -> unit + val mk_cmdline : bool -> string -> string -> string -> string -> string list + val time_factor : float + val reference : bool + val parse_rules : (string * Utils.stats_token list) list + end +module type ENGINE_TESTER = + sig + module Conf : CONFIGURATION + val test_engine : + Utils.result list -> Utils.queryset -> Utils.result list + end +module INIT_TESTER : functor (C : CONFIGURATION) -> ENGINE_TESTER +module MK : + functor (E : ENGINE) -> functor (C : ENGINE_TESTER) -> ENGINE_TESTER diff --git a/benchmark/depend b/benchmark/depend new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35976b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/benchmark/depend @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +benchmark.cmo: benchmark.cmi +benchmark.cmx: benchmark.cmi +main.cmo: benchmark.cmi +main.cmx: benchmark.cmx diff --git a/benchmark/ b/benchmark/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a761bc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/benchmark/ @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +open Benchmark +open Utils + +module SaxonBXQuery : ENGINE = +struct + let name = "SaxonBXquery" + + (* Todo call the binary to actually compute the version string *) + let description = +"SaxonB XQuery engine +Java version 1.6.0_0 +Saxon from Saxonica" + let command = "saxonb-xquery" + let reference = false + let time_factor = 1.0 + let mk_queryfile b doc q out = build_xquery doc q out b + let mk_cmdline b qout qfile _ _ = [ "-t" ; "-pipe:push";"-o:"^qout; qfile ] + let parse_rules = [ (".*Analysis time: \\([0-9]+\\) milliseconds.*", + [ Query_compile_time 1 ]); + + (".*Tree built in \\([0-9]+\\) milliseconds.*", + [ Input_parsing_time 1 ]); + + (".*Execution time: \\([0-9]+\\) milliseconds.*", + [ Query_execution_time 1 ]); + ] + let reference = false +end + +module XsltProc : ENGINE = +struct + let name = "XSLTProc" + + (* Todo call the binary to actually compute the version string *) + let description = +"xsltproc is a command line tool for applying XSLT stylesheets to XML +documents. It is part of libxslt(3), the XSLT C library for GNOME. +While it was developed as part of the GNOME project, it can operate +independently of the GNOME desktop. +Using libxml 20632, libxslt 10124 and libexslt 813 +" + let command = "xsltproc" + let reference = false + let time_factor = 1.0 + let mk_queryfile b doc q out = build_xslt doc q out b + let mk_cmdline b qout qfile doc _ = [ "--timing" ; "-o";qout; qfile; doc ] + let parse_rules = [ (".*Parsing stylesheet test.xsl took \\([0-9]+\\) ms.*", + [ Query_compile_time 1 ]); + + (".*Parsing document tiny.xml took \\([0-9]+\\) ms.*", + [ Input_parsing_time 1 ]); + + (".*Running stylesheet and saving result took \\([0-9]+\\) ms.*", + [ Query_execution_time 1 ]); + ] +end +module SXSI : ENGINE = +struct + let name = "SXSI" + let description = "" + let command = "../main" + let reference = false + let time_factor = 1.0 + let mk_queryfile b doc q out = () + let mk_cmdline b qout qfile doc q = [ doc; q ]@ (if b then [qout] else []) + let parse_rules = + [ ( ".*Parsing document :[ \\t]*\\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*\\)ms.*", + [ Input_parsing_time 1]); + + ( ".*Compiling query :[ \\t]*\\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*\\)ms.*", + [ Query_compile_time 1]); + + ( ".*TopDown (No BackTrack) :[ \\t]*\\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*\\)ms.*", + [ Query_execution_time 1]); + + ( ".*Serializing results :[ \\t]*\\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*\\)ms.*", + [ Serialization_time 1]); + ] + +end + +module CONF : CONFIGURATION = +struct + let path = "." + let result_basename = "test" + let num_runs = 5 + let run_with_output = true + let run_without_output = true +end + +module I = INIT_TESTER (CONF) +module Test = MK (SXSI) (MK (SaxonBXQuery) (I)) + +let l = Test.test_engine [] (make_queryset + ["/home/kim/Documents/Work/Code/xpathcomp/tests/small.xml"] + ["/descendant::*/descendant::*/descendant::*"]) +;; +List.iter (function (e,d),s -> + Printf.printf "\n-------------- %s -----------------" e; + Array.iter ( fun i -> + print_newline (); + print_newline (); + print_stats Format.std_formatter i) (List.hd s); + Printf.printf "\n----------------------------------------\n" + ) l diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a1b3b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) + +(* This file should not be compiled but included with INCLUDE. This requires + pa_macro.cmo to be loaded (see Makefile) +*) + +IFNDEF DEBUG__ML__ +THEN +DEFINE DEBUG__ML__ + +IFDEF DEBUG +THEN +module Loc = Camlp4.PreCast.Loc + + +DEFINE D(x) = ignore(x); + +DEFINE MM(v,l) = Memory.register v (Loc.to_string (l)) +let () = Memory.schedule_stats () + + +ELSE + +DEFINE D(x) = (); +DEFINE MM(v,l) = () + +END (* IFDEF DEBUG *) + +IFDEF PROFILE +THEN DEFINE P(x) = ignore(x); +ELSE DEFINE P(x) = (); +END (* IFDEF DEBUG *) + + + +END (* IFNDEF DEBUG__ML__ *) diff --git a/depend b/depend new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad5505d --- /dev/null +++ b/depend @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +memory.cmo: memory.cmi +memory.cmx: memory.cmi +tag.cmo: tag.cmi +tag.cmx: tag.cmi +tagSet.cmo: tag.cmi tagSet.cmi +tagSet.cmx: tag.cmx tagSet.cmi +tree.cmo: tag.cmi tree.cmi +tree.cmx: tag.cmx tree.cmi +automaton.cmo: tree.cmi tagSet.cmi tag.cmi automaton.cmi +automaton.cmx: tree.cmx tagSet.cmx tag.cmx automaton.cmi +ulexer.cmo: ulexer.cmi +ulexer.cmx: ulexer.cmi +xPath.cmo: ulexer.cmi tree.cmi tagSet.cmi tag.cmi automaton.cmi xPath.cmi +xPath.cmx: ulexer.cmx tree.cmx tagSet.cmx tag.cmx automaton.cmx xPath.cmi +main.cmo: xPath.cmi ulexer.cmi tree.cmi tag.cmi automaton.cmi +main.cmx: xPath.cmx ulexer.cmx tree.cmx tag.cmx automaton.cmx +automaton.cmi: tree.cmi tagSet.cmi +tagSet.cmi: tag.cmi +tree.cmi: tag.cmi +xPath.cmi: tagSet.cmi automaton.cmi diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f66f142 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +type elt = int +type t = int array + +let numbits i = int_of_float (log (float_of_int (i+1)) /. (log 2.)) +let size i = ((numbits i)/63)+1 + +let empty = [| |] + +let add diff --git a/intSet.mli b/intSet.mli new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5d814a --- /dev/null +++ b/intSet.mli @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +include Set.S with type elt = int diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8ca27e --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +INCLUDE "" + +open Automaton +let a = ref None + +let l = ref [] ;; +let time f x = + let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in + let r = f x in + let t2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in + let t = (1000. *.(t2 -. t1)) in + l:= t::!l; + Printf.eprintf " %fms\n%!" t ; + r +;; +let total_time () = List.fold_left (+.) 0. !l;; + +let main filename query output = + Printf.eprintf "Parsing document : %!"; + let v = time Tree.Binary.parse_xml_uri filename in + MM(v,__LOCATION__); + a := Some (v); + a := None; + Printf.eprintf "Parsing query : "; + let query = try + time + XPath.Parser.parse_string query + with + Ulexer.Loc.Exc_located ((x,y),e) -> Printf.eprintf "character %i-%i %s\n" x y (Printexc.to_string e);exit 1 + in + Printf.eprintf "Compiling query : "; + let auto = time XPath.Compile.compile query in + XPath.Ast.print Format.err_formatter query; + Format.eprintf "\n%!"; + + Printf.eprintf "TopDown (No BackTrack) : \n"; + time ( auto) v; + P(Printf.eprintf "Max states in TopDownNOBT : %i\n%!" auto.max_states); + begin + match output with + | None -> () + | Some f -> + + Printf.eprintf "Serializing results : "; + time( fun () -> + let oc = open_out f in + output_string oc "\n"; + BST.iter (fun t -> Tree.Binary.print_xml_fast oc t; + output_string oc "\n------------------"; + output_char oc '\n') auto.result) (); + end; + Printf.eprintf "Total time : %fms\n Coherence : %i\n%!" (total_time()) +;; + + +let argc = Array.length Sys.argv;; +if (argc < 3 || argc >4) +then + (prerr_endline ("usage : " ^ Sys.argv.(0) ^ " \'query\'[ ]"); + exit 1) +;; +main Sys.argv.(1) Sys.argv.(2) (if argc == 4 then Some Sys.argv.(3) else None) ;; + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d005420 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) + +let globals = Hashtbl.create 107 +let cpt = ref 0 + +let register v str = + let _cpt = !cpt in + let f = (* This function must not take v as argument, otherwise + v won't be garbage collected *) + fun _ -> Hashtbl.remove globals _cpt + in + Hashtbl.add globals _cpt str; + incr cpt; + Gc.finalise f v +;; + +let schedule_stats = + let first = ref true in + function () -> if !first + then + let show_leaked_values () = + Printf.eprintf "Memory debugging requested :\n%!"; + Printf.eprintf "Triggering major collection :%!"; + Gc.full_major(); + Printf.eprintf " ok\n%!"; + Printf.eprintf "Triggering memory compaction :%!"; + Gc.compact(); + Printf.eprintf " ok\n%!"; + let i = Hashtbl.length globals in + Printf.eprintf "%i object%s leaked\n%!" i (if i < 2 then "" else "s"); + Hashtbl.iter (fun key msg -> + Printf.printf "Value %i, registered at %s has not been collected\n" key msg) globals + in at_exit show_leaked_values; first := false + else () + diff --git a/memory.mli b/memory.mli new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3531e53 --- /dev/null +++ b/memory.mli @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +val register : 'a -> string -> unit +val schedule_stats : unit -> unit + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2be3ee0 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +(* maybe utf8 string... *) +module T = +struct + type t = string + + (* special tag which denotes attribute nodes, should not be a valid + xml tag name *) + let attribute = "<@>" + (* Likewise for strings *) + let pcdata = "<$>" + + let compare : t -> t -> int = + + let hash (s:t) = + let rec loop acc = function + | -1 -> acc + | n -> loop (( acc lsl 6 ) + (acc lsl 16) - acc + (Char.code s.[n])) (n-1) + + in + loop 0 ((String.length s)-1) + + let equal x y = compare x y == 0 +end + +module HMap = Map.Make (struct type t = int let compare x y = x - y end) +module HTag = +struct +type t = int +let attribute = T.hash T.attribute +let pcdata = T.hash T.pcdata +let pool = ref HMap.empty + +let add_pool s = + let hash = T.hash s in + pool := HMap.add hash s !pool + +let clear_pool () = + pool := HMap.empty; + add_pool ""; + add_pool T.attribute; + add_pool T.pcdata + + +let _ = clear_pool () + + +let tag s = + let hash = T.hash s in + try + let s' = HMap.find hash !pool + in + if s <> s' then + failwith (Printf.sprintf "hash conflict s1=%s, s2=%s, %i" s s' hash) + else hash + with + Not_found -> + add_pool s; + hash + +let compare x y = x - y +let equal = (==) +let hash t = T.hash t +let print fmt t = + Format.fprintf fmt "%s" ( + try + HMap.find t !pool + with + Not_found -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "%i not found!" t)) +let to_string x = HMap.find x !pool + +end +module STag = +struct + type t = string + let attribute = T.attribute + let pcdata = T.pcdata + external tag : string -> t = "%identity" + external clear_pool : unit -> unit = "%identity" + let compare = + let equal = (=) + let print fmt s = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s + external to_string : t -> string = "%identity" + +end + +include HTag +let _ = Callback.register "caml_hash_tag" tag diff --git a/tag.mli b/tag.mli new file mode 100644 index 0000000..766ac93 --- /dev/null +++ b/tag.mli @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +type t +val attribute : t +val pcdata : t +val tag : string -> t +val clear_pool : unit -> unit +val compare : t -> t -> int +val equal : t -> t -> bool +val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit +val to_string : t -> string diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48784a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +module type S = +sig + module S : Set.S + type t = private Finite of S.t | CoFinite of S.t + exception InfiniteTagSet + val empty : t + val any : t + val is_empty : t -> bool + val is_any : t -> bool + val is_finite : t -> bool + val singleton : S.elt -> t + val mem : S.elt -> t -> bool + val add : S.elt -> t -> t + val remove : S.elt -> t -> t + val cup : t -> t -> t + val cap : t -> t -> t + val diff : t -> t -> t + val neg : t -> t + val compare : t -> t -> int + val subset : t -> t -> bool + val kind_split : t list -> t * t + val fold : (S.elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a + val for_all : (S.elt -> bool) -> t -> bool + val exists : (S.elt -> bool) -> t -> bool + val filter : (S.elt -> bool) -> t -> S.t + val partition : (S.elt -> bool) -> t -> S.t * S.t + val cardinal : t -> int + val elements : t -> S.elt list + val from_list : S.elt list -> t + val choose : t -> S.elt +end + +module Make (Symbol : Set.OrderedType) = +struct + module S = Set.Make(Symbol) + type t = Finite of S.t | CoFinite of S.t + + exception InfiniteTagSet + + let empty = Finite S.empty + let any = CoFinite S.empty + + let is_empty = function + Finite s when S.is_empty s -> true + | _ -> false + let is_any = function + CoFinite s when S.is_empty s -> true + | _ -> false + let is_finite = function + | Finite _ -> true | _ -> false + + let mem x = function Finite s -> S.mem x s + | CoFinite s -> not (S.mem x s) + + let singleton x = Finite (S.singleton x) + let add e = function + | Finite s -> Finite (S.add e s) + | CoFinite s -> CoFinite (S.remove e s) + let remove e = function + | Finite s -> Finite (S.remove e s) + | CoFinite s -> CoFinite (S.add e s) + + let cup s t = match (s,t) with + | Finite s, Finite t -> Finite (S.union s t) + | CoFinite s, CoFinite t -> CoFinite ( S.inter s t) + | Finite s, CoFinite t -> CoFinite (S.diff t s) + | CoFinite s, Finite t-> CoFinite (S.diff s t) + + let cap s t = match (s,t) with + | Finite s, Finite t -> Finite (S.inter s t) + | CoFinite s, CoFinite t -> CoFinite (S.union s t) + | Finite s, CoFinite t -> Finite (S.diff s t) + | CoFinite s, Finite t-> Finite (S.diff t s) + + let diff s t = match (s,t) with + | Finite s, Finite t -> Finite (S.diff s t) + | Finite s, CoFinite t -> Finite(S.inter s t) + | CoFinite s, Finite t -> CoFinite(S.union t s) + | CoFinite s, CoFinite t -> Finite (S.diff t s) + + let neg = function + | Finite s -> CoFinite s + | CoFinite s -> Finite s + + let compare s t = match (s,t) with + | Finite s , Finite t -> s t + | CoFinite s , CoFinite t -> s t + | Finite _, CoFinite _ -> -1 + | CoFinite _, Finite _ -> 1 + + let subset s t = match (s,t) with + | Finite s , Finite t -> S.subset s t + | CoFinite s , CoFinite t -> S.subset t s + | Finite s, CoFinite t -> S.is_empty (S.inter s t) + | CoFinite _, Finite _ -> false + + (* given a list l of type t list, + returns two sets (f,c) where : + - f is the union of all the finite sets of l + - c is the union of all the cofinite sets of l + - f and c are disjoint + Invariant : cup f c = List.fold_left cup empty l + + We treat the CoFinite part explicitely : + *) + + let kind_split l = + + let rec next_finite_cofinite facc cacc = function + | [] -> Finite facc, CoFinite (S.diff cacc facc) + | Finite s ::r -> next_finite_cofinite (S.union s facc) cacc r + | CoFinite _ ::r when S.is_empty cacc -> next_finite_cofinite facc cacc r + | CoFinite s ::r -> next_finite_cofinite facc (S.inter cacc s) r + in + let rec first_cofinite facc = function + | [] -> empty,empty + | Finite s :: r-> first_cofinite (S.union s facc) r + | CoFinite s :: r -> next_finite_cofinite facc s r + in + first_cofinite S.empty l + + let fold f t a = match t with + | Finite s -> S.fold f s a + | CoFinite _ -> raise InfiniteTagSet + + let for_all f = function + | Finite s -> S.for_all f s + | CoFinite _ -> raise InfiniteTagSet + + let exists f = function + | Finite s -> S.exists f s + | CoFinite _ -> raise InfiniteTagSet + + let filter f = function + | Finite s -> S.filter f s + | CoFinite _ -> raise InfiniteTagSet + + let partition f = function + | Finite s -> S.partition f s + | CoFinite _ -> raise InfiniteTagSet + + let cardinal = function + | Finite s -> S.cardinal s + | CoFinite _ -> raise InfiniteTagSet + + let elements = function + | Finite s -> S.elements s + | CoFinite _ -> raise InfiniteTagSet + + let from_list l = + Finite(List.fold_left (fun x a -> S.add a x ) S.empty l) + + let choose = function + Finite s -> S.choose s + | _ -> raise InfiniteTagSet + +end + +module Xml = +struct + include Make(Tag) + let star = diff any (from_list [ Tag.pcdata; Tag.attribute ]) + let node = remove Tag.attribute any + let pcdata = singleton Tag.pcdata + let attribute = singleton Tag.attribute +end diff --git a/tagSet.mli b/tagSet.mli new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f68849 --- /dev/null +++ b/tagSet.mli @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +module type S = +sig + module S : Set.S + type t = private Finite of S.t | CoFinite of S.t + exception InfiniteTagSet + val empty : t + val any : t + val is_empty : t -> bool + val is_any : t -> bool + val is_finite : t -> bool + val singleton : S.elt -> t + val mem : S.elt -> t -> bool + val add : S.elt -> t -> t + val remove : S.elt -> t -> t + val cup : t -> t -> t + val cap : t -> t -> t + val diff : t -> t -> t + val neg : t -> t + val compare : t -> t -> int + val subset : t -> t -> bool + val kind_split : t list -> t * t + val fold : (S.elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a + val for_all : (S.elt -> bool) -> t -> bool + val exists : (S.elt -> bool) -> t -> bool + val filter : (S.elt -> bool) -> t -> S.t + val partition : (S.elt -> bool) -> t -> S.t * S.t + val cardinal : t -> int + val elements : t -> S.elt list + val from_list : S.elt list -> t + val choose : t -> S.elt + +end + +module Make (Symbol : Set.OrderedType) : S with type S.elt = Symbol.t + +module Xml : +sig + include S with type S.elt = Tag.t + val star : t + val pcdata : t + val attribute : t + val node : t +end diff --git a/tests/a.dtd b/tests/a.dtd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9b82ca --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/a.dtd @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/tests/base.xml b/tests/base.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3eb6345 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/base.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4688 @@ + + + + + + + pc101 + Generic 101-key PC + Generic + + + + + pc102 + Generic 102-key (Intl) PC + Generic + + + + + pc104 + Generic 104-key PC + Generic + + + + + pc105 + Generic 105-key (Intl) PC + Generic + + + + + dell101 + Dell 101-key PC + Dell + + + + + latitude + Dell Latitude series laptop + Dell + + + + + dellm65 + Dell Precision M65 + Dell + + + + + everex + Everex STEPnote + Everex + + + + + flexpro + Keytronic FlexPro + Keytronic + + + + + microsoft + Microsoft Natural + Microsoft Inc. + + + + + omnikey101 + Northgate OmniKey 101 + Northgate + + + + + winbook + Winbook Model XP5 + Generic + + + + + jp106 + Japanese 106-key + Generic + + + + + pc98 + PC-98xx Series + Generic + + + + + a4techKB21 + A4Tech KB-21 + A4Tech + + + + + a4techKBS8 + A4Tech KBS-8 + A4Tech + + + + + a4_rfkb23 + A4Tech Wireless Desktop RFKB-23 + A4Tech + + + + + abnt2 + Brazilian ABNT2 + Generic + + + + + airkey + Acer AirKey V + Acer + + + + + acpi + ACPI Standard + Generic + + + + + azonaRF2300 + Azona RF2300 wireless Internet Keyboard + Azona + + + + + scorpius + Advance Scorpius KI + Scorpius + + + + + brother + Brother Internet Keyboard + Brother + + + + + btc5113rf + BTC 5113RF Multimedia + BTC + + + + + btc5126t + BTC 5126T + BTC + + + + + btc6301urf + BTC 6301URF + BTC + + + + + btc9000 + BTC 9000 + BTC + + + + + btc9000a + BTC 9000A + BTC + + + + + btc9001ah + BTC 9001AH + BTC + + + + + btc5090 + BTC 5090 + BTC + + + + + btc9019u + BTC 9019U + BTC + + + + + cherryblue + Cherry Blue Line CyBo@rd + + + + + cherryblueb + Cherry CyMotion Master XPress + Cherry + + + + + cherrybluea + Cherry Blue Line CyBo@rd (alternate option) + Cherry + + + + + cherrycyboard + Cherry CyBo@rd USB-Hub + Cherry + + + + + chicony + Chicony Internet Keyboard + Chicony + + + + + chicony0108 + Chicony KU-0108 + Chicony + + + + + chicony9885 + Chicony KB-9885 + Chicony + + + + + compaqeak8 + Compaq Easy Access Keyboard + Compaq + + + + + compaqik7 + Compaq Internet Keyboard (7 keys) + Compaq + + + + + compaqik13 + Compaq Internet Keyboard (13 keys) + Compaq + + + + + compaqik18 + Compaq Internet Keyboard (18 keys) + Compaq + + + + + cymotionlinux + Cherry CyMotion Master Linux + Cherry + + + + + armada + Laptop/notebook Compaq (eg. Armada) Laptop Keyboard + Compaq + + + + + presario + Laptop/notebook Compaq (eg. Presario) Internet Keyboard + Compaq + + + + + ipaq + Compaq iPaq Keyboard + Compaq + + + + + dell + Dell + Dell + + + + + dellsk8125 + Dell SK-8125 + Dell + + + + + dellsk8135 + Dell SK-8135 + Dell + + + + + dellusbmm + Dell USB Multimedia Keyboard + Dell + + + + + inspiron + Dell Laptop/notebook Inspiron 6xxx/8xxx + Dell + + + + + precision_m + Dell Laptop/notebook Precision M series + Dell + + + + + dexxa + Dexxa Wireless Desktop Keyboard + Dexxa + + + + + diamond + Diamond 9801 / 9802 series + Diamond + + + + + dtk2000 + DTK2000 + + + + + ennyah_dkb1008 + Ennyah DKB-1008 + Ennyah + + + + + fscaa1667g + Fujitsu-Siemens Computers AMILO A1667G laptop + Fujitsu-Siemens + + + + + genius + Genius Comfy KB-16M / Genius MM Keyboard KWD-910 + Genius + + + + + geniuscomfy + Genius Comfy KB-12e + Genius + + + + + geniuscomfy2 + Genius Comfy KB-21e-Scroll + Genius + + + + + geniuskb19e + Genius KB-19e NB + Genius + + + + + gyration + Gyration + Gyration + + + + + logitech_base + Logitech Generic Keyboard + Logitech + + + + + logitech_g15 + Logitech G15 extra keys via G15daemon + Logitech + + + + + hpi6 + Hewlett-Packard Internet Keyboard + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + hp2501 + Hewlett-Packard SK-2501 Multimedia Keyboard + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + hp2505 + Hewlett-Packard SK-2505 Internet Keyboard + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + hpxe3gc + Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XE3 GC + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + hpxe3gf + Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XE3 GF + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + hpxt1000 + Hewlett-Packard Omnibook XT1000 + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + hpzt11xx + Hewlett-Packard Pavilion ZT11xx + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + hp500fa + Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 500 FA + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + hp5xx + Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 5xx + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + hp5181 + Hewlett-Packard Internet Keyboard 5181 + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + hp5185 + Hewlett-Packard Internet Keyboard 5185 + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + hpnx9020 + Hewlett-Packard nx9020 + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + hp6000 + Hewlett-Packard Omnibook 6000/6100 + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + honeywell_euroboard + Honeywell Euroboard + Hewlett-Packard + + + + + rapidaccess + IBM Rapid Access + IBM + + + + + rapidaccess2 + IBM Rapid Access II + IBM + + + + + rapidaccess2a + IBM Rapid Access II (alternate option) + IBM + + + + + thinkpad + IBM ThinkPad 560Z/600/600E/A22E + IBM + + + + + thinkpadintl + IBM ThinkPad 560Z/600/600E/A22E, Intl + IBM + + + + + thinkpad60 + IBM ThinkPad R60/T60/R61/T61 + IBM + + + + + thinkpadz60 + IBM ThinkPad Z60m/Z60t/Z61m/Z61t + IBM + + + + + ibm_spacesaver + IBM Space Saver + IBM + + + + + logiaccess + Logitech Access Keyboard + Logitech + + + + + logiclx300 + Logitech Cordless Desktop LX-300 + Logitech + + + + + logii350 + Logitech Internet 350 Keyboard + Logitech + + + + + logimel + Logitech Media Elite Keyboard + Logitech + + + + + logicd + Logitech Cordless Desktop + Logitech + + + + + logicd_it + Logitech Cordless Desktop iTouch + Logitech + + + + + logicd_nav + Logitech Cordless Desktop Navigator + Logitech + + + + + logicd_opt + Logitech Cordless Desktop Optical + Logitech + + + + + logicda + Logitech Cordless Desktop (alternate option) + Logitech + + + + + logicdpa2 + Logitech Cordless Desktop Pro (alternate option2) + Logitech + + + + + logicfn + Logitech Cordless Freedom/Desktop Navigator + Logitech + + + + + logicdn + Logitech Cordless Desktop Navigator + Logitech + + + + + logiitc + Logitech iTouch Cordless Keyboard (model Y-RB6) + Logitech + + + + + logiik + Logitech Internet Keyboard + Logitech + + + + + itouch + Logitech iTouch + Logitech + + + + + logicink + Logitech Internet Navigator Keyboard + Logitech + + + + + logiex110 + Logitech Cordless Desktop EX110 + Logitech + + + + + logiinkse + Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator Keyboard SE + Logitech + + + + + logiinkseusb + Logitech iTouch Internet Navigator Keyboard SE (USB) + Logitech + + + + + logiultrax + Logitech Ultra-X Keyboard + Logitech + + + + + logiultraxc + Logitech Ultra-X Cordless Media Desktop Keyboard + Logitech + + + + + logidinovo + Logitech diNovo Keyboard + Logitech + + + + + logidinovoedge + Logitech diNovo Edge Keyboard + Logitech + + + + + mx1998 + Memorex MX1998 + Memorex + + + + + mx2500 + Memorex MX2500 EZ-Access Keyboard + Memorex + + + + + mx2750 + Memorex MX2750 + Memorex + + + + + microsoft7000 + Microsoft Natural Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard 7000 + Microsoft Inc. + + + + + microsoftinet + Microsoft Internet Keyboard + Microsoft Inc. + + + + + microsoftpro + Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro / Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro + Microsoft Inc. + + + + + microsoftprousb + Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro USB / Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro + Microsoft Inc. + + + + + microsoftprooem + Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro OEM + Microsoft Inc. + + + + + vsonku306 + ViewSonic KU-306 Internet Keyboard + ViewSonic + + + + + microsoftprose + Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro, Swedish + Microsoft Inc. + + + + + microsoftoffice + Microsoft Office Keyboard + Microsoft Inc. + + + + + microsoftmult + Microsoft Wireless Multimedia Keyboard 1.0A + Microsoft Inc. + + + + + microsoftelite + Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite + Microsoft Inc. + + + + + oretec + Ortek MCK-800 MM/Internet keyboard + Ortek + + + + + propeller + Propeller Voyager (KTEZ-1000) + KeyTronic + + + + + qtronix + QTronix Scorpius 98N+ + QTronix + + + + + samsung4500 + Samsung SDM 4500P + Samsung + + + + + samsung4510 + Samsung SDM 4510P + Samsung + + + + + sk1300 + SK-1300 + NEC + + + + + sk2500 + SK-2500 + NEC + + + + + sk6200 + SK-6200 + NEC + + + + + sk7100 + SK-7100 + NEC + + + + + sp_inet + Super Power Multimedia Keyboard + Generic + + + + + sven + SVEN Ergonomic 2500 + SVEN + + + + + symplon + Symplon PaceBook (tablet PC) + Symplon + + + + + toshiba_s3000 + Toshiba Satellite S3000 + Toshiba + + + + + trust + Trust Wireless Keyboard Classic + Trust + + + + + trustda + Trust Direct Access Keyboard + Trust + + + + + yahoo + Yahoo! Internet Keyboard + Yahoo! + + + + + macbook78 + MacBook/MacBook Pro + Apple + + + + + macbook79 + MacBook/MacBook Pro (Intl) + Apple + + + + + macintosh + Macintosh + Apple + + + + + macintosh_old + Macintosh Old + Apple + + + + + macintosh_hhk + Happy Hacking Keyboard for Mac + Fujitsu + + + + + acer_c300 + Acer C300 + Acer + + + + + acer_ferrari4k + Acer Ferrari 4000 + Acer + + + + + acer_laptop + Acer Laptop + Acer + + + + + asus_laptop + Asus Laptop + Asus + + + + + apple + Apple + Apple + + + + + apple_laptop + Apple Laptop + Apple + + + + + silvercrest + SILVERCREST Multimedia Wireless Keyboard + Silvercrest + + + + + emachines + Laptop/notebook eMachines m68xx + eMachines + + + + + kr106 + Korean 106-key + Generic + + + + + evdev + Evdev-managed keyboard + Generic + + + + + benqx + BenQ X-Touch + BenQ + + + + + benqx730 + BenQ X-Touch 730 + BenQ + + + + + benqx800 + BenQ X-Touch 800 + BenQ + + + + + hhk + Happy Hacking Keyboard + Fujitsu + + + + + classmate + Classmate PC + Intel + + + + + olpc + OLPC + OLPC + + + + + sun6 + Sun Type 5/6 + Sun Microsystems + + + + + + + us + USA + USA + eng + + + + + chr + Cherokee + chr + + + + + euro + With EuroSign on 5 + + + + + intl + International (with dead keys) + + + + + alt-intl + Alternative international (former us_intl) + + + + + colemak + Colemak + + + + + dvorak + Dvorak + + + + + dvorak-intl + Dvorak international + + + + + dvorak-l + Left handed Dvorak + + + + + dvorak-r + Right handed Dvorak + + + + + dvorak-classic + Classic Dvorak + + + + + dvp + Programmer Dvorak + + + + + rus + Russian phonetic + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + altgr-intl + International (AltGr dead keys) + eng + fra + ger + + + + + olpc2 + Group toggle on multiply/divide key + + + + + + + ad + And + Andorra + cat + + + + + + af + Afg + Afghanistan + + + + + ps + Pashto + pus + + + + + uz + Southern Uzbek + uzb + + + + + olpc-ps + OLPC Pashto + pus + + + + + olpc-fa + OLPC Dari + + + + + + olpc-uz + OLPC Southern Uzbek + uzb + + + + + + + ara + Ara + Arabic + + AE + BH + DZ + EG + EH + JO + KW + LB + LY + MA + MR + OM + PS + QA + SA + SD + SY + TN + YE + + ara + + + + + azerty + azerty + + + + + azerty_digits + azerty/digits + + + + + digits + digits + + + + + qwerty + qwerty + + + + + qwerty_digits + qwerty/digits + + + + + buckwalter + Buckwalter + + + + + + + al + Alb + Albania + alb + + + + + + am + Arm + Armenia + hye + + + + + phonetic + Phonetic + + + + + phonetic-alt + Alternative Phonetic + + + + + eastern + Eastern + + + + + western + Western + + + + + eastern-alt + Alternative Eastern + + + + + + + az + Aze + Azerbaijan + aze + + + + + cyrillic + Cyrillic + + + + + + + by + Blr + Belarus + bel + + + + + winkeys + Winkeys + + + + + latin + Latin + + + + + + + be + Bel + Belgium + ger + fra + + + + + iso-alternate + ISO Alternate + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + sundeadkeys + Sun dead keys + + + + + wang + Wang model 724 azerty + + + + + + + bd + Ban + Bangladesh + ben + + + + + probhat + Probhat + + + + + + + in + Ind + India + + + + + ben + Bengali + ben + + + + + ben_probhat + Bengali Probhat + ben + + + + + guj + Gujarati + guj + + + + + guru + Gurmukhi + pan + + + + + jhelum + Gurmukhi Jhelum + pan + + + + + kan + Kannada + kan + + + + + mal + Malayalam + mal + + + + + mal_lalitha + Malayalam Lalitha + mal + + + + + ori + Oriya + ori + + + + + tam_unicode + Tamil Unicode + tam + + + + + tam_TAB + Tamil TAB Typewriter + tam + + + + + tam_TSCII + Tamil TSCII Typewriter + tam + + + + + tam + Tamil + tam + + + + + tel + Telugu + tel + + + + + urd + Urdu + urd + + + + + bolnagri + Hindi Bolnagri + hin + + + + + + + ba + Bih + Bosnia and Herzegovina + bos + + + + + alternatequotes + Use guillemets for quotes + + + + + unicode + Use Bosnian digraphs + + + + + unicodeus + US keyboard with Bosnian digraphs + + + + + us + US keyboard with Bosnian letters + + + + + + + br + Bra + Brazil + por + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + dvorak + Dvorak + + + + + nativo + Nativo + + + + + nativo-us + Nativo for USA keyboards + + + + + nativo-epo + Nativo for Esperanto + epo + + + + + + + bg + Bgr + Bulgaria + bul + + + + + phonetic + Phonetic + + + + + + + ma + Morocco + + + + + french + French + fra + + + + + tifinagh + Tifinagh + ber + + + + + tifinagh-alt + Tifinagh Alternative + ber + + + + + tifinagh-alt-phonetic + Tifinagh Alternative Phonetic + ber + + + + + tifinagh-extended + Tifinagh Extended + ber + + + + + tifinagh-phonetic + Tifinagh Phonetic + ber + + + + + tifinagh-extended-phonetic + Tifinagh Extended Phonetic + ber + + + + + + + mm + Mmr + Myanmar + mya + + + + + + ca + Can + Canada + fra + + + + + fr-dvorak + French Dvorak + + + + + fr-legacy + French (legacy) + + + + + multix + Multilingual + + + + + multi + Multilingual, first part + + + + + multi-2gr + Multilingual, second part + + + + + ike + Inuktitut + iku + + + + + shs + Secwepemctsin + + + + + + kut + Ktunaxa + + + + + + + cd + DRC + Congo, Democratic Republic of the + fra + + + + + + cn + China + China + chi + + + + + tib + Tibetan + tib + + + + + tib_asciinum + Tibetan (with ASCII numerals) + tib + + + + + + + hr + Hrv + Croatia + scr + + + + + alternatequotes + Use guillemets for quotes + + + + + unicode + Use Croatian digraphs + + + + + unicodeus + US keyboard with Croatian digraphs + + + + + us + US keyboard with Croatian letters + + + + + + + cz + Cze + Czechia + cze + + + + + bksl + With <\|> key + + + + + qwerty + qwerty + + + + + qwerty_bksl + qwerty, extended Backslash + + + + + + + dk + Dan + Denmark + dan + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + mac_nodeadkeys + Macintosh, eliminate dead keys + + + + + dvorak + Dvorak + + + + + + + nl + Nld + Netherlands + nld + + + + + sundeadkeys + Sun dead keys + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + std + Standard + + + + + + + bt + Bhu + Bhutan + dzo + + + + + ee + Est + Estonia + est + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + dvorak + Dvorak + + + + + us + US keyboard with Estonian letters + + + + + + + ir + Irn + Iran + per + + + + + pro + Pro + + + + + keypad + Keypad + + + + + pro_keypad + Pro Keypad + + + + + ku + Kurdish, Latin Q + kur + + + + + ku_f + Kurdish, (F) + kur + + + + + ku_alt + Kurdish, Latin Alt-Q + kur + + + + + ku_ara + Kurdish, Arabic-Latin + kur + + + + + + + iq + Irq + Iraq + ara + kur + + + + + ku + Kurdish, Latin Q + kur + + + + + ku_f + Kurdish, (F) + kur + + + + + ku_alt + Kurdish, Latin Alt-Q + kur + + + + + ku_ara + Kurdish, Arabic-Latin + kur + + + + + + + fo + Fao + Faroe Islands + fao + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + + + fi + Fin + Finland + fin + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + smi + Northern Saami + smi + + + + + classic + Classic + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + + + fr + Fra + France + fra + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + sundeadkeys + Sun dead keys + + + + + oss + Alternative + + + + + oss_latin9 + Alternative, latin-9 only + + + + + oss_nodeadkeys + Alternative, eliminate dead keys + + + + + oss_sundeadkeys + Alternative, Sun dead keys + + + + + latin9 + (Legacy) Alternative + + + + + latin9_nodeadkeys + (Legacy) Alternative, eliminate dead keys + + + + + latin9_sundeadkeys + (Legacy) Alternative, Sun dead keys + + + + + bepo + Bepo, ergonomic, Dvorak way + + + + + bepo_latin9 + Bepo, ergonomic, Dvorak way, latin-9 only + + + + + dvorak + Dvorak + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + geo + Georgian AZERTY Tskapo + geo + + + + + + + gh + Gha + Ghana + eng + + + + + generic + Multilingual + + + + + akan + Akan + aka + + + + + ewe + Ewe + ewe + + + + + fula + Fula + ful + + + + + ga + Ga + gaa + + + + + hausa + Hausa + hau + + + + + + + gn + Gui + Guinea + fra + + + + + + ge + Geo + Georgia + geo + + + + + ergonomic + Ergonomic + + + + + mess + MESS + + + + + ru + Russian + rus + + + + + os + Ossetian + oss + + + + + + + de + Deu + Germany + ger + + + + + deadacute + Dead acute + + + + + deadgraveacute + Dead grave acute + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + ro + Romanian keyboard with German letters + + + + + ro_nodeadkeys + Romanian keyboard with German letters, eliminate dead keys + + + + + dvorak + Dvorak + + + + + sundeadkeys + Sun dead keys + + + + + neo + Neostyle + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + mac_nodeadkeys + Macintosh, eliminate dead keys + + + + + + + gr + Gre + Greece + gre + + + + + extended + Extended + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + polytonic + Polytonic + + + + + + + hu + Hun + Hungary + hun + + + + + standard + Standard + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + qwerty + qwerty + + + + + + + 101_qwertz_comma_dead + 101/qwertz/comma/Dead keys + + + + + 101_qwertz_comma_nodead + 101/qwertz/comma/Eliminate dead keys + + + + + 101_qwertz_dot_dead + 101/qwertz/dot/Dead keys + + + + + 101_qwertz_dot_nodead + 101/qwertz/dot/Eliminate dead keys + + + + + 101_qwerty_comma_dead + 101/qwerty/comma/Dead keys + + + + + 101_qwerty_comma_nodead + 101/qwerty/comma/Eliminate dead keys + + + + + 101_qwerty_dot_dead + 101/qwerty/dot/Dead keys + + + + + 101_qwerty_dot_nodead + 101/qwerty/dot/Eliminate dead keys + + + + + + + + 102_qwertz_comma_dead + 102/qwertz/comma/Dead keys + + + + + 102_qwertz_comma_nodead + 102/qwertz/comma/Eliminate dead keys + + + + + 102_qwertz_dot_dead + 102/qwertz/dot/Dead keys + + + + + 102_qwertz_dot_nodead + 102/qwertz/dot/Eliminate dead keys + + + + + 102_qwerty_comma_dead + 102/qwerty/comma/Dead keys + + + + + 102_qwerty_comma_nodead + 102/qwerty/comma/Eliminate dead keys + + + + + 102_qwerty_dot_dead + 102/qwerty/dot/Dead keys + + + + + 102_qwerty_dot_nodead + 102/qwerty/dot/Eliminate dead keys + + + + + + + is + Isl + Iceland + ice + + + + + Sundeadkeys + Sun dead keys + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + dvorak + Dvorak + + + + + + + il + Isr + Israel + heb + + + + + lyx + lyx + + + + + phonetic + Phonetic + + + + + biblical + Biblical Hebrew (Tiro) + + + + + + + it + Ita + Italy + ita + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + geo + Georgian + geo + + + + + + + jp + Jpn + Japan + jpn + + + + + kana + Kana + + + + + OADG109A + OADG 109A + + + + + + + kg + Kir + Kyrgyzstan + kir + + + + + + kh + Khm + Cambodia + khm + + + + + + kz + Kaz + Kazakhstan + kaz + + + + + ruskaz + Russian with Kazakh + kaz + rus + + + + + kazrus + Kazakh with Russian + kaz + rus + + + + + + + la + Lao + Laos + lao + + + + + + latam + LAm + Latin American + + AR + BO + CL + CO + CR + CU + DO + EC + GT + HN + HT + MX + NI + PA + PE + PR + PY + UY + VE + + spa + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + sundeadkeys + Sun dead keys + + + + + + + lt + Ltu + Lithuania + lit + + + + + std + Standard + + + + + us + US keyboard with Lithuanian letters + + + + + ibm + IBM (LST 1205-92) + + + + + lekp + LEKP + + + + + lekpa + LEKPa + + + + + balticplus + Baltic+ + + + + + + + lv + Lav + Latvia + lav + + + + + apostrophe + Apostrophe (') variant + + + + + tilde + Tilde (~) variant + + + + + fkey + F-letter (F) variant + + + + + + + mao + Mao + Maori + mao + + + + + + me + MNE + Montenegro + srp + + + + + cyrillic + Cyrillic + + + + + cyrillicyz + Cyrillic, Z and ZHE swapped + + + + + latinunicode + Latin unicode + + + + + latinyz + Latin qwerty + + + + + latinunicodeyz + Latin unicode qwerty + + + + + cyrillicalternatequotes + Cyrillic with guillemets + + + + + latinalternatequotes + Latin with guillemets + + + + + + + mk + Mkd + Macedonia + mkd + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + + + mt + Mlt + Malta + mlt + + + + + us + Maltese keyboard with US layout + + + + + + + mn + Mng + Mongolia + mng + + + + + + no + Nor + Norway + nor + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + dvorak + Dvorak + + + + + smi + Northern Saami + sme + + + + + smi_nodeadkeys + Northern Saami, eliminate dead keys + sme + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + mac_nodeadkeys + Macintosh, eliminate dead keys + + + + + + + pl + Pol + Poland + pol + + + + + qwertz + qwertz + + + + + dvorak + Dvorak + + + + + dvorak_quotes + Dvorak, Polish quotes on quotemark key + + + + + dvorak_altquotes + Dvorak, Polish quotes on key "1/!" + + + + + csb + Kashubian + csb + + + + + ru_phonetic_dvorak + Russian phonetic Dvorak + rus + + + + + + + pt + Prt + Portugal + por + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + sundeadkeys + Sun dead keys + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + mac_nodeadkeys + Macintosh, eliminate dead keys + + + + + mac_sundeadkeys + Macintosh, Sun dead keys + + + + + nativo + Nativo + + + + + nativo-us + Nativo for USA keyboards + + + + + nativo-epo + Nativo for Esperanto + epo + + + + + + + ro + Rou + Romania + rum + + + + + cedilla + Cedilla + + + + + std + Standard + + + + + std_cedilla + Standard (Cedilla) + + + + + winkeys + Winkeys + + + + + + + ru + Rus + Russia + rus + + + + + phonetic + Phonetic + + + + + typewriter + Typewriter + + + + + legacy + Legacy + + + + + tt + Tatar + tat + + + + + os_legacy + Ossetian, legacy + oss + + + + + os_winkeys + Ossetian, Winkeys + oss + + + + + cv + Chuvash + chv + + + + + cv_latin + Chuvash Latin + chv + + + + + udm + Udmurt + udm + + + + + kom + Komi + kom + + + + + sah + Yakut + sah + + + + + + + rs + SRB + Serbia + srp + + + + + yz + Z and ZHE swapped + + + + + latin + Latin + + + + + latinunicode + Latin Unicode + + + + + latinyz + Latin qwerty + + + + + latinunicodeyz + Latin Unicode qwerty + + + + + alternatequotes + With guillemets + + + + + latinalternatequotes + Latin with guillemets + + + + + + + si + Svn + Slovenia + slv + + + + + alternatequotes + Use guillemets for quotes + + + + + unicode + Use Slovenian digraphs + + + + + unicodeus + US keyboard with Slovenian digraphs + + + + + us + US keyboard with Slovenian letters + + + + + + + sk + Svk + Slovakia + slo + + + + + bksl + Extended Backslash + + + + + qwerty + qwerty + + + + + qwerty_bksl + qwerty, extended Backslash + + + + + + + es + Esp + Spain + spa + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + sundeadkeys + Sun dead keys + + + + + dvorak + Dvorak + + + + + ast + Asturian variant with bottom-dot H and bottom-dot L + ast + + + + + cat + Catalan variant with middle-dot L + cat + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + + + se + Swe + Sweden + swe + + + + + nodeadkeys + Eliminate dead keys + + + + + dvorak + Dvorak + + + + + rus + Russian phonetic + rus + + + + + rus_nodeadkeys + Russian phonetic, eliminate dead keys + rus + + + + + smi + Northern Saami + sme + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + svdvorak + Svdvorak + + + + + + + ch + Che + Switzerland + ger + gsw + + + + + de_nodeadkeys + German, eliminate dead keys + + + + + de_sundeadkeys + German, Sun dead keys + + + + + fr + French + fra + + + + + fr_nodeadkeys + French, eliminate dead keys + fra + + + + + fr_sundeadkeys + French, Sun dead keys + fra + + + + + fr_mac + French (Macintosh) + fra + + + + + de_mac + German (Macintosh) + + + + + + + sy + Syr + Syria + syr + + + + + syc + Syriac + + + + + syc_phonetic + Syriac phonetic + + + + + ku + Kurdish, Latin Q + kur + + + + + ku_f + Kurdish, (F) + kur + + + + + ku_alt + Kurdish, Latin Alt-Q + kur + + + + + + + tj + Tjk + Tajikistan + tgk + + + + + + lk + SrL + Sri Lanka + sin + + + + + tam_unicode + Tamil Unicode + tam + + + + + tam_TAB + Tamil TAB Typewriter + tam + + + + + + + th + Tha + Thailand + tha + + + + + tis + TIS-820.2538 + + + + + pat + Pattachote + + + + + + + tr + Tur + Turkey + tur + + + + + f + (F) + + + + + alt + Alt-Q + + + + + sundeadkeys + Sun dead keys + + + + + ku + Kurdish, Latin Q + kur + + + + + ku_f + Kurdish, (F) + kur + + + + + ku_alt + Kurdish, Latin Alt-Q + kur + + + + + intl + International (with dead keys) + + + + + + + ua + Ukr + Ukraine + ukr + + + + + phonetic + Phonetic + + + + + typewriter + Typewriter + + + + + winkeys + Winkeys + + + + + unicode + Unicode + + + + + rstu + + Standard RSTU + + + + + rstu_ru + + Standard RSTU on Russian layout + + + + + homophonic + Homophonic + + + + + + + gb + GBr + United Kingdom + eng + + + + + intl + International (with dead keys) + + + + + dvorak + Dvorak + + + + + dvorakukp + Dvorak (UK Punctuation) + + + + + mac + Macintosh + + + + + colemak + Colemak + + + + + + + uz + Uzb + Uzbekistan + uzb + + + + + latin + Latin + + + + + + + vn + Vnm + Vietnam + vie + + + + + + kr + Kor + Korea, Republic of + kor + + + + + kr104 + 101/104 key Compatible + + + + + + + nec_vndr/jp + Jpn + Japan (PC-98xx Series) + JP + jpn + + + + + + ie + Irl + Ireland + eng + + + + + CloGaelach + CloGaelach + gla + + + + + UnicodeExpert + UnicodeExpert + + + + + ogam + Ogham + + + + + + ogam_is434 + Ogham IS434 + + + + + + + + pk + Pak + Pakistan + urd + + + + + ara + Arabic + ara + + + + + + + mv + Mal + Maldives + div + + + + + + za + Zar + South Africa + eng + + + + + epo + Epo + Esperanto + epo + + + + + legacy + displaced semicolon and quote (obsolete) + + + + + + + np + Nep + Nepal + nep + + + + + ng + Nig + Nigeria + eng + + + + + igbo + Igbo + ibo + + + + + yoruba + Yoruba + yor + + + + + hausa + Hausa + hau + + + + + + + et + Eth + Ethiopia + amh + + + + + + braille + Brl + Braille + + + + + left_hand + Left hand + + + + + right_hand + Right hand + + + + + + + + + + grp + Layout switching + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + lv3 + Third level choosers + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ctrl + Ctrl key position + + + + + + + + + + + grp_led + Use keyboard LED to show alternative layout. + + + + + + + + + keypad + Numeric keypad layout selection + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + kpdl + Numeric keypad delete key behaviour + + + + + + + + + + + + caps + CapsLock key behavior + + + + + + + + + + + + + + altwin + Alt/Win key behavior + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Compose key + Compose key position + + + + + + + + + + + + compat + Miscellaneous compatibility options + + + + + + + + + + + + eurosign + Adding the EuroSign to certain keys + + + + + + + + + + nbsp + Using space key to input non-breakable space character + + + + + + + + + + + + + japan + Japanese keyboard options + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/dblp_bht_entity.dtd b/tests/dblp_bht_entity.dtd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77a7c5d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/dblp_bht_entity.dtd @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/calstblx.dtd b/tests/schema/calstblx.dtd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5290040 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/calstblx.dtd @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/catalog.xml b/tests/schema/catalog.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f75c1d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/catalog.xml @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/dbcentx.mod b/tests/schema/dbcentx.mod new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49238b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/dbcentx.mod @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + +]]> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/dbebnf.dtd 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+ + + + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + + +]]> + + + +]]> +]]> +]]> + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ b/tests/schema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25ac4df --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ + -- ...................................................................... -- + -- Catalog data for DocBook XML V4.5 .................................... -- + -- File ..................................................... -- + + -- Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for + changes to the mailing list. For more + information, see + -- + + -- This is the catalog data file for DocBook XML V4.5. It is provided as + a convenience in building your own catalog files. You need not use + the filenames listed here, and need not use the filename method of + identifying storage objects at all. See the documentation for + detailed information on the files associated with the DocBook DTD. + See SGML Open Technical Resolution 9401 for detailed information + on supplying and using catalog data. + -- + + -- ...................................................................... -- + -- DocBook driver file .................................................. -- + +PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" + "docbookx.dtd" + + -- ...................................................................... -- + -- DocBook modules ...................................................... -- + +PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook CALS Table Model V4.5//EN" + "calstblx.dtd" + +PUBLIC "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML HTML Tables V4.5//EN" + "htmltblx.mod" + +PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN" + "soextblx.dtd" + +PUBLIC "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Information Pool V4.5//EN" + "dbpoolx.mod" + +PUBLIC "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Document Hierarchy V4.5//EN" + "dbhierx.mod" + +PUBLIC "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Additional General Entities V4.5//EN" + "dbgenent.mod" + +PUBLIC "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Notations V4.5//EN" + "dbnotnx.mod" + +PUBLIC "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Character Entities V4.5//EN" + "dbcentx.mod" + + -- ...................................................................... -- + -- ISO entity sets ...................................................... -- + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN//XML" + "ent/isodia.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML" + "ent/isonum.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN//XML" + "ent/isopub.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN//XML" + "ent/isotech.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML" + "ent/isolat1.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 2//EN//XML" + "ent/isolat2.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN//XML" + "ent/isogrk1.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Monotoniko Greek//EN//XML" + "ent/isogrk2.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Symbols//EN//XML" + "ent/isogrk3.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Alternative Greek Symbols//EN//XML" + "ent/isogrk4.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN//XML" + "ent/isoamsa.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators//EN//XML" + "ent/isoamsb.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Delimiters//EN//XML" + "ent/isoamsc.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//EN//XML" + "ent/isoamsn.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Ordinary//EN//XML" + "ent/isoamso.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Relations//EN//XML" + "ent/isoamsr.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Box and Line Drawing//EN//XML" + "ent/isobox.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Russian Cyrillic//EN//XML" + "ent/isocyr1.ent" + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Non-Russian Cyrillic//EN//XML" + "ent/isocyr2.ent" + + -- End of catalog data for DocBook XML V4.5 ............................. -- + -- ...................................................................... -- diff --git a/tests/schema/docbookx.dtd b/tests/schema/docbookx.dtd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..babaafe --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/docbookx.dtd @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +]]> + + + + + + + + + +]]> +]]> + + + +]]> + + + +]]> + + + + + + +%dbnotn; +]]> + + + + + + + +]]> + +]]> +]]> + + +%dbcent; +]]> + + + + + + + + +%dbpool; +]]> + + + + + + +%rdbmods; +]]> + + + + + +%dbhier; +]]> + + + + + + +%dbgenent; +]]> + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/README b/tests/schema/ent/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0da542 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/README @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +XML Entity Declarations for Characters + +The character entity sets distributed with DocBook XML are direct +copies of the official entities located at + + + +They are distributed for historical compatibility and user convenience. +The DocBook Technical Committee no longer attempts to maintain these +definitions and will periodically update them from the W3C site if and +as they are updated there. + +Please direct all questions or comments about the entities to the +individuals or working groups who maintain the official sets. diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isoamsa.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isoamsa.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dac3e62 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isoamsa.ent @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isoamsb.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isoamsb.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4065b66 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isoamsb.ent @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isoamsc.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isoamsc.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fad417 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isoamsc.ent @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isoamsn.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isoamsn.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddca8d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isoamsn.ent @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isoamso.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isoamso.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..278e4b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isoamso.ent @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isoamsr.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isoamsr.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18e64bf --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isoamsr.ent @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isobox.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isobox.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ae27d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isobox.ent @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isocyr1.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isocyr1.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..364b6d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isocyr1.ent @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isocyr2.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isocyr2.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6432d74 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isocyr2.ent @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isodia.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isodia.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b49c309 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isodia.ent @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isogrk1.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isogrk1.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7826f81 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isogrk1.ent @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isogrk2.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isogrk2.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..726b7dd --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isogrk2.ent @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isogrk3.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isogrk3.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28b5c27 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isogrk3.ent @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isogrk4.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isogrk4.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27c6a51 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isogrk4.ent @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isolat1.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isolat1.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..381bd09 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isolat1.ent @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isolat2.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isolat2.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e91ffdb --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isolat2.ent @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isonum.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isonum.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..884c0c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isonum.ent @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isopub.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isopub.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a117878 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isopub.ent @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/ent/isotech.ent b/tests/schema/ent/isotech.ent new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07e8100 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/ent/isotech.ent @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/htmltblx.mod b/tests/schema/htmltblx.mod new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d822453 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/htmltblx.mod @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +]]> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/soextblx.dtd b/tests/schema/soextblx.dtd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a92e11 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/soextblx.dtd @@ -0,0 +1,321 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/schema/tdg.dtd b/tests/schema/tdg.dtd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f6f42c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/tdg.dtd @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + + + +%dbebnf; diff --git a/tests/schema/xkb.dtd b/tests/schema/xkb.dtd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4452712 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/schema/xkb.dtd @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/test.xml b/tests/test.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfeb539 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/tiny.xml b/tests/tiny.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d5ee85 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tiny.xml @@ -0,0 +1,167296 @@ + + + + +DocBookThe Definitive GuideNormanWalshLeonardMuellnerBobStaytonFrankWillisonDavidFutatoO'Reilly Media, Inc.
October 1999: First Edition.156592-580-72.0.17$Date: 2007-02-05 22:30:05 +0100 (Mon, 05 Feb 2007) $DocBook: The Definitive Guide Copyright +© 2004-2006 Norman Walsh. Portions Copyright © 1999-2003 +O'Reilly Media, Inc.Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this +document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, +Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. +A copy of the license is included in .Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O'Reilly +logo are registered trademarks of O'Reilly Media, Inc. The +association between the image of a duck and the topic of DocBook is a +trademark of O'Reilly Media, Inc. Java and all Java-based +trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun +Microsystems, Inc., in the United States and other countries. O'Reilly +Media, Inc. is independent of Sun Microsystems. +Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to +distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those +designations appear in this book, and O'Reilly Media, Inc. +was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in +caps or initial caps. While every precaution has been taken in the +preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for +errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the +information contained herein. +19992000200120022003O'Reilly Media, Inc. All rights reserved.200420052006Norman Walsh.
+ + + + +$Date: 2002-12-29 20:37:30 +0100 (Sun, 29 Dec 2002) $ +$Revision: 2356 $ + +Preface + +DocBook provides a system for writing structured documents using +SGML or XML. It is particularly well-suited to books and papers +about computer hardware and software, though it is by no means limited +to them. DocBook is a document type definition (DTD). +Because it is a large and robust DTD, and because its +main structures correspond to the general notion of what constitutes a +book, DocBook has been adopted by a large and growing community of +authors. DocBook is supported out of the box by a number +of commercial tools, and support for it is rapidly growing in a number +of free software environments. In short, DocBook is an +easy-to-understand and widely used DTD. Dozens of organizations use +DocBook for millions of pages of documentation, in various print +and online formats, worldwide. + + +Why Read This Book? + +This book is designed to be the clear, concise, normative reference to +the DocBook DTD. This book is the official documentation for the +DocBook DTD. + + +We hope to answer, definitively, all the questions you might +have about all the elements and entities in DocBook. In +particular, we cover the following subjects: + +The general nature of DocBook. With over 300 elements, +DocBook can be a bit overwhelming at first. We quickly get you up to +speed on how the pieces fit together. + +How to write DocBook documents. Where should you start +and what should you do? + +Parsing and validation. After you've written a +document, how can you tell if it really conforms to the DocBook +DTD? + +How to publish DocBook documents. After you've written +one, what do you do with it? We provide a guide to using some popular +free tools to publish DocBook documents both in print and on the +Web. + +Customizing the DTD. Many individuals and +corporations have standardized on the DocBook DTD. Whether your +subject matter is computer software documentation or not, +we explain how you can write a customization layer to +tailor DocBook explicitly for your information. + +Understanding all of the elements. Each element is +extensively documented, including the intended semantics and the +purpose of all its attributes. An example of proper usage is given +for every element. The parameter entities and character entities are +also described. + + +Stylesheets. Several standard stylesheet +languages are briefly described. + +XML compatability. We outline all of the points that +you'll need to consider +as you or your organization contemplate XML for authoring, publishing, or +both. + +Additional resources and a +CD-ROM. Finally, we direct you to other places you +can go for all the latest info, and offer a complete set of online +documentation on the CD-ROM. + + + + + +This Book's Audience + +We expect that most readers will have some familiarity with SGML or +XML. Even if your experience goes no farther than writing a few +HTML pages, you're probably in good shape. Although we provide an +introduction to SGML, XML, and structured markup, this book may +not suffice as your only tutorial about SGML and XML. This +depends, naturally, on your needs and experience. For a list of some +other good resources, consult . + + +Some sections of this book describe tools and applications. For +the most part, these are Microsoft Windows or UNIX applications, +although there's nothing about DocBook that makes it unsuitable for the +Mac or VM/CMS or any other operating system of your +choice. + + + + +Organization of This Book +This book is divided into three parts. Part I: Introduction + is an introduction to structured markup and DocBook: + + + +A quick introduction to structured markup. + + + + +How to make DocBook documents. + + + + +Parsing and validating DocBook documents. + + + + +How to publish DocBook documents. + + + + +How to customize DocBook. + + + + +Part II: Reference + +is a complete reference to every element and parameter entity in +the DocBook V4.1.2 DTD. + + +is a complete reference to every element in the DocBook +V4.1.2 DTD and provides a concise summary of the +parameter entities. For a detailed reference to the parameter +entities, consult the online version available either on the CD-ROM or the +web site. + + + + + + +A reference guide to the DocBook elements. + + + + +A reference guide to the DocBook parameter entities. + + + + +A reference guide to the character entities declared in DocBook. + + + + +Part III: Appendixes discusses other resources: + + + + +How to install DocBook, Jade, and the stylesheets. + + + + +DocBook as XML. + + + + +A guide to DocBook versions, including a summary of the features +expected in future releases. + + + + +Other resources. + + + + +What's on the CD? + + + + +An interchange checklist. Things to consider when you're sharing +DocBook documents with others. + + + + +A Quick Reference to the elements in DocBook. + + + +At the end of this book you'll find a Glossary + and an + +Index. +Index. + + + + +Conventions Used in This Book + + + +Garamond Book is used for element and +attribute names. + + +Constant Willison +is used for program examples, attribute value +literals, start- and end-tags, and source code example text. + + +Constant Willison Oblique is used for +replaceable text or variables. Replaceable text is text +that describes something you're supposed to type, like a +filename, in which the word +filename is a placeholder for the actual filename. + + +Garamond Italic is used for filenames and (in the print version +of the book) URLs. + + +URLs are +presented in parentheses after the name of the resource they describe +in the print version of the book. + + + +Getting This Book + +If you want to hold this book in your hand and flip through its pages, +you have to buy it as you would any other book. You can also get this +book in electronic form, as a DocBook SGML document, and in HTML, +either on the CD that accompanies the bound book or +from this book's web site: +. + + + + +Getting Examples from This Book + +All of the examples are included on the CD-ROM and +online at the book's web site. You can get the most up-to-date +information about this book from the web site: + + + +Getting DocBook + +The DocBook DTD is included on the +CD-ROM. You can get the most up-to-date +version and information about DocBook from the DocBook web page: + + + + +Request for Comments + +Please help us improve future editions of this book by reporting any +errors, inaccuracies, bugs, misleading or confusing statements, and +plain old typos that you find. An online errata list is maintained at + +Email your bug reports and comments to us at + + +Acknowledgements from Norm +This book has been in the works for a long +time. It could not have been completed without the help and +encouragement of a lot of people, most especially my wife, +Deborah, who supported me through the long hours and the late +nights. + + +I also want to thank Lenny for collaborating with me and developing +real prose out of my rough outlines, cryptic email messages, and +scribbled notes. + +A number of people contributed technical feedback as this book +was being written, in particular Terry Allen and Eve Maler. I +owe most of what I know about SGML to them, and to the other +members of the Davenport Group who answered all my questions so +many years ago, especially Jon Bosak, Eduardo Guttentag, and +Murray Maloney. Paul Prescod, Mark Galassi, and Dave Pawson also +provided invaluable feedback on the technical review draft. It's +a better book because of them. + + + +Acknowledgements from Lenny +My gratitude goes back to Dale Dougherty and Terry Allen, who +long ago encouraged me and the production department at O'Reilly to learn +SGML; and to Lar Kaufman, who also made large contributions to my +knowledge and appreciation of SGML. But my greatest debt of thanks goes to +Norm for all that he patiently taught me about DocBook, and for his +supreme graciousness in keeping me a part of this project. + + + +Acknowledgements from Norm and Lenny + +Thanks finally to the great people at O'Reilly who encouraged us to +write it (Frank Willison and Sheryl Avruch), agreed to edit it +(Frank), helped design it (Alicia Cech, who worked on the interior +design, and Edie Freeman, who designed the cover), proofed and +produced it (Chris Maden, Madeline Newell, and David Futato), and +indexed it (Ellen Troutman). + + + + + + + + + + + + +Introduction + + + +$Date: 2002-12-29 21:20:58 +0100 (Sun, 29 Dec 2002) $ +$Revision: 2357 $ + +Getting Started<?lb?>with <acronym>SGML</acronym>/<acronym>XML</acronym> + +SGML + getting started +XML + getting started + +This chapter is intended to provide a quick introduction to structured +markup (SGML and XML). If you're already familiar with SGML or +XML, you only need to skim this chapter. + + +To work with DocBook, you need to understand a few basic concepts of +structured editing in general, and DocBook, in particular. That's +covered here. You also need some concrete experience with the way a +DocBook document is structured. That's covered in the next chapter. + + +<acronym>HTML</acronym> and <acronym>SGML</acronym> vs. <acronym>XML</acronym> + +HTML + XML vs. +Hypertext Markup LanguageHTML +SGML + HTML vs. + +This chapter doesn't assume that you know what HTML is, but if you +do, you have a starting point for understanding structured +markup. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a way of marking up text +and graphics so that the most popular web browsers can interpret +them. HTML consists of a set of markup tags with specific +meanings. Moreover, HTML is a very basic type of SGML markup that +is easy to learn and easy for computer applications to generate. But +the simplicity of HTML is both its virtue and its weakness. Because +of HTML's limitations, web users and programmers have had to extend +and enhance it by a series of customizations and revisions that still +fall short of accommodating current, to say nothing of future, needs. + + + + +SGML, on the other hand, is an international standard that describes +how markup languages are defined. SGML does not consist of +particular tags or the rules for their usage. HTML is an example of +a markup language defined in SGML. + + +XML + HTML and SGML vs. + +XML promises an intelligent improvement over HTML, and +compatibility with it is already being built into the most popular web +browsers. XML is not a new markup language designed to compete with +HTML, and it's not designed to create conversion headaches for people +with tons of HTML documents. XML is intended to alleviate +compatibility problems with browser software; it's a new, easier +version of the standard rules that govern the markup itself, or, in +other words, a new version of SGML. The rules of XML are designed +to make it easier to write both applications that interpret its type +of markup and applications that generate its markup. XML was +developed by a team of SGML experts who understood and sought to +correct the problems of learning and implementing SGML. XML is +also extensible markup, which means that it is +customizable. A browser or word processor that is XML-capable will +be able to read any XML-based markup language that an individual +user defines. + + +In this book, we tend to describe things in terms of SGML, but where +there are differences between SGML and XML (and there are only a +few), we point them out. For our purposes, it doesn't really matter +whether you use SGML or XML. + + +During the coming months, we anticipate that XML-aware web browsers +and other tools will become available. Nevertheless, it's not +unreasonable to do your authoring in SGML and your online publishing +in XML or HTML. By the same token, it's not unreasonable to do +your authoring in XML. + + + +Basic <acronym>SGML</acronym>/<acronym>XML</acronym> Concepts + +SGML + basic concepts +XML + basic concepts + +XML + basic concepts +structured semantic markup languageSGML + +Here are the basic SGML/XML concepts you need to grasp: + +structured, semantic markup + +elements + +attributes + +entities + + + +Structured and Semantic Markup + +appearance + SGML and +structured markup +semantic markup + +An essential characteristic of structured markup is that it explicitly +distinguishes (and accordingly “marks up” within a +document) the structure and semantic content of a document. It does +not mark up the way in which the document will appear to the reader, +in print or otherwise. + + +In the days before word processors it was common for a typed +manuscript to be submitted to a publisher. The manuscript identified +the logical structures of the documents (chapters, section titles, and +so on), but said nothing about its appearance. Working independently +of the author, a designer then developed a specification for the +appearance of the document, and a typesetter marked up and applied the +designer's format to the document. + + +presentationappearance +HTML + appearance, limitions of specification + +Because presentation or appearance is usually based on structure and +content, SGML markup logically precedes and generally determines the +way a document will look to a reader. If you are familiar with strict, +simple HTML markup, you know that a given document that is +structurally the same can also look different on different +computers. That's because the markup does not specify many aspects of +a document's appearance, although it does specify many aspects of a +document's structure. + + +text + formatting +word processors, SGML/XML vs. +Many writers type their text into a word processor, line-by-line and +word-for-word, italicizing technical terms, underlining words for +emphasis, or setting section headers in a font complementary to the +body text, and finally, setting the headers off with a few carriage +returns fore and aft. The format such a writer imposes on the words on +the screen imparts structure to the document by changing its +appearance in ways that a reader can more or less reliably decode. +The reliability depends on how consistently and unambiguously the +changes in type and layout are made. By contrast, an SGML/XML +markup of a section header explicitly specifies that a specific piece +of text is a section header. This assertion does not specify the +presentation or appearance of the section header, but it makes the +fact that the text is a section header completely unambiguous. + + +elements + SGML/XML, using +titles + top-level sections +top-level sections +characters + character sets + SGML documents +ASCII character set +XML + Unicode character set +Unicode character set + XML documents, using + +SGML and XML use named elements, delimited by angle brackets +(“<” and “>”) to identify the markup in a +document. In DocBook, a top-level section is sect1, so the title of a top-level section +named My First-Level Header would be identified +like this: + + +<sect1><title>My First-Level Header</title> + +Note the following features of this markup: + + +Clarity +A title begins with +title and ends with title. The sect1 also has +an ending sect1, but we haven't +shown the whole section so it's not visible. + + + +Hierarchy +“My First-Level +Header” is the title of a top-level section because it occurs +inside a title in a sect1. A +title element occurring somewhere else, say in a +Chapter element, would be the title of the +chapter. + + + +Plain text +SGML documents can have varying character sets, but +most are ASCII. XML documents use the Unicode +character set. This makes SGML and XML documents highly portable +across systems and tools. + + + + +appearance + SGML and +formatting + SGML documents +filenames + tags, specifying +semantic content, SGML marking for + +In an SGML document, there is no obligatory difference between the +size or face of the type in a first-level section header and the title +of a book in a footnote or the first sentence of a body paragraph. All +SGML files are simple text files without font changes or special +characters.Some structured editors apply style to the +document while it's being edited, using fonts and color to make the +editing task easier, but this stylistic information is not stored in +the actual SGML/XML document. Instead, it is provided by the +editing application. Similarly, an SGML document +does not specify the words in a text that are to be set in italic, +bold, or roman type. Instead, SGML marks certain kinds of texts for +their semantic content. For example, if a particular word is the name +of a file, then the tags around it should specify that it is a +filename: + + +Many mail programs read configuration information from the +users filename.mailrcfilename file. + + +stylesheets + SGML documents, specifying appearance +appearance + structure or content vs. +CSS stylesheets +FOSI stylesheets +DSSSL + stylesheets +XSL stylesheets +XML + XSL stylesheets + +If the meaning of a phrase is particularly audacious, it might get +tagged for boldness of thought instead of appearance. An SGML +document contains all the information that a typesetter needs to lay +out and typeset a printed page in the most effective and consistent +way, but it does not specify the layout or the +type.The distinction between appearance or +presentation and structure or content is essential to SGML, but +there is a way to specify the appearance of an SGML document: attach +a stylesheet to it. There are several standards for such stylesheets: +CSS, XSL, FOSIs, +and DSSSL. +See . + + +DocBook DTD + document type definition +declarations + SGML documents +document type definitionsDTDs +tags + names + document type definition +combination rules (DTD) +DTDs +DTDs + DocBookDocBook DTD + + +Not only is the structure of an SGML/XML document explicit, but it +is also carefully controlled. An SGML document makes reference to a +set of declarations—a document type definition +(DTD)—that contains an inventory of tag names and specifies +the combination rules for the various structural and semantic features +that make up a document. What the distinctive features are and how +they should be combined is “arbitrary” in the sense that +almost any selection of features and rules of composition is +theoretically possible. The DocBook DTD chooses a particular set of +features and rules for its users. + + +sections + ordering, DocBook DTD rules (example) +Here is a specific example of how the DocBook DTD works. DocBook +specifies that a third-level section can follow a second-level section +but cannot follow a first-level section without an intervening +second-level section. + + + + + + + +This is valid:<sect1><title>...</title> + <sect2><title>...</title> + <sect3><title>...</title> + ... + </sect3> + </sect2> +</sect1> + +This is not:<sect1><title>...</title> + <sect3><title>...</title> + ... + </sect3> +</sect1> + + + + + + +parsers + validating +validation + SGML documents +DTDs + validating SGML documents against +instance (DocBook document) + +Because an SGML/XML document has an associated DTD that +describes the valid, logical structures of the document, you can test +the logical structure of any particular document against the +DTD. This process is performed by a parser. An +SGML processor must begin by parsing the document and determining if +it is valid, that is, if it conforms to the rules specified in the +DTD. XML processors are not required to +check for validity, but it's always a good idea to check for validity +when authoring. Because you can test and validate the +structure of an SGML/XML document with software, a DocBook +document containing a first-level section followed immediately by a +third-level section will be identified as invalid, meaning that it's +not a valid instance or example of a document +defined by the DocBook DTD. Presumably, a document with a logical +structure won't normally jump from a first- to a third-level section, +so the rule is a safeguard—but not a guarantee—of good +writing, or at the very least, reasonable structure. A parser also +verifies that the names of the tags are correct and that tags +requiring an ending tag have them. This means that a valid document is +also one that should format correctly, without runs of paragraphs +incorrectly appearing in bold type or similar monstrosities that +everyone has seen in print at one time or another. For more +information about SGML/XML parsers, see . + + +In general, adherence to the explicit rules of structure and markup in +a DTD is a useful and reassuring guarantee of consistency and +reliability within documents, across document sets, and over +time. This makes SGML/XML markup particularly desirable to +corporations or governments that have large sets of documents to +manage, but it is a boon to the individual writer as well. + + +How can this markup help you? + +semantic markup + presentation media, different +Semantic markup makes your documents more amenable to interpretation +by software, especially publishing software. You can publish a white +paper, authored as a DocBook Article, in the +following formats: +articles + formats, listed +journal articles + + + +On the Web in HTML + +As a standalone document on 8½×11 paper + +As part of a quarterly journal, in a 6×9 format + + +In Braille + +In audio + + + +You can produce each of these publications from exactly the same +source document using the presentational techniques best suited to +both the content of the document and the presentation medium. This +versatility also frees the author to concentrate on the document +content. For example, as we write this book, we don't know exactly how +O'Reilly will choose to present chapter headings, bulleted lists, +SGML terms, or any of the other semantic features. And we don't +care. It's irrelevant; whatever presentation is chosen, the SGML +sources will be transformed automatically into that style. + + +Semantic markup can relieve the author of other, more significant +burdens as well (after all, careful use of paragraph and character +styles in a word processor document theoretically allows us to change +the presentation independently from the document). Using semantic +markup opens up your documents to a world of possibilities. Documents +become, in a loose sense, databases of information. Programs can +compile, retrieve, and otherwise manipulate the documents in +predictable, useful ways. + + +links + SGML documents, maintaining +elements + linking to references + +Consider the online version of this book: almost every element name +(Article, Book, and so on) is a +hyperlink to the reference page that describes that +element. Maintaining these links by hand would be tedious and might be +unreliable, as well. Instead, every element name is marked as an +element using SGMLTag: a Book is +a sgmltagBooksgmltag. + + +Because each element name in this book is tagged semantically, the +program that produces the online version can determine which +occurrences of the word “book” in the text are actually +references to the Book element. The program can +then automatically generate the appropriate hyperlink when it should. + + +There's one last point to make about the versatility of SGML +documents: how much you have depends on the DTD. If you take a good +photo with a high resolution lens, you can print it and copy it and +scan it and put it on the Web, and it will look good. If you start +with a low-resolution picture it will not survive those +transformations so well. DocBook SGML/XML has this advantage over, +say, HTML: DocBook has specific and unambiguous semantic and +structural markup, because you can convert its documents with ease +into other presentational forms, and search them more precisely. If +you start with HTML, whose markup is at a lower resolution than +DocBook's, your versatility and searchability is substantially +restricted and cannot be improved. + + + +What are the shortcomings to structural authoring? + +There are a few significant shortcomings to structured authoring: + + +It requires a significant change in the authoring +process. Writing structured documents is very different from writing +with a typical word processor, and change is difficult. In particular, +authors don't like giving up control over the appearance of their +words especially now that they have acquired it with the advent of +word processors. But many publishing companies need authors to +relinquish that control, because book design and production remains +their job, not their authors'. + +Because semantics are separate from appearance, in +order to publish an SGML/XML document, a stylesheet or other tool +must create the presentational form from the structural form. Writing +stylesheets is a skill in its own right, and though not every author +among a group of authors has to learn how to write them, someone has +to. + +Authoring tools for SGML documents can generally be +pretty expensive. While it's not entirely unreasonable to edit +SGML/XML documents with a simple text editor, it's a bit tedious +to do so. However, there are a few free tools that are +SGML-aware. The widespread interest in XML may well produce new, +clever, and less expensive XML editing tools. + + + + + + +Elements and Attributes + +elements + attributes +attributes + elements and +elements + attributesattributes +empty elements +end tags + empty elements, not requiring +cross references +entities + SGML/XML markup + +SGML/XML markup consists primarily of +elements, attributes, +and entities. Elements are the terms we have +been speaking about most, like sect1, that describe +a document's content and structure. Most elements are represented by pairs +of tags and +mark the start and end of the construct they surround—for +example, the SGML source for this particular paragraph begins with a +para tag and ends with a para tag. Some elements are +“empty” (such as DocBook's cross-reference element, +xref) and require no end +tag.In XML, this is written as +<xref/>, as we'll see in the section . + + +ID attribute + SGML start tags +tags + identifiers (SGML) +end tags + attributes and +start tags + attribute ID, containing + +Elements can, but don't necessarily, include one or more attributes, +which are additional terms that extend the function or refine the +content of a given element. For instance, in DocBook a sect1 start tag can contain an +identifier—an id +attribute—that will ultimately allow the writer to +cross-reference it or enable a reader to retrieve it. End tags cannot +contain attributes. A sect1 +element with an id attribute +looks like this: + + +<sect1 id="idvalue"> + + +namespaces + XML tags +tags + namespaces (XML) +validation + namespace tags (XML), problems +XML + namespaces, using + +In SGML, the catalog of attributes that can occur on an element is +predefined. You cannot add arbitrary attribute names to an +element. Similarly, the values allowed for each attribute are +predefined. In XML, the use of namespaces may allow you +to add additional attributes to an element, but as of this writing, +there's no way to perform validation on those attributes. + + +SystemItem element + subdividing into URL and email addresses +Role attribute + systemitem tags, subdividing + +The id attribute is one half of a +cross reference. An idref +attribute on another element, for example xref linkend=”idvalue” +, provides the other half. These attributes provide whatever +application might process the SGML source with the data needed +either to make a hypertext link or to substitute a named and/or numbered cross +reference in place of the +xref. Another use for attributes is to specify subclasses of +certain elements. For instance, you can subdivide DocBook's systemitem into URLs and +email addresses by making the content of the role attribute the distinction between +them, as in systemitem role="URL" +versus systemitem +role="emailaddr". + + +Entities + +entities + functions +parsed entities +unparsed entities +names + assigning to data (entities) + +Entities are a fundamental concept in SGML and XML, and can be +somewhat daunting at first. They serve a number of related, but +slightly different functions, and this makes them a little bit +complicated. + + +In the most general terms, entities allow you to assign a name to some +chunk of data, and use that name to refer to that data. The complexity +arises because there are two different contexts in which you can use +entities (in the DTD and in your documents), two types of entities +(parsed and unparsed), and two or three different ways in which the +entities can point to the chunk of data that they name. + + +In the rest of this section, we'll describe each of the commonly +encountered entity types. If you find the material in this section +confusing, feel free to skip over it now and come back to it later. +We'll refer to the different types of entities as the need arises in +our discussion of DocBook. Come back to this section when you're +looking for more detail. + + +Entities can be divided into two broad categories, general +entities and parameter entities. +Parameter entities are most often used in the DTD, not in documents, +so we'll describe them last. Before you can use any type of entity, it +must be formally declared. This is typically done in the document +prologue, as we'll explain in , but we will +show you how to declare each of the entities discussed here. + +General Entities + +general entities + external and internal +entities + general +In use, general entities are introduced with an ampersand (&) and end with +a semicolon (;). Within the category of general entities, there are +two types: internal general entities and +external general entities. + +Internal general entities + +internal general entities +names + text, associating with (internal general entities) +text + entity, declaring as + +With internal entities, you can associate an essentially arbitrary +piece of text (which may have other markup, including references to +other entities) with a name. You can then include that text by +referring to its name. For example, if your document frequently refers +to, say, “O'Reilly & Associates,” you might declare it +as an entity: + + +<!ENTITY ora "O'Reilly &amp; Associates"> + + +Then, instead of typing it out each time, you can insert it as needed +in your document with the entity reference ora, simply to save time. Note that this +entity declaration includes another entity reference within it. +That's perfectly valid as long as the reference isn't directly or +indirectly recursive. + + +entities + adding directly to DTD + +If you find that you use a number of entities across many documents, +you can add them directly to the DTD and avoid having to include the +declarations in each document. See the discussion of +dbgenent.mod in . + + +External general entities + +external general entities +SGML + external documents, referencing (external general entities) +parsers + external file text, inserting +files + external, referencing + +With external entities, you can reference other documents from within +your document. If these entities contain document text (SGML or +XML), then references to them cause the parser to insert the text of +the external file directly into your document (these are called parsed +entities). In this way, you can use entities to divide your single, +logical document into physically distinct chunks. For example, you +might break your document into four chapters and store them in +separate files. At the top of your document, you would include entity +declarations to reference the four files: + + +<!ENTITY ch01 SYSTEM "ch01.sgm"> +<!ENTITY ch02 SYSTEM "ch02.sgm"> +<!ENTITY ch03 SYSTEM "ch03.sgm"> +<!ENTITY ch04 SYSTEM "ch04.sgm"> + + +Your Book now consists simply of references to the +entities: + + +<book> +&ch01; +&ch02; +&ch03; +&ch04; +</book> + + +unparsed entities +notations (unparsed entities) + +Sometimes it's useful to reference external files that don't contain +document text. For example, you might want to reference an external +graphic. You can do this with entities by declaring the type of data +that's in the entity using a notation (these are called unparsed +entities). For example, the following declaration declares the entity +tree as an encapsulated PostScript image: + + +<!ENTITY tree SYSTEM "tree.eps" NDATA EPS> + + +elements + entity attributes + +Entities declared this way cannot be inserted directly into your +document. Instead, they must be used as entity attributes to elements: + + +<graphic entityref="tree"></graphic> + + +Conversely, you cannot use entities declared without a notation as the +value of an entity attribute. + + +Special characters + +markup + distinguishing from content +start tags + beginning +end tags + beginning +In order for the parser to recognize markup in your document, it must +be able to distinguish markup from content. It does this with two +special characters: “<,” which identifies the beginning +of a start or end tag, and “&,” which identifies the +beginning of an entity reference. + +start characters, changing +In XML, these characters are fixed. In SGML, it is possible to +change the markup start characters, but we won't consider that case +here. If you change the markup start characters, you know what you're +doing. While we're on the subject, in SGML, these characters only +have their special meaning if they are followed by a name character. +It is, in fact, valid in an SGML (but not an XML) +document to write “O'Reilly & Associates” because the +ampersand is not followed by a name character. Don't do this, however. +characters + entities + encoding as +entities + characters +angle brackets + coding as entities + + +If you want these characters to have their literal value, they must be +encoded as entity references in your document. The entity reference +lt produces a left angle bracket; +amp produces the +ampersand. + +marked sections + character sequence, ending + +The sequence of characters that end a marked section (see ), such as ]]> must also be encoded with at least +one entity reference if it is not being used to end a marked section. +For this purpose, you can use the entity reference gt for the final right angle bracket. + + + + +parsers + entity references, interpreting + +If you do not encode each of these as their respective entity +references, then an SGML parser or application is likely to +interpret them as characters introducing elements or entities (an +XML parser will always interpret them this way); consequently, they +won't appear as you intended. If you wish to cite text that contains +literal ampersands and less-than signs, you need to transform these +two characters into entity references before they are included in a +DocBook document. The only other alternative is to incorporate text +that includes them in your document through some process that avoids +the parser. + + +data entities +numeric character references + +In SGML, character entities are frequently declared using a third +entity category (one that we deliberately chose to overlook), called +data entities. In XML, these are declared using +numeric character references. Numeric character references resemble +entity references, but technically aren't the same. They have the form +&#999;, in which +“999” is the numeric character number. + + +Unicode character set + character numbers (XML) +hexadecimal numeric character references (XML) + +In XML, the numeric character number is always the Unicode character +number. In addition, XML allows hexadecimal numeric character +references of the form +&#xhhhh;. In SGML, the +numeric character number is a number from the document character set +that's declared in the SGML declaration. + + +special characters, encoding as entities + +Character entities are also used to give a name to special characters +that can't otherwise be typed or are not portable across applications +and operating systems. You can then include these characters in your +document by refering to their entity name. Instead of using the often +obscure and inconsistent key combinations of your particular word +processor to type, say, an uppercase letter U with an umlaut (Ü), +you type in an entity for it instead. For instance, the entity for an +uppercase letter U with an umlaut has been defined as the entity +Uuml, so you would type in Uuml to reference it instead of the actual +character. The SGML application that eventually processes your +document for presentation will match the entity to your platform's +handling of special characters in order to render it +appropriately. + + + +Parameter Entities + +entities + parameter entitiesparameter entities +parameter entities + +Parameter entities are only recognized in markup declarations (in the +DTD, for example). Instead of beginning with an ampersand, they +begin with a percent sign. Parameter entities are most frequently +used to customize the DTD. For a detailed discussion of this topic, +see . Following are some other uses for +them. + +Marked sections + +marked sections +SGML + marked sections +XML + marked sections + +You might use a parameter entity reference in an SGML document in a +marked section. Marking sections is a mechanism for indicating that +special processing should apply to a particular block of text. Marked +sections are introduced by the special sequence +<![keyword[ and end +with ]]>. In SGML, marked sections can appear +in both DTDs and document instances. In XML, they're only allowed +in the DTD. + +CDATA + marked sections +Actually, CDATA marked sections are allowed in an XML document, but +the keyword cannot be a parameter entity, and it must be typed +literally. See the examples on this page. + + + + +keywords + marked sections +INCLUDE keyword (marked section) +IGNORE keyword (marked section) + +The most common keywords are INCLUDE, which +indicates that the text in the marked section should be included in +the document; IGNORE, which indicates that the text +in the marked section should be ignored (it completely disappears from +the parsed document); and CDATA, which indicates +that all markup characters within that section should be ignored +except for the closing characters ]]>. + + +SGML + keywords as parameter entities +In SGML, these keywords can be parameter entities. For example, you +might declare the following parameter entity in your document: + + +<!ENTITY % draft "INCLUDE"> + + +Then you could put the sections of the document that are only applicable +in a draft within marked sections: + + +<![%draft;[ +<para> +This paragraph only appears in the draft version. +</para> +]]> + + +When you're ready to print the final version, simply change the +draft parameter entity declaration: + + +<!ENTITY % draft "IGNORE"> + + +and publish the document. None of the draft sections will appear. + + + + + + +How Does DocBook Fit In? + +DocBook DTD + history and overview + +DocBook is a very popular set of tags for describing books, articles, +and other prose documents, particularly technical +documentation. DocBook is defined using the native DTD syntax of +SGML and XML. Like HTML, DocBook is an example of a markup +language defined in SGML/XML. + +A Short DocBook History + +DocBook is almost 10 years old. It began in 1991 as a joint project of +HaL Computer Systems and O'Reilly. Its popularity grew, and eventually +it spawned its own maintenance organization, the Davenport Group. In +mid-1998, it became a Technical Committee (TC) of +the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information +Standards (OASIS). + +The HaL and O'Reilly era + +Open Software Foundation +troff markup (UNIX documentation) +UNIX + DocBook DTD, development + +The DocBook DTD was originally designed and implemented by HaL +Computer Systems and O'Reilly & Associates around 1991. It was +developed primarily to facilitate the exchange of UNIX documentation +originally marked up in troff. Its design appears +to have been based partly on input from SGML interchange projects +conducted by the Unix International and Open Software Foundation +consortia. + + +Davenport Group (DocBook maintenance) +When DocBook V1.1 was published, discussion about +its revision and maintenance began in earnest in the Davenport Group, +a forum created by O'Reilly for computer documentation +producers. Version 1.2 was influenced strongly by +Novell and Digital. + + +In 1994, the Davenport Group became an officially chartered entity +responsible for DocBook's maintenance. DocBook +V1.2.2 was published simultaneously. The founding +sponsors of this incarnation of Davenport include the following +people: + +Jon Bosak, Novell +Dale Dougherty, O'Reilly & Associates +Ralph Ferris, Fujitsu OSSI +Dave Hollander, Hewlett-Packard +Eve Maler, Digital Equipment Corporation +Murray Maloney, SCO +Conleth O'Connell, HaL Computer Systems +Nancy Paisner, Hitachi Computer Products +Mike Rogers, SunSoft +Jean Tappan, Unisys + + + +The Davenport era + +Under the auspices of the Davenport Group, the DocBook DTD began to +widen its scope. It was now being used by a much wider audience, and +for new purposes, such as direct authoring with SGML-aware tools, +and publishing directly to paper. As the largest users of DocBook, +Novell and Sun had a heavy influence on its design. + + +DocBook DTD + releases, rules for new versions + +In order to help users manage change, the new Davenport charter established +the following rules for DocBook releases: + +Minor versions (point releases such as +V2.2) could add to the markup model, but could not +change it in a backward-incompatible way. For example, a new kind of +list element could be added, but it would not be acceptable for the +existing itemized-list model to start requiring two list items inside +it instead of only one. Thus, any document conforming to version +n.0 would also conform to +n.m. + +Major versions (such as V3.0) could +both add to the markup model and make backward-incompatible +changes. However, the changes would have to be announced in the last +major release. + +Major-version introductions must be separated by at +least a year. + + + + +DocBook DTD + XML + XML-compliant version +XML + DocBook version compliant with + +V3.0 was released in January 1997. After that time, +although DocBook's audience continued to grow, many of the Davenport +Group stalwarts became involved in the XML effort, and development +slowed dramatically. The idea of creating an official XML-compliant +version of DocBook was discussed, but not implemented. (For more +detailed information about DocBook V3.0 and plans +for subsequent versions, see .) + + +OASIS + DocBook Technical Committee + +The sponsors wanted to close out Davenport in an orderly way to ensure +that DocBook users would be supported. It was suggested that +OASIS become DocBook's new home. An +OASIS DocBook Technical Committee was formed in +July, 1998, with Eduardo Gutentag of Sun Microsystems as chair. + + + +The <acronym>OASIS</acronym> era + +The DocBook Technical +Commitee is continuing the work started by the +Davenport Group. The transition from Davenport to +OASIS has been very smooth, in part because the +core design team consists of essentially the same individuals (we all +just changed hats). + + +DocBook V3.1, published in February 1999, was the +first OASIS release. It integrated a number of +changes that had been in the wings for some time. + + +In February of 2001, OASIS made DocBook SGML V4.1 and DocBook XML V4.1.2 +official +OASIS Specifications. + + +Version 4.2 of the DocBook DTD, for both SGML and XML, was +released in July 2002. + + +The committee continues new DocBook development to ensure +that the DTD continues to meet the needs of its users. Forthcoming +and experimental work includes: + + + +A V5.0 DTD projected for release no earlier than the end of +2002. + +Experimental +RELAX NG schemas +available. +Experimental +W3C XML Schema versions +available. +Experimental +RELAX schemas +available. +Experimental +TREX schemas +available. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2006-03-08 14:42:23 +0100 (Wed, 08 Mar 2006) $ +$Revision: 5626 $ + +Creating DocBook Documents + + + DocBook DTD + documents + creating in SGML + + + documents + creating + DocBook +This chapter explains in concrete, practical terms how to +make DocBook documents. It's an overview of all the kinds of markup +that are possible in DocBook documents. It explains how to create +several kinds of DocBook documents: books, sets of books, chapters, +articles, and reference manual entries. The idea is to give you enough +basic information to actually start writing. The information here is +intentionally skeletal; you can find “the details” in the +reference section of this book. + + +Before we can examine DocBook markup, we have to take a look at what +an SGML or XML system requires. + +Making an <acronym>SGML</acronym> Document + +SGML + documents, creating + +prologue + SGML documents +SGML requires that your document have a specific prologue. The +following sections describe the features of the prologue. + +An <acronym>SGML</acronym> Declaration + +SGML + declarations +declarations + SGML documents + +SGML documents begin with an optional SGML Declaration. The +declaration can precede the document instance, but generally it is +stored in a separate file that is associated with the DTD. The +SGML Declaration is a grab bag of SGML defaults. DocBook includes +an SGML Declaration that is appropriate for most DocBook documents, +so we won't go into a lot of detail here about the SGML Declaration. + + +markup + delimiters (characters) +tags + names + SGML declaration +attributes + names +characters + SGML declaration +minimization + markup +markup + minimization + +In brief, the SGML Declaration describes, among other things, what +characters are markup delimiters (the default is angle brackets), what +characters can compose tag and attribute names (usually the +alphabetical and numeric characters plus the dash and the period), +what characters can legally occur within your document, how long +SGML “names” and “numbers” can be, what sort +of minimizations (abbreviation of markup) are allowed, and so +on. Changing the SGML Declaration is rarely necessary, and because +many tools only partially support changes to the declaration, changing +it is best avoided, if possible. + + +tutorial, SGML Declaration + +Wayne Wholer has written an excellent tutorial on the SGML +Declaration; if you're interested in more details, see + + +A Document Type Declaration + +SGML + document type declaration +document type declaration + SGML documents +declarations + document type declaration +declarations + document type declaration + SGML + +All SGML documents must begin with a document type declaration. This +identifies the DTD that will be used by the document and what the +root element of the document will be. A typical doctype declaration +for a DocBook document looks like this: + +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> + +root element + document type declaration +elements + root element +This declaration indicates that the root element, +which is the first element in the hierarchical structure of the +document, will be book and that +the DTD used will be the one identified by the public identifier +-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN. See ” later in this chapter. + + + +An Internal Subset + +internal subset + SGML document declarations + +It's also possible to provide additional declarations in a document +by placing them in the document type declaration: +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [ +<!ENTITY nwalsh "Norman Walsh"> +<!ENTITY chap1 SYSTEM "chap1.sgm"> +<!ENTITY chap2 SYSTEM "chap2.sgm"> +]> + + +external subset + SGML document declarations +public identifiers + SGML +system identifiers + SGML + +These declarations form what is known as the +internal subset. The declarations stored in the +file referenced by the public or system identifier in the +DOCTYPE declaration is called the external +subset and it is technically optional. +It is legal to put the DTD in the internal +subset and to have no external subset, but for a DTD as large +as DocBook that wouldn't make much sense. + + + + +parsing + order +The internal subset is parsed first +and, if multiple declarations for an entity occur, the first +declaration is used. Declarations in the internal subset +override declarations in the external subset. + + + +The Document (or Root) Element + +elements + root element +root element + placement + +Although comments and processing instructions may occur between the +document type declaration and the root element, the root element usually +immediately follows the document type declaration: +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [ +<!ENTITY nwalsh "Norman Walsh"> +<!ENTITY chap1 SYSTEM "chap1.sgm"> +<!ENTITY chap2 SYSTEM "chap2.sgm"> +]> +<book> +&chap1; +&chap2; +</book> +You cannot place the root element of +the document in an external entity. + +Typing an <acronym>SGML</acronym> Document + +Emacs text editor +vi text editor +SGML + text editors, entering through +text editors + SGML, entering + +If you are entering SGML using a text editor such as +Emacs or vi, there are a few things to +keep in mind. + +Many of these things are influenced by the SGML declaration in use. +For the purpose of this discussion, we assume you are using the +standard DocBook declaration. + + +Using a structured text editor designed for SGML hides most of these +issues. + + + +elements + case sensitivity (DocBook) +case sensitivity + elements (DocBook) +attributes + case sensitivity (DocBook) +case sensitivity + attributes (DocBook) + +DocBook element and attribute names are not case-sensitive. There's +no difference between Para and pArA. Entity names are case-sensitive, however. + + +SGML + XML/SGML compatibility + case sensitivity + +XML + SGML/XML compatibility + case sensitivity, attributes and elements +compatibility, SGML/XML conversion + case sensitivity, attribute and element names +If you are interested in future XML compatibility, input all +element and attribute names strictly in lowercase. + + + +SGML + XML/SGML compatibility + quotes, attribute values +XML + SGML/XML compatibility + quotes, attribute values +quotes + attribute values + spaces and punctuation characters +attributes + values + quoting +spaces, quoting (attribute values) +punctuation characters, quoting (attribue values) + +If attribute values contain spaces or punctuation characters, you must +quote them. You are not required to quote attribute values if they +consist of a single word or number, although it is not wrong to do so. + + +straight single quotes (attribute values) +straight double quotes (attribute values) +curly quotes (attribute values) +When quoting attribute values, you can use either a straight single +quote ('), or a straight double quote ("). Don't use the +“curly” quotes (“ and ”) in your editing tool. + + +compatibility, SGML/XML conversion + attribute values, quoting +If you are interested in future XML compatibility, always +quote all attribute values. + + + + +SGML + XML/SGML compatibility + empty tags +XML + SGML/XML compatibility + empty tags +compatibility, SGML/XML conversion + empty tags +tags + empty +empty tags +Several forms of markup minimization are allowed, including empty +tags. Instead of typing the entire end tag for an element, you can +type simply </>. For example: + + + +<para> +This is <emphasis>important</>: never stick the tines of a fork +in an electrical outlet. +</para> + + + +You can use this technique for any and every tag, but it will make +your documents very hard to understand and difficult to debug if you +introduce errors. It is best to use this technique +only for inline elements containing a short string of text. + + +start tags + empty, using (SGML documents) +parsing + empty start tags, problems with +Empty start tags are also possible, but may be even more confusing. +For the record, if you encounter an empty start tag, the SGML parser uses +the element that ended last: + + + +<para> +This is <emphasis>important</emphasis>. So is <>this</emphasis>. +</para> + + + +Both important and this are emphasized. + + +markup + minimization + SGML/XML conversion problems +minimization + markup + SGML/XML conversion problems +If you are interested in future XML compatibility, don't use any +of these tricks. + + + + +The null end tag (net) minimization feature allows constructions like this: + + + +<para> +This is <emphasis/important/: never stick the tines of a fork +in an electrical outlet. +</para> + + + +start tags + minimization +If, instead of ending a start tag with >, you end +it with a slash, then the next occurrence of a slash ends the element. + + +minimization + markup + net tag minimization +XML + SGML/XML compatibility + net tag minimization +SGML + XML/SGML compatibility + net tag minimization + +If you are interested in future XML compatibility, don't use +net tag minimization either. + + + + +If you are willing to modify both the declaration and the DTD, even more +dramatic minimizations are possible, including completely omitted tags +and shortcut markup. + + +Removing Minimizations + +markup + minimization + removing +minimization + removing + +Although we've made a point of reminding you about which of these +minimization features are not valid in XML, that's not really a +sufficient reason to avoid using them. (The fact that many of the +minimization features can lead to confusing, difficult-to-author +documents might be.) + + +SGML + XML/SGML compatibility + markup minimizations, removing +XML + SGML/XML compatibility + markup minimizations, removing +sgmlnorm (SGML to XML conversion) +If you want to convert one of these documents to XML at some point +in the future, you can run it through a program like +sgmlnorm, which will remove all the minimizations and +insert the correct, verbose markup. The sgmlnorm program +is part of the SP and Jade +distributions, which are on the +CD-ROM. + + + + + + +Making an <acronym>XML</acronym> Document + +XML + DocBook documents, creating +DocBook DTD + documents + creating in XML +documents + creating + in XML (DocBook) + +In order to create DocBook documents in XML, you'll need an XML +version of DocBook. We've included one on the CD, but it hasn't +been officially adopted by the OASIS DocBook Technical Committee yet. +If you're interested in the technical details, , describes the specific differences between +SGML and XML versions of DocBook. + + +prologue + XML documents + +XML, like SGML, requires a specific prologue in your document. +The following sections describe the features of the XML prologue. + + +An <acronym>XML</acronym> Declaration + +declarations + XML +XML + declarations +versions + XML, identifying +XML documents should begin with an XML declaration. Unlike the +SGML declaration, which is a grab bag of features, the XML +declaration identifies a few simple aspects of the document: +<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> +Identifying the version of XML ensures that future changes to +the XML specification will not alter the semantics of this +document. The standalone declaration simply makes explicit the fact +that this document cannot “stand alone,” and that it +relies on an external DTD. The complete details of the XML +declaration are described in the XML specification. + + + +A Document Type Declaration + +declarations + document type declaration + XML +XML + document type declaration +document type declaration + XML documents +DocBook DTD + XML + document type declaration +Strictly speaking, XML documents don't require a +DTD. Realistically, DocBook XML documents will have one. + + +elements + root element +root element + document type declaration +The document type declaration identifies the DTD that will be used +by the document and what the root element of the document will be. A +typical doctype declaration for a DocBook document looks like +this: + +<?xml version='1.0'?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD DocBk XML V3.1.4//EN" + ""> + + +external declarations (XML) +public identifiers + XML documents +system identifiers + XML +This declaration indicates that the root element will be book and that the DTD used will be the +one indentified by the public identifier -//Norman Walsh//DTD +DocBk XML V3.1.4//EN. External declarations in XML must +include a system identifier (the public identifier is optional). In +this example, the DTD is stored on a web server. + + +URI + XML system identifiers +System identifiers in XML must be URIs. Many +systems may accept filenames and interpret them locally as +file: URLs, but it's always +correct to fully qualify them. + + + +An Internal Subset + +declarations + document type declaration + XML +document type declaration + internal subset +internal subset + XML document type declarations +XML + document type declarations + internal subset +It's also possible to provide additional declarations in a document by +placing them in the document type declaration: + +<?xml version='1.0'?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD DocBk XML V3.1.4/EN" + "" [ +<!ENTITY nwalsh "Norman Walsh"> +<!ENTITY chap1 SYSTEM "chap1.sgm"> +<!ENTITY chap2 SYSTEM "chap2.sgm"> +]> + +These declarations form what is known as the internal subset. The +declarations stored in the file referenced by the public or system +identifier in the DOCTYPE declaration is called the +external subset, which is technically optional. It is legal to put +the DTD in the internal subset and to have no external subset, but +for a DTD as large as DocBook, that would make very little sense. + + + +parsing + order + XML document declarations + +The internal subset is parsed first in XML and, +if multiple declarations for an entity occur, the first declaration is used. +Declarations in the internal subset override declarations in the external +subset. + + + +The Document (or Root) Element + +root element +elements + root element +Although comments and processing instructions may occur between the +document type declaration and the root element, the root element usually +immediately follows the document type declaration: +<?xml version='1.0'?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD DocBk XML V3.1.4//EN" + "" [ +<!ENTITY nwalsh "Norman Walsh"> +<!ENTITY chap1 SYSTEM "chap1.sgm"> +<!ENTITY chap2 SYSTEM "chap2.sgm"> +]> +<book>...</book> +The important point is that the root element must be physically +present immediately +after the document type declaration. You cannot place the root element of +the document in an external entity. + + +Typing an <acronym>XML</acronym> Document + +text editors + +If you are entering SGML using a text editor such as Emacs +or vi, there are a few things to keep in mind. +Using a structured text editor designed for +XML hides most of these issues. + + + +case sensitivity + markup +markup + case sensitivity +compatibility, SGML/XML conversion + XML markup, case-sensitivity + +In XML, all markup is case-sensitive. In the XML version of DocBook, +you must always type all element, +attribute, and entity names in lowercase. + + + +You are required to quote all attribute values in XML. + + +quotes + attribute values + +When quoting attribute values, you can use either a straight single +quote ('), or a straight double quote ("). Don't use the +“curly” quotes (“ and ”) in your editing tool. + + + + +empty elements + markup syntax + +Empty elements in XML are marked with a distinctive syntax: +<xref/>. + + + +XML + question marks (?), processing instructions +Processing instructions in XML begin and end with a question mark: +<?pitarget data?>. + + + +XML + interoperability, SGML and XML + +XML was designed to be served, received, and processed over the +Web. Two of its most important design principles are ease of +implementation and interoperability with both SGML and HTML. + + +SGML + XML/SGML compatibility + markup minimization, problems + +SGML + markup minimizationXML/SGML compatibility +XML + markup minimizationSGML/XML compatibility +XML + SGML/XML compatibility + markup minization, problems + +The markup minimization features in SGML documents make it more +difficult to process, and harder to write a parser to interpret it; these +minimization features also run counter to the XML design principles +named above. As a result, XML does not support them. + + +Luckily, a good authoring environment can offer all of the features of +markup minimization without interfering with the interoperability of +documents. And because XML tools are easier to write, it's likely +that good, inexpensive XML authoring environments will be available +eventually. + + + + + +<acronym>XML</acronym> and <acronym>SGML</acronym> Markup Considerations in This Book + +DocBook DTD + markup considerations, SGML vs. XML + +Conceptually, almost everything in this book applies equally to SGML +and XML. But because DocBook V3.1 is an SGML DTD, we naturally +tend to use SGML conventions in our writing. If you're primarily +interested in XML, there are just a few small details to keep in +mind. + + + + +case sensitivity + XML vs. SGML +SGML + case sensitivity +elements + case sensitivity (XML) +XML is case-sensitive, while the SGML version of DocBook is +not. In this book, we've chosen to present the element names using +mixed case (Book, indexterm, +XRef, and so on), but in the DocBook XML DTD, +all element, attribute, and entity names are strictly +lowercase. + + + +empty elements + start tags, XML vs. SGML +start tags + empty element +Empty element start tags in XML are marked with a distinctive +syntax: <xref/>. In SGML, the trailing slash +is not present, so some of our examples need slight revisions to be +valid XML elements. + + + + +question marks (?), processing instructions (XML) +processing instructions + XML documents +XML + processing instructions + +Processing instructions in XML begin and end with a question +mark: <?pitarget data?>. In SGML, the +trailing question mark is not present, so some of our examples need +slight revisions to be valid XML elements. + + + + +system identifiers + XML + URI requirement +Uniform Resource IndicatorsURI +public identifiers + DocBook DTD + examples +Generally we use public identifiers in examples, but whenever system +identifiers are used, don't forget that XML system identifiers must +be Uniform Resource Indicators (URIs), in which +SGML system identifiers are usually simple filenames. + + + + +For a more detailed discussion of DocBook and XML, see +. + + + + +Public Identifiers, System Identifiers, and Catalog Files + +files + external, referencing +XML + external file references, id + +When a DTD or other external file is referenced from a document, the +reference can be specified in three ways: using a public +identifier, a system identifier, or +both. In XML, the system identifier is generally +required and the public identifier is optional. In SGML, neither is +required, but at least one must be present. + +This is not absolutely true. SGML allows for the possibility that +the reference could be implied by the application, but this is very +rarely the case. + + + + +public identifiers + names, requirements +A public identifier is a globally unique, abstract +name, such as the following, which is the official public identifier +for DocBook V3.1: +-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN + + +SGML + system identifiers +URI + XML system identifiers +URL + SGML system identifers, similarity to +Uniform Resource LocatorURL +Uniform Resource NamesURN +URN + XML system identifiers, future +The introduction of XML has added some small complications to system +identifiers. In SGML, a system identifier generally points to a +single, local version of a file using local system conventions. In +XML, it must point with a Uniform Resource Indicator +(URI). The most common URI +today is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), which +is familiar to anyone who browses the Web. URLs +are a lot like SGML system identifiers, because they generally point +to a single version of a file on a particular machine. In the future, +Uniform Resource Names (URN), another form of +URI, will allow XML system identifiers to have +the abstract characteristics of public identifiers. + + +SGML + system identifiers + example +system identifiers + SGML + example + +The following filename is an example of an SGML system identifier: +/usr/local/sgml/docbook/3.1/docbook.dtd + +An equivalent XML system identifier might be: +file:///usr/local/sgml/docbook/3.1/docbook.dtd + + + +The advantage of using the public identifier is that it makes your +documents more portable. For any system on which DocBook is installed, +the public identifier will resolve to the appropriate local version of +the DTD (if public identifiers can be resolved at all). + + +Public identifiers have two disadvantages: + + +Because XML does not require them, and because system +identifiers are required, developing XML tools may not provide +adequate support for public identifiers. To work with these systems +you must use system identifiers. + + + +public identifiers + resolution, mapping to system identifiers +OASIS + public identifiers, resolution mechanism + +Public identifiers aren't magical. They're simply a method of +indirection. For them to work, there must be a resolution mechanism +for public identifiers. Luckily, several years ago, SGML Open (now +OASIS) +described a standard mechanism for mapping public identifiers to +system identifers using catalog files. + +See OASIS +Technical Resolution 9401:1997 (Amendment 2 to TR +9401). + + + + +Public Identifiers + +uniqueness + public identifiers +An important characteristic of public identifiers is that they are +globally unique. Referring to a document with a +public identifier should mean that the identifier will resolve to the +same actual document on any system even though the location of that +document on each system may vary. As a rule, you should never reuse +public identifiers, and a published revision should have a new public +identifier. Not following these rules defeats one purpose of the +public identifier. + + +public identifiers + syntax, examples +A public identifier can be any string of upper- and lowercase letters, +digits, any of the following symbols: “'”, +“(“, “)”, “+”, “,”, +“-”, “.”, “/”, “:”, +“=”, “?”, and white space, including line +breaks. + + +Formal public identifiers + +ISO standards + formal public identifiers +formal public identifierFPI +FPI + format, standard +Most public identifiers conform to the ISO 8879 +standard that defines formal public +identifiers. Formal public identifiers, frequently referred +to as FPI, have a prescribed format that can ensure +uniqueness: + +Essentially, it can ensure that two different owners won't +accidentally tread on each other. Nothing can prevent a given owner +from reusing public identifiers, except maybe common sense. + + + +prefix//owner-identifier// +text-class text-description// +language//display-version + +Here are descriptions of the identifiers in this string: + + +prefix + + +prefix (registered and unregistered public identifiers) +registered public identifiers +unregistered public identifiers +ISO standards + formal public identifiers +The prefix is either a +“+” or a “-” +Registered public identifiers begin with +“+”; unregistered identifiers begin +with “-”. + +(ISO standards sometimes use a third form beginning +with ISO and the standard number, but this form is +only available to ISO.) + + +owner-identifiers + registered public identifers + uniqueness, guaranteeing + +The purpose of registration is to guarantee a unique owner-identifier. +There are few authorities with the power to issue registered public +identifiers, so in practice unregistered identifiers are more common. + + +public identifiers + registered, assigning authority +Graphics Communication Association (GCA) + registered public identifiers, assigning +GCA (Graphics Communication Association) +Graphics Communication Association (GCA) + +The Graphics Communication +Association (GCA) can assign registered +public identifiers. They do this by issuing the applicant a unique +string and declaring the format of the owner identifier. For example, +the Davenport Group was issued the string “A00002” and +could have published DocBook using an FPI of the +following form: + ++//ISO/IEC 9070/RA::A00002//... + + + +Internet domain names format (registered public identifiers) +Another way to use a registered public identifier is to use the format +reserved for internet domain names. For example, O'Reilly can issue +documents using an FPI of the following form: + ++//IDN + + + +As of DocBook V3.1, the OASIS Technical Committee +responsible for DocBook has elected to use the unregistered owner +identifier, OASIS, thus its prefix is +-. + +-//OASIS//... + + + + + +owner-identifier + + +names + individuals as owner-identifiers +Identifies the person or organization that owns the identifier. +Registration guarantees a unique owner identifier. Short of +registration, some effort should be made to ensure that the owner +identifier is globally unique. A company name, for example, is a +reasonable choice as are Internet domain names. It's also not uncommon +to see the names of individuals used as the owner-identifier, although +clearly this may introduce collisions over time. + + +DocBook DTD + owner-identifier, version 3.1 + +The owner-identifier for DocBook V3.1 is +OASIS. Earlier versions used the owner-identifier +Davenport. + + + + +text-class + + +text + text class +DOCUMENT text class +DTDs + text class +ELEMENTS text class +ENTITIES text class +NONSGML text class + +The text class identifies the kind of document that is +associated with this public identifier. Common text classes +are + + + DOCUMENT + + An SGML or XML document. + + + + DTD + + A DTD or part of a DTD. + + + + ELEMENTS + + A collection of element declarations. + + + + ENTITIES + + A collection of entity declarations. + + + + NONSGML + + Data that is not in SGML or XML. + + + + + +DocBook is a DTD, thus its text class is DTD. + + + + +text-description + + +text + text description +DocBook DTD + text description + +This field provides a description of the document. The text description is +free-form, but cannot include the string //. + + +The text description of DocBook is DocBook V3.1. + + +proprietary DTDs, unavailable public texts +DTDs + proprietary +In the uncommon case of unavailable public texts +(FPIs for proprietary DTDs, for example), there +are a few other options available (technically in front of or in place +of the text description), but they're rarely used. + + +See Appendix A of , for more details. + + + + + + +language + + +languages + document texts +ISO standards + language codes + +Indicates the language in which the document is written. It is +recommended that the ISO standard two-letter +language codes be used if possible. + + +DocBook is an English-language DTD, thus its language is +EN. + + + + +display-version + + +display version + +This field, which is not frequently used, distinguishes between +public texts that are the same except for the display device or system +to which they apply. + + +FPI + ISO Latin 1 character set, examples + +For example, the FPI for the ISO +Latin 1 character set is: +-//ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN + + +A reasonable FPI for an XML version of this +character set is: +-//ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML + + + + + + + + +System Identifiers + +system identifiers +URI + XML system identifiers +System identifiers are usually filenames on the local system. In +SGML, there's no constraint on what they can be. Anything that your +SGML processing system recognizes is allowed. In XML, system +identifiers must be URIs (Uniform Resource +Identifiers). + + +The use of URIs as system identifiers introduces +the possibility that a system identifier can be a +URN. This allows the system identifier to benefit +from the same global uniqueness benefit as the public identifier. It +seems likely that XML system identifiers will eventually move in +this direction. + + + +Catalog Files + +catalog files + pubic identifiers, resolving to system + +Catalog files are the standard mechanism for +resolving public identifiers into system identifiers. Some resolution +mechanism is necessary because DocBook refers to its component modules +with public identifiers, and those must be mapped to actual files on +the system before any piece of software can actually load them. + + +OASIS + catalog file format +keywords + catalog files + +The catalog file format was defined in 1994 by SGML Open (now +OASIS). The formal specification is contained in +OASIS Technical Resolution 9401:1997. + + +Informally, a catalog is a text file that contains a number of +keyword/value pairs. The most frequently used keywords are +PUBLIC, SYSTEM, +SGMLDECL, DTDDECL, +CATALOG, OVERRIDE, +DELEGATE, and DOCTYPE. + + +PUBLIC + + +PUBLIC keyword + +The PUBLIC keyword maps public identifiers to +system identifiers: + +PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" "docbook/3.1/docbook.dtd" + + + +SYSTEM + + +SYSTEM keyword + +The SYSTEM keyword maps system identifiers to +system identifiers: + +SYSTEM "" + "docbook/xml/1.3/db3xml.dtd" + + + +SGMLDECL + + +SGMLDECL keyword + +The SGMLDECL keyword identifies the system +identifier of the SGML Declaration that should be used: + +SGMLDECL "docbook/3.1/docbook.dcl" + + + +DTDDECL + + +DTDDECL + +Like SGMLDECL, DTDDECL +identifies the SGML Declaration that should be +used. DTDDECL associates a declaration with a +particular public identifier for a DTD: + +DTDDECL "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" "docbook/3.1/docbook.dcl" + +Unfortunately, it is not supported by the free tools that are +available. The practical benefit of DTDDECL can +usually be achieved, albeit in a slightly cumbersome way, with +multiple catalog files. + + + +CATALOG + + +CATALOG keyword + +The CATALOG keyword allows one catalog to +include the content of another. This can make maintenance somewhat +easier and allows a system to directly use the catalog files included +in DTD distributions. For example, the DocBook distribution includes +a catalog file. Rather than copying each of the declarations in that +catalog into your system catalog, you can simply include the contents +of the DocBook catalog: + +CATALOG "docbook/3.1/catalog" + + +OVERRIDE + + +OVERRIDE keyword + +The OVERRIDE keyword indicates whether or not +public identifiers override system identifiers. If a given declaration +includes both a system identifer and a public identifier, most systems +attempt to process the document referenced by the system identifier, +and consequently ignore the public identifier. Specifying +OVERRIDE YES in the catalog informs the processing +system that resolution should be attempted first with the public +identifier. + + +DELEGATE + + +DELEGATE keyword + +The DELEGATE keyword allows you to specify +that some set of public identifiers should be resolved by another +catalog. Unlike the CATALOG keyword, which loads +the referenced catalog, DELEGATE does nothing until +an attempt is made to resolve a public identifier. The +DELEGATE entry specifies a partial public +identifier and an alternate catalog: +DELEGATE "-//OASIS" "/usr/sgml/oasis/catalog" + + +initial substring matches (public identifiers) +public identifiers + partial (initial substring matches) + +Partial public identifers are simply initial substring +matches. Given the preceding entry, if an attempt is made to match any +public identifier that begins with the string +-//OASIS, the alternate catalog +/usr/sgml/oasis/catalog will be used instead +of the current catalog. + + + +DOCTYPE + + +DOCTYPE keyword +system identifiers + default, specifying +declarations + system identifier, default (SGML) + +The DOCTYPE keyword allows you to specify a default +system identifier. If an SGML document begins with a +DOCTYPE declaration that specifies neither a public +identifier nor a system identifier (or is missing a +DOCTYPE declaration altogether), the +DOCTYPE declaration may provide a default: + + +DOCTYPE BOOK n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/docbook.dtd + + + + + +catalog files + sample +A small fragment of an actual catalog file is shown in . + +A Sample Catalog + + + + + + + + + + +-- Comments are delimited by pairs of double-hyphens, + as in SGML and XML comments. -- + +OVERRIDE YES + +SGMLDECL "n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/docbook.dcl" + +DOCTYPE BOOK n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/docbook.dtd + +PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" + n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/docbook.dtd + +SYSTEM "" + n:/share/sgml/Norman_Walsh/db3xml/db3xml.dtd + + + + + + +comments + catalog files +Catalog files may also include comments. + + +This catalog specifies that public identifiers should be used in favor +of system identifiers, if both are present. + + +The default declaration specified by this catalog is the DocBook +declaration. + + +Given an explicit (or implied) SGML DOCTYPE of + + +<!DOCTYPE BOOK SYSTEM> + + +use n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/docbook.dtd as the default +system identifier. Note that this can only apply to SGML documents +because the DOCTYPE declaration above is not a valid XML element. + + +Map the OASIS public identifer to the local copy of +the DocBook V3.1 DTD. + + +Map a system identifer for the XML version of DocBook to a local +version. + + +A few notes: + +It's not uncommon to have several catalog files. See below, +”. + + +quotes + public and system identifiers +public identifiers + quotes +system identifiers + quotes + +Like attributes on elements you can quote, the public +identifier and system identifier are surrounded by either single or double +quotes. + + +whitespace + catalog files +catalog files + whitespace + +White space in the catalog file is generally +irrelevant. You can use spaces, tabs, or new lines between keywords +and their arguments. + + +relative system identifiers + +When a relative system identifier is used, it is +considered to be relative to the location of the catalog file, not the +document being processed. + + + +Locating catalog files + +catalog files + locating +locating catalog files +files + catalog + +Catalog files go a long way towards making documents more portable by +introducing a level of indirection. A problem still remains, however: +how does a processor locate the appropriate catalog file(s)? +OASIS outlines a complete interchange packaging +scheme, but for most applications the answer is simply that the +processor looks for a file called catalog or +CATALOG. + + +directories, specifying (catalog file location) + +Some applications allow you to specify a list of directories that +should be examined for catalog files. Other tools allow you to specify +the actual files. + + +Note that even if a list of directories or catalog files is provided, +applications may still load catalog files that occur in directories in +which other documents are found. For example, SP +and Jade always load the catalog file that occurs in the directory in +which a DTD or document resides, even if that directory is not on +the catalog file list. + + + + + +Physical Divisions: Breaking a Document into Physical Chunks + +documents + dividing +divisions + documents (DocBook) +The rest of this chapter describes how you can break documents into +logical chunks, such as books, chapters, sections, and so on. Before +we begin, and while the subject of the internal subset is fresh in +your mind, let's take a quick look at how to break documents into +separate physical chunks. + + +Actually, we've already told you how to do it. If you recall, in the +preceding sections we had declarations of the form: +<!ENTITY name SYSTEM "filename"> + +entities + inserting files + +If you refer to the entity name in your +document after this declaration, the system will insert the contents +of the file filename into your document at that +point. So, if you've got a book that consists of three chapters and +two appendixes, you might create a file called +book.sgm, which looks like this: + +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [ +<!ENTITY chap1 SYSTEM "chap1.sgm"> +<!ENTITY chap2 SYSTEM "chap2.sgm"> +<!ENTITY chap3 SYSTEM "chap3.sgm"> +<!ENTITY appa SYSTEM "appa.sgm"> +<!ENTITY appb SYSTEM "appb.sgm"> +]> +<book><title>My First Book</title> +&chap1; +&chap2; +&chap3; +&appa; +&appb; +</book> + + +declarations + document type declaration +document type declaration + divisions of documents + +You can then write the chapters and appendixes conveniently in +separate files. Note that these files do not and must not have +document type declarations. + + +For example, Chapter 1 might begin like this: + + + +<chapter id="ch1"><title>My First Chapter</title> +<para>My first paragraph.</para> +... + + + +But it should not begin with its own document type declaration: + + + +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<chapter id="ch1"><title>My First Chapter</title> +<para>My first paragraph.</para> +... + + + + +Logical Divisions: The Categories of Elements in DocBook + +divisions + elements, categories of (DocBook) +elements + categories, DocBook divisions + +DocBook elements can be divided broadly into these categories: + +Sets +Books +Divisions, which divide books into parts +Components, which divide books or divisions into chapters +Sections, which subdivide components +Meta-information elements +Block elements +Inline elements + + + +In the rest of this section, we'll describe briefly the elements that +make up these categories. This section is designed to give you an +overview. It is not an exhaustive list of every element in DocBook. + + +For more information about any specific element and the elements that +it may contain, consult the reference page for the element in +question. + + +Sets + +Sets + +A Set contains two or more +Books. It's the hierarchical top of DocBook. You +use the Set tag, for example, for a series of books +on a single subject that you want to access and maintain as a single +unit, such as the manuals for an airplane engine or the documentation +for a programming language. + + + +Books + +customizing + DocBook DTD + book organization +Book element + elements, ordering +A Book is probably the most common top-level +element in a document. The DocBook definition of a book is very loose +and general. Given the variety of books authored with DocBook and the +number of different conventions for book organization used in +countries around the world, attempting to impose a strict ordering of +elements can make the content model extremely complex. But DocBook +gives you free reign. It's very reasonable to use a local customization layer to impose a more +strict ordering for your applications. + + +Books consist of a mixture of the following elements: + + +Dedication + +Dedication pages almost always occur at the front of +a book. +Dedication element + + + + +Navigational Components + + +navigation, component-level elements +elements + components, navigation +ToC +LoT +Lists of TitlesLoT +Index element +tables of contentsToC +There are a few component-level elements designed for +navigation: ToC, for Tables of Contents; +LoT, for Lists of Titles (for lists of figures, +tables, examples, and so on); and Index, for +indexes. + + +Divisions + + +divisions + Book +Part element +Reference element +RefEntry element +components + +Divisions are the first hierarchical level below Book. +They contain Parts and References. +Parts, in turn, contain components. +References contain RefEntrys. These are +discussed more thoroughly in ”. + + +Books can contain components directly and are not required to contain +divisions. + + + +Components + + +Chapter element + components, similarity to + +These are the chapter-like elements of a Book. + + + + + + +Components + +books + components +Part element + +Preface element +Chapter element +Appendix element +Glossary element +Bibliography element +Article element +block elements +sections + elements +Components are the chapter-like elements of a Book or +Part: Preface, +Chapter, Appendix, +Glossary, and +Bibliography. Articles can also +occur at the component level. We describe Articles +in more detail in the section titled ”. Components generally +contain block elements and/or sections, and some can contain +navigational components and RefEntrys. + + + +Sections + +nesting + section elements +numbered sections, levels +elements + sections + +There are several flavors of sectioning elements in DocBook: + +Sect1…Sect5 elements + +The Sect1…Sect5 +elements are the most common sectioning elements. They can occur in +most component-level elements. These numbered section elements must be +properly nested (Sect2s can only occur inside +Sect1s, Sect3s can only occur inside +Sect2s, and so on). There are five levels of numbered +sections. + + +Section element + + +Section element + +The Section element, introduced in DocBook V3.1, is +an alternative to numbered sections. Sections are +recursive, meaning that you can nest them to any depth desired. + + + +SimpleSect element + + +SimpleSect element + +In addition to numbered sections, there's the +SimpleSect element. It is a terminal section that +can occur at any level, but it cannot have any other sectioning +element nested within it. + + +BridgeHead + + +BridgeHead element + +A BridgeHead provides a section title without +any containing section. + + +RefSect1…RefSect3 elements + + +RefEntry element +These elements, which occur only in RefEntrys, are +analogous to the numbered section elements in components. There are +only three levels of numbered section elements in a +RefEntry. + + +GlossDiv, BiblioDiv, and +IndexDiv + + +GlossDiv element +BiblioDiv element + +Glossary element +Bibliography element +Index element + +Glossarys, Bibliographys, +and Indexes can be broken into top-level +divisions, but not sections. Unlike sections, these elements do not +nest. + + + + +Meta-Information + +meta-information + elements, section-level and above +wrappers + meta-information, elements +All of the elements at the section level and above include a wrapper +for meta-information about the content. See, for example, +BookInfo. + + +Author element +Title element +Publisher element +revision histories +keywords + keyword sets (meta-information) +indexes + metainformation +The meta-information wrapper is designed to contain bibliographic +information about the content (Author, Title, +Publisher, and so on) as well as other meta-information +such as revision histories, keyword sets, and index terms. + + + +Block Elements + +block elements +paragraphs + paragraph-level elements +lists +examples +figures +tables +synopses +admonitions +line-specific environments + +The block elements occur immediately below the component and +sectioning elements. These are the (roughly) paragraph-level elements +in DocBook. They can be divided into a number of categories: lists, +admonitions, line-specific environments, synopses of several sorts, +tables, figures, examples, and a dozen or more miscellaneous elements. + +Block vs. Inline Elements + +block elements + inline elements vs. +inline elements + block elements vs. + +At the paragraph-level, it's convenient to divide elements into two +classes, block and inline. +From a structural point of view, this distinction is based loosely on +their relative size, but it's easiest to describe the difference in +terms of their presentation. + + +sidebars +block quotations +quotations (block) +Block elements are usually presented with a paragraph (or larger) +break before and after them. Most can contain other block elements, +and many can contain character data and inline elements. Paragraphs, +lists, sidebars, tables, and block quotations are all common examples +of block elements. + + +fonts + changes (inline elements) +characters + inline elements +cross references +filenames +commands +options +subscripts and superscripts +glossaries + glossary terms +Inline elements are generally represented without any obvious breaks. +The most common distinguishing mark of inline elements is a font +change, but inline elements may present no visual distinction at all. +Inline elements contain character data and possibly other inline +elements, but they never contain block elements. Inline elements are +used to mark up data such as cross references, filenames, commands, +options, subscripts and superscripts, and glossary terms. + + +Lists + +lists + elements +elements + lists + +There are seven list elements in DocBook: + + +CalloutList + + +CallOut element +CalloutList element + +A list of CallOuts and their descriptions. +CallOuts are +marks, frequently numbered and typically on a graphic or verbatim environment, +that are described in a CalloutList, outside the element +in which they occur. + + +GlossList + + +GlossList element + +A list of glossary terms and their definitions. + + +ItemizedList + + +ItemizedList element + +An unordered (bulleted) list. There are attributes to control +the marks used. + + +OrderedList + + +OrderedList element + +A numbered list. There are attributes to control the type of +enumeration. + + +SegmentedList + + +SegmentedList element + +A repeating set of named items. For example, a list of states +and their capitals might be represented as a +SegmentedList. + + +SimpleList + + +SimpleList element + +An unadorned list of items. SimpleLists can +be inline or arranged in columns. + + +VariableList + + +VariableList element + +A list of terms and definitions or descriptions. (This list of +list types is a VariableList.) + + + + +Admonitions + +admonitions + DocBook types +Caution element +Important element +Note element +Tip element +Warning element + +There are five types of admonitions in DocBook: +Caution, Important, +Note, Tip, and +Warning. + + +All of the admonitions have the same structure: an optional +Title followed by paragraph-level elements. The DocBook +DTD does not impose any specific semantics on the individual +admonitions. For example, DocBook does not mandate that +Warnings be reserved for cases where bodily harm +can result. + + +Line-specific environments + +line-specific environments +whitespace + preserving in source text +line breaks, preserving + +These environments preserve whitespace and line breaks in the source +text. DocBook does not provide the equivalent of HTML's +BR tag, so there's no way to interject a line break +into normal running text. + + + +Address + + +Address element + +The Address element is intended for postal +addresses. In addition to being line-specific, Address +contains additional elements suitable for marking up names and +addresses. + + + +LiteralLayout + + +LiteralLayout element + +A LiteralLayout does not have any semantic +association beyond the preservation of whitespace and line breaks. In +particular, while ProgramListing and +Screen are frequently presented in a fixed-width +font, a change of fonts is not necessarily implied by LiteralLayout +. + + + +ProgramListing + + +ProgramListing element +fonts + fixed-width, programs and code + +A ProgramListing is a verbatim environment, usually +presented in Courier or some other fixed-width font, for program +sources, code fragments, and similar listings. + + + +Screen + + +Screen element +text screen-captures + +A Screen is a verbatim or literal environment +for text screen-captures, other fragments of an +ASCII display, and similar things. +Screen is also a frequent catch-all for any verbatim +text. + + + +ScreenShot + + +ScreenShot element + +ScreenShot is actually a wrapper for a +Graphic intended for screen shots of a +GUI for example. + + + +Synopsis + + +Synopsis element + +A Synopsis is a verbatim environment for command +and function synopsis. + + + + +Examples, figures, and tables + +block elements + formal and informal elements +formal elements +informal elements +Example element +Figure element +Table element +InformalExample element +InformalExample element +InformalTable element + +Examples, Figures, and Tables are common block-level elements: +Example, InformalExample, +Figure, InformalFigure, +Table, and InformalTable. + + +titles + formal elements + +The distinction between formal and informal elements is that formal +elements have titles while informal ones do not. The +InformalFigure element was introduced in DocBook +V3.1. In prior versions of DocBook, you could only +achieve the effect of an informal figure by placing its content, +unwrapped, at the location where the informal figure was desired. + + +Paragraphs + +Para element + +There are three paragraph elements: Para, +SimPara (simple paragraphs may not contain other block-level +elements), and FormalPara (formal paragraphs have +titles). + + +Equations + +Equation element +titles + equation elements +InlineEquation element +There are two block-equation elements, Equation and +InformalEquation (for inline equations, use +InlineEquation). + + +Informal equations don't have titles. For reasons of +backward-compatibility, Equations are not required +to have titles. However, it may be more difficult for some stylesheet +languages to properly enumerate Equations if they +lack titles. + + +Graphics + +graphics +Figure element +ScreenShot element +block elements + Graphic +InlineGraphic element + +Graphics occur most frequently in Figures and +ScreenShots, but they can also occur without a +wrapper. DocBook considers a Graphic a block +element, even if it appears to occur inline. For graphics that you +want to be represented inline, use InlineGraphic. + + +MediaObject elements +InlineMediaObject element + +DocBook V3.1 introduced a new element to contain +graphics and other media types: MediaObject and its inline +cousin, InlineMediaObject. These elements may contain +video, audio, image, and text data. A single media object can contain +several alternative forms from which the presentation system can +select the most appropriate object. + + +Questions and answers + +QandASet element +FAQ element +frequently asked questions (FAQ) +Question element +Answer element + +DocBook V3.1 introduced the QandASet +element, which is suitable for FAQs (Frequently +Asked Questions) and other similar collections of +Questions and Answers. + + +Miscellaneous block elements + +The following block elements are also available: + + + +BlockQuote + +BlockQuote element +Attribution element + +A block quotation. Block quotations may have +Attributions. + + +CmdSynopsis + +CmdSynopsis element +parameters (commands), markup +options + commands, marking up +commands + +An environment for marking up all the parameters and options of a command. + + + +Epigraph + +Epigraph element + +A short introduction, typically a quotation, at the beginning of a document. +Epigraphs may have Attributions. + + + +FuncSynopsis + +FuncSynopsis element +MsgSet element + +An environment for marking up the return value and arguments of a function. + + + +Highlights + +Highlights element + +A summary of the main points discussed in a book component (chapter, +section, and so on). + + + +MsgSet + +error messages + sets of related + +A set of related error messages. + + +Procedure + +Procedure element +Step element +SubStep element + +A procedure. Procedures contain Steps, which +may contain SubSteps. + + +Sidebar +A sidebar. + + + + +Inline Elements + +inline elements +text + inline elements + +Users of DocBook are provided with a surfeit of inline elements. +Inline elements are used to mark up running text. In published +documents, inline elements often cause a font change or other small +change, but they do not cause line or paragraph breaks. + + +In practice, writers generally settle on the tagging of inline elements that +suits their time and subject matter. This may be a large number of +elements or only a handful. What is important is that you choose to mark up +not every possible item, but only those for which distinctive tagging will +be useful in the production of the finished document for the readers who +will search through it. + + +The following comprehensive list may be a useful tool for the process +of narrowing down the elements that you will choose to mark up; it is +not intended to overwhelm you by its sheer length. For convenience, +we've divided the inlines into several subcategories. + + +The classification used here is not meant to be authoritative, only +helpful in providing a feel for the nature of the inlines. Several +elements appear in more than one category, and arguments could be made +to support the placement of additional elements in other categories or +entirely new categories. + +Traditional publishing inlines + +general writing (traditional publishing inlines) +traditional publishing, inline elements + +These inlines identify things that commonly occur in general writing: + + + +Abbrev +An abbreviation, especially one followed by a period. +Abbrev element + + + +Acronym +An often pronounceable word made from the initial (or selected) letters of a name or phrase. +Acronym element + + + +Emphasis +Emphasized text.Emphasis element + + + +Footnote + +A footnote. The location of the Footnote +element identifies the location of the first reference to the +footnote. Additional references to the same footnote can be inserted with +FootnoteRef. +FootnoteRef element +Footnote element + + + + +Phrase +A span of text.Phrase element + + + +Quote +An inline quotation.Quote element + + + +Trademark +A trademark.Trademark element + + + + +Cross references + +cross references +Link element +GlossTerm element +LinkEnd attribute + +The cross reference inlines identify both explicit cross references, +such as Link, and implicit cross references like +GlossTerm. You can make the most of the implicit +references explicit with a LinkEnd +attribute. + + + +Anchor +A spot in the document.Anchor element + + + +Citation +An inline bibliographic reference to another published work.Citation element + + + +CiteRefEntry +A citation to a reference page.CiteRefEntry element + + + +CiteTitle +The title of a cited work.CiteTitle element + + + +FirstTerm +The first occurrence of a term.FirstTerm element + + + +GlossTerm +A glossary term.GlossTerm element + + + +Link +A hypertext link.Link element + + + +OLink +A link that addresses its target indirectly, through an entity.OLink element + + + +ULink +A link that addresses its target by means of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator).ULink element + + + +XRef +A cross reference to another part of the document.XRef element + + + + +Markup + +markup + elements + +These inlines are used to mark up text for special presentation: + + + +ForeignPhrase +A word or phrase in a language other than the primary language of the document.ForeignPhrase element + + + +WordAsWord +A word meant specifically as a word and not representing anything else.WordAsWord element + + + +ComputerOutput +Data, generally text, displayed or presented by a computer.ComputerOutput element + + + +Literal +Inline text that is some literal value.Literal element + + + +Markup +A string of formatting markup in text that is to be represented literally.Markup element + + + +Prompt +A character or string indicating the start of an input field in a computer display.Prompt element + + + +Replaceable +Content that may or must be replaced by the user.Replaceable element + + + +SGMLTag +A component of SGML markup.SGMLTag element + + + +UserInput +Data entered by the user.UserInput element + + + + + +Mathematics +elements +mathematics +mathematics (DocBook) +equations (elements) +MathML, incorporating +namespaces +DocBook does not define a complete set of elements for +representing equations. No one has ever pressed the DocBook +maintainers to add this functionality, and the prevailing opinion is +that incorporating +MathML using a +mechanism like +namespaces +is probably the best long-term solution. +DocBook V4.5 added a mathphrase element to support +simple, textual mathematics that doesn't require extensive markup. + + +InlineEquation +A mathematical equation or expression occurring inline.InlineEquation element + + + +mathphrase +A mathematical phrase, an expression that can be represented with ordinary text and a small amount of markup.mathphrase element + + + +Subscript +A subscript (as in H2O, the molecular formula for water).Subscript element + + + +Superscript +A superscript (as in x2, the mathematical notation for x multiplied by itself).Superscript element + + + + +User interfaces + +These elements describe aspects of a user interface: +user interfaces, describing (elements) +elements + user interfaces, describing + + + + +Accel + A graphical user interface (GUI) keyboard shortcut.Accel element + + + +GUIButton + The text on a button in a GUI.GuIButton element + + + +GUIIcon + Graphic and/or text appearing as a icon in a GUI.GUIIcon element + + + +GUILabel + The text of a label in a GUI. + + +GUIMenu + The name of a menu in a GUI.GUIMenu element + + + +GUIMenuItem + The name of a terminal menu item in a GUI.GUIMenuItem element + + + +GUISubmenu + The name of a submenu in a GUI.GUISubmenu element + + + +KeyCap + The text printed on a key on a keyboard.KeyCap element + + + +KeyCode + The internal, frequently numeric, identifier for a key on a keyboard.KeyCode class + + + +KeyCombo + A combination of input actions.KeyCombo element + + + +KeySym + The symbolic name of a key on a keyboard.KeySym element + + + +MenuChoice + A selection or series of selections from a menu.MenuChoice element + + + +MouseButton + The conventional name of a mouse button.MouseButton element + + + +Shortcut + A key combination for an action that is also accessible through a menu.Shortcut element + + + + +Programming languages and constructs + +programming languages (elements) +constructs (programming), elements +inline elements + programming languages and constructs +elements + programming languages and constructs +inline elements + technical + +Many of the technical inlines in DocBook are related to programming. + + + +Action + A response to a user event.Action element + + + +ClassName + The name of a class, in the object-oriented programming sense.ClassName element + + + +Constant + A programming or system constant.Constant element + + + +ErrorCode + An error code.ErrorCode element + + + +ErrorName + An error name.ErrorName element + + + +ErrorType + The classification of an error message.ErrorType element + + + +Function + The name of a function or subroutine, as in a programming language.Function element + + + +Interface + An element of a GUI.Interface element + + + +InterfaceDefinition + The name of a formal specification of a GUI.InterfaceDefinition element + + + +Literal + Inline text that is some literal value.Literal element + + + +MsgText + The actual text of a message component in a message set.MsgText element + + + +Parameter + A value or a symbolic reference to a value.Parameter element + + + +Property + A unit of data associated with some part of a computer system.Property element + + + +Replaceable + Content that may or must be replaced by the user.Replaceable element + + + +ReturnValue + The value returned by a function.ReturnValue element + + + +StructField + A field in a structure (in the programming language sense).StructField element + + + +StructName + The name of a structure (in the programming language sense).StructName element + + + +Symbol + A name that is replaced by a value before processing.Symbol element + + + +Token + A unit of information.Token element + + + +Type + The classification of a value.Type element + + + +VarName + The name of a variable.VarName element + + + + +Operating systems + +operating systems + inline elements + +These inlines identify parts of an operating system, or an +operating environment: + + + +Application + The name of a software program.Application element + + + +Command + The name of an executable program or other software command.Command element + + + +EnVar + A software environment variable.EnVar element + + + +Filename + The name of a file.Filename element + + + +MediaLabel + A name that identifies the physical medium on which some information resides.MediaLabel element + + + +MsgText + The actual text of a message component in a message set.MsgText element + + + +Option + An option for a software command.Option element + + + +Parameter + A value or a symbolic reference to a value.Parameter element + + + +Prompt + A character or string indicating the start of an input field in a computer display.Prompt element + + + +SystemItem + A system-related item or term.SystemItem element + + + + +General purpose + +general-purpose technical inline elements +inline elements + technical (general-purpose) + +There are also a number of general-purpose technical inlines. + + + +Application + The name of a software program.Application element + + + +Database + The name of a database, or part of a database.Database element + + + +Email + An email address.Email element + + + +Filename + The name of a file.Filename element + + + +Hardware + A physical part of a computer system.Hardware element + + + +InlineGraphic + An object containing or pointing to graphical data that will be rendered inline.InlineGraphic element + + + +Literal + Inline text that is some literal value.Literal element + + + +MediaLabel + A name that identifies the physical medium on which some information resides.MediaLabel element + + + +Option + An option for a software command.Option element + + + +Optional + Optional information.Optional element + + + +Replaceable + Content that may or must be replaced by the user.Replaceable element + + + +Symbol + A name that is replaced by a value before processing.Symbol element + + + +Token + A unit of information.Token element + + + +Type + The classification of a value.Type element + + + + + + +Making a DocBook Book + +DocBook DTD + Book, making +books + DocBook, making +meta-information + DocBook Book + +A typical Book, in English at least, consists of +some meta-information in a BookInfo +(Title, Author, +Copyright, and so on), one or more +Prefaces, several Chapters, and perhaps a +few Appendixes. A Book may also +contain Bibliographys, +Glossarys, Indexes and a +Colophon. + + + shows the structure of a typical book. +Additional content is required where the ellipses occur. +books + typical structure + + + +A Typical Book +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<book> +<bookinfo> + <title>My First Book</title> + <author><firstname>Jane</firstname><surname>Doe</surname></author> + <copyright><year>1998</year><holder>Jane Doe</holder></copyright> +</bookinfo> +<preface><title>Foreword</title> ... </preface> +<chapter> ... </chapter> +<chapter> ... </chapter> +<chapter> ... </chapter> +<appendix> ... </appendix> +<appendix> ... </appendix> +<index> ... </index> +</book> + + +Making a Chapter + +Chapter element + typical chapter, structure +Preface element + typical structure +Appendix element + typical structure + +Chapters, Prefaces, and +Appendixes all have a similar structure. They +consist of a Title, possibly some additional +meta-information, and any number of block-level elements followed by +any number of top-level sections. Each section may in turn contain any +number of block-level elements followed by any number from the next +section level, as shown in . + + +A Typical Chapter +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<chapter><title>My Chapter</title> +<para> ... </para> +<sect1><title>First Section</title> +<para> ... </para> +<example> ... </example> +</sect1> +</chapter> + + + + +Making an Article + +articles + creating +elements + component-level +components + elements +journal articles +white papers, creating + +For documents smaller than a book, such as: journal articles, white +papers, or technical notes, Article is frequently +the most logical starting point. The body of an +Article is essentially the same as the body of a +Chapter or any other component-level element, as +shown in + + +Articles may include +Appendixes, Bibliographys, +Indexes and Glossarys. + + +A Typical Article +<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<article> +<artheader> + <title>My Article</title> + <author><honorific>Dr</honorific><firstname>Emilio</firstname> + <surname>Lizardo</surname></author> +</artheader> +<para> ... </para> +<sect1><title>On the Possibility of Going Home</title> +<para> ... </para> +</sect1> +<bibliography> ... </bibliography> +</article> + + + +Making a Reference Page + +reference pages + creating +manual page, creating +UNIX + manpage +manpage (UNIX) + +The reference page or manual page in DocBook was inspired by, and in +fact designed to reproduce, the common UNIX “manpage” +concept. (We use the word "page" loosely here to mean a document of +variable length containing reference material on a specific topic.) +DocBook is rich in markup tailored for such documents, which often +vary greatly in content, however well-structured they may be. To +reflect both the structure and the variability of such texts, DocBook +specifies that reference pages have a strict sequence of parts, even +though several of them are actually optional. + + +RefEntry element + elements, obligatory +RefNameDiv element +RefSect1 element + +Of the following sequence of elements that may appear in a RefEntry, only two are obligatory: RefNameDiv and RefSect1. + + +DocInfo + + +DocInfo element + reference page, meta-information +meta-information + reference page + +The DocInfo element contains +meta-information about the reference page (which should not be +confused with RefMeta, which it +precedes). It marks up information about the author of the document, +or the product to which it pertains, or the document's revision +history, or other such information. + + + +RefMeta + + +RefMeta element +titles + reference pages +volume number (reference page) +ManVolNum +UNIX + ManVolNum +uname command and uname function, distinguishing + +RefMeta contains a title for +the reference page (which may be inferred if the +RefMeta element is not present) and an indication +of the volume number in which this reference page occurs. The +ManVolNum is a very UNIX-centric concept. In +traditional UNIX documentation, the subject of a reference page is +typically identified by name and volume number; this allows you to +distinguish between the uname command, +uname(1) in volume 1 of the documentation and the +uname function, uname(3) in +volume 3. + + +RefMiscInfo element +miscellaneous information, reference pages + +Additional information of this sort such as conformance or +vendor information specific to the particular environment you are +working in, may be stored in RefMiscInfo. + + + + +RefNameDiv + + +RefNameDiv element +RefDescriptor element +RefName element +RefPurpose element +purpose (reference pages) +RefClass element +operating systems + configurations, software support + +The first obligatory element is RefNameDiv, which is a wrapper for +information about whatever you're documenting, rather than the +document itself. It can begin with a RefDescriptor if several items are being +documented as a group and the group has a name. The RefNameDiv must contain at least one +RefName, that is, the name of +whatever you're documenting, and a single short statement that sums up +the use or function of the item(s) at a glance: their RefPurpose. Also available is the RefClass, intended to detail the +operating system configurations that the software element in question +supports. + + +titles + reference pages +RefEntryTitle element + +If no RefEntryTitle is given in the +RefMeta, the title of the reference page is the +RefDescriptor, if present, or the first +RefName. + + + + +RefSynopsisDiv + + +RefSynopsisDiv element +synopses + reference topics +commands + syntax summary +functions + function prototype +Title element + +A RefSynopsisDiv is intended +to provide a quick synopsis of the topic covered by the reference +page. For commands, this is generally a syntax summary of the command, +and for functions, the function prototype, but other options are +possible. A Title is allowed, but +not required, presumably because the application that processes +reference pages will generate the appropriate title if it is not +given. In traditional UNIX documentation, its title is always +“Synopsis”. + + + + +RefSect1…RefSect3 + + +sections + RefEntry, levels +RefSect1…RefSect3 + +Within RefEntrys, there are only three levels +of sectioning elements: RefSect1, +RefSect2, and RefSect3. + + + + + + shows the beginning of a RefEntry that illustrates one possible +reference page: +reference pages + sample page + + +A Sample Reference Page + + +<refentry id="printf"> + +<refmeta> +<refentrytitle>printf</refentrytitle> +<manvolnum>3S</manvolnum> +</refmeta> + +<refnamediv> +<refname>printf</refname> +<refname>fprintf</refname> +<refname>sprintf</refname> +<refpurpose>print formatted output</refpurpose> +</refnamediv> + +<refsynopsisdiv> + +<funcsynopsis> +<funcsynopsisinfo> +#include &lt;stdio.h&gt; +</funcsynopsisinfo> +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>int <function>printf</function></funcdef> + <paramdef>const char *<parameter>format</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>...</paramdef> +</funcprototype> + +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>int <function>fprintf</function></funcdef> + <paramdef>FILE *<parameter>strm</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>const char *<parameter>format</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>...</paramdef> +</funcprototype> + +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>int <function>sprintf</function></funcdef> + <paramdef>char *<parameter>s</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>const char *<parameter>format</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>...</paramdef> +</funcprototype> +</funcsynopsis> + +</refsynopsisdiv> + +<refsect1><title>Description</title> +<para> +<indexterm><primary>functions</primary> + <secondary>printf</secondary></indexterm> +<indexterm><primary>printing function</primary></indexterm> + +<function>printf</function> places output on the standard +output stream stdout. +&hellip; +</para> +</refsect1> +</refentry> + + +Making Front- and Backmatter + +frontmatter, books and articles +backmatter, books and articles +indexes + creating, books and articles +glossaries + creating +tables of contents + creating, books and articles + +DocBook contains markup for the usual variety of front- and backmatter +necessary for books and articles: indexes, glossaries, bibliographies, +and tables of contents. In many cases, these components are generated +automatically, at least in part, from your document by an external +processor, but you can create them by hand, and in either case, store +them in DocBook. + + +markup + backmatter, books and articles + +Some forms of backmatter, like indexes and glossaries, usually require +additional markup in the document to make +generation by an application possible. Bibliographies are usually +composed by hand like the rest of your text, unless you are +automatically selecting bibliographic entries out of some larger +database. Our principal concern here is to acquaint you with the kind +of markup you need to include in your documents if you want to +construct these components. + + +Frontmatter, like the table of contents, is almost always generated +automatically from the text of a document by the processing +application. If you need information about how to mark up a table of +contents in DocBook, please consult the reference page for +ToC. + +Making an Index + +indexes + marking index terms +In some highly-structured documents such as reference manuals, you can +automate the whole process of generating an index successfully without +altering or adding to the original source. You can design a processing +application to select the information and compile it into an adequate +index. But this is rare. + + +In most cases—and even in the case of some reference +manuals—a useful index still requires human intervention to mark +occurrences of words or concepts that will appear in the text of the +index. + +Marking index terms + +singular index markers +ranges, index entries + +Docbook distinguishes two kinds of index markers: those that are +singular and result in a single page entry in the index itself, and +those that are multiple and refer to a range of pages. + +You put a singular index marker where the subject it refers to +actually occurs in your text: + +<para> +The tiger<indexterm> +<primary>Big Cats</primary> +<secondary>Tigers</secondary></indexterm> +is a very large cat indeed. +</para> + +primary level index entries +secondary level index entries +tertiary level index entries +This index term has two levels, primary and +secondary. They correspond to an increasing amount +of indented text in the resultant index. DocBook allows for three +levels of index terms, with the third labeled +tertiary. + + +starting index terms (ranges) +ending index terms (ranges) + +There are two ways that you can index a range of text. The first is to +put index marks at both the beginning and end of the discussion. The +mark at the beginning asserts that it is the start of a range, and the +mark at the end refers back to the beginning. In this way, the +processing application can determine what range of text is +indexed. Here's the previous tiger example recast as starting and +ending index terms: + + +<para> +The tiger<indexterm id="tiger-desc" class="startofrange"> +<primary>Big Cats</primary> +<secondary>Tigers</secondary></indexterm> +is a very large cat indeed… +</para> +⋮ +<para> +So much for tigers<indexterm startref="tiger-desc" class="endofrange">. Let's talk about +leopards. +</para> + + +ID attribute + index entries, ranges +Class attribute + index entries, ranges + +Note that the mark at the start of the range identifies itself as the +start of a range with the Class +attribute, and provides an ID. +The mark at the end of the range points back to the start. + + +IndexTerm element + Zone attribute +Zone attribute (indexterm) + +Another way to mark up a range of text is to specify that the entire +content of an element, such as a chapter or section, is the complete +range. In this case, all you need is for the index term to point to +the ID of the element that +contains the content in question. The Zone attribute of indexterm +provides this functionality. + + +One of the interesting features of this method is that the actual +index marks do not have to occur anywhere near the text being +indexed. It is possible to collect all of them together, for example, +in one file, but it is not invalid to have the index marker occur near +the element it indexes. + + +Suppose the discussion of tigers in your document comprises a +whole text object (like a Sect1 +or a Chapter) with an +ID value of +tiger-desc. You can put the following +tag anywhere in your document to index that range of text: + +<indexterm zone="tiger-desc"> +<primary>Big Cats</primary> +<secondary>Tigers</secondary></indexterm> + + + +see and see also index entries +DocBook also contains markup for index hits that point to other index +hits (of the same type such as "See Cats, big" or "See also +Lions"). See the reference pages for See and +SeeAlso. + + +Printing an index + +indexes + printing + +After you have added the appropriate markup to your document, an +external application can use this information to build an index. The +resulting index must have information about the page numbers on which +the concepts appear. It's usually the document formatter that builds +the index. In this case, it may never be instantiated in DocBook. + + +indexes + index marked up in DocBook (example) + +However, there are applications that can produce an index marked up in +DocBook. The following example includes some one- and two-level +IndexEntry elements (which +correspond to the primary and secondary levels in the +indexterms themselves) that begin with the letter D: + +<!DOCTYPE index PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<index><title>Index</title> +<indexdiv><title>D</title> +<indexentry> + <primaryie>database (bibliographic), 253, 255</primaryie> + <secondaryie>structure, 255</secondaryie> + <secondaryie>tools, 259</secondaryie> +</indexentry> +<indexentry> + <primaryie>dates (language specific), 179</primaryie> +</indexentry> +<indexentry> + <primaryie>DC fonts, <emphasis>172</emphasis>, 177</primaryie> + <secondaryie>Math fonts, 177</secondaryie> +</indexentry> +</indexdiv> +</index> + + + + +Making a Glossary + +glossaries + creating + +Glossarys, like Bibliographys, are often +constructed by hand. However, some applications are capable of +building a skeletal index from glossary term markup in the document. +If all of your terms are defined in some glossary database, it may +even be possible to construct the complete glossary automatically. + + +markup + glossaries +GlossTerm element +LinkEnd attribute + GlossTerm tag +ID attribute + glossary entries +links + glossary terms (text) to glossary entries + +To enable automatic glossary generation, or simply automatic linking +from glossary terms in the text to glossary entries, you must add +markup to your documents. In the text, you markup a term for +compilation later with the inline GlossTerm +tag. This tag can have a LinkEnd +attribute whose value is the ID of the actual entry in the +glossary. + +Some sophisticated formatters might even be able to establish the link +simply by examining the content of the terms and the glossary. In that +case, the author is not required to make explicit links. + + + + +For instance, if you have this markup in your document: + + +<glossterm linkend="xml">Extensible Markup Language</glossterm> is a new standard… + + +glossaries + example + +your glossary might look like this: + + +<!DOCTYPE glossary PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<glossary><title>Example Glossary</title> +⋮ +<glossdiv><title>E</title> + +<glossentry id="xml"><glossterm>Extensible Markup Language</glossterm> + <acronym>XML</acronym> +<glossdef> + <para>Some reasonable definition here.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="sgml"> +</glossdef> +</glossentry> + +</glossdiv> + + +Note that the GlossTerm tag +reappears in the glossary to mark up the term and distinguish it from +its definition within the +GlossEntry. The ID that +the GlossEntry referenced in the +text is the ID of the GlossEntry in the Glossary +itself. You can use the link between source and glossary to create a +link in the online form of your document, as we have done with the +online form of the glossary in this book. + + +Making a Bibliography + +bibliographies, creating +raw data + bibliographies +cooked data + bibliographies +BiblioEntry element + +There are two ways to set up a bibliography in DocBook: you can have +the data raw or +cooked. Here's an example of a raw +bibliographical item, wrapped in the Biblioentry element: + + +<biblioentry xreflabel="Kites75"> + <authorgroup> + <author><firstname>Andrea</firstname><surname>Bahadur</surname></author> + <author><firstname>Mark</><surname>Shwarek</></author> + </authorgroup> + <copyright><year>1974</year><year>1975</year> + <holder>Product Development International Holding N. V.</holder> + </copyright> + <isbn>0-88459-021-6</isbn> + <publisher> + <publishername>Plenary Publications International, Inc.</publishername> + </publisher> + <title>Kites</title> + <subtitle>Ancient Craft to Modern Sport</subtitle> + <pagenums>988-999</pagenums> + <seriesinfo> + <title>The Family Creative Workshop</title> + <seriesvolnums>1-22</seriesvolnums> + <editor> + <firstname>Allen</firstname> + <othername role=middle>Davenport</othername> + <surname>Bragdon</surname> + <contrib>Editor in Chief</contrib> + </editor> + </seriesinfo> +</biblioentry> + + +The “raw” data in a Biblioentry is comprehensive to a +fault—there are enough fields to suit a host of different +bibliographical styles, and that is the point. An abundance of data +requires processing applications to select, punctuate, order, and +format the bibliographical data, and it is unlikely that all the +information provided will actually be output. + + +Bibliomixed element + +All the “cooked” data in a Bibliomixed entry in a bibliography, on the +other hand, is intended to be presented to the reader in the form and +sequence in which it is provided. It even includes punctuation between +the fields of data: + + +<bibliomixed> + <bibliomset relation=article> + <surname>Walsh</surname>, <firstname>Norman</firstname>. + <title role=article>Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets</title>. + </bibliomset> + <bibliomset relation=journal> + <title>The World Wide Web Journal</title> + <volumenum>2</volumenum><issuenum>1</issuenum>. + <publishername>O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.</publishername> and + <corpname>The World Wide Web Consortium</corpname>. + <pubdate>Winter, 1996</pubdate></bibliomset>. +</bibliomixed> + + +Clearly, these two ways of marking up bibliographical entries are +suited to different circumstances. You should use one or the other +for your bibliography, not both. Strictly speaking, mingling the raw +and the cooked may be “kosher” as far as the DTD is +concerned, but it will almost certainly cause problems for most +processing applications. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-03-23 21:57:55 +0100 (Sat, 23 Mar 2002) $ +$Revision: 1322 $ + +Parsing DocBook Documents + +parsing + DocBook documents +DocBook DTD + parsing documents + +A key feature of SGML and XML markup is that you +validate it. The DocBook DTD is a precise description +of valid nesting, the order of elements, and their content. All +DocBook documents must conform to this description or they are not +DocBook documents (by definition). + + +parsers + validating +validation + parsers + +A validating parser is a program that can read +the DTD and a particular document and determine whether the exact +nesting and order of elements in the document is valid according to +the DTD. + + +text editors + unstructured, parsing and + +If you are not using a structured editor that can enforce the markup +as you type, validation with an external parser is a particularly +important step in the document creation process. You cannot expect +to get rational results from subsequent processing (such as document +publishing) if your documents are not valid. + + +SP nsgmls parsernsgmls parser +The most popular free SGML parser is SP by James Clark, +available at + + +nsgmls parser +parsers + free +XML + parsers, free +xp parser + +SP includes nsgmls, a fast command-line +parser. In the world of free validating XML parsers, +James +Clark's xp is a popular choice. + + + +parsers + non-validating + +Not all XML parsers are validating, and although a +non-validating parser may have many uses, it cannot ensure that your +documents are valid according to the DTD. + +Validating Your Documents + +The exact way in which the parser is executed varies according to +the parser in use, naturally. For information about your particular +parser, consult the documentation that came with it. + + +Using nsgmls + +nsgmls parser + SGML documents, validating + +The nsgmls command from SP is a +validating SGML parser. The options used in the example below +suppress the normal output (), except for error messages, +print the version number (), and specify the catalog file +that should be used to map public identifiers to system +identifiers. Printing the version number guarantees that you always +get some output, so that you know the command ran +successfully: + + +[n:\dbtdg] nsgmls -sv -c \share\sgml\catalog test.sgm +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:I: SP version "1.3.2" + + +error messages + nsgmls parser +options + error messages (parser), directing to file + +Because no error messages were printed, we know our document is valid. +If you're working with a document that you discover has many errors, +the option offers a handy way to direct the errors to a file +so they don't all scroll off your screen. + + +nsgmls parser + XML documents, validating +declarations + nsgmls parser +xml.dcl declaration (nsgmls parser) +XML + nsgmls parser + +If you want to validate an XML document with SP, +you must make sure that SP uses the correct +declaration. An XML declaration called xml.dcl is +included with SP. + + + +The easiest way to make sure that SP uses xml.dcl is to +include the declaration explicitly on the command line when you run +nsgmls (or Jade, or other SP tools): + + +[n:\dbtdg] nsgmls -sv -c \share\sgml\catalog m:\jade\xml.dcl test.xml +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:I: SP version "1.3.2" + + + +Using xp + +xp parser +Time program (xp parser) + +The xp distribution includes several sample programs. +One of these programs, Time, performs a validating parse +of the document and prints the amount of time required to parse the +DTD and the document. This program makes an excellent validity +checker: + + +java com.jclark.xml.apps.Time examples\simple.xml +6.639 + + +The result states that it took 6.639 seconds to parse the DTD and +the document. This indicates that the document is valid. If the +document is invalid, additional error messages are displayed. + + + +Understanding Parse Errors + +errors + parsing + +parsing + errors +error messages + parsers + +Every parser produces slightly different error messages, but most +indicate exactly (at least technically) + +It is often the case that you can correct an error in the document in +several ways. The parser suggests one possible fix, but this is not +always the right fix. For example, the parser may suggest that you +can correct out of context data by adding another element, when in +fact it's “obvious” to human eyes that the problem is a +missing end tag. + + what is wrong and where the error occurred. With a little +experience, this information is all you'll need to quickly identify +what's wrong. + + + +Jade + SP parser, using + +In the rest of this section, we'll look at a number of common errors +and the messages they produce in SP. We've +chosen SP for the rest of these examples because +that is the same parser used by Jade, which we'll be discussing +further in . + +<acronym>DTD</acronym> Cannot Be Found + +cannot be found errors +DTDs + cannot be found errors +public identifiers + errors + +The telltale sign that SP could not find the DTD, or some module of +the DTD, is the error message: "cannot generate system identifier +for public text …". Generally, the errors that occur after +this are spurious; if SP couldn't find some part of the DTD, +it's likely to think that everything is wrong. + + +Careful examination of the following document will show that we've +introduced a simple typographic error into the public identifier (the +word DocBook is misspelled with a lowercase b): + + + + + +SP responds dramatically to this error: + + +hermes:/documents/books/tdg/examples/errs$ nsgmls -sv -c cat1 /usr/lib/sgml/declaration/xml.dcl nodtd.sgm +nsgmls:I: SP version "1.3.4" +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:2:76:E: could not resolve host "" (try again later) +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:2:76:E: DTD did not contain element declaration for document type name +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:3:8:E: element "chapter" undefined +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:3:15:E: element "title" undefined +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:4:5:E: element "para" undefined +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:10:5:E: element "para" undefined +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:11:15:E: there is no attribute "role" +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:11:21:E: element "emphasis" undefined +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:12:9:E: element "emphasis" undefined +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:12:24:E: element "emphasis" undefined +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:13:18:E: element "superscript" undefined +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:14:16:E: element "subscript" undefined +nsgmls:nodtd.sgm:16:5:E: element "para" undefined + + +catalog files + errors + +Other things to look for, if you haven't misspelled the public +identifier, are typos in the catalog or failure to specify a catalog +that resolves the public identifier that can't be found. + + +<acronym>ISO</acronym> Entity Set Missing + + +entity sets + missing + +A missing entity set is another example of either a misspelled public +identifier, or a missing catalog or catalog entry. + + +In this case, there's nothing wrong with the document, but the catalog +that's been specified is missing the public identifiers for the +ISO entity sets: + + +[n:\dbtdg]nsgmls -sv -c examples\errs\cat2 examples\simple.sgm +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:I: SP version "1.3.2" +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/dbcent.mod:53:65:W: cannot generate system identifier for public text "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols:Arrow Relations//EN" +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/dbcent.mod:54:8:E: reference to entity "ISOamsa" for which no system identifier could be generated +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/dbcent.mod:52:0: entity was defined here +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/dbcent.mod:60:66:W: cannot generate system identifier for public text "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols:Binary Operators//EN" +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/dbcent.mod:61:8:E: reference to entity "ISOamsb" for which no system identifier could be generated +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/dbcent.mod:59:0: entity was defined here +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/dbcent.mod:67:60:W: cannot generate system identifier for public text "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols:Delimiters//EN" +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/dbcent.mod:68:8:E: reference to entity "ISOamsc" for which no system identifier could be generated +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/dbcent.mod:66:0: entity was defined here +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:n:/share/sgml/docbook/3.1/dbcent.mod:74:67:W: cannot generate system identifier for public text "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols:Negated Relations//EN" +... + + +entity sets + locating + +The ISO entity sets are required by the DocBook +DTD, but they are not distributed with it. That's because they +aren't maintained by OASIS. + +If you need to locate the entity sets, consult + + + + +Character Data Not Allowed Here + +error messages + character data out of context +characters + errors (out of context) +start tags + errors + +Out of context character data is frequently caused by a missing start +tag, but sometimes it's just the result of typing in the wrong place! + + + + + +[n:\dbtdg] nsgmls -sv -c \share\sgml\catalog examples\errs\badpcdata.sgm +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:I: SP version "1.3.2" +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\badpcdata.sgm:9:0:E: character data is not allowed here + + +Chapter element + errors, character data + +Chapters aren't allowed to contain character data +directly. Here, a wrapper element, such as Para, is +missing around the sentence between the first two paragraphs. + + +Misspelled Start Tag + +start tags + errors + misspelling + +If you spell it wrong, the parser gets confused. + + + + + +[n:\documents\books\dbtdg]nsgmls -sv -c \share\sgml\catalog examples\errs\misspe +ll.sgm +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:I: SP version "1.3.2" +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\misspell.sgm:9:5:E: element "PAAR" undefined +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\misspell.sgm:14:6:E: end tag for element "PARA" which is not open +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\misspell.sgm:21:9:E: end tag for "PAAR" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\misspell.sgm:9:0: start tag was here + + +Luckily, these are pretty easy to spot, unless you accidentally spell +the name of another element. In that case, your error might appear to +be out of context. + + +Misspelled End Tag + +end tags + errors, misspelling + +Spelling the end tag wrong is just as confusing. + + + + + +[n:\dbtdg]nsgmls -sv -c \share\sgml\catalog examples\errs\misspell2.sgm +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:I: SP version "1.3.2" +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\misspell2.sgm:2:35:E: end tag for element "TITEL" which is not open +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\misspell2.sgm:3:5:E: document type does not allow element "PARA" here; missing one of "FOOTNOTE", "MSGTEXT" start-tag +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\misspell2.sgm:9:5:E: document type does not allow element "PARA" here; missing one of "FOOTNOTE", "MSGTEXT" start-tag +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\misspell2.sgm:15:5:E: document type does not allow element "PARA" here; missing one of "FOOTNOTE", "MSGTEXT" start-tag +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\misspell2.sgm:21:9:E: end tag for "TITLE" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\misspell2.sgm:2:9: start tag was here +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\misspell2.sgm:21:9:E: end tag for "CHAPTER" which is not finished + + +These are pretty easy to spot as well, but look at how confused the +parser became. From the parser's point of view, failure to close the +open Title element means that all the following elements +appear out of context. + + +Out of Context Start Tag + +start tags + errors + out of context +tags + context errors + +Sometimes the problem isn't spelling, but placing a tag in the wrong +context. When this happens, the parser tries to figure out what it +can add to your document to make it valid. Then it proceeds as if it +had seen what was added in order to recover from the error seen, which +can cause future errors. + + + + + +[n:\dbtdg]nsgmls -sv -c \share\sgml\catalog examples\errs\badstarttag.sgm +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:I: SP version "1.3.2" +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\badstarttag.sgm:9:12:E: document type does not allow element "TITLE" here; missing one of "CALLOUTLIST", "SEGMENTEDLIST", "VARIABLELIST", "CAUTION", "IMPORTANT", "NOTE", "TIP", "WARNING", "BLOCKQUOTE", "EQUATION", "EXAMPLE", "FIGURE", "TABLE" start-tag + + +titles + formal elements + errors +paragraphs + titles + +In this example, we probably wanted a FormalPara, so that +we could have a title on the paragraph. But note that the parser +didn't suggest this alternative. The parser only tries to add +additional elements, rather than rename elements that it's already +seen. + + +Missing End Tag + +end tags + missing, errors + +Leaving out an end tag is a lot like an out of context start tag. In +fact, they're really the same error. The problem is never caused by +the missing end tag per se, rather it's caused by the fact that +something following it is now out of context. + + + + + +[n:\dbtdg]nsgmls -sv -c \share\sgml\catalog examples\errs\noendtag.sgm +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:I: SP version "1.3.2" +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\noendtag.sgm:14:5:E: document type does not allow element "PARA" here; missing one of "FOOTNOTE", "MSGTEXT", "CAUTION", "IMPORTANT", "NOTE", "TIP", "WARNING", "BLOCKQUOTE", "INFORMALEXAMPLE" start-tag +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\noendtag.sgm:20:9:E: end tag for "PARA" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\noendtag.sgm:9:0: start tag was here + + +In this case, the parser figured out that the best thing it could do +is end the paragraph. + + +Bad Entity Reference + +entities + errors, spelling + +If you spell an entity name wrong, the parser will catch it. + + + + + +[n:\dbtdg]nsgmls -sv -c \share\sgml\catalog examples\errs\badent.sgm +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:I: SP version "1.3.2" +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\badent.sgm:10:26:E: general entity "xyzzy" not defined and no default entity + + +More often than not, you'll see this when you misspell a character +entity name. For example, this happens when you type +&ldqou; instead of +&ldquo;. + + +Invalid 8-Bit Character + +characters + character sets + Unicode character set (SGML errors) +8-bit characters, errors (SGML) +errors + 8-bit characters (SGML) + +In XML, the entire range of Unicode characters is available to you, +but in SGML, the declaration indicates what characters are valid. +The distributed DocBook declaration doesn't allow a bunch of fairly +common 8-bit characters. + + + + + +[n:\dbtdg]nsgmls -sv -c \share\sgml\catalog examples\errs\badchar.sgm +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:I: SP version "1.3.2" +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\badchar.sgm:11:0:E: non SGML character number 147 +m:\jade\nsgmls.exe:examples\errs\badchar.sgm:11:5:E: non SGML character number 148 + + +declarations + character sets, errors +entities + characters + errors + +In this example, the Windows code page values for +curly left and right quotes have been used, but they aren't in the +declared character set. Fix this by converting them to character +entities. + + +interchange partners + +You can also fix them by changing the declaration, but if you do that, +make sure all your interchange partners are aware of, and have a copy of, +the modified declaration. See . + + + + + + + +Considering Other Schema Languages + +Historically, DTDs were the only way to describe the valid +stricture of SGML and XML documents, but that is no longer the case. +At the time of this writing (January, 2001), DocBook is experimentally +available in three other schema languages: + + + +XML Schema + +The schema language being defined by the +W3C as the successor to DTDs +for describing the structure of XML. XML Schema are likely to become +a W3C Recommendation in 2001. + + + +RELAX + +RELAX, the Regular Language description for XML) is a less +complex alternative to XML Schemas. The RELAX Core module is defined by +ISO in ISO/IEC DTR 22250-1, Document Description and +Processing Languages -- Regular Language Description for XML (RELAX) +-- Part 1: RELAX Core, 2000. The RELAX Namespaces module +is currently under development. + + + + +TREX + +TREX, Tree Regular Expressions for XML, is another less complex +alternative to XML Schemas. It is concise, powerful, and datatype +neutral. + + + + +Parsing and Validation + +Before we look closer at these new schema languages, there's one +significant difference between DTDs and all of them that we should +get out of the way: XML parsers (which may understand DTDs) build an +XML information set out of a stream of characters, all of these other +schema languages begin with an information set and perform validation +on it. + +What I mean by that is that an XML parser reads a stream of +bytes: + +"<" "?" "x" "m" "l" " " "v" "e" ... +"<" "!" "D" "O" "C" "T" "Y" "P" "E" " " "b" "o" "o" "k" ... +"<" "b" "o" "o" "k" " " "i" "d" "=" "'" "f" "o" "o" "'" ">" +... +"<" "/" "b" "o" "o" "k" ">" + +interprets them as a stream of characters (which may change the +interpretation of some sequences of bytes) and constructs some +representation of the XML document. This representation is the set +of all the XML information items encountered: the information +set of the document. The W3C +XML Core Working Group +is in the process of defining what an +XML Information Set +contains. + +The other schema languages are defined not in terms of the sequence +of characters in the file but in terms of the information set of the +XML document. They have to work this way because the +XML Recommendation +says what an XML document is and they all want to work on top of +XML. + +So what, you might ask? Well, it turns out that this has at least +one very significant implication: there's no way for these languages to +provide support for entity declarations. + +An entity, like &ora; +as a shortcut for O'Reilly & Associates or +&eacute; as a mnemonic for +é, is a feature of the character stream seen by +the XML parser, it doesn't exist in the information set of valid +XML documents. More importantly, this means that even if the schema +language had a syntax for declaring entities, it wouldn't help the XML +parser that needs to know the definitions long before the schema language +processor comes into play. + +There are a couple of other XML features that are impacted, +though not necessarily as significantly: notations and default +attribute values. One use for notations is on external entity +declarations, and as we've already seen, the schema language is too +late to be useful for anything entity related. Default attribute values +are also problematic since you would like them to be in the information +set produced by the parser so that the schema language sees them. + + + +A Coarse Comparison of Three <acronym>XML</acronym> Schema Languages + +FIXME: write a short synopsis of how these languages compare. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2005-11-12 22:36:21 +0100 (Sat, 12 Nov 2005) $ +$Revision: 5449 $ + +Publishing DocBook Documents + +DocBook DTD + publishing documents +publishing DocBook documents +stylesheets + publishing SGML/XML documents +HTML + translating SGML/XML documents + +Creating and editing SGML/XML documents is usually only half the +battle. After you've composed your document, you'll want to publish +it. Publishing, for our purposes, means either print or web +publishing. For SGML and XML documents, this is usually +accomplished with some kind of stylesheet. In +some environments, it is now possible to publish an XML +document on the Web simply by putting it online with a stylesheet. + + +Jade + Modular DocBook Stylesheets +Modular DocBook Stylesheets +Linux Documentation Project + +There are many ways, using both free and commercial tools, to publish +SGML documents. In this chapter, we're going to survey a number of +possibilities, and then look at just one solution in detail: Jade and the Modular DocBook +Stylesheets. We used jade to produce this +book and to produce the online versions on the +CD-ROM; it is also being deployed in other projects +such as <SGML>&tools;, +which originated with the Linux Documentation Project. + + +For a brief survey of other tools, see . + + +
The MIME Type for DocBook +When published on the web, documents must be identified with a MIME type. +The MIME type for SGML DocBook documents published directly on the web +is “application/sgml”. +The most appropriate MIME type for XML DocBook documents published directly on +the web is currently +“application/xml”, however the DocBook Technical Committee +may choose to register a more specific MIME type in the future. +
+ +
A Survey of Stylesheet Languages + +stylesheets + languages +languages + stylesheets + +Over the years, a number of attempts have been made to produce a +standard stylesheet language and, failing that, a large number of +proprietary languages have been developed. + + +FOSIs + + +FOSI stylesheets +Formatting Output Specification InstanceFOSI stylesheets +U.S. Department of Defense stylesheet standard + +First, the U.S. Department of Defense, in an attempt to +standardize stylesheets across military branches, created the +Output Specification, which is defined in +MIL-PRF-28001C, Markup Requirements and +Generic Style Specification for Electronic Printed Output and Exchange +of Text. + +See Formally +Published CALS Standards for more information. + + + + +ADEPT Publisher (Arbortext), FOSIs support +Arbortext ADEPT Publisher, FOSIs support + +Commonly called FOSIs (for Formatting Output Specification Instances), +they are supported by a few products including ADEPT Publisher by +Arbortext and DL +Composer by Datalogics. + + + +DSSSL + + +DSSSL +Document Style Semantics and Specification LanguageDSSSL +ISO standards + DSSSL +International Organization for StandardizationISO Entity Sets; ISO standards + +Next, the International Organization for Standardization +(ISO) created DSSSL, the +Document Style Semantics and Specification Language. Subsets of +DSSSL are supported by Jade and a few other tools, +but it never achieved widespread support. + + + +CSS + + +CSS +HTML + CSS +XML + CSS + +The W3C CSS Working Group created +CSS as a style attachment language for HTML, and, +more recently, XML. + + + +XSL + + +XSL +XML + XSL +Extensible Style LanguageXSL +Most recently, the XML effort has identified a standard Extensible Style +Language (XSL) as a requirement. The +W3C XSL Working Group is +currently pursuing that effort. + + + + +
Stylesheet Examples + +stylesheets + examples + + + +By way of comparison, here's an example of each of the standard style +languages. In each case, the stylesheet fragment shown contains the +rules that reasonably formatted the following paragraph: + + +<para> +This is an example paragraph. It should be presented in a +reasonable body font. <emphasis>Emphasized</emphasis> words +should be printed in italics. A single level of +<emphasis>Nested <emphasis>emphasis</emphasis> should also +be supported.</emphasis> +</para> + +
+<acronym>FOSI</acronym> stylesheet + +FOSI stylesheets + example +SGML + FOSIs +e-i-c element +element in context (e-i-c) + +FOSIs are SGML documents. The element in the +FOSI that controls the presentation of specific +elements is the e-i-c (element in context) element. +A sample FOSI fragment is shown in . + + +A Fragment of a <acronym>FOSI</acronym> Stylesheet + + +
<acronym>DSSSL</acronym> stylesheet + +DSSSL + stylesheets + example +Scheme language + DSSSL stylesheets + +DSSSL stylesheets are written in a Scheme-like +language (see later in this chapter). It is the +element function that controls the presentation of +individual elements. See the example in . + + +A Fragment of a <acronym>DSSSL</acronym> Stylesheet + + +
<acronym>CSS</acronym> stylesheet + +CSS stylesheets + example + +CSS stylesheets consist of selectors and formatting +properties, as shown in . + + +A Fragment of a <acronym>CSS</acronym> Stylesheet + + +
<acronym>XSL</acronym> stylesheet + +XSL stylesheets + example + +XSL stylesheets are XML documents, as shown in +. The element in the XSL +stylesheet that controls the presentation of specific elements is the +xsl:template element. + + +A Fragment of an <acronym>XSL</acronym> Stylesheet + + +
Using Jade and <acronym>DSSSL</acronym> to Publish DocBook Documents + +Jade + DSSSL, using (DocBook document) +SGML + DSSSL stylesheets +XML + DSSSL stylesheets +DSSSL + stylesheets + print and HTML output (DocBook) +HTML + DSSSL stylesheets + +Jade is a free tool that applies DSSSL +stylesheets to SGML and XML documents. As distributed, Jade can +output RTF, TeX, MIF, and +SGML. The SGML backend can be used for SGML to SGML +transformations (for example, DocBook to HTML). + + +A complete set of DSSSL stylesheets for creating +print and HTML output from DocBook is included on the +CD-ROM. More information about obtaining and +installing Jade appears in . + + +
A Brief Introduction to <acronym>DSSSL</acronym> + +DSSSL is a stylesheet language for both print and +online rendering. The acronym stands for Document Style +Semantics and Specification Language. It is defined by +ISO/IEC 10179:1996. For more +general information about DSSSL, see the DSSSL +Page. + +
Scheme + +Scheme language + syntax +LISP language, syntax +syntax + LISP language + +The DSSSL expression language is Scheme, a variant +of Lisp. Lisp is a functional programming language with a remarkably +regular syntax. Every expression looks like this: + +(operator arg1 arg2 ... argn ) + +syntax + Scheme language +This is called prefix syntax because the operator comes +before its arguments. In Scheme, the expression that +subtracts 2 from 3, is (- 3 2). And (+ (- +3 2) (* 2 4)) is 9. While the prefix syntax and the +parentheses may take a bit of getting used to, Scheme is not hard to +learn, in part because there are no exceptions to the syntax. + +
<acronym>DSSSL</acronym> Stylesheets + +DSSSL + stylesheets +formatting + DSSSL stylesheets, elements + +A complete DSSSL stylesheet is shown in . After only a brief examination of the +stylesheet, you'll probably begin to have a feel for how it works. For +each element in the document, there is an element rule that describes +how you should format that element. The goal of the rest of this +chapter is to make it possible for you to read, understand, and even +write stylesheets at this level of complexity. + + +A Complete <acronym>DSSSL</acronym> Stylesheet + + + +DocBook DTD + documents + DSSSL stylesheets + +This stylesheet is capable of formatting simple DocBook documents like +the one shown in . + + +A Simple DocBook Document + + + +The result of formatting a simple document with this stylesheet can be +seen in . + +
+The formatted simple document + +
+ +We'll take a closer look at this stylesheet after you've learned a +little more DSSSL. + +
<acronym>DSSSL</acronym> Stylesheets Are <acronym>SGML</acronym> Documents + +SGML + DSSSL stylesheets +entities + DSSSL stylesheets +marked sections + DSSSL stylesheets + +One of the first things that may strike you about +DSSSL stylesheets (aside from all the parentheses), +is the fact that the stylesheet itself is an SGML document! This +means that you have all the power of SGML documents at your disposal +in DSSSL stylesheets. In particular, you can use +entities and marked sections to build a modular stylesheet. + + +architecture + DSSSL +DTDs + DSSSL stylesheets, changing + +In fact, DSSSL stylesheets are defined so that they +correspond to a particular architecture. This +means that you can change the DTD used by stylesheets within the +bounds of the architecture. A complete discussion of document +architectures is beyond the scope of this book, but we'll show you one +way to take advantage of them in your DSSSL +stylesheets in later in the +chapter. + +
<acronym>DSSSL</acronym> Processing Model + +processing model (DSSSL) +trees (DSSSL) +nodes (DSSSL) + +A DSSSL processor builds a tree out of the source +document. Each element in the source document becomes a node in the +tree (processing instructions and other constructs become nodes as +well). Processing the source tree begins with the root rule and +continues until there are no more nodes to process. + +
Global Variables and Side Effects + +variables (DSSSL) + global +side effects (DSSSL) + +There aren't any global variables or side effects. It can be difficult +to come to grips with this, especially if you're just starting out. + + +functions + DSSSL +constants (DSSSL) + +It is possible to define constants +and functions and to create local variables with let expressions, +but you can't create any global variables or change anything after +you've defined it. + +
<acronym>DSSSL</acronym> Expressions + +expressions (DSSSL) + +DSSSL has a rich vocabulary of expressions for +dealing with all of the intricacies of formatting. Many, but by no +means all of them, are supported by Jade. In this introduction, we'll +cover only a few of the most common. + +
Element expressions + +DSSSL + stylesheets + element expressions +elements + element expressions (DSSSL) +paragraphs + DSSSL stylesheets, formattting + +Element expressions, which define the rules for formatting particular +elements, make up the bulk of most DSSSL +stylesheets. A simple element rule can be seen in . This rule says that a para +element should be formatted by making a paragraph (see ). + + +A Simple <acronym>DSSSL</acronym> Rule + +(element para + (make paragraph + space-before: 8pt + (process-children))) + + +ancestors (elements), DSSSL + +An element expression can be made more specific by specifying an +element and its ancestors instead of just specifying an element. The +rule (element title ...) applies to all +Title elements, but a rule that begins +(element (figure title) ...) applies only to +Title elements that are immediate children of +Figure elements. + + +If several rules apply, the most specific rule is used. + + +When a rule is used, the node in the source tree that was matched +becomes the current node while that element expression +is being processed. + +
Make expressions + +flow objects (DSSSL) +content + flow objects (DSSSL) + +A make expression specifies the characteristics of a flow +object. Flow objects are abstract representations of content +(paragraphs, rules, tables, and so on). The expression: + +(make paragraph + font-size: 12pt + line-spacing: 14pt ...) + +specifies that the content that goes here is to be +placed into a paragraph flow object with a font-size of 12pt and a +line-spacing of 14pt (all of the unspecified characteristics of the +flow object are defaulted in the appropriate way). + + +They're called flow objects because DSSSL, in its +full generality, allows you to specify the characteristics of a +sequence of flow objects and a set of areas on the physical page where +you can place content. The content of the flow objects is then +poured on to (or flows in to) the areas on the page(s). + + +sosofo (DSSSL) +make expressions (DSSSL) + +In most cases, it's sufficient to think of the make expressions as +constructing the flow objects, but they really only specify the +characteristics of the flow objects. This detail +is apparent in one of the most common and initially confusing pieces +of DSSSL jargon: the +sosofo. Sosofo stands for a +specification of a sequence of flow objects. All this +means is that processing a document may result in a nested set of +make expressions (in other words, the paragraph may contain a table that +contains rows that contain cells that contain paragraphs, and so on). + + +The general form of a make expression is: + +(make flow-object-name + keyword1: value1 + keyword2: value2 + ... + keywordn: valuen + (content-expression)) + + + +keywords + flow objects (DSSSL), defining + +Keyword arguments specify the characteristics of the flow object. The +specific characteristics you use depends on the flow object. The +content-expression can vary; it is usually +another make expression or one of the processing expressions. + + +flow objects (DSSSL) + +Some common flow objects in the print stylesheet are: + + +simple-page-sequence + + +simple-page-sequence (DSSSL) + flow object +Contains a sequence of pages. The keyword arguments of this flow +object let you specify margins, headers and footers, and other +page-related characteristics. Print stylesheets should always produce +one or more simple-page-sequence flow objects. + + +Nesting simple-page-sequence does not +work. Characteristics on the inner sequences are ignored. + + + +paragraph + + +paragraphs + DSSSL flow objects +nesting + paragraphs (DSSSL) + +A paragraph is used for any block of text. This may include not only +paragraphs in the source document, but also titles, the terms in a +definition list, glossary entries, and so on. Paragraphs in +DSSSL can be nested. + + + +sequence + + +sequences + DSSSL flow objects + +A sequence is a wrapper. It is most frequently used to change +inherited characteristics (like font style) of a set of flow objects +without introducing other semantics (such as line breaks). + + + +score + + +score (DSSSL flow object) + +A score flow object creates underlining, strike-throughs, or +overlining. + + + +table + + +tables + DSSSL flow objects + +A table flow object creates a table of rows and cells. + + + + +HTML + DSSSL flow objects + +The HTML stylesheet uses the SGML backend, which has a different +selection of flow objects. + + +element + + +make expressions (DSSSL) +elements + creating + +Creates an element. The content of this make +expression will appear between the start and end tags. The expression: + + +(make element gi: "H1" + (literal "Title")) + +produces <H1>Title</H1>. + + +empty-element + + +empty elements + creating +Creates an empty element that may not have content. The expression: + +(make empty-element gi: "BR" + attributes: '(("CLEAR" "ALL"))) + +produces <BR CLEAR="ALL">. + + +sequence + + +wrappers + sequences (DSSSL) + +Produces no output in of itself as a wrapper, but is still +required in DSSSL contexts in which you want to +output several flow objects but only one object top-level object may +be returned. + + + +entity-ref + + +entities + entity-ref (DSSSL) +references + entities (DSSSL) +entity-ref (DSSSL flow objects) + +Inserts an entity reference. The expression: +(make entity-ref name: "nbsp") +produces &nbsp;. + + + + +DSSSL + stylesheets + flow objects, empty +empty flow objects (DSSSL) +flow objects (DSSSL) + empty + +In both stylesheets, a completely empty flow object is constructed +with (empty-sosofo). + +
Selecting data + +data, selecting (DSSSL) +selecting data (DSSSL) + +Extracting parts of the source document can be accomplished with these +functions: + + +(data nd) + + +Returns all of the character data from nd as a +string. + + + +(attribute-string "attr" nd) + + +Returns the value of the attr attribute of nd. + + + +(inherited-attribute-string "attr" nd) + + +Returns the value of the attr attribute of +nd. If that attribute is not specified on +nd, it searches up the hierarchy for the first +ancestor element that does set the attribute, and returns its value. + + + + +
Selecting elements + +elements + selecting +selecting elements (DSSSL) +content + reordering, DSSSL +functions + DSSSL + elements, selecting +nodes (DSSSL) + +A common requirement of formatting is the ability to reorder content. +In order to do this, you must be able to select other elements in the +tree for processing. DSSSL provides a number of +functions that select other elements. These functions all return a +list of nodes. + + +(current-node) + +Returns the current node. + + +(children nd) + +Returns the children of nd. + + +(descendants nd) + + +Returns the descendants of nd (the children of +nd and all their children's children, and so on). + + + +(parent nd) + +Returns the parent of nd. + + +(ancestor "name" nd) + + +Returns the first ancestor of nd named +name. + + + +(element-with-id "id") + + +Returns the element in the document with the ID +id, if such an element exists. + + + +(select-elements node-list "name") + + +Returns all of the elements of the node-list that have +the name name. For example, (select-elements +(descendants (current-node)) "para") returns a list of all +the paragraphs that are descendants of the current node. + + + +(empty-node-list) + + +Returns a node list that contains no nodes. + + + + +Other functions allow you to manipulate node lists. + + +(node-list-empty? nl) + + +Returns true if (and only if) nl is an empty node +list. + + + +(node-list-length nl) + +Returns the number of nodes in nl. + + +(node-list-first nl) + + +Returns a node list that consists of the single node that is the first +node in nl. + + + +(node-list-rest nl) + + +Returns a node list that contains all of the nodes in +nl except the first node. + + + + + +expressions (DSSSL) + nodes and node lists, manipulating +elements + element expressions (DSSSL) +lists + nodes, manipulating + +There are many other expressions for manipulating nodes and node +lists. + +
Processing expressions + +processing expressions (DSSSL) + +Processing expressions control which elements in the document will be +processed and in what order. Processing an element is performed by +finding a matching element rule and using that rule. + + +(process-children) + + +Processes all of the children of the current node. In most cases, if +no process expression is given, processing the children is the default +behavior. + + + +(process-node-list nl) + +Processes each of the elements in nl. + + + +
+Define expressions + +functions + declaring your own (DSSSL) +constants (DSSSL) +declarations + functions and constants (DSSSL) + +You can declare your own functions and constants in +DSSSL. The general form of a function declaration +is: + +(define (function args) + function-body) + +A constant declaration is: +(define constant + constant-function-body) + + + +The distinction between constants and functions is that the body of a +constant is evaluated when the definition occurs, while functions are +evaluated when they are used. + +
Conditionals + +conditionals (DSSSL) +false, testing for (DSSSL) +true, testing for (DSSSL) +expressions (DSSSL) + conditionals + +In DSSSL, the constant #t +represents true and #f false. There are several +ways to test conditions and take action in DSSSL. + + +if + + +if expressions (DSSSL) + +The form of an if expression is: + +(if condition + true-expression + false-expression) + + + +If the condition is true, the +true-expression is evaluated, otherwise the +false-expression is evaluated. You must +always provide an expression to be evaluated when the condition is not +met. If you want to produce nothing, use +(empty-sosofo). + + + +case + + +case expression (DSSSL) + +case selects from among several alternatives: + +(case expression + ((constant1) (expression1) + ((constant2) (expression2) + ((constant3) (expression3) + (else else-expression)) + + + +The value of the expression is compared against each of the constants +in turn and the expression associated with the first matching constant +is evaulated. + + + +cond + + +conditionals (DSSSL) + +cond also selects from among several alternatives, +but the selection is performed by evaluating each expression: + +(cond + ((condition1) (expression1) + ((condition2) (expression2) + ((condition3) (expression3) + (else else-expression)) + + + +The value of each conditional is calculated in turn. The expression +associated with the first condition that is true is evaluated. + + + + + +empty sets (DSSSL) + +Any expression that returns #f is false; all other +expressions are true. This can be somewhat counterintuitive. In many +programming languages, it's common to assume that empty +things are false (0 is false, a null pointer is false, an empty set is +false, for example.) In DSSSL, this isn't the case; +note, for example, that an empty node list is not +#f and is therefore true. To avoid these +difficulties, always use functions that return true or false in +conditionals. To test for an empty node list, use +(node-list-empty?). + +
Let expressions + +let expressions (DSSSL) + +The way to create local variables in DSSSL is with +(let). The general form of a let +expression is: + +(let ((var1 expression1) + (var2 expression2) + ... + (varn expressionn)) + let-body) + + + +variables (DSSSL) + let expressions +In a let; expression, all of the variables are +defined simultaneously. The expression that defines + var2 cannot contain any references to any +other variables defined in the same let +expression. A let* expression allows variables to +refer to each other, but runs slightly slower. + + +define expresssions (DSSSL) +Variables are available only within the +let-body. A common use of +let is within a define +expression: + +(define (cals-rule-default nd) + (let* ((table (ancestor "table" nd)) + (frame (if (attribute-string "frame" table) + (attribute-string "frame" table) + "all"))) + (equal? frame "all"))) + + + +This function creates two local variables table and +frame. let returns the value of +the last expression in the body, so this function returns true if the +frame attribute on the table is + all or if no frame attribute is present. + +
Loops + +for loop, DSSSL and +loops, implementing (DSSSL) +tail recursion (DSSSL) + +DSSSL doesn't have any construct that resembles the +for loop that occurs in most imperative languages like C +and Java. Instead, DSSSL employs a common trick in +functional languages for implementing a loop: tail recursion. + + +Loops in DSSSL use a special form of +let. This loop counts from 1 to 10: + +(let loopvar ((count 1)) + (if (> count 10) + #t + (loopvar (+ count 1)))) + + +This variable controls the loop. It is declared without an +initial value, immediately after the let +operand. + + + +variables (DSSSL) + local, defining after loop variable + +Any number of additional local variables can be defined after +the loop variable, just as they can in any other +let expression. + + +If you ever want the loop to end, you have to put some sort of a +test in it. + + +This is the value that will be returned. + + +Note that you iterate the loop by using the loop variable as if +it was a function name. + + +The arguments to this function are the values that +you want the local variables declared in to have +in the next iteration. + + +
A Closer Look at <xref linkend="dsssl.stylesheet"/> + +DSSSL + stylesheets + style specifications + is a style sheet that contains a +style specification. Stylesheets may consist of multiple +specifications, as we'll see in . + + +The actual DSSSL code goes in the style +specification body, within the style specification. Each construction +rule processes different elements from the source document. + +
Processing chapters + +chapters, processing (DSSSL) +simple-page-sequence (DSSSL) + chapters, constructing +printing + stylesheets + +Chapters are processed by the chapter +construction rule. Each Chapter is formatted as a +simple-page-sequence. Every print stylesheet should format +a document as one or more simple page sequences. Characteristics on +the simple page sequence can specify headers and footers as well as +margins and other page parameters. + + +nesting + simple page sequences (DSSSL), not allowed + +One important note about simple page sequences: they cannot nest. +This means that you cannot blindly process divisions +(Parts, Reference) and the elements they +contain (Chapters, RefEntrys) as simple page +sequences. This sometimes involves a little creativity. + +
Processing titles + +titles + processing, DSSSL + +The make expression in the title element rule +ensures that Titles are formatted in large, bold print. + + +This construction rule applies equally to Chapter titles, +Figure titles, and Book titles. It's unlikely +that you'd want all of these titles to be presented in the same way, +so a more robust stylesheet would have to arrange the processing of +titles with more context. This might be achieved in the way that +nested Emphasis elements are handled in . + +
Processing paragraphs + +Para elements are simply formatted as paragraphs. +Para element + DSSSL, processing + + +
Processing emphasis + +Emphasis element + DSSSL, processing +nesting + emphasis elements, DSSSL processing + +Processing Emphasis elements is made a little more +interesting because we want to consider an attribute value and the +possibility that Emphasis elements can be nested. + + +In the simple case, in which we're processing an Emphasis +element that is not nested, we begin by testing the value of the +role attribute. If the content of that +attribute is the string strong, it is formatted +in bold; otherwise, it is formatted in italic. + + +The nested case is handled by the (emphasis emphasis) +rule. This rule simply formats the content using an upright +(nonitalic) font. This rule, like the rule for Titles, is +not robust. Emphasis nested inside +strong Emphasis won't be distinguished, +for example, and nestings more than two elements deep will be handled +just as nestings that are two deep. + +
Processing subscripts and superscripts + +Subscript element + DSSSL, processing +Superscript element + DSSSL, processing + +Processing Subscript and Superscript elements +is really handled by the super-sub-script function. +There are several interesting things about this function: + + +The plus-or-minus argument + + +Scheme language + function, passing as argument +functions + Scheme, passing as argument + +You might ordinarily think of passing a keyword or boolean argument to +the super-sub-script function to indicate whether +subscripts or superscripts are desired. But with Scheme, it's +possible to pass the actual function as an argument! + + +Note that in the element construction rules for +Superscript and Subscript, we pass the actual +functions + and -. In the body of +super-sub-script, we use the +plus-or-minus argument as a function name (it +appears immediately after an open parenthesis). + + +The optional argument + + +optional arguments (DSSSL functions) + +optional arguments are indicated by +#!optional in the function declaration. Any number of +optional arguments may be given, but each must +specify a default value. This is accomplished by listing each +argument and default value (an expression) as a pair. + + +In super-sub-script, the optional argument +sosofo is initialized to process-children. +This means that at the point where the function is +called, process-children is evaluated and the +resulting sosofo is passed to the function. + + +Use of inherited characteristics + + +inherited characteristics, calculating new values with + +It is possible to use the current value of an inherited +characteristic to calculate a new value. Using this technique, +superscripts and subscripts will be presented at 80 percent of the +current font size. + + + +
Customizing the Stylesheets + +DSSSL + stylesheets + customizing +customizing + DSSSL stylesheets +driver files + DSSSL stylsheets, customizing + +The best way to customize the stylesheets is to write your own +driver file; this is a stylesheet that contains your +local modifications and then includes the appropriate stylesheet from +the standard distribution by reference. This allows you to make local +changes and extensions without modifying the distributed files, which +makes upgrading to the next release much simpler. + +
Writing Your Own Driver + +A basic driver file looks like this: + +<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [ +<!ENTITY dbstyle PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook Print Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL> +]> + +<style-sheet> +<style-specification use="docbook"> +<style-specification-body> + +;; your changes go here... + +</style-specification-body> +</style-specification> +<external-specification id="docbook" document="dbstyle"> +</style-sheet> + + + +public identifiers + Modular DocBook Stylesheets +Modular DocBook Stylesheets + public identifiers + +There are two public identifiers associated with the Modular DocBook +Stylesheets: + +-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook Print Stylesheet//EN + +-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook HTML Stylesheet//EN + + +printing + stylesheets +HTML + stylesheets + selecting +catalog files + Open (SGML) + +The former selects the print stylesheet and the latter selects the +HTML stylesheet. There is an SGML Open catalog file in the +distribution that maps these public identifiers to the stylesheet +files. You can add your own definitions, or +redefinitions, of stylesheet rules and parameters so that + +;; your changes go here... + +occurs in the previous example. + + +driver files + example + +For a concrete example of a driver file, see +plain.dsl in the +docbook/print directory in the stylesheet +distribution (or on the CD-ROM). This is a +customization of the print stylesheet, which turns off title page and +TOC generation. + +
Changing the Localization + +DocBook DTD + stylesheets + languages +languages + DocBook stylesheets + +As distributed, the stylesheets use English for all generated text, +but other localization files are also provided. The languages supported +at the time of this writing are summarized in +. +(If you can write a localization for another language, +please contribute it.) + + +Lang attribute +customizing + DSSSL stylesheets + language, changing + +There are two ways to switch languages: by specifying a lang attribute, or by changing the +default language in a customization. + +
Using the <sgmltag class="attribute">lang</sgmltag> attribute + +DocBook DTD + Lang attribute +languages + codes + +One of the DocBook common attributes is +lang. If you specify a language, the DocBook stylesheets +will use that language (and all its descendants, if no other language +is specified) for generated text within that element. + + + summarizes the language codes for the +supported languages. + +Language codes should conform to IETF +RFC 3066. + + +French language chapter, example + +The following chapter uses text generated in French: + +<chapter lang="fr"><title>Bêtises</title> +<para>Pierre qui roule n'amasse pas de mousse.</para> +</chapter> + + + + +DocBook Stylesheet Language Codes + + + + + + +Language Code +Language + + + + +af +Afrikaans + + +ca +Catalan + + +cs +Czech + + +da +Danish + + +de +German + + +el +Greek + + +en +English + + +es +Spanish + + +et +Estonian + + +eu +Basque + + +fi +Finnish + + +fr +French + + +he +Hebrew + + +hu +Hungarian + + +id +Indonesian + + +it +Italian + + +ja +Japanese + + +ko +Korean + + +nl +Dutch + + +nn +Nyorsk + + +no +Norwegian + + +pl +Polish + + +pt +Portuguese + + +pt-br +Portuguese (Brazil) + + +ro +Romanian + + +ru +Russian + + +sk +Slovak + + +sl +Slovenian + + +sv +Swedish + + +th +Thai + + +tr +Turkish + + +uk +Ukranian + + +xh +Xhosa + + +zh-cn +Chinese (Continental) + + +zh-tw +Chinese (Traditional) + + + +
Changing the default language + +languages + default, changing +driver files + language, changing default + +If no lang attribute is +specified, the default language is used. You can change the default +language with a driver. + + +In the driver, define the default language. +summarizes the language codes for the supported languages. The +following driver makes German the default language: + +<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [ +<!ENTITY dbstyle PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook Print Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL> +]> + +<style-sheet> +<style-specification use="docbook"> +<style-specification-body> + +(define %default-language% "dege") + +</style-specification-body> +</style-specification> +<external-specification id="docbook" document="dbstyle"> +</style-sheet> + + + +%gentext-language% + +There are two other settings that can be changed only in a driver. Both +of these settings are turned off in the distributed stylesheet: + +%gentext-language% + + +If a language code is specified in +%gentext-language%, then that language will be used +for all generated text, regardless of any lang attribute settings in the +document. + + + +%gentext-use-xref-language% + + +%gentext-use-xref-language% +cross references + languages, changing (stylesheets) + +If turned on (defined as #t), then the stylesheets +will generate the text associated with a cross reference using the +language of the target, not the current language. Consider the +following book: + + +<book><title>A Test Book</title> +<preface> +<para>There are three chapters in this book: <xref linkend="c1">, +<xref linkend="c2">, and <xref linkend="c3">. +</para> +</preface> +<chapter lang="usen"><title>English</title> ... </chapter> +<chapter lang="fr"><title>French</title> ... </chapter> +<chapter lang="dege"><title>Deutsch</title> ... </chapter> +</book> + + +The standard stylesheets render the Preface as something like this: + +
+There are three chapters in this book: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter +3. +
+ +With %gentext-use-xref-language% turned on, it +would render like this: + +
+There are are three chapters in this book: Chapter 1, Chapitre 2, and +Kapitel 3. +
A Single Stylesheet for Both Print and <acronym>HTML</acronym> + +stylesheets + HTML and print, using single +printing + stylesheets +HTML + stylesheets + +A DSSSL stylesheet consists of one or more +style specifications. Using more than one style +specification allows you to build a single stylesheet file that can +format with either the print or SGML backends. shows a stylesheet with two style +specifications. +DSSSL + stylesheets + style specifications, multiple + + +<filename moreinfo="none">both.dsl</filename>: A Stylesheet with Two Style Specifications + + + + + +Jade + style specifications, indicating selected + +Once you have stylesheets with more than one style specification, you +have to be able to indicate which style specification you want to +use. In Jade, you indicate this by providing the ID +of the style specification after the stylesheet filename, separated +with a hash mark: #. + + +Using the code from , you can format a +document using the print stylesheet by running: + + +jade -t rtf -d both.dsl#print file.sgm + + +and using the HTML stylesheet by running: + + +jade -t sgml -d both.dsl#html file.sgm + +
Dealing with Multiple Declarations + +declarations + multiple, using + +The DocBook SGML DTD and the DocBook DSSSL +Stylesheets happen to use the same SGML declaration. This makes it +very easy to run Jade with DocBook. However, you may sometimes wish +to use Jade with other document types, for example the DocBook XML +DTD, which has a different declaration. There are a couple of ways +to do this. + +
Pass the Declaration Explicitly + + +If your stylesheets parse fine with the default declaration, but you +want to use an alternate declaration with a particular document, just +pass the declaration on the command line: + +jade options the-declaration the-document + +Note that there's no option required before the declaration; it simply +occurs before the first filename. Jade concatenates all of the files +that you give it together, and parses them as if they were one +document. + +
Use the Catalogs + +The other way to fix this is with a little catalog trickery. + + +catalog files + multiple declarations, using + +First, note that Jade always looks in the file called +catalog in the same directory as the document +that it is loading, and uses settings in that file in preference to +settings in other catalogs. + + +With this fact, we can employ the following trick: + + + +Put a catalog file in the directory that +contains your stylesheets, which contain an +SGMLDECL directive. Jade understands the +directive, which points to the SGML declaration that you should use +when parsing the stylesheets. For the DocBook stylesheets, the DocBook +declaration works fine. + + +In the directory that contains the document you want to process, +create a catalog file that contains an +SGMLDECL directive that points to the SGML +declaration that should be used when parsing the document. + + + +There's no easy way to have both the stylesheet and the document in +the same directory if they must be processed with different +declarations. But this is usually not too inconvenient. + +
The <acronym>DSSSL</acronym> Architecture + +architecture + DSSSL +DSSSL + architecture +attributes + DSSSL architecture +elements + DSSSL architecture and + +The concept of an architecture was promoted by HyTime. In some ways, +it takes the standard SGML/XML notions of the role of elements and +attributes and inverts them. Instead of relying on the name of an +element to assign its primary semantics, it uses the values of a small +set of fixed attributes. + + +While this may be counterintuitive initially, it has an interesting +benefit. An architecture-aware processor can work transparently with +many different DTDs. A small example will help illustrate this +point. + + +The following example demonstrates the concept behind +architectures, but for the sake of simplicity, it does not properly +implement an architecture as defined in HyTime. + + +Imagine that you wrote an application that can read an SGML/XML +document containing a letter (conforming to some letter DTD), and +automatically print an envelope for the letter. It's easy to envision +how this works. The application reads the content of the letter, +extracts the address and return address elements from the source, and +uses them to generate an envelope: + +<?xml version='1.0'> +<!DOCTYPE letter "/share/sgml/letter/letter.dtd" [ +<!ENTITY myaddress "/share/sgml/entities/myaddress.xml"> +]> +<letter> +<returnaddress>&myaddress;</returnaddress> +<address> +<name>Leonard Muellner</name> +<company>O'Reilly &amp; Associates</company> +<street>90 Sherman Street</street> +<city>Cambridge</city><state>MA</state><zip>02140</zip> +</address> +<body> +<salutation>Hi Lenny</salutation> +... +</body> + +The processor extracts the Returnaddress and +Address elements and their children +and prints the envelope accordingly. + + +Now suppose that a colleague from payroll comes by and asks you to +adapt the application to print envelopes for mailing checks, using the +information in the payroll database, which has a different DTD. And +a week later, someone from sales comes by and asks if you can modify +the application to use the contact information DTD. After a while, +you would have 11 versions of this program to maintain. + + +fixed attributes + +Suppose that instead of using the actual element names to locate the addresses +in the documents, you asked each person to add a few attributes to their DTD. +By forcing the attributes to have fixed values, they'd automatically be present +in each document, but authors would never have to worry about them. + + +For example, the address part of the letter DTD might look like +this: + + + + + +Effectively, each address in a letter would look like this: + + + + + +In practice, the author would not include the ADDRESS attributes; they are automatically +provided by the DTD because they are +#FIXED. + +The use of uppercase names here is intentional. These are not +attributes that an author is ever expected to type. In XML, which is +case-sensitive, using uppercase for things like this reduces the +likelihood of collision with real attribute names in the +DTD. + + + + +Now the address portion of the payroll DTD might look like this: + + + + + +The employee records will look like this: + + + + + +Your application no longer cares about the actual element names. It +simply looks for the elements with the correct attributes and uses +them. This is the power of an architecture: it provides a level of +abstraction that processing applications can use to their +advantage. In practice, architectural forms are a bit more complex to +set up because they have facilities for dealing with attribute name +conflicts, among other things. + + +Why have we told you all this? Because DSSSL is an +architecture. This means you can modify the stylesheet DTD and still +run your stylesheets through Jade. + + +Consider the case presented earlier in . +In order to use this stylesheet, you must specify three things: the +backend you want to use, the stylesheet you want to use, and the +style specification you want to use. If you mismatch any of the +parameters, you'll get the wrong results. In practice, the problem is +compounded further: + + + +Some stylesheets support several backends +(RTF, TeX, and SGML). +backends, stylesheet support +stylesheets + backends, supporting + + + + +Some stylesheets support only some backends +(RTF and SGML, but not TeX or +MIF). + + +Some stylesheets support multiple outputs using the same +backend (several kinds of HTML output, for example, using the +SGML backend: HTML, HTMLHelp, JavaHelp, and so on). + + +If you have complex stylesheets, some backends may require +additional options to define parameter entities or stylesheet +options. + + + +None of this complexity is really necessary, after all, the options +don't change—you just have to use the correct combinations. The +mental model is really something like this: I want a certain +kind of output, TeX say, so I have to use this combination of +parameters. + + +You can summarize this information in a table to help keep track of +it: + + + + + + + + + + + + Desired Output + Backend + Style specification + Options + Supported? + + + + + rtf + rtf + print + -V rtf-backend + yes + + + tex + tex + print + -V tex-backend -i tex + yes + + + html + sgml + htmlweb + -i html + yes + + + javahelp + sgml + help + -i help + yes + + + htmlhelp + + + + no + + + + + +Putting this information in a table will help you keep track of it, +but it's not the best solution. The ideal solution is to keep this +information on your system, and let the software figure it all +out. You'd like to be able to run a command, tell it what output you +want from what stylesheet, what file you want to process, and then let +it figure everything else out. For example: + + +format html mybook.dsl mydoc.sgm + + +stylesheets + configuration data, storing within +configuration data, storing in stylesheet + +One way to do this is to put the configuration data in a separate +file, and have the format command load it out of this other +file. The disadvantage of this solution is that it introduces another +file that you have to maintain and it's independent from the stylesheet so +it isn't easy to keep it up-to-date. + + +In the DSSSL case, a better alternative is to +modify the stylesheet DTD so you can store the configuration +data in the stylesheet. Using this alternate DTD, your +mybook.dsl stylesheets might look like this: + + + + + +In this example, the stylesheet has been annotated with a title, a +list of the public IDs to which it is applicable, +and a table that provides information about the output formats that it +supports. + + +Using this information, the format command can get all the +information it needs to construct the appropriate call to Jade. To +make HTML from myfile.sgm, +format would run the following: + + +jade -t sgml -d mybook.dsl#htmlweb -i html myfile.sgm + + +The additional information, titles and public IDs, +can be used as part of a GUI interface to simplify +the selection of stylesheets for an author. + + +The complete annotated stylesheet DTD, and an example of the +format command script, are provided on the CD-ROM. + + + +
+ +Stayton +Bob +2000Bob Stayton + + +A Brief Introduction to XSL +
+ Using XSL tools to publish DocBook + documents + There is a growing list of tools to process DocBook + documents using XSL stylesheets. Each tool implements parts + or all of the XSL standard, which actually has several + components: + + + Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) + + A language for expressing stylesheets written + in XML. It includes the formatting object language, but + refers to separate documents for the transformation + language and the path language. + + + + XSL Transformation (XSLT) + + The part of XSL for transforming XML documents + into other XML documents, HTML, or text. It can be used to + rearrange the content and generate new content. + + + + XML Path Language (XPath) + + A language for addressing parts of an XML + document. It is used to find the parts of your document to + apply different styles to. All XSL processors use this + component. + + + +To publish HTML from your XML documents, you just + need an XSLT engine. To get to print, you need an XSLT + engine to produce formatting objects (FO), which then must + be processed with a formatting object processor to produce + PostScript or PDF output. +James Clark's XT was the first useful XSLT engine, + and it is still in wide use. It is written in Java, so it + runs on many platforms, and it is free ( + + XT comes with James Clark's nonvalidating parser XP, but + you can substitute a different Java parser. Here is a + simple example of using XT from the Unix command line to + produce HTML: You'll need to alter your + CLASSPATH environment variable to + include the path to where you put the + .jar files from the XT + distribution. +CLASSPATH=xt.jar:xp.jar:sax.jar +export CLASSPATH +java com.jclark.xsl.sax.Driver filename.xml docbook/html/docbook.xsl > output.html +If you replace the HTML stylesheet with a + formatting object stylesheet, XT will produce a formatting + object file. Then you can convert that to PDF using FOP, a + formatting object processor available for free from the + Apache XML Project ( + + Here is an example of that two stage processing: +CLASSPATH=xt.jar:xp.jar:sax.jar:fop.jar +export CLASSPATH +java com.jclark.xsl.sax.Driver filename.xml docbook/fo/docbook.xsl > +java org.apache.fop.apps.CommandLine output.pdf +As of this writing, some other XSLT processors to + choose from include: + + + 4XSLT, written in Python, from FourThought LLC ( + + + +Sablotron, written in C++, from Ginger Alliance ( + + + + +Saxon, written in Java, from Michael Kay ( + + + +Xalan, written in Java, from the Apache XML + Project ( + + + +XML::XSLT,written in Perl, from Geert Josten and + Egon Willighagen ( + + + +For print output, these additional tools are available for processing formatting objects: +XEP (written in Java) from + RenderX ( + from Sebastian Rahtz (
+A brief introduction to XSL +XSL is both a transformation language and a + formatting language. The XSLT transformation part lets you + scan through a document's structure and rearrange its + content any way you like. You can write out the content + using a different set of XML tags, and generate text as + needed. For example, you can scan through a document to + locate all headings and then insert a generated table of + contents at the beginning of the document, at the same time + writing out the content marked up as HTML. XSL is also a + rich formatting language, letting you apply typesetting + controls to all components of your output. With a good + formatting backend, it is capable of producing high quality + printed pages. +An XSL stylesheet is written using XML syntax, and is + itself a well-formed XML document. That makes the basic + syntax familiar, and enables an XML processor to check for + basic syntax errors. The stylesheet instructions use + special element names, which typically begin with + xsl: to distinguish them from any XML + tags you want to appear in the output. The XSL namespace is + identified at the top of the stylesheet file. As with other + XML, any XSL elements that are not empty will require a + closing tag. And some XSL elements have specific attributes + that control their behavior. It helps to keep a good XSL + reference book handy. +Here is an example of a simple XSL stylesheet applied + to a simple XML file to generate HTML output. + +Simple <acronym>XML</acronym> file +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<document> +<title>Using a mouse</title> +<para>It's easy to use a mouse. Just roll it +around and click the buttons.</para> +</document> + + +Simple XSL stylesheet +<?xml version='1.0'?> +<xsl:stylesheet + xmlns:xsl="" version='1.0'> +<xsl:output method="html"/> + +<xsl:template match="document"> + <HTML><HEAD><TITLE> + <xsl:value-of select="./title"/> + </TITLE> + </HEAD> + <BODY> + <xsl:apply-templates/> + </BODY> + </HTML> +</xsl:template> + +<xsl:template match="title"> + <H1><xsl:apply-templates/></H1> +</xsl:template> + +<xsl:template match="para"> + <P><xsl:apply-templates/></P> +</xsl:template> + +</xsl:stylesheet> + + + +HTML output +<HTML> +<HEAD> +<TITLE>Using a mouse</TITLE> +</HEAD> +<BODY> +<H1>Using a mouse</H1> +<P>It's easy to use a mouse. Just roll it +around and click the buttons.</P> +</BODY> +</HTML> + + +
+XSL processing model +XSL is a template language, not a procedural +language. That means a stylesheet specifies a sample of the +output, not a sequence of programming steps to generate it. +A stylesheet consists of a mixture of output samples with +instructions of what to put in each sample. Each bit of +output sample and instructions is called +a template. +In general, you write a template for each element +type in your document. That lets you concentrate on +handling just one element at a time, and keeps a stylesheet +modular. The power of XSL comes from processing the +templates recursively. That is, each template handles the +processing of its own element, and then calls other +templates to process its children, and so on. Since an XML +document is always a single root element at the top level +that contains all of the nested descendent elements, the +XSL templates also start at the top and work their way down +through the hierarchy of elements. +Take the +DocBook <para> paragraph element as +an example. To convert this to HTML, you want to wrap the +paragraph content with the HTML +tags p and /p. +But a DocBook <para> can contain +any number of in-line DocBook elements marking up the text. +Fortunately, you can let other templates take care of those +elements, so your XSL template +for <para> can be quite +simple: +<xsl:template match="para"> + <p> + <xsl:apply-templates/> + </p> +</xsl:template> + +The <xsl:template> element +starts a new template, and +its match attribute indicates where to +apply the template, in this case to +any <para> elements. The template +says to output a literal p string +and then execute +the <xsl:apply-templates/> instruction. +This tells the XSL processor to look among all the +templates in the stylesheet for any that should be applied +to the content of the paragraph. If each template in the +stylesheet includes +an <xsl:apply-templates/> instruction, +then all descendents will eventually be processed. When it +is through recursively applying templates to the paragraph +content, it outputs the /p closing +tag. +
+Context is important +Since you aren't writing a linear procedure to +process your document, the context of where and how to +apply each modular template is important. +The match attribute +of <xsl:template> provides that +context for most templates. There is an entire expression +language, XPath, for identifying what parts of your +document should be handled by each template. The simplest +context is just an element name, as in the example above. +But you can also specify elements as children of other +elements, elements with certain attribute values, the first +or last elements in a sequence, and so on. Here is how the +DocBook <formalpara> element is +handled: +<xsl:template match="formalpara"> + <p> + <xsl:apply-templates/> + </p> +</xsl:template> + +<xsl:template match="formalpara/title"> + <b><xsl:apply-templates/></b> + <xsl:text> </xsl:text> +</xsl:template> + +<xsl:template match="formalpara/para"> + <xsl:apply-templates/> +</xsl:template> + +There are three templates defined, one for +the <formalpara> element itself, + and one for each of its children elements. The match attribute +value formalpara/title in the second +template is an XPath expression indicating +a <title> element that is an +immediate child of +a <formalpara> element. This +distinguishes such titles from +other <title> elements used in +DocBook. XPath expressions are the key to controlling how +your templates are applied. +In general, the XSL processor has internal rules that +apply templates that are more specific before templates +that are less specific. That lets you control the details, +but also provides a fallback mechanism to a less specific +template when you don't supply the full context for every +combination of elements. This feature is illustrated by the +third template, for formalpara/para. By +including this template, the stylesheet processes a <para> within <formalpara> in +a special way, in this case by not outputting the HTML <p> tags already output by its parent. If this template had not been included, then the processor would have fallen back to the template +specified by match="para" described +above, which would have output a second set of <p> tags. +You can also control template context with +XSL modes, which are used extensively +in the DocBook stylesheets. Modes let you process the same +input more than once in different ways. +A mode attribute in +an <xsl:template> definition adds a +specific mode name to that template. When the same mode +name is used +in <xsl:apply-templates/>, it acts +as a filter to narrow the selection of templates to only +those selected by +the match expression and that +have that mode name. This lets you define two different +templates for the same element match that are applied under +different contexts. For example, there are two templates +defined for +DocBook <listitem> elements: +<xsl:template match="listitem"> + <li><xsl:apply-templates/></li> +</xsl:template> + +<xsl:template match="listitem" mode="xref"> + <xsl:number format="1"/> +</xsl:template> + +The first template is for the normal list item +context where you want to output the +HTML <li> tags. The second template +is called with <xsl:apply-templates +select="$target" mode="xref"/> in the context +of processing <xref> elements. In +this case the select attribute locates +the ID of the specific list item and +the mode attribute selects the second +template, whose effect is to output its item number when it +is in an ordered list. Because there are many such special +needs when +processing <xref> elements, it is +convenient to define a mode name xref to +handle them all. Keep in mind that mode settings +do not automatically get passed down to +other templates +through <xsl:apply-templates/>. +
+Programming features +Although XSL is template-driven, it also has some +features of traditional programming languages. Here are +some examples from the DocBook stylesheets. +Assign a value to a variable: +<xsl:variable name="refelem" select="name($target)"/> + +If statement: +<xsl:if test="$show.comments"> + <i><xsl:call-template name="inline.charseq"/></i> +</xsl:if> + +Case statement: +<xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="@columns"> + <xsl:value-of select="@columns"/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise>1</xsl:otherwise> +</xsl:choose> + +Call a template by name like a subroutine, passing parameter values and accepting a return value: +<xsl:call-template name="xref.xreflabel"> + <xsl:with-param name="target" select="$target"/> +</xsl:call-template> + +However, you can't always use these constructs as you +do in other programming languages. Variables in particular +have very different behavior. +
+Using variables and parameters +XSL provides two elements that let you assign a value +to a +name: <xsl:variable> and <xsl:param>. +These share the same name space and syntax for assigning +names and values. Both can be referred to using +the $name syntax. The main difference +between these two elements is that a param's value acts as +a default value that can be overridden when a template is +called using +a <xsl:with-param> element as in the +last example above. +Here are two examples from DocBook: +<xsl:param name="cols">1</xsl:param> +<xsl:variable name="segnum" select="position()"/> + +In both elements, the name of the parameter or +variable is specified with +the name attribute. So the name of +the param here +is cols and the name of +the variable is segnum. +The value of either can be supplied in two ways. The value +of the first example is the text node "1" and is supplied +as the content of the element. The value of the second +example is supplied as the result of the expression in +its select attribute, and the element +itself has no content. +The feature of XSL variables that is odd to new users +is that once you assign a value to a variable, you cannot +assign a new value within the same scope. Doing so will +generate an error. So variables are not used as dynamic +storage bins they way they are in other languages. They +hold a fixed value within their scope of application, and +then disappear when the scope is exited. This feature is a +result of the design of XSL, which is template-driven and +not procedural. This means there is no definite order of +processing, so you can't rely on the values of changing +variables. To use variables in XSL, you need to understand +how their scope is defined. +Variables defined outside of all templates are +considered global variables, and they are readable within +all templates. The value of a global variable is fixed, and +its global value can't be altered from within any template. +However, a template can create a local variable of the same +name and give it a different value. That local value +remains in effect only within the scope of the local +variable. +Variables defined within a template remain in effect +only within their permitted scope, which is defined as all +following siblings and their descendants. To understand +such a scope, you have to remember that XSL instructions +are true XML elements that are embedded in an XML family +hierarchy of XSL elements, often referred to as parents, +children, siblings, ancestors and descendants. Taking the +family analogy a step further, think of a variable +assignment as a piece of advice that you are allowed to +give to certain family members. You can give your advice +only to your younger siblings (those that follow you) and +their descendents. Your older siblings won't listen, +neither will your parents or any of your ancestors. To +stretch the analogy a bit, it is an error to try to give +different advice under the same name to the same group of +listeners (in other words, to redefine the variable). Keep +in mind that this family is not the elements of your +document, but just the XSL instructions in your stylesheet. +To help you keep track of such scopes in hand-written +stylesheets, it helps to indent nested XSL elements. Here +is an edited snippet from the DocBook stylesheet +file pi.xsl that illustrates different +scopes for two variables: + + 1 <xsl:template name="dbhtml-attribute"> + 2 ... + 3 <xsl:choose> + 4 <xsl:when test="$count>count($pis)"> + 5 <!-- not found --> + 6 </xsl:when> + 7 <xsl:otherwise> + 8 <xsl:variable name="pi"> + 9 <xsl:value-of select="$pis[$count]"/> +10 </xsl:variable> +11 <xsl:choose> +12 <xsl:when test="contains($pi,concat($attribute, '='))"> +13 <xsl:variable name="rest" select="substring-after($pi,concat($attribute,'='))"/> +14 <xsl:variable name="quote" select="substring($rest,1,1)"/> +15 <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(substring($rest,2),$quote)"/> +16 </xsl:when> +17 <xsl:otherwise> +18 ... +19 </xsl:otherwise> +20 </xsl:choose> +21 </xsl:otherwise> +22 </xsl:choose> +23 </xsl:template> + + +The scope of the variable pi begins +on line 8 where it is defined in this template, and ends on +line 20 when its last sibling ends.Technically, the scope extends to the end tag of the parent of the <xsl:variable> element. That is effectively the last sibling. The scope of the +variable rest begins on line 13 and ends +on line 15. Fortunately, line 15 outputs an expression +using the value before it goes out of scope. +What happens when +an <xsl:apply-templates/> element +is used within the scope of a local variable? Do the +templates that are applied to the document children get the +variable? The answer is no. The templates that are applied +are not actually within the scope of the variable. They +exist elsewhere in the stylesheet and are not following +siblings or their descendants. +To pass a value to another template, you pass a +parameter using +the <xsl:with-param> element. This +parameter passing is usually done with calls to a specific +named template +using <xsl:call-template>, although +it works +with <xsl:apply-templates> too. +That's because the called template must be expecting the +parameter by defining it using +a <xsl:param> element with the same +parameter name. Any passed parameters whose names are not +defined in the called template are ignored. +Here is an example of parameter passing +from docbook.xsl: +<xsl:call-template name="head.content"> + <xsl:with-param name="node" select="$doc"/> +</xsl:call-template> + +Here a template +named head.content is being called and +passed a parameter named node whose +content is the value of the $doc variable +in the current context. The top of that template looks like +this: +<xsl:template name="head.content"> + <xsl:param name="node" select="."/> + +The template is expecting the parameter because it +has a <xsl:param> defined with the +same name. The value in this definition is the default +value. This would be the parameter value used in the +template if the template was called without passing that +parameter. +
+Generating HTML output. +You generate HTML from your DocBook XML files by +applying the HTML version of the stylesheets. This is done +by using the HTML driver +file docbook/html/docbook.xsl as your +stylesheet. That is the master stylesheet file that +uses <xsl:include> to pull in the +component files it needs to assemble a complete stylesheet +for producing HTML. +The way the DocBook stylesheet generates HTML is to +apply templates that output a mix of text content and HTML +elements. Starting at the top level in the main +file docbook.xsl: +<xsl:template match="/"> + <xsl:variable name="doc" select="*[1]"/> + <html> + <head> + <xsl:call-template name="head.content"> + <xsl:with-param name="node" select="$doc"/> + </xsl:call-template> + </head> + <body> + <xsl:apply-templates/> + </body> + </html> +</xsl:template> + +This template matches the root element of your input +document, and starts the process of recursively applying +templates. It first defines a variable +named doc and then outputs two literal +HTML elements <html> and <head>. +Then it calls a named +template head.content to process the +content of the HTML <head>, closes +the <head> and starts +the <body>. There it +uses <xsl:apply-templates/> to +recursively process the entire input document. Then it just +closes out the HTML file. +Simple HTML elements can generated as literal +elements as shown here. But if the HTML being output +depends on the context, you need something more powerful to +select the element name and possibly add attributes and +their values. Here is a fragment +from sections.xsl that shows how a +heading tag is generated using +the <xsl:element> and <xsl:attribute> elements: + + 1 <xsl:element name="h{$level}"> + 2 <xsl:attribute name="class">title</xsl:attribute> + 3 <xsl:if test="$level<3"> + 4 <xsl:attribute name="style">clear: all</xsl:attribute> + 5 </xsl:if> + 6 <a> + 7 <xsl:attribute name="name"> + 8 <xsl:call-template name=""/> + 9 </xsl:attribute> +10 <b><xsl:copy-of select="$title"/></b> +11 </a> +12 </xsl:element> + +This whole example is generating a single HTML +heading element. Line 1 begins the HTML element definition +by identifying the name of the element. In this case, the +name is an expression that includes the +variable $level passed as a parameter to +this template. Thus a single template can +generate <h1>, <h2>, +etc. depending on the context in which it is called. Line 2 +defines a class="title" attribute that is +added to this element. Lines 3 to 5 add +a style="clear all" attribute, but only +if the heading level is less than 3. Line 6 opens +an <a> anchor element. Although this +looks like a literal output string, it is actually modified +by lines 7 to 9 that insert +the name attribute into +the <a> element. This illustrates +that XSL is managing output elements as active element +nodes, not just text strings. Line 10 outputs the text of +the heading title, also passed as a parameter to the +template, enclosed in HTML boldface tags. Line 11 closes +the anchor tag with the +literal /a syntax, while line 12 +closes the heading tag by closing the element definition. +Since the actual element name is a variable, it couldn't +use the literal syntax. +As you follow the sequence of nested templates +processing elements, you might be wondering how the +ordinary text of your input document gets to the output. In +the file docbook.xsl you will find +this template that handles any text not processed by any +other template: +<xsl:template match="text()"> + <xsl:value-of select="."/> +</xsl:template> + +This template's body consists of the "value" of the text node, +which is just its text. In general, all XSL processors have +some built-in templates to handle any content for which +your stylesheet doesn't supply a matching template. This +template serves the same function but appears explicitly in +the stylesheet. +
+Generating formatting objects. +You generate formatting objects from your DocBook XML +files by applying the fo version of the stylesheets. This +is done by using the fo driver +file docbook/fo/docbook.xsl as your +stylesheet. That is the master stylesheet file that +uses <xsl:include> to pull in the +component files it needs to assemble a complete stylesheet +for producing formatting objects. Generating a formatting +objects file is only half the process of producing typeset +output. You also need a formatting object processor such as +the Apache XML Project's FOP as described in an earlier +section. +The DocBook fo stylesheet works in a similar manner +to the HTML stylesheet. Instead of outputting HTML tags, it +outputs text marked up +with <fo:something> tags. +For example, to indicate that some text should be kept +in-line and typeset with a monospace font, it might look +like this: +<fo:inline-sequence font-family="monospace">/usr/man</fo:inline-sequence> +The templates +in docbook/fo/inline.xsl that produce +this output for a +DocBook <filename> element look +like this: +<xsl:template match="filename"> + <xsl:call-template name="inline.monoseq"/> +</xsl:template> + +<xsl:template name="inline.monoseq"> + <xsl:param name="content"> + <xsl:apply-templates/> + </xsl:param> + <fo:inline-sequence font-family="monospace"> + <xsl:copy-of select="$content"/> + </fo:inline-sequence> +</xsl:template> + +There are dozens of fo tags and attributes specified +in the XSL standard. It is beyond the scope of this +document to cover how all of them are used in the DocBook +stylesheets. Fortunately, this is only an intermediate +format that you probably won't have to deal with very much +directly unless you are writing your own +stylesheets. +
+Customizing DocBook XSL stylesheets +The DocBook XSL stylesheets are written in a modular +fashion. Each of the HTML and FO stylesheets starts with a +driver file that assembles a collection of component files +into a complete stylesheet. This modular design puts similar things together into smaller files that are easier to write and maintain than one big stylesheet. The modular stylesheet files +are distributed among four directories: + + +common/ + +contains code common to both stylesheets, including localization data + + + +fo/ + +a stylesheet that produces XSL FO result trees + + + +html/ + +a stylesheet that produces HTML/XHTML result trees + + + +lib/ + +contains schema-independent functions + + + + + +The driver files for each of HTML and FO stylesheets +are html/docbook.xsl and fo/docbook.xsl, +respectively. A driver file consists mostly of a bunch +of <xsl:include> instructions to +pull in the component templates, and then defines some +top-level templates. For example: +<xsl:include href="../VERSION"/> +<xsl:include href="../lib/lib.xsl"/> +<xsl:include href="../common/l10n.xsl"/> +<xsl:include href="../common/common.xsl"/> +<xsl:include href="autotoc.xsl"/> +<xsl:include href="lists.xsl"/> +<xsl:include href="callout.xsl"/> +... +<xsl:include href="param.xsl"/> +<xsl:include href="pi.xsl"/> + +The first four modules are shared with the FO +stylesheet and are referenced using relative pathnames to +the common directories. Then the long list of component +stylesheets starts. Pathnames in include statements are +always taken to be relative to the including file. Each +included file must be a valid XSL stylesheet, which means +its root element must +be <xsl:stylesheet>. +
+Stylesheet inclusion vs. importing +XSL actually provides two inclusion +mechanisms: <xsl:include> and <xsl:import>. +Of the two, <xsl:include> is +the simpler. It treats the included content as if it were +actually typed into the file at that point, and doesn't +give it any more or less precedence relative to the +surrounding text. It is best used when assembling +dissimilar templates that don't overlap what they match. +The DocBook driver files use this instruction to assemble a +set of modules into a stylesheet. +In contrast, <xsl:import> lets +you manage the precedence of templates and variables. It is +the preferred mode of customizing another stylesheet because +it lets you override definitions in the distributed +stylesheet with your own, without altering the distribution +files at all. You simply import the whole stylesheet and +add whatever changes you want. +The precedence rules for import are detailed and +rigorously defined in the XSL standard. The basic rule is +that any templates and variables in the importing +stylesheet have precedence over equivalent templates and +variables in the imported stylesheet. Think of the imported stylesheet elements as a fallback collection, to be used only if a match is not found in the current stylesheet. You can customize the templates you want to change in your stylesheet file, and let the imported stylesheet handle the rest. + +Customizing a DocBook XSL stylesheet is the opposite +of customizing a DocBook DTD. When you customize a DocBook +DTD, the rules of XML and SGML dictate that +the first of any duplicate declarations +wins. Any subsequent declarations of the same element or +entity are ignored. The architecture of the DTD provides +slots for inserting your own custom declarations early +enough in the DTD for them to override the standard +declarations. In contrast, customizing an XSL stylesheet is +simpler because your definitions have precedence over imported ones. + +You can carry modularization to deeper levels because +module files can also include or import other modules. +You'll need to be careful to maintain the precedence that +you want as the modules get rolled up into a complete +stylesheet. +
+Customizing +with <sgmltag class="element"><xsl:import></sgmltag> +There is currently one example of customizing +with <xsl:import> in the HTML +version of the DocBook stylesheets. +The xtchunk.xsl stylesheet modifies the +HTML processing to output many smaller HTML files rather +than a single large file per input document. It uses XSL +extensions defined only in the XSL +processor XT. In the driver +file xtchunk.xsl, the first instruction +is <xsl:import +href="docbook.xsl"/>. That instruction imports +the original driver file, which in turn uses +many <xsl:include> instructions to +include all the modules. That single import instruction +gives the new stylesheet the complete set of DocBook +templates to start with. +After the +import, xtchunk.xsl redefines some of +the templates and adds some new ones. Here is one example +of a redefined template: +Original template in autotoc.xsl +<xsl:template name=""> + <xsl:param name="object" select="."/> + <xsl:text>#</xsl:text> + <xsl:call-template name=""> + <xsl:with-param name="object" select="$object"/> + </xsl:call-template> +</xsl:template> + +New template in xtchunk.xsl +<xsl:template name=""> + <xsl:param name="object" select="."/> + <xsl:variable name="ischunk"> + <xsl:call-template name="chunk"> + <xsl:with-param name="node" select="$object"/> + </xsl:call-template> + </xsl:variable> + + <xsl:apply-templates mode="chunk-filename" select="$object"/> + + <xsl:if test="$ischunk='0'"> + <xsl:text>#</xsl:text> + <xsl:call-template name=""> + <xsl:with-param name="object" select="$object"/> + </xsl:call-template> + </xsl:if> +</xsl:template> + +The new template handles the more complex processing +of HREFs when the output is split into many HTML files. +Where the old template could simply +output, +the new one outputs +
+Setting stylesheet variables +You may not have to define any new templates, +however. The DocBook stylesheets are parameterized using +XSL variables rather than hard-coded values for many of the +formatting features. Since +the <xsl:import> mechanism also +lets you redefine global variables, this gives you an easy +way to customize many features of the DocBook +stylesheets. Over time, more features will be parameterized to permit customization. If you find hardcoded values in the stylesheets that would be useful to customize, please let the maintainer know. +Near the end of the list of includes in the main +DocBook driver file is the +instruction <xsl:include +href="param.xsl"/>. +The param.xsl file is the most +important module for customizing a DocBook XSL stylesheet. +This module contains no templates, only definitions of +stylesheet variables. Since these variables are defined +outside of any template, they are global variables and +apply to the entire stylesheet. By redefining these +variables in an importing stylesheet, you can change the +behavior of the stylesheet. +To create a customized DocBook stylesheet, you simply +create a new stylesheet file such +as mystyle.xsl that imports the standard +stylesheet and adds your own new variable definitions. Here +is an example of a complete custom stylesheet that changes +the depth of sections listed in the table of contents from +two to three: +<?xml version='1.0'?> +<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" + version='1.0' + xmlns="" + exclude-result-prefixes="#default"> + +<xsl:import href="docbook.xsl"/> + +<xsl:variable name="toc.section.depth">3</xsl:variable> +<!-- Add other variable definitions here --> + +</xsl:stylesheet> + +Following the opening stylesheet element are the +import instruction and one variable definition. The +variable toc.section.depth was defined +in param.xsl with value "2", and here +it is defined as "3". Since the importing stylesheet takes +precedence, this new value is used. Thus documents +processed with mystyle.xsl instead +of docbook.xsl will have three levels +of sections in the tables of contents, and all other +processing will be the same. +Use the list of variables +in param.xsl as your guide for creating +a custom stylesheet. If the changes you want are controlled +by a variable there, then customizing is easy. + +
+Writing your own templates +If the changes you want are more extensive than what +is supported by variables, you can write new templates. You +can put your new templates directly in your importing +stylesheet, or you can modularize your importing stylesheet +as well. You can write your own stylesheet module +containing a collection of templates for processing lists, +for example, and put them in a file +named mylists.xsl. Then your importing +stylesheet can pull in your list templates with +a <xsl:include +href="mylists.xsl"/> instruction. Since your +included template definitions appear after the main import +instruction, your templates will take precedence. +You'll need to make sure your new templates are +compatible with the remaining modules, which means: + + +Any named templates should use the same name so +calling templates in other modules can find them. + + +Your template set should process the same elements +matched by templates in the original module, to ensure +complete coverage. + + +Include the same set +of <xsl:param> elements in each +template to interface properly with any calling templates, +although you can set different values for your +parameters. + + +Any templates that are used like subroutines to +return a value should return the same data type. + + +
+Writing your own driver +Another approach to customizing the stylesheets is to +write your own driver file. Instead of +using <xsl:import +href="docbook.xsl"/>, you copy that file to a +new name and rewrite any of +the <xsl:include/> instructions to +assemble a custom collection of stylesheet modules. One +reason to do this is to speed up processing by reducing the +size of the stylesheet. If you are using a customized +DocBook DTD that omits many elements you never use, you +might be able to omit those modules of the +stylesheet. +
+Localization +The DocBook stylesheets include features for +localizing generated text, that is, printing any generated +text in a language other than the default English. In +general, the stylesheets will switch to the language +identified by a lang attribute when +processing elements in your documents. If your documents +use the lang attribute, then you don't +need to customize the stylesheets at all for +localization. +As far as the stylesheets go, +a lang attribute is inherited by the +descendents of a document element. The stylesheet searches +for a lang attribute using this XPath +expression: +<xsl:variable name="lang-attr" + select="($target/ancestor-or-self::*/@lang + |$target/ancestor-or-self::*/@xml:lang)[last()]"/> + +This locates the attribute on the current element or +its most recent ancestor. Thus +a lang attribute is in effect for an +element and all of its descendents, unless it is reset in +one of those descendents. If you define it in only your +document root element, then it applies to the whole +document: +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.0//EN" "docbook.dtd"> +<book lang="fr"> +... +</book> +When text is being generated, the stylesheet checks +the most recent lang attribute and looks +up the generated text strings for that language in a +localization XML file. These are located in +the common directory of the +stylesheets, one file per language. Here is the top of the +file fr.xml: +<localization language="fr"> + +<gentext key="abstract" text="R&#x00E9;sum&#x00E9;"/> +<gentext key="answer" text="R:"/> +<gentext key="appendix" text="Annexe"/> +<gentext key="article" text="Article"/> +<gentext key="bibliography" text="Bibliographie"/> +... + +The stylesheet templates use the gentext key names, +and then the stylesheet looks up the associated text value +when the document is processed with that lang setting. The +file l10n.xml (note +the .xml suffix) lists the filenames of +all the supported languages. +You can also create a custom stylesheet that sets the +language. That might be useful if your documents don't make +appropriate use of the lang attribute. +The module l10n.xsl defines two global +variables that can be overridden with an importing +stylesheet as described above. Here are their default +definitions: +<xsl:variable name="l10n.gentext.language"></xsl:variable> +<xsl:variable name="l10n.gentext.default.language">en</xsl:variable> + +The first one sets the language for all elements, +regardless of an element's lang attribute +value. The second just sets a default language for any +elements that haven't got a lang setting +of their own (or their ancestors). +
+ + + + + + +$Date: 2002-12-29 21:28:39 +0100 (Sun, 29 Dec 2002) $ +$Revision: 2359 $ + +Customizing DocBook + +customizing + DocBook DTD +DocBook DTD + customizing + +For the applications you have in mind, DocBook out of the +box may not be exactly what you need. Perhaps you need +additional inline elements or perhaps you want to remove elements that +you never want your authors to use. By design, DocBook makes this sort +of customization easy. + + +attributes + DocBook DTD, customizing +elements + DocBook DTD, customizing + +This chapter explains how to make your own customization +layer. You might do this in order to: + +Add new elements +Remove elements +Change the structure of existing elements +Add new attributes +Remove attributes +Broaden the range of values allowed in an attribute +Narrow the range of values in an attribute to a specific list or a fixed value + + + +extensions, DocBook DTD +environment + DocBook extensions, affecting + +You can use customization layers to extend DocBook or subset +it. Creating a DTD that is a strict subset of DocBook means that all +of your instances are still completely valid DocBook instances, which +may be important to your tools and stylesheets, and to other people +with whom you share documents. An extension adds new +structures, or changes the DTD in a way that is not compatible with +DocBook. Extensions can be very useful, but might have a great impact +on your environment. + + +Customization layers can be as small as restricting an attribute value +or as large as adding an entirely different hierarchy on top of the +inline elements. + +Should You Do This? + +stylesheets + DTD extension, effects + +Changing a DTD can have a wide-ranging impact on the tools and +stylesheets that you use. It can have an impact on your authors and on +your legacy documents. This is especially true if you make an +extension. If you rely on your support staff to install and maintain +your authoring and publishing tools, check with them before you invest +a lot of time modifying the DTD. There may be additional issues that +are outside your immediate control. Proceed with caution. + + +That said, DocBook is designed to be easy to modify. This chapter +assumes that you are comfortable with SGML/XML DTD syntax, but +the examples presented should be a good springboard to learning the +syntax if it's not already familiar to you. + + +If You Change DocBook, It's Not DocBook Anymore! + + + public identifiers + DocBook DTD + altering +The DocBook DTD is usually referenced by its public identifier: + + -//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN + +Previous versions of DocBook, V3.0 and the V2 variants, used the owner +identifier Davenport, rather than OASIS. + + +If you make any changes to the structure of the DTD, it is +imperative that you alter the public identifier that you use for the +DTD and the modules you changed. The license agreement under which +DocBook is distributed gives you complete freedom to change, modify, +reuse, and generally hack the DTD in any way you want, except that +you must not call your alterations DocBook. + + +owner-identifiers + changing (DocBook customization) +description, changing (DocBook customization) + +You should change both the owner identifier and the description. The +original DocBook formal public identifiers use the following syntax: + +-//OASIS//text-class DocBook description Vversion//EN + + + +Your own formal public identifiers should use the following syntax in +order to record their DocBook derivation: + +-//your-owner-ID//text-class DocBook Vversion-Based Subset|Extension|Variant your-descrip-and-version//lang + + +For example: + +-//O'Reilly//DTD DocBook V3.0-Based Subset V1.1//EN + + + +subsets (DocBook DTD) +If your DTD is a proper subset, you can advertise this status by +using the Subset keyword in the description. If +your DTD contains any markup model extensions, you can advertise +this status by using the Extension keyword. If +you'd rather not characterize your variant specifically as a subset or +an extension, you can leave out this field entirely, or, if you +prefer, use the Variant keyword. + + +dbgenent.mod file +public identifiers + dbgenent.mod file, changing + +There is only one file that you may change without changing the public +identifier: dbgenent.mod. And you can add only +entity and notation declarations to that file. (You can add anything +you want, naturally, but if you add anything other than entity and +notation declarations, you must change the public identifier!) + + +Customization Layers + +customizing + DocBook DTD + customization layers +layers, customization (DocBook DTD) +parameter entities + customization layers +declarations + SGML and XML DTDs + +SGML and XML DTDs are really just collections of +declarations. These declarations are stored in one or more files. A +complete DTD is formed by combining these files together +logically. Parameter entities are used for this purpose. Consider the +following fragment: + + +<!ENTITY % dbpool SYSTEM "dbpool.mod"> +<!ENTITY % dbhier SYSTEM "dbhier.mod"> +%dbpool; +%dbhier; + + +This line declares the +parameter entity dbpool and associates it with the +file dbpool.mod. + +This line declares the +parameter entity dbhier and associates it with the +file dbhier.mod. + +This line references +dbpool, which loads the file dbpool.mod +and inserts its content here. + +Similarly, this line loads + dbhier.mod. + +parsing + DTDs, entity declarations (repeated) + +It is an important feature of DTD parsing that entity +declarations can be repeated. If an entity is declared more than once, +then the first declaration is used. Given this +fragment: + + +<!ENTITY foo "Lenny"> +<!ENTITY foo "Norm"> + + +The replacement text for foo is +Lenny. + + +modules + DTDs, customizing +parameter entities + DTD modules, referencing + +These two notions, that you can break a DTD into modules referenced +with parameter entities and that the first entity declaration is the +one that counts, are used to build customization layers. +With customization layers you can write a DTD that references some +or all of DocBook, but adds your own modifications. Modifying the +DTD this way means that you never have to edit the DocBook modules +directly, which is a tremendous boon to maintaining your modules. When +the next release of DocBook comes out, you usually only have to make +changes to your customization layer and your modification will be back +in sync with the new version. + + +Customization layers work particularly well in DocBook because the +base DTD makes extensive use of parameter entities that can be +redefined. + + +Understanding DocBook Structure + +DocBook is a large and, at first glance, fairly complex DTD. Much of +the apparent complexity is caused by the prolific use of parameter +entities. This was an intentional choice on the part of the +maintainers, who traded raw readability for customizability. +This section provides a general overview of the structure of the +DTD. After you understand it, DocBook will probably seem much less +complicated. + +DocBook Modules + +modules + DocBook +DocBook DTD + modules + +DocBook is composed of seven primary modules. These modules decompose +the DTD into large, related chunks. Most modifications are +restricted to a single chunk. + + + shows the module structure of +DocBook as a flowchart. + +
+Structure of the DocBook <acronym>DTD</acronym> + +
+ +The modules are: + + +docbook.dtd + + +driver files + +The main driver file. This module declares and references the +other top-level modules. + + + +dbhier.mod + + +dbhier.mod file +hierarchical structure + DocBook DTD + +The hierarchy. This module declares the elements that provide +the hierarchical structure of DocBook (sets, books, chapters, +articles, and so on). + +Changes to this module alter the top-level structure of the +DTD. If you want to write a DocBook-derived DTD with a different +structure (something other than a book), but with the same paragraph +and inline-level elements, you make most of your changes in this +module. + + + +dbpool.mod + + +dbpool.mod file +elements + dbpool.mod file, declaring +inline elements + changing (dbpool.mod file) + +The information pool. This module declares the elements that +describe content (inline elements, bibliographic data, block quotes, +sidebars, and so on) but are not part of the large-scale hierarchy of +a document. You can incorporate these elements into an entirely +different element hierarchy. + +The most common reason for changing this module is to add or +remove inline elements. + + + +dbnotn.mod + + +dbnotn.mod file +notation declarations (DocBook) + +The notation declarations. This module declares the notations +used by DocBook. + +This module can be changed to add or remove notations. + + + +dbcent.mod + + +dbcent.mod file +characters + entities + declaration +entities + characters + declaration +declarations + entities + entity sets + +The character entities. This module declares and references the +ISO entity sets used by DocBook. + +Changes to this module can add or remove entity sets. + + + +dbgenent.mod + + +dbgenent.mod file +entities + general + customizing +DocBook DTD + general entities, customizing +customizing + DocBook DTD + general entities +general entities + customizing + +The general entities. This is a place where you can customize +the general entities available in DocBook instances. + +This is the place to add, for example, boiler plate text, logos +for institutional identity, or additional notations understood by your +local processing system. + + + +cals-tbl.dtd + + +cals-tbl.dtd file +CALS; Table Model. CALS +table models + +The CALS Table Model. CALS is an initiative by the United +States Department of Defense to standardize the document types used +across branches of the military. The CALS table model, published in +MIL-HDBK-28001, was for a long time the most widely +supported SGML table model (one might now argue that the HTML +table model is more widely supported by some definitions of +widely supported). In any event, it is the table model +used by DocBook. + + +OASIS + table model +DocBook DTD + table model + +DocBook predates the publication of the +OASIS Technical Resolution TR +9503:1995, which defines an industry standard exchange table +model and thus incorporates the full CALS Table +Model. + + +parameter entities + table model (CALS), modifying + +Most changes to the CALS table model can be accomplished by +modifying parameter entities in dbpool.mod; +changing this DTD fragment is strongly discouraged. If you want to +use a different table model, remove this one and add your own. + + + +*.gml + + +*.gml (ISO standard character entity sets) +ISO standards + entity sets + characters +The ISO standard character entity sets. +These entity sets are not actually part of the official DocBook +distribution, but are referenced by default. + + + + + +There are some additional modules, initially undefined, that can be +inserted at several places for redeclaration. This is +described in more detail in . + +
+DocBook Parameterization + +parameter entities + customization layers + +Customization layers are possible because DocBook has been extensively +parameterized so that it is possible to make any changes that might be +desired without ever editing the actual distributed modules. The +parameter entities come in several flavors: + + +*.class + + +*.class parameter entities +classes + elements + +Classes group elements of a similar type: for example all the +lists are in the list.class. + +If you want to add a new kind of something (a new kind of list +or a new kind of verbatim environment, for example), you generally +want to add the name of the new element to the appropriate class. + + + +*.mix + + +.mix parameter entities +classes + mixtures + +Mixtures are collections of classes that appear in content +models. For example, the content model of the +Example element includes example.mix. Not every element's content +model is a single mixture, but elements in the same class tend to have +the same mixture in their content model. + +If you want to change the content model of some class of +elements (lists or admonitions, perhaps), you generally want to change +the definition of the appropriate mixture. + + + +*.module + + +parameter entities + *.module + +*.module parameter entities +marked sections + parameter entities, controlling + +The *.module parameter +entities control marked sections around +individual elements and their attribute lists. For example, the +element and attribute declarations for Abbrev occur +within a marked section delimited by abbrev.module. + + +If you want to remove or redefine an element or its attribute +list, you generally want to change its module marked section to +IGNORE and possibly add a new definition for it in +your customization layer. + + + +*.element + + +*.element parameter entities +parameter entities + *.element +The *.element parameter +entities were introduced in DocBook V3.1; they +control marked sections around individual element declarations. + + + +*.attlist + + +parameter entities + *.attlist +*.attlist parameter entities +attributes + parameter entities, controlling + +The *.attlist parameter +entities were introduced in DocBook V3.1; they +control marked sections around individual attribute list declarations. + + + +*.inclusion +*.exclusion + + +elements + declarations + parameter entities, controlling +parameter entities + *.inclusion +parameter entities + *.exclusion +*.inclusion parameter entities +*.exclusion parameter entities + +These parameter entities control the inclusion and exclusion +markup in element declarations. + +Changing these declarations allows you to make global changes to +the inclusions and exclusions in the DTD. + + + +local.* + + +local parameter entities + +The local.* parameter +entities are a local extension mechanism. You can add markup to most +entity declarations simply by declaring the appropriate local +parameter entity. + + + + + +
+The General Structure of<?lb?>Customization Layers + +customizing + DocBook DTD + structure (customization layers) +Although customization layers vary in complexity, most of them +have the same general structure as other customization layers of +similar complexity. + + +In the most common case, you probably want to include the entire DTD, but you +want to make some small changes. These customization layers tend +to look like this: + + + + + + + + + Overrides of Entity Declarations Here + + <!ENTITY % orig-docbook "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> + %orig-docbook; + + New/Modified Element and Attribute Declarations Here + + + +Declare new values for parameter entities +(local.*, +*.element, +*.attlist) +that you wish to modify. + + +Include the entire DocBook DTD by parameter entity reference. +parameter entities + DocBook DTD, including by reference + + + +Add new element and attribute declarations for any elements that you +added to the DTD. +elements + declarations + adding for new +attributes + declarations + adding for new + + + + +modules + DocBook customization + +In slightly more complex customization layers, the changes that you +want to make are influenced by the interactions between modules. In +these cases, rather than including the whole DTD at once, you +include each of the modules separately, perhaps with entity or element +declarations between them: + + +Overrides of Most Entity Declarations Here + +<!ENTITY % orig-pool "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Information Pool V3.1//EN"> +%orig-pool; + +Overrides of Document Hierarchy Entities Here + +<!ENTITY % orig-hier "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Document Hierarchy V3.1//EN"> +%orig-hier; + +New/Modified Element and Attribute Declarations Here + +<!ENTITY % orig-notn "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Notations V3.1//EN"> +%orig-notn; + +<!ENTITY % orig-cent "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Character Entities V3.1//EN"> +%orig-cent; + +<!ENTITY % orig-gen "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Additional General Entities V3.1//EN"> +%orig-gen; + + +one-off customizations + +Finally, it's worth noting that in the rare case in which you +need certain kinds of very simple, one-off +customizations, you can do them in the document subset: + + +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [ +Overrides of Entity Declarations Here +New/Modified Element and Attribute Declarations Here +]> +<book>...</book> + + +Writing, Testing, and Using a Customization Layer + +DocBook DTD + customizing + customization layers, writing, testing, and using +customizing + DocBook DTD + writing, testing and using customization layers +The procedure for creating, testing, and using a customization layer +is always about the same. In this section, we'll go through the +process in some detail. The rest of the sections in this chapter +describe a range of useful customization layers. + +Deciding What to Change + +If you're considering writing a customization layer, there must be +something that you want to change. Perhaps you want to add an element +or attribute, remove one, or change some other aspect of the DTD. + + +inline elements + adding + +Adding an element, particularly an inline element, is one possibility. +If you're writing documentation about an object-oriented system, you +may have noticed that DocBook provides ClassName but not +MethodName. Suppose you want to add +MethodName? + + +Deciding How to Change a Customization Layer + +customizing + DocBook DTD + changing customization layers +Figuring out what to change may be the hardest part of the process. +The organization of the parameter entities is quite logical, and, +bearing in mind the organization described in , finding something similar usually +provides a good model for new changes. + + + +parameter entities + reference (online) + +Two online resources may be useful. First, the +parameter entity reference section of the +online book provides more detail than the print version. Second, there +is an alternate version of the book online that shows all of the element +content models in terms of the parameter entities that define them, +rather than the flattened versions shown here. + + + +elements + content models (online reference) +One resource that may be useful is the alternate version of this +book that shows all of the element content models in +terms of the parameter entities which define them, rather than +the flattened versions shown here. The alternate version +is on the CD-ROM and online at the book web site: + + + + +MethodName is similar to ClassName, so +ClassName is probably a good model. ClassName +is an inline element, not a hierarchy element, so it's in +dbpool.mod. Searching for classname in +dbpool.mod reveals: + + +<!ENTITY % ""> +<!ENTITY % tech.char.class + "Action|Application|ClassName|Command|ComputerOutput + |Database|Email|EnVar|ErrorCode|ErrorName|ErrorType|Filename + |Function|GUIButton|GUIIcon|GUILabel|GUIMenu|GUIMenuItem + |GUISubmenu|Hardware|Interface|InterfaceDefinition|KeyCap + |KeyCode|KeyCombo|KeySym|Literal|Constant|Markup|MediaLabel + |MenuChoice|MouseButton|MsgText|Option|Optional|Parameter + |Prompt|Property|Replaceable|ReturnValue|SGMLTag|StructField + |StructName|Symbol|SystemItem|Token|Type|UserInput|VarName +;"> + + +Searching further reveals the element and attribute declarations for +ClassName. + + parameter entity +tech.char.class parameter entity +It would seem (and, in fact, it is the case) that adding +MethodName can be accomplished by adding it to the local +extension mechanism for tech.char.class, namely, and adding element and +attribute declarations for it. A customization layer that does this +can be seen in . +MethodName, adding with customization layer + + + +Adding MethodName with a Customization Layer + +<!ENTITY % "|MethodName"> + +<!-- load DocBook --> +<!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +%DocBookDTD; + +<!ELEMENT MethodName - - ((%smallcptr.char.mix;)+) > +<!ATTLIST MethodName + %common.attrib; + %classname.role.attrib; + %local.classname.attrib; +> + + +Declare the appropriate +parameter entity (these are described in ). +The declaration in your customization layer is encountered first, so +it overrides the definition in the DocBook DTD (all the local +classes are defined as empty in the DTD). + +Use a parameter entity to +load the entire DocBook DTD. + +Add an element declaration +for the new element. The content model for this element is taken +directly from the content model of ClassName. + +Add an attribute list +declaration for the new element. These are the same attributes as +ClassName. + + + + +Using Your Customization Layer + +customizing + DocBook DTD + writing, testing, and using customization layers +DocBook DTD + customizing + using customization layer + +In order to use the new customization layer, you must save it in a +file, for example mydocbk.dtd, and then you must use the +new DTD in your document. + + +The simplest way to use the new DTD is to point to it with a system +identifier: +Java Math class +absolute value (numbers), computing + + + +<!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "/path/to/mydocbk.dtd"> +<chapter><title>My Chapter</title> +<para> +The Java <classname>Math</classname> class provides a +<methodname>abs</methodname> method to compute absolute value of a number. +</para> +</chapter> + + + +public identifiers + DocBook DTD + customization layer +If you plan to use your customization layer in many documents, or +exchange it with interchange partners, consider giving your DTD its +own public identifier, as described in + + +catalog files + public identifier, adding + +In order to use the new public identifier, you must add it to your +catalog: + +PUBLIC "-//Your Organization//DTD DocBook V3.1-Based Extension V1.0//EN" + "/share/sgml/mydocbk.dtd" + +and use that public identifier in your documents: + + + +<!DOCTYPE chapter + PUBLIC "-//Your Organization//DTD DocBook V3.1-Based Extension V1.0//EN"> +<chapter><title>My Chapter</title> +<para> +The Java <classname>Math</classname> class provides a +<methodname>abs</methodname> method to compute absolute value of a number. +</para> +</chapter> + + + +XML + system identifiers + URI requirements +URI + XML system identifiers +If you're using XML, remember that you must provide a system +identifier that satisfies the requirements of a Uniform Resource +Identifier (URI). + + + +Testing Your Work + +customizing + DocBook DTD + writing, testing, and using customization layers +testing + customization layers (DocBook DTD) +validation + customization layers + +DTDs, by their nature, contain many complex, interrelated elements. +Whenever you make a change to the DTD, it's always wise to use a +validating parser to double-check your work. A parser like +nsgmls from James Clark's +SP can identify elements +(attributes, parameter entities) that are declared but unused, as well +as ones that are used but undeclared. + + + +A comprehensive test can be accomplished with +nsgmls using the +option. Create a simple test document and run: + + +nsgmls -sv -wall test.sgm + + + + +suppressing output (parser) +versions + nsgmls parser, printing number + +The option +tells nsgmls to suppress its normal output (it will +still show errors, if there are any). The option +tells nsgmls to print its version number; this +ensures that you always get some output, even if +there are no errors. + + +errors + listing, comprehensive +warnings, listing +nsgmls parser + warning types + +The +option tells nsgmls to provide a comprehensive list +of all errors and warnings. You can use less verbose, and more +specific options instead; for example, to +flag undefined elements or to warn you +about unused parameter entities. The nsgmls +documentation provides a complete list of warning types. + + +DocBook <acronym>V3.1</acronym> Warnings + +DocBook DTD + warnings +If you run the preceding command over DocBook V3.1, +you'll discover one warning generated by the DTD: + + +nsgmls:I: SP version "1.3" +nsgmls:cals-tbl.dtd:314:37:W: content model is mixed but does not allow #PCDATA everywhere + + +Entry element + +This is not truly an error in the DTD, and can safely be ignored. +The warning is caused by pernicious mixed content in +the content model of DocBook's Entry element. See +the Entry reference page for a complete discussion. + + + +Removing Elements + +elements + removing + +DocBook has a large number of elements. In some authoring +environments, it may be useful or necessary to remove some of these +elements. + +Removing MsgSet + +MsgSet element + removing +MsgSet is a favorite target. It has a complex +internal structure designed for describing interrelated error +messages, especially on systems that may exhibit messages from several +different components. Many technical documents can do without it, and +removing it leaves one less complexity to explain to your authors. + + + shows a customization layer that removes the +MsgSet element from DocBook: + + +Removing MsgSet + +<!ENTITY % compound.class "Procedure|SideBar"> +<!ENTITY % msgset.content.module "IGNORE"> +<!-- load DocBook --> +<!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +%DocBookDTD; + + +Remove +MsgSet from the compound.class. This is the only place +in the DTD where MsgSet is referenced. + +Exclude the definition of + MsgSet and all of its subelements from the +DTD. + + + + +Removing Computer Inlines + +inline elements + computer inlines, removing +parameter entities + tech.char.class, redefining +tech.char.class parameter entity + redefining + +DocBook contains a large number of computer inlines. The DocBook +inlines define a domain-specific vocabulary. If you're working in +another domain, many of them may be unnecessary. You can remove a +bunch of them by redefining the tech.char.class parameter entity and +then excluding the declarations for the elements removed. The initial +definition of tech.char.class is: + + +<!ENTITY % tech.char.class + "Action|Application|ClassName|Command|ComputerOutput + |Database|Email|EnVar|ErrorCode|ErrorName|ErrorType|Filename + |Function|GUIButton|GUIIcon|GUILabel|GUIMenu|GUIMenuItem + |GUISubmenu|Hardware|Interface|InterfaceDefinition|KeyCap + |KeyCode|KeyCombo|KeySym|Literal|Markup|MediaLabel|MenuChoice + |MouseButton|MsgText|Option|Optional|Parameter|Prompt|Property + |Replaceable|ReturnValue|SGMLTag|StructField|StructName + |Symbol|SystemItem|Token|Type|UserInput +;"> + + +When examining this list, it seems that you can delete all of the +inlines except, perhaps, Application, +Command, Email, +Filename, Literal, +Replaceable, Symbol, and +SystemItem. The following customization layer +removes them. + + +Removing Computer Inlines + +<!ENTITY % tech.char.class + "Application|Command|Email|Filename|Literal + |Replaceable|Symbol|SystemItem"> +<!ENTITY % action.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % classname.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % computeroutput.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % database.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % envar.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % errorcode.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % errorname.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % errortype.module "IGNORE"> +<!--<!ENTITY % function.module "IGNORE">--> +<!ENTITY % guibutton.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % guiicon.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % guilabel.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % guimenu.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % guimenuitem.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % guisubmenu.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % hardware.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % interface.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % interfacedefinition.module "IGNORE"> +<!--<!ENTITY % keycap.module "IGNORE">--> +<!ENTITY % keycode.module "IGNORE"> +<!--<!ENTITY % keycombo.module "IGNORE">--> +<!--<!ENTITY % keysym.module "IGNORE">--> +<!ENTITY % markup.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % medialabel.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % menuchoice.module "IGNORE"> +<!--<!ENTITY % mousebutton.module "IGNORE">--> +<!--<!ENTITY % msgtext.module "IGNORE">--> +<!--<!ENTITY % option.module "IGNORE">--> +<!--<!ENTITY % optional.module "IGNORE">--> +<!--<!ENTITY % parameter.module "IGNORE">--> +<!ENTITY % prompt.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % property.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % returnvalue.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % sgmltag.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % structfield.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % structname.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % token.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % type.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % userinput.module "IGNORE"> +<!-- load DocBook --> +<!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +%DocBookDTD; + + + +Initially we removed several more elements from tech.char.class (function.module, keycap.module), but using the testing procedure +described in , we discovered that +these elements are used in other content models. Because they are +used in other content modules, they cannot simply be removed from the +DTD by deleting them from +tech.char.class. Even though they can't be deleted +outright, we've taken them out of most inline contexts. + + +synopses + synopsis elements, removing +FuncSynopsis element + removing +CmdSynopsis element + removing +It's likely that a customization layer that removed this many +technical inlines would also remove some larger technical structures +(MsgSet, FuncSynopsis), which +allows you to remove additional elements from the DTD. + + + +Removing Synopsis Elements + +Another possibility is removing the complex Synopsis elements. The +customization layer in removes +CmdSynopsis and FuncSynopsis. + + +Removing CmdSynopsis and FuncSynopsis + +<!ENTITY % synop.class "Synopsis"> +<!-- Instead of "Synopsis|CmdSynopsis|FuncSynopsis %local.synop.class;" --> + +<!ENTITY % funcsynopsis.content.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % cmdsynsynopsis.content.module "IGNORE"> + +<!-- load DocBook --> +<!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +%DocBookDTD; + + + +parameter entities + empty + +Completely removing all Synopsis elements would require a more +extensive customization. You can't make any of the *.class parameter entities completely empty +without changing all of the parameter entities that use them. See +. + + + +Removing Sectioning Elements + +sections + elements, removing + +Perhaps you want to restrict your authors to only three levels of +sectioning. To do that, you must remove the Sect4 +and Sect5 elements, as shown in . + + +Removing <sgmltag>Sect4</sgmltag> and <sgmltag>Sect5</sgmltag> Elements + + + + +In order to completely remove an element that isn't in the information +pool, it is usually necessary to redefine the elements that include +it. In this case, because we're removing the Sect4 +element, we must redefine the Sect3 element that +uses it. + + +Removing Admonitions from Table Entries + +modules + redeclarations +redeclarations + modules + +All of the customization layers that we've examined so far have been +fairly straightforward. This section describes a much more complex +customization layer. Back in we +mentioned that several additional modules existed for +redeclaration. The customization layer developed in this +section cannot be written without them. + + +admonitions + removing from table entries +table entries, removing admonitions + +The goal is to remove admonitions (Warning, +Caution, Note) from table +entries. + + + is a straightforward, and incorrect, attempt. + +Removing Admonitions (First Attempt: Incorrect) + +<!-- THIS CUSTOMIZATION LAYER CONTAINS ERRORS --> +<!ENTITY % tabentry.mix + "%list.class; + |%linespecific.class; + |%para.class; |Graphic + %local.tabentry.mix;"> +<!-- load DocBook --> +<!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +%DocBookDTD; + + +Because the parameter entity tabentry.mix defines the mixture of elements +allowed in table entries, you should remove admonitions. +parameter entities + tabentry.mix (removing admonitions) +tabentry.mix element, editing + + + +If you attempt to parse this DTD, you'll find that the declaration +of tabentry.mix contains errors. While +you can redefine parameter entities, you cannot make reference to +entities that have not been defined yet, so the use of list.class, linespecific.class, and so on, aren't allowed. + + +Your second attempt might look like . + +Removing Admonitions (Second Attempt: Incorrect) + +<!-- THIS CUSTOMIZATION LAYER DOESN'T WORK --> +<!-- load DocBook --> +<!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +%DocBookDTD; +<!ENTITY % tabentry.mix + "%list.class; + |%linespecific.class; + |%para.class; |Graphic + %local.tabentry.mix;"> + + +Declaring tabentry.mix after the DTD +has been loaded removes the errors. + + +This example contains no errors, but it also doesn't have any effect. +Remember, only the first entity declaration counts, so the declaration +of tabentry.mix in +dbpool.mod is the one used, not your +redeclaration. + + +placeholders, redeclarations +redeclarations + placeholders + +The only way to fix this problem is to make use of one of the redeclaration +placeholders in DocBook. + + +Redeclaration placeholders are spots in which you can insert +definitions into the middle of the DTD. There are four redeclaration +placeholders in DocBook: +%rdbmods parameter entity + + +rdbmods + +Inserted in docbook.dtd, between +dbpool.mod and +dbhier.mod. This placeholder is controlled by the +intermod.redecl.module marked +section. + + +rdbpool + + +%rdbpool.mod parameter entity + +Inserted in the middle of dbpool.mod, +between the *.class and *.mix entity declarations. This placeholder is +controlled by the dbpool.redecl.module +marked section. + + +rdbhier + + +%rdbhier parameter entity + +Inserted in the middle of dbhier.mod, +between the *.class and *.mix entity declarations. This placeholder is +controlled by the dbhier.redecl.module marked +section. + + +rdbhier2 + +Also inserted into dbhier.mod, after the +*.mix entity declarations. This +placeholder is controlled by the dbhier.redecl2.module marked +section. + + + +Use the redeclaration placeholder that it occurs nearest to, but +before the entity that you want to redeclare. In our case, this is +rdbpool, as seen in . + +Removing Admonitions (Third Attempt: Correct, if confusing) + +<!ENTITY % dbpool.redecl.module "INCLUDE"> +<!ENTITY % rdbpool +'<!ENTITY % local.tabentry.mix ""> +<!ENTITY % tabentry.mix + "&#37;list.class; + |&#37;linespecific.class; + |&#37;para.class; |Graphic + &#37;local.tabentry.mix;">'> + +<!-- load DocBook --> +<!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +%DocBookDTD; + + + + +escape sequences (parameter entities) + + uses numeric character entity +references to escape the % signs in the entity +declarations and nests an entity declaration in another parameter +entity. All of this is perfectly legal, but a bit confusing. A +clearer solution, and the only practical solution if you're doing +anything more than a single redeclaration, is to place the new +declarations in another file and include them in your customization +layer by reference, like this: + + +Removing Admonitions (Fourth Attempt: Correct) +In your customization layer: + + +<!ENTITY % dbpool.redecl.module "INCLUDE"> +<!ENTITY % rdbpool SYSTEM "rdbpool.mod"> + +<!-- load DocBook --> +<!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +%DocBookDTD; + + +In rdbpool.mod: +<!ENTITY % local.tabentry.mix ""> +<!ENTITY % tabentry.mix + "%list.class; + |%linespecific.class; + |%para.class; |Graphic + %local.tabentry.mix;"> + + + +Removing an Entire Class + +classes + removing entire class +elements + removing +parameter entities + empty classes, redefining for + +Perhaps the modification that you want to make is to completely remove +an entire class of elements. (If you have no need for synopsis +elements of any sort, why not remove them?) In order to remove an +entire class of elements, you must not only redefine the class as +empty, but you must also redefine all of the parameter entities that +use that class. The customization layer below completely removes the + synop.class from DocBook. It +requires a customization layer, shown in , that includes both a redeclaration module in +dbpool.mod and a redeclaration module in +dbhier.mod. +%synop.class, removing + + +Removing <sgmltag class="paramentity">synop.class</sgmltag> +In the customization layer: + +In remv.synop.class.rdbpool.mod: + +In remv.synop.class.rdbhier.mod: + + + + + +Removing Attributes +Just as there may be more elements than you need, there may be more +attributes. + +Removing an Attribute + +attributes + removing +RenderAs attribute, removing + +Suppose you want to remove the RenderAs attribute from the +Sect1 element. RenderAs allows the author to +cheat in the presentation of hierarchy by specifying +that the stylesheet should render a Sect1 as +something else: a Sect3, perhaps. details the removal of RenderAs. + + +Removing RenderAs from Sect1 + +<!ENTITY % sect1.module "IGNORE"> + +<!-- load DocBook --> +<!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +%DocBookDTD; + +<!ENTITY % local.sect1.attrib ""> +<!ENTITY % sect1.role.attrib "%role.attrib;"> +<!ELEMENT Sect1 - O (Sect1Info?, (%sect.title.content;), (%nav.class;)*, + (((%divcomponent.mix;)+, + ((%refentry.class;)* | Sect2* | SimpleSect*)) + | (%refentry.class;)+ | Sect2+ | SimpleSect+), (%nav.class;)*) + +(%ubiq.mix;)> +<!ATTLIST Sect1 + %label.attrib; + %status.attrib; + %common.attrib; + %sect1.role.attrib; + %local.sect1.attrib; +> + + + +Turn off the +Sect1 module so that the element and attribute +declarations in the DTD will be ignored. + + +Include the DocBook DTD. + +By keeping the local attribute +declaration, we leave open the possibility of a simple customization +layer on top of our customization layer. + +Similarly, we keep the +parameterized definition of the Role +attribute. + +We're changing the attribute +list, not the element, so we've simply copied the +Sect1 element declaration from the DocBook +DTD. + +Finally, we declare the attribute +list, leaving out the RenderAs. + + + +Subsetting the Common Attributes + +attributes + common + subsetting +subsetting common attributes + +DocBook defines eleven common attributes; these attributes appear on +every element. Depending on how you're +processing your documents, removing some of them can both simplify the +authoring task and improve processing speed. + +Some obvious candidates are: + +Effectivity attributes (Arch +, OS,...) + + +effectivity attributes, removing + +If you're not using all of the effectivity attributes in your +documents, you can get rid of up to seven attributes in one fell +swoop. + + +Lang + + +Lang attribute + removing + +If you're not producing multilingual documents, you can remove +Lang. + + +Remap + + +Remap attribute + removing +The Remap attribute is +designed to hold the name of a semantically equivalent construct from +a previous markup scheme (for example, a Microsoft Word style template +name, if you're converting from Word). If you're authoring from +scratch, or not preserving previous constructs with Remap, you can get rid of it. + + +XrefLabel + + +XrefLabel attribute + removing +If your processing system isn't using XrefLabel, it's a candidate as +well. + + + + +The customization layer in reduces the +common attributes to just ID and +Lang. + + +Removing Common Attributes +<!ENTITY % common.attrib +"ID ID #IMPLIED + Lang CDATA #IMPLIED" +> +<!ENTITY % idreq.common.attrib +"ID ID #REQUIRED + Lang CDATA #IMPLIED" +> +<!-- load DocBook --> +<!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +%DocBookDTD; + + +common.attrib parameter entity +idreq.common.attrib parameter entity + +By definition, whatever attributes you define in the common.attrib and idreq.common.attrib parameter entities +are the common attributes. In dbpool.mod , these +parameter entities are defined in terms of other parameter entities, +but there's no way to preserve that structure in your customization +layer. + + + +Adding Elements: Adding a Sect6 + +elements + adding + +Adding a structural (as opposed to information pool) element generally +requires adding its name to a class and then providing the appropriate +definitions. extends DocBook by adding a +Sect6 element. + + +Adding a Sect6 Element +<!ENTITY % sect5.module "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +%DocBookDTD; +<!-- Add Sect6 to content model of Sect5 --> +<!ENTITY % sect5.role.attrib "%role.attrib;"> +<!ELEMENT Sect5 - O (Sect5Info?, (%sect.title.content;), (%nav.class;)*, + (((%divcomponent.mix;)+, + ((%refentry.class;)* | Sect6* | SimpleSect*)) + | (%refentry.class;)+ | Sect6+ | SimpleSect+), (%nav.class;)*)> +<!ATTLIST Sect5 + %label.attrib; + %status.attrib; + %common.attrib; + %sect5.role.attrib; +> +<!ENTITY % sect6.role.attrib "%role.attrib;"> +<!ELEMENT Sect6 - O (Sect6Info?, (%sect.title.content;), (%nav.class;)*, + (((%divcomponent.mix;)+, ((%refentry.class;)* | SimpleSect*)) + | (%refentry.class;)+ | SimpleSect+), (%nav.class;)*)> +<!ATTLIST Sect6 + %label.attrib; + %status.attrib; + %common.attrib; + %sect6.role.attrib; +> + + +Here we've redefined Sect5 to include +Sect6 and provided a declaration for +Sect6. Note that we didn't bother to provide +RenderAs attributes in our +redefinitions. To properly support Sect6, you might +want to redefine all of the sectioning elements so that +Sect6 is a legal attribute value for RenderAs. + + +Other Modifications: Classifying a Role + +Role attribute + changing on Procedure (example) + +The Role attribute, found on almost +all of the elements in DocBook, is a CDATA attribute that +can be used to subclass an element. In some applications, it may be useful +to modify the definition of Role so that +authors must choose one of a specific set of possible values. +In , Role on the Procedure element +is constrained to the values Required or +Optional. + +Changing Role on Procedure +<!ENTITY % procedure.role.attrib "Role (Required|Optional) #IMPLIED"> +<!-- load DocBook --> +<!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +%DocBookDTD; + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +Reference + + + + + + +DocBook Element Reference + + + + + + + elements + reference +This reference describes every element in the DocBook +DTD. + +In DocBook V3.1, introduced in February, 1999, the following +elements were added to DocBook: + +answer +audiodata +audioobject +caption +colophon +constant +imagedata +imageobject +imageobjectco +informalfigure +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +objectinfo +qandadiv +qandaentry +qandaset +question +section +sectioninfo +textobject +varname +videodata +videoobject +. + +DocBook V4.0, introduced in January, 2001, the following elements +were added: + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +chapterinfo +classsynopsis +classsynopsisinfo +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +initializer +interfacename +methodname +methodparam +methodsynopsis +modifier +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +remark +revdescription +setindexinfo +sidebarinfo +simplemsgentry +. + +The following additional changes were made in DocBook V4.0: +artheader was renamed articleinfo; +comment was renamed remark; +docinfo was broken into a set of other info elements; +and bookbiblio, interfacedefinition, +and seriesinfo were removed. + +DocBook V4.2, introduced in FIXME: April, 2002, the following elements +were added: + +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliorelation +bibliosource +blockinfo +citebiblioid +coref +errortext +personblurb +personname +refsection +refsectioninfo +textdata +. + +Additional changes made to DocBook V4.2 are summarized in the +DocBook V4.2 +Specification. + + +Organization of Reference Pages +The description of each element in this reference is divided into the +following sections: + + +Synopsis + + +elements + reference + synopses +synopses + elements (reference pages) +content models + elements, reference + +Provides a quick synopsis of the element. The content of the synopsis +table varies according to the nature of the element described, but may include +any or all of the following sections: + +Content Model or Declared Content + +Describes the content model of the element in SGML/XML DTD terms. See .” + + + +Inclusions + + +inclusions + elements + +Lists inclusions. Inclusions are an SGML feature. +Included elements can appear anywhere inside the element +that includes them, even in places that aren't ordinarily +valid. For example, Chapter includes IndexTerm. +This means that within a Chapter, IndexTerm can +appear inside Emphasis, for instance, even though the +content model of Emphasis does not explicitly allow +IndexTerms. + + + + +Exclusions + + +exclusions + elements +nesting + elements +elements + nesting +Lists exclusions. Exclusions are an SGML feature. +Excluded elements cannot appear anywhere inside the element that +excludes them, even in places that are ordinarily valid. For +example, Footnote excludes Footnote. This +means that a Footnote cannot appear inside a +Para inside a Footnote, even though +Footnote appears in the content model of Para. + +lists + elements + exclusions + +Lists elements that are excluded from appearing at any level below +the element described. + + + +Attributes + + +attributes + elements, referencing + +Provides a synopsis of the attributes on the element. For brevity, common +attributes are described only once, in this +introduction. + + + +Tag Minimization + + +tags + minimization +start tags + omitting +end tags + omitting +markup + minimization +minimization + markup + start and end tags + +Indicates if start- or end-tags may be omitted. Tag omission is +dependent on both the DTD and your SGML declaration. If a tag is described +as ommissable here, it is ommissible if your declaration allows tag +omission. The standard DocBook declaration does not. + + + + +Parameter Entities + + +parameter entities + elements + +Lists the parameter entities in which the element described appears. +Parameter entities are important when you are +customizing the DTD. + + + + + + +Description + + +elements + description, semantics +semantics (elements), describing + +Describes the semantics of the element in detail. + +Processing expectations + + +formatting + elements +elements + attributes + processing expectations, affecting +Summarizes specific formatting expectations of the element. Many +processing expectations are influenced by attribute values. Be sure to +consult the +description of element attributes as well. + + + +Future changes + + +DocBook DTD + changes, future versions +compatibility, DocBook versions +versions + DocBook DTD + future changes + +Identifies changes that are scheduled for future versions of the +DTD. These changes are highlighted because they involve some +backward-incompatability that may make currently valid DocBook documents +no longer valid under the new version. + + + + + + + +Attributes + + +attributes + semantics + +Describes the semantics of each attribute in detail. + + + +See Also + +Lists similar or related elements. +cross references + elements + + + + +Examples + + + +elements + proper usage, examples +Provides examples of proper usage for the +element. Generally, the smallest example required to reasonably +demonstrate the element is used. In many cases, a formatted +version of the example is also shown. + + +All of the examples printed in the book use the SGML version of +DocBook. The CD-ROM includes the full +text of all of the examples. + +Formatted examples are indicated using a vertical bar. + + + + +Understanding Content Models + +content models + overview + +Each element synopsis begins with a concise description of the +elements it can contain. This description is in DTD +“content model” syntax, with all parameter entities +expanded. + + +Content models are the way that DTDs describe the name, number, +and order of other elements that may be used inside an element. +The primary feature of content model syntax is that it is concise, +but this conciseness comes at the cost of legibility until you +are familiar with the syntax. + + +syntax + content models +keywords + content model syntax +sequences + content model syntax +alternatives (content model syntax) +groups + content model syntax + +There are six components to content model syntax: element +names, keywords, +repetitions, sequences, +alternatives, and +groups. + + + +Element names + +elements + names in content models + +An element name in a content model indicates that an element of that +type may (or must) occur at that position. + + +Para element +A content model of Para indicates +that the element must contain a single paragraph. + + +Keywords + +empty elements +elements + emptyempty elements +There are two keywords that occur in the content models of DocBook +elements: EMPTY, and #PCDATA. + +A content model that consists of the single keyword EMPTY +identifes an element as an empty element. Empty elements are not allowed +to have any content. In order for the word “EMPTY” to have +this special meaning, it must be the first and only word in the content +model. The word “EMPTY” at any other place is treated as +an element name. + + +#PCDATA keyword +text + #PCDATA keyword +characters + character sets + SGML and XML documents +The #PCDATA keyword indicates that text may +occur at that position. The text may consist of entity references and +any characters that are legal in the document character set. For XML +documents, the document character set is always Unicode. In SGML the +declaration can identify character sets and ranges that are allowed. +DocBook SGML documents use the ISO Latin 1 character set. + + + +Repetitions + +repetitions (content model syntax) + +An unadorned element name indicates that an element must occur exactly +once at that position. A content model can also specify that an element +may occur zero or more times, one or more times, or exactly zero or one +time. This is accomplished by following the element name with one of +the following characters: * for zero or more times, ++ for one or more times, or ? for exactly +zero or one times. + + +A content model of Para+ indicates +that the element must contain at least one paragraph and may contain +many. + + +Sequences + +sequences + content model syntax +If element names in a content model are separated by commas, +then they must occur in sequence. + + +A content model of Title, Para indicates +that the element must contain a single title followed by a single paragraph. + + + +Alternatives + +alternatives (content model syntax) +If element names in a content model are separated by vertical bars (|), +then they are alternatives. These are sometimes called “or +groups” because they require the selection of one or another element. + + +A content model of Phrase | Para indicates +that the element must contain either a single phrase or a single paragraph. + + + +connectors (SGML) +DocBook DTD + ampersand (&) connector + +In SGML, there is another connector: the ampersand (&). The +ampersand is a kind of combination of alternative and sequence, +which means that all of the elements must occur, but they can occur +in any order. DocBook does not have any content models that use +the ampersand connector. XML does not allow it. + + + +Groups + +groups + content model syntax + +Finally, parentheses may be used around part of a content model. A group +formed this way can have repetition indicators and may occur as part of +a sequence. + + +A content model of (Literal | Replaceable)+ +indicates that either Literal or Replaceable +must occur and they can be repeated (and mixed) any number of times. + + + +Content models and validity + +parsers + content models, matching to elements +elements + parsing + +A parser uses the content models to determine if a given document is valid. +In order for a document to be valid, the content of every element in the +document must match the content model for that element. + + +In practical terms, match means that it must be possible to expand the +content model until it exactly matches the sequence of elements in the +document. + + +For example, consider the content model of the Epigraph element: +Attribution?, (FormalPara | Para | SimPara)+. +This indicates that the following document fragment is valid: +content models + examples + + + +<epigraph> +<para>Some text</para> +</epigraph> + + + + +It is valid because the following expansion of the content model exactly +matches the actual content: choose zero occurances of +Attribution, choose the alternative Para from +the group, and choose to let the “+” match once. + + +By the same token, this example is not valid because there is no +expansion of the content model that can match it: + + +<epigraph> +<para>Some text</para> +<attribution>John Doe</attribution> +</epigraph> + + + + +ambiguity, content models + +There is one additional restriction on the matching ability of the +parser: it is not allowed to look ahead. This means that +there are many useful content models that are ambiguous. + + +Ambiguity + +Ambiguity is not allowed. The parser must always be able to choose +exactly what to match based upon the next input token. +Consider the +following content model: +Meta*, Title?, Meta*. + + +The intent is clear: to allow some meta-information and a single, +optional Title. But this content model is ambiguous +for the following reason: if the document content begins with a +Meta element, it is impossible to tell if it matches +the Meta before the Title or after +without looking ahead. + + +Ambiguous content models are detected by the parser when it reads the +DTD. It is not sufficient that your document simply be unambiguous; +it must not be possible to construct any ambiguous document. + + +#PCDATA and repetition + +#PCDATA keyword + repetition and +empty elements + PCDATA keyword and + +The #PCDATA keyword can always match the empty string. This +makes it impossible to force an element that may contain +characters not to be empty. In other words, the following content +model does not guarantee that the element is not +empty: (#PCDATA)+. + + +groups + PCDATA keyword + +In XML, the #PCDATA keyword is only allowed in optional, repeatable +or groups, and it must be the first member of the +group. + + + + + +Common Attributes + +attributes + common +common attributes + +The following attributes occur on all elements. They are summarized +here once for brevity and to make the additional attributes that occur on +many elements stand out. + + + + + + + + +NameTypeDefault + + + + +Arch +CDATA +None + + +Condition +CDATA +None + + +Conformance +NMTOKENS +None + + +ID +ID +None/RequiredOn a +few elements, the ID is required, +but on most it is not. + + +Lang +CDATA +None + + +OS +CDATA +None + + +Remap +CDATA +None + + +Role +CDATA +None + + +Revision +CDATA +None + + +RevisionFlag + +Enumeration: +Changed +Added +Deleted +Off + +None + + +Security +CDATA +None + + +UserLevel +CDATA +None + + +Vendor +CDATA +None + + +XrefLabel +CDATA +None + + + + + +Arch + + +Arch attribute +architecture + computer or chip +computer architecture (elements) +chip architecture (elements) + +Arch designates the +computer or chip architecture to which the element applies. + + +Condition + + +Condition attribute + +Condition is a general-purpose +effectivity attribute with no specified semantics. Many DocBook users +observed that in order to add an effectivity condition that was unique +to their environment required abusing the semantics of +one of the existing attributes, or adding their own, making their +customization an extension rather than a +subset. + +The Condition attribute +provides a standard place for application-specific effectivity. + + +Conformance + + +Conformance attribute + +Conformance indicates +standards conformance characteristics of the item contained in the +element. These characteristics are application-specific. DocBook +provides no defaults. + + +ID + + +ID attribute + +ID is an identifying string +for the element. It must be unique at least within the document and +must begin with a letter. + + +Lang + + +Lang attribute +country codes +languages + codes +ISO standards + language codes +ISO standards + country codes + +Lang should be a language +code drawn from ISO 639 (perhaps extended with a +country code drawn from ISO 3166, as +en-US). Use it when you need to signal your +application to change hyphenation and other display +characteristics. + + +OS + + +OS attribute +operating systems + elements + +OS indicates the operating +system to which the element is applicable. + + + +Remap + + +Remap attribute +markup + previous schemes, identifying + +Remap contains an element +name or similar semantic identifier assigned to the content in a +previous markup scheme. + + +Role + + +Role attribute +elements + classifying or subclassifying +parameter entities + Role attribute + +Role contains a string used +to classify or subclassify an element. +While Role is a common attribute in the sense that it occurs on +almost all elements, it is not part of either of the common attributes +parameter entities (common.attrib or idreq.common.attrib). It is +parameterized differently because it is useful to be able to subclass +Role independently on different +elements. + + +Revision + + +Revision attribute + +Revision indicates the +editorial revision to which the element belongs. + + + +RevisionFlag + + +RevisionFlag attribute +versions + revision control, documents + +RevisionFlag indicates the +revision status of element; the default is that the element hasn't +been revised. RevisionFlag is +intended only for simple revision management: to track the entire +history of a document use a proper revision control system. Use +RevisionFlag for indicating +changes from one version to the next, no more. + + +Security + + +Security attribute + +Security identifies something about +the security level associated with the element to which it applies. + + + +UserLevel + + +UserLevel attribute +experience levels (users) + +UserLevel indicates the +level of user experience to which element applies. + + + +Vendor + + +Vendor attribute +computer vendors + +Vendor indicates the +computer vendor to which the element applies. + + +XrefLabel + + +XrefLabel attribute +cross references + XrefLabel attribute +XrefLabel holds text to be +used when a cross reference (XRef) is made to the +element. + + + + + +Attribute Types + +types (attributes) +attributes + types + +SGML offers a small selection of attribute types. (XML +offers a subset of these.) For convenience, a brief description of +each of these types is provided here: + +CDATA + + +characters + strings (CDATA attribute) +strings (characters) +CDATA + +A string of characters. + + +NUMBER + + +numbers (attributes) +hyphens (-), numbers +decimal points (.), numbers + +A number. Numbers must begin with a hyphen or digit and can include +the decimal point. + + +NMTOKEN + + +NMTOKEN(S) attribute +names + NMTOKEN attribute +attributes + names +characters + names + + +A sequence of name characters (letters, digits, hyphens, and +periods). This differs from a CDATA attribute because it cannot +contain spaces, punctuation, or other non-name characters. + + +NMTOKENS + +A sequence of one or more space-delimited NMTOKEN values. + + +NUTOKEN + + +NUTOKEN attribute +digits + numbers +decimal points (.), numbers + +A sequence of number characters (digits, hyphens, and periods). +This differs from a NUMBER +field because it is not required to begin with a digit or a +hyphen. + + +ENTITY + + +ENTITY attribute + +An entity name. The value of an ENTITY attribute must be the name of +a declared entity. + + +NAME + + +NAME attribute +digits + names +periods (.), names +NAMES attribute + +A name. A name must begin with a letter and can consist of +letters, digits, hyphens, and periods. + + +NAMES + +A sequence of one or more space-delimited NAME values. + + +ID + + +ID attribute +uniqueness + ID attributes + +An ID. IDs are names that +must be globally unique within the document. The ID attribute declares the +ID. + + +IDREF + + +IDREF attribute + +An single ID. IDs are +names that must be globally unique within the document. The value of +an IDREF attribute must be +the name of an ID attribute +defined in the document. + + +IDREFS + + +IDREFS attribute + +A sequence of one or more space-delimited ID values. + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +abbrev +abbrev +Element + + +abbrev +An abbreviation, especially one followed by a period + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +abbrev ::= +(#PCDATA|acronym|emphasis|trademark|link|olink|ulink|anchor| + remark|subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject| + indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +gen.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +An abbreviation, especially one followed by a period. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain abbrev: +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glossentry +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in abbrev: +acronym +anchor +beginpage +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +acronym +emphasis +foreignphrase +phrase +quote +wordasword +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The <abbrev>Assn.</abbrev> of Computing Machinery would probably never +abbreviate &ldquo;Association&rdquo; like this. +</para> + + + + +The Assn. of Computing Machinery would probably never +abbreviate “Association” like this. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + bibliography + biblioset + footnote + glossary +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +abstract +abstract +Element + + +abstract +A summary + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +abstract ::= +(title?, + (formalpara|para|simpara)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +descobj.class +divcomponent.mix +info.class + + +listpreamble.mix +refcomponent.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +An abstract can occur in most components of DocBook. It +is expected to contain some sort of summary of the content with which +it is associated (by containment). + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes suppressed. Often presented in alternate +outputs. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain abstract: +appendix +appendixinfo +article +articleinfo +bibliodiv +biblioentry +bibliography +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +blockquote +bookinfo +callout +chapter +chapterinfo +glossary +glossaryinfo +glossdiv +index +indexinfo +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +objectinfo +orderedlist +partinfo +partintro +preface +prefaceinfo +procedure +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1 +refsect1info +refsect2 +refsect2info +refsect3 +refsect3info +refsection +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdiv +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1 +sect1info +sect2 +sect2info +sect3 +sect3info +sect4 +sect4info +sect5 +sect5info +section +sectioninfo +setindex +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +variablelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in abstract: +formalpara +para +simpara +title +. + + + +See Also + +blockquote +epigraph +highlights +sidebar +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter><title>Some Chapter</title> +<abstract> +<para> +In brief, &hellip; +</para> +</abstract> +<para> +In this chapter, &hellip; +</para> +</chapter> + + +For additional examples, see also + + section +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +accel +accel +Element + + +accel +A graphical user interface (GUI) keyboard shortcut + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +accel ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +An accelerator is usually a letter used with a meta key +(such as control or alt) to activate some element of a GUI without +using the mouse to point and click at it. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Often underlined. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain accel: +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +interface +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in accel: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +menuchoice +mousebutton +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para os="windows"> +You can exit most Windows applications by selecting +<guimenuitem><accel>Q</accel>uit</guimenuitem> or +<guimenuitem>E<accel>x</accel>it</guimenuitem> from +the <guimenu><accel>F</accel>ile</guimenu> menu. +</para> + + + + +You can exit most Windows applications by selecting +Quit or +Exit from +the File menu. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +ackno +ackno +Element + + +ackno +Acknowledgements in an Article + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +ackno ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Acknowledgements in an Article. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain ackno: +article +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in ackno: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<article> +<articleinfo> +<author><firstname>Norman</firstname><surname>Walsh</surname></author> +</articleinfo> +<para> +This is an odd, minimalist sort of article example. +</para> +<ackno> +First, I'd like to thank the members of the academy, &hellip; +</ackno> +</article> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +acronym +acronym +Element + + +acronym +An often pronounceable word made from the initial (or selected) letters of a name or phrase + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +acronym ::= +(#PCDATA|acronym|emphasis|trademark|link|olink|ulink|anchor| + remark|subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject| + indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + +word.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +A pronounceable contraction of initials. +An acronym is often printed in all capitals or small capitals, although +this is sometimes incorrect +(consider dpi or bps). + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain acronym: +abbrev +acronym +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossentry +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +label +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +wordasword +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in acronym: +acronym +anchor +beginpage +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +abbrev +emphasis +foreignphrase +phrase +quote +wordasword +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +In the United States, <acronym>NASA</acronym> stands for the +National Aeronautics and Space Administration. +</para> + + + + +In the United States, NASA stands for the +National Aeronautics and Space Administration. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + application + command + glossary + hardware + option + variablelist +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +action +action +Element + + +action +A response to a user event + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +action ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Actions are usually associated with GUIs. An event might be movement or +clicking of the mouse, a change in focus, or any number of other +occurrences. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes + +The content model of Action will be constrained to +(#PCDATA | Replaceable | InlineGraphic) in +DocBook V4.0. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain action: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in action: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Action. + + + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Selecting <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem> closes the file and automatically +runs <action>end of job cleanup</action>. +</para> + + + + +Selecting Close closes the file and automatically +runs end of job cleanup. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2004-05-19 17:56:44 +0200 (Wed, 19 May 2004) $ +$Revision: 3588 $ + + + +elements +address +address +Element + + +address +A real-world address, generally a postal address + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +address ::= +(#PCDATA|personname|honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername| + affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|street|pob|postcode|city|state| + country|phone|fax|email|otheraddr)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linenumbering + +numbered +unnumbered + +None + + +language +CDATA +None + + +xml:space + +preserve + +None + + +continuation + +continues +restarts + +None + + +format + +linespecific + +"linespecific" + + +startinglinenumber +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bibliocomponent.mix +bookcomponent.content + + +component.mix +divcomponent.mix +example.mix + + +figure.mix +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix + + +indexdivcomponent.mix +info.class +informal.class + + +listpreamble.mix +para.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +An address is generally a postal address, although it does contain +elements for FAX and Email addresses as well +as the catch-all OtherAddr. + + + +The linespecific notation on the Format attribute makes line breaks and other spaces +significant in an Address. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. This element is displayed “verbatim”; +whitespace and linebreaks within this element are significant. + + + +Future Changes +The xml:space attribute is automatically +provided in the XML DTD. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain address: +affiliation +answer +appendix +appendixinfo +article +articleinfo +author +bibliodiv +biblioentry +bibliography +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +blockquote +bookinfo +callout +caution +chapter +chapterinfo +confgroup +constraintdef +editor +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossaryinfo +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +indexinfo +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +objectinfo +orderedlist +othercredit +para +partinfo +partintro +preface +prefaceinfo +procedure +publisher +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1 +refsect1info +refsect2 +refsect2info +refsect3 +refsect3info +refsection +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdiv +refsynopsisdivinfo +revdescription +sect1 +sect1info +sect2 +sect2info +sect3 +sect3info +sect4 +sect4info +sect5 +sect5info +section +sectioninfo +setindex +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebar +sidebarinfo +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in address: +affiliation +authorblurb +city +contrib +country +email +fax +firstname +honorific +lineage +otheraddr +othername +personname +phone +pob +postcode +state +street +surname +. + + + +Attributes + +continuation + +If continuation is specified, +it indicates how line numbering should begin relative to the +immediately preceding address. +Restarts, the default, indicates that numbering should begin +again at 1. Continues indicates that numbering should begin +where the preceding element left off. + + + +format + + +The format attribute applies the +linespecific notation to all addresses. +All white space and line breaks must be preserved. + + + +linenumbering + +Line numbering indicates whether or not the lines +of an Address are to be automatically numbered. The details +of numbering (every line or only selected lines, on the left or right, etc.) +are left up to the processing application. Be aware that not all processors +are capable of numbering lines. + + + + +See Also + +city +country +email +fax +otheraddr +phone +pob +postcode +state +street +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para>An example of a postal mail address in the United States: +<address> +John and Jane Doe +<street>100 Main Street</street> +<city>Anytown</city>, <state>NY</state> <postcode>12345</postcode> +<country>USA</country> +</address> +</para> + + + +An example of a postal mail address in the United States: +
+John and Jane Doe +100 Main Street +Anytown, NY 12345 +USA +
+ + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para>An example of a post office box address in the United States: +<address> +<pob>P.O. Box 1234</pob> +<city>Anytown</city>, <state>MA</state> <postcode>12345</postcode> +<country>USA</country> +</address> +</para> + + + + +An example of a post office box address in the United States: +
+P.O. Box 1234 +Anytown, MA 12345 +USA +
+ + + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para>Addresses can also include phone numbers: +<address> +John Smith +<street>100 Pine Blvd</street> +<city>Anytown</city>, <state>NY</state> <postcode>12345</postcode> +<country>USA</country> +<phone>914.555.1212</phone> +<fax>914.555.1212</fax> +</address> +</para> + + + + +Addresses can also include phone numbers: +
+John Smith +100 Pine Blvd +Anytown, NY 12345 +USA +914.555.1212 +914.555.1212 +
+ + + +For additional examples, see also + + confgroup + otheraddr + publisher +. + + +
+ + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +affiliation +affiliation +Element + + +affiliation +The institutional affiliation of an individual + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +affiliation ::= +(shortaffil?,jobtitle*,orgname?,orgdiv*,address*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class +person.ident.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +The institutional affiliation of an author, contributor, or other +individual. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 +In DocBook V4.0, Affiliation will be removed +from some of the places in which it now occurs. Instead of +appearing inside Author, for +example, a new wrapper element will be created to hold +Author, AuthorBlurb, and +Affiliation. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain affiliation: +address +appendixinfo +articleinfo +author +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +collab +editor +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +othercredit +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in affiliation: +address +jobtitle +orgdiv +orgname +shortaffil +. + + + +See Also + +corpname +firstname +honorific +jobtitle +lineage +orgdiv +orgname +othername +shortaffil +surname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + author + authorgroup + bookinfo + contractsponsor +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +alt +alt +Element + + +alt +Text representation for a graphical element + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +alt ::= +(#PCDATA) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +equation.content +inlineequation.content + + + + + + + +Description + + +A text (or other nonvisual) description of a graphical element. This +is intended to be an alternative to the graphical presentation. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain alt: +equation +informalequation +inlineequation +. + + + +See Also + +audioobject +caption +graphic +imageobject +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +textobject +videoobject +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + equation + informalequation + inlineequation +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +anchor +anchor +Element + + +anchor +A spot in the document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +anchor ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +conformance +NMTOKENS +None + + +xreflabel +CDATA +None + + +arch +CDATA +None + + +remap +CDATA +None + + +os +CDATA +None + + +revision +CDATA +None + + +userlevel +CDATA +None + + +security +CDATA +None + + +revisionflag + +added +changed +deleted +off + +None + + +id +ID +Required + + +pagenum +CDATA +None + + +role +CDATA +None + + +wordsize +CDATA +None + + +vendor +CDATA +None + + +condition +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +base.char.class +bookcomponent.content + + +component.mix +cptr.char.mix +divcomponent.mix + + +genobj.class +indexdivcomponent.mix +listpreamble.mix + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +refinline.char.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + +word.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +An anchor identifies a single spot in the content. This may serve as +the target for a cross reference, for example, from a +Link. The Anchor element may occur almost anywhere. + + + +Anchor has the Role attribute and all of the common attributes except Lang. + + +Processing expectations + +Anchor has no content and generally +produces no output. It is a link target. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain anchor: +abbrev +acronym +action +answer +appendix +application +article +attribution +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliomisc +blockquote +bridgehead +callout +caution +chapter +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +constraintdef +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glossary +glossdiv +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +important +index +indexdiv +interfacename +itemizedlist +keycap +label +lineannotation +link +listitem +literal +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +member +msgaud +msgexplan +msgtext +note +olink +option +optional +orderedlist +para +parameter +partintro +phrase +preface +primary +primaryie +procedure +productname +programlisting +property +qandadiv +qandaset +question +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +remark +replaceable +revdescription +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindex +sidebar +simpara +simplesect +step +subscript +subtitle +superscript +synopsis +systemitem +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +tip +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +variablelist +warning +wordasword +. + + + +Attributes + +pagenum + + +PageNum +indicates the page on which the anchor occurs in some printed version +of the document. + + +The PageNum attribute +does not influence the pagination or page numbering of an SGML +application processing the document; it is informative, not +declarative. + + + + + +See Also + +link +olink +ulink +xref +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The anchor element<anchor id="example.anchor.1"/> is empty and contributes +nothing to the flow of the content in which it occurs. It is only useful +as a target. +</para> + + + + +The anchor element is empty and contributes +nothing to the flow of the content in which it occurs. It is only useful +as a target. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +answer +answer +Element + + +answer +An answer to a question posed in a QandASet + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +answer ::= +(label?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|procedure|anchor|bridgehead| + remark|highlights|indexterm)*, + qandaentry*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Within a QandAEntry, a Question may have an +Answer. An Answer is optional (some questions +have no answers) and may be repeated (some questions have more than +one answer). + + +Processing expectations + +Answers are frequently introduced with a label, +such as A:. If an Answer has a +Label child element, the content of that +Label is used as the label for the +Answer. The DefaultLabel attribute on the nearest +ancestor QandASet of an Answer +can be used to indicate that a processing application should +automatically generate a label for the Answer. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain answer: +qandaentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in answer: +address +anchor +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +label +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + qandaset +. + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +appendix +appendix +Element + + +appendix +An appendix in a Book or Article + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +appendix ::= +(beginpage?,appendixinfo?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*, + tocchap?, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + (sect1*| + (refentry)*| + simplesect*| + (section)*))| + (sect1+| + (refentry)+| + simplesect+| + (section)+)), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +appendix.class +partcontent.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Appendixes usually occur at the end of a document. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Usually introduces a forced page break and often +starts on the next recto page. Sometimes restarts page +numbering. Typically, appendixes are lettered rather than +numbered, and appear in the table of contents. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain appendix: +article +book +part +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in appendix: +abstract +address +anchor +appendixinfo +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliography +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glossary +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +index +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +lot +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +sect1 +section +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +simplesect +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +toc +tocchap +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. The second Appendix might be +labeled B, for example. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Appendix. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +article +book +chapter +colophon +dedication +part +partintro +preface +set +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<book> +<chapter><title>Required Chapter</title> +<para> +At least one chapter, reference, part, or article is required in a book. +</para> +</chapter> +<appendix><title>Demonstration Appendix</title> +<para> +This appendix demonstrates an appendix in a book. It has the +same broad content model as a chapter. +</para> +</appendix> +</book> + + +For additional examples, see also + + book +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +appendixinfo +appendixinfo +Element + + +appendixinfo +Meta-information for an Appendix + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +appendixinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The AppendixInfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a Appendix. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain appendixinfo: +appendix +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in appendixinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +application +application +Element + + +application +The name of a software program + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +application ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +class + +hardware +software + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refclass.char.mix +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +The appelation “application” is usually reserved for +larger software packages—WordPerfect, for +example, but not grep. In some domains, Application may also apply to a piece of +hardware. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain application: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refclass +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in application: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class identifies an application as either +a hardware application or a software application. + + + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Application. + + + + + +See Also + +database +filename +hardware +medialabel +productname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +<application>Word Perfect</application> is one of several word +processors to claim support for <acronym>SGML</acronym>. +</para> + + + + +Word Perfect is one of several word +processors to claim support for SGML. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + envar + medialabel + systemitem +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2003-08-17 16:31:00 +0200 (Sun, 17 Aug 2003) $ +$Revision: 3046 $ + + + +elements +area +area +Element + + +area +A region defined for a Callout in a graphic or code example + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +area ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +coords +CDATA +Required + + +otherunits +NMTOKEN +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +units + +calspair +linecolumn +linecolumnpair +linerange +other + +None + + +linkends +IDREFS +None + + + + + + +Description + + +An Area is an empty element holding information about a +region in a graphic, program listing, or screen. + + + +The region is generally decorated with a number, symbol, or other +distinctive mark. The mark is usually used as the label for the +Callout in a CalloutList, which allows the +reader to identify which callouts are associated with which regions. +The marks may be generated by the processing application from the +Areas, or it may be added by some other process. (This is +an interchange issue. See .) + + + +For a complete description of callouts, see Callout. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. This element provides data for processing but it +is not expected to be rendered directly. + + + +The processing expectations of Callouts are likely to deserve +special consideration for interchange. See . + + + +The Coords, which are required, identify +the location of the region. The coordinates are CDATA; +how they are interpreted depends on the +Units specified: + + +CALSPair + +The coordinates are expressed using the semantics of the CALS +graphic attributes. The format of the coordinates is “x1,y1 x2,y2”. +This identifies a rectangle with the lower-left corner at (x1,y1) and +the upper-right corner at (x2,y2). The X and Y coordinates are +integers in the range 0 to 10000; they express a percentage of the +total distance from 0.00 to 100.00%. The lower-left corner is (0,0). + + + +LineColumn + + +The coordinates are expressed using lines and columns. +The format of the coordinates is “line column.” +In a graphic context, the meaning of this unit is unspecified. + + + +LineRange + + +The coordinates are expressed using lines. +The format of the coordinates is “startingline endingline.” +In a graphic context, the meaning of this unit is unspecified. + + + +LineColumnPair + + +The coordinates are expressed as a continuous flow of characters. +The format of the coordinates is “line1 col1 line2 col2”. +This identifies a flow of characters that begins at col1 of line1 and +extends to col2 of line2. If line1 and line2 are different, then the +region includes all of the intervening lines (including text that +occurs before col1 and after col2). In other words, this unit +does not specify a rectangle. +In a graphic context, the meaning of this unit is unspecified. + + + +OtherUnits + + +If specified, then the OtherUnits +attribute is expected to identify the units in some +implementation-specific way. + + + + +The Units attribute is not required, if it +is not specified, the semantics of the coordinates must be inherited from +the surrounding AreaSpec or AreaSet element +or implied in +some implementation-specific manner. + + + +In processing systems in which the mark is inserted automatically, the +Label attribute is provided as a mechanism +for specifying what the mark should be. + + + +The author may point to any relevant information with Linkends. DocBook does not specify a semantic for +these links. One possible use would be for providing a link back to +the appropriate Callout in an online environment. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain area: +areaset +areaspec +. + + + +Attributes + +coords + + +Coords provides the coordinates of the +Area. The coordinates should be interpreted using the +Units (or OtherUnits) +specified. + + + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying number or string +that may be used in presentation. The Area label might be drawn +on top of the figure, for example, at the position indicated by +Coords. + + + +linkends + + +Linkends points to the Callout(s) which refer +to this Area. (This provides bidirectional linking, which +may be useful in online presentation.) + + + +otherunits + + +If none of the Units are applicable, set +Units to Other and set +OtherUnits to some application-specific +description of the desired units. + + + +units + + +Units indicate how the specified +Coords are to be interpreted. The default +units vary according to the type of callout specified; CALSPair +for graphics and LineColumn for line-oriented elements. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + graphicco + mediaobjectco + programlistingco +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +areaset +areaset +Element + + +areaset +A set of related areas in a graphic or code example + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +areaset ::= +(area+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +coords +CDATA +Required + + +otherunits +NMTOKEN +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +units + +calspair +linecolumn +linecolumnpair +linerange +other + +None + + + + + + +Description + + +An AreaSet contains one or more Areas. These +areas are bound in a set in order to associate them with a single +Callout description. See Area for a more +complete description of the areas. + + + +For a complete description of callouts, see Callout. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +The Coords attribute will +be removed in DocBook V5.0. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain areaset: +areaspec +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in areaset: +area +. + + + +Attributes + +coords + + +Coords provides the coordinates of the +AreaSet. The coordinates should be interpreted using the +Units (or OtherUnits) +specified. This attribute is erroneous since the enclosed +Areas must also provide Coords. +It will go away in DocBook 4.0. + + + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying number or string +that may be used in presentation. + + + +otherunits + + +If none of the Units are applicable, set +Units to Other and set +OtherUnits to some application-specific +description of the desired units. + + + +units + + +Units indicate how +Coords are to be interpreted. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + graphicco + mediaobjectco + programlistingco +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +areaspec +areaspec +Element + + +areaspec +A collection of regions in a graphic or code example + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +areaspec ::= +((area|areaset)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +otherunits +NMTOKEN +None + + +units + +calspair +linecolumn +linecolumnpair +linerange +other + +None + + + + + + +Description + + +An AreaSpec holds a collection of regions and/or region sets in a +graphic, program listing, or screen that are associated with +Callout descriptions. See Area for a description +of the attributes. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. This element provides data for processing but it +is not expected to be rendered directly. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain areaspec: +graphicco +imageobjectco +programlistingco +screenco +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in areaspec: +area +areaset +. + + + +Attributes + +otherunits + + +If none of the Units are applicable, set +Units to Other and set +OtherUnits to some application-specific +description of the desired units. + + + +units + + +Units indicate how the specified +Coords are to be interpreted. The default +units vary according to the type of callout specified; CALSPair +for graphics and LineColumn for line-oriented elements. + + + + + +See Also + +calloutlist +co +coref +graphicco +imageobjectco +mediaobjectco +programlistingco +screenco +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + graphicco + mediaobjectco + programlistingco +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +arg +arg +Element + + +arg +An argument in a CmdSynopsis + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +arg ::= +(#PCDATA|arg|group|option|synopfragmentref|replaceable|sbr)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +choice + +opt +plain +req + +"opt" + + +rep + +norepeat +repeat + +"norepeat" + + + + + + +Description + + +See CmdSynopsis for more information. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain arg: +arg +cmdsynopsis +group +synopfragment +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in arg: +arg +group +option +replaceable +sbr +synopfragmentref +. + + + +Attributes + +choice + + +Choice indicates whether the Arg +is required (Req or Plain) or +optional (Opt). Arguments identified as Plain +are required, but are shown without additional decoration. + + + +rep + + +A Rep value of Repeat indicates that +the Arg is reapeatable. This is frequently rendered with an +ellipsis. + + + + + +See Also + +cmdsynopsis +group +refsynopsisdiv +sbr +synopfragment +synopfragmentref +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + cmdsynopsis + refentry + synopfragment +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +article +article +Element + + +article +An article + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +article ::= +((title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + articleinfo?,tocchap?,lot*, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + (sect1*| + (refentry)*| + simplesect*| + (section)*))| + (sect1+| + (refentry)+| + simplesect+| + (section)+)), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography|appendix|colophon|ackno)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +class + +faq +journalarticle +productsheet +specification +techreport +whitepaper + +None + + +parentbook +IDREF +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +article.class +partcontent.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The Article element is a general-purpose container for +articles. The content model is both quite complex and rather loose in +order to accommodate the wide range of possible Article structures. Although +changes to the Article element have been discussed on several +occasions, no better model has been presented. + + + +An Article is composed of a header and a body. The body +may include a table of contents and multiple lists of tables, figures, +and so on, before the main text of the article and may include a number of +common end-matter components at the end. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Frequently causes a forced page break in print media. +May be numbered separately and presented in the table of contents. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +The ToC element in the content model may be +replaced by TocChap. This change may be delayed if the +DocBook technical committee decides to review the whole +ToC/LoT apparatus. + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain article: +book +part +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in article: +abstract +ackno +address +anchor +appendix +articleinfo +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliography +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +colophon +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glossary +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +index +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +lot +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +sect1 +section +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +simplesect +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +toc +tocchap +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class identifies the type of article. + + + +parentbook + + +ParentBook holds the ID of an enclosing +Book, if applicable. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Article. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +appendix +book +chapter +colophon +dedication +part +partintro +preface +set +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<article> +<articleinfo> + <author><firstname>Norman</firstname><surname>Walsh</surname></author> + <authorinitials>ndw</authorinitials> + <artpagenums>339-343</artpagenums> + <volumenum>15</volumenum> + <issuenum>3</issuenum> + <publisher><publishername>The TeX User's Group</publishername></publisher> + <pubdate>1994</pubdate> + <title>A World Wide Web Interface to CTAN</title> + <titleabbrev>CTAN-Web</titleabbrev> + <revhistory> + <revision> + <revnumber>1.0</revnumber> + <date>28 Mar 1994</date> + <revremark>Submitted.</revremark> + </revision> + <revision> + <revnumber>0.5</revnumber> + <date>15 Feb 1994</date> + <revremark>First draft for review.</revremark> + </revision> + </revhistory> +</articleinfo> +<para> +The body of the article &hellip; +</para> +</article> + + +For additional examples, see also + + ackno + contractsponsor + qandaset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +articleinfo +articleinfo +Element + + +articleinfo +Meta-information for an Article + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +articleinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + +The ArticleInfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a Article. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Prior to version 4.0 of DocBook, this element was +named ArtHeader. + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain articleinfo: +article +biblioentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in articleinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +artpagenums +artpagenums +Element + + +artpagenums +The page numbers of an article as published + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +artpagenums ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +This element holds the page numbers of an article as published. Its content +is not intended to influence the page numbers used by a presentation system +formatting the parent Article. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. Although it appears at the beginning of +the content model for BlockQuote and Epigraph, +it is often output at the end. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain artpagenums: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in artpagenums: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + article +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +attribution +attribution +Element + + +attribution +The source of a block quote or epigraph + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +attribution ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +An Attribution identifies the source to whom a +BlockQuote or Epigraph is ascribed. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain attribution: +blockquote +epigraph +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in attribution: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +blockquote +epigraph +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE blockquote PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<blockquote> +<attribution>William Shakespeare</attribution> +<literallayout> +What say you? Will you yield, and this avoid? +Or, guilty in defense, be thus destroyed? +</literallayout> +</blockquote> + + + +
+William Shakespeare + +What say you? Will you yield, and this avoid? +Or, guilty in defense, be thus destroyed? + +
+ + +For additional examples, see also + + blockquote + chapter + literallayout +. + + +
+ + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +audiodata +audiodata +Element + + +audiodata +Pointer to external audio data + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +audiodata ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +srccredit +CDATA +None + + +entityref +ENTITY +None + + +fileref +CDATA +None + + +format + +BMP +CGM-BINARY +CGM-CHAR +CGM-CLEAR +DITROFF +DVI +EPS +EQN +FAX +GIF +GIF87a +GIF89a +IGES +JPEG +JPG +linespecific +PCX +PDF +PIC +PNG +PS +SGML +SVG +SWF +TBL +TEX +TIFF +WMF +WPG + +None + + + + + + +Description + + +This empty element points to external audio data. + + +Processing expectations + +There are two ways to provide content for AudioData: +EntityRef or FileRef. It is best to use only one of these +methods. However, if multiple sources are provided, +EntityRef will be used in favor of +FileRef. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain audiodata: +audioobject +. + + + +Attributes + +entityref + + +EntityRef identifies the general entity +which points to the content of the audio data. + + + +fileref + + +FileRef specifies the name of the file +which contains the content of the audio data. + + + +format + + +Format identifies the format of the audio +data. The Format must be a defined +notation. + + + +srccredit + + +SrcCredit contains details about the source +of the audio data. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + audioobject +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +audioobject +audioobject +Element + + +audioobject +A wrapper for audio data and its associated meta-information + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +audioobject ::= +(objectinfo?,audiodata) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +mediaobject.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +AudioObject is a wrapper for AudioData. + + +Processing expectations + +Its content is rendered aurally or not at all. It might not be +rendered, depending on its placement within a +MediaObject or InlineMediaObject and the +constraints on the publishing system. For a more detailed +description of the semantics involved, see +MediaObject. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain audioobject: +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in audioobject: +audiodata +objectinfo +. + + + +See Also + +alt +caption +graphic +imageobject +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +textobject +videoobject +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE mediaobject PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<mediaobject> +<audioobject> + <objectinfo> + <title>Phaser sound effect</title> + </objectinfo> + <audiodata fileref="phaser.wav"/> +</audioobject> +<textobject> +<phrase>A <trademark>Star Trek</trademark> phaser sound effect</phrase> +</textobject> +</mediaobject> + + + + + + + Phaser sound effect + + + + +A Star Trek phaser sound effect + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +author +author +Element + + +author +The name of an individual author + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +author ::= +((personname| + (honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername|affiliation| + authorblurb|contrib)+), + (personblurb|email|address)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +docinfo.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The Author element holds information about the author +of the document in which it occurs; it is meta-information +about the current document or document section, not a reference to the +author of an external document. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + +Parents +These elements contain author: +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +authorgroup +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +revision +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in author: +address +affiliation +authorblurb +contrib +email +firstname +honorific +lineage +othername +personblurb +personname +surname +. + + + +See Also + +authorblurb +authorgroup +collab +collabname +contrib +corpauthor +editor +othercredit +personblurb +personname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE author PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<author> + <honorific>Mr</honorific> + <firstname>Norman</firstname> + <surname>Walsh</surname> + <othername role='mi'>D</othername> + <affiliation> + <shortaffil>ATI</shortaffil> + <jobtitle>Senior Application Analyst</jobtitle> + <orgname>ArborText, Inc.</orgname> + <orgdiv>Application Developement</orgdiv> + </affiliation> +</author> + + +For additional examples, see also + + ackno + article + authorgroup + bibliography + biblioset + book + bookinfo + othercredit +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +authorblurb +authorblurb +Element + + +authorblurb +A short description or note about an author + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +authorblurb ::= +(title?, + (formalpara|para|simpara)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +descobj.class +divcomponent.mix +info.class + + +listpreamble.mix +person.ident.mix +refcomponent.mix + + + + + + +Description + +A short description of an author. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes suppressed. + + + +Parents +These elements contain authorblurb: +address +appendix +appendixinfo +article +articleinfo +author +bibliodiv +biblioentry +bibliography +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +blockquote +bookinfo +callout +chapter +chapterinfo +editor +glossary +glossaryinfo +glossdiv +index +indexinfo +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +objectinfo +orderedlist +othercredit +partinfo +partintro +preface +prefaceinfo +procedure +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1 +refsect1info +refsect2 +refsect2info +refsect3 +refsect3info +refsection +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdiv +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1 +sect1info +sect2 +sect2info +sect3 +sect3info +sect4 +sect4info +sect5 +sect5info +section +sectioninfo +setindex +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +variablelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in authorblurb: +formalpara +para +simpara +title +. + + + +See Also + +author +authorgroup +collab +collabname +contrib +corpauthor +editor +othercredit +personblurb +personname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + authorgroup +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +authorgroup +authorgroup +Element + + +authorgroup +Wrapper for author information when a document has multiple authors or collabarators + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +authorgroup ::= +((author|editor|collab|corpauthor|corpcredit|othercredit)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +The AuthorGroup element is a wrapper around multiple +authors or other collaborators. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes given very special treatment, especially on +title pages or other displayed areas. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain authorgroup: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in authorgroup: +author +collab +corpauthor +corpcredit +editor +othercredit +. + + + +See Also + +author +authorblurb +collab +collabname +contrib +corpauthor +editor +othercredit +personblurb +personname +. + + + +Examples + + +The example below demonstrates AuthorGroup and many +of the elements of Author. + + + +<!DOCTYPE authorgroup PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<authorgroup> + <author> + <honorific>Dr.</honorific> + <firstname>Lois</firstname> + <surname>Common-Demoninator</surname> + <affiliation> + <shortaffil>Director, M. Behn School of Coop. Eng.</shortaffil> + <jobtitle>Director of Cooperative Efforts</jobtitle> + <orgname>The Marguerite Behn International School of + Cooperative Engineering</orgname> + </affiliation> + </author> + + <editor> + <firstname>Peter</firstname> + <surname>Parker</surname> + <lineage>Sr.</lineage> + <othername>Spiderman</othername> + <authorblurb> + <para> + Peter's a super hero in his spare time. + </para> + </authorblurb> + </editor> +</authorgroup> + + +For additional examples, see also + + bibliography + bookinfo + collab +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +authorinitials +authorinitials +Element + + +authorinitials +The initials or other short identifier for an author + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +authorinitials ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +docinfo.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Author initials occur most frequently in a Revision +or Comment. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain authorinitials: +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +revision +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in authorinitials: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + article + revhistory +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +beginpage +beginpage +Element + + +beginpage +The location of a page break in a print version of the document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +beginpage ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +pagenum +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +cptr.char.mix +divcomponent.mix +example.mix + + +figure.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +listpreamble.mix +para.char.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +refinline.char.mix +sidebar.mix + + +smallcptr.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +word.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +The BeginPage element marks the location of an +actual page break in a print version of the document, as opposed +to where a page break might appear in a further rendition of the +document. This information may be used, for example, to allow +support staff using an online system to coordinate with a user +referring to a page number in a printed manual. + + +Processing expectations + +The break identified by BeginPage may be displayed +in an online version of the document or used for legacy +purposes, but it is not expected to cause a page +break when the document is processed by an SGML system. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain beginpage: +abbrev +accel +acronym +action +appendix +application +article +attribution +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliomisc +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +citation +citetitle +classname +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constraintdef +database +dedication +emphasis +entry +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +example +exceptionname +figure +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +initializer +interface +interfacename +itemizedlist +keycap +keycode +keysym +label +legalnotice +lineannotation +link +listitem +literal +literallayout +lot +lotentry +manvolnum +markup +medialabel +member +methodname +modifier +mousebutton +msgaud +msgexplan +msglevel +msgorig +msgtext +note +olink +option +optional +orderedlist +package +para +parameter +part +partintro +phrase +preface +procedure +productname +programlisting +prompt +property +quote +refentry +refentrytitle +reference +refpurpose +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +remark +returnvalue +screen +screeninfo +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +seg +setindex +sgmltag +sidebar +simpara +simplesect +step +structfield +structname +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +term +termdef +th +tip +toc +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +variablelist +varname +warning +wordasword +. + + + +Attributes + +pagenum + + +PageNum contains the page number of the page +in the printed document which begins at the location of the +BeginPage element. + + + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter id="ch-publish"> +<chapterinfo> +<beginpage pagenum="64"/> <!-- first edition --> +</chapterinfo> +<title>Publishing DocBook Documents</title> + +<para>Creating and editing &SGML;/&XML; documents is usually only half the +battle. After you've composed your document, you'll want to publish +it. Publishing, for our purposes, means either print or web +publishing. For &SGML; and &XML; documents, this is usually +accomplished with some kind of <glossterm>stylesheet</glossterm>. In +the (not too distant) future, you may be able to publish an &XML; +document on the Web by simply putting it online with a stylesheet, but +for now you'll probably have to translate your document into &HTML;. +</para> + +<!-- ... --> +</chapter> + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 12:52:43 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1625 $ + + + +elements +bibliocoverage +bibliocoverage +Element + + + +bibliocoverage +The spatial or temporal coverage of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +bibliocoverage ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +othertemporal +CDATA +None + + +spatial + +dcmibox +dcmipoint +iso3166 +otherspatial +tgn + +None + + +otherspatial +CDATA +None + + +temporal + +dcmiperiod +othertemporal +w3c-dtf + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + + +Description + +The bibliocoverage element satisfies coverage +element of the Dublin Core +Metadata Initiative. + +The Dublin Core defines coverage as the +extent or scope of the content of the resource. It goes on +to say: + +
+Coverage will typically include spatial location (a place name +or geographic coordinates), temporal period (a period label, +date, or date range) or jurisdiction (such as a named +administrative entity). + +Recommended best practice is to select a value from a +controlled vocabulary (for example, the +Thesaurus of Geographic +Names [TGN]) and that, where appropriate, named places or time +periods be used in preference to numeric identifiers such as +sets of coordinates or date ranges. + +
+ +DocBook 4.2 added bibliocoverage, +bibliorelation, and +bibliosource to make the DocBook meta-information wrappers +a complete superset of the Dublin Core. + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + +This element is used for both spatial and temporal coverage, but the intent +is that only one is specified at a time. In other words, on any given instance +of the bibliocoverage element, specify either +a spatial or a +temporal encoding, but not both. + + + +Parents +These elements contain bibliocoverage: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in bibliocoverage: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +
+ +Attributes + +spatial + +Identifies the encoding scheme for the supplied spatial identifier. +See the Dublin +Core Qualifiers for details about the meaning of each encoding. + + + +otherspatial + +Used to identify the encoding scheme when +spatial is set to +otherspatial. + + +temporal + +Identifies the encoding scheme for the supplied temporal identifier. +See the Dublin +Core Qualifiers for details about the meaning of each encoding. + + + +othertemporal + +Used to identify the encoding scheme when +temporal is set to +othertemporal. + + + + +
+ + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +bibliodiv +bibliodiv +Element + + +bibliodiv +A section of a Bibliography + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +bibliodiv ::= +((title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)*, + + (biblioentry|bibliomixed)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +BiblioDiv is a section of a Bibliography. A +bibliography might be divided into sections in order to group +different types of sources together, like books, journal articles, web +sites, and so on. + + +A bibliography may +contain any number of BiblioEntry or BiblioMixed +elements or any number +of BiblioDivs, but it cannot +contain a mixture of both at the same level. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Some systems may display only those entries within a +BiblioDiv that are cited in the containing document. +This may be an interchange issue. See . + + + + +Parents +These elements contain bibliodiv: +bibliography +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in bibliodiv: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +biblioentry +bibliolist +bibliomixed +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the BiblioDiv. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + bibliography +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +biblioentry +biblioentry +Element + + +biblioentry +An entry in a Bibliography + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +biblioentry ::= +((articleinfo| + (abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn| + issuenum|orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource| + bibliorelation|bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums| + printhistory|productname|productnumber|pubdate|publisher| + publishername|pubsnumber|releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums| + subtitle|title|titleabbrev|volumenum|citetitle|personname| + honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername|affiliation| + authorblurb|contrib|indexterm))+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A BiblioEntry is an entry in a Bibliography. +The contents of BiblioEntry is a database +of named fields. Presentation systems frequently suppress some elements +in a BiblioEntry. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +BiblioEntrys are raw. They contain a +database-like collection of named fields. It is the responsibility of +the processing system to select elements from within a +BiblioEntry, present them in the correct order, and add +all punctuation. + + + +There is no expectation that a system will present all of the fields +in a BiblioEntry or that they will be displayed in the order +in which they occur. + + + +Correct formatting of BiblioEntrys is an interchange +issue. See . + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of BiblioEntry in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + +BookBiblio will be discarded. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +ArticleInfo will be dropped from the content model +of BiblioEntry. + + + +Parents +These elements contain biblioentry: +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliolist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in biblioentry: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +articleinfo +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +lineage +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + bibliography + biblioset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +bibliography +bibliography +Element + + +bibliography +A bibliography + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +bibliography ::= +(bibliographyinfo?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)*, + (bibliodiv+| + (biblioentry|bibliomixed)+)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +nav.class +partcontent.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A bibliography. A DocBook bibliography may contain some preferatory matter, +but its main content is a set of bibliography entries (either +BiblioEntry or BiblioMixed). These may occur +inside BiblioDivs, instead of appearing directly in the +Bibliograpy. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. A Bibliography in a Book +frequently causes a forced page break in print media. + + +Some systems may display only those entries within a +Bibliography that are cited in the containing document. +This may be an interchange issue. See . + + +The two styles of bibliography entry have quite different processing +expectations. BiblioEntrys are raw; they contain +a database-like collection of named fields. BiblioMixed +entries are cooked; the fields occur in the order in which +they will be presented and additional punctuation may be sprinkled +between the fields. + + +See +BiblioEntry and BiblioMixed for further discussion. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain bibliography: +appendix +article +book +chapter +glossary +part +preface +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in bibliography: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliodiv +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliolist +bibliomixed +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Bibliography. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +Examples + + +The entries in a Bibliography come in two +general forms, “raw” and “cooked”. A +raw entry is a database-like collection of named fields: + + + +<!DOCTYPE bibliography PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<bibliography> +<title>A Test Bibliography</title> + +<bibliodiv><title>Books</title> + +<biblioentry> + <abbrev>AhoSethiUllman96</abbrev> + <authorgroup> + <author><firstname>Alfred V.</firstname><surname>Aho</surname></author> + <author><firstname>Ravi</firstname><surname>Sethi</surname></author> + <author><firstname>Jeffrey D.</firstname><surname>Ullman</surname></author> + </authorgroup> + <copyright><year>1996</year> + <holder>Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.</holder></copyright> + <editor><firstname>James T.</firstname><surname>DeWolf</surname></editor> + <isbn>0-201-10088-6</isbn> + <publisher> + <publishername>Addison-Wesley Publishing Company</publishername> + </publisher> + <title>Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools</title> +</biblioentry> + +<biblioentry xreflabel="Kites75"> + <authorgroup> + <author><firstname>Andrea</firstname><surname>Bahadur</surname></author> + <author><firstname>Mark</firstname><surname>Shwarek</surname></author> + </authorgroup> + <copyright><year>1974</year><year>1975</year> + <holder>Product Development International Holding N. V.</holder> + </copyright> + <isbn>0-88459-021-6</isbn> + <publisher> + <publishername>Plenary Publications International, Inc.</publishername> + </publisher> + <title>Kites</title> + <subtitle>Ancient Craft to Modern Sport</subtitle> + <pagenums>988-999</pagenums> +</biblioentry> + +</bibliodiv> +<bibliodiv><title>Periodicals</title> + +<biblioentry> + <abbrev>Walsh97</abbrev> + <biblioset relation='journal'> + <title>XML: Principles, Tools, and Techniques</title> + <publisher> + <publishername>O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc.</publishername> + </publisher> + <issn>1085-2301</issn> + <editor><firstname>Dan</firstname><surname>Connolly</surname></editor> + </biblioset> + <biblioset relation='article'> + <title>A Guide to XML</title> + <author><surname>Walsh</surname><firstname>Norman</firstname></author> + <copyright><year>1997</year><holder>ArborText, Inc.</holder></copyright> + <pagenums>97-108</pagenums> + </biblioset> +</biblioentry> + +</bibliodiv> + +</bibliography> + + + +A cooked entry is formatted, including additional +#PCDATA, so that it is easy to render. + + + +<!DOCTYPE bibliography PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<bibliography><title>References</title> + +<bibliomixed> + <bibliomset relation='article'> + <surname>Walsh</surname>, <firstname>Norman</firstname>. + <title role='article'>Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets</title>. + </bibliomset> + <bibliomset relation='journal'> + <title>The World Wide Web Journal</title> + <volumenum>2</volumenum><issuenum>1</issuenum>. + <publishername>O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc.</publishername> and + <corpname>The World Wide Web Consortium</corpname>. + <pubdate>Winter, 1996</pubdate></bibliomset>. +</bibliomixed> + +</bibliography> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +bibliographyinfo +bibliographyinfo +Element + + +bibliographyinfo +Meta-information for a Bibliography + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +bibliographyinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The BibliographyInfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a Bibliography. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain bibliographyinfo: +bibliography +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in bibliographyinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +biblioid +biblioid +Element + + +biblioid +An identifier for a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +biblioid ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +otherclass +CDATA +None + + +class + +doi +isbn +isrn +issn +libraryofcongress +other +pubnumber +uri + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + + +Description + +A bibliographic identifier, such as an ISBN +number, Library of Congress identifier, or URI. + +This element supercedes the isbn, +issn, and +pubsnumber elements. + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + + +Parents +These elements contain biblioid: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in biblioid: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + + +Attributes + +class + +Identifies the encoding scheme of the identifier. + + +otherclass + +Identifies the encoding scheme of the identifier when +class is other. + + + + + +See Also + +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +productnumber +pubsnumber +seriesvolnums +volumenum +. + + + + + + + + + + +elements +bibliolist +bibliolist +Element + + +bibliolist +A wrapper for a set of bibliography entries + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +bibliolist ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (biblioentry|bibliomixed)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +footnote.mix + + +glossdef.mix +highlights.mix +legalnotice.mix + + +list.class +para.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + +Description + +An inline bibliography, analagous to glosslist +for glossarys. + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +Parents +These elements contain bibliolist: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +highlights +important +index +informalexample +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in bibliolist: +biblioentry +bibliomixed +blockinfo +title +titleabbrev +. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +bibliomisc +bibliomisc +Element + + +bibliomisc +Untyped bibliographic information + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +bibliomisc ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +The BiblioMisc element is a wrapper for bibliographic +information that does not fit neatly into the other bibliographic +fields (such as Author and Publisher). + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. +It is recommended that the +Role attribute be used to identify the +kind of information that this element contains. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain bibliomisc: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in bibliomisc: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +biblioentry +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +bibliomixed +bibliomixed +Element + + +bibliomixed +An entry in a Bibliography + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +bibliomixed ::= +(#PCDATA|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup|contractnum| + contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname|corpcredit|date| + edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum|orgname|biblioid| + citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation|bibliocoverage| + othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname|productnumber| + pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber|releaseinfo| + revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev|volumenum| + citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname|lineage| + othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm|bibliomset)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +BiblioMixed is an entry in a Bibliography. The +contents of BiblioMixed includes all necessary punctuation +for formatting. Presentation systems usually display all of the elements +in a BiblioMixed. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +BiblioMixed entries are cooked. In +addition to named fields, they can contain interspersed #PCDATA +to provide punctuation and other formatting information. + + + +The processing +system is generally expected to present each and every element in the entry, +and all interspersed #PCDATA, in the order in which it +occurs. + + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of BiblioEntry in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +BiblioSet will be removed from the content model of +BiblioMixed. Allowing a raw container inside +a cooked one confuses processing expectations. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain bibliomixed: +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliolist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in bibliomixed: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliomset +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +lineage +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +biblioentry +bibliomisc +bibliomset +biblioset +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + bibliography + bibliomset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +bibliomset +bibliomset +Element + + +bibliomset +A cooked container for related bibliographic information + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +bibliomset ::= +(#PCDATA|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup|contractnum| + contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname|corpcredit|date| + edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum|orgname|biblioid| + citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation|bibliocoverage| + othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname|productnumber| + pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber|releaseinfo| + revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev|volumenum| + citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname|lineage| + othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm|bibliomset)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +relation +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + +BiblioMSet is a cooked wrapper for a +collection of bibliographic information. + + + +The purpose of this wrapper is +to assert the relationship that binds the collection. For example, in a +BiblioMixed entry for an article in a journal, you might +use two BiblioMSets to wrap the fields related to the article +and the fields related to the journal. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +BiblioMSets are cooked. In +addition to named fields, they can contain interspersed #PCDATA +to provide punctuation and other formatting information. + + + +The processing +system is generally expected to present each and every element in the set, +all interspersed #PCDATA, in the order in which it +occurs. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of BiblioMSet in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +BiblioSet will be removed from the content model of +BiblioMSet. Allowing a raw container inside +a cooked one confuses processing expectations. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain bibliomset: +bibliomixed +bibliomset +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in bibliomset: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliomset +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +lineage +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +Attributes + +relation + + +Relation identifies the relationship between +the various elements in the BiblioMSet. + + + + + +See Also + +biblioentry +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +biblioset +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE bibliomixed PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<bibliomixed> + <bibliomset relation='article'> + <surname>Walsh</surname>, <firstname>Norman</firstname>. + <title role='article'>Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets</title>. + </bibliomset> + <bibliomset relation='journal'> + <title>The World Wide Web Journal</title> + <volumenum>2</volumenum><issuenum>1</issuenum>. + <publishername>O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc.</publishername> and + <corpname>The World Wide Web Consortium</corpname>. + <pubdate>Winter, 1996</pubdate></bibliomset>. +</bibliomixed> + + +For additional examples, see also + + bibliography +. + + + + + + + + + + +elements +biblioref +biblioref +Element + + +biblioref +A cross reference to a bibliographic entry + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +biblioref ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +xrefstyle +CDATA +None + + +endterm +IDREF +None + + +begin +CDATA +None + + +end +CDATA +None + + +linkend +IDREF +Required + + +units +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix +xref.char.class + + + + + + +Description + +A cross-reference to a bibliographic entry. + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. + + + +Parents +These elements contain biblioref: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + + + + +Attributes + +begin + +TBD + + +end + +TBD + + +endterm + +TBD + + +linkend + +TBD + + +units + +TBD + + +xrefstyle + +TBD + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +bibliorelation +bibliorelation +Element + + +bibliorelation +The relationship of a document to another + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +bibliorelation ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +othertype +CDATA +None + + +otherclass +CDATA +None + + +type + +hasformat +haspart +hasversion +isformatof +ispartof +isreferencedby +isreplacedby +isrequiredby +isversionof +othertype +references +replaces +requires + +None + + +class + +doi +isbn +isrn +issn +libraryofcongress +other +pubnumber +uri + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + + +Description + +The bibliorelation element satisfies the relation +element of the Dublin Core +Metadata Initiative. + +The Dublin Core defines relation as a reference to a +related resource. It goes on to note that recommended +best practice is to reference the resource by means of a string or +number conforming to a formal identification system. + + +DocBook 4.2 added bibliocoverage, +bibliorelation, and +bibliosource to make the DocBook meta-information wrappers +a complete superset of the Dublin Core. + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + + +Parents +These elements contain bibliorelation: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in bibliorelation: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + + +Attributes + +class + +Identifies the encoding scheme of the identifier. + + +otherclass + +Identifies the encoding scheme of the identifier when +class is other. + + + +type + +Identifies the relationship type of the identifier. +See the Dublin +Core Qualifiers for details about the relationship types. + + + +othertype + +Identifies the relationship type of the identifier when +type is othertype. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +biblioset +biblioset +Element + + +biblioset +A raw container for related bibliographic information + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +biblioset ::= +((abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +relation +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + +BiblioSet is a raw wrapper for a +collection of bibliographic information. + + + +The purpose of this wrapper is +to assert the relationship that binds the collection. For example, in a +BiblioEntry for an article in a journal, you might +use two BiblioSets to wrap the fields related to the article +and the fields related to the journal. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +BiblioSets are raw. They contain a +database-like collection of named fields. It is the responsibility of +the processing system to select elements from within a +BiblioSet, present them in the correct order, and add +all punctuation. + + + +There is no expectation that a system will present all of the fields +in a BiblioSet or that they will be displayed in the order +in which they occur. + + + +Correct formatting of BiblioSets is an interchange +issue. See . + + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of BiblioSet in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain biblioset: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in biblioset: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +lineage +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +Attributes + +relation + + +Relation identifies the relationship between +the various elements in the BiblioSet. + + + + + +See Also + +biblioentry +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE biblioentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<biblioentry> + <abbrev>Walsh97</abbrev> + <biblioset relation='journal'> + <title>XML: Principles, Tools, and Techniques</title> + <publisher> + <publishername>O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc.</publishername> + </publisher> + <issn>1085-2301</issn> + <editor><firstname>Dan</firstname><surname>Connolly</surname></editor> + </biblioset> + <biblioset relation='article'> + <title>A Guide to XML</title> + <author><surname>Walsh</surname><firstname>Norman</firstname></author> + <copyright><year>1997</year><holder>ArborText, Inc.</holder></copyright> + <pagenums>97-108</pagenums> + </biblioset> +</biblioentry> + + +For additional examples, see also + + bibliography +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +bibliosource +bibliosource +Element + + +bibliosource +The source of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +bibliosource ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +otherclass +CDATA +None + + +class + +doi +isbn +isrn +issn +libraryofcongress +other +pubnumber +uri + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + + +Description + +The bibliosource element satisfies the source +element of the Dublin Core +Metadata Initiative. + +The Dublin Core defines source as a reference to a +resource from which the present resource is derived. +It goes on to note that the present resource may be derived +from the source resource in whole or in part. Recommended best +practice is to reference the resource by means of a string or number +conforming to a formal identification system. + + +DocBook 4.2 added bibliocoverage, +bibliorelation, and +bibliosource to make the DocBook meta-information wrappers +a complete superset of the Dublin Core. + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + + +Parents +These elements contain bibliosource: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in bibliosource: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + + +Attributes + +class + +Identifies the encoding scheme of the identifier. + + +otherclass + +Identifies the encoding scheme of the identifier when +class is other. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +blockinfo +blockinfo +Element + + +blockinfo +Meta-information for a block element + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +blockinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +tbl.table.mdl + + + + + + + + + +Description + +The blockinfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a block element. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Parents +These elements contain blockinfo: +bibliolist +blockquote +equation +example +figure +glosslist +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +legalnotice +msgset +orderedlist +procedure +qandadiv +qandaentry +qandaset +table +task +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +variablelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in blockinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +blockquote +blockquote +Element + + +blockquote +A quotation set off from the main text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +blockquote ::= +(blockinfo?,title?,attribution?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +informal.class +legalnotice.mix +listpreamble.mix + + +para.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix +textobject.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +Block quotations are set off from the main text, as opposed to occurring +inline. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +Epigraph will not be allowed in BlockQuote in +DocBook V4.0. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain blockquote: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +textobject +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in blockquote: +abstract +address +anchor +attribution +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockinfo +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +variablelist +warning +. + + + +See Also + +abstract +attribution +epigraph +highlights +sidebar +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE blockquote PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<blockquote><attribution>Richard Dawkins</attribution> +<para> +The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should +expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and +no good, nothing but pitiless indifference. +</para> +</blockquote> + + + +
Richard Dawkins + +The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should +expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and +no good, nothing but pitiless indifference. + +
+ + +For additional examples, see also + + attribution + literallayout +. + + +
+ + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +book +book +Element + + +book +A book + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +book ::= +((title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + bookinfo?, + (dedication|toc|lot|glossary|bibliography|preface|chapter| + reference|part|article|appendix|index|setindex|colophon)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +fpi +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +book.class + + + + + + + + +Description + + +A complete book. This is probably the most common document starting +point in DocBook documents. The content model of Book was +made dramatically less restrictive in DocBook V3.1. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Generally causes a forced page break, restarts +page numbering, and may generate additional front and back +matter (tables of contents and indexes, for example) automatically. +In a Set, Book almost always begins on the +next available recto page. + + +The input order of major components is taken to be the desired output +order. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain book: +set +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in book: +appendix +article +bibliography +bookinfo +chapter +colophon +dedication +glossary +index +lot +part +preface +reference +setindex +subtitle +title +titleabbrev +toc +. + + + +Attributes + +fpi + + +FPI holds the Formal Public Identifier for +the Book. + + + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. The third Book in a +Set might be labeled Volume III, for example. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Book. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +appendix +article +chapter +colophon +dedication +part +partintro +preface +set +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<book> +<title>An Example Book</title> +<titleabbrev>Example</titleabbrev> +<bookinfo> + <legalnotice><para>No notice is required.</para></legalnotice> + <author><firstname>Norman</firstname><surname>Walsh</surname></author> +</bookinfo> +<dedication> +<para> +This book is dedicated to you. +</para> +</dedication> +<preface><title>Foreword</title> +<para> +Some content is always required. +</para> +</preface> +<chapter><title>Required Chapter</title> +<para> +At least one chapter, reference, part, or article is required in a book. +</para> +</chapter> +<appendix><title>Optional Appendix</title> +<para> +Appendixes are optional. +</para> +</appendix> +</book> + + +For additional examples, see also + + appendix + collab + set + xref +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +bookinfo +bookinfo +Element + + +bookinfo +Meta-information for a Book + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +bookinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +contents +IDREFS +None + + + + + + +Description + + +Meta-information for a Book. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of BookInfo in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + +BookBiblio will be discarded. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +The contents attribute will be +removed. + + + +Parents +These elements contain bookinfo: +book +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in bookinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +Attributes + +contents + + +Contents, if specified, should contain a list +of all the IDs of the chapter-level subelements of the Book, +in their natural order. + + + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE bookinfo PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<bookinfo> + <title>User's Guide for the DocBook DTD</title> + <authorgroup> + <author><firstname>Terry</firstname><surname>Allen</surname></author> + <author><firstname>Eve</firstname><surname>Maler</surname> + <affiliation><orgname>Arbortext, Inc.</orgname></affiliation> + </author> + <author><firstname>Norman</firstname><surname>Walsh</surname> + <affiliation><orgname>Arbortext, Inc.</orgname></affiliation> + </author> + </authorgroup> + <edition>User's Guide version 1.0 for DocBook V3.0</edition> + <pubdate>1997</pubdate> + <copyright><year>1992</year> + <year>1993</year> + <year>1994</year> + <year>1995</year> + <year>1996</year> + <year>1997</year> +<holder>Arbortext, Inc.</holder> +<holder>HaL Computer Systems, Inc.</holder> +<holder>Fujitsu Software Corp.</holder> +<holder>O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc.</holder> +</copyright> + +<legalnotice> +<para>Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute +the DocBook DTD and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and +without fee is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above +copyright notice and this paragraph appear in all copies.</para> +</legalnotice> + +<legalnotice> +<para>The copyright holders make no representation about the suitability of +this DTD for any purpose. It is provided +<quote>as is</quote> without expressed +or implied warranty. If you modify the DocBook DTD in any way, except for +declaring and referencing additional general entities and declaring additional +notations, identify your DTD as a variant of DocBook.</para> +</legalnotice> + +</bookinfo> + + +For additional examples, see also + + book + collab +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +bridgehead +bridgehead +Element + + +bridgehead +A free-floating heading + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +bridgehead ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +renderas + +other +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +genobj.class +listpreamble.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +Some documents, usually legacy documents, use headings that are +not tied to the normal sectional hieararchy. +These headings may be +represented in DocBook with the BridgeHead element. + + + +BridgeHeads may also be useful in fiction or journalistic +works that don't have a nested hierarchy. + + +Processing expectations + +A BridgeHead is formatted as a block, using the same +display properties as the section heading which it +masquerades as. The RenderAs +attribute controls which heading it mimics. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain bridgehead: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +glossary +glossdiv +important +index +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in bridgehead: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +renderas + + +The RenderAs attribute identifies how the +BridgeHead should be rendered. In this way, a +BridgeHead can be made to appear as a Sect1, +for example. + + + + + +See Also + +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +simplesect +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + chapter +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-11-26 15:26:23 +0100 (Tue, 26 Nov 2002) $ +$Revision: 2258 $ + + + +elements +callout +callout +Element + + +callout +A “called out” description of a marked Area + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +callout ::= +((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +arearefs +IDREFS +Required + + + + + + +Description + + +A callout is a visual device for associating annotations with +an image, program listing, or similar figure. Each location is identified +with a mark, and the annotation is identified with the same mark. This +is somewhat analagous to the notion of footnotes in print. + + + +An example will help illustrate the concept. In the following example, +the synopsis for the mv command is annotated with two marks. +Note the location of the old and new filenames. + + + +mv oldfile newfile + + + +Somewhere else in the document, usually close by, a CalloutList +provides a description for each of the callouts: + + + +The old filename. The mv +command renames the file currently called oldfile, which +must exist when mv is executed. + +The new filename. The mv +command changes the name of the old file to newfile. If +newfile exists when mv is executed, it will +be replaced by the old file. + + + + +Each Callout contains an annotation for an individual +callout or a group of callouts. The Callout points to the +areas that it annotates with ID references. +The areas are identified by coordinates in an an Area or +AreaSet, or by an explicit CO element. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +CallOuts usually generate text that points the reader to +the appropriate area on the object being augmented. Often, these are +numbered bullets or other distinct visual icons. The same icons should +be used in both places. In other words, whatever identifies the callouts +on the object should generate the same icons on the respective +callouts. + + +In online environments, it may also be possible to establish a linking +relationship between the two elements. + + +The processing expectations of Callouts are likely +to deserve special consideration for interchange. See . This is especially true if your +interchange partners are producing documentation in a medium +that has restricted visual presentation features, such as aural +media or Braille. + + + +Parents +These elements contain callout: +calloutlist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in callout: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +task +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + + + +Attributes + +arearefs + + +AreaRefs must point to one or more +callouts. Callouts can be identified with +Area or AreaSet elements in a +GraphicCO, +MediaObjectCO, +ProgramListingCO, or +ScreenCO element or with a simple +CO element in a number of other environments. +These callouts identify the +portions of the object described by this Callout. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + programlistingco + screenco +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +calloutlist +calloutlist +Element + + +calloutlist +A list of Callouts + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +calloutlist ::= +((title,titleabbrev?)?, + callout+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +footnote.mix + + +glossdef.mix +highlights.mix +legalnotice.mix + + +list.class +para.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +A CalloutList is a list of annotations or +descriptions. Each Callout points to the area on a +Graphic, ProgramListing, or +Screen that it augments. + + +The areas are identified by coordinates in an an Area or +AreaSet, or by an explicit CO element. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +Future Changes +Introductory material may appear before the first list item. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain calloutlist: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +graphicco +highlights +imageobjectco +important +index +informalexample +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +para +partintro +preface +procedure +programlistingco +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +screenco +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in calloutlist: +callout +title +titleabbrev +. + + + +See Also + +areaspec +co +coref +graphicco +imageobjectco +itemizedlist +listitem +mediaobjectco +orderedlist +programlistingco +screenco +segmentedlist +simplelist +variablelist +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + programlistingco + screenco +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +caption +caption +Element + + +caption +A caption + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +caption ::= +(#PCDATA|calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist| + orderedlist|segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution| + important|note|tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting| + programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot|formalpara|para| + simpara|blockquote)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +align + +bottom +left +right +top + +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +tbl.table.mdl + + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Caption is an extended description of a MediaObject. +Unlike a TextObject, which is an alternative to the other elements +in the MediaObject, the Caption augments the +object. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain caption: +mediaobject +table +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in caption: +bibliolist +blockquote +calloutlist +caution +formalpara +glosslist +important +itemizedlist +literallayout +note +orderedlist +para +programlisting +programlistingco +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + + +See Also + +alt +audioobject +graphic +imageobject +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +textobject +videoobject +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + imageobject + informalfigure +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +caution +caution +Element + + +caution +A note of caution + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +caution ::= +(title?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|literallayout| + programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|equation|example|figure|table| + procedure|sidebar|anchor|bridgehead|remark|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.class +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +highlights.mix +legalnotice.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +para.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +A Caution is an admonition, usually set off +from the main text. + + + +In some types of documentation, the semantics of admonitions are clearly +defined (Caution might imply the possibility of harm to +equipment whereas Warning might imply harm to a person) +However, DocBook makes no such assertions. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Often outputs the generated text Caution +or some other visible indication of the type of admonition, +especially if a Title is not present. Sometimes +outputs a graphical icon or other symbol as well. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain caution: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +chapter +colophon +dedication +entry +glossary +glossdiv +highlights +index +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +variablelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in caution: +address +anchor +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +title +variablelist +. + + + +See Also + +important +note +tip +warning +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE caution PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<caution><title>No User Servicable Parts Inside</title> +<para> +Breaking this seal voids all warranties. +</para> +</caution> + + + +No User Servicable Parts Inside + +Breaking this seal voids all warranties. + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +chapter +chapter +Element + + +chapter +A chapter, as of a book + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +chapter ::= +(beginpage?,chapterinfo?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*, + tocchap?, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + (sect1*| + (refentry)*| + simplesect*| + (section)*))| + (sect1+| + (refentry)+| + simplesect+| + (section)+)), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +chapter.class +partcontent.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Chapter is a chapter of a Book. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Usually introduces a forced page break and often +starts on the next recto page. The first chapter of a document +usually restarts page numbering. Typically, chapters are +numbered and presented in the table of contents. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain chapter: +book +part +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in chapter: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliography +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +chapterinfo +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glossary +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +index +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +lot +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +sect1 +section +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +simplesect +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +toc +tocchap +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. The fourth Chapter in a +Book might be labeled 4, for example. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Chapter. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +appendix +article +book +colophon +dedication +part +partintro +preface +set +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter label="6" id="figures"> +<!--beginpage pagenum='129'--> +<chapterinfo> +<keywordset> + <keyword>images</keyword> + <keyword>illustrations</keyword> +</keywordset> +<itermset> + <indexterm zone="figures"><primary>Figures</primary></indexterm> + <indexterm zone="figures"><primary>Pictures</primary></indexterm> + <indexterm zone="notreal"> + <primary>Sections</primary><secondary>Not Real</secondary> + </indexterm> +</itermset> +</chapterinfo> +<title>Pictures and Figures</title> +<epigraph> +<attribution>William Safire</attribution> +<para> +Knowing how things work is the basis for appreciation, and is +thus a source of civilized delight. +</para> +</epigraph> +<para> +Pictures and figures &hellip; +</para> +<sect1><title>Top Level Section</title> +<para> +&hellip; +</para> +<bridgehead id="notreal" renderas='sect3'>Not a Real Section</bridgehead> +<para> +This paragraph appears to be under a Sect3 heading, but it's really +in the same Sect1 as the preceding paragraph. +</para> +</sect1> +</chapter> + + +For additional examples, see also + + abstract + appendix + beginpage + book + collab + highlights + indexterm + olink + part + section + set + titleabbrev + xref +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +chapterinfo +chapterinfo +Element + + +chapterinfo +Meta-information for a Chapter + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +chapterinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The ChapterInfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a Chapter. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain chapterinfo: +chapter +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in chapterinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +citation +citation +Element + + +citation +An inline bibliographic reference to another published work + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +citation ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +The content of a Citation is assumed to be a reference string, +perhaps identical to an abbreviation in an entry in a Bibliography. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain citation: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in citation: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Consult <citation>AhoSethiUllman96</citation> for more details on +abstract syntax tree construction. +</para> + + + + +Consult AhoSethiUllman96 for more details on +abstract syntax tree construction. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +citebiblioid +citebiblioid +Element + + +citebiblioid +A citation of a bibliographic identifier + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +citebiblioid ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +otherclass +CDATA +None + + +class + +doi +isbn +isrn +issn +libraryofcongress +other +pubnumber +uri + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +gen.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + +A citebiblioid identifies a citation to +another work by bibliographic identifier. + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. + + +Parents +These elements contain citebiblioid: +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in citebiblioid: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + + +Attributes + +class + +Identifies the encoding scheme of the identifier. + + +otherclass + +Identifies the encoding scheme of the identifier when +class is other. + + + + + +See Also + +citation +citerefentry +citetitle +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +citerefentry +citerefentry +Element + + +citerefentry +A citation to a reference page + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +citerefentry ::= +(refentrytitle,manvolnum?) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +This element is a citation to a RefEntry. It must include +a RefEntryTitle that should exactly match the title of a +RefEntry. + + +Processing expectations + +This element implicitly links to the RefEntry with the +same RefEntryTitle (in the same volume, as defined by +ManVolNum). + + +Formatted inline. Usually the ManVolNum is put in parentheses. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain citerefentry: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in citerefentry: +manvolnum +refentrytitle +. + + + +See Also + +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +For a further description of print formats, consult the +<citerefentry><refentrytitle>printf</refentrytitle> +<manvolnum>3S</manvolnum></citerefentry> manual page. +</para> + + + + +For a further description of print formats, consult the +printf +3S manual page. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + manvolnum + refentry +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +citetitle +citetitle +Element + + +citetitle +The title of a cited work + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +citetitle ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +pubwork + +article +bbs +book +cdrom +chapter +dvd +emailmessage +gopher +journal +manuscript +newsposting +part +refentry +section +series +set +webpage +wiki + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +gen.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +CiteTitle provides inline markup for the +title of a cited work. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. Often italicized for Books and quoted +for Articles. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain citetitle: +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in citetitle: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +pubwork + + +Pubwork identifies the genre of the cited +publication. + + + + + +See Also + +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +For a complete methodology for DTD creation, see +<citetitle pubwork="book">Developing SGML DTDs: From Text to Model +to Markup</citetitle> by Eve Maler and Jeanne El Andaloussi. +</para> + + + + +For a complete methodology for DTD creation, see +Developing SGML DTDs: From Text to Model +to Markup by Eve Maler and Jeanne El Andaloussi. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + emphasis + footnote + literallayout + productnumber + ulink +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +city +city +Element + + +city +The name of a city in an address + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +city ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The name of a city in an Address. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. In an Address, this element may inherit +the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain city: +address +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in city: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +address +country +email +fax +otheraddr +phone +pob +postcode +state +street +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + address + otheraddr +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +classname +classname +Element + + +classname +The name of a class, in the object-oriented programming sense + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +classname ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The ClassName tag is used to identify the name of a +class. This is likely to occur only in documentation about +object-oriented programming systems, languages, and architectures. + + + +DocBook does not contain a complete set of inlines appropriate for +describing object-oriented programming environments. (While it has +ClassName, for example, it has nothing suitable for +methods.) This will be addressed in a future version of DocBook. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain classname: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +ooclass +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in classname: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +interface +property +structfield +structname +symbol +token +type +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +All user-interface components must be descendants of the +<classname>Widget</classname> class. +</para> + + + + +All user-interface components must be descendants of the +Widget class. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +classsynopsis +classsynopsis +Element + + +classsynopsis +The syntax summary for a class definition + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +classsynopsis ::= +((ooclass|oointerface|ooexception)+, + (classsynopsisinfo|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +language +CDATA +None + + +class + +class +interface + +"class" + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +para.char.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +synop.class +tbl.entry.mdl + + + + + + + +Description + + +A ClassSynopsis contains the syntax summary of a +class (generally speaking, a class in the object-oriented programming +language sense). + + + +This is one of the few places where DocBook attempts to model as well +as describe. Unlike FuncSynopsis which was designed +with C language function prototypes in mind, the content model of +ClassSynopsis was designed to capture a wide range +of object-oriented language semantics. + +Processing expectations + +For the most part, the processing application is expected to +generate all of the parenthesis, semicolons, commas, +and so on. required in the rendered synopsis. The exception to this +rule is that the spacing and other punctuation inside a +parameter that is a pointer to a function must be provided in +the source markup. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain classsynopsis: +answer +appendix +application +article +attribution +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliomisc +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +citation +citetitle +constraintdef +emphasis +entry +example +figure +firstterm +footnote +foreignphrase +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +lineannotation +link +listitem +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +msgexplan +msgtext +note +olink +orderedlist +para +partintro +phrase +preface +procedure +productname +programlisting +qandadiv +qandaset +question +quote +refentrytitle +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +remark +revdescription +screen +screeninfo +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +seg +setindex +sidebar +simpara +simplesect +step +synopsis +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +term +termdef +th +tip +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in classsynopsis: +classsynopsisinfo +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +fieldsynopsis +methodsynopsis +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +. + + + +Attributes + +class + +The Class +attribute identifies the whether this is the synopsis of a class +or an interface. + + +language + +Identifies the language (Java, C++, Perl, etc.) +of the class for which this is a synopsis allows stylesheets to select +an appropriate rendering. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +classsynopsisinfo +classsynopsisinfo +Element + + +classsynopsisinfo +Information supplementing the contents of a ClassSynopsis + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +classsynopsisinfo ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage| + textobject|lineannotation)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linenumbering + +numbered +unnumbered + +None + + +language +CDATA +None + + +xml:space + +preserve + +None + + +continuation + +continues +restarts + +None + + +format + +linespecific + +"linespecific" + + +startinglinenumber +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +Supplementary information in a ClassSynopsis. +See ClassSynopsis. + + + +Unlike the other info elements, ClassSynopsisInfo +is not a container for meta-information. Instead +ClassSynopsisInfo +is a verbatim environment for adding additional information to a +class synopsis. + + +Processing expectations + +This element is displayed “verbatim”; +whitespace and linebreaks within this element are significant. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain classsynopsisinfo: +classsynopsis +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in classsynopsisinfo: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +lineannotation +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +textobject +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +format + + +The Format attribute applies the +linespecific notation to all ClassSynopsisInfos. +All white space and line breaks must be preserved. + + + +linenumbering + +Line numbering indicates whether or not the lines +of a ClassSynopsisInfo are to be automatically numbered. The details +of numbering (every line or only selected lines, on the left or right, etc.) +are left up to the processing application. Be aware that not all processors +are capable of numbering lines. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +cmdsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +Element + + +cmdsynopsis +A syntax summary for a software command + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +cmdsynopsis ::= +((command|arg|group|sbr)+, + synopfragment*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +sepchar +CDATA +" " + + +cmdlength +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +para.char.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +synop.class +tbl.entry.mdl + + + + + + + +Description + + +A CmdSynopsis summarizes the options and parameters of +a command started from a text prompt. This is usually a program started +from the DOS, Windows, or UNIX shell prompt. + + + +CmdSynopsis operates under the following general model: +commands have arguments, that may be grouped; arguments and groups may +be required or optional and may be repeated. + + +Processing expectations + +The processing expectations of CmdSynopsis are fairly +complex. + + + +Arguments are generally identified with a prefix character. + + +In the UNIX world, this character is almost +universally the dash or hyphen although plus signs and double dashes +have become more common in recent years. + + +In the DOS/Windows world, forward slashes are somewhat more common than +dashes. + + +The DocBook processing expectations on this point are intentionally +vague. In some environments it may be most convenient to +generate these characters automatically, in other environments +it may be more convenient to insert them literally in the +content. + + +Whichever processing model you choose, note that this will be an +interchange issue if you share documents with other users (see +). + + +Brackets are used to distinguish between optional, required, or +plain arguments. Usually square brackets are placed around +optional arguments, [-g], and curly brackets are placed around +required arguments, {-g}. Plain arguments are required, but are +not decorated with brackets. + + +Repeatable arguments are followed by an ellipsis. + + +Multiple arguments within a group are considered exclusive and are +separated by vertical bars. + + +Groups, like arguments, may be optional, required, or plain and may or +may not repeat. The same brackets and ellipses that are used to +indicate these characteristics on arguments are used on groups. + + +Arguments and groups may nest more-or-less arbitrarily. + + +Formatted as a displayed block. The processing system is free to introduce line breaks +where required, but the SBR element may be introduced +by the author to provide an explicit break location. + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain cmdsynopsis: +answer +appendix +application +article +attribution +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliomisc +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +citation +citetitle +constraintdef +emphasis +entry +example +figure +firstterm +footnote +foreignphrase +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +lineannotation +link +listitem +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +msgexplan +msgtext +note +olink +orderedlist +para +partintro +phrase +preface +procedure +productname +programlisting +qandadiv +qandaset +question +quote +refentrytitle +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +remark +revdescription +screen +screeninfo +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +seg +setindex +sidebar +simpara +simplesect +step +synopsis +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +term +termdef +th +tip +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in cmdsynopsis: +arg +command +group +sbr +synopfragment +. + + + +Attributes + +cmdlength + + +CmdLength indicates displayed length of +the command; this information may be used to intelligently indent +command synopses which extend beyond one line. + + + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying number or string +that may be used in presentation. + + + +sepchar + + +SepChar specifies the character (a space +by default) that should separate the Command and its +top-level arguments. + + + + + +See Also + +arg +funcsynopsis +group +refsynopsisdiv +sbr +synopfragment +synopfragmentref +synopsis +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE cmdsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<cmdsynopsis> + <command>cd</command> + <arg choice='req'><replaceable>directory</replaceable></arg> +</cmdsynopsis> + + + + + cd + directory + + + + +<!DOCTYPE cmdsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<cmdsynopsis> + <command>cal</command> + <arg>-j</arg> + <arg>-y</arg> + <arg>month <arg>year</arg></arg> +</cmdsynopsis> + + + + + cal + -j + -y + month year + + + + +<!DOCTYPE cmdsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<cmdsynopsis> + <command>chgrp</command> + <arg>-R + <group> + <arg>-H</arg> + <arg>-L</arg> + <arg>-P</arg> + </group> + </arg> + <arg>-f</arg> + <arg choice='plain'><replaceable>group</replaceable></arg> + <arg rep='repeat' choice='plain'><replaceable>file</replaceable></arg> +</cmdsynopsis> + + + + + chgrp + -R + + -H + -L + -P + + + -f + group + file + + + + +<!DOCTYPE cmdsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<cmdsynopsis> + <command>emacs</command> + <arg>-t <replaceable>file</replaceable></arg> + <arg>-q</arg> + <arg>-u <replaceable>user</replaceable></arg> + <arg>+<replaceable>number</replaceable></arg> + <arg rep='repeat'>-f <replaceable>function</replaceable></arg> + <sbr/> + <arg rep='repeat'>-l <replaceable>file</replaceable></arg> + <arg rep='repeat' choice='plain'><replaceable>file</replaceable></arg> +</cmdsynopsis> + + + + + emacs + -t file + -q + -u user + +number + -f function + + -l file + file + + + + +Note the use of SBR in this example to force line breaks +at reasonable places in the synopsis. + + +For additional examples, see also + + refentry + synopfragment +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +co +co +Element + + +co +The location of a callout embedded in text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +co ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +label +CDATA +None + + +linkends +IDREFS +None + + + + + + +Description + +A CO identifies (by its location) a point of +reference for a callout. See Callout. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. + + + +Parents +These elements contain co: +computeroutput +literallayout +programlisting +prompt +replaceable +screen +synopsis +systemitem +userinput +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying number or string +that may be used in presentation. + + + +linkends + + +Linkends points to the Callout(s) which refer +to this CO. (This provides bidirectional linking, which +may be useful in online presentation, for example.) + + + + + +See Also + +areaspec +calloutlist +coref +graphicco +imageobjectco +mediaobjectco +programlistingco +screenco +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + screenco +. + + + + + + + + + + +elements +code +code +Element + + +code +An inline code fragment + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +code ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +language +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + +The code element is an inline element for +identifying small fragments of programming language code. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. + + +Parents +These elements contain code: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in code: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + + + +Attributes + +language + +Identifies the programming language of the inline code. + + + + + + + + + + + +elements +col +col +Element + + +col +Specifications for a column in an HTML table + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +col ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +arch +CDATA +None + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +os +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +userlevel +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +id +ID +None + + +wordsize +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +char +justify +left +right + +None + + +lang +CDATA +None + + +xreflabel +CDATA +None + + +valign + +baseline +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +xml:base +CDATA +None + + +revision +CDATA +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +security +CDATA +None + + +span +CDATA +"1" + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +width +CDATA +None + + +conformance +NMTOKENS +None + + +dir + +lro +ltr +rlo +rtl + +None + + +charoff +CDATA +None + + +remap +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +char +CDATA +None + + +revisionflag + +added +changed +deleted +off + +None + + +vendor +CDATA +None + + +condition +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +informal.tbl.table.mdl +tbl.table.mdl + + + + + + + +Description + +Identifies a column specification in an HTML table. + +Processing expectations +Processed like an HTML col. + + +Parents +These elements contain col: +colgroup +informaltable +table +. + + + + + +Attributes + +FIXME: common HTML attributes... + + +align + +FIXME: + + +char + +FIXME: + + +charoff + +FIXME: + + +span + +FIXME: + + +style + +FIXME: + + +title + +FIXME: + + +valign + +FIXME: + + +width + +FIXME: + + + + + + + + + + + +elements +colgroup +colgroup +Element + + +colgroup +A group of columns in an HTML table + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +colgroup ::= +(col)* + + +Attributes + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +arch +CDATA +None + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +os +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +userlevel +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +id +ID +None + + +wordsize +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +char +justify +left +right + +None + + +lang +CDATA +None + + +xreflabel +CDATA +None + + +valign + +baseline +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +xml:base +CDATA +None + + +revision +CDATA +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +security +CDATA +None + + +span +CDATA +"1" + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +width +CDATA +None + + +conformance +NMTOKENS +None + + +dir + +lro +ltr +rlo +rtl + +None + + +charoff +CDATA +None + + +remap +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +char +CDATA +None + + +revisionflag + +added +changed +deleted +off + +None + + +vendor +CDATA +None + + +condition +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +informal.tbl.table.mdl +tbl.table.mdl + + + + + + + +Description + +Identifies a column group in an HTML table. + +Processing expectations +Processed like an HTML colgroup. + + +Parents +These elements contain colgroup: +informaltable +table +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in colgroup: +col +. + + + + + +Attributes + +FIXME: common HTML attributes... + + +align + +FIXME: + + +char + +FIXME: + + +charoff + +FIXME: + + +span + +FIXME: + + +style + +FIXME: + + +title + +FIXME: + + +valign + +FIXME: + + +width + +FIXME: + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +collab +collab +Element + + +collab +Identifies a collaborator + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +collab ::= +(collabname,affiliation*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +This element identifies a collaborative partner in a document. +It associates the name of +a collaborator with his or her Affiliation. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain collab: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +authorgroup +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in collab: +affiliation +collabname +. + + + +See Also + +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +collabname +contrib +corpauthor +editor +othercredit +personblurb +personname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<book> +<bookinfo> + <title>DocBook: The Definitive Guide</title> + <authorgroup> + <collab><collabname>Lenny Muellner</collabname></collab> + <collab><collabname>Norman Walsh</collabname></collab> + </authorgroup> +</bookinfo> +<chapter><title>Just an Example</title> +<para> +This is just an example, in real life, Lenny and Norm are both +<sgmltag>Author</sgmltag>s. +</para> +</chapter> +</book> + + +For additional examples, see also + + contractsponsor +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +collabname +collabname +Element + + +collabname +The name of a collaborator + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +collabname ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The name of a collaborator. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain collabname: +collab +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in collabname: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +collab +contrib +corpauthor +editor +othercredit +personblurb +personname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + collab + contractsponsor +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +colophon +colophon +Element + + +colophon +Text at the back of a book describing facts about its production + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +colophon ::= +((title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|formalpara|para|simpara|blockquote)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A Colophon, if present, almost always occurs at the +very end of a book. It contains factual information about the book, +especially about its production, and includes details about typographic style, +the fonts used, the paper used, and perhaps the binding method of the +book. + + +Font geeks like Norm think every book should have one. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain colophon: +article +book +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in colophon: +bibliolist +blockquote +calloutlist +caution +formalpara +glosslist +important +itemizedlist +literallayout +note +orderedlist +para +programlisting +programlistingco +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Colophon. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +appendix +article +book +chapter +dedication +part +partintro +preface +set +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE colophon PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<colophon> +<para> +Draft versions of this book were produced with the +DocBook DSSSL Stylesheets. Final production was +performed with Troff. +</para> +</colophon> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +colspec +colspec +Element + + +colspec +Specifications for a column in a table + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +colspec ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +rowsep +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +char +justify +left +right + +None + + +colwidth +CDATA +None + + +colname +CDATA +None + + +colnum +CDATA +None + + +char +CDATA +None + + +colsep +CDATA +None + + +charoff +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +tbl.entrytbl.mdl +tbl.hdft.mdl +tbl.tgroup.mdl + + + + + + +Description + + +The attributes of this empty element specify the presentation characteristics +of entries in a column of a table. + + + +Each ColSpec refers to a single column. Columns are numbered +sequentially from left to right in the table. If the +ColNum attribute is not specified, the +ColSpec is for the next column after the preceeding +ColSpec or column 1 if it is the first ColSpec. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. This element is expected to obey the semantics +of the CALS Table Model +Document Type Definition, as specified by +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995 +. + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain colspec: +entrytbl +tfoot +tgroup +thead +. + + + +Attributes + +align + + +Align specifies the horizontal alignment +of Entrys (or EntryTbls) in the column. The +default alignment is inherited from the enclosing TGroup. +If Char is specified, see also +Char and +CharOff. +Individual Entrys and +EntryTbls can specify an alternate alignment. + + + +char + + +Char specifies the alignment character when +the Align attribute is set to Char. + + + +charoff + + +CharOff specifies the percentage of the +column's total width that should appear to the left of the first +occurance of the character identified in Char when the Align +attribute is set to Char. This attribute is inherited from +the enclosing TGroup. + + + +colname + + +ColName gives a symbolic name to a column. +The symbolic name can then be used in subsequent Entrys and +SpanSpecs to identify the column. + + + +colnum + + +ColNum gives the number of the column defined +by this ColSpec. If not specified, this ColSpec +describes the next column to the right of the column defined by the previous +ColSpec or the first column (column 1) if this is the first +ColSpec. + + + +colsep + + +If ColSep has the value 1 (true), then +a rule will be drawn to the right of the column described by this +ColSpec. A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. +The rule to the right of the last column in the table is controlled by the +Frame attribute of the enclosing +Table or InformalTable and the +ColSep of the last column in the table +is ignored. If unspecified, this attribute is inherited from +enclosing elements. Individual Entrys or EntryTbls +can override the ColSpec setting of this attribute. + + + +colwidth + + +ColWidth specifies the desired width of the +relevant column. It can be either a fixed measure using one of the +CALS units (36pt, 10pc, etc.) or a proportional measure. Proportional +measures have the form number*, meaning +this column should be number times wider than a column with +the measure 1* (or just *). These two +forms can be mixed, as in 3*+1pc. + + + +rowsep + + +If RowSep has the value 1 (true), then a +rule will be drawn below the cells in the specified column. A value +of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. The rule below the last row in the +table is controlled by the Frame attribute +of the enclosing Table or InformalTable and +the RowSep of the last row is ignored. If +unspecified, this attribute is inherited from enclosing elements. +Individual Entrys or EntryTbls +can override the ColSpec setting of this attribute. + + + + + +See Also + +entry +entrytbl +informaltable +row +spanspec +table +tbody +tfoot +tgroup +thead +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + informaltable + table +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +command +command +Element + + +command +The name of an executable program or other software command + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +command ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +This element holds the name of an executable program or the text of +a command that a user enters to execute a program. + + +Command is an integral part of the CmdSynopsis +environment as well as being a common inline. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +The content model of Command will be constrained to +(#PCDATA | Replaceable | InlineGraphic) in +DocBook V4.0. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain command: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in command: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Command. + + + + + +See Also + +constant +literal +replaceable +varname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +In <acronym>UNIX</acronym>, +<command>ls</command> is used to get a directory listing. +</para> + + + + +In UNIX, +ls is used to get a directory listing. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + cmdsynopsis + medialabel + option + parameter + refentry + synopfragment +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +computeroutput +computeroutput +Element + + +computeroutput +Data, generally text, displayed or presented by a computer + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +computeroutput ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage| + co)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +ComputerOutput identifies lines of text generated by +a computer program (messages, results, or other output). + + +Note that ComputerOutput is not a verbatim +environment, but an inline. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. It’s often presented in a fixed width font. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain computeroutput: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in computeroutput: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +co +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +ComputerOutput. + + + + + +See Also + +constant +envar +filename +lineannotation +literal +literallayout +markup +option +optional +parameter +programlisting +prompt +replaceable +screen +screenshot +sgmltag +synopsis +systemitem +userinput +varname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The output from the date command, +<computeroutput>Sun Nov 16, 1997 21:03:29</computeroutput>, +uses fixed-width fields so that it can easily be parsed. +</para> + + + + +The output from the date command, +Sun Nov 16, 1997 21:03:29, +uses fixed-width fields so that it can easily be parsed. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +confdates +confdates +Element + + +confdates +The dates of a conference for which a document was written + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +confdates ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +ConfDates holds the dates of a conference for which a document +was written or at which it was presented. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain confdates: +confgroup +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in confdates: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +confgroup +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +contractnum +contractsponsor +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + confgroup +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +confgroup +confgroup +Element + + +confgroup +A wrapper for document meta-information about a conference + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +confgroup ::= +((confdates|conftitle|confnum|address|confsponsor)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +If a document, for example an Article, is written in +connection with a conference, the elements in this wrapper are +used to hold information about the conference: titles, sponsors, +addresses, dates, etc. + + +Processing Expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain confgroup: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in confgroup: +address +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +. + + + +See Also + +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +contractnum +contractsponsor +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE confgroup PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<confgroup> +<confdates>April, 1998</confdates> +<conftitle>The World Wide Web Conference</conftitle> +<confnum>7</confnum> +<address>Brisbane, Australia</address> +<confsponsor>World Wide Web Conference Committee (W3C3)</confsponsor> +</confgroup> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +confnum +confnum +Element + + +confnum +An identifier, frequently numerical, associated with a conference for which a document was written + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +confnum ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +See ConfGroup. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain confnum: +confgroup +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in confnum: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +confdates +confgroup +confsponsor +conftitle +contractnum +contractsponsor +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + confgroup +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +confsponsor +confsponsor +Element + + +confsponsor +The sponsor of a conference for which a document was written + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +confsponsor ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +See ConfGroup. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain confsponsor: +confgroup +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in confsponsor: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +confdates +confgroup +confnum +conftitle +contractnum +contractsponsor +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + confgroup +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +conftitle +conftitle +Element + + +conftitle +The title of a conference for which a document was written + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +conftitle ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +See ConfGroup. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain conftitle: +confgroup +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in conftitle: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +confdates +confgroup +confnum +confsponsor +contractnum +contractsponsor +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + confgroup +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +constant +constant +Element + + +constant +A programming or system constant + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +constant ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +class + +limit + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Constant identifies a value as immutable. It is most often +used to identify system limitations or other defined constants. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain constant: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in constant: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class identifies constants that are system +or application limits (for example, the maximum length of a filename). + + + + + +See Also + +command +computeroutput +literal +markup +option +optional +parameter +prompt +replaceable +sgmltag +userinput +varname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +In ACL, <constant>main::PCS</constant> contains the path component +separator character. +</para> + + + + +In ACL, main::PCS contains the path component +separator character. + + + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The maximum legal length for a path name is +<constant class='limit'>PATH_MAX</constant>, defined in +<filename class='headerfile'>limits.h</filename>. +</para> + + + + +The maximum legal length for a path name is +PATH_MAX, defined in +limits.h. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +constraint +constraint +Element + + +constraint +A constraint in an EBNF production + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +constraint ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linkend +IDREF +Required + + + + + + +Description + +This element is only available if you are using the +EBNF Module. + +A Constraint is a cross-reference to a +description of a constraint that cannot be expressed in the grammar +(generally logical rather than syntactic constraints). + + +Parents +These elements contain constraint: +production +. + + + +Attributes + +linkend + +FIXME: + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + productionset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +constraintdef +constraintdef +Element + + +constraintdef +The definition of a constraint in an EBNF production + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +constraintdef ::= +(title, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|literallayout| + programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|equation|example|figure|table| + procedure|sidebar|anchor|bridgehead|remark|indexterm|beginpage)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bookcomponent.content +component.mix +compound.class + + +divcomponent.mix +ebnf.block.hook +refcomponent.mix + + + + + + +Description + +This element is only available if you are using the +EBNF Module. + +A ConstraintDef contains a description of a +constraint that cannot be expressed in the grammar (generally logical +rather than syntactic constraints). + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain constraintdef: +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +chapter +glossary +glossdiv +index +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +partintro +preface +procedure +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in constraintdef: +address +anchor +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +title +variablelist +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + productionset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +constructorsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +Element + + +constructorsynopsis +A syntax summary for a constructor + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +constructorsynopsis ::= +(modifier*,methodname?, + (methodparam+|void?), + exceptionname*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +language +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +method.synop.class +para.char.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix +synop.class +tbl.entry.mdl + + + + + + +Description + + +A ConstructorSynopsis contains the syntax summary +of a constructor in an object-oriented programming language. Unlike a +MethodSynopsis, which it closely resembles, it may +not identify a return type and the MethodName is +optional (in some languages, constructor names can be generated +automatically). + + +Processing expectations + +For the most part, the processing application is expected to +generate all of the parenthesis, semicolons, commas, +and so on. required in the rendered synopsis. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain constructorsynopsis: +answer +appendix +application +article +attribution +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliomisc +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +citation +citetitle +classsynopsis +constraintdef +emphasis +entry +example +figure +firstterm +footnote +foreignphrase +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +lineannotation +link +listitem +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +msgexplan +msgtext +note +olink +orderedlist +para +partintro +phrase +preface +procedure +productname +programlisting +qandadiv +qandaset +question +quote +refentrytitle +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +remark +revdescription +screen +screeninfo +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +seg +setindex +sidebar +simpara +simplesect +step +synopsis +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +term +termdef +th +tip +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in constructorsynopsis: +exceptionname +methodname +methodparam +modifier +void +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +contractnum +contractnum +Element + + +contractnum +The contract number of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +contractnum ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +The ContractNum element that occurs in bibliographic metadata +contains information about the contract number of a contract +under which a document was written. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain contractnum: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in contractnum: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +confdates +confgroup +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +contractsponsor +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + contractsponsor +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +contractsponsor +contractsponsor +Element + + +contractsponsor +The sponsor of a contract + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +contractsponsor ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +The ContractSponsor element that occurs in bibliographic metadata +contains information about the sponser of a contract under which a document +was written. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain contractsponsor: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in contractsponsor: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +confdates +confgroup +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +contractnum +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<article> +<articleinfo> + <title>Retrofitting Class A Widgets</title> + <contractsponsor>Xyzzy Engineering Resources</contractsponsor> + <contractnum>314-592-7</contractnum> + <pubsnumber>XER-314-7A</pubsnumber> + <corpauthor>Technical Documentation Consultants, Inc.</corpauthor> + <collab><collabname>John Whorfin</collabname> + <affiliation><orgname>Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems</orgname></affiliation> + </collab> +</articleinfo> +<para>&hellip;</para> +</article> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +contrib +contrib +Element + + +contrib +A summary of the contributions made to a document by a credited source + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +contrib ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class +person.ident.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +The Contrib element contains a summary or description of +the contributions made by an author, editor, or other credited source. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain contrib: +address +appendixinfo +articleinfo +author +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +editor +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +othercredit +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in contrib: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +collab +collabname +corpauthor +editor +othercredit +personblurb +personname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + othercredit +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +copyright +copyright +Element + + +copyright +Copyright information about a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +copyright ::= +(year+,holder*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +The Copyright element holds information about the +date(s) and holder(s) of a document copyright. If an extended +block of text describing the copyright or other legal status +is required, use LegalNotice. + + + +The Copyright element is confined to meta-information. +For copyright statements in running text, see Trademark. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + +A displayed copyright notice usually includes the copyright +symbol, ©, as generated text and is formatted with commas +separating multiple years. Additional generated text, such as the +legend +All rights reserved, may also be generated. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain copyright: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in copyright: +holder +year +. + + + +See Also + +legalnotice +productname +trademark +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE copyright PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<copyright> + <year>1996</year> + <year>1997</year> + <holder>O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc.</holder> +</copyright> + + +For additional examples, see also + + bibliography + biblioset + bookinfo +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +coref +coref +Element + + +coref +A cross reference to a co + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +coref ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +label +CDATA +None + + +linkend +IDREF +Required + + + + + + + +Description + +The coref plays a role for callouts that is analagous +to the role of footnoteref for footnotes. + +Use one co and one or more +coref elements when you want to indicate that the +same callout should appear in several places. + + +A coref is not a cross-reference to a callout +(use xref for that), rather, it is an indication that the +callout appears semantically in more than one place. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. + + +Parents +These elements contain coref: +literallayout +programlisting +screen +synopsis +. + + + + +Attributes + +label + +Label specifies an identifying +number or string that may be used in presentation. + + + +linkend + +Linkend points to the +co referenced. + + + + + +See Also + +areaspec +calloutlist +co +graphicco +imageobjectco +mediaobjectco +programlistingco +screenco +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +corpauthor +corpauthor +Element + + +corpauthor +A corporate author, as opposed to an individual + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +corpauthor ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +docinfo.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +In documents that have no specific authors, but are credited as authored +by a corporation, the CorpAuthor tag can be used in place of +the Author tag to indicate authorship. This element is used +in bibliographic metadata. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain corpauthor: +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +authorgroup +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in corpauthor: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +collab +collabname +contrib +editor +othercredit +personblurb +personname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + contractsponsor + set +. + + + + + + + + + + +elements +corpcredit +corpcredit +Element + + +corpcredit +A corporation or organization credited in a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +corpcredit ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +class + +copyeditor +graphicdesigner +other +productioneditor +technicaleditor +translator + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +docinfo.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + +The corpcredit element identifies corporations +for credit analogous to the way that author and +editor, and othercredit +identify individuals. + +Processing expectations +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + +Parents +These elements contain corpcredit: +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +authorgroup +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in corpcredit: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + + + +Attributes + +class + +FIXME: + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +corpname +corpname +Element + + +corpname +The name of a corporation + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +corpname ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +The name of a corporation. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain corpname: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in corpname: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +affiliation +jobtitle +orgdiv +orgname +publishername +shortaffil +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + bibliography + bibliomset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +country +country +Element + + +country +The name of a country + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +country ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The name of a country, typically in an address. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. In an Address, this element may inherit +the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain country: +address +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in country: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +address +city +email +fax +otheraddr +phone +pob +postcode +state +street +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + address + otheraddr +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +database +database +Element + + +database +The name of a database, or part of a database + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +database ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +class + +altkey +constraint +datatype +field +foreignkey +group +index +key1 +key2 +name +primarykey +procedure +record +rule +secondarykey +table +user +view + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The name of a database, or part of a database. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +The content model of Database will be constrained to +(#PCDATA | Replaceable | InlineGraphic) in DocBook +V4.0. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain database: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in database: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class allows the author to identify particular +elements of a database. + + + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Database. + + + + + +See Also + +application +filename +hardware +medialabel +productname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The <database>ProjectStatus</database> database has been updated. +Please note that <database class='field'>Year</database> has been +extended to four digits. +</para> + + + + +The ProjectStatus database has been updated. +Please note that Year has been +extended to four digits. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +date +date +Element + + +date +The date of publication or revision of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +date ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +The Date element identifies a date. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + +DocBook does not specify the format of the date. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain date: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +revision +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in date: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +edition +printhistory +pubdate +releaseinfo +revhistory +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + article + revhistory +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +dedication +dedication +Element + + +dedication +A wrapper for the dedication section of a book + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +dedication ::= +((title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|formalpara|para|simpara|blockquote| + indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A Dedication is a section at the very +beginning of a book (before any other body matter) containing a +tribute to something (frequently someone) in connection with the +writing or publication of the Book. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Frequently appears on a page by itself at the beginning +of a book. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain dedication: +book +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in dedication: +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +calloutlist +caution +formalpara +glosslist +important +indexterm +itemizedlist +literallayout +note +orderedlist +para +programlisting +programlistingco +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Dedication. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +appendix +article +book +chapter +colophon +part +partintro +preface +set +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + book +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +destructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +Element + + +destructorsynopsis +A syntax summary for a destructor + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +destructorsynopsis ::= +(modifier*,methodname?, + (methodparam+|void?), + exceptionname*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +language +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +method.synop.class +para.char.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix +synop.class +tbl.entry.mdl + + + + + + +Description + + +A DestructorSynopsis contains the syntax summary of a +destructor in an object-oriented programming language. Unlike a +MethodSynopsis, which it closely resembles, it may not +identify a return type and the MethodName is optional +(in some languages, destructors have an immutable name which may be +generated automatically). + + +Processing expectations + +For the most part, the processing application is expected to +generate all of the parenthesis, semicolons, commas, +and so on. required in the rendered synopsis. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain destructorsynopsis: +answer +appendix +application +article +attribution +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliomisc +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +citation +citetitle +classsynopsis +constraintdef +emphasis +entry +example +figure +firstterm +footnote +foreignphrase +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +lineannotation +link +listitem +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +msgexplan +msgtext +note +olink +orderedlist +para +partintro +phrase +preface +procedure +productname +programlisting +qandadiv +qandaset +question +quote +refentrytitle +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +remark +revdescription +screen +screeninfo +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +seg +setindex +sidebar +simpara +simplesect +step +synopsis +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +term +termdef +th +tip +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in destructorsynopsis: +exceptionname +methodname +methodparam +modifier +void +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +edition +edition +Element + + +edition +The name or number of an edition of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +edition ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +The Edition contains the name or number of the edition of +the document. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain edition: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in edition: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +date +printhistory +pubdate +releaseinfo +revhistory +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + bookinfo +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +editor +editor +Element + + +editor +The name of the editor of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +editor ::= +((personname| + (honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername|affiliation| + authorblurb|contrib)+), + (personblurb|email|address)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +The name of the editor of a document. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of Editor in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to hold +Editor, AuthorBlurb, +and Affiliation. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain editor: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +authorgroup +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in editor: +address +affiliation +authorblurb +contrib +email +firstname +honorific +lineage +othername +personblurb +personname +surname +. + + + +See Also + +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +collab +collabname +contrib +corpauthor +othercredit +personblurb +personname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + authorgroup + bibliography + biblioset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +email +email +Element + + +email +An email address + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +email ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Inline markup identifying an email address. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Email may generate surrounding punctuation, +such as angle brackets. This is an interchange issue. See +. + + +In some processing environments, Email may automatically generate +a hypertext link (a mailto: URL). + + +In an Address, +this element may inherit the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain email: +action +address +application +attribution +author +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +editor +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +othercredit +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in email: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +address +city +country +fax +otheraddr +phone +pob +postcode +state +street +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-08-06 20:28:29 +0200 (Tue, 06 Aug 2002) $ +$Revision: 1933 $ + + + +elements +emphasis +emphasis +Element + + +emphasis +Emphasized text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +emphasis ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +docinfo.char.mix +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix + + +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +title.char.mix +word.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Emphasis provides a method for indicating that certain text +should be stressed in some way. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. +Emphasized text is traditionally presented in italics or boldface. +A Role attribute of +bold or +strong is often used to generate boldface, if italics is the default presentation. + + +Emphasis is often used wherever its typographic +presentation is desired, even when other markup might theoretically +be more appropriate. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain emphasis: +abbrev +ackno +acronym +application +artpagenums +attribution +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +bibliosource +bridgehead +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +city +collabname +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +country +date +edition +email +emphasis +entry +fax +firstname +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +holder +honorific +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +jobtitle +label +lineage +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +mathphrase +member +modespec +msgaud +olink +orgdiv +orgname +otheraddr +othername +pagenums +para +phone +phrase +pob +postcode +primary +primaryie +productname +productnumber +programlisting +pubdate +publishername +pubsnumber +quote +refentrytitle +refmiscinfo +refpurpose +releaseinfo +remark +revnumber +revremark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +seriesvolnums +shortaffil +simpara +state +street +subscript +subtitle +superscript +surname +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +volumenum +wordasword +year +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in emphasis: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +abbrev +acronym +foreignphrase +phrase +quote +wordasword +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The <emphasis>most</emphasis> important example of this +phenomenon occurs in A. Nonymous's book +<citetitle>Power Snacking</citetitle>. +</para> + + + + +The most important example of this +phenomenon occurs in A. Nonymous's book +Power Snacking. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + index + programlistingco + type +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2005-04-15 15:15:27 +0200 (Fri, 15 Apr 2005) $ +$Revision: 4547 $ + + + +elements +entry +entry +Element + + +entry +A cell in a table + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +entry ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage|calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist| + orderedlist|segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution| + important|note|tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting| + programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot|formalpara|para| + simpara|graphic|mediaobject)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +rowsep +CDATA +None + + +spanname +CDATA +None + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +colname +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +char +justify +left +right + +None + + +valign + +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +rotate +CDATA +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +nameend +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +colsep +CDATA +None + + +charoff +CDATA +None + + +namest +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +char +CDATA +None + + +morerows +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +tbl.row.mdl + + + + + + + + +Description + + + +Entry is a cell in a table. +Each Entry may specify its starting column. Entries +that do not explicitly specify a starting column begin implicitly in the column +that is immediately adjacent to the preceding cell. Note that +Entrys with the +MoreRows attribute +from preceding rows implicitly occupy cells in the succeeding +Rows. +Rows are not required to be full. It is legal for some entries to be +completely absent (at the beginning, middle, or end of a row). + +Pernicious Mixed Content +The content model of the Entry element exhibits a +nasty peculiarity that we call “pernicious mixed content”. +A term coined by Terry Allen. + +Every other element in DocBook contains either block elements or inline +elements (including #PCDATA) unambiguously. In these cases, the meaning +of line breaks and spaces are well understood; they are insignificant between +block elements and significant (to the SGML parser, anyway) where inline +markup can occur. +Table entries are different; they can contain either block or inline +elements, but not both at the same time. In other words, one Entry + in a table might contain a paragraph or a list while another contains +simply #PCDATA or another inline markup, but no single Entry +can contain both. +Because the content model of an Entry allows both kinds +of markup, each time the SGML parser encounters an Entry, +it has to decide what variety of markup it contains. SGML parsers are forbidden +to use more than a single token of lookahead to reach this decision. In practical +terms, what this means is that a line feed or space after an Entry + start tag causes the parser to decide that the cell contains inline +markup. Subsequent discovery of a paragraph or another block element causes +a parsing error. +All of these are legal: + + +<entry>3.1415927</entry> +<entry>General <emphasis>#PCDATA</emphasis></entry> +<entry><para> +A paragraph of text +</para></entry> + + + +However, each of these is an error: <entry> +Error, cannot have a line break before a block element +<para> +A paragraph of text. +</para></entry> + +<entry><para> +A paragraph of text. +</para> Error, cannot have a line break between block elements + +<para> +A paragraph of text. +</para></entry> + +<entry><para> +A paragraph of text. +</para> Error, cannot have a line break after a block element + +</entry> + +When designing a DTD, it is wise to avoid pernicious mixed +content. Unfortunately, the only way to correct the pernicious +mixed content problem that already exists in DocBook is +to require some sort of wrapper (a block element, or an inline +like Phrase) around #PCDATA within table +Entrys. This is annoying and inconvenient in +a great many tables in which #PCDATA cells predominate and, in +addition, differ from +CALS. + + +Processing expectations + +This element is expected to obey the semantics +of the CALS Table Model +Document Type Definition, as specified by +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995 +. + + +The content of Entry is formatted to fit within the table +cell that it occupies. Horizontal and vertical spanning may allow the +content of an Entry to occupy several physical cells. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain entry: +row +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in entry: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +bibliolist +biblioref +calloutlist +caution +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +formalpara +funcsynopsis +function +glosslist +glossterm +graphic +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +important +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +itemizedlist +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +literallayout +markup +medialabel +mediaobject +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +note +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orderedlist +orgname +othercredit +package +para +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +programlisting +programlistingco +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sgmltag +simpara +simplelist +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +tip +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +variablelist +varname +warning +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +align + + +Align specifies the horizontal alignment +of text (and other elements) within the Entry. If no +alignment is specified, it is inherited from the ColSpec +for the current column, or the SpanSpec if this entry +occurs in a span. +If Char is specified, see also +Char and +CharOff. + + + +char + + +Char specifies the alignment character when +the Align attribute is set to Char. + + + +charoff + + +CharOff specifies the percentage of the +column's total width that should appear to the left of the first +occurance of the character identified in Char when the Align +attribute is set to Char. This attribute is inherited from +the relevant ColSpec or SpanSpec. + + + +colname + + +ColName identifies the column in which +this entry should appear; it must have been previously defined in +a ColSpec. Entrys cannot be given out of order, +the column referenced must be to the right of the last Entry +or EntryTbl placed in the current row. It is an error +to specify both a ColName and a +SpanName. + + + +colsep + + +If ColSep has the value 1 (true), then +a rule will be drawn to the right of this Entry. +A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. +The rule to the right of the last column in the table is controlled by the +Frame attribute of the enclosing +Table or InformalTable and the +ColSep of an entry in the last column in the table +is ignored. If unspecified, this attribute is inherited from the +the corresponding ColSpec or SpanSpec and +enclosing elements. + + + +morerows + + +MoreRows indicates how many more rows, in +addition to the current row, this Entry is to occupy. +It creates a vertical span. The default of 0 indicates that +the Entry occupies only a single row. + + + +nameend + + +NameEnd is the name (defined in a +ColSpec) of the rightmost column of a span. On Entry, +specifying both NameSt and +NameEnd defines a horizontal span for the +current Entry. (See also SpanName.) + + + +namest + + +NameSt (name start) is the name (defined in a +ColSpec) of the leftmost column of a span. On Entry, +specifying both NameSt and +NameEnd defines a horizontal span for the +current Entry. (See also SpanName.) + + + +rotate + + +If Rotate has the value 1 (true), the +Entry is to be rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise in the +table cell. A value of 0 (false) indicates that no rotation is to occur. +If the stylesheet also specifies rotation, the value of +Rotate is ignored; they are not additive. +Only the values 0 and 1 are legal. + + + +rowsep + + +If RowSep has the value 1 (true), then a +rule will be drawn below the Entry. A value of 0 (false) +suppresses the rule. The rule below the last row in the table is +controlled by the Frame attribute of the +enclosing Table or InformalTable and the +RowSep of the last row is ignored. If +unspecified, this attribute is inherited from enclosing elements. + + + +spanname + + +SpanName is the name (defined in a +SpanSpec) of a span. This cell will be rendered with the +specified horizontal span. + + + +valign + + +VAlign specifies the vertical alignment +of text (and other elements) within the Entry. If no +alignment is specified, it is inherited from enclosing elements. + + + + + +See Also + +colspec +entrytbl +informaltable +row +spanspec +table +tbody +tfoot +tgroup +thead +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + entrytbl + footnoteref + informaltable + table +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +entrytbl +entrytbl +Element + + +entrytbl +A subtable appearing in place of an Entry in a table + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +entrytbl ::= +(colspec*,spanspec*,thead?,tbody) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +rowsep +CDATA +None + + +spanname +CDATA +None + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +colname +CDATA +None + + +cols +CDATA +Required + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +char +justify +left +right + +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +tgroupstyle +CDATA +None + + +nameend +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +colsep +CDATA +None + + +charoff +CDATA +None + + +namest +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +char +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +tbl.row.mdl + + + + + + + + +Description + + +The EntryTbl element allows for a single level of nesting +within tables. +This element is expected to obey the semantics +of the CALS Table Model +Document Type Definition, as specified by +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995 +. + + + +An entry table may occur in a row instead of an Entry. +EntryTbls have most of the elements of a table but +may not include themselves, thus limiting nesting to a single +level. + + +Processing expectations + +The content of EntryTbl is formatted, as a table, +to fit within the table cell that it occupies. Horizontal and vertical +spanning may allow an EntryTbl to occupy several physical cells +in the table that contains it. + + + +If multiple EntryTbls occur in a single row, formatters +that support EntryTbl are not required to ensure that subrows +within the various tables are vertically aligned. + + + +Many formatters are incapable of supporting EntryTbls. +This is an interchange issue. See . + + + + +Parents +These elements contain entrytbl: +row +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in entrytbl: +colspec +spanspec +tbody +thead +. + + + +Attributes + +align + + +Align specifies the horizontal alignment +of the EntryTbl in the cell in which it occurs. If no +alignment is specified, it is inherited from the ColSpec +for the current column, or the SpanSpec if this entry +occurs in a span. + + + +char + + +Char specifies the alignment character when +the Align attribute is set to Char. + + + +charoff + + +CharOff specifies the percentage of the +column's total width that should appear to the left of the first +occurance of the character identified in Char when the Align +attribute is set to Char. This attribute is inherited from +the relevant ColSpec or SpanSpec. + + + +colname + + +ColName identifies the column in which +this entry table should appear; it must have been previously defined in +a ColSpec. EntryTbls cannot be given out of order, +the column referenced must be to the right of the last Entry +or EntryTbl placed in the current row. It is an error +to specify both a ColName and a +SpanName. + + + +cols + + +Cols specifies the number of columns +in the EntryTbl. + + + +colsep + + +If ColSep has the value 1 (true), then +a rule will be drawn to the right of this EntryTbl. +A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. +The rule to the right of the last column in the table is controlled by the +Frame attribute of the enclosing +Table or InformalTable and the +ColSep of an entry in the last column in the table +is ignored. If unspecified, this attribute is inherited from the +the corresponding ColSpec or SpanSpec and +enclosing elements. + + + +nameend + + +NameEnd is the name (defined in a +ColSpec) of the rightmost column of a span. +On EntryTbl, specifying both NameSt +and NameEnd defines a horizontal span for the +current EntryTbl. +(See also SpanName.) + + + +namest + + +NameSt (name start) is the name +(defined in a ColSpec) of the leftmost column of a span. +On EntryTbl, specifying both NameSt and NameEnd +defines a horizontal span for the current EntryTbl. (See +also SpanName.) + + + +rowsep + + +If RowSep has the value 1 (true), then a +rule will be drawn below the EntryTbl. A value of 0 (false) +suppresses the rule. The rule below the last row in the table is +controlled by the Frame attribute of the +enclosing Table or InformalTable and the +RowSep of the last row is ignored. If +unspecified, this attribute is inherited from enclosing elements. + + + +spanname + + +SpanName is the name (defined in a +SpanSpec) of a span. This cell will be rendered with the +specified horizontal span. + + + +tgroupstyle + + +TGroupstyle holds the name of a +table group style defined in a stylesheet that +will be used to process this document. + + + + + +See Also + +colspec +entry +informaltable +row +spanspec +table +tbody +tfoot +tgroup +thead +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE informaltable PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<!-- entrytbl not supported, fake it in descrip.1 --> +<informaltable frame='all'> +<tgroup cols='3'> +<tbody> +<row> + <entry>a1</entry> + <entry>b1</entry> + <entry>c1</entry> +</row> +<row> + <entry>a2</entry> + <entrytbl cols='3'> + <tbody> + <row> + <entry>b2a1</entry> + <entry>b2b1</entry> + <entry>b2c1</entry> + </row> + <row> + <entry>b2a2</entry> + <entry>b2b2</entry> + <entry>b2c2</entry> + </row> + <row> + <entry>b2a3</entry> + <entry>b2b3</entry> + <entry>b2c3</entry> + </row> + </tbody> + </entrytbl> + <entry>c2</entry> +</row> +<row> + <entry>a3</entry> + <entry>b3</entry> + <entry>c3</entry> +</row> +</tbody> +</tgroup> +</informaltable> + + + +The preceding table would look something like this when formatted: + + + + + + + + + a1 + b1 + c1 + + + a2 + b2a1 + b2b1 + b2c1 + c2 + + + b2a2 + b2b2 + b2c2 + + + b2a3 + b2b3 + b2c3 + + + a3 + b3 + c3 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +envar +envar +Element + + +envar +A software environment variable + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +envar ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +EnVar is an environment variable used most often for the UNIX, +DOS, or Windows environments. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain envar: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in envar: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +filename +prompt +systemitem +userinput +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +In order to translate public identifiers into local system identifiers, +<application>Jade</application> and <application>SP</application> read the catalog files +pointed to by <envar>SGML_CATALOG_FILES</envar>. +</para> + + + + +In order to translate public identifiers into local system identifiers, +Jade and SP read the catalog files +pointed to by SGML_CATALOG_FILES. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +epigraph +epigraph +Element + + +epigraph +A short inscription at the beginning of a document or component + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +epigraph ::= +(attribution?, + ((formalpara|para|simpara)| + literallayout)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bookcomponent.content +component.mix +descobj.class + + +divcomponent.mix +listpreamble.mix +refcomponent.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +An Epigraph is a short inscription, often a quotation or poem, set at the +beginning of a document or component. Epigraphs are usually related +somehow to the content that follows them and may help set the tone for +the component. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +Epigraph will not be allowed in BlockQuote in +DocBook V4.0. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain epigraph: +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +chapter +glossary +glossdiv +index +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +orderedlist +partintro +preface +procedure +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +variablelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in epigraph: +attribution +formalpara +literallayout +para +simpara +. + + + +See Also + +abstract +attribution +blockquote +highlights +sidebar +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + chapter +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2007-02-05 22:22:05 +0100 (Mon, 05 Feb 2007) $ +$Revision: 6583 $ + + + +elements +equation +equation +Element + + +equation +A displayed mathematical equation + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +equation ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (informalequation| + (alt?, + (graphic+|mediaobject+|mathphrase+)))) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +floatstyle +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +formal.class +glossdef.mix + + +para.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + + + + + + +Description + +An Equation is a formal mathematical equation +(with an optional rather than required title). + + +If the MathML Module is used, Equation can +also contain the mml:math element. + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. For an inline equation, use InlineEquation. + + +Processing systems that number equations or build a table of +equations at the beginning of a document may have difficulty correctly +formatting documents that contain both Equations +with Titles and Equations +without Titles. You are advised to use +InformalEquation for equations without titles. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for +V5.0 +In some future version of DocBook, probably +V5.0, even though the change has not yet been +announced, the Title on Equation +will be required. For equations without titles, use +InformalEquation. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain equation: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in equation: +alt +blockinfo +graphic +informalequation +mathphrase +mediaobject +title +titleabbrev +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + + + +See Also + +example +figure +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +inlineequation +subscript +superscript +table +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE equation PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<equation><title>Fermat's Last Theorem</title> + <alt>x^n + y^n &ne; z^n &forall; n &gt; 2</alt> + <graphic fileref="figures/fermat.png"/> +</equation> + + + +Fermat's Last Theorem + x^n + y^n ≠ z^n ∀ n > 2 + + + + +Alternatively, for relatively simple equations such as Fermat's Last +Theorem, mathphrase is often sufficient: + + +<!DOCTYPE equation PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" + ""> +<equation><title>Fermat's Last Theorem</title> + <alt>x^n + y^n &ne; z^n &forall; n &gt; 2</alt> + <mathphrase>x<superscript>n</superscript> ++ y<superscript>n</superscript> +≠ z<superscript>n</superscript> +∀ n ≠ 2</mathphrase> +</equation> + + + +Fermat's Last Theorem + x^n + y^n ≠ z^n ∀ n > 2 + xn ++ yn +≠ zn +∀ n ≠ 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +errorcode +errorcode +Element + + +errorcode +An error code + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +errorcode ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + +An error code. Error codes are often numeric, but in some environments +they may be symbolic constants. + + +DocBook provides four elements for identifying the parts of an error message: +ErrorCode, for the alphanumeric error code (e.g., -2); +ErrorName, for the symbolic name of the error +(e.g., ENOENT); +ErrorText, for the text of the error message (e.g., file +not found); and +ErrorType, for the error type (e.g., recoverable). + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Parents +These elements contain errorcode: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in errorcode: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +ErrorCode. + + + + + +See Also + +errorname +errortext +errortype +msgset +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +On most DOS-derived systems, functions signal a <errortext>File +Not Found</errortext> error by returning +<errorcode>2</errorcode> (<errorname>ENOENT</errorname>). This is usually a +<errortype>recoverable</errortype> (non-fatal) error. +</para> + + + + +On most DOS-derived systems, functions signal a File +Not Found error by returning +2 (ENOENT). This is usually a +recoverable (non-fatal) error. + + + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +On most UNIX systems, functions signal a <errorname>File +Not Found</errorname> error by returning +<errorcode>ENOENT</errorcode>, defined in +<filename>errno.h</filename>. This is usually a +<errortype>recoverable</errortype> (non-fatal) error. +</para> + + + + +On most UNIX systems, functions signal a File +Not Found error by returning +ENOENT, defined in +errno.h. This is usually a +recoverable (non-fatal) error. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +errorname +errorname +Element + + +errorname +An error name + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +errorname ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + +ErrorName holds the symbolic name of an error. + +DocBook provides four elements for identifying the parts of an error message: +ErrorCode, for the alphanumeric error code (e.g., -2); +ErrorName, for the symbolic name of the error +(e.g., ENOENT); +ErrorText, for the text of the error message (e.g., file +not found); and +ErrorType, for the error type (e.g., recoverable). + + +Prior to DocBook V4.2, the ErrorName element was the +recommended element for error messages. However, this left no +element for symoblic names, so the ErrorText element was added +and the semantics of the error elements adjusted slightly. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain errorname: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in errorname: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +errorcode +errortext +errortype +msgset +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + errorcode + returnvalue +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +errortext +errortext +Element + + +errortext +An error message. + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +errortext ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + +ErrorText holds the text of an error message. + +DocBook provides four elements for identifying the parts of an error message: +ErrorCode, for the alphanumeric error code (e.g., -2); +ErrorName, for the symbolic name of the error +(e.g., ENOENT); +ErrorText, for the text of the error message (e.g., file +not found); and +ErrorType, for the error type (e.g., recoverable). + + +Prior to DocBook V4.2, the ErrorName element was the +recommended element for error messages. However, this left no +element for symoblic names, so the ErrorText element was added +and the semantics of the error elements adjusted slightly. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. + + + +Parents +These elements contain errortext: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in errortext: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + + +See Also + +errorcode +errorname +errortype +msgset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +errortype +errortype +Element + + +errortype +The classification of an error message + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +errortype ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + +The ErrorType element identifies a class of error. The +exact classifications are naturally going to vary by system, but +recoverable and fatal are two possibilities. + + +DocBook provides four elements for identifying the parts of an error message: +ErrorCode, for the alphanumeric error code (e.g., -2); +ErrorName, for the symbolic name of the error +(e.g., ENOENT); +ErrorText, for the text of the error message (e.g., file +not found); and +ErrorType, for the error type (e.g., recoverable). + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain errortype: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in errortype: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +errorcode +errorname +errortext +msgset +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + errorcode +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +example +example +Element + + +example +A formal example, with a title + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +example ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?), + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|literallayout| + programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|indexterm|beginpage|procedure)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +width +CDATA +None + + +floatstyle +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +formal.class +glossdef.mix + + +para.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Example is a formal example with a title. Examples often +contain ProgramListings or other large, block elements. +Frequently they are given IDs and referenced from the text with +XRef or Link. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. DocBook does not +specify the location of the example within the final displayed +flow of text; it may float or remain where it is located. + + +A list of examples may be generated at the beginning of a +document. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain example: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +task +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in example: +address +beginpage +bibliolist +blockinfo +blockquote +calloutlist +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +fieldsynopsis +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +width + + +Width specifies the width (in characters) +of the longest line in this Example (formatters may use +this value to determine scaling or rotation). + + + + + +See Also + +equation +figure +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +table +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE example PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<example><title>A DSSSL Function</title> +<programlisting> +(define (node-list-filter-by-gi nodelist gilist) + ;; Returns the node-list that contains every element of the original + ;; nodelist whose gi is in gilist + (let loop ((result (empty-node-list)) (nl nodelist)) + (if (node-list-empty? nl) + result + (if (member (gi (node-list-first nl)) gilist) + (loop (node-list result (node-list-first nl)) + (node-list-rest nl)) + (loop result (node-list-rest nl)))))) +</programlisting> +</example> + + + +A DSSSL Function + +(define (node-list-filter-by-gi nodelist gilist) + ;; Returns the node-list that contains every element of the original + ;; nodelist whose gi is in gilist + (let loop ((result (empty-node-list)) (nl nodelist)) + (if (node-list-empty? nl) + result + (if (member (gi (node-list-first nl)) gilist) + (loop (node-list result (node-list-first nl)) + (node-list-rest nl)) + (loop result (node-list-rest nl)))))) + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + remark +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +exceptionname +exceptionname +Element + + +exceptionname +The name of an exception + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +exceptionname ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The ExceptionName element is used to identify the +name of an interface. This is likely to occur only in documentation +about object-oriented programming systems, languages, and +architectures. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain exceptionname: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +constructorsynopsis +database +destructorsynopsis +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +methodsynopsis +msgaud +olink +ooexception +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in exceptionname: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +fax +fax +Element + + +fax +A fax number + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +fax ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Fax is a fax number in an address. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. In an Address, +this element may inherit the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain fax: +address +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in fax: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +address +city +country +email +otheraddr +phone +pob +postcode +state +street +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + address +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +fieldsynopsis +fieldsynopsis +Element + + +fieldsynopsis +The name of a field in a class definition + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +fieldsynopsis ::= +(modifier*,type?,varname,initializer?) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +language +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +para.char.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +synop.class +tbl.entry.mdl + + + + + + + +Description + + +A FieldSynopsis contains the syntax summary of a +field (generally speaking, fields in the object-oriented programming +language sense). + + +Processing expectations + +For the most part, the processing application is expected to +generate all of the parenthesis, semicolons, commas, +and so on. required in the rendered synopsis. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain fieldsynopsis: +answer +appendix +application +article +attribution +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliomisc +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +citation +citetitle +classsynopsis +constraintdef +emphasis +entry +example +figure +firstterm +footnote +foreignphrase +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +lineannotation +link +listitem +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +msgexplan +msgtext +note +olink +orderedlist +para +partintro +phrase +preface +procedure +productname +programlisting +qandadiv +qandaset +question +quote +refentrytitle +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +remark +revdescription +screen +screeninfo +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +seg +setindex +sidebar +simpara +simplesect +step +synopsis +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +term +termdef +th +tip +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in fieldsynopsis: +initializer +modifier +type +varname +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +figure +figure +Element + + +figure +A formal figure, generally an illustration, with a title + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +figure ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?), + (literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco| + screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis| + fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis| + methodsynopsis|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|indexterm|beginpage|link|olink|ulink)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +floatstyle +CDATA +None + + +float +CDATA +"0" + + +pgwide +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +formal.class +glossdef.mix + + +para.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Figure is a formal example with a title. Figures often +contain Graphics, or other large, display elements. +Frequently they are given IDs and referenced from the text with +XRef or Link. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +Figures may contain multiple display elements. DocBook +does not specify how these elements are to be presented with respect +to one another. + + +DocBook does not +specify the location of the figure within the final displayed +flow of text; it may float or remain where it is located. + + +A list of figures may be generated at the beginning of a +document. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain figure: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in figure: +address +beginpage +blockinfo +blockquote +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +fieldsynopsis +funcsynopsis +graphic +graphicco +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +link +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +olink +programlisting +programlistingco +screen +screenco +screenshot +synopsis +title +titleabbrev +ulink +. + + + +Attributes + +float + + +If Float has the value 1 (true), then the +processing system is free to move the figure to a convenient location. +(Where convenient location may be described in the style sheet or may +be application dependent.) A value of 0 (false) indicates that the +figure should be placed precisely where it occurs in the flow. + + + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +pgwide + + +If Pgwide has the value 0 (false), then the +Figure is rendered in the current text flow (with flow +column width). A value of 1 (true) specifies that the figure should be +rendered across the full text page. + + + + + +See Also + +equation +example +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +table +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE figure PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" + ""> +<figure><title>The Pythagorean Theorem Illustrated</title> +<mediaobject> + <imageobject> + <imagedata fileref="figures/pythag.png"/> + </imageobject> + <textobject><phrase>An illustration of the Pythagorean Theorem</phrase></textobject> +</mediaobject> +</figure> + + + + +
The Pythagorean Theorem Illustrated + + + + + An illustration of the Pythagorean Theorem + +
+ + + +For additional examples, see also + + graphic +. + + +
+ + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +filename +filename +Element + + +filename +The name of a file + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +filename ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +path +CDATA +None + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +class + +devicefile +directory +extension +headerfile +libraryfile +partition +symlink + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Filename is the name of a file on a local or network disk. +It may be a simple name or may include a path +or other elements specific to the operating system. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +The content model of Filename will be constrained to +(#PCDATA | Replaceable | InlineGraphic) in DocBook V4.0. + + + +Future Changes +Filename extensions can be explicitly identified with the +extension class value. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain filename: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in filename: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class allows the author to identify particular +kinds of files. + + + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Filename. + + + +path + + +Path contains the search path, +possibly in a system or application specific form, on which the file +can be found. + + + + + +See Also + +application +computeroutput +database +envar +hardware +medialabel +productname +prompt +systemitem +userinput +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The symbolic constants for error numbers are defined in +<filename class='headerfile'>errno.h</filename> in +<filename class='directory'>/usr/include/sys</filename>. +</para> + + + + +The symbolic constants for error numbers are defined in +errno.h in +/usr/include/sys. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + constant + errorcode + keycap + keycode + keysym + literal + variablelist +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +firstname +firstname +Element + + +firstname +The first name of a person + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +firstname ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class +person.ident.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +The Western-style first name of an author, editor, or other individual. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. In an Address, this element may inherit +the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain firstname: +address +appendixinfo +articleinfo +author +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +editor +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +othercredit +partinfo +personname +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in firstname: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +affiliation +honorific +lineage +othername +surname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + ackno + article + author + authorgroup + bibliography + bibliomset + biblioset + book + bookinfo + othercredit + personname +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +firstterm +firstterm +Element + + +firstterm +The first occurrence of a term + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +firstterm ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +baseform +CDATA +None + + +linkend +IDREF +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +This element marks the first occurrence of a word or term in a given +context. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. FirstTerms are often given special +typographic treatment, +such as italics. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain firstterm: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in firstterm: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +linkend + + +Linkend points to a related element, perhaps the +Glossary definition of the term. + + + + + +See Also + +glossterm +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +In an <firstterm>Object Oriented</firstterm> programming language, +data and procedures (called <glossterm>methods</glossterm>) are +bound together. +</para> + + + + +In an Object Oriented programming language, +data and procedures (called methods) are +bound together. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +footnote +footnote +Element + + +footnote +A footnote + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +footnote ::= +((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|literallayout| + programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +This element is a wrapper around the contents of a footnote. + +Additional references to the same +footnote may be generated with FootnoteRef. + + +Processing expectations + +The Footnote element usually generates a mark (a superscript +symbol or number) at the place in the +flow of the document in which it occurs. The body of the footnote is then +presented elsewhere, typically at the bottom of the page. + + + +Alternative presentations are also possible. In print environments that +do not support footnotes at the bottom of the page, they may be presented +as end notes occurring at the end of the component that contains the +Footnote. Online systems may choose to present them inline +or as pop-ups, or links, or any combination thereof. + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain footnote: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in footnote: +address +bibliolist +blockquote +calloutlist +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +fieldsynopsis +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +orderedlist +para +programlisting +programlistingco +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +variablelist +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label identifies the desired footnote mark. + + + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +An annual percentage rate (<abbrev>APR</abbrev>) of 13.9%<footnote> +<para> +The prime rate, as published in the <citetitle>Wall Street +Journal</citetitle> on the first business day of the month, +plus 7.0%. +</para> +</footnote> +will be charged on all balances carried forward. +</para> + + + + +An annual percentage rate (APR) of 13.9% + +The prime rate, as published in the Wall Street +Journal on the first business day of the month, +plus 7.0%. + + +will be charged on all balances carried forward. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + footnoteref +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +footnoteref +footnoteref +Element + + +footnoteref +A cross reference to a footnote (a footnote mark) + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +footnoteref ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +label +CDATA +None + + +linkend +IDREF +Required + + +Parameter Entities + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix +xref.char.class + + + + + + +Description + + +This element forms an IDREF link to a Footnote. It generates +the same mark or link as the Footnote to which it points. + + + +In technical documentation, FootnoteRef occurs most frequently +in tables. + + +Processing expectations + +The FootnoteRef element usually generates the same mark +as the Footnote to which it points, although its mark can +be influenced by the Label attribute. + + + +Neither SGML nor XML provide a mechnism (at this time) for asserting +that some IDREF links must point to specific classes of elements. +If a FootnoteRef points to something other than a +Footnote, the parser will not report it as an error. +It is an error nonetheless. Processing is undefined. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain footnoteref: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label identifies the desired footnote mark. + + + +linkend + + +Linkend points to the +Footnote referenced. + + + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE informaltable PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<informaltable> +<tgroup cols='2'> +<tbody> +<row> +<entry>foo<footnote id='fnrex1a'><para>A meaningless +word</para></footnote></entry> +<entry>3<footnote id='fnrex1b'><para>A meaningless +number</para></footnote></entry> +</row> +<row> +<entry>bar<footnoteref linkend='fnrex1a'/></entry> +<entry>5<footnoteref linkend='fnrex1b'/></entry> +</row> +</tbody> +</tgroup> +</informaltable> + + + + + + + +fooA meaningless +word +3A meaningless +number + + +bar +5 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +foreignphrase +foreignphrase +Element + + +foreignphrase +A word or phrase in a language other than the primary language of the document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +foreignphrase ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +The ForeignPhrase element can be used to markup the text +of a foreign word or phrase. +Foreign in this context means that it is a language +other than the primary language of the document and is not intended to +be pejorative in any way. + + +Processing expectations + +ForeignPhrases are often given special typographic treatment, +such as italics. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain foreignphrase: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in foreignphrase: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +abbrev +acronym +emphasis +phrase +quote +wordasword +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Like so many others, it became a <foreignphrase>de facto</foreignphrase> +standard. +</para> + + + + +Like so many others, it became a de facto +standard. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +formalpara +formalpara +Element + + +formalpara +A paragraph with a title + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +formalpara ::= +(title, + (indexterm)*, + para) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +footnote.mix + + +glossdef.mix +highlights.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +listpreamble.mix +para.class + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +textobject.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +Formal paragraphs have a title. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. The Title of a FormalPara is +often rendered as a run-in head. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain formalpara: +abstract +answer +appendix +article +authorblurb +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +epigraph +example +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +highlights +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +partintro +personblurb +preface +printhistory +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in formalpara: +indexterm +para +title +. + + + +See Also + +para +simpara +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE formalpara PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<formalpara><title>This Paragraph Has a Title</title> +<para> +This is a test. This is only a test. Had this been a real +example, it would have made more sense. Or less. +</para> +</formalpara> + + + +This Paragraph Has a Title + +This is a test. This is only a test. Had this been a real +example, it would have made more sense. Or less. + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + para +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +funcdef +funcdef +Element + + +funcdef +A function (subroutine) name and its return type + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +funcdef ::= +(#PCDATA|type|replaceable|function)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A FuncDef contains the name of a programming language function, +and its return type. + + +Within the FuncDef, the function name is identified with +Function, and the rest of the content is assumed to be the +return type. + + +In the following definition, max is the name of the +function and int is the return type: + + +<funcdef>int <function>max</function></funcdef> + + + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. For a complete description of the processing expecations, +see FuncSynopsis. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain funcdef: +funcprototype +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in funcdef: +function +replaceable +type +. + + + +See Also + +funcparams +funcprototype +funcsynopsisinfo +function +paramdef +parameter +returnvalue +varargs +void +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE funcsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<funcsynopsis> +<funcprototype> +<funcdef>int <function>rand</function></funcdef> + <void/> +</funcprototype> +</funcsynopsis> + + + + + +int rand + + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + funcparams + funcsynopsis + paramdef + refentry + varargs +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +funcparams +funcparams +Element + + +funcparams +Parameters for a function referenced through a function pointer in a synopsis + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +funcparams ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +In some programming languages (like C), it is possible for a +function to have a pointer to another +function as one of its parameters. In the syntax summary for such a function, the +FuncParams element provides a wrapper for the +function pointer. + + + +For example, the following prototype describes the function +sort, which takes two parameters. The first +parameter, arr, is an array of integers. The second +parameter is a pointer to a function, comp that returns +an int. The comp function takes two parameters, +both of type int *: + + + +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>void <function>sort</function></funcdef> + <paramdef>int *<parameter>arr</parameter>[]</paramdef> + <paramdef>int <parameter>(* comp)</parameter> + <funcparams>int *, int *</funcparams></paramdef> +</funcprototype> + + + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. For a complete description of the processing expecations, +see FuncSynopsis. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain funcparams: +methodparam +paramdef +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in funcparams: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +See Also + +funcdef +funcprototype +funcsynopsisinfo +function +paramdef +parameter +returnvalue +varargs +void +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE funcsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<funcsynopsis> +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>void <function>qsort</function></funcdef> + <paramdef>void *<parameter>dataptr</parameter>[]</paramdef> + <paramdef>int <parameter>left</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>int <parameter>right</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>int (*<parameter>comp</parameter>) + <funcparams>void *, void *</funcparams></paramdef> +</funcprototype> +</funcsynopsis> + + + + + + void qsort + void *dataptr[] + int left + int right + int (*comp) + void *, void * + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + funcsynopsis +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +funcprototype +funcprototype +Element + + +funcprototype +The prototype of a function + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +funcprototype ::= +(modifier*,funcdef, + (void|varargs| + (paramdef+,varargs?)), + modifier*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A wrapper for a function prototype in a FuncSynopsis. + + +Processing expectations + +See FuncSynopsis. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain funcprototype: +funcsynopsis +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in funcprototype: +funcdef +modifier +paramdef +varargs +void +. + + + +See Also + +funcdef +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +paramdef +parameter +returnvalue +varargs +void +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + funcdef + funcparams + funcsynopsis + paramdef + refentry + varargs +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +funcsynopsis +funcsynopsis +Element + + +funcsynopsis +The syntax summary for a function definition + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +funcsynopsis ::= +((funcsynopsisinfo|funcprototype)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +para.char.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +synop.class +tbl.entry.mdl + + + + + + + +Description + + +A FuncSynopsis contains the syntax summary of a function prototype +or a set of function prototypes. The content model of this element +was designed specifically to capture the semantics of most C-language +function prototypes (for use in UNIX reference pages). + + + +This is one of the few places where DocBook attempts to model as well +as describe. Using FuncSynopsis for languages that are +unrelated to C may prove difficult. + + +Processing expectations + +For the most part, the processing application is expected to +generate all of the parenthesis, semicolons, commas, +and so on. required in the rendered synopsis. The exception to this +rule is that the spacing and other punctuation inside a +parameter that is a pointer to a function must be provided in +the source markup. + + + +With sufficient author cooperation, it should be possible to markup +a function synopsis with enough clarity so that a processing system can +generate either K&R-style or ANSI-style renderings. + + +A Note on the Use of <sgmltag>VarArgs</sgmltag> + +The content model of FuncPrototype is such that you +cannot use VarArgs in a function prototype in which the +first few parameters to the function are given explicitly before +the variable arguments (generally rendered as an ellipsis). + + + +In other words, the following synopsis cannot be rendered with +VarArgs: + + +int printf(char *format, ...) + + + + +Instead, you can enclose the ellipsis in a final Parameter, +like this: + + + +<funcsynopsis> +<funcprototype><funcdef>int <function>printf</function></funcdef> +<paramdef> + <parameter>char *format</parameter> + <parameter>...</parameter> +</paramdef> +</funcprototype> +</funcsynopsis> + + + + + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, the content model fragment beginning with +FuncDef will be removed from the content +model of FuncSynopsis. Instead +FuncSynopsis will become a mixture of +FuncSynopsisInfos and FuncPrototypes. + + + +Future Changes + +Future versions of DocBook may provide additional environments for +describing the syntax summaries of functions in other programming +languages. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain funcsynopsis: +answer +appendix +application +article +attribution +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliomisc +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +citation +citetitle +constraintdef +emphasis +entry +example +figure +firstterm +footnote +foreignphrase +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +lineannotation +link +listitem +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +msgexplan +msgtext +note +olink +orderedlist +para +partintro +phrase +preface +procedure +productname +programlisting +qandadiv +qandaset +question +quote +refentrytitle +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +remark +revdescription +screen +screeninfo +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +seg +setindex +sidebar +simpara +simplesect +step +synopsis +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +term +termdef +th +tip +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in funcsynopsis: +funcprototype +funcsynopsisinfo +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying number or string +that may be used in presentation. + + + + + +See Also + +cmdsynopsis +synopsis +. + + + +Examples + + +The function max returns the larger of two integers: + + + +<!DOCTYPE funcsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<funcsynopsis> +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>int <function>max</function></funcdef> + <paramdef>int <parameter>int1</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>int <parameter>int2</parameter></paramdef> +</funcprototype> +</funcsynopsis> + + + + + + int max + int int1 + int int2 + + + + + +One can imagine a more flexible max function that takes +any number of integer arguments and returns the largest integer in +the list: + + + +<!DOCTYPE funcsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<funcsynopsis> +<funcsynopsisinfo> +#include &lt;varargs.h&gt; +</funcsynopsisinfo> +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>int <function>max</function></funcdef> + <varargs/> +</funcprototype> +</funcsynopsis> + + + + + +#include <varargs.h> + + + int max + + + + + + +The rand function takes no arguments and returns a +pseudorandom integer between 0 and 231-1: + + + +<!DOCTYPE funcsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<funcsynopsis> +<funcprototype> +<funcdef>int <function>rand</function></funcdef> + <void/> +</funcprototype> +</funcsynopsis> + + + + + +int rand + + + + + + +The qsort function takes several arguments, including +a pointer to a function (the function that should perform the +comparison between two elements in order to sort them). + + + +<!DOCTYPE funcsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<funcsynopsis> +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>void <function>qsort</function></funcdef> + <paramdef>void *<parameter>dataptr</parameter>[]</paramdef> + <paramdef>int <parameter>left</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>int <parameter>right</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>int <parameter>(* comp)</parameter> + <funcparams>void *, void *</funcparams></paramdef> +</funcprototype> +</funcsynopsis> + + + + + + void qsort + void *dataptr[] + int left + int right + int (* comp) + void *, void * + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + funcdef + funcparams + paramdef + refentry + varargs +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +funcsynopsisinfo +funcsynopsisinfo +Element + + +funcsynopsisinfo +Information supplementing the FuncDefs of a FuncSynopsis + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +funcsynopsisinfo ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage| + textobject|lineannotation)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linenumbering + +numbered +unnumbered + +None + + +language +CDATA +None + + +xml:space + +preserve + +None + + +continuation + +continues +restarts + +None + + +format + +linespecific + +"linespecific" + + +startinglinenumber +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +Supplementary information in a FuncSynopsis. +See FuncSynopsis. + + + +Unlike the other info elements, FuncSynopsisInfo +is not a container for meta-information. Instead FuncSynopsisInfo +is a verbatim environment for adding additional information to a +function synopsis. + + +Processing expectations + +This element is displayed “verbatim”; +whitespace and linebreaks within this element are significant. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain funcsynopsisinfo: +funcsynopsis +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in funcsynopsisinfo: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +lineannotation +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +textobject +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +format + + +The Format attribute applies the +linespecific notation to all FuncSynopsisInfos. +All white space and line breaks must be preserved. + + + +linenumbering + +Line numbering indicates whether or not the lines +of a FuncSynopsisInfo are to be automatically numbered. The details +of numbering (every line or only selected lines, on the left or right, etc.) +are left up to the processing application. Be aware that not all processors +are capable of numbering lines. + + + + +See Also + +funcdef +funcparams +funcprototype +function +paramdef +parameter +returnvalue +varargs +void +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + funcsynopsis + refentry + varargs +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +function +function +Element + + +function +The name of a function or subroutine, as in a programming language + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +function ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +This element marks up the name of a function. To markup the +parts of a function definition, see FuncSynopsis. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + +In some environments, the Function element generates +additional punctuation, such as a set of trailing parenthesis. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain function: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcdef +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in function: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Function. + + + + + +See Also + +funcdef +funcparams +funcprototype +funcsynopsisinfo +paramdef +parameter +returnvalue +varargs +void +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + funcdef + funcparams + funcsynopsis + paramdef + programlistingco + refentry + returnvalue + structname + type + varargs +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +glossary +glossary +Element + + +glossary +A glossary + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +glossary ::= +(glossaryinfo?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)*, + (glossdiv+|glossentry+), + bibliography?) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +nav.class +partcontent.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Glossary contains a collection of terms and brief descriptions +or definitions of those terms. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. A Glossary in a Book +frequently causes a forced page break in print media. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain glossary: +appendix +article +book +chapter +part +preface +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in glossary: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliography +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glossaryinfo +glossdiv +glossentry +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Glossary. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE glossary PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<glossary><title>Example Glossary</title> +<para> +This is not a real glossary, it's just an example. +</para> + +<!-- ... --> + +<glossdiv><title>E</title> + +<glossentry id="xml"><glossterm>Extensible Markup Language</glossterm> + <acronym>XML</acronym> +<glossdef> + <para>Some reasonable definition here.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="sgml">SGML</glossseealso> +</glossdef> +</glossentry> + +</glossdiv> + +<!-- ... --> + +<glossdiv><title>S</title> + +<glossentry><glossterm>SGML</glossterm> +<glosssee otherterm="sgml"/> +</glossentry> + +<glossentry id="sgml"><glossterm>Standard Generalized + Markup Language</glossterm><acronym>SGML</acronym> + <abbrev>ISO 8879:1986</abbrev> +<glossdef> + <para>Some reasonable definition here.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="xml">XML</glossseealso> +</glossdef> +</glossentry> + +</glossdiv> +</glossary> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +glossaryinfo +glossaryinfo +Element + + +glossaryinfo +Meta-information for a Glossary + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +glossaryinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The GlossaryInfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a Glossary. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain glossaryinfo: +glossary +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in glossaryinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +glossdef +glossdef +Element + + +glossdef +A definition in a GlossEntry + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +glossdef ::= +((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|literallayout| + programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|equation|example|figure|table| + remark|indexterm|beginpage)+, + glossseealso*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +subject +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A GlossDef contains the description or definition of +a GlossTerm. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +The Subject attribute will be renamed +Keywords in DocBook V4.0. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain glossdef: +glossentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in glossdef: +address +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +calloutlist +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +glossseealso +graphic +graphicco +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +orderedlist +para +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +variablelist +. + + + +Attributes + +subject + + +Subject holds a list of keywords for the +GlossDef's definition. + + + + + +See Also + +glosssee +glossseealso +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + glossary + glosslist +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +glossdiv +glossdiv +Element + + +glossdiv +A division in a Glossary + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +glossdiv ::= +((title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)*, + glossentry+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A GlossDiv is a section of a Glossary. A Glossary +might be divided into sections in order to group terms, perhaps +alphabetically. + + +A Glossary may +contain any number of GlossEntry or GlossDiv +elements, but it cannot +contain a mixture of both at the same level. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain glossdiv: +glossary +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in glossdiv: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glossentry +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the GlossDiv. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + glossary +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +glossentry +glossentry +Element + + +glossentry +An entry in a Glossary or GlossList + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +glossentry ::= +(glossterm,acronym?,abbrev?, + (indexterm)*, + revhistory?, + (glosssee|glossdef+)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +sortas +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +GlossEntry is a wrapper around a glossary term and its +definition. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Glossary entries are usually formatted to highlight the +terms and definitions, frequently in a style similar to +VarListEntrys. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain glossentry: +glossary +glossdiv +glosslist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in glossentry: +abbrev +acronym +glossdef +glosssee +glossterm +indexterm +revhistory +. + + + +Attributes + +sortas + + +SortAs specifies the string by which the +element's content is to be sorted. If unspecified, the proper content +is used. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + glossary + glosslist +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +glosslist +glosslist +Element + + +glosslist +A wrapper for a set of GlossEntrys + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +glosslist ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + glossentry+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +footnote.mix + + +glossdef.mix +highlights.mix +legalnotice.mix + + +list.class +para.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +While Glossarys are usually limited to component or section +boundaries, appearing at the end of a Book or Chapter, +for instance, GlossLists can appear anywhere that the other +list types are allowed. + + + +Using a GlossList in running text, instead of a +VariableList, for example, maintains the semantic +distinction of a Glossary. This distinction may be necessary if you +want to automatically point to the members of the list with +GlossTerms in the body of the text. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain glosslist: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +highlights +important +index +informalexample +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in glosslist: +blockinfo +glossentry +title +titleabbrev +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE glosslist PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<glosslist> +<glossentry><glossterm>C</glossterm> +<glossdef> +<para> +A procedural programming language invented by K&amp;R. +</para> +</glossdef> +</glossentry> +<glossentry><glossterm>Pascal</glossterm> +<glossdef> +<para> +A procedural programming language invented by Niklaus Wirth. +</para> +</glossdef> +</glossentry> +</glosslist> + + + + +C + + +A procedural programming language invented by K&R. + + + +Pascal + + +A procedural programming language invented by Niklaus Wirth. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +glosssee +glosssee +Element + + +glosssee +A cross-reference from one GlossEntry to another + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +glosssee ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +otherterm +IDREF +None + + + + + + +Description + + +GlossSee directs the reader to another GlossEntry +instead of this one. A See +cross-reference occurs in place of the definition. + + +Processing Expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block, in the same style as a +GlossDef. + + +GlossSee elements are expected to generate the necessary +cross-reference text, usually See in English, as well as +any necessary punctuation. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain glosssee: +glossentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in glosssee: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +otherterm + + +OtherTerm points to the GlossEntry +being cross-referenced. (Go see that +one.) + + + + + +See Also + +glossdef +glossseealso +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + glossary +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +glossseealso +glossseealso +Element + + +glossseealso +A cross-reference from one GlossEntry to another + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +glossseealso ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +otherterm +IDREF +None + + + + + + +Description + + +GlossSeeAlso directs the reader to another GlossEntry +for additional information. It is presented in addition to the +GlossDef. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block, in the same style as the +GlossDef. + + +GlossSeeAlso elements are expected to generate the necessary +cross-reference text, usually See also in English, as well as +any necessary punctuation. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain glossseealso: +glossdef +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in glossseealso: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +otherterm + + +OtherTerm points to the GlossEntry +being cross-referenced. (Go see that +one, too.) + + + + + +See Also + +glossdef +glosssee +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + glossary +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +glossterm +glossterm +Element + + +glossterm +A glossary term + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +glossterm ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +baseform +CDATA +None + + +linkend +IDREF +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +GlossTerm identifies a term that appears in a +Glossary or GlossList. This element +occurs in two very different places: it is both an inline, and a +structure element of a GlossEntry. As an inline, it +identifies a term defined in a glossary, and may point to it. +Within a GlossEntry, it identifies the term defined +by that particular entry. + + +Processing expectations + +As an inline, GlossTerms frequently get special typographic +treatment, such as italics. In an online environment, they may also +form a link (explicitly or implicitly) to the corresponding definition +in a glossary. + + + +GlossTerms must not be nested within other +GlossTerms. Because DocBook is harmonizing towards +XML, this restriction is difficult to enforce with the +DTD. The processing of nested GlossTerms is +undefined. + + + +As part of a GlossEntry, GlossTerms are usually +set as block and separated from the definition. + + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + +Future Changes +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 +RevHistory will be removed. + + +Parents +These elements contain glossterm: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossentry +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in glossterm: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +baseform + + +BaseForm, if specified, contains the +root form of the word identified as a GlossTerm. If unspecified, +the content of GlossTerm element should be used. +BaseForm allows sorting, collating, and indexing +to work properly even when different parts of speech are identifed as +GlossTerms. For example, +<glossterm>sort</glossterm> + and +<glossterm baseform="sort">sorting</glossterm> +. + + + +linkend + + +Linkend points to a related element, +generally the GlossEntry that defines it. + + + + + +See Also + +firstterm +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + beginpage + firstterm + glossary + glosslist +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +graphic +graphic +Element + + +graphic +A displayed graphical object (not an inline) + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +graphic ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +width +CDATA +None + + +srccredit +CDATA +None + + +contentdepth +CDATA +None + + +entityref +ENTITY +None + + +scalefit +CDATA +None + + +contentwidth +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +left +right + +None + + +valign + +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +depth +CDATA +None + + +fileref +CDATA +None + + +format + +BMP +CGM-BINARY +CGM-CHAR +CGM-CLEAR +DITROFF +DVI +EPS +EQN +FAX +GIF +GIF87a +GIF89a +IGES +JPEG +JPG +linespecific +PCX +PDF +PIC +PNG +PS +SGML +SVG +SWF +TBL +TEX +TIFF +WMF +WPG + +None + + +scale +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +equation.content +example.mix + + +figure.mix +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix + + +indexdivcomponent.mix +info.class +informal.class + + +informal.tbl.table.mdl +inlineequation.content +listpreamble.mix + + +para.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +tbl.table-main.mdl +tbl.table.mdl + + + + + + +Description + + +This element contains graphical data, or a pointer to an +external entity containing graphical data. One of the +deficiencies of the DocBook Graphic element is that +there is no way to specify an alternate text description of the +graphic. This has been rectified by the introduction of +MediaObject. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +There are several ways to provide content for a +Graphic. It is best to use only one of these +methods. However, if multiple graphic sources are provided, the +processing expectations are as follows: element content should be used +in favor of either EntityRef or FileRef and EntityRef +should be used in favor of FileRef. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, Graphic will be declared EMPTY. +This change will require that any embedded graphic content be stored outside the +SGML source and pointed to with an +EntityRef or +FileRef attribute. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +In DocBook V5.0, Graphic will be discarded. At that +time, graphics will have to be incorporated using +MediaObject or InlineMediaObject. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain graphic: +answer +appendix +appendixinfo +article +articleinfo +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +blockquote +bookinfo +callout +caution +chapter +chapterinfo +constraintdef +entry +equation +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossaryinfo +glossdef +glossdiv +graphicco +important +index +indexdiv +indexinfo +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +inlineequation +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +objectinfo +orderedlist +para +partinfo +partintro +preface +prefaceinfo +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1 +refsect1info +refsect2 +refsect2info +refsect3 +refsect3info +refsection +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdiv +refsynopsisdivinfo +revdescription +screenshot +sect1 +sect1info +sect2 +sect2info +sect3 +sect3info +sect4 +sect4info +sect5 +sect5info +section +sectioninfo +setindex +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebar +sidebarinfo +simplesect +step +synopsis +table +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +th +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +align + + +Align specifies the horizontal alignment +of the graphic on the page or within the element that frames it. + + + +depth + + +Depth specifies the desired depth (vertical +distance, at least in horizontal writing systems) of the +image. + + + +entityref + + +EntityRef identifies the general entity +which contains (or points to) the content of the graphic. + + + +fileref + + +FileRef specifies the name of the file +which contains the content of the graphic. + + + +format + + +Format identifies the format of the graphic +content. The Format must be a defined +notation. + + + +scale + + +Scale specifies integer representing a +percentage scaling factor (retaining the relative dimensions of the +original graphic). If unspecified, the value 100 (100%) is assumed. + + + +scalefit + + +If ScaleFit has the value 1 (true), then +the graphic is to be scaled (uniformly) to the specified width or depth. +The default value of 0 (false) indicates that the image will not be +scaled to fit (although it may still be scaled by the +Scale attribute). + + + +srccredit + + +SrcCredit contains details about the source +of the Graphic. + + + +width + + +Width indicates the width of the graphic. + + + + + +See Also + +alt +audioobject +caption +imageobject +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +textobject +videoobject +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE figure PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<figure><title>Notre Dame Cathedral</title> +<graphic srccredit="Norman Walsh, 1998" fileref="figures/notredame.png"/> +</figure> + + + +
Notre Dame Cathedral + +
+ + +For additional examples, see also + + equation + figure + graphicco + informalequation + inlineequation + screenshot +. + + +
+ + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +graphicco +graphicco +Element + + +graphicco +A graphic that contains callout areas + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +graphicco ::= +(areaspec,graphic,calloutlist*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +informal.class +listpreamble.mix +para.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +Callouts, such as numbered bullets, are an annotation mechanism. In an +online system, these bullets are frequently hot, and clicking on +them sends you to the corresponding annotation. + + +A GraphicCO is a wrapper around an AreaSpec and +a Graphic. An AreaSpec identifies the locations +(coordinates) +on the Graphic in which the callouts occur. +The GraphicCO may also contain the list of annotations in +a CalloutList, although the CalloutList may also +occur outside of the wrapper, elsewhere in the document. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +The mandatory processing expectations of a GraphicCO are +minimal: a system is expected to render the graphic, if possible, and the +callout list, if present. + + +In online environments, the processing system may be able to instantiate +the linking relationships between the callout marks on the graphic and +the annotations. For example, an HTML presentation system might use the +coordinate information to construct a client-side image map. +Some processing systems may even be able to go a step further and generate +the callout marks automatically from the coordinate information. +But this level of sophistication is not mandatory. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +In DocBook V5.0, GraphicCO will be discarded. In its +place, use MediaObjectCO. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain graphicco: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +screenshot +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in graphicco: +areaspec +calloutlist +graphic +. + + + +See Also + +areaspec +calloutlist +co +coref +imageobjectco +mediaobjectco +programlistingco +screenco +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE graphicco PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<graphicco> +<areaspec units="calspair"> + <areaset id="oneway" coords=""> + <area id="oneway1" coords="300 400"/> + <area id="oneway2" coords="325 340"/> + </areaset> + <area id="myhouse" coords="425 590"/> +</areaspec> +<!-- This is not a real URL! --> +<graphic fileref=""/> +</graphicco> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +group +group +Element + + +group +A group of elements in a CmdSynopsis + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +group ::= +((arg|group|option|synopfragmentref|replaceable|sbr)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +choice + +opt +plain +req + +"opt" + + +rep + +norepeat +repeat + +"norepeat" + + + + + + +Description + + +A Group surrounds several related items. Usually, they are +grouped because they are mutually exclusive. The user is expected to select +one of the items. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The additional processing expectations of a +Group are significant. For a complete discussion, +see CmdSynopsis. + + + +Multiple arguments within a group are considered exclusive and are +separated by vertical bars. + + +Brackets are used to distinguish between optional, required, or plain +arguments. Usually square brackets are placed around optional +arguments, , and curly brackets are placed +around required arguments, . Plain +arguments are required, but are not decorated with brackets. + + +Repeatable arguments are followed by an ellipsis. + + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +The OptMult and ReqMult values for the +Choice attribute will be removed in +DocBook V4.0. Use the Rep attribute +instead to indicate that the choice is repeatable. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain group: +arg +cmdsynopsis +group +synopfragment +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in group: +arg +group +option +replaceable +sbr +synopfragmentref +. + + + +Attributes + +choice + + +Choice indicates whether the Arg +is required (Req or Plain) or +optional (Opt). Arguments identified as Plain +are required, but are shown without additional decoration. The +OptMult and ReqMult choices will +be removed in DocBook V4.0; use the Rep +attribute instead. + + + +rep + + +A Rep value of Repeat indicates that +the Group is reapeatable. This is frequently rendered with an +ellipsis. + + + + + +See Also + +arg +cmdsynopsis +refsynopsisdiv +sbr +synopfragment +synopfragmentref +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + cmdsynopsis + synopfragment +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +guibutton +guibutton +Element + + +guibutton +The text on a button in a GUI + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +guibutton ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage|accel|superscript|subscript)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +GUIButton identifies the text that appears on a +button in a graphical user interface. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain guibutton: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +menuchoice +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in guibutton: +accel +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +subscript +superscript +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +GUIButton. + + + + + +See Also + +accel +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +menuchoice +mousebutton +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The exact text of the <guilabel>Legend</guilabel> and other labels on the +graph is dependent upon the language of the current locale. Likewise, +the text of the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button and other buttons may vary. +The <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref="figures/legend.png"/></guiicon> +icon and the other icons on the left side of the display may be +configured by the local administrator, but they are not +generally expected to vary from locale to locale. +</para> + + + + +The exact text of the Legend and other labels on the +graph is dependent upon the language of the current locale. Likewise, +the text of the OK button and other buttons may vary. +The +icon and the other icons on the left side of the display may be +configured by the local administrator, but they are not +generally expected to vary from locale to locale. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + guiicon + guilabel +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +guiicon +guiicon +Element + + +guiicon +Graphic and/or text appearing as a icon in a GUI + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +guiicon ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage|accel|superscript|subscript)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +GUIIcon identifies a graphic or text icon that appears in a +graphical user interface. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain guiicon: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +menuchoice +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in guiicon: +accel +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +subscript +superscript +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +GUIIcon. + + + + + +See Also + +accel +guibutton +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +menuchoice +mousebutton +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The exact text of the <guilabel>Legend</guilabel> and other labels on the +graph is dependent upon the language of the current locale. Likewise, +the text of the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button and other buttons may vary. +The <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref="figures/legend.png"/></guiicon> +icon and the other icons on the left side of the display may be +configured by the local administrator, but they are not +generally expected to vary from locale to locale. +</para> + + + + +The exact text of the Legend and other labels on the +graph is dependent upon the language of the current locale. Likewise, +the text of the OK button and other buttons may vary. +The +icon and the other icons on the left side of the display may be +configured by the local administrator, but they are not +generally expected to vary from locale to locale. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + guibutton + guilabel +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +guilabel +guilabel +Element + + +guilabel +The text of a label in a GUI + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +guilabel ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage|accel|superscript|subscript)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +GUILabel identifies text that appears as a label in a +graphical user interface. + + + +What constitutes a label may vary from application to +application. In general, any text that appears in a +GUI may be considered a label, for +example a message in a dialog box or a window title. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain guilabel: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +menuchoice +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in guilabel: +accel +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +subscript +superscript +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +GUILabel. + + + + + +See Also + +accel +guibutton +guiicon +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +menuchoice +mousebutton +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The exact text of the <guilabel>Legend</guilabel> and other labels on the +graph is dependent upon the language of the current locale. Likewise, +the text of the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button and other buttons may vary. +The <guiicon><inlinegraphic fileref="figures/legend.png"/></guiicon> +icon and the other icons on the left side of the display may be +configured by the local administrator, but they are not +generally expected to vary from locale to locale. +</para> + + + + +The exact text of the Legend and other labels on the +graph is dependent upon the language of the current locale. Likewise, +the text of the OK button and other buttons may vary. +The +icon and the other icons on the left side of the display may be +configured by the local administrator, but they are not +generally expected to vary from locale to locale. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + guibutton + guiicon +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +guimenu +guimenu +Element + + +guimenu +The name of a menu in a GUI + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +guimenu ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage|accel|superscript|subscript)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +GUIMenu identifies a menu name in a graphical user interface. +In particular, this is distinct from a menu item (GUIMenuItem), +which is terminal, and a submenu (GUISubmenu), which occurs as +a selection from a menu. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain guimenu: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +menuchoice +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in guimenu: +accel +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +subscript +superscript +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +GUIMenu. + + + + + +See Also + +accel +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +menuchoice +mousebutton +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +You can exit from GNU Emacs with the keyboard shortcut +<keycombo><keysym>C-c</keysym><keysym>C-x</keysym></keycombo> +or by selecting <guimenuitem>Exit Emacs</guimenuitem> from +the <guimenu>Files</guimenu> menu. +</para> + + + + +You can exit from GNU Emacs with the keyboard shortcut +C-cC-x +or by selecting Exit Emacs from +the Files menu. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + accel + guimenuitem + guisubmenu + menuchoice + shortcut +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +guimenuitem +guimenuitem +Element + + +guimenuitem +The name of a terminal menu item in a GUI + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +guimenuitem ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage|accel|superscript|subscript)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +GUIMenuItem identifies a terminal selection from a menu in +a graphical user interface. +In particular, this is distinct from a menu (GUIMenu) and +a submenu (GUISubmenu). The distinction between a +GUIMenuItem and a GUISubmenu is simply whether +or not the selection is terminal or leads to an additional submenu. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain guimenuitem: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +menuchoice +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in guimenuitem: +accel +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +subscript +superscript +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +GUIMenuItem. + + + + + +See Also + +accel +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guisubmenu +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +menuchoice +mousebutton +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +You can exit from GNU Emacs with the keyboard shortcut +<keycombo><keysym>C-c</keysym><keysym>C-x</keysym></keycombo> +or by selecting <guimenuitem>Exit Emacs</guimenuitem> from +the <guimenu>Files</guimenu> menu. +</para> + + + + +You can exit from GNU Emacs with the keyboard shortcut +C-cC-x +or by selecting Exit Emacs from +the Files menu. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + accel + action + guimenu + guisubmenu + menuchoice + shortcut +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +guisubmenu +guisubmenu +Element + + +guisubmenu +The name of a submenu in a GUI + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +guisubmenu ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage|accel|superscript|subscript)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The name of a submenu in a graphical user interface is identified by +the GUISubmenu element. A submenu is a +menu invoked from another menu that leads either to terminal items +(GUIMenuItems) or additional submenus. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain guisubmenu: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +menuchoice +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in guisubmenu: +accel +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +subscript +superscript +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +GUISubMenu. + + + + + +See Also + +accel +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +menuchoice +mousebutton +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +In GNU Emacs, the <guimenuitem>Print Buffer</guimenuitem> command is +located off of the <guisubmenu>Print</guisubmenu> submenu of the +<guimenu>Tools</guimenu> menu. +</para> + + + + +In GNU Emacs, the Print Buffer command is +located off of the Print submenu of the +Tools menu. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +hardware +hardware +Element + + +hardware +A physical part of a computer system + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +hardware ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Hardware identifies some physical component of a computer system. +Even though DocBook provides a broad range of inlines for describing the various +software components of a system, it provides relatively few for describing +hardware. + + +If you need to identify a number of different hardware components, +you may wish to consider extending DocBook, or at least using the +Role attribute to further classify +Hardware. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, the content model of Hardware will +be constrained to (#PCDATA | Replaceable | +InlineGraphic). + + + + +Parents +These elements contain hardware: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in hardware: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Hardware. + + + + + +See Also + +application +database +filename +medialabel +productname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The <acronym>IRQ</acronym> of the <hardware>SCSI Controller</hardware> +can be set to 7, 11, or 15. The factory default setting is 7. +</para> + + + + +The IRQ of the SCSI Controller +can be set to 7, 11, or 15. The factory default setting is 7. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +highlights +highlights +Element + + +highlights +A summary of the main points of the discussed component + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +highlights ::= +((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|formalpara|para|simpara|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bookcomponent.content +component.mix +divcomponent.mix + + +genobj.class +listpreamble.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +Highlights are generally presented at the beginning of a +component and offer some sort of summary of the main points that will +be discussed. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Highlights often contain some sort of list. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain highlights: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +chapter +glossary +glossdiv +index +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +orderedlist +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +variablelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in highlights: +bibliolist +calloutlist +caution +formalpara +glosslist +important +indexterm +itemizedlist +note +orderedlist +para +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + + +See Also + +abstract +blockquote +epigraph +sidebar +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter><title>Example Chapter</title> +<highlights> +<para> +This chapter will teach you +<itemizedlist> +<listitem> +<para> +How to disassemble an automobile. +</para> +</listitem> +<listitem> +<para> +How to properly carry the component pieces. +</para> +</listitem> +<listitem> +<para> +How to reassemble an automobile in a standard telephone booth. +</para> +</listitem> +</itemizedlist> +</para> +</highlights> +<para>&hellip</para> +</chapter> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +holder +holder +Element + + +holder +The name of the individual or organization that holds a copyright + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +holder ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Holder in Copyright identifies an +individual or organization that asserts a copyright on the document. + + +Processing expectations + +The formatting of Holder depends on the formatting +of its parent Copyright. In the case of a +Copyright with multiple holders, additional +punctuation may need to be generated when Holder is processed. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain holder: +copyright +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in holder: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + bibliography + biblioset + bookinfo + copyright +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +honorific +honorific +Element + + +honorific +The title of a person + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +honorific ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class +person.ident.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +An Honorific occurs in the name of an individual. It is the +honorific title of the individual, such as Dr., Mr., +or Ms. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. In an Address, this element may inherit +the verbatim qualities of an address. + + +On some systems, Honorific may generate the +trailing period automatically. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain honorific: +address +appendixinfo +articleinfo +author +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +editor +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +othercredit +partinfo +personname +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in honorific: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +affiliation +firstname +lineage +othername +surname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + author + authorgroup +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +html:form +html:form +Element + + +html:form +An HTML form + + +Synopsis + +If the HTML Forms Module +is used, html:form +elements can be used in most of the places where para +can be used. + + + +Description + +XHTML +defines a html:form element that can be used to +add interactivity to web pages. The HTML Forms Module for DocBook +allows html:form elements to be used in DocBook +documents. + +A complete description of XHTML is outside the scope of this +reference. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE section PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook HTML Forms Module V1.0//EN" + "dbforms.dtd"> +<section><title>HTML Forms Test</title> + +<para><html:input/>ClassSynopsis version:</para> + +<html:form action="dosomething"> +<para>foo<html:button>xxx</html:button> +</para> +</html:form> +</section> + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2006-02-16 14:50:26 +0100 (Thu, 16 Feb 2006) $ +$Revision: 5565 $ + + + +elements +imagedata +imagedata +Element + + +imagedata +Pointer to external image data + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +imagedata ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +width +CDATA +None + + +srccredit +CDATA +None + + +contentdepth +CDATA +None + + +entityref +ENTITY +None + + +contentwidth +CDATA +None + + +scalefit +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +left +right + +None + + +valign + +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +depth +CDATA +None + + +fileref +CDATA +None + + +format + +BMP +CGM-BINARY +CGM-CHAR +CGM-CLEAR +DITROFF +DVI +EPS +EQN +FAX +GIF +GIF87a +GIF89a +IGES +JPEG +JPG +linespecific +PCX +PDF +PIC +PNG +PS +SGML +SVG +SWF +TBL +TEX +TIFF +WMF +WPG + +None + + +scale +CDATA +None + + + + + + + +Description + +This element points to an external entity containing graphical +image data. + + +Processing expectations + +Render the image. May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. + + +There are two ways to provide content for ImageData: +EntityRef or FileRef. It is best to use only one of these +methods, however, if multiple sources are provided, +EntityRef will be used in favor of +FileRef. + + +ImageData provides a selection of attributes +that can be used to control how the image is rendered. These +attributes define two rectangles, the viewport +area and the content area, and how +these rectangles are related to each other. The intrinsic +size of the image is a third rectangle that sometimes +influences the way an image is rendered. + + +It is important to understand the distinction between these +three areas. When rendering an image, the viewport area defines the +space reserved in the flow of content for the image. If a +6in x 4in viewport area is specified, that's how much space will be +reserved for the image, independent of the actual size of the rendered +image. The content area defines the actual size of the rendered image, +independent of the intrinsic size of the image. The intrinisic size of +the image is its actual, real size. + + +DocBook provides three mutually exclusive mechanisms for specifying +the content area of an image: it can be specified directly, it can be specified +by selecting a scale factor, or it can be specified to be the same size +as the viewport area. + +Finally, DocBook provides two attributes, +align and +valign to specify the alignment of +the content area within the viewport area. + +DocBook provides no mechanism for specifying how an image should be +rendered if the content area exceeds the viewport area in either or both +dimensions. Implementations are free to perform clipping, allow the image +to overflow, and/or generate errors. + + +Units of Measure + +The size of the viewport area and the content area are defined +in terms of lengths (width and depth). + +Lengths must be expressed as a decimal value followed +immediately by an optional unit of measure or a percentage. Six and one eight inches, +for example, must be expressed as 6.125in. It is an error to +put a space or other punctuation between the decimal value and the +unit of measure. + +Examples of common units of measure include: + + +ptPoints (1/72 of an inch) +cmCentimeters +mmMillimeters +inInches +pcPicas (1/6 of an inch) +pxPixels +emEms + + +If no unit of measure is provided, px is +assumed. Note that pixels have no universally accepted absolute size +and ems are relative units of measure. Implementations may define +pixel sizes differently and stylesheets may or may not be able to +determine the current font size in order to correctly calculate the +absolute size of an em. It is best to avoid these units of +measure. + +Percetages are expressed as a decimal value followed immediately by +a % sign. + + + +Specifying the Viewport Area + +The viewport area is specified by the width and depth attributes. + +If neither width nor depth is specified, an implementation is +free to choose defaults. These defaults may be influenced by context. +For example, when rendering an inline graphic, the viewport area often +defaults to the size of the content area. For block graphics, the +width often defaults to the column width while the depth defaults to +the depth of the content area. + +If only one of width or depth is specified, an implementation is +free to choose a default for the other dimension. + +Viewport area dimensions expressed as a percentage are a percentage +of the available area. For example, a width of 50% +when an implementation is rendering in a column 6in wide is equivalent +to specifying a width of 3in. + +Percentages must be used with care. Some media are unbounded in one +or more directions (for example, web pages are generally unbounded in depth). +Specifying a percentage of an unbounded dimension is undefined. Implementations +may choose arbitrary defaults or may generate errors. + + + +Specifing the Content Area + +The content area is specified by the contentwidth and contentdepth attributes. + +If neither content width nor content depth is specified, an +implementation is expected to render the image at its intrinsic size +(unless scaling or scaling to fit is requested). +If only one of content width or content depth is specified, an +implementation is expected to choose a default for the other dimension +such that the image is scaled proportionally. For example, if an image +has an intrinsic size of one square inch and the content width is +specified as 2in, the content depth must default to +2in. + +Content area dimensions expressed as a percentage are a percentage +of the intrinsic size of the image. + +Percentages must be used with care. Some implementations may be +unable to determine the intrinsic size of an image and will therefore +be forced to make compromises. Implementations may choose arbitrary +values or may generate errors if the intrinsic size cannot be obtained. + + + +Scaling + +There are two ways that scaling can be specified, with the +scale attribute or with the +scalefit attribute. + +If scale is specified, it must be a positive integer. It +is always interpreted to be a percentage value where +100 represents 100%. + +The legal values of scalefit are 0 (false) +or 1 (true). If scaling to fit is requested, the +content area is scaled until either the content +width is the same as the viewport width (and the content depth is less +than or equal to the viewport depth) or the +content depth is the same as the viewport depth (and the content width +is less than or equal to the viewport width), whichever comes first. +In other words, scaling to fit never causes anamorphic scaling, it +simply scales the image as large as possible without overflowing the +bounds of the viewport area. + + +Specification of content area, scaling, and scaling to fit are +mutually exclusive. If a content area (contentwidth, contentdepth, or both) is specified, +both scaling and scaling to fit are ignored. If +the content area is not specified and both scaling and scaling to fit +are specified, scalefit is +ignored. + +In order to achieve a level of backwards compatibility with previous +versions of DocBook (which did not have attributes for specifying a content +area) while maintaining coherent semantics, the default value of +scalefit depends on other attributes: + + + + + +Viewport area +Content area +scalefit default + + + + + unspecified + unspecified + irrelevant + + + specified + unspecified + 1 + + + unspecified + specified + 0 + + + specified + specified + 0 + + + + + +If a viewport area is specified (and neither a content area nor scaling +is specified) and scalefit is explicitly +0, the viewport area specification must +be ignored. + + + + +Alignment + +Two alignment attributes are provided, +align and +valign. + +If specified, align indicates how +the content area should be aligned horizontally within the viewport area. If +not specified, implementations are free to choose any default value. + +If specified, valign indicates how +the content area should be aligned vertically within the viewport area. If +not specified, implementations are free to choose any default value. + + + +Examples + +If nothing is specified about the size of an image, it is rendered in +a content area that is the same as its intrinsic size in a viewport area that +is implementation defined: + + +<imagedata fileref="image.png"/> + + + + + +An image at its intrinsic size + + + +If a viewport area is specified, the image is rendered in a content +area that is the same as its intrinsic size in the specified viewport area: + + + +<imagedata fileref="image.png" width="6in" depth="5.5in" scalefit="0"/> + + + + + +An image at its intrinsic size in a viewport + + + +If a content area is specified, the image is scaled (possibly +anamorphically) to that size and rendered in a viewport area that is +implementation defined: + + + +<imagedata fileref="image.png" contentwidth="4in" contentdepth="3in"/> + + + + + +An image at a specified content size + + + +If a scaling factor is specified, the intrinsic size is scaled +uniformly by that amount to obtain the content area which is rendered +in a viewport area that is implementation defined: + + + +<imagedata fileref="image.png" scale="300"/> + + + + + +An image scaled + + + +If a viewport area is specified and scaling to fit is requested, +the intrinsic size is scaled (uniformly) as large as possible without +extending beyond the bounds of the viewport area which is rendered as +specified. + + + +<imagedata fileref="image.png" width="6in" depth="5.5in"/> +<!-- note that scalefit="1" is the default in this case --> + + + + + +An image scaled to fit + + + +If the viewport area and content area are specified, the image +is scaled (possibly anamorphically) to the content area size and rendered in +the specified viewport area: + + + +<imagedata fileref="image.png" width="6in" depth="5.5in" + contentwidth="4in" contentdepth="3in"/> + + + + + +An image at a specified size in a specified viewport + + + +If the viewport area and a scaling factor are specified, the +intrinsic size is scaled uniformly by the scaling factor amount to obtain the +content area which is rendered in the specified viewport area: + + + +<imagedata fileref="image.png" width="6in" depth="5.5in" scale="300"/> + + + + + +An image scaled in a specified viewport + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain imagedata: +imageobject +. + + + + +Attributes + + +align + + +Align specifies the horizontal alignment +of the content area in the viewport area. + + + +contentdepth + + +ContentDepth specifies the desired depth of the +content area. + + + +contentwidth + + +ContentWidth specifies the desired width of the +content area. + + + +depth + + +Depth specifies the desired depth of the +viewport area. + + + +entityref + + +EntityRef identifies the general entity +which points to the content of the image data. + + + +fileref + + +FileRef specifies the name of the file +which contains the content of the image data. + + + +format + + +Format identifies the format of the image +data. The Format must be a defined +notation. + + + +scale + + +Scale is an integer representing +a percentage scaling factor (retaining the relative dimensions of the +original image). If unspecified, the value 100 (100%) is +assumed. + + + +scalefit + + +If ScaleFit has the value 1 (true), then +the image data is to be scaled (uniformly) to the specified width or depth. +The default value of 0 (false) indicates that the image will not be +scaled to fit (although it may still be scaled by the +Scale attribute). + + + +srccredit + + +SrcCredit contains details about the source +of the image data. + + + +width + + +Width indicates the width of the graphic. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + imageobject + informalfigure + inlinemediaobject + mediaobjectco + videoobject +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +imageobject +imageobject +Element + + +imageobject +A wrapper for image data and its associated meta-information + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +imageobject ::= +(objectinfo?,imagedata) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +mediaobject.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + +An ImageObject is a wrapper containing +ImageData and its associated meta-information. + + +If the SVG Module is used, ImageObject can +also contain the svg:svg element. + +Processing expectations +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. It might not be rendered at all, depending on its +placement within a MediaObject or +InlineMediaObject and the constraints on the +publishing system. For a more detailed description of the semantics +involved, see MediaObject. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain imageobject: +imageobjectco +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in imageobject: +imagedata +objectinfo +. + + + +See Also + +alt +audioobject +caption +graphic +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +textobject +videoobject +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE mediaobject PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<mediaobject> + <imageobject> + <imagedata fileref="figures/eiffeltower.eps" format="EPS"/> + </imageobject> + <imageobject> + <imagedata fileref="figures/eiffeltower.png" format="PNG"/> + </imageobject> + <textobject> + <phrase>The Eiffel Tower</phrase> + </textobject> + <caption> + <para>Designed by Gustave Eiffel in 1889, The Eiffel Tower is one of the +most widely recognized buildings in the world. +</para> + </caption> +</mediaobject> + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Eiffel Tower + + + Designed by Gustave Eiffel in 1889, The Eiffel Tower is one of the +most widely recognized buildings in the world. + + + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + informalfigure + inlinemediaobject + mediaobjectco + svg-svg + videoobject +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2007-07-09 17:44:23 +0200 (Mon, 09 Jul 2007) $ +$Revision: 6987 $ + + + +elements +imageobjectco +imageobjectco +Element + + +imageobjectco +A wrapper for an image object with callouts + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +imageobjectco ::= +(areaspec,imageobject,calloutlist*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +mediaobject.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +Callouts, such as numbered bullets, are an annotation mechanism. In an +online system, these bullets are frequently hot, and clicking on +them navigates to the corresponding annotation. + + +A ImageObjectCO is a wrapper around an AreaSpec and +an ImageObject. An AreaSpec identifies the locations +(coordinates) +on the image where the Callouts occur. +The ImageObjectCO may also contain the list of annotations in +a CalloutList, although the CalloutList may also +occur outside of the wrapper, elsewhere in the document. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. It may not be rendered at all, depending on its placement +within the MediaObject that contains it and +the constraints on the publishing system. For a more detailed description +of the semantics involved, see MediaObject. + + +The mandatory processing expectations of a ImageObjectCO are +minimal: a system is expected to render the image, if possible, and the +callout list, if present. + + +In online environments, the processing system may be able to instantiate +the linking relationships between the callout marks on the image and +the annotations. For example, an HTML presentation system might use the +coordinate information to construct a client-side image map. +Some processing systems may even be able to go a step further and generate +the callout marks automatically from the coordinate information. +But this level of sophistication is not mandatory. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain imageobjectco: +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in imageobjectco: +areaspec +calloutlist +imageobject +. + + + +See Also + +areaspec +calloutlist +co +coref +graphicco +mediaobjectco +programlistingco +screenco +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + mediaobjectco +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +important +important +Element + + +important +An admonition set off from the text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +important ::= +(title?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|literallayout| + programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|equation|example|figure|table| + procedure|sidebar|anchor|bridgehead|remark|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.class +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +highlights.mix +legalnotice.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +para.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +Important is an admonition set off from the main text. + + + +In some types of documentation, the semantics of admonitions are clearly +defined (Caution might imply the possibility of harm to +equipment whereas Warning might imply harm to a person), +but DocBook makes no such assertions. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. It often outputs the generated text Important +or some other visible indication of the type of admonition, +especially if a Title is not present. Sometimes +outputs a graphical icon or other symbol as well. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain important: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +chapter +colophon +dedication +entry +glossary +glossdiv +highlights +index +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +variablelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in important: +address +anchor +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +title +variablelist +. + + + +See Also + +caution +note +tip +warning +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE important PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<important> +<para> +No user-servicable parts inside. Breaking this seal voids all warranties. +</para> +</important> + + + + + +No user-servicable parts inside. Breaking this seal voids all warranties. + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-11-26 15:26:23 +0100 (Tue, 26 Nov 2002) $ +$Revision: 2258 $ + + + +elements +index +index +Element + + +index +An index + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +index ::= +(indexinfo?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)*, + (indexdiv*|indexentry*)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +type +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +index.class +nav.class +partcontent.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +An Index contains the formatted index of a document. +An index may begin with introductory material, followed by +any number of IndexEntrys or IndexDivs. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. An Index in a Book +frequently causes a forced page break in print media. + + + +In many processing systems, indexes are generated automatically or +semiautomatically and never appear instantiated as DocBook markup. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +Formal objects and other elements inappropriate for an index will be +removed from the content that can appear before the first +IndexDiv or IndexEntry. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain index: +appendix +article +book +chapter +part +preface +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in index: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexdiv +indexentry +indexinfo +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE index PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<index><title>Index</title> +<indexdiv><title>D</title> +<indexentry> + <primaryie>database (bibliographic), 253, 255</primaryie> + <secondaryie>structure, 255</secondaryie> + <secondaryie>tools, 259</secondaryie> +</indexentry> +<indexentry> + <primaryie>dates (language specific), 179</primaryie> +</indexentry> +<indexentry> + <primaryie>DC fonts, <emphasis>172</emphasis>, 177</primaryie> + <secondaryie>Math fonts, 177</secondaryie> +</indexentry> +</indexdiv> +</index> + + + +<!DOCTYPE index PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<index> +<indexentry> + <primaryie>Example</primaryie> + <secondaryie>Chapter</secondaryie> + <seeie>Example Chapter</seeie> +</indexentry> + +<indexentry> + <primaryie>Example Chapter, 35-48</primaryie> + <seealsoie>Examples</seealsoie> +</indexentry> + +<indexentry> + <primaryie>Examples, 18, 36, 72-133</primaryie> +</indexentry> + +</index> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +indexdiv +indexdiv +Element + + +indexdiv +A division in an index + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +indexdiv ::= +((title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + ((itemizedlist|orderedlist|variablelist|simplelist|literallayout| + programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|anchor|remark|link|olink|ulink| + beginpage)*, + (indexentry+|segmentedlist))) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +An IndexDiv identifies a section of an Index. +An index +might be divided into sections in order to group entries, usually +alphabetically. + + +An index may +contain any number of IndexEntry or IndexDiv +elements, but it cannot +contain a mixture of both at the same level. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +Formal objects and other elements inappropriate for an index will be +removed the content that can appear before the first +IndexEntry. + + + +Parents +These elements contain indexdiv: +index +setindex +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in indexdiv: +address +anchor +beginpage +blockquote +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +fieldsynopsis +formalpara +funcsynopsis +graphic +graphicco +indexentry +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +link +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +olink +orderedlist +para +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +title +titleabbrev +ulink +variablelist +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + index +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +indexentry +indexentry +Element + + +indexentry +An entry in an index + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +indexentry ::= +(primaryie, + (seeie|seealsoie)*, + (secondaryie, + (seeie|seealsoie|tertiaryie)*)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +An IndexEntry wraps all of the index terms associated with +a particular primary index term. This includes an arbitrary list of +secondary and +tertiary elements as well as +See and +SeeAlso elements. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. +A rendered index usually places secondary items under primary items +and tertiary items under secondary. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain indexentry: +index +indexdiv +setindex +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in indexentry: +primaryie +secondaryie +seealsoie +seeie +tertiaryie +. + + + +See Also + +indexterm +primary +primaryie +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +tertiary +tertiaryie +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + index +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +indexinfo +indexinfo +Element + + +indexinfo +Meta-information for an Index + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +indexinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The IndexInfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a Index. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain indexinfo: +index +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in indexinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2005-04-15 15:17:22 +0200 (Fri, 15 Apr 2005) $ +$Revision: 4548 $ + + + +elements +indexterm +indexterm +Element + + +indexterm +A wrapper for terms to be indexed + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +indexterm ::= +(primary?, + ((secondary, + ((tertiary, + (see|seealso+)?)| + see|seealso+)?)| + see|seealso+)?) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +significance + +normal +preferred + +"normal" + + +zone +IDREFS +None + + +pagenum +CDATA +None + + +scope + +all +global +local + +None + + +type +CDATA +None + + +startref +IDREF +None + + +class + +endofrange +singular +startofrange + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bibliocomponent.mix +bookcomponent.content + + +component.mix +cptr.char.mix +divcomponent.mix + + +docinfo.char.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +glossdef.mix +highlights.mix +info.class + + +legalnotice.mix +listpreamble.mix +ndxterm.class + + +para.char.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +smallcptr.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +tbl.table.mdl + + +title.char.mix +word.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +IndexTerms identify text that is to be placed in the +index. In the simplest case, the placement of the +IndexTerm in the document identifies the location of +the term in the text. In other words, the IndexTerm +is placed in the flow of the document at the point where the +IndexEntry in the Index should point. In +other cases, attributes on IndexTerm are used to +identify the location of the term in the text. + + + +IndexTerms mark either a single point in the document +or a range. A single point is marked with an IndexTerm +placed in the text at the point of reference. +There are two ways to identify a range of text: + + + + +Place an IndexTerm at the beginning of the range with +Class set to StartOfRange and +give this term an ID. +Place another IndexTerm at the end of the range with +StartRef pointing to the +ID of the starting IndexTerm. +This second IndexTerm must be empty. + + +The advantage of this method is that the range can span unbalanced element +boundaries. + + + + +Place the IndexTerm anywhere you like and point to the +element that contains the range of text you wish to index with the +Zone attribute on the IndexTerm. +Note that Zone is defined as +IDREFS so a single IndexTerm can point to +multiple ranges. + + +The advantage of this method is that IndexTerms can be +collected together or even stored totally outside the flow of the +document (in the meta for example). + + + + + +Processing expectations + +IndexTerms are suppressed in the primary text flow, although they +contribute to the population of an index and serve as anchors for +cross references. +Under no +circumstances is the actual content of IndexTerm +rendered in the primary flow. + + + +It is possible to construct index terms that are difficult to parse at +best and totally illogical at worst. Consider the following: + + + +<indexterm class='startofrange' zone="id1 id2">...</indexterm> + + + + + +There is no way that this can fit into the semantics of an +IndexTerm. Although it claims to be the start of a range, +it does not have an +ID for the end-of-range +IndexTerm to point back to. +In addition, it includes zoned terms, and mixing the two +different methods for indicating a range in the same IndexTerm +is probably a bad idea. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain indexterm: +abbrev +accel +ackno +acronym +action +answer +appendix +appendixinfo +application +article +articleinfo +artpagenums +attribution +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +bibliodiv +biblioentry +bibliography +bibliographyinfo +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +blockinfo +blockquote +bookinfo +bridgehead +callout +caution +chapter +chapterinfo +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +city +classname +classsynopsisinfo +code +collabname +command +computeroutput +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +constant +constraintdef +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +country +database +date +dedication +edition +email +emphasis +entry +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +example +exceptionname +fax +figure +filename +firstname +firstterm +foreignphrase +formalpara +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glossary +glossaryinfo +glossdef +glossdiv +glossentry +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +highlights +holder +honorific +important +index +indexinfo +informalexample +informalfigure +initializer +interface +interfacename +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itemizedlist +itermset +jobtitle +keycap +keycode +keysym +label +legalnotice +lineage +lineannotation +link +listitem +literal +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +markup +medialabel +member +methodname +modespec +modifier +mousebutton +msgaud +msgexplan +msglevel +msgorig +msgtext +note +objectinfo +olink +option +optional +orderedlist +orgdiv +orgname +otheraddr +othername +package +pagenums +para +parameter +partinfo +partintro +phone +phrase +pob +postcode +preface +prefaceinfo +procedure +productname +productnumber +programlisting +prompt +property +pubdate +publishername +pubsnumber +qandadiv +qandaset +question +quote +refentry +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refmeta +refmiscinfo +refpurpose +refsect1 +refsect1info +refsect2 +refsect2info +refsect3 +refsect3info +refsection +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdiv +refsynopsisdivinfo +releaseinfo +remark +returnvalue +revdescription +revnumber +revremark +screen +screeninfo +sect1 +sect1info +sect2 +sect2info +sect3 +sect3info +sect4 +sect4info +sect5 +sect5info +section +sectioninfo +seg +segtitle +seriesvolnums +setindex +setindexinfo +setinfo +sgmltag +shortaffil +sidebar +sidebarinfo +simpara +simplesect +state +step +street +structfield +structname +subtitle +surname +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +table +task +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +term +termdef +th +tip +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +variablelist +varname +volumenum +warning +wordasword +year +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in indexterm: +primary +secondary +see +seealso +tertiary +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class identifies the type of +IndexTerm. If StartRef is supplied, +the default for Class is EndOfRange, +otherwise it is Singular. + + + +pagenum + + +PageNum indicates the page on which this +index term occurs in some version of the printed document. + + + +scope + + +Scope identifies in which indexes the +IndexTerm should appear. Global means the index +for the whole collection of documents, Local means the index +for this document only, and All means both indexes. + + + +significance + + +Significance specifies whether or not +this IndexTerm is considered the most important location +for information about the terms being indexed. Generally, +Preferred IndexTerms get special typographic +treatment in the Index. + + + +startref + + +The use of StartRef implies a spanning index +entry. StartRef is used on the term that +defines the end of the span and points to the term which defines the +beginning. + + + +type + +FIXME: + + + +zone + + +The use of Zone implies a spanning index +entry. Zone holds the IDs of the elements +to which it applies. The IndexTerm applies to the contents +of the entire element(s) to which it points. If Zone is used, the physical placement of the IndexTerm in the flow +of the document is irrelevant. + + + + + +See Also + +indexentry +primary +primaryie +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +tertiary +tertiaryie +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The Tiger<indexterm> +<primary>Big Cats</primary> +<secondary>Tigers</secondary></indexterm> +is a very large cat indeed. +</para> + + + + +The Tiger +Big Cats +Tigers +is a very large cat indeed. + + + + +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter><title>Example Chapter</title> + +<!-- index term for "Example Chapter" is a span --> +<indexterm id="idxexchap" class='startofrange'> + <primary>Example Chapter</primary></indexterm> + +<!-- index term for "Example Chapter" also cross references the + "Examples" entry in the index --> +<indexterm><primary>Example Chapter</primary> + <seealso>Examples</seealso></indexterm> + +<!-- index term for "Chapter, Example" refers the reader to the entry + under which the index term is actually listed, "Example Chapter" --> +<indexterm><primary>Chapter</primary><secondary>Example</secondary> + <see>Example Chapter</see></indexterm> + +<!-- other content --> + +<!-- index term, end of "Example Chapter" span --> +<indexterm startref="idxexchap" class="endofrange"/> + +<para>some content</para> +</chapter> + + + +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter><title>Example Chapter</title> +<indexterm zone="a1"><primary>Network Configuration</primary></indexterm> +<!-- other content here --> +<sect1 id="a1"><title>Configuring Your Network</title> +<para>&hellip;</para> +</sect1> +</chapter> + + +For additional examples, see also + + chapter +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +informalequation +informalequation +Element + + +informalequation +A displayed mathematical equation without a title + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +informalequation ::= +(blockinfo?, + (alt?, + (graphic+|mediaobject+|mathphrase+))) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +floatstyle +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +informal.class +listpreamble.mix +para.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +An InformalEquation is usually a mathematical equation or a +group of related mathematical equations. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. + +It is an error to supply a title in the +blockinfo for an informal example. + + + +Parents +These elements contain informalequation: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +equation +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in informalequation: +alt +blockinfo +graphic +mathphrase +mediaobject +. + + + +See Also + +equation +example +figure +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +inlineequation +subscript +superscript +table +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The equation +<informalequation> + <alt>e^(pi*i) + 1 = 0</alt> + <graphic fileref="figures/epi10.png"/> +</informalequation> +is delightful because it joins together five of the most +important mathematical constants. +</para> + + + + +The equation + + e^(pi*i) + 1 = 0 + + +is delightful because it joins together five of the most +important mathematical constants. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + mml-math +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +informalexample +informalexample +Element + + +informalexample +A displayed example without a title + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +informalexample ::= +(blockinfo?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|literallayout| + programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|indexterm|beginpage|procedure)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +width +CDATA +None + + +floatstyle +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +informal.class +listpreamble.mix +para.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +InformalExample is a wrapper for an example without a title. +Examples often +contain ProgramListings or other large block elements. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. + +It is an error to supply a title in the +blockinfo for an informal example. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain informalexample: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in informalexample: +address +beginpage +bibliolist +blockinfo +blockquote +calloutlist +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +fieldsynopsis +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +variablelist +. + + + +Attributes + +width + + +Width specifies the width (in characters) +of the longest line in this InformalExample (formatters may use +this value to determine scaling or rotation). + + + + + +See Also + +equation +example +figure +informalequation +informalfigure +informaltable +table +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE informalexample PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<informalexample> +<programlisting> +sub print_content_model { + my($self) = shift; + local($_) = shift; + local(*FILE) = shift; + + my(@cm) = $self->format_content_model2($_); + foreach $_ (@cm) { + print FILE $self->make_links($_, 1, 1), "\n"; + } +} +</programlisting> +</informalexample> + + + + + +sub print_content_model { + my($self) = shift; + local($_) = shift; + local(*FILE) = shift; + + my(@cm) = $self->format_content_model2($_); + foreach $_ (@cm) { + print FILE $self->make_links($_, 1, 1), "\n"; + } +} + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + screenco +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +informalfigure +informalfigure +Element + + +informalfigure +A untitled figure + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +informalfigure ::= +(blockinfo?, + (literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco| + screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis| + fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis| + methodsynopsis|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|indexterm|beginpage|link|olink|ulink)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +floatstyle +CDATA +None + + +float +CDATA +"0" + + +pgwide +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +informal.class +listpreamble.mix +para.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +An InformalFigure is a figure without a title. Figures often +contain Graphics, or other large display elements. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. + +It is an error to supply a title in the +blockinfo for an informal figure. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain informalfigure: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in informalfigure: +address +beginpage +blockinfo +blockquote +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +fieldsynopsis +funcsynopsis +graphic +graphicco +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +link +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +olink +programlisting +programlistingco +screen +screenco +screenshot +synopsis +ulink +. + + + +Attributes + +float + + +If Float has the value 1 (true), then the +processing system is free to move the figure to a convenient location. +(Where convenient location may be described in the style sheet or may +be application dependent.) A value of 0 (false) indicates that the +figure should be placed precisely where it occurs in the flow. + + + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +pgwide + + +If Pgwide has the value 0 (false), then the +InformalFigure is rendered in the current text flow (with flow +column width). A value of 1 (true) specifies that the figure should be +rendered across the full text page. + + + + + +See Also + +equation +example +figure +informalequation +informalexample +informaltable +table +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE informalfigure PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<informalfigure> +<mediaobject> +<imageobject> +<imagedata fileref="watarun.eps" srccredit="Norman Walsh, 1998"/> +</imageobject> +<textobject><phrase>Wat Arun</phrase></textobject> +<caption><para>Wat Arun, Temple of the Dawn, on the Chao Phraya River +in Bangkok, +Thailand. In April, 1998, Wat Arun was in the midst of renovation.</para> +</caption> +</mediaobject> +</informalfigure> + + + + + + + + +Wat Arun +Wat Arun, Temple of the Dawn, on the Chao Phraya River +in Bangkok, +Thailand. In April, 1998, Wat Arun was in the midst of renovation. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +informaltable +informaltable +Element + + +informaltable +A table without a title + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +informaltable ::= +(blockinfo?, + ((textobject*, + (graphic+|mediaobject+|tgroup+))| + ((col*|colgroup*), + thead?,tfoot?, + (tbody+|tr+)))) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +rowsep +CDATA +None + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +floatstyle +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +left +right + +None + + +pgwide +CDATA +None + + +orient + +land +port + +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +width +CDATA +None + + +frame + +above +all +below +border +bottom +box +hsides +lhs +none +rhs +sides +top +topbot +void +vsides + +None + + +rules +CDATA +None + + +bgcolor +CDATA +None + + +summary +CDATA +None + + +tabstyle +CDATA +None + + +cellspacing +CDATA +None + + +colsep +CDATA +None + + +shortentry +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +border +CDATA +None + + +rowheader + +firstcol +norowheader + +None + + +cellpadding +CDATA +None + + +tocentry +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +informal.class +listpreamble.mix +para.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +An InformalTable element identifies an informal +table (one without a Title). DocBook uses the CALS +table model, which describes tables geometrically using rows, +columns, and cells. + + +Tables may include column headers and footers, but there is no +provision for row headers. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. + +It is an error to supply a title in the +blockinfo for an informal table. + +This element is expected to obey the semantics +of the CALS Table Model +Document Type Definition, as specified by +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995 +. + + +Future Changes +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 +The +OASIS +Exchange Table Model +will replace the full OASIS Table Model. + + + +Parents +These elements contain informaltable: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +th +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in informaltable: +blockinfo +col +colgroup +graphic +mediaobject +tbody +textobject +tfoot +tgroup +thead +tr +. + + + +Attributes + +colsep + + +If ColSep has the value 1 (true), then +a rule will be drawn to the right of all columns in this table. +A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. +The rule to the right of the last column in the table is controlled by the +Frame attribute, not the +ColSep. + + + +frame + +Frame specifies how the table is to be framed: + + + + + + +ValueMeaning + + + + + all + Frame all four sides of the table. In some environments with limited +control over table border formatting, such as HTML, this may imply additional borders. + + + + bottom + Frame only the bottom of the table. + + + none + Place no border on the table. In some environments with limited +control over table border formatting, such as HTML, this may disable other borders as +well. + + + sides + Frame the left and right sides of the table. + + + top + Frame the top of the table. + + + topbot + Frame the top and bottom of the table. + + + + + +There is no way to obtain a border on only the starting edge +(left, in left-to-right writing systems) of the table. + + + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +orient + + +Orient specifies the orientation of the +InformalTable. An orientation of Port is +the upright, the same orientation as the rest of the text flow. +An orientation of Land is 90 degrees counterclockwise +from the upright orientation. + + + +pgwide + + +If Pgwide has the value 0 (false), then the +InformalTable is rendered in the current text flow (with flow +column width). A value of 1 (true) specifies that the table should be +rendered across the full text page. + + + +rowsep + + +If RowSep has the value 1 (true), then a +rule will be drawn below all the rows in the InformalTable +(unless other, interior elements, suppress some or all of the rules). +A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. The rule below the last row +in the table is controlled by the Frame +attribute and the RowSep +of the last row is ignored. + + + +shortentry + + +This attribute is meaningless on InformalTable.. + + + +tabstyle + + +TabStyle holds the name of a table style +defined in a stylesheet (e.g., a FOSI) that will be used +to process this document. + + + +tocentry + + +This attribute is meaningless on InformalTable. + + + + + +See Also + +colspec +entry +entrytbl +equation +example +figure +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +row +spanspec +table +tbody +tfoot +tgroup +thead +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE informaltable PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<informaltable frame='none'> +<tgroup cols='2'> +<colspec colwidth='0.5in'/> +<colspec colwidth='0.5in'/> +<tbody> +<row><entry>1</entry><entry>1</entry></row> +<row><entry>2</entry><entry>4</entry></row> +<row><entry>3</entry><entry>9</entry></row> +</tbody> +</tgroup> +</informaltable> + + + + + + + + +11 +24 +39 + + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + entrytbl + footnoteref +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +initializer +initializer +Element + + +initializer +The initializer for a FieldSynopsis + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +initializer ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +An Initializer identifies the initial or default +value for a field (FieldSynopsis) or +method parameter (MethodParam). + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. May be suppressed in some contexts. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain initializer: +fieldsynopsis +methodparam +paramdef +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in initializer: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +inlineequation +inlineequation +Element + + +inlineequation +A mathematical equation or expression occurring inline + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +inlineequation ::= +((alt?, + (graphic+|inlinemediaobject+|mathphrase+))) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +inlineobj.char.class +para.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +title.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +InlineEquations are expressions (usually mathematical) that +occur in the text flow. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + +InlineEquation should not contain Graphic. +Instead, it should contain InlineGraphic. Within an +InlineEquation, Graphic should be rendered inline. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +In DocBook V5.0, InlineGraphic and Graphic will be +discarded. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain inlineequation: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +remark +screen +screeninfo +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in inlineequation: +alt +graphic +inlinemediaobject +mathphrase +. + + + +See Also + +equation +informalequation +subscript +superscript +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Einstein's theory of relativity includes one of the most +widely recognized formulas in the world: +<inlineequation> + <alt>e=mc^2</alt> + <graphic fileref="figures/emc2.png"/> +</inlineequation> +</para> + + + + +Einstein's theory of relativity includes one of the most +widely recognized formulas in the world: + + e=mc^2 + + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + inlinemediaobject +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +inlinegraphic +inlinegraphic +Element + + +inlinegraphic +An object containing or pointing to graphical data that will be rendered inline + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +inlinegraphic ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +width +CDATA +None + + +srccredit +CDATA +None + + +contentdepth +CDATA +None + + +entityref +ENTITY +None + + +scalefit +CDATA +None + + +contentwidth +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +left +right + +None + + +valign + +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +depth +CDATA +None + + +fileref +CDATA +None + + +format + +BMP +CGM-BINARY +CGM-CHAR +CGM-CLEAR +DITROFF +DVI +EPS +EQN +FAX +GIF +GIF87a +GIF89a +IGES +JPEG +JPG +linespecific +PCX +PDF +PIC +PNG +PS +SGML +SVG +SWF +TBL +TEX +TIFF +WMF +WPG + +None + + +scale +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +docinfo.char.mix +inlineobj.char.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +smallcptr.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix +word.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +This element contains graphical data, or a pointer to an +external entity containing graphical data. One of the +deficiencies of the DocBook Graphic element is that +there is no way to specify an alternate text description of the +graphic. This has been rectified by the introduction of +InlineMediaObject. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + +There are several ways to provide content for a +Graphic. It is best to use only one of these +methods. However, if multiple graphic sources are provided, the +processing expectations are as follows: element content should be used +in favor of either EntityRef or FileRef and EntityRef +should be used in favor of FileRef. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, InlineGraphic will be declared EMPTY. +This change will require that any embedded graphic content be stored outside the +SGML source and pointed to with an +EntityRef or +FileRef attribute. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +In DocBook V5.0, InlineGraphic will be discarded. At that +time, graphics will have to be incorporated using +MediaObject or InlineMediaObject. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain inlinegraphic: +abbrev +accel +ackno +acronym +action +application +artpagenums +attribution +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +bibliosource +bridgehead +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +city +classname +classsynopsisinfo +code +collabname +command +computeroutput +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +constant +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +country +database +date +edition +email +emphasis +entry +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fax +filename +firstname +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +holder +honorific +initializer +interface +interfacename +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +jobtitle +keycap +keycode +keysym +label +lineage +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +markup +medialabel +member +methodname +modespec +modifier +mousebutton +msgaud +msglevel +msgorig +olink +option +optional +orgdiv +orgname +otheraddr +othername +package +pagenums +para +parameter +phone +phrase +pob +postcode +primary +primaryie +productname +productnumber +programlisting +prompt +property +pubdate +publishername +pubsnumber +quote +refentrytitle +refmiscinfo +releaseinfo +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revnumber +revremark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +seriesvolnums +sgmltag +shortaffil +simpara +state +street +structfield +structname +subscript +subtitle +superscript +surname +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +volumenum +wordasword +year +. + + + +Attributes + +align + + +Align specifies the horizontal alignment +of the graphic within the element that frames it. + + + +depth + + +Depth specifies the desired depth (vertical +distance, at least in horizontal writing systems) of the +image. + + + +entityref + + +EntityRef identifies the general entity +which contains (or points to) the content of the graphic. + + + +fileref + + +FileRef specifies the name of the file +which contains the content of the graphic. + + + +format + + +Format identifies the format of the graphic +content. The Format must be a defined +notation. + + + +scale + + +Scale specifies integer representing a +percentage scaling factor (retaining the relative dimensions of the +original graphic). If unspecified, the value 100 (100%) is assumed. + + + +scalefit + + +If ScaleFit has the value 1 (true), then +the graphic is to be scaled (uniformly) to the specified width or depth. +The default value of 0 (false) indicates that the image will not be +scaled to fit (although it may still be scaled by the +Scale attribute). + + + +srccredit + + +SrcCredit contains details about the source +of the InlineGraphic. + + + +width + + +Width indicates the width of the graphic. + + + + + +See Also + +alt +audioobject +caption +graphic +imageobject +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +textobject +videoobject +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + guibutton + guiicon + guilabel +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +inlinemediaobject +inlinemediaobject +Element + + +inlinemediaobject +An inline media object (video, audio, image, and so on) + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +inlinemediaobject ::= +(objectinfo?, + (videoobject|audioobject|imageobject|imageobjectco|textobject)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +docinfo.char.mix +inlineequation.content + + +inlineobj.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +smallcptr.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + +word.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +InlineMediaObject contains a set of alternative +“graphical objects.” In DocBook V3.1, three types of +external graphical objects are defined: VideoObjects, +AudioObjects, and ImageObjects. Additional +textual descriptions may be provided with TextObjects. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + +The primary purpose of the InlineMediaObject is to provide +a wrapper around a set of alternative presentations of the same +information. + + +If possible, the processing system should use the content of the +first object within the InlineMediaObject. If the first +object cannot be used, the remaining objects should be +considered in the order that they occur. A processor should use +the first object that it can, although it is free to choose any +of the remaining objects if the primary one cannot be used. + + +Under no circumstances should more than one object in an +InlineMediaObject be used or presented at the same time. + + +For example, an InlineMediaObject might contain a high +resolution image, a low resolution image, and +a text description. For print publishing, the high resolution image is used; +for online systems, either the high or low resolution image is used, +possibly including the text description as an online alternative. +In a text-only environment, the text description is used. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +In DocBook V5.0, InlineMediaObject will replace +InlineGraphic. + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain inlinemediaobject: +abbrev +accel +ackno +acronym +action +application +artpagenums +attribution +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +bibliosource +bridgehead +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +city +classname +classsynopsisinfo +code +collabname +command +computeroutput +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +constant +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +country +database +date +edition +email +emphasis +entry +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fax +filename +firstname +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +holder +honorific +initializer +inlineequation +interface +interfacename +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +jobtitle +keycap +keycode +keysym +label +lineage +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +markup +medialabel +member +methodname +modespec +modifier +mousebutton +msgaud +msglevel +msgorig +olink +option +optional +orgdiv +orgname +otheraddr +othername +package +pagenums +para +parameter +phone +phrase +pob +postcode +primary +primaryie +productname +productnumber +programlisting +prompt +property +pubdate +publishername +pubsnumber +quote +refentrytitle +refmiscinfo +releaseinfo +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revnumber +revremark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +seriesvolnums +sgmltag +shortaffil +simpara +state +street +structfield +structname +subscript +subtitle +superscript +surname +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +volumenum +wordasword +year +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in inlinemediaobject: +audioobject +imageobject +imageobjectco +objectinfo +textobject +videoobject +. + + + +See Also + +alt +audioobject +caption +graphic +imageobject +inlinegraphic +mediaobject +textobject +videoobject +. + + + +Examples + + +In the following example, the InlineEquation uses +InlineMediaObject to provide to alternate renderings +for the equation. One is a graphic, the other is a text representation. + + + +For display purposes, both in print and in the online presentation, +the graphic is selected. If you were generating content for some +other medium, a text only browser or a cell phone, for example, only +the text representation might be selected. + + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Einstein's most famous equation, +<inlineequation> +<inlinemediaobject> +<imageobject> +<imagedata fileref="figures/emc2.png"/> +</imageobject> +<textobject> +<phrase>E=mc<superscript>2</superscript></phrase> +</textobject> +</inlinemediaobject> +</inlineequation>, expresses the relationship between matter +and energy. +</para> + + + + +Einstein's most famous equation, + + + + + + +E=mc2 + + +, expresses the relationship between matter +and energy. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +interface +interface +Element + + +interface +An element of a GUI + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +interface ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage|accel)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +An Interface identifies some part of a graphical user +interface. This element became obsolete in DocBook V3.0 with the +introduction of +GUIButton, +GUIIcon, +GUILabel, +GUIMenu, +GUIMenuItem, and +GUISubMenu. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, the Class attribute will be dropped from +Interface. Use one of the GUI* tags +instead or subclass locally with the Role attribute. + + +The content model of Interface will also be constrained to +(#PCDATA | Replaceable | InlineGraphic). + + + + +Parents +These elements contain interface: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +menuchoice +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in interface: +accel +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Interface. + + + + + +See Also + +classname +property +structfield +structname +symbol +token +type +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +interfacename +interfacename +Element + + +interfacename +The name of an interface + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +interfacename ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The InterfaceName element is used to identify the +name of an interface. This is likely to occur only in documentation +about object-oriented programming systems, languages, and +architectures. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain interfacename: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +oointerface +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in interfacename: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +invpartnumber +invpartnumber +Element + + +invpartnumber +An inventory part number + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +invpartnumber ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +An InvPartNumber identifies a number (an +inventory part number) in some organization-specific numbering +scheme. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + +DocBook does not control, or specify, the +numbering scheme used by an InvPartNumber. +It is likely that this number uniquely identifies the document within +the organization that assigns the numbers. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain invpartnumber: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in invpartnumber: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +biblioid +isbn +issn +issuenum +productnumber +pubsnumber +seriesvolnums +volumenum +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +isbn +isbn +Element + + +isbn +The International Standard Book Number of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +isbn ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +An ISBN is the International +Standard Book Number of a document. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + +Deprecated as of DocBook V4.2, see biblioid instead. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain isbn: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in isbn: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +biblioid +invpartnumber +issn +issuenum +productnumber +pubsnumber +seriesvolnums +volumenum +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + bibliography +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +issn +issn +Element + + +issn +The International Standard Serial Number of a periodical + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +issn ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +An ISSN is the International +Standard Serial Number of a periodical. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + +Deprecated as of DocBook V4.2, see biblioid instead. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain issn: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in issn: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +biblioid +invpartnumber +isbn +issuenum +productnumber +pubsnumber +seriesvolnums +volumenum +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + bibliography + biblioset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +issuenum +issuenum +Element + + +issuenum +The number of an issue of a journal + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +issuenum ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +The IssueNum contains the issue number of a periodical. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain issuenum: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in issuenum: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +biblioid +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +productnumber +pubsnumber +seriesvolnums +volumenum +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + article + bibliography + bibliomset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +itemizedlist +itemizedlist +Element + + +itemizedlist +A list in which each entry is marked with a bullet or other dingbat + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +itemizedlist ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (caution|important|note|tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting| + programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis| + cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)*, + listitem+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +mark +CDATA +None + + +spacing + +compact +normal + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +footnote.mix + + +glossdef.mix +highlights.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +list.class +para.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +textobject.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +In an ItemizedList, each member of the list is +marked with a bullet, dash, or other symbol. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +DocBook specifies neither the initial mark nor the sequence of marks +to be used in nested lists. If explicit control is desired, the +Mark attribute should be used. The +values of the Mark attribute are expected +to be keywords, not representations (numerical character references, +entities, and so on.) of the actual mark. + + +In order to enforce a standard set of marks at your organization, +it may be useful to construct a customization layer that limits +the values of the Mark attribute to +an enumerated list. See . + + + +Future Changes +Introductory material may appear before the first list item. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain itemizedlist: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +highlights +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in itemizedlist: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +blockinfo +blockquote +bridgehead +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +fieldsynopsis +formalpara +funcsynopsis +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +listitem +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +note +para +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +simpara +synopsis +tip +title +titleabbrev +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +mark + + +Mark contains a keyword indicating the type +of mark to be used on items in this ItemizedList. DocBook does +not provide a fixed list of appropriate keywords. + + + +spacing + + +Spacing indicates whether or not the +vertical space in the list should be minimized. + + + + + +See Also + +calloutlist +listitem +orderedlist +segmentedlist +simplelist +variablelist +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE itemizedlist PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<itemizedlist mark='opencircle'> +<listitem> +<para> +TeX and LaTeX +</para> +</listitem> +<listitem override='bullet'> +<para> +Troff +</para> +</listitem> +<listitem> +<para> +Lout +</para> +</listitem> +</itemizedlist> + + + + + + +TeX and LaTeX + + + + +Troff + + + + +Lout + + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + highlights + para + xref +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +itermset +itermset +Element + + +itermset +A set of index terms in the meta-information of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +itermset ::= +(indexterm+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +info.class + + + + + + + + +Description + + +When IndexTerms use the Zone +attribute to point to index ranges, it may be handy to hoist them +out of the flow and put them in the document meta-information. + + +The ITermSet element, which occurs in the DocBook containers +for meta-information, is one place to put them. ITermSet is +simply a wrapper around a group of IndexTerms. + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. + + +Although more than one ITermSet may appear in the +meta-information for a document, neither a relationship nor a specific +facility for constructing a relationship is defined. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain itermset: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in itermset: +indexterm +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + chapter +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +jobtitle +jobtitle +Element + + +jobtitle +The title of an individual in an organization + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +jobtitle ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A JobTitle describes the position of an individual within +an organization. This tag is generally reserved for the name of the +title for which an individual is paid. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain jobtitle: +affiliation +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in jobtitle: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +affiliation +corpname +orgdiv +orgname +shortaffil +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + author + authorgroup +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +keycap +keycap +Element + + +keycap +The text printed on a key on a keyboard + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +keycap ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +function + +alt +backspace +command +control +delete +down +end +enter +escape +home +insert +left +meta +option +other +pagedown +pageup +right +shift +space +tab +up + +None + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +otherfunction +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The KeyCap identifies the text printed on a physical key +on a computer keyboard. This is distinct from any scan code +that it may generate (KeyCode), or any symbolic name +(KeySym) that might exist for the key. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, the content model of KeyCap will be +constrained to (#PCDATA | Replaceable | +InlineGraphic). + + + + +Parents +These elements contain keycap: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +keycombo +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +shortcut +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in keycap: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Keycap. + + + + + +See Also + +accel +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +keycode +keycombo +keysym +menuchoice +mousebutton +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The <keycap>F1</keycap> key on an IBM PC keyboard generates the +scan code <keycode>0x3B</keycode> when pressed. This value +is defined as <keysym>KEY_F1</keysym> in +<filename class="headerfile">keyboard.h</filename>. +</para> + + + + +The F1 key on an IBM PC keyboard generates the +scan code 0x3B when pressed. This value +is defined as KEY_F1 in +keyboard.h. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + keycode + keycombo + keysym +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +keycode +keycode +Element + + +keycode +The internal, frequently numeric, identifier for a key on a keyboard + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +keycode ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The KeyCode identifies the numeric value associated with +a key on a computer keyboard. This is distinct from any scan code +that it may generate (KeyCode), or any symbolic name +(KeySym) that might exist for the key. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain keycode: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in keycode: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +accel +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +keycap +keycombo +keysym +menuchoice +mousebutton +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The <keycap>F1</keycap> key on an IBM PC keyboard generates the +scan code <keycode>0x3B</keycode> when pressed. This value +is defined as <keysym>KEY_F1</keysym> in +<filename class="headerfile">keyboard.h</filename>. +</para> + + + + +The F1 key on an IBM PC keyboard generates the +scan code 0x3B when pressed. This value +is defined as KEY_F1 in +keyboard.h. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + keycap + keysym +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +keycombo +keycombo +Element + + +keycombo +A combination of input actions + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +keycombo ::= +((keycap|keycombo|keysym|mousebutton)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +otheraction +CDATA +None + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +action + +click +double-click +other +press +seq +simul + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +For actions that require multiple keystrokes, mouse actions, or other +physical input selections, the KeyCombo element provides a +wrapper for the entire set of events. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain keycombo: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +keycombo +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +shortcut +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in keycombo: +keycap +keycombo +keysym +mousebutton +. + + + +Attributes + +action + + +Action identifies the nature of the action +taken. If KeyCombo contains more than one action element, +Simul is the default value for Action, +otherwise there is no default. + + +If Other is specified, OtherAction +should be used to identify the nature of the action. + + + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Keycombo. + + + +otheraction + + +OtherAction should be used when +Action is set to Other. It +identifes the nature of the action in some application-specific way. + + + + + +See Also + +accel +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +keycap +keycode +keysym +menuchoice +mousebutton +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +To move a highlighted region, use +<keycombo action='simul'> + <keycap>Shift</keycap> + <mousebutton>Button1</mousebutton> +</keycombo> +and drag the text to the new location. +</para> + + + + +To move a highlighted region, use + + Shift + Button1 + +and drag the text to the new location. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + guimenu + guimenuitem + menuchoice + shortcut +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +keysym +keysym +Element + + +keysym +The symbolic name of a key on a keyboard + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +keysym ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The KeySym identifies the symbolic name of a key on a +computer keyboard. This is distinct from any scan code +that it may generate (KeyCode), or any symbolic name +(KeySym) that might exist for the key. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain keysym: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +keycombo +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +shortcut +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in keysym: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +accel +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +keycap +keycode +keycombo +menuchoice +mousebutton +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The <keycap>F1</keycap> key on an IBM PC keyboard generates the +scan code <keycode>0x3B</keycode> when pressed. This value +is defined as <keysym>KEY_F1</keysym> in +<filename class="headerfile">keyboard.h</filename>. +</para> + + + + +The F1 key on an IBM PC keyboard generates the +scan code 0x3B when pressed. This value +is defined as KEY_F1 in +keyboard.h. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + guimenu + guimenuitem + keycap + keycode + menuchoice + shortcut +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +keyword +keyword +Element + + +keyword +One of a set of keywords describing the content of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +keyword ::= +(#PCDATA) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A Keyword is a term describing the content of a document. +The keyword applies to the document +component that contains it. + + +Processing expectations + +Keywords are rarely displayed to a reader. Usually, they +are reserved for searching and retrieval purposes. If they are +displayed, they may be displayed either inline or as a displayed +block, depending on context. + + +Unlike SubjectTerms, which should be drawn from a +controlled vocabulary, keywords may be chosen freely. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain keyword: +keywordset +. + + + +See Also + +keywordset +subject +subjectset +subjectterm +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + chapter +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +keywordset +keywordset +Element + + +keywordset +A set of keywords describing the content of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +keywordset ::= +(keyword+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +info.class + + + + + + + + +Description + + +A set of keywords, provided by the author, editor, publisher, and so on, can +be stored in the document meta-information in a KeywordSet. + + + +Keywords can form an important part of an automated indexing or searching +strategy for a collection of documents. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Keywords are rarely displayed to a reader. Usually, they +are reserved for searching and retrieval purposes. + + +Unlike SubjectTerms, which should be drawn from a +controlled vocabulary, keywords may be chosen freely. + + + +Although more than one KeywordSet may appear in the +meta-information for a document, neither a relationship nor a specific +facility for constructing a relationship is defined by DocBook. + + + +Additionally, no relationship is defined between the +KeywordSets of a document component and the +KeywordSets of its parents or children. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain keywordset: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in keywordset: +keyword +. + + + +See Also + +keyword +subject +subjectset +subjectterm +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + chapter +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +label +label +Element + + +label +A label on a Question or Answer + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +label ::= +(#PCDATA|acronym|emphasis|trademark|link|olink|ulink|anchor| + remark|subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject| + indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The Label of a Question or +Answer identifies the +label that is to be used when formatting the question or answer. + + +Processing expectations + +The Label element +is used as the label for the Question or +Answer. A processing application might, for +example, format the label as a heading preceding the question or +answer contents, or it might format it as a run-in heading in the +first paragraph of the question or answer. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain label: +answer +question +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in label: +acronym +anchor +beginpage +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +legalnotice +legalnotice +Element + + +legalnotice +A statement of legal obligations or requirements + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +legalnotice ::= +(blockinfo?,title?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|formalpara|para|simpara|blockquote| + indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +info.class + + + + + + + + +Description + + +LegalNotice identifies a statement of legal obligation, +requirement, or warranty. It occurs in the meta-information for a document in which it frequently explains copyright, trademark, and other legal +formalities of a document. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +LegalNotices may be presented in a number of ways. In +printed documents, they often occur on the verso of the title page, +sometimes in a reduced font size. Online, they may occur on the +title page or in a separate document behind a hypertext link. + + + +Parents +These elements contain legalnotice: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in legalnotice: +beginpage +bibliolist +blockinfo +blockquote +calloutlist +caution +formalpara +glosslist +important +indexterm +itemizedlist +literallayout +note +orderedlist +para +programlisting +programlistingco +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +tip +title +variablelist +warning +. + + + +See Also + +copyright +trademark +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + book + bookinfo + sect1info +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +lhs +lhs +Element + + +lhs +The left-hand side of an EBNF production + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +lhs ::= +(#PCDATA) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +tbl.frame.attval + + + + + + + + +Description + +This element is only available if you are using the +EBNF Module. + +The left-hand side (LHS) of a production is a +non-terminal defined in terms of the right-hand side (RHS) +of the Production. + + +Parents +These elements contain lhs: +production +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + productionset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +lineage +lineage +Element + + +lineage +The portion of a person's name indicating a relationship to ancestors + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +lineage ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class +person.ident.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +Lineage is a portion of a person's name, typically +“Jr.” or “Sr.” + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. In an Address, this element may inherit +the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain lineage: +address +appendixinfo +articleinfo +author +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +editor +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +othercredit +partinfo +personname +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in lineage: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +affiliation +firstname +honorific +othername +surname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + authorgroup +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +lineannotation +lineannotation +Element + + +lineannotation +A comment on a line in a verbatim listing + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +lineannotation ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A LineAnnotation is an author or editor's comment on a line +in one of the verbatim environments. These are annotations added by +the documentor, not part of the original listing. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. In verbatim environments like ProgramListing, +which are often presented in a fixed width font, they may get special +typographic treatment, such as italics. + + +If several LineAnnotations occur in the same listing, they +may be aligned horizontally. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain lineannotation: +classsynopsisinfo +funcsynopsisinfo +literallayout +programlisting +rhs +screen +synopsis +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in lineannotation: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +literallayout +programlisting +screen +screenshot +synopsis +userinput +. + + + +Examples + + +The following example, from the description of Entry, shows +how LineAnnotation can be used to annotate a +Screen listing: + + + +<!DOCTYPE screen PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<screen> +&lt;entry> <lineannotation>Error, cannot have a line break before a block element</lineannotation> +&lt;para> +A paragraph of text. +&lt;/para>&lt;/entry> +</screen> + + + + +<entry> Error, cannot have a line break before a block element +<para> +A paragraph of text. +</para></entry> + + + +For additional examples, see also + + productionset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +link +link +Element + + +link +A hypertext link + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +link ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +xrefstyle +CDATA +None + + +endterm +IDREF +None + + +type +CDATA +None + + +linkend +IDREF +Required + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +docinfo.char.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +link.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + +word.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +Link is a general purpose hypertext element. +Usually, Link surrounds the text that should be made +“hot,” (unlike XRef which must generate the text) but +the EndTerm attribute can be used to copy +text from another element. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + +If the Link element has content, +then that content is processed for output +as the “hot” text. +If the Link element has content +and an +EndTerm attribute, then the +content is used and the +EndTerm is ignored. +If the Link element has an +EndTerm attribute and +no content, then the +content of the element pointed to by EndTerm +should be repeated at the location of the Link and used +as the “hot” text. + + +Linking elements must not be nested within other linking +elements (including themselves). Because DocBook is harmonizing +towards XML, this restriction cannot easily be enforced by the DTD. The +processing of nested linking elements is undefined. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain link: +abbrev +ackno +acronym +action +application +artpagenums +attribution +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +bibliosource +bridgehead +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +city +classsynopsisinfo +code +collabname +command +computeroutput +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +country +database +date +edition +email +emphasis +entry +fax +figure +filename +firstname +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +holder +honorific +indexdiv +informalfigure +interfacename +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +jobtitle +keycap +label +lineage +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +member +modespec +msgaud +olink +option +optional +orgdiv +orgname +otheraddr +othername +pagenums +para +parameter +phone +phrase +pob +postcode +primary +primaryie +productname +productnumber +programlisting +property +pubdate +publishername +pubsnumber +quote +refentry +refentrytitle +refmiscinfo +refnamediv +refpurpose +releaseinfo +remark +replaceable +revnumber +revremark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +seriesvolnums +shortaffil +simpara +state +street +subscript +subtitle +superscript +surname +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +volumenum +wordasword +year +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in link: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +endterm + + +Endterm points to the element whose content +is to be used as the text of the link. If Endterm +is supplied on a Link which has content, the value of +Endterm should be ignored. + + + +linkend + + +Linkend points to the target of the link. + + + +type + + +Type is available for application-specific +customization of the linking behavior. + + + + + +See Also + +anchor +olink +ulink +xref +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<sect1><title>Examples of <sgmltag>Link</sgmltag></title> + +<para> +In this sentence <link linkend='nextsect'>this</link> word is +hot and points to the following section. +</para> + +<para> +There is also a link to the section called +<quote><link linkend='nextsect' endterm="nextsect.title"/></quote> +in this sentence. +</para> + +<sect2 id='nextsect'><title id='nextsect.title'>A Subsection</title> + +<para> +This section only exists to be the target of a couple of links. +</para> + +</sect2> +</sect1> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +listitem +listitem +Element + + +listitem +A wrapper for the elements of a list item + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +listitem ::= +((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +override +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +The ListItem element is a wrapper around an item in a list. +In an ItemizedList or an OrderedList, the +ListItem surrounds the entire list item. +In a VariableList, ListItem surrounds the +definition part of the list item. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. List items usually generate the appropriate mark +(a number or bullet) and appear indented, next to the mark. In a +VariableList, the presentation may be influenced by +the length of the Term or Terms that precede +the list item and by attributes on the list itself. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain listitem: +itemizedlist +orderedlist +varlistentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in listitem: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +task +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +override + + +Override specifies the keyword for the type +of mark to be used on this ListItem instead of +the mark currently in use for the list. + + + + + +See Also + +calloutlist +itemizedlist +orderedlist +segmentedlist +simplelist +variablelist +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + highlights + itemizedlist + orderedlist + para + variablelist + xref +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +literal +literal +Element + + +literal +Inline text that is some literal value + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +literal ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Literal is some specific piece of data, taken literally, from +a computer system. It is similar in some ways to UserInput and +ComputerOutput, but is somewhat more of a general +classification. The sorts of things that constitute literals varies by domain. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. A literal is frequently distinguished +typographically and Literal is often used wherever +that typographic presentation is desired. + + +The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +The content model of Literal will be constrained to +(#PCDATA | Replaceable | InlineGraphic) in +DocBook V4.0. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain literal: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in literal: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Literal. + + + + + +See Also + +command +computeroutput +constant +markup +option +optional +parameter +prompt +replaceable +sgmltag +userinput +varname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para>There are several undocumented settings for <varname>debug</varname>, +among them <literal>3.27</literal> to enable a complete trace and +<literal>3.8</literal> to debug the spell checker. For a complete +list of the possible settings, +see <filename class="headerfile">edit/debug.h</filename>.</para> + + + +There are several undocumented settings for debug, +among them 3.27 to enable a complete trace and +3.8 to debug the spell checker. For a complete +list of the possible settings, +see edit/debug.h. + + +For additional examples, see also + + programlistingco +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +literallayout +literallayout +Element + + +literallayout +A block of text in which line breaks and white space are to be reproduced faithfully + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +literallayout ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage|co|coref|textobject|lineannotation)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +width +CDATA +None + + +linenumbering + +numbered +unnumbered + +None + + +language +CDATA +None + + +xml:space + +preserve + +None + + +continuation + +continues +restarts + +None + + +format + +linespecific + +"linespecific" + + +class + +monospaced +normal + +"normal" + + +startinglinenumber +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +linespecific.class +listpreamble.mix + + +para.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +LiteralLayout is a verbatim environment. Unlike the other +verbatim environments, it does not have strong semantic overtones and +may not imply a font change. + + +Processing expectations + +This element is displayed “verbatim”; +whitespace and linebreaks within this element are significant. + + + +Unlike +ProgramListing and Screen, which usually +imply a font change, LiteralLayout does not. +How spaces are to be represented faithfully in a proportional +font is not addressed by DocBook. + + + +In DocBook V3.1, the Class attribute +was added to give users control over the font used in +LiteralLayouts. If the Class attribute is specified and its value is +Monospaced, then the LiteralLayout +will be presented in a monospaced font, probably the same one +used for other verbatim environments. The default value for +Class is Normal, meaning +that no font change will occur. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + +Future Changes +The xml:space attribute is automatically +provided in the XML DTD. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain literallayout: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +epigraph +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in literallayout: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +co +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +coref +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +lineannotation +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +textobject +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class distinguishes between literal layout +environments that are presented in a monospaced font and literal layout +environments that have no implicit font change. + + + +format + + +The Format attribute applies the +linespecific notation to all LiteralLayouts. +All white space and line breaks must be preserved. + + + +linenumbering + +Line numbering indicates whether or not the lines +of a LiteralLayout are to be automatically numbered. The details +of numbering (every line or only selected lines, on the left or right, etc.) +are left up to the processing application. Be aware that not all processors +are capable of numbering lines. + + +width + + +Width specifies the width (in characters) +of the longest line in this LiteralLayout (formatters may use +this value to determine scaling or rotation). + + + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +lineannotation +programlisting +screen +screenshot +synopsis +userinput +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE blockquote PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<blockquote> +<attribution>William Shakespeare, <citetitle>Henry V</citetitle></attribution> +<literallayout> + O, for a muse of fire, that would ascend +The brightest heaven of invention! +A kingdom for a stage, princes to act, +And monarchs to behold the swelling scene! +</literallayout> +</blockquote> + + + +
+William Shakespeare, Henry V + + O, for a muse of fire, that would ascend +The brightest heaven of invention! +A kingdom for a stage, princes to act, +And monarchs to behold the swelling scene! + +
+ + +For additional examples, see also + + attribution + part +. + + +
+ + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +lot +lot +Element + + +lot +A list of the titles of formal objects (as tables or figures) in a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +lot ::= +(beginpage?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + lotentry*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +nav.class +partcontent.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A LoT is a list of titles. It can be used +to generate lists of Figures, Tables, +Examples, or Equations. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. A list of titles in a Book usually +introduces a forced page break. + + +Most often, lists of titles are generated automatically +by the presentation system and never have to be represented explicitly +in the document source. + + + +Parents +These elements contain lot: +appendix +article +book +chapter +part +preface +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in lot: +beginpage +lotentry +subtitle +title +titleabbrev +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying number or string +that may be used in presentation. + + + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE lot PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<lot><title>List of Figures</title> +<lotentry pagenum='5'>The Letters &ldquo;g&rdquo; and &ldquo;h&rdquo; + inside their boxes</lotentry> +<lotentry pagenum='15'>Example figure produced by both TeX and + troff</lotentry> +<!-- ... --> +</lot> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +lotentry +lotentry +Element + + +lotentry +An entry in a list of titles + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +lotentry ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +srccredit +CDATA +None + + +pagenum +CDATA +None + + +linkend +IDREF +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A LoTentry identifies an individual title in a +LoT. For example, in a list of figures, each +individual figure title would be repeated in a LoTentry +in the LoT for the list of figures. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain lotentry: +lot +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in lotentry: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +linkend + + +Linkend points to the element which is +represented in this LoTEntry. + + + +pagenum + + +PageNum indicates the page on which this +entry occurs in some version of the printed document. + + + +srccredit + + +SrcCredit contains details about the source +of the element referenced by this entry. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + lot +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +manvolnum +manvolnum +Element + + +manvolnum +A reference volume number + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +manvolnum ::= +(#PCDATA|acronym|emphasis|trademark|link|olink|ulink|anchor| + remark|subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject| + indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +In a DocBook reference page, the ManVolNum holds +the number of the volume in which the RefEntry belongs. + + +The notion of a volume number is historical. UNIX manual pages (man +pages), for which RefEntry was devised, were typically +stored in three ring binders. Each bound manual was a volume in a set +and contained information about a particular class of things. For +example, volume 1 was for user commands, and volume 8 was for administrator +commands. + + +Volume numbers need not be strictly numerical; volume +l frequently held manual pages for local +additions to the system, and the X Window System manual pages +had an x in the volume number: for example, +1x. + + +Processing expectations + +The content of ManVolNum is usually printed in parentheses +after the element title or citation. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain manvolnum: +citerefentry +refmeta +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in manvolnum: +acronym +anchor +beginpage +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +For a further description of print formats, consult the +<citerefentry><refentrytitle>printf</refentrytitle> +<manvolnum>3S</manvolnum></citerefentry> manual page. +</para> + + + + +For a further description of print formats, consult the +printf +3S manual page. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + citerefentry + refentry +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +markup +markup +Element + + +markup +A string of formatting markup in text that is to be represented literally + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +markup ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Markup contains a string of formatting markup that is to be +represented literally in the text. The utility of this element is almost +wholly constrained to books about document formatting tools. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain markup: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in markup: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +constant +literal +option +optional +parameter +prompt +replaceable +sgmltag +userinput +varname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +A presentation system using TeX as a back end might allow you +to insert inline markup, such as <markup role="tex">$x^2$</markup>, +using TeX syntax directly. +</para> + + + + +A presentation system using TeX as a back end might allow you +to insert inline markup, such as $x^2$, +using TeX syntax directly. + + + + + + + + + + + + + +elements +mathphrase +mathphrase +Element + + +mathphrase +A mathematical phrase, an expression that can be represented with ordinary text and a small amount of markup + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +mathphrase ::= +(#PCDATA|subscript|superscript|emphasis)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +equation.content +inlineequation.content + + + + + + + +Description + +A mathphrase is a simple, inline equation, one that +can be represented using ordinary text, symbols, subscripts, and +superscripts. +E=mc2, +for example. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. + + + +Parents +These elements contain mathphrase: +equation +informalequation +inlineequation +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in mathphrase: +emphasis +subscript +superscript +. + + + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE equation PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" + ""> +<equation id="mathphrase.example.1"> +<title>Fermat's Last Theorem</title> + <alt>x^n + y^n &ne; z^n &forall; n &gt; 2</alt> + <mathphrase>x<superscript>n</superscript> ++ y<superscript>n</superscript> +≠ z<superscript>n</superscript> +∀ n ≠ 2</mathphrase> +</equation> + + + + +Fermat's Last Theorem + x^n + y^n ≠ z^n ∀ n > 2 + xn ++ yn +≠ zn +∀ n ≠ 2 + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +medialabel +medialabel +Element + + +medialabel +A name that identifies the physical medium on which some information resides + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +medialabel ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +class + +cartridge +cdrom +disk +tape + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The MediaLabel element identifies the name of a specific +piece of physical media, such as a tape or disk label. Usually, a +media label is something external, written by hand on the media +itself, for example, but it may also refer to digital labels. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain medialabel: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in medialabel: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class indicates the type of media labeled. + + + + + +See Also + +application +database +filename +hardware +productname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +To install <application>The Great Foo</application>, insert the disk +labelled <medialabel>TGF Setup 1</medialabel> and run +<command>setup</command>. +</para> + + + + +To install The Great Foo, insert the disk +labelled TGF Setup 1 and run +setup. + + + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The weekly incremental backup tape is labelled +<medialabel>Backup <replaceable>nn</replaceable></medialabel>, where +<replaceable>nn</replaceable> is the week number. +</para> + + + + +The weekly incremental backup tape is labelled +Backup nn, where +nn is the week number. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +mediaobject +mediaobject +Element + + +mediaobject +A displayed media object (video, audio, image, etc.) + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +mediaobject ::= +(objectinfo?, + (videoobject|audioobject|imageobject|imageobjectco|textobject)+, + caption?) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +equation.content +example.mix + + +figure.mix +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix + + +indexdivcomponent.mix +info.class +informal.class + + +informal.tbl.table.mdl +listpreamble.mix +para.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tbl.table.mdl + + + + + + + + +Description + + +This element contains a set of alternative +“media objects.” In DocBook V3.1, three types of +external objects are defined: VideoObjects, +AudioObjects, and ImageObjects. Additional +textual descriptions may be provided with TextObjects. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +The primary purpose of the MediaObject is to provide +a wrapper around a set of alternative presentations of the same +information. + + +If possible, the processing system should use the content of the +first object within the MediaObject. If the first +object cannot be used, the remaining objects should be +considered in the order that they occur. A processor should use +the first object that it can, although it is free to choose any +of the remaining objects if the primary one cannot be used. + + +Under no circumstances should more than one object in a +MediaObject be used or presented at the same time. + + +For example, a MediaObject might contain a video, a high +resolution image, a low resolution image, a long text description, and +a short text description. In a “high end” online system, +the video is used. For print publishing, the high resolution image is used. +For other online systems, either the high or low resolution image is used, +possibly including the short text description as the online alternative. +In a text-only environment, either the long or short text descriptions are +used. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +In DocBook V5.0, MediaObject will replace +Graphic. + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain mediaobject: +answer +appendix +appendixinfo +article +articleinfo +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +blockquote +bookinfo +callout +caution +chapter +chapterinfo +constraintdef +entry +equation +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossaryinfo +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +indexinfo +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +objectinfo +orderedlist +para +partinfo +partintro +preface +prefaceinfo +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1 +refsect1info +refsect2 +refsect2info +refsect3 +refsect3info +refsection +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdiv +refsynopsisdivinfo +revdescription +screenshot +sect1 +sect1info +sect2 +sect2info +sect3 +sect3info +sect4 +sect4info +sect5 +sect5info +section +sectioninfo +setindex +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebar +sidebarinfo +simplesect +step +synopsis +table +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +th +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in mediaobject: +audioobject +caption +imageobject +imageobjectco +objectinfo +textobject +videoobject +. + + + +See Also + +alt +audioobject +caption +graphic +imageobject +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +textobject +videoobject +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + audioobject + imageobject + informalfigure + svg-svg + videoobject +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2007-07-09 17:44:23 +0200 (Mon, 09 Jul 2007) $ +$Revision: 6987 $ + + + +elements +mediaobjectco +mediaobjectco +Element + + +mediaobjectco +A media object that contains callouts + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +mediaobjectco ::= +(objectinfo?,imageobjectco, + (imageobjectco|textobject)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +informal.class +listpreamble.mix +para.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +A MediaObjectCO is a wrapper around a set of alternative, +annotated media objects. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + +See also MediaObject. + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +In DocBook V5.0, MediaObjectCO will be discarded +(with no replacement). + + +Parents +These elements contain mediaobjectco: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +screenshot +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in mediaobjectco: +imageobjectco +objectinfo +textobject +. + + + +See Also + +areaspec +calloutlist +co +coref +graphicco +imageobjectco +programlistingco +screenco +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE mediaobjectco PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<mediaobjectco> +<imageobjectco> +<areaspec units="calspair"> + <areaset id="oneway" coords=""> + <area id="oneway1" coords="300 400"/> + <area id="oneway2" coords="325 340"/> + </areaset> + <area id="myhouse" coords="425 590"/> +</areaspec> +<imageobject> +<imagedata fileref=""/> +</imageobject> +</imageobjectco> +</mediaobjectco> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +member +member +Element + + +member +An element of a simple list + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +member ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A Member is an element of a SimpleList. Unlike +the other lists, items in a SimpleList are constrained to +character data and inline elements. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. How the inline Members are formatted +with respect to each other is controlled by the containing +SimpleList. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain member: +simplelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in member: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + simplelist +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +menuchoice +menuchoice +Element + + +menuchoice +A selection or series of selections from a menu + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +menuchoice ::= +(shortcut?, + (guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu| + interface)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +In applications that present graphical user interfaces, it is often +necessary to select an item, or a series of items, from a menu in +order to accomplish some action. The MenuChoice element +provides a wrapper to contain the complete combination of selections. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + +MenuChoice may generate arrows or other punctuation between +multiple GUI elements. The ShortCut may be suppressed, or +sometimes it is presented in parentheses after the rest of the items. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain menuchoice: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in menuchoice: +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +interface +shortcut +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +MenuChoice. + + + + + +See Also + +accel +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +mousebutton +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +You can exit from GNU Emacs with +<menuchoice> + <shortcut> + <keycombo><keysym>C-x</keysym><keysym>C-c</keysym></keycombo> + </shortcut> + <guimenu>Files</guimenu> + <guimenuitem>Exit Emacs</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice>. +</para> + + + + +You can exit from GNU Emacs with + + + C-xC-c + + Files + Exit Emacs +. + + + + +Compare this example with the similar example in GUIMenu. +Here the KeyCombo and MenuChoice elements +are required to process thier content in some intelligent way in +order to produce useful output. + + +For additional examples, see also + + shortcut +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +methodname +methodname +Element + + +methodname +The name of a method + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +methodname ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The MethodName element is used to identify the name of a +method. This is likely to occur only in documentation about +object-oriented programming systems, languages, and architectures. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain methodname: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +constructorsynopsis +database +destructorsynopsis +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +methodsynopsis +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in methodname: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +methodparam +methodparam +Element + + +methodparam +Parameters to a method + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +methodparam ::= +(modifier*,type?, + ((parameter,initializer?)| + funcparams), + modifier*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +choice + +opt +plain +req + +"req" + + +rep + +norepeat +repeat + +"norepeat" + + + + + + +Description + + +In the syntax summary of a ConstructorSynopsis, +DestructorSynopsis, or +MethodSynopsis, +MethodParam provides the description of a parameter to the +method. Typically, this includes the data type of the parameter +and its name, but may also include an initial value and other modifiers. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. For a complete description of the processing expectations, +see ClassSynopsis. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain methodparam: +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +methodsynopsis +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in methodparam: +funcparams +initializer +modifier +parameter +type +. + + + +Attributes + +choice + + +Choice indicates whether the +MethodParam +is required (Req or Plain) or +optional (Opt). Arguments identified as +Plain are required, but are shown without additional +decoration. + + +rep + + +A Rep value of +Repeat indicates that the +MethodParam is reapeatable. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2003-12-23 16:16:10 +0100 (Tue, 23 Dec 2003) $ +$Revision: 3320 $ + + + +elements +methodsynopsis +methodsynopsis +Element + + +methodsynopsis +A syntax summary for a method + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +methodsynopsis ::= +(modifier*, + (type|void)?, + methodname, + (methodparam+|void?), + exceptionname*,modifier*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +language +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +method.synop.class +para.char.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix +synop.class +tbl.entry.mdl + + + + + + +Description + + +A MethodSynopsis contains the syntax summary of a +method (generally speaking, methods in the object-oriented programming +language sense). + + + +This is one of the few places where DocBook attempts to model as well +as describe. Unlike FuncSynopsis which was designed +with C language function prototypes in mind, the content model of +MethodSynopsis was designed to capture a wide range +of semantics. + +Processing expectations + +For the most part, the processing application is expected to +generate all of the parenthesis, semicolons, commas, +and so on. required in the rendered synopsis. + + + +Parents +These elements contain methodsynopsis: +answer +appendix +application +article +attribution +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliomisc +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +citation +citetitle +classsynopsis +constraintdef +emphasis +entry +example +figure +firstterm +footnote +foreignphrase +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +lineannotation +link +listitem +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +msgexplan +msgtext +note +olink +orderedlist +para +partintro +phrase +preface +procedure +productname +programlisting +qandadiv +qandaset +question +quote +refentrytitle +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +remark +revdescription +screen +screeninfo +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +seg +setindex +sidebar +simpara +simplesect +step +synopsis +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +term +termdef +th +tip +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in methodsynopsis: +exceptionname +methodname +methodparam +modifier +type +void +. + + + + +Attributes + +language + +Identifies the programming language of the method. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +mml:math +mml:math +Element + + +mml:math +A MathML equation + + +Synopsis + +If the MathML Module +is used, Equations and +InlineEquations can +include mml:math equations. + + + +Description + +The +Mathematical Markup Language +Recommendation from the W3C defines the Mathematical Markup Language, +or MathML. MathML is an XML application for describing mathematical +notation and capturing both its structure and content. + +A complete description of MathML is outside the scope of this +reference. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE informalequation + PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook MathML Module V1.0//EN" + ""> +<informalequation> +<mml:math><mml:apply><mml:divide/></mml:apply></mml:math> +</informalequation> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +modespec +modespec +Element + + +modespec +Application-specific information necessary for the completion of an OLink + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +modespec ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +application + +BMP +CGM-BINARY +CGM-CHAR +CGM-CLEAR +DITROFF +DVI +EPS +EQN +FAX +GIF +GIF87a +GIF89a +IGES +JPEG +JPG +linespecific +PCX +PDF +PIC +PNG +PS +SGML +SVG +SWF +TBL +TEX +TIFF +WMF +WPG + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +docinfo.char.class +info.class +ndxterm.char.mix + + +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +title.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +ModeSpec contains application-specific instructions required +to process an OLink. See OLink. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. This element provides data for processing but +is not expected to be rendered directly. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain modespec: +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in modespec: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +Attributes + +application + + +Application indicates the nature of the +action required to complete the OLink. Application must be a notation declared in the +DTD. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + olink +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +modifier +modifier +Element + + +modifier +Modifiers in a synopsis + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +modifier ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A Modifier identifies additional information about +some identifier. For example, the public or private nature of a +OOClass +name, or information about a static or synchronized nature of a +MethodSynopsis. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain modifier: +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +fieldsynopsis +funcprototype +methodparam +methodsynopsis +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in modifier: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +mousebutton +mousebutton +Element + + +mousebutton +The conventional name of a mouse button + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +mousebutton ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The MouseButton element identifies the conventional name +of a mouse button. Because mouse buttons are not physically labelled, +the name is just that, a convention. Adding explicit markup for the +naming of mouse buttons allow easier translation from one convention +to another and might allow an online system to adapt to right- or left-handed usage. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain mousebutton: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +keycombo +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +shortcut +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in mousebutton: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +MouseButton. + + + + + +See Also + +accel +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +menuchoice +shortcut +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Select a region of text by dragging the mouse pointer with the +<mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse button depressed. Copy the +selected text to a new location by placing the mouse pointer at the +desired position and pressing the <mousebutton>middle</mousebutton> +button. +</para> + + + + +Select a region of text by dragging the mouse pointer with the +left mouse button depressed. Copy the +selected text to a new location by placing the mouse pointer at the +desired position and pressing the middle +button. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + keycombo +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +msg +msg +Element + + +msg +A message in a message set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +msg ::= +(title?,msgmain, + (msgsub|msgrel)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +In a MsgSet, each MsgEntry contains at least +one Msg. A Msg consists of a main message +(MsgMain), +and optionally one or more submessages (MsgSub) +or related messages (MsgRel). + + +Additional information or explanation for the message is contained +in the siblings of Msg within the MsgEntry. + + +See MsgSet. + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes suppressed. + + +On the whole, the semantics of MsgSet +are not clearly defined. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain msg: +msgentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in msg: +msgmain +msgrel +msgsub +title +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + msgset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +msgaud +msgaud +Element + + +msgaud +The audience to which a message in a message set is relevant + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +msgaud ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +MsgAud is part of the additional information associated with +a message in a MsgSet. It identifies the audience +to which a particular Msg is relevant. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + +DocBook doesn't specify anything about how a particular audience +might be identified, or how different audiences are +distinguished. + + +On the whole, the semantics of MsgSet +are not clearly defined. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain msgaud: +msginfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in msgaud: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + msgset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +msgentry +msgentry +Element + + +msgentry +A wrapper for an entry in a message set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +msgentry ::= +(msg+,msginfo?,msgexplan*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +In a MsgSet, each MsgEntry contains +some number of messages (Msgs) and additional informative and +explanatory material about them. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +On the whole, the semantics of MsgSet +are not clearly defined. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain msgentry: +msgset +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in msgentry: +msg +msgexplan +msginfo +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + msgset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +msgexplan +msgexplan +Element + + +msgexplan +Explanatory material relating to a message in a message set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +msgexplan ::= +(title?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A MsgExplan contains some sort of explanatory information +about a Msg or a set of Msgs in a +MsgEntry. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes suppressed. + + +If a MsgEntry contains multiple Msgs and +multiple MsgExplans, DocBook makes no assertions about +how they are related. + + +On the whole, the semantics of MsgSet +are not clearly defined. + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain msgexplan: +msgentry +simplemsgentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in msgexplan: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + msgset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +msginfo +msginfo +Element + + +msginfo +Information about a message in a message set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +msginfo ::= +((msglevel|msgorig|msgaud)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +MsgInfo provides additional information +about a Msg in a MsgEntry. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + +On the whole, the semantics of MsgSet +are not clearly defined. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain msginfo: +msgentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in msginfo: +msgaud +msglevel +msgorig +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + msgset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +msglevel +msglevel +Element + + +msglevel +The level of importance or severity of a message in a message set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +msglevel ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +MsgLevel is part of the additional information associated with +a message in a MsgSet. It identifies the relative importance +or severity of a message. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + +On the whole, the semantics of MsgSet +are not clearly defined. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain msglevel: +msginfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in msglevel: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + msgset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +msgmain +msgmain +Element + + +msgmain +The primary component of a message in a message set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +msgmain ::= +(title?,msgtext) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Every Msg must have one primary message. This is stored in +the MsgMain. The primary message is distinguished from +any number of submessages (MsgSub) or related +messages (MsgRel) that a Msg might have. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +On the whole, the semantics of MsgSet +are not clearly defined. + + + +Parents +These elements contain msgmain: +msg +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in msgmain: +msgtext +title +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + msgset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +msgorig +msgorig +Element + + +msgorig +The origin of a message in a message set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +msgorig ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +MsgOrig is part of the additional information associated with +a message in a MsgSet. It identifies the origin or source +of a particular Msg, for example, a piece of hardware, the +operating system, or an application. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + +On the whole, the semantics of MsgSet +are not clearly defined. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain msgorig: +msginfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in msgorig: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + msgset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +msgrel +msgrel +Element + + +msgrel +A related component of a message in a message set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +msgrel ::= +(title?,msgtext) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Every Msg has one primary message (MsgMain). +It may also have any number of related messages, stored in +MsgRel elements within the same Msg. + + +Related messages are usually messages that appear elsewhere in +response to the same event (or set of events) that triggered +the main message. For example, if a network client +produces a failure or warning message, a related message might +appear on the server console. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + +On the whole, the semantics of MsgSet +are not clearly defined. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain msgrel: +msg +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in msgrel: +msgtext +title +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + msgset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +msgset +msgset +Element + + +msgset +A detailed set of messages, usually error messages + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +msgset ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (msgentry+|simplemsgentry+)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bookcomponent.content +component.mix +compound.class + + +divcomponent.mix +refcomponent.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +MsgSet is a complex structure designed to hold a detailed +set of messages, usually error messages. In addition to the actual text +of each message, it can contain +additional information about each message and the messages related to it. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +On the whole, the semantics of MsgSet +are not clearly defined. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain msgset: +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +chapter +glossary +glossdiv +index +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +partintro +preface +procedure +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in msgset: +blockinfo +msgentry +simplemsgentry +title +titleabbrev +. + + + +See Also + +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE msgset PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<msgset> + <msgentry> + <msg> + <msgmain> + <msgtext><para>Record failed CRC</para></msgtext> + </msgmain> + <msgsub> + <msgtext><para>Record <replaceable>n</replaceable> + in <replaceable>database</replaceable></para></msgtext> + </msgsub> + <msgrel> + <msgtext><para>File read error on + <replaceable>database</replaceable></para></msgtext> + </msgrel> + <msgrel> + <msgtext><para>Panic! Corrupt record!</para></msgtext> + </msgrel> + </msg> + <msginfo> + <msglevel>severe</msglevel> + <msgorig>server</msgorig> + <msgaud>all</msgaud> + </msginfo> + <msgexplan> + <para> + Indicates that some sort of error occurred while attempting to load + a record from the database. Retry. If failure persists, + contact the database administrator. + </para> + </msgexplan> + </msgentry> + <!-- more entries --> +</msgset> + + + + + + + + Record failed CRC + + + Record n + in database + + + File read error on + database + + + Panic! Corrupt record! + + + + severe + server + all + + + + Indicates that some sort of error occurred while attempting to load + a record from the database. Retry. If failure persists, + contact the database administrator. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +msgsub +msgsub +Element + + +msgsub +A subcomponent of a message in a message set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +msgsub ::= +(title?,msgtext) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A MsgSub represents some subpart of a message. Different +MsgSubs might arise in different contexts. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + +On the whole, the semantics of MsgSet +are not clearly defined. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain msgsub: +msg +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in msgsub: +msgtext +title +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + msgset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +msgtext +msgtext +Element + + +msgtext +The actual text of a message component in a message set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +msgtext ::= +((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The MsgText is the actual content of the message in a +MsgMain, MsgSub, or MsgRel. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. + + +On the whole, the semantics of MsgSet +are not clearly defined. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +MsgText is currently one of the general, technical inlines +by accident. In DocBook V4.0, it will be limited to use within a +MsgSet. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain msgtext: +msgmain +msgrel +msgsub +simplemsgentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in msgtext: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +task +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + msgset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-12-29 21:36:24 +0100 (Sun, 29 Dec 2002) $ +$Revision: 2360 $ + + + +elements +nonterminal +nonterminal +Element + + +nonterminal +A non-terminal in an EBNF production + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +nonterminal ::= +(#PCDATA) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +def +CDATA +Required + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ebnf.inline.hook +ndxterm.char.mix + + +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + +This element is only available if you are using the EBNF Module. + +A NonTerminal is a symbol in an EBNF +Production that represents a portion of the +grammar. + +Parents +These elements contain nonterminal: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +rhs +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + + + + +Attributes + + +def + +The def attribute +contains a URI reference that points to a production where +the nonterminal is defined. + +Note that this is not +an IDREF, it is a URI reference (as, for example, are +href attributes on HTML +a elements). This is necessary because references to +non-terminals might need to cross document boundaries. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +note +note +Element + + +note +A message set off from the text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +note ::= +(title?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|literallayout| + programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|equation|example|figure|table| + procedure|sidebar|anchor|bridgehead|remark|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.class +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +highlights.mix +legalnotice.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +para.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +A Note is an admonition set off +from the main text. + + + +In some types of documentation, the semantics of admonitions are clearly +defined (Caution might imply the possibility of harm to +equipement whereas Warning might imply harm to a person), +but DocBook makes no such assertions. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Often outputs the generated text Note +or some other visible indication of the type of admonition, +especially if a Title is not present. Sometimes +outputs a graphical icon or another symbol as well. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain note: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +chapter +colophon +dedication +entry +glossary +glossdiv +highlights +index +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +variablelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in note: +address +anchor +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +title +variablelist +. + + + +See Also + +caution +important +tip +warning +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE note PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<note><title>Upcoming Changes</title> +<para> +Future versions of this feature may not be backward-compatible. +Consider implementing the revised interface now. +</para> +</note> + + + +Upcoming Changes + +Future versions of this feature may not be backward-compatible. +Consider implementing the revised interface now. + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +objectinfo +objectinfo +Element + + +objectinfo +Meta-information for an object + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +objectinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The ObjectInfo element is a wrapper for the +meta-information about a video, audio, image, or text object. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of DivisionInfo in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain objectinfo: +audioobject +imageobject +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +textobject +videoobject +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in objectinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + audioobject +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +olink +olink +Element + + +olink +A link that addresses its target indirectly, through an entity + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +olink ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +xrefstyle +CDATA +None + + +targetdocent +ENTITY +None + + +localinfo +CDATA +None + + +linkmode +IDREF +None + + +targetdoc +CDATA +None + + +targetptr +CDATA +None + + +type +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +docinfo.char.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +link.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + +word.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +Unlike Link and ULink, the semantics of +OLink are application-specific. OLink provides +a mechanism for establishing links across documents, where +ID/IDREF linking is not possible and ULink is inappropriate. + + + +In general terms, the strategy employed by OLink is to +point to the target document via an +external general entity, and point +into that document in some application-specific way. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + +OLink points to its target primarily with the +TargetDocEnt attribute. +TargetDocEnt must be the name of an +entity (previously declared in the DTD or in the document +subset). + + + +Because TargetDocEnt is an entity attribute, +the entity used as its value must be declared with a notation. +Because the target is usually another SGML or XML document, the +notation SGML is most often used: + + + +<!ENTITY myotherdoc SYSTEM "myotherdoc.sgm" NDATA SGML> + + + + + +The semantics of the link are controlled by three other attributes: +LinkMode, +LocalInfo, and +Type. +The LinkMode +attribute points to a ModeSpec. The content of +ModeSpec describes the semantic of the link in an entirely +application-specific way. + + +The values of +LocalInfo and +Type may also influence the application. +For example, if the ModeSpec describes some sort of query, +LocalInfo might hold the query text +(allowing multiple OLinks to use the same ModeSpec +to achieve different queries with the same query engine). + + + +Linking elements must not be nested within other linking +elements (including themselves). Because DocBook is harmonizing +towards XML, this restriction cannot easily be enforced by the DTD. The +processing of nested linking elements is undefined. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain olink: +abbrev +ackno +acronym +action +application +artpagenums +attribution +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +bibliosource +bridgehead +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +city +classsynopsisinfo +code +collabname +command +computeroutput +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +country +database +date +edition +email +emphasis +entry +fax +figure +filename +firstname +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +holder +honorific +indexdiv +informalfigure +interfacename +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +jobtitle +keycap +label +lineage +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +member +modespec +msgaud +olink +option +optional +orgdiv +orgname +otheraddr +othername +pagenums +para +parameter +phone +phrase +pob +postcode +primary +primaryie +productname +productnumber +programlisting +property +pubdate +publishername +pubsnumber +quote +refentry +refentrytitle +refmiscinfo +refnamediv +refpurpose +releaseinfo +remark +replaceable +revnumber +revremark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +seriesvolnums +shortaffil +simpara +state +street +subscript +subtitle +superscript +surname +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +volumenum +wordasword +year +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in olink: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +linkmode + + +LinkMode points to the ModeSpec +which provides additional application-specific information for resolving this +OLink. + + + +localinfo + + +LocalInfo hold additional information +that may be used with the ModeSpec +(pointed to by LinkMode) by the application +when resolving this OLink. + + + +targetdocent + + +TargetDocEnt specifies the name of an entity +that is to be used as part of the OLink. Exactly how the +link is resolved is application dependent and may be influenced by the +MoreInfo and +LocalInfo attributes. + + + +type + + +Type is available for application-specific +customization of the linking behavior. + + + + + +See Also + +anchor +link +ulink +xref +. + + + +Examples + + +In this example, we see how an OLink might be used for +searching. Here the ModeSpec describes the search query +(in a fictitious and entirely concocted syntax): look in the titles +of sections and return links using the title as the text of the link. +When the user selects the link, the application is expected to perform +the query and then might display the list of titles as a pop-up window +in the user interface. + + + +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + "" [ +<!ENTITY refbook SYSTEM "refbook.sgm" NDATA SGML> +]> +<chapter> +<chapterinfo> + <modespec id="s1query">query in sect*, title return link text title</modespec> +</chapterinfo> +<title>Printing</title> + +<para> +Blah, blah, blah. +</para> + +<sect1><title>See Also</title> +<para> +For more information <olink targetdocent="refbook" linkmode="s1query" +localinfo="print or printing">about printing</olink>, consult +the <ulink url="refbook.sgm">reference manual</ulink>. +</para> +</sect1> + +</chapter> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +ooclass +ooclass +Element + + +ooclass +A class in an object-oriented programming language + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +ooclass ::= +((modifier|package)*, + classname) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The OOClass element identifies programming +language classes, generally from object-oriented programming languages. +The OOClass is a wrapper for the +ClassName plus some Modifiers. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain ooclass: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsis +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in ooclass: +classname +modifier +package +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +ooexception +ooexception +Element + + +ooexception +An exception in an object-oriented programming language + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +ooexception ::= +((modifier|package)*, + exceptionname) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The OOException element identifies programming +language exceptions, generally from object-oriented programming languages. +The OOException is a wrapper for the +ExceptionName plus some Modifiers. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain ooexception: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsis +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in ooexception: +exceptionname +modifier +package +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +oointerface +oointerface +Element + + +oointerface +An interface in an object-oriented programming language + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +oointerface ::= +((modifier|package)*, + interfacename) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The OOInterface element identifies programming +language interfaces, generally from object-oriented programming languages. +The OOInterface is a wrapper for the +InterfaceName plus some Modifiers. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain oointerface: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsis +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in oointerface: +interfacename +modifier +package +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2004-05-19 17:56:44 +0200 (Wed, 19 May 2004) $ +$Revision: 3588 $ + + + +elements +option +option +Element + + +option +An option for a software command + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +option ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + +Option identifies an argument to a software +command or instruction. Options may or may not be required. The +optional element can be used to explicitly identify +options that are not required. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + +DocBook does not specify whether or not a symbol (such as +- or /) is generated before the content +of Option, or what that symbol might be. Generating +the text may or may not be desirable, but in either case, it is +an interchange issue. See . + + + +Parents +These elements contain option: +action +application +arg +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +group +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in option: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +constant +literal +markup +optional +parameter +prompt +replaceable +sgmltag +userinput +varname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The <option>-a</option> option on the <acronym>UNIX</acronym> +<command>ls</command> command or the <option>/r</option> option on the +<acronym>DOS</acronym> <command>attrib</command> +command, for example. +</para> + + + + +The option on the UNIX +ls command or the option on the +DOS attrib +command, for example. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + optional + refentry +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +optional +optional +Element + + +optional +Optional information + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +optional ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The Optional element indicates that a specified argument, +option, or other text is optional. The precise meaning of +optional varies according to the application or process +begin documented. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + +Optional arguments in a Synopsis are usually given special +typographic treatment, often they are surrounded by square brackets. The +Optional tag is expected to generate the brackets. + + +Outside a Synopsis, the typographic treatment of +Optional is application-specific. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain optional: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +replaceable +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in optional: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +constant +literal +markup +option +parameter +prompt +replaceable +sgmltag +userinput +varname +. + + + +Examples + + +The UNIX ls command could be documented as follows: + + + +<!DOCTYPE synopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<synopsis> +ls <optional><option>-abcCdfFgilLmnopqrRstux1</option></optional> + <optional>names</optional> +</synopsis> + + + + +ls + names + + + + +which might generate the following output: + +ls [ -abcCdfFgilLmnopqrRstux1 ] + [names] + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2004-05-19 17:56:44 +0200 (Wed, 19 May 2004) $ +$Revision: 3588 $ + + + +elements +orderedlist +orderedlist +Element + + +orderedlist +A list in which each entry is marked with a sequentially incremented label + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +orderedlist ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (caution|important|note|tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting| + programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis| + cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)*, + listitem+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +inheritnum + +ignore +inherit + +"ignore" + + +continuation + +continues +restarts + +"restarts" + + +numeration + +arabic +loweralpha +lowerroman +upperalpha +upperroman + +None + + +spacing + +compact +normal + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +footnote.mix + + +glossdef.mix +highlights.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +list.class +para.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +textobject.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +In an OrderedList, each member of the list is marked with +a numeral, letter, or other sequential symbol (such as roman numerals). + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +If no value is specified for Numeration, +Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, …) are to be used. + + +In nested lists, DocBook does not specify the sequence of numerations. + + +Note that the attributes of OrderedList have a significant +influence on the processing expectations. + + + +Future Changes +Introductory material may appear before the first list item. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain orderedlist: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +highlights +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in orderedlist: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +blockinfo +blockquote +bridgehead +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +fieldsynopsis +formalpara +funcsynopsis +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +listitem +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +note +para +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +simpara +synopsis +tip +title +titleabbrev +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +continuation + +If continuation is specified, it indicates +how list numbering should begin relative to the immediately preceding +list. Restarts, the default, indicates that numbering should +begin again at 1. Continues indicates that numbering should +begin where the preceding list left off. + + + +inheritnum + + +In a nested list, InheritNum indicates whether +or not the enumeration of interior lists should include the numbers of +containing list items. If InheritNum is +Inherit then the third item of a list inside the second item +of a list inside the fourth item of a list might be enumerated +as 4.2.3. If it is Ignore, the default, then it would +be simply 3. (The Numeration attribute +controls the actual format of the item numbers, of course.) + + + +numeration + + +Numeration specifies the style of numbering +to be used for items in the current OrderedList. + + + +spacing + + +Spacing indicates whether or not the +vertical space in the list should be minimized. + + + + + +See Also + +calloutlist +itemizedlist +listitem +segmentedlist +simplelist +variablelist +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE orderedlist PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<orderedlist numeration="lowerroman"> +<listitem> +<para>One</para> +</listitem> +<listitem> +<para>Two</para> +</listitem> +<listitem> +<para>Three</para> +</listitem> +<listitem> +<para>Four</para> +</listitem> +</orderedlist> + + + + + +One + + +Two + + +Three + + +Four + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +orgdiv +orgdiv +Element + + +orgdiv +A division of an organization + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +orgdiv ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +OrgDiv identifies a division in an organization, such as +Chrysler in General Motors. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain orgdiv: +affiliation +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in orgdiv: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +affiliation +corpname +jobtitle +orgname +shortaffil +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + author +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +orgname +orgname +Element + + +orgname +The name of an organization other than a corporation + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +orgname ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +otherclass +CDATA +None + + +class + +consortium +corporation +informal +nonprofit +other + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +gen.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +An OrgName identifies the name of an organization or +corporation. Outside of an Affiliation, CorpName +is a more appropriate element for the name of a corporation. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain orgname: +affiliation +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in orgname: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +affiliation +corpname +jobtitle +orgdiv +publishername +shortaffil +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + author + authorgroup + bookinfo + contractsponsor +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +otheraddr +otheraddr +Element + + +otheraddr +Uncategorized information in address + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +otheraddr ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Within an Address, OtherAddr is a wrapper for +parts of an address other than Street, POB, +Postcode, City, State, +Country, Phone, Fax, and +Email, all of which have elements specific to their +content. + + + +In early versions of DocBook, Address was not allowed to +contain character data (it was a database-like collection of fields). +In that context, a wrapper was necessary for any random pieces of information +that might be required for an address. +With the introduction of character data directly in the Address +element, OtherAddr may have lost most of its +raison d'être. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. +This element may inherit the verbatim qualities of an Address. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain otheraddr: +address +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in otheraddr: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +address +city +country +email +fax +phone +pob +postcode +state +street +. + + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para>Please deliver to: +<address> +<othername>The Law Offices of Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe</othername> +<street>100 Main Street</street> +<otheraddr>Third Floor</otheraddr> +<city>Anytown</city>, <state>NY</state> <postcode>12345</postcode> +<country>USA</country> +</address> +</para> + + + + +Please deliver to: +
+The Law Offices of Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe +100 Main Street +Third Floor +Anytown, NY 12345 +USA +
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +othercredit +othercredit +Element + + +othercredit +A person or entity, other than an author or editor, credited in a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +othercredit ::= +((personname| + (honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername|affiliation| + authorblurb|contrib)+), + (personblurb|email|address)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +class + +copyeditor +graphicdesigner +other +productioneditor +technicaleditor +translator + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +docinfo.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +DocBook allows you to directly identify Authors and +Editors. OtherCredit provides a mechanism for +identifying other individuals, for example, contributors or production +editors, in a similar context. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of OtherCredit in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to hold +OtherCredit, AuthorBlurb, +and Affiliation. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain othercredit: +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +authorgroup +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in othercredit: +address +affiliation +authorblurb +contrib +email +firstname +honorific +lineage +othername +personblurb +personname +surname +. + + + +See Also + +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +collab +collabname +contrib +corpauthor +editor +personblurb +personname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE articleinfo PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<articleinfo> + <title>Something Snappy</title> + <author> + <firstname>Norman</firstname> + <surname>Walsh</surname> + </author> + <othercredit> + <firstname>John</firstname> + <surname>Doe</surname> + <contrib>Extensive review and rough drafts of Section 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 + </contrib> + </othercredit> + <pubsnumber>5</pubsnumber> +</articleinfo> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +othername +othername +Element + + +othername +A component of a persons name that is not a first name, surname, or lineage + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +othername ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class +person.ident.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +OtherName is a generic wrapper for parts of an individual’s +name other than +Honorific, +FirstName, +Surname and +Lineage. One common use is to identify +an individual’s middle name or initial. Use Role +to classify the type of other name. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. In an Address, this element may inherit +the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain othername: +address +appendixinfo +articleinfo +author +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +editor +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +othercredit +partinfo +personname +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in othername: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +affiliation +firstname +honorific +lineage +surname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + author + authorgroup + otheraddr +. + + + + + + + + + + +elements +package +package +Element + + +package +A package + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +package ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + +The package element identifies things that +are, conceptually, “packages”. Examples include packages in the Java +language sense, org.apache.xml.resolver, and +packages in the software distribution sense, +docbook-4.3-1.1.deb. +The term “package” means different things in different contexts +and DocBook does not attempt to prescribe any particular meaning. + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. + + + +Parents +These elements contain package: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in package: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +pagenums +pagenums +Element + + +pagenums +The numbers of the pages in a book, for use in a bibliographic entry + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +pagenums ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +PageNums identifies a page or range of pages. This may be +useful in the bibliography of a book, to indicate the number of pages, +or in a citation to a journal article. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain pagenums: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in pagenums: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + bibliography + biblioset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +para +para +Element + + +para +A paragraph + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +para ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage|calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist| + orderedlist|segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution| + important|note|tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting| + programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot|address|blockquote| + graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation| + informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable|equation|example| + figure|table)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +footnote.mix + + +glossdef.mix +highlights.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +listpreamble.mix +para.class + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +textobject.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Para is a paragraph. Paragraphs in DocBook may contain +almost all inlines and most block elements. Sectioning and higher-level +structural elements are excluded. DocBook offers two variants of paragraph: +SimPara, which cannot contain block elements, and +FormalPara, which has a title. + + + +Some processing systems may find the presence of block elements in a +paragraph difficult to handle. +On the other hand, it is frequently +most logical, from a structural point of view, to include block elements, +especially informal block elements, in the paragraphs that describe their +content. There is no easy answer to this problem. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain para: +abstract +answer +appendix +article +authorblurb +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +epigraph +example +footnote +formalpara +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +highlights +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +partintro +personblurb +preface +printhistory +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in para: +abbrev +acronym +action +address +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +bibliolist +biblioref +blockquote +calloutlist +caution +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +equation +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +example +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +figure +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glosslist +glossterm +graphic +graphicco +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +itemizedlist +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +literallayout +markup +medialabel +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +note +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orderedlist +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +programlisting +programlistingco +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sgmltag +simplelist +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +table +termdef +tip +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +variablelist +varname +warning +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +formalpara +simpara +. + + + +Examples + + +Ordinary paragraphs can contain most block elements: + + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The component suffered from three failings: +<itemizedlist> +<listitem><para>It was slow</para></listitem> +<listitem><para>It ran hot</para></listitem> +<listitem><para>It didn't actually work</para></listitem> +</itemizedlist> +Of these three, the last was probably the most important. +</para> + + + + +The component suffered from three failings: + +It was slow +It ran hot +It didn't actually work + +Of these three, the last was probably the most important. + + + + +Formal paragraphs include a title: + + + +<!DOCTYPE formalpara PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<formalpara><title>A Test</title> +<para> +This is a test. This is only a test. Had this been a real +example, it would have made more sense. +</para> +</formalpara> + + + +A Test + +This is a test. This is only a test. Had this been a real +example, it would have made more sense. + + + + + +Simple paragraphs may not contain block elements: + + + +<!DOCTYPE simpara PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<simpara> +Just the text, ma'am. +</simpara> + + + + +Just the text, ma'am. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + abbrev + abstract + accel + ackno + acronym + action + address + anchor + appendix + application + article + authorgroup + beginpage + blockquote + book + bookinfo + caution + chapter + citation + citerefentry + citetitle + classname + collab + colophon + command + computeroutput + constant + contractsponsor + database + emphasis + envar + errorcode + filename + firstterm + footnote + footnoteref + foreignphrase + formalpara + glossary + glosslist + guibutton + guiicon + guilabel + guimenu + guimenuitem + guisubmenu + hardware + highlights + html-form + imageobject + important + indexterm + informalequation + informalfigure + inlineequation + inlinemediaobject + itemizedlist + keycap + keycode + keycombo + keysym + link + literal + manvolnum + markup + medialabel + menuchoice + mousebutton + msgset + note + olink + option + orderedlist + otheraddr + parameter + part + personname + phrase + printhistory + procedure + productionset + productname + productnumber + programlistingco + prompt + property + qandaset + quote + refentry + reference + remark + returnvalue + screenco + sect1info + section + segmentedlist + seriesvolnums + set + shortcut + sidebar + simplelist + simplesect + structfield + structname + subscript + superscript + symbol + systemitem + table + tip + title + titleabbrev + token + trademark + type + ulink + userinput + variablelist + varname + videoobject + warning + wordasword + xref +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +paramdef +paramdef +Element + + +paramdef +Information about a function parameter in a programming language + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +paramdef ::= +(#PCDATA|initializer|type|replaceable|parameter|funcparams)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +choice + +opt +req + +None + + + + + + +Description + + +In the syntax summary for a function in a programming language, +ParamDef provides the description of a parameter to the +function. Typically, this includes the data type of the parameter +and its name. For parameters that are pointers to functions, it also +includes a summary of the nested parameters. + + + +Within the ParamDef, the parameter name is identified with +Parameter, and the rest of the content is assumed to be the +data type. + + + +In the following definition, str is the name of the +parameter and char * is its type: + + +<paramdef>char *<parameter>str</parameter></paramdef> + + + + + +Sometimes a data type requires punctuation on both sides of the +parameter. For example, the a parameter in this +definition is an array of +char *: + + +<paramdef>char *<parameter>a</parameter>[]</paramdef> + + + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. For a complete description of the processing expectations, +see FuncSynopsis. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain paramdef: +funcprototype +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in paramdef: +funcparams +initializer +parameter +replaceable +type +. + + + +See Also + +funcdef +funcparams +funcprototype +funcsynopsisinfo +function +parameter +returnvalue +varargs +void +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE funcsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<funcsynopsis> +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>int <function>max</function></funcdef> + <paramdef>int <parameter>int1</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>int <parameter>int2</parameter></paramdef> +</funcprototype> +</funcsynopsis> + + + + + + int max + int int1 + int int2 + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + funcparams + funcsynopsis + refentry +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +parameter +parameter +Element + + +parameter +A value or a symbolic reference to a value + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +parameter ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +class + +command +function +option + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Parameter identifies something passed from one part of a +computer system to another. In this regard Parameter is +fairly generic, but it may have a more constrained semantic in some +contexts (for example in a ParamDef). + + + +In a document that describes more than one kind of parameter, +for example, parameters to functions and commands, the +Class attribute can be used to distinguish +between them, if necessary. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, the content model of Parameter will +be constrained to (#PCDATA | Replaceable | +InlineGraphic). + + + + +Parents +These elements contain parameter: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +methodparam +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +paramdef +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in parameter: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class indicates the type of +Parameter. + + + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Parameter. + + + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +constant +funcdef +funcparams +funcprototype +funcsynopsisinfo +function +literal +markup +option +optional +paramdef +prompt +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +userinput +varargs +varname +void +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Using the <parameter class='command'>/w</parameter> parameter on the +DOS <command>dir</command> command prints a wide directory listing. +</para> + + + + +Using the /w parameter on the +DOS dir command prints a wide directory listing. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + funcparams + funcsynopsis + paramdef + refentry +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +part +part +Element + + +part +A division in a book + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +part ::= +(beginpage?,partinfo?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + partintro?, + (appendix|chapter|toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography|article| + preface|refentry|reference)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +Parts segment a book into divisions. Each division can +contain a number of component-level elements, such as Chapters. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Parts almost always introduce a forced page +break. Sometimes starts on the next recto page. +Frequently, they also produce a part separator page, on which may +be printed the content of the PartIntro. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, the ToC element in the content model +will be replaced by TocChap. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain part: +book +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in part: +appendix +article +beginpage +bibliography +chapter +glossary +index +lot +partinfo +partintro +preface +refentry +reference +subtitle +title +titleabbrev +toc +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. The first Part in a +Book might be labeled Part I, for example. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Part. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +appendix +article +book +chapter +colophon +dedication +partintro +preface +set +. + + + +Examples + + +The following example comes from Java in a Nutshell: + + + +<!DOCTYPE part PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<part label="II"> +<title>Programming with the Java API</title> +<partintro> +<para> +The sections in Part II present real-world examples of +programming with Java. You can study and learn from the +examples, and you can adapt them for use in your own programs. +</para> + +<para> +The example code in these chapters is available for downloading. +See <systemitem role="url"></systemitem>. +</para> + +<literallayout> +<xref linkend="jnut-ch-04"/> +<xref linkend="jnut-ch-05"/> +<xref linkend="jnut-ch-06"/> +<xref linkend="jnut-ch-07"/> +<xref linkend="jnut-ch-08"/> +<xref linkend="jnut-ch-09"/> +</literallayout> +</partintro> +<chapter id="jnut-ch-04"><title/><para>...</para></chapter> +<chapter id="jnut-ch-05"><title/><para>...</para></chapter> +<chapter id="jnut-ch-06"><title/><para>...</para></chapter> +<chapter id="jnut-ch-07"><title/><para>...</para></chapter> +<chapter id="jnut-ch-08"><title/><para>...</para></chapter> +<chapter id="jnut-ch-09"><title/><para>...</para></chapter> +</part> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +partinfo +partinfo +Element + + +partinfo +Meta-information for a Part + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +partinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The PartInfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a Part. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain partinfo: +part +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in partinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +partintro +partintro +Element + + +partintro +An introduction to the contents of a part + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +partintro ::= +((title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + (sect1*| + (refentry)*| + simplesect*| + (section)*))| + (sect1+| + (refentry)+| + simplesect+| + (section)+))) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +label +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +PartIntro contains introductory text, often an overview +of the content of the Part. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes suppressed. + +PartIntro content is often printed on a part +separator page. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain partintro: +part +reference +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in partintro: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +sect1 +section +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +simplesect +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + + + +See Also + +appendix +article +book +chapter +colophon +dedication +part +preface +set +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + part +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +personblurb +personblurb +Element + + +personblurb +A short description or note about a person + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +personblurb ::= +(title?, + (formalpara|para|simpara)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + + +Description + +A short description of a person. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes suppressed. + + + +Parents +These elements contain personblurb: +author +editor +othercredit +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in personblurb: +formalpara +para +simpara +title +. + + + + +See Also + +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +collab +collabname +contrib +corpauthor +editor +othercredit +personname +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +personname +personname +Element + + + +personname +The personal name of an individual + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +personname ::= +((honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +gen.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + +The personname identifies the personal name +of an individual. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. + + + +Parents +These elements contain personname: +address +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +author +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +editor +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +othercredit +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in personname: +firstname +honorific +lineage +othername +surname +. + + + + +See Also + +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +collab +collabname +contrib +corpauthor +editor +othercredit +personblurb +. + + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para>Starting in DocBook 4.2, personal names, like +<personname><firstname>Albert</firstname><surname>Einstein</surname></personname> +can be marked-up inline.</para> + + + + +Starting in DocBook 4.2, personal names, like +AlbertEinstein +can be marked-up inline. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +phone +phone +Element + + +phone +A telephone number + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +phone ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Phone identifies a telephone number in an Address. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. In an Address, +this element may inherit the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain phone: +address +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in phone: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +address +city +country +email +fax +otheraddr +pob +postcode +state +street +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + address +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +phrase +phrase +Element + + +phrase +A span of text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +phrase ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +The Phrase element in DocBook has no specific semantic. +It is provided as a wrapper around a selection of words smaller than a +paragraph so that it is possible to provide an ID or other attributes for them. + + + +For example, if you are making note of changes to a document using one +of the effectivity attributes, you might use Phrase to +mark up specific sentences with revisions. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain phrase: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +textobject +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in phrase: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +abbrev +acronym +emphasis +foreignphrase +quote +wordasword +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Effectivity attributes can be used to keep track of modifications +to a document <phrase revisionflag="deleted">at the word or +sentence level</phrase><phrase revisionflag="added"> as long as the number +and complexity of changes is not too high</phrase>. +</para> + + + + +Effectivity attributes can be used to keep track of modifications +to a document at the word or +sentence level as long as the number +and complexity of changes is not too high. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + audioobject + imageobject + informalfigure + inlinemediaobject +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +pob +pob +Element + + +pob +A post office box in an address + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +pob ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +POB is a post office box number in an Address. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. In an Address, this element may inherit +the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain pob: +address +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in pob: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +address +city +country +email +fax +otheraddr +phone +postcode +state +street +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + address +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +postcode +postcode +Element + + +postcode +A postal code in an address + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +postcode ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +PostCode is a postal code (in the United States, a +ZIP code) in an Address. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. In an Address, this element may inherit +the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain postcode: +address +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in postcode: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +address +city +country +email +fax +otheraddr +phone +pob +state +street +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + address + otheraddr +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +preface +preface +Element + + +preface +Introductory matter preceding the first chapter of a book + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +preface ::= +(beginpage?,prefaceinfo?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*, + tocchap?, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + (sect1*| + (refentry)*| + simplesect*| + (section)*))| + (sect1+| + (refentry)+| + simplesect+| + (section)+)), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +partcontent.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +Preface is a preface or forward in a Book. The +Preface element may appear more than once and should be +used for all introductory chapter-like material. For example, a +Book might have both a Foreward and an +Introduction. Both should be tagged as +Prefaces in DocBook. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Usually introduces a forced page break and often +starts on the next recto page. It is common for the page numbers +in prefaces to be displayed as roman numerals rather than arabic +numerals. Prefaces are usually listed in the Table +of Contents. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain preface: +book +part +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in preface: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliography +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glossary +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +index +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +lot +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +prefaceinfo +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +sect1 +section +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +simplesect +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +toc +tocchap +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Preface. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +appendix +article +book +chapter +colophon +dedication +part +partintro +set +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + book +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +prefaceinfo +prefaceinfo +Element + + +prefaceinfo +Meta-information for a Preface + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +prefaceinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The PrefaceInfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a Preface. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain prefaceinfo: +preface +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in prefaceinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +primary +primary +Element + + +primary +The primary word or phrase under which an index term should be sorted + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +primary ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +sortas +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +In an IndexTerm, Primary identifies the most +significant word or words in the entry. All IndexTerms must +have a Primary. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. This element provides data for processing but it +is not rendered in the primary flow of text. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain primary: +indexterm +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in primary: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +sortas + + +SortAs specifies the string by which the +element's content is to be sorted. If unspecified, the proper content +is used. + + + + + +See Also + +indexentry +indexterm +primaryie +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +tertiary +tertiaryie +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + chapter + indexterm +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +primaryie +primaryie +Element + + +primaryie +A primary term in an index entry, not in the text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +primaryie ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linkends +IDREFS +None + + + + + + +Description + + +PrimaryIE identifies the most significant word or +words in an IndexEntry. IndexEntrys +occur in an Index, not in the flow of the text. They are +part of a formatted index, not markers for indexing. + + +If a document includes both IndexTerms and IndexEntrys, +the IndexEntrys are usually constructed from the +IndexTerms by some external process. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. The PrimaryIE starts a new entry in the +Index. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain primaryie: +indexentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in primaryie: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +linkends + + +Linkends, if used, points to the IndexTerms indexed +by this entry. + + + + + +See Also + +indexentry +indexterm +primary +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +tertiary +tertiaryie +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + index +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +printhistory +printhistory +Element + + +printhistory +The printing history of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +printhistory ::= +((formalpara|para|simpara)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +The PrintHistory of a document identifies when various editions +and revisions were printed. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain printhistory: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in printhistory: +formalpara +para +simpara +. + + + +See Also + +date +edition +pubdate +releaseinfo +revhistory +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE printhistory PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<printhistory> +<para> +September, 1996 First Printing +</para> +</printhistory> + + + +For a printed example of PrintHistory, consult the reverse +of the full title page of this book (if you're holding the print +version from O'Reilly). + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2004-05-19 17:56:44 +0200 (Wed, 19 May 2004) $ +$Revision: 3588 $ + + + +elements +procedure +procedure +Element + + +procedure +A list of operations to be performed in a well-defined sequence + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +procedure ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)*, + step+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +compound.class +divcomponent.mix +example.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + +A Procedure encapsulates a task composed of +Steps (and possibly, SubSteps). +Procedures are usually performed sequentially, unless individual +Steps direct the reader explicitly. + + +Often it is important to assure that certain conditions exist +before a procedure is performed, and that the outcome of the procedure +matches the expected results. DocBook does not provide explicit +semantic markup for these pre- and post-conditions. Instead, they must +be described as steps (check the pre-conditions in the first step and +the results in the last step), or described outside the body of the +procedure. + + +The task element, added to DocBook in V4.3, provides +some of this infrastructure. + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain procedure: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +example +glossary +glossdiv +important +index +informalexample +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +task +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in procedure: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockinfo +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +step +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE procedure PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<procedure><title>An Example Procedure</title> +<step> + <para> + A Step + </para> +</step> +<step> + <para> + Another Step + </para> + <substeps> + <step> + <para> + Substeps can be nested indefinitely deep. + </para> + </step> + </substeps> +</step> +<step> + <para> + A Final Step + </para> +</step> +</procedure> + + + +An Example Procedure + + + A Step + + + + + Another Step + + + + + Substeps can be nested indefinitely deep. + + + + + + + A Final Step + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +production +production +Element + + +production +A production in a set of EBNF productions + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +production ::= +(lhs,rhs,constraint*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + +This element is only available if you are using the +EBNF Module. + +A Production is single production in an +Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) grammar. + +Individual productions have two parts, a left hand side +(lhs) and a right hand side +(rhs). Each NonTerminal +on the left hand side is defined in terms of other +non-terminals and literals on the right hand side. + + +Parents +These elements contain production: +productionset +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in production: +constraint +lhs +rhs +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + productionset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +productionrecap +productionrecap +Element + + +productionrecap +A cross-reference to an EBNF production + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +productionrecap ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linkend +IDREF +Required + + + + + + +Description + +This element is only available if you are using the +EBNF Module. + +A ProductionRecap is a cross reference to +a Production. + +Processing expectations +A ProductionRecap is rendered exactly like +the production to which it refers. The purpose of the +ProductionRecap element is to allow a +ProductionSet to contain copies of +Productions defined elsewhere. This frequently +makes it easier for readers to understand. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain productionrecap: +productionset +. + + + +Attributes + +linkend + +FIXME: + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +productionset +productionset +Element + + +productionset +A set of EBNF productions + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +productionset ::= +((title,titleabbrev?)?, + (production|productionrecap)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bookcomponent.content +component.mix +compound.class + + +divcomponent.mix +ebnf.block.hook +refcomponent.mix + + + + + + +Description + +This element is only available if you are using the +EBNF Module. + +A ProductionSet is a collection of +Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) +Productions. + +EBNF is a notation for describing the grammar of context-free +languages. Even if you aren't conversant in the programming language +concepts of context-free languages and grammars, it's not really +as hard to understand as it sounds. + +A set of EBNF productions describes the legal arrangements of +tokens in a language. Consider arithmetic expressions as a simple +example. + +The expression +3 + 4 +is valid and so is +3 + 4 - 5, but +3 - + - 4 is not, nor is +3 + 4 6. We can use EBNF to +describe all the possible legal arrangements: + +Arithemetic Expressions + + Expression + ArithExpression | + MultExpression + Does this grammar actually get precedence right? + + + + + ArithExpression + Expression + '+' + MultExpression | + Expression + '-' + MultExpression + + + + MultExpression + MultExpression + '*' + MultExpression | + MultExpression + '/' + MultExpression | + Number + + + + + Number + [0-9]+ + + + + +Division by Zero +Division by zero is an error. Constraints, such as this one, +are used to express conditions that cannot be expressed in the grammar. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. The detailed processing expecations with respect to +individual productions, left-hand sides, and right-hand sides are quite +complex. + +Productions should be numbered. + + + +Parents +These elements contain productionset: +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +chapter +glossary +glossdiv +index +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +partintro +preface +procedure +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in productionset: +production +productionrecap +title +titleabbrev +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE simplesect PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<simplesect><title>EBNF Grammar</title> + +<productionset><title>Arithemetic Expressions</title> +<production id="ebnf.expression"> + <lhs>Expression</lhs> + <rhs><nonterminal def="#ebnf.arith">ArithExpression</nonterminal> | + <nonterminal def="#ebnf.mult">MultExpression</nonterminal> + <lineannotation>Does this grammar actually get precedence right? + </lineannotation> + </rhs> +</production> +<production id="ebnf.arith"> + <lhs>ArithExpression</lhs> + <rhs><nonterminal def="#ebnf.expression">Expression</nonterminal> + '+' + <nonterminal def="#ebnf.mult">MultExpression</nonterminal> | + <nonterminal def="#ebnf.expression">Expression</nonterminal> + '-' + <nonterminal def="#ebnf.mult">MultExpression</nonterminal> + </rhs> +</production> +<production id="ebnf.mult"> + <lhs>MultExpression</lhs> + <rhs><nonterminal def="#ebnf.mult">MultExpression</nonterminal> + '*' + <nonterminal def="#ebnf.mult">MultExpression</nonterminal> | + <nonterminal def="#ebnf.mult">MultExpression</nonterminal> + '/' + <nonterminal def="#ebnf.mult">MultExpression</nonterminal> | + <nonterminal def="#ebnf.number">Number</nonterminal> + </rhs> + <constraint linkend="div0"/> +</production> +<production id="ebnf.number"> + <lhs>Number</lhs> + <rhs>[0-9]+</rhs> +</production> +</productionset> + +<constraintdef id="div0"> +<title>Division by Zero</title> +<para>Division by zero is an error.</para> +</constraintdef> +</simplesect> + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +productname +productname +Element + + +productname +The formal name of a product + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +productname ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +class + +copyright +registered +service +trade + +"trade" + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +docinfo.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A ProductName is the formal name of any product. Identifying +a product this way may be useful if you need to provide explicit disclaimers +about product names or information. + + + +For example, the copyright statement on this book includes the following general +notice: + +
+Some of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish +their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear +in this book, and O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., was aware of the trademark +claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps. +
+ +or words to that effect. If every product name in this book had +been diligently coded as a ProductName, we could +have automatically generated a complete list of all the product +names and mentioned them explicitly in the notice. +
+ + +In running prose, the distinction between an Application and a +ProductName may be very subjective. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + +Two of the values of the Class +attribute on ProductName, Trade and +Registered, make assertions about +trademarks. DocBook also has a TradeMark element; +presumably the same markup is intended regardless of which one is +used. + + +The Service and Copyright values should +also generate the anticipated marks, if appropriate. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain productname: +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in productname: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + +
+Attributes + +class + + +Class indicates the type of +ProductName. + + + + + +See Also + +application +copyright +database +filename +hardware +medialabel +trademark +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +<productname class='trade'>Frobozz</productname>: it's not +just for breakfast anymore. +</para> + + + + +Frobozz: it's not +just for breakfast anymore. + + + + +As noted above, the TradeMark element could also be used: + + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +<trademark>Frobozz</trademark>: it's not +just for breakfast anymore. +</para> + + + + +Frobozz: it's not +just for breakfast anymore. + + + + + + +
+ + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +productnumber +productnumber +Element + + +productnumber +A number assigned to a product + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +productnumber ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +docinfo.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +An ProductNumber identifies a product number in +some unspecified numbering scheme. It's possible that product numbers +for different products might not even come from the same scheme. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + +DocBook does not control, or specify, the +numbering scheme used for products. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain productnumber: +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in productnumber: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +biblioid +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +pubsnumber +seriesvolnums +volumenum +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +You can order <citetitle>DocBook: The Definitive Guide</citetitle> directly +from O'Reilly &amp; Associates. Order product number +<productnumber>5807</productnumber> by phone or +<ulink url="">over the web</ulink>. +</para> + + + + +You can order DocBook: The Definitive Guide directly +from O'Reilly & Associates. Order product number +5807 by phone or +over the web. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +programlisting +programlisting +Element + + +programlisting +A literal listing of all or part of a program + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +programlisting ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage|co|coref|lineannotation|textobject)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +width +CDATA +None + + +linenumbering + +numbered +unnumbered + +None + + +language +CDATA +None + + +xml:space + +preserve + +None + + +continuation + +continues +restarts + +None + + +format + +linespecific + +"linespecific" + + +startinglinenumber +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +linespecific.class +listpreamble.mix + + +para.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A ProgramListing is a verbatim environment for program source or +source fragment listings. ProgramListings are often placed +in Examples or Figures so that they can be +cross-referenced from the text. + + +Processing Expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. This element is displayed “verbatim”; +whitespace and linebreaks within this element are significant. ProgramListings are usually +displayed in a fixed width font. + + + +Other markup within a ProgramListing is recognized. +Contrast +this with systems like LaTeX, in which verbatim environments disable +markup recognition. If you want to disable markup recognition, you +must use a CDATA section: + + + +<programlisting> +<![CDATA[ +This is a programlisting so white space and line +breaks are significant. But it is also a CDATA +section so <emphasis>tags</emphasis> and &entities; +are not recognized. The only markup that is recognized +is the end-of-section marker, which is two +"]"'s in a row followed by a >. + +]]> + +</programlisting> + + + + + +Two markup tags have +special significance in ProgramListings: CO +and LineAnnotation. +A CO identifies the location of a Callout. +A LineAnnotation is a comment, added by the +documentor—not the programmer. + + + +Processing expectations + +This element is displayed “verbatim”; +whitespace and linebreaks within this element are significant. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + +Future Changes +The xml:space attribute is automatically +provided in the XML DTD. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain programlisting: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +programlistingco +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in programlisting: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +co +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +coref +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +lineannotation +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +textobject +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +format + + +The Format attribute applies the +linespecific notation to all ProgramListings. +All white space and line breaks must be preserved. + + + +linenumbering + +Line numbering indicates whether or not the lines +of a ProgramListing are to be automatically numbered. The details +of numbering (every line or only selected lines, on the left or right, etc.) +are left up to the processing application. Be aware that not all processors +are capable of numbering lines. + + +width + + +Width specifies the width (in characters) +of the longest line in this ProgramListing (formatters may use +this value to determine scaling or rotation). + + + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +lineannotation +literallayout +screen +screenshot +synopsis +userinput +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + example + informalexample + programlistingco + refentry +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +programlistingco +programlistingco +Element + + +programlistingco +A program listing with associated areas used in callouts + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +programlistingco ::= +(areaspec,programlisting,calloutlist*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +linespecific.class +listpreamble.mix + + +para.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Callouts, such as numbered bullets, are an annotation mechanism. In an +online system, these bullets are frequently hot, and clicking on +them sends you to the corresponding annotation. + + +A ProgramListingCO is a wrapper around an AreaSpec and +a ProgramListing. An AreaSpec identifies the locations +(coordinates) +in the ProgramListing where the callouts occur. +The ProgramListingCO may also contain the list of annotations in +a CalloutList, although the CalloutList may also +occur outside of the wrapper, elsewhere in the document. + + + +It is also possible to embed CO elements directly in the +verbatim text, in order to avoid having to calculate the +correct coordinates. If you decided to go this route, use a +ProgramListing and a CalloutList without the +ProgramListingCO wrapper. A ProgramListingCO +must specify at least one coordinate. + + + +For a complete description of callouts, see Callout. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. This element is displayed “verbatim”; +whitespace and linebreaks within this element are significant. + + +The mandatory processing expectations of a ProgramListingCO are +minimal: a system is expected to render the program listing and the +callout list, if present. + + +If explicit CO elements are embedded in a +ProgramListing, they must generate appropriate +callout marks. + + +In online environments, the processing system may be able to instantiate +the linking relationships between the callout marks in the program listing and +the annotations. +Some systems may even be able to go a step further and generate +the callout marks automatically from the coordinate information, +but this level of sophistication is not mandatory. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain programlistingco: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in programlistingco: +areaspec +calloutlist +programlisting +. + + + +See Also + +areaspec +calloutlist +co +coref +graphicco +imageobjectco +mediaobjectco +screenco +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE programlistingco PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<programlistingco> +<areaspec> +<areaset id="ex.plco.const" coords=""> + <area id="ex.plco.c1" coords='4'/> + <area id="ex.plco.c2" coords='8'/> +</areaset> +<area id="ex.plco.ret" coords='12'/> +<area id="ex.plco.dest" coords='12'/> +</areaspec> +<programlisting> +sub do_nothing_useful { + my($a, $b, $c); + + $a = new A; + + $a->does_nothing_either(); + + $b = new B; + + $c = "frog"; + + return ($a, $c); +} +</programlisting> +<calloutlist> +<callout arearefs="ex.plco.const"> +<para> +These are calls to the constructor <function>new</function> in the object +classes. +</para> +</callout> +<callout arearefs="ex.plco.ret"> +<para> +This function returns a two-element list. +</para> +</callout> +<callout arearefs="ex.plco.dest"> +<para> +The <emphasis>destructor</emphasis> (<function>DESTROY</function>) for +the object <literal>$b</literal> will be called automatically for this +object since there can be no other references to it outside this function. +</para> +</callout> +</calloutlist> +</programlistingco> + + + + + + + + + + + + + +sub do_nothing_useful { + my($a, $b, $c); + + $a = new A; + + $a->does_nothing_either(); + + $b = new B; + + $c = "frog"; + + return ($a, $c); +} + + + + +These are calls to the constructor new in the object +classes. + + + + +This function returns a two-element list. + + + + +The destructor (DESTROY) for +the object $b will be called automatically for this +object since there can be no other references to it outside this function. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +prompt +prompt +Element + + +prompt +A character or string indicating the start of an input field in a computer display + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +prompt ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage|co)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Prompt is a character or character string marking +the beginning of an input field. Prompts are +generally associated with command-line interfaces and not +graphical user interfaces (GUIs). In GUIs, GUILabel is usually more appropriate. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes + +Prompt was added in DocBook V3.0. It duplicates the +semantics of systemitem class="prompt". +The prompt attribute will be removed from +SystemItem in the future. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain prompt: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in prompt: +beginpage +co +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Prompt. + + + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +constant +envar +filename +literal +markup +option +optional +parameter +replaceable +sgmltag +systemitem +userinput +varname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Enter your user name when the system presents the +<prompt>login:</prompt> prompt. +</para> + + + + +Enter your user name when the system presents the +login: prompt. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +property +property +Element + + +property +A unit of data associated with some part of a computer system + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +property ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The notion of a Property is very domain-dependent in computer +documentation. Some object-oriented systems speak of properties; the +components from which GUIs are constructed have properties; +and one can speak of properties in very general terms; the properties +of a relational database. + + + +You might use Property for any of these in your documentation. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes + +The content model of Property will be constrained to +(#PCDATA | Replaceable | InlineGraphic) in DocBook V4.0. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain property: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in property: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Property. + + + + + +See Also + +classname +interface +structfield +structname +symbol +token +type +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +When Emacs is running under X Windows, the <property>borderWidth</property> +resource controls the width of the external border. +</para> + + + + +When Emacs is running under X Windows, the borderWidth +resource controls the width of the external border. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +pubdate +pubdate +Element + + +pubdate +The date of publication of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +pubdate ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +The PubDate is the date of publication of a document. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain pubdate: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in pubdate: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +date +edition +printhistory +releaseinfo +revhistory +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + article + bibliography + bibliomset + bookinfo +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +publisher +publisher +Element + + +publisher +The publisher of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +publisher ::= +(publishername,address*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +Publisher associates a PublisherName and an +Address. Many publishers have offices in more than one +city. Publisher can be used to list or distinguish between +the multiple offices. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain publisher: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in publisher: +address +publishername +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE publisher PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<publisher> + <publishername>O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc.</publishername> + <address><street>101 ...</street> + ... + </address> +</publisher> + + +For additional examples, see also + + article + bibliography + biblioset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +publishername +publishername +Element + + +publishername +The name of the publisher of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +publishername ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +A PublisherName is the name of a publisher. Historically, this +has been used in bibliographic meta-information to identify the publisher of +a book or other document. It is also reasonable to identify the publisher +of an electronic publication in this way. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain publishername: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +publisher +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in publishername: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +corpname +orgname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + article + bibliography + bibliomset + biblioset + publisher +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +pubsnumber +pubsnumber +Element + + +pubsnumber +A number assigned to a publication other than an ISBN or ISSN or inventory part number + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +pubsnumber ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +A PubsNumber identifies a document in +some unspecified numbering scheme. This number may exist instead of, +or in addition to, an ISBN or ISSN number. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + +DocBook does not control, or specify, the +numbering scheme used for documents. + + +Deprecated as of DocBook V4.2, see biblioid instead. + + + +Parents +These elements contain pubsnumber: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in pubsnumber: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +biblioid +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +productnumber +seriesvolnums +volumenum +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + contractsponsor + othercredit +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +qandadiv +qandadiv +Element + + +qandadiv +A titled division in a QandASet + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +qandadiv ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|procedure|anchor|bridgehead| + remark|highlights|indexterm)*, + (qandadiv+|qandaentry+)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +QandADiv is a section of a QandASet. A question +and answer set might be divided into sections in order to group different +sets of questions together, perhaps by topic. + + +A QandASet may +contain any number of QandADiv or QandAEntry +elements, but it cannot +contain a mixture of both at the same level. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +A table of contents for the question and answer set is sometimes +generated, especially in online environments. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain qandadiv: +qandadiv +qandaset +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in qandadiv: +address +anchor +bibliolist +blockinfo +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +qandadiv +qandaentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + qandaset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +qandaentry +qandaentry +Element + + +qandaentry +A question/answer set within a QandASet + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +qandaentry ::= +(blockinfo?,revhistory?,question,answer*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + +A QandAEntry is an entry in a +QandASet. Each QandAEntry +defines a Question and (possibly) its +Answer or Answers. + + +Since V4.2, the preferred way to associate a revision history with +a QandAEntry is in the BlockInfo. +The use of RevHistory directly in QandAEntry +is deprecated. + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Questions are usually presented before the +Answers, and often the Answers are indented +to make the questions stand out. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain qandaentry: +answer +qandadiv +qandaset +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in qandaentry: +answer +blockinfo +question +revhistory +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + qandaset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-11-26 15:26:23 +0100 (Tue, 26 Nov 2002) $ +$Revision: 2258 $ + + + +elements +qandaset +qandaset +Element + + +qandaset +A question-and-answer set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +qandaset ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|procedure|anchor|bridgehead| + remark|highlights|indexterm)*, + (qandadiv+|qandaentry+)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +defaultlabel + +none +number +qanda + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bookcomponent.content +component.mix +compound.class + + +divcomponent.mix +refcomponent.mix + + + + + + + +Description + +A QandASet is a list consisting of +Questions and Answers. +QandASets can be divided into sections. + + +Every entry in a QandASet must contain a +Question, but Answers are +optional (some questions have no answers), and may be repeated (some +questions have more than one answer). + + +Common uses for QandASets include reader +questionnaires and lists of Frequently Asked Questions +(FAQs). For the purpose of an +FAQ, DocBook V3.1 added the +FAQ class to Article. + + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. The DefaultLabel +attribute has a significant influence on the presentation of +Questions and Answers. + + + +Parents +These elements contain qandaset: +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +chapter +glossary +glossdiv +index +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +partintro +preface +procedure +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in qandaset: +address +anchor +bibliolist +blockinfo +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +qandadiv +qandaentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + + +Attributes + +defaultlabel + +DefaultLabel identifies the +default label that should be used for Questions and +Answers: + + +qanda + +Questions are labeled Q: and +Answers are labeled A:. Other +similar labels may be substituted, for example, the words might be +spelled out, Question: and Answer:, and +the actual characters or words used are dependent on the language. + + + +number + +The entries are enumerated. + + +none + +No distinguishing label precedes Questions or +Answers. + + + + +If no value is specified, the implied presentation may be any one of these, +as defined by the stylesheet. Note that each question and answer can explicitly +define a label, regardless of the default label specified. + + + + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE qandaset PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<qandaset defaultlabel='qanda'> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para> +To be, or not to be? +</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para> +That is the question. +</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> + + + + + + + +To be, or not to be? + + + + +That is the question. + + + + + + + +<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<article class="faq"> +<title>Frequently Asked Questions About Fonts</title> + +<para>...</para> + +<qandaset> +<qandadiv><title>General Information</title> + +<para>...</para> + +<qandadiv><title>Font Houses</title> + +<qandaentry><question><para>Adobe Systems, Inc.</para></question> +<answer><para>...</para></answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry><question><para>Agfa, Inc.</para></question> +<answer><para>...</para></answer> +</qandaentry> + +</qandadiv> +</qandadiv> +</qandaset> +</article> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +question +question +Element + + +question +A question in a QandASet + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +question ::= +(label?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|procedure|anchor|bridgehead| + remark|highlights|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A Question in a QandAEntry poses a question or +states a problem that is addressed by the following Answer(s). +Answers are optional (some questions +have no answers) and may be repeated (some questions have more than +one answer). + + +Processing expectations + +Questions are frequently introduced with a label, +such as A:. If a Question has a +Label child element, the content of that +Label is used as the label for the +Question. The DefaultLabel attribute on the nearest +ancestor QandASet of a Question +can be used to indicate that a processing application should +automatically generate a label for the Question. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain question: +qandaentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in question: +address +anchor +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +label +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + qandaset +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2006-05-17 14:09:48 +0200 (Wed, 17 May 2006) $ +$Revision: 5987 $ + + + +elements +quote +quote +Element + + +quote +An inline quotation + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +quote ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +Quote surrounds an inline quotation. Using an +element for quotations is frequently more convenient than +entering the character entities +for the quotation marks by hand, and makes it possible for +a presentation system to alter the format of the quotation +marks. + + +Block quotations are properly identified as +BlockQuotes. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The Quote element is expected to generate +the proper quotation marks. These may be influenced by the +Lang attribute on an ancestor element. +For example, +a quote in French might use «guillemets» instead of +English “quote marks.” + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain quote: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in quote: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +abbrev +acronym +emphasis +foreignphrase +phrase +wordasword +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +This software is provided <quote>as is</quote>, without expressed +or implied warranty. +</para> + + + + +This software is provided as is, without expressed +or implied warranty. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + bookinfo + link +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refclass +refclass +Element + + +refclass +The scope or other indication of applicability of a reference entry + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +refclass ::= +(#PCDATA|application)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The RefClass element describes the applicability or scope +of a RefEntry. A RefClass might indicate that +the entry was only applicable to a particular application, for example, +or only to a particular vendor’s operating system. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + +Formatting reference pages may require a fairly sophisticated +processing system. Much of the meta-information about a +reference page (its name, type, purpose, title, and +classification) is stored in wrappers near the beginning of +the RefEntry. + + +Common presentational features, such as titles and running +heads, may require data from several of these wrappers plus +some generated text. Other formatting often requires that +these elements be reordered. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refclass: +refnamediv +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refclass: +application +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refdescriptor +refdescriptor +Element + + +refdescriptor +A description of the topic of a reference page + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +refdescriptor ::= +(#PCDATA|action|application|classname|methodname|interfacename| + exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command| + computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname| + errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel| + guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode| + keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel| + menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter|prompt|property| + replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol| + systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Reference pages (RefEntrys) are usually identified +by a short, succinct topic name, such as the name of a function +or command. The RefName (or one of the +RefNames, in the case of a reference page that has +several) is generally used as the topic name. When none of the +RefNames is appropriate, RefDescriptor +is used to specify the topic name. + + + +RefDescriptor is unnecessary when an appropriate +RefName can be selected automatically. At least one +RefName is required, so RefDescriptor cannot +be used in place of a name, only in addition to it. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. + + +Formatting reference pages may require a fairly sophisticated +processing system. Much of the meta-information about a +reference page (its name, type, purpose, title, and +classification) is stored in wrappers near the beginning of +the RefEntry. + + +Common presentational features, such as titles and running +heads, may require data from several of these wrappers plus +some generated text. Other formatting often requires that +these elements be reordered. + + +If a RefDescriptor is present, it should be used +for the short topic name. This name usually appears in the running +header along with the ManVolNum in print media. +It may also appear in tables of contents and the index. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refdescriptor: +refnamediv +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refdescriptor: +action +application +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +symbol +systemitem +token +type +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +See Also + +refentrytitle +refname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + reference +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refentry +refentry +Element + + +refentry +A reference page (originally a UNIX man-style reference page) + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refentry ::= +(beginpage?, + (indexterm)*, + refentryinfo?,refmeta?, + (remark|link|olink|ulink)*, + refnamediv+,refsynopsisdiv?, + (refsect1+|refsection+)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bookcomponent.content +partcontent.mix +refentry.class + + + + + + +Description + + +A RefEntry is a reference page. In UNIX parlance this has +historically been called a “man page” (short for manual page). + + + +RefEntry is an appropriate wrapper for any small unit of +reference documentation describing a single topic. Canonical examples +are programming language functions and user commands +(one RefEntry per function or command). +You're reading a RefEntry right now. + + + +On some projects, the structure of reference pages may be rigorously +defined right down to the number, order, and title of individual sections +(some or all of which may be required). + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. It is not uncommon for RefEntrys to introduce +a forced page break in print media. + + +Formatting reference pages may require a fairly sophisticated +processing system. Much of the meta-information about a +reference page (its name, type, purpose, title, and +classification) is stored in wrappers near the beginning of +the RefEntry. + + +Common presentational features, such as titles and running +heads, may require data from several of these wrappers plus +some generated text. Other formatting often requires that +these elements be reordered. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refentry: +appendix +article +chapter +part +partintro +preface +reference +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refentry: +beginpage +indexterm +link +olink +refentryinfo +refmeta +refnamediv +refsect1 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +remark +ulink +. + + + +Attributes + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the RefEntry. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +Examples + + +A typical reference page for a command: + + + +<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<refentry id="ls"> + +<refmeta> +<refentrytitle>ls</refentrytitle> +<manvolnum>1</manvolnum> +</refmeta> + +<refnamediv> +<refname>ls</refname> +<refpurpose>list contents of a directory</refpurpose> +</refnamediv> + +<refsynopsisdiv> +<cmdsynopsis> +<command>/usr/bin/ls</command> +<arg choice="opt"> + <option>aAbcCdfFgilLmnopqrRstux1</option> +</arg> +<arg choice="opt" rep="repeat">file</arg> +</cmdsynopsis> +</refsynopsisdiv> + +<refsect1><title>Description</title> +<para> +For each file that is a directory, <command>ls</command> lists the contents of +the directory; for each file that is an ordinary file, <command>ls</command> +repeats its name and any other information requested. +</para> +<para>&hellip;</para> +</refsect1> +</refentry> + + + +A typical reference page for a function: + + + +<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<refentry id="printf"> + +<refmeta> +<refentrytitle>printf</refentrytitle> +<manvolnum>3S</manvolnum> +</refmeta> + +<refnamediv> +<refname>printf</refname> +<refname>fprintf</refname> +<refname>sprintf</refname> +<refpurpose>print formatted output</refpurpose> +</refnamediv> + +<refsynopsisdiv> + +<funcsynopsis> +<funcsynopsisinfo> +#include &lt;stdio.h&gt; +</funcsynopsisinfo> +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>int <function>printf</function></funcdef> + <paramdef>const char *<parameter>format</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>...</paramdef> +</funcprototype> + +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>int <function>fprintf</function></funcdef> + <paramdef>FILE *<parameter>strm</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>const char *<parameter>format</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>...</paramdef> +</funcprototype> + +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>int <function>sprintf</function></funcdef> + <paramdef>char *<parameter>s</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>const char *<parameter>format</parameter></paramdef> + <paramdef>...</paramdef> +</funcprototype> +</funcsynopsis> + +</refsynopsisdiv> + +<refsect1><title>Description</title> +<para> +<function>printf</function> places output on the standard +output stream stdout. +</para> +<para>&hellip;</para> +</refsect1> +</refentry> + + + +A reference page for a data structure: + + + + +<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<refentry id="iovec"> + +<refmeta> +<refentrytitle>iovec</refentrytitle> +<manvolnum>9S</manvolnum> +</refmeta> + +<refnamediv> +<refname>iovec</refname> +<refpurpose>data storage structure for I/O using uio</refpurpose> +</refnamediv> + +<refsynopsisdiv> +<synopsis> +#include &lt;sys/uio.h&gt; +</synopsis> +</refsynopsisdiv> + +<refsect1><title>Interface Level</title> +<para> +Architecture independent level 1 (DDI/DKI). +</para> +</refsect1> + +<refsect1><title>Description</title> + +<para> +An <structname>iovec</structname> structure describes a data +storage area for transfer in a +<citerefentry><refentrytitle>uio</refentrytitle> + <manvolnum>9S</manvolnum> +</citerefentry> +structure. Conceptually, +it may be thought of as a base address and length specification. +</para> + +</refsect1> +<refsect1><title>Structure Members</title> + +<programlisting> + caddr_t iov_base; /* base address of the data storage area */ + /* represented by the iovec structure */ + int iov_len; /* size of the data storage area in bytes */ +</programlisting> + +<para>&hellip;</para> +</refsect1> +</refentry> + + +For additional examples, see also + + reference +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +refentryinfo +refentryinfo +Element + + +refentryinfo +Meta-information for a Refentry + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refentryinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The RefentryInfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a Refentry. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refentryinfo: +refentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refentryinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refentrytitle +refentrytitle +Element + + +refentrytitle +The title of a reference page + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +refentrytitle ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A RefEntryTitle is the title of a reference page. +It is frequently the same as the first +RefName or the RefDescriptor, although it +may also be a longer, more general title. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +Formatting reference pages may require a fairly sophisticated +processing system. Much of the meta-information about a +reference page (its name, type, purpose, title, and +classification) is stored in wrappers near the beginning of +the RefEntry. + + +Common presentational features, such as titles and running +heads, may require data from several of these wrappers plus +some generated text. Other formatting often requires that +these elements be reordered. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refentrytitle: +citerefentry +refmeta +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refentrytitle: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +refdescriptor +refname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + citerefentry + manvolnum + refentry +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +reference +reference +Element + + +reference +A collection of reference entries + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +reference ::= +(beginpage?,referenceinfo?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + partintro?, + (refentry)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +partcontent.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + +A Reference is a collection of +RefEntrys. In a Book, a +Reference can occur at either the Part +or Chapter level. + + + +Reference pages are usually bound together by topic; in traditional +UNIX documentation they are most frequently bound into volumes. See +ManVolNum. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Referencess often introduce a forced +page break and may start on the next recto page. Frequently, +they also produce a separator page, on which may be printed the +content of the PartIntro. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain reference: +book +part +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in reference: +beginpage +partintro +refentry +referenceinfo +subtitle +title +titleabbrev +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Reference. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> + +<reference><title>Reference Pages</title> + +<refentry> +<refnamediv> +<refdescriptor>GNU as</refdescriptor> +<refname>as</refname> +<refpurpose>the portable GNU assembler</refpurpose> +</refnamediv> +<refsynopsisdiv><title>SYNOPSIS</title> +<synopsis>...</synopsis> +</refsynopsisdiv> +<refsect1><title>DESCRIPTION</title> +<para>...</para> +</refsect1> +</refentry> + +<refentry> +<refnamediv> +<refname>awk</refname> +<refpurpose>pattern scanning and text processing language</refpurpose> +</refnamediv> +<refsynopsisdiv><title>SYNOPSIS</title> +<synopsis>...</synopsis> +</refsynopsisdiv> +<refsect1><title>DESCRIPTION</title> +<para>...</para> +</refsect1> +</refentry> + +<!-- ... --> + +</reference> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +referenceinfo +referenceinfo +Element + + +referenceinfo +Meta-information for a Reference + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +referenceinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The ReferenceInfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a Reference. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain referenceinfo: +reference +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in referenceinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refmeta +refmeta +Element + + +refmeta +Meta-information for a reference entry + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refmeta ::= +((indexterm)*, + refentrytitle,manvolnum?,refmiscinfo*, + (indexterm)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +RefMeta holds the title of the reference page, the +number of the volume in which this reference page occurs, and +possibly other miscellaneous information (typically used in +printing the reference page). + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Most of the elements contained in RefMeta +are used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part of +the formatting of the RefMeta wrapper--it merely serves +to identify where they occur. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refmeta: +refentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refmeta: +indexterm +manvolnum +refentrytitle +refmiscinfo +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + refentry +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refmiscinfo +refmiscinfo +Element + + +refmiscinfo +Meta-information for a reference entry other than the title and volume number + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +refmiscinfo ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +class +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +RefMiscInfo is an escape hatch for additional meta-information +about a reference page. It may hold copyright information, +release or revision information, descriptive text for use in a print +header or footer, or any other information not explicitly provided for +in RefMeta. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refmiscinfo: +refmeta +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refmiscinfo: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class on RefMiscInfo can be used +to indicate the nature of the miscellaneous information being added to +RefMeta. Naming this attribute class is a violation of +DocBook semantics (where Class attributes +have delimited value sets), it should really be called +Type. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refname +refname +Element + + +refname +The name of (one of) the subject(s) of a reference page + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +refname ::= +(#PCDATA|action|application|classname|methodname|interfacename| + exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command| + computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname| + errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel| + guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode| + keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel| + menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter|prompt|property| + replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol| + systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +RefEntrys are small units of reference documentation +describing a single topic. The RefName identifies +the topic. Often this is the name of the command or function +that the reference page describes. + + +Some reference pages describe a whole family of very closely related +commands or functions. In this case, a RefEntry will +have multiple RefNames, one for each command or function. +When a RefEntry has several RefNames, it is +likely to have a RefDescriptor that identifies the +whole family of functions. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. + + +Formatting reference pages may require a fairly sophisticated +processing system. Much of the meta-information about a +reference page (its name, type, purpose, title, and +classification) is stored in wrappers near the beginning of +the RefEntry. + + +Common presentational features, such as titles and running +headers, may require data from several of these wrappers plus +some generated text. Other formatting often requires that +these elements be reordered. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refname: +refnamediv +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refname: +action +application +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +symbol +systemitem +token +type +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +See Also + +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + refentry + reference +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refnamediv +refnamediv +Element + + +refnamediv +The name, purpose, and classification of a reference page + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refnamediv ::= +(refdescriptor?,refname+,refpurpose,refclass*, + (remark|link|olink|ulink)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +RefNameDiv is the first mandatory section in a +RefEntry. It is a peer to +RefSynopsisDiv and RefSect1. + + +The elements in RefNameDiv identify the topic of the +reference page (RefDescriptor or RefName), provide a +concise summary (RefPurpose), and classify the +page (RefClass). + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. RefNameDiv usually generates a +section heading, in the same typographic style as a +RefSect1 Title, called Name. + + +The content of this section is traditionally the RefDescriptor +or RefName, and the RefPurpose, separated by an +em dash. + + +The RefClass may be presented, or it may be suppressed and used +only to select a group of reference pages to process. You might use the value of RefClass to print all the reference pages +appropriate to Solaris UNIX, for example. + + +Formatting reference pages may require a fairly sophisticated +processing system. Much of the meta-information about a +reference page (its name, type, purpose, title, and +classification) is stored in wrappers near the beginning of +the RefEntry. + + +Common presentational features, such as titles and running +headers, may require data from several of these wrappers plus +some generated text. Other formatting often requires that +these elements be reordered. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refnamediv: +refentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refnamediv: +link +olink +refclass +refdescriptor +refname +refpurpose +remark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + refentry + reference +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refpurpose +refpurpose +Element + + +refpurpose +A short (one sentence) synopsis of the topic of a reference page + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +refpurpose ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The RefPurpose is a concise summary of the topic of the +reference page. A RefPurpose is usually limited to a single, +short sentence. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. See RefNameDiv. + + +In a large Reference, RefNames and +RefPurposes are sometimes used to construct a permuted +index. A permuted index is a keyword-in-context concordance of lines, +like the short definitions in this element reference; the keyword +cycles alphabetically through the words of the (definition) lines. + + +Formatting reference pages may require a fairly sophisticated +processing system. Much of the meta-information about a +reference page (its name, type, purpose, title, and +classification) is stored in wrappers near the beginning of +the RefEntry. + + +Common presentational features, such as titles and running +headers, may require data from several of these wrappers plus +some generated text. Other formatting often requires that +these elements be reordered. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refpurpose: +refnamediv +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refpurpose: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + refentry + reference +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refsect1 +refsect1 +Element + + +refsect1 +A major subsection of a reference entry + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refsect1 ::= +(refsect1info?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + refsect2*)| + refsect2+)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + +Reference pages have their own hierarchical structure. A +RefSect1 is a major division in a +RefEntry, analagous to a Sect1 elsewhere +in the document. + + + +The value of a separate hierarchical structure is that it allows +the content model of sections in reference pages to be +customized differently than the content model of sections +outside. For example, because of this split, it was easy to add +a recursive sectioning element (Section) as a peer +to Sect1 in DocBook V3.1 without introducing it to +RefEntrys, in which it would not be desirable. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +In some environments, the name, number, and order of major divisions +in a reference page is strictly defined by house style. For example, +one style requires that the first major section after the synopsis +be the Description, which it must have as its title. + + +In those cases, it may be useful to replace RefSect1 in +the content model with a set of named sections (following the pattern +of RefNameDiv and RefSynopsisDiv). + + +Formatting reference pages may require a fairly sophisticated +processing system. Much of the meta-information about a +reference page (its name, type, purpose, title, and +classification) is stored in wrappers near the beginning of +the RefEntry. + + +Common presentational features, such as titles and running +headers, may require data from several of these wrappers plus +some generated text. Other formatting often requires that +these elements be reordered. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refsect1: +refentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refsect1: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refsect1info +refsect2 +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the RefSect1. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +refnamediv +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + refentry + reference +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +refsect1info +refsect1info +Element + + +refsect1info +Meta-information for a RefSect1 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refsect1info ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Like the other “info” elements, RefSect1Info contains +meta-information about the section of the document in which it occurs. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Parents +These elements contain refsect1info: +refsect1 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refsect1info: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + +. + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refsect2 +refsect2 +Element + + +refsect2 +A subsection of a RefSect1 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refsect2 ::= +(refsect2info?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + refsect3*)| + refsect3+)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A RefSect2 is a second level section in a +RefEntry, analogous to a Sect2 elsewhere +in the document. See RefSect1. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refsect2: +refsect1 +refsynopsisdiv +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refsect2: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refsect2info +refsect3 +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the RefSect2. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refsect2info +refsect2info +Element + + +refsect2info +Meta-information for a RefSect2 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refsect2info ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Like the other “info” elements, RefSect2Info contains +meta-information about the section of the document in which it occurs. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of RefSect2Info in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refsect2info: +refsect2 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refsect2info: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +Examples + + +See RefSect1Info in RefEntry for an +analogous example. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refsect3 +refsect3 +Element + + +refsect3 +A subsection of a RefSect2 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refsect3 ::= +(refsect3info?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A RefSect3 is a third level section in a +RefEntry, analogous to a Sect3 elsewhere +in the document. See RefSect1. + + + +In DocBook, RefSect3 is the lowest-level section allowed in a +RefEntry. There is no element analogous to a Sect4. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refsect3: +refsect2 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refsect3: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refsect3info +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the RefSect3. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +Examples + + +See RefSect1 and RefSect2 in +RefEntry for analogous examples. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refsect3info +refsect3info +Element + + +refsect3info +Meta-information for a RefSect3 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refsect3info ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Like the other “info” elements, RefSect3Info contains +meta-information about the section of the document in which it occurs. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of RefSect3Info in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refsect3info: +refsect3 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refsect3info: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +Examples + + +See RefSect1Info in RefEntry for an +analogous example. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +refsection +refsection +Element + + +refsection +A recursive section in a refentry + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refsection ::= +(refsectioninfo?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + refsection*)| + refsection+)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + +Reference pages have their own hierarchical structure. A +RefSection is a recursive division in a +RefEntry, analagous to a Section elsewhere +in the document. + + + +The value of a separate hierarchical structure is that it allows +the content model of sections in reference pages to be +customized differently than the content model of sections +outside. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +Parents +These elements contain refsection: +refentry +refsection +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refsection: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refsection +refsectioninfo +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + + + +Attributes + +status + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the RefSection. + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +refnamediv +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsynopsisdiv +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +refsectioninfo +refsectioninfo +Element + + +refsectioninfo +Meta-information for a refsection + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refsectioninfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Like the other info elements, +refsectioninfo contains meta-information about the +section of the document in which it occurs. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Parents +These elements contain refsectioninfo: +refsection +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refsectioninfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refsynopsisdiv +refsynopsisdiv +Element + + +refsynopsisdiv +A syntactic synopsis of the subject of the reference page + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refsynopsisdiv ::= +(refsynopsisdivinfo?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + refsect2*)| + (refsect2+))) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +RefSynopsisDiv contains a syntactic synopsis of +the function or command described by the RefEntry. When +RefEntrys are used to describe other sorts of things, +RefSynopsisDiv should be used for whatever succinct, synopsis +information seems appropriate. +In this book, each element of the DTD is described on a reference page, +and the RefSynopsisDiv is used for +the synopsis at the beginning of each entry. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. RefSynopsisDiv usually generates a +section heading, in the same typographic style as a +RefSect1 Title, called Synopsis. + + +Formatting reference pages may require a fairly sophisticated +processing system. Much of the meta-information about a +reference page (its name, type, purpose, title, and +classification) is stored in wrappers near the beginning of +the RefEntry. + + +Common presentational features, such as titles and running +headers, may require data from several of these wrappers plus +some generated text. Other formatting often requires that +these elements be reordered. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refsynopsisdiv: +refentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refsynopsisdiv: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refsect2 +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +See Also + +arg +cmdsynopsis +group +refnamediv +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +sbr +synopfragment +synopfragmentref +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +refsynopsisdivinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +Element + + +refsynopsisdivinfo +Meta-information for a RefSynopsisDiv + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +refsynopsisdivinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Like the other “info” elements, +RefSynopsisDivInfo contains meta-information about +the section of the document in which it occurs. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will +be removed from the inline content of +RefSynopsisDivInfo in DocBook V4.0. A new +wrapper element will be created to associate this information +with authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain refsynopsisdivinfo: +refsynopsisdiv +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in refsynopsisdivinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +releaseinfo +releaseinfo +Element + + +releaseinfo +Information about a particular release of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +releaseinfo ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +ReleaseInfo contains a brief description of the release or +published version of a document or part of a document. + + +For example, the release information +may state that the document is in beta, or that the software it describes +is a beta version. It may also contain more specific information, such +as the version number from a revision control system. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain releaseinfo: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in releaseinfo: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +date +edition +printhistory +pubdate +revhistory +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +remark +remark +Element + + +remark +A remark (or comment) intended for presentation in a draft manuscript + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +remark ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +cptr.char.mix +divcomponent.mix +docinfo.char.mix + + +genobj.class +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +other.char.class + + +para.char.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix +word.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +The Remark element is designed to hold remarks, for +example, editorial comments, that are useful while the document is +in the draft stage, but are not intended for final publication. + + + +Remarks are available almost anywhere and have a particularly broad +content model. Your processing system may or may not support either the use +of comments everywhere they are allowed or the full generality of +the Remark content model. + + +Prior to version 4.0 of DocBook, this element was named +Comment. + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Remarks are often printed only in draft +versions of a document and suppressed otherwise. This may be +controlled by the Status attribute +of an ancestor element (for example, Chapter), or by +external processes, such as selecting an alternate stylesheet +when publishing. + + +Remarks must not be nested within other Remarks. +Because DocBook is harmonizing towards XML, this restriction cannot be +enforced by the DTD. The processing of nested comments is undefined. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain remark: +abbrev +ackno +acronym +action +answer +appendix +application +article +artpagenums +attribution +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +bibliodiv +bibliography +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +bibliosource +blockquote +bridgehead +callout +caution +chapter +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +city +classsynopsisinfo +code +collabname +command +computeroutput +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +constraintdef +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +country +database +date +edition +email +emphasis +entry +fax +filename +firstname +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +holder +honorific +important +index +indexdiv +interfacename +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itemizedlist +jobtitle +keycap +label +lineage +lineannotation +link +listitem +literal +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +member +modespec +msgaud +msgexplan +msgtext +note +olink +option +optional +orderedlist +orgdiv +orgname +otheraddr +othername +pagenums +para +parameter +partintro +phone +phrase +pob +postcode +preface +primary +primaryie +procedure +productname +productnumber +programlisting +property +pubdate +publishername +pubsnumber +qandadiv +qandaset +question +quote +refentry +refentrytitle +refmiscinfo +refnamediv +refpurpose +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +releaseinfo +remark +replaceable +revdescription +revnumber +revremark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +seriesvolnums +setindex +shortaffil +sidebar +simpara +simplesect +state +step +street +subscript +subtitle +superscript +surname +synopsis +systemitem +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +tip +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +variablelist +volumenum +warning +wordasword +year +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in remark: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE example PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<example><title>The Grand Unified Theory</title> +<para> +<remark>Some details are still a bit shaky</remark> +&hellip; +Q.E.D. +</para> +</example> + + + +The Grand Unified Theory + +Some details are still a bit shaky +… +Q.E.D. + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +replaceable +replaceable +Element + + +replaceable +Content that may or must be replaced by the user + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +replaceable ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|optional|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|co)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +class + +command +function +option +parameter + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +docinfo.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix + + +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix + + +smallcptr.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +tech.char.class + + +title.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +Replaceable is used to mark text that describes +what a user is supposed to enter, but not the +actual text that they are supposed to enter. + + +It is used to identify a class of object +in the document, in which the user is expected to replace the text that +identifies the class +with some specific instance of that class. A canonical example is + + +<replaceable>filename</replaceable> + + +in which the user is expected to provide the name of some specific file +to replace the text filename. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Usually, the text is given special typographic treatment, +such as italics, as a clue to the user that this is replaceable text. +Often the font used is described in a conventions section at +the beginning of the document. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain replaceable: +accel +ackno +action +application +arg +artpagenums +attribution +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +bibliosource +bridgehead +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +city +classname +classsynopsisinfo +code +collabname +command +computeroutput +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +constant +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +country +database +date +edition +email +emphasis +entry +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fax +filename +firstname +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcdef +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +group +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +holder +honorific +initializer +interface +interfacename +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +jobtitle +keycap +keycode +keysym +lineage +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +markup +medialabel +member +methodname +modespec +modifier +mousebutton +msgaud +msglevel +msgorig +olink +option +optional +orgdiv +orgname +otheraddr +othername +package +pagenums +para +paramdef +parameter +phone +phrase +pob +postcode +primary +primaryie +productname +productnumber +programlisting +prompt +property +pubdate +publishername +pubsnumber +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refmiscinfo +refname +refpurpose +releaseinfo +remark +returnvalue +revnumber +revremark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +seriesvolnums +sgmltag +shortaffil +simpara +state +street +structfield +structname +subscript +subtitle +superscript +surname +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +volumenum +year +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in replaceable: +anchor +co +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +optional +remark +subscript +superscript +ulink +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class identifies the type of the replaceable +information. + + + + + +See Also + +command +computeroutput +constant +literal +markup +option +optional +parameter +prompt +sgmltag +userinput +varname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + cmdsynopsis + medialabel + msgset + synopfragment +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +returnvalue +returnvalue +Element + + +returnvalue +The value returned by a function + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +returnvalue ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +ReturnValue identifies the value returned by a +function or command. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain returnvalue: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in returnvalue: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +funcdef +funcparams +funcprototype +funcsynopsisinfo +function +paramdef +parameter +varargs +void +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The <function>open</function> function returns <returnvalue>2</returnvalue> +(<errorname>ENOFILE</errorname>) if the file does not exist. +</para> + + + + +The open function returns 2 +(ENOFILE) if the file does not exist. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +revdescription +revdescription +Element + + +revdescription +A extended description of a revision to a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +revdescription ::= +((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|procedure|anchor|bridgehead| + remark|highlights|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The RevDescription associated with a revision is a +summary of the changes made in that revision. RevDescription +is intended for long, complete summaries. For a simple text-only summary, +see RevRemark. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain revdescription: +revision +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in revdescription: +address +anchor +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +revhistory +revhistory +Element + + +revhistory +A history of the revisions to a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +revhistory ::= +(revision+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +docinfo.char.class +info.class + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + +RevHistory is a structure for documenting a +history of changes, specifically, a history of changes to the document +or section in which it occurs. + + +DocBook does not mandate an order for revisions: +ascending order by date, descending order by date, and orders based on +some other criteria are all equally acceptable. + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. A tabular or list presentation is most common. + + +The order of revisions within a +revhistory (ascending or descending date order, for example) +is not mandated by DocBook + + +Future Changes + +Due to a parameterization oversight in the DTD, +RevHistory is allowed in some outlandish places. +Still, it is not an inline, so it should not be used inside +LineAnnotations, Links, or +Quotes. (Not to mention the truly outlandish places +like Title and SeeAlso!) + +In a future version of DocBook, RevHistory +will be removed from these inline contexts. + + +The original intent for RevHistory was simply to +document the history of changes to the document that contains it. In +keeping with this meaning, you are advised to limit its use to places +where bibliographic meta-information is allowed (the +info elements). + + +One can argue that RevHistory has broader +applicability for documenting changes to other systems as well, and in +light of this, it may become available in more contexts, but that has +not yet been decided. + + + +Parents +These elements contain revhistory: +appendixinfo +application +articleinfo +attribution +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +bridgehead +chapterinfo +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glossaryinfo +glossentry +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +indexinfo +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +objectinfo +olink +para +partinfo +phrase +prefaceinfo +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +qandaentry +quote +refentryinfo +refentrytitle +referenceinfo +refpurpose +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in revhistory: +revision +. + + + +See Also + +date +edition +printhistory +pubdate +releaseinfo +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE revhistory PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<revhistory> + +<revision> + <revnumber>0.91</revnumber> + <date>11 Dec 1996</date> + <authorinitials>ndw</authorinitials> + <revremark>Bug fixes</revremark> +</revision> + +<revision> + <revnumber>0.90</revnumber> + <date>30 Nov 1996</date> + <authorinitials>ndw</authorinitials> + <revremark>First beta release</revremark> +</revision> + +</revhistory> + + +For additional examples, see also + + article +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +revision +revision +Element + + +revision +An entry describing a single revision in the history of the revisions to a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +revision ::= +(revnumber?,date, + (author|authorinitials)*, + (revremark|revdescription)?) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Revision contains information about a single revision to +a document. Revisions are identified by a number and a date. They may +also include the initials of the author, and additional remarks. + + +Processing expectations + +Revisions are often presented in a list or table. In a +tabular presentation, each revision most likely forms a row in +the table. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain revision: +revhistory +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in revision: +author +authorinitials +date +revdescription +revnumber +revremark +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + article + revhistory +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +revnumber +revnumber +Element + + +revnumber +A document revision number + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +revnumber ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A RevNumber identifies the revision number of a +document. The revision number should uniquely identify a +particular revision of a document. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. DocBook does not require that +RevNumbers be sequential or make any demands on their +format. They can be numeric, alphanumeric, or whatever suits your +needs. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain revnumber: +revision +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in revnumber: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + article + revhistory +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +revremark +revremark +Element + + +revremark +A description of a revision to a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +revremark ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The RevRemark associated with a revision is a short summary +of the changes made in that revision. If a longer, more complete summary +is desired, see RevDescription. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain revremark: +revision +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in revremark: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + article + revhistory +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +rhs +rhs +Element + + +rhs +The right-hand side of an EBNF production + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +rhs ::= +(#PCDATA|nonterminal|lineannotation|sbr)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +tbl.frame.attval + + + + + + + + +Description + +This element is only available if you are using the +EBNF Module. + +The right-hand side (RHS) of a production +provides a definition for the NonTerminal on the +left-hand side (LHS) +of the Production. + + +Parents +These elements contain rhs: +production +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in rhs: +lineannotation +nonterminal +sbr +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + productionset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +row +row +Element + + +row +A row in a table + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +row ::= +((entry|entrytbl)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +rowsep +CDATA +None + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +valign + +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +tbl.hdft.mdl +tbl.tbody.mdl + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Row is a row in a table. It contains all of the cells +(Entrys or EntryTbls) +that appear in that row. + + +Processing expectations + +This element is expected to obey the semantics +of the CALS Table Model +Document Type Definition, as specified by +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995 +. + + + +Within a Row, cells are arranged horizontally from +the start of the row to the end. Cells can, but are not +required to, specify the column in which they occur, so it is +possible for a row to contain fewer cells than there are columns +in the table. This introduces missing cells, which are assumed +to be empty. These missing cells can occur anywhere in the row. + + + +Once a cell has been allocated to a column, subsequent cells may not +fill preceding columns. In other words, while three cells can specify +that they occur in columns 1, 3, and 5, they cannot specify that they +occur in columns 1, 5, and 3. Once a column is passed, you can never +go back. + + + +If cells do not specify the column in which they occur, they are +placed in the next available column. Calculation of the next +available column is complicated by horizontal and vertical +spanning. Cells from preceding rows can have a vertical span +that causes them to extend into the current row, thus occupying space in +the current row. These logically occupied cells are skipped +when looking for the next available column. Similarly, if a cell +has a horizontal span, it logically occupies the columns that +follow it. Cells can simultaneously span rows and columns. + + + +Each of the following conditions is an error: + + +A cell spans beyond the boundries of the table. + + +A row contains more cells than there are columns +in the table. + + +The arrangement of cells in a row forces one or +more cells past the last column of the table. + + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain row: +tbody +tfoot +thead +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in row: +entry +entrytbl +. + + + +Attributes + +rowsep + + +If RowSep has the value 1 (true), then a +rule will be drawn below all the cells in this Row +(unless other, interior elements, suppress some or all of the rules). +A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. The rule below the last row +in the table is controlled by the Frame +attribute of the enclosing Table or +InformalTable and the RowSep +of the last row is ignored. If unspecified, this attribute is +inherited from enclosing elements. + + + +valign + + +VAlign specifies the vertical alignment +of text (and other elements) within the cells of this Row. +If no alignment is specified, it is inherited from enclosing +elements. + + + + + +See Also + +colspec +entry +entrytbl +informaltable +spanspec +table +tbody +tfoot +tgroup +thead +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + entrytbl + footnoteref + informaltable + table +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +sbr +sbr +Element + + +sbr +An explicit line break in a command synopsis + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sbr ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +For the most part, DocBook attempts to describe document +structure rather than presentation. However, in some complex +environments, it is possible to demonstrate that there is no +reasonable set of processing expectations that can guarantee +correct formatting. + + +CmdSynopsis is one of those environments. Within a long +synopsis, it may be necessary to specify the location of a line break +explicitly. + + +The SBR element indicates the position of such a +line break in a CmdSynopsis. It is purely +presentational. + + +Processing expectations + +SBR causes a line break. + + + +Parents +These elements contain sbr: +arg +cmdsynopsis +group +rhs +. + + + +See Also + +arg +cmdsynopsis +group +refsynopsisdiv +synopfragment +synopfragmentref +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + cmdsynopsis + synopfragment +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +screen +screen +Element + + +screen +Text that a user sees or might see on a computer screen + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +screen ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage|co|coref|textobject|lineannotation)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +width +CDATA +None + + +linenumbering + +numbered +unnumbered + +None + + +language +CDATA +None + + +xml:space + +preserve + +None + + +continuation + +continues +restarts + +None + + +format + +linespecific + +"linespecific" + + +startinglinenumber +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +linespecific.class +listpreamble.mix + + +para.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Screen is a verbatim environment for displaying text that +the user might see on a computer terminal. It is often used to display +the results of a command. + + + +Having less specific semantic overtones, Screen is +often used wherever a verbatim presentation is desired, but the +semantic of ProgramListing is inappropriate. + + +Processing expectations + +This element is displayed “verbatim”; +whitespace and linebreaks within this element are significant. Screens are usually +displayed in a fixed width font. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + +Future Changes +The xml:space attribute is automatically +provided in the XML DTD. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain screen: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +screenco +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in screen: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +co +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +coref +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +lineannotation +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +textobject +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +format + + +The Format attribute applies the +linespecific notation to all Screens. +All white space and line breaks must be preserved. + + + +linenumbering + +Line numbering indicates whether or not the lines +of a Screen are to be automatically numbered. The details +of numbering (every line or only selected lines, on the left or right, etc.) +are left up to the processing application. Be aware that not all processors +are capable of numbering lines. + + +width + + +Width specifies the width (in characters) +of the longest line in this Screen (formatters may use +this value to determine scaling or rotation). + + + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +lineannotation +literallayout +programlisting +screenshot +synopsis +userinput +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE screen PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<screen> + Volume in drive C is SYSTEM Serial number is 2350:717C + Directory of C:\ + +10/17/97 9:04 &lt;DIR&gt; bin +10/16/97 14:11 &lt;DIR&gt; DOS +10/16/97 14:40 &lt;DIR&gt; Program Files +10/16/97 14:46 &lt;DIR&gt; TEMP +10/17/97 9:04 &lt;DIR&gt; tmp +10/16/97 14:37 &lt;DIR&gt; WINNT +10/16/97 14:25 119 AUTOEXEC.BAT + 2/13/94 6:21 54,619 COMMAND.COM +10/16/97 14:25 115 CONFIG.SYS +11/16/97 17:17 61,865,984 pagefile.sys + 2/13/94 6:21 9,349 WINA20.386 +</screen> + + + + + Volume in drive C is SYSTEM Serial number is 2350:717C + Directory of C:\ + +10/17/97 9:04 <DIR> bin +10/16/97 14:11 <DIR> DOS +10/16/97 14:40 <DIR> Program Files +10/16/97 14:46 <DIR> TEMP +10/17/97 9:04 <DIR> tmp +10/16/97 14:37 <DIR> WINNT +10/16/97 14:25 119 AUTOEXEC.BAT + 2/13/94 6:21 54,619 COMMAND.COM +10/16/97 14:25 115 CONFIG.SYS +11/16/97 17:17 61,865,984 pagefile.sys + 2/13/94 6:21 9,349 WINA20.386 + + + +For additional examples, see also + + lineannotation + screenco +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +screenco +screenco +Element + + +screenco +A screen with associated areas used in callouts + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +screenco ::= +(areaspec,screen,calloutlist*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +linespecific.class +listpreamble.mix + + +para.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Callouts, such as numbered bullets, are an annotation mechanism. In an +online system, these bullets are frequently hot, and clicking on +them navigates to the corresponding annotation. + + +A ScreenCO is a wrapper around an AreaSpec and +a Screen. An AreaSpec identifies the locations +(coordinates) +in the Screen where the callouts occur. +The ScreenCO may also contain the list of annotations in +a CalloutList, although the CalloutList may also +occur outside of the wrapper, elsewhere in the document. + + + +It is also possible to embed CO elements directly in the +verbatim text, in order to avoid the overhead of calculating the +correct coordinates. If you decide to follow this route, use a +Screen and a CalloutList without the +ScreenCO wrapper. A ScreenCO +must specify at least one coordinate. + + + +For a complete description of callouts, see Callout. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. This element is displayed “verbatim”; +whitespace and linebreaks within this element are significant. + + +The mandatory processing expectations of a ScreenCO are +minimal: a system is expected to render the program listing and the +callout list, if present. + + +If explicit CO elements are embedded in a +Screen, they must generate appropriate +callout marks. + + +In online environments, the processing system may be able to instantiate +the linking relationships between the callout marks in the program listing and +the annotations. +Some systems may even be able to go a step further and generate +the callout marks automatically from the coordinate information, +but this level of sophistication is not mandatory. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain screenco: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in screenco: +areaspec +calloutlist +screen +. + + + +See Also + +areaspec +calloutlist +co +coref +graphicco +imageobjectco +mediaobjectco +programlistingco +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE screenco PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" + ""> +<screenco> +<areaspec> +<area id="dos" coords='5'/> +<area id="autoexec.bat" coords='10'/> +<area id="" coords='11'/> +<area id="config.sys" coords='12'/> +<area id="wina20.386" coords='14'/> +</areaspec> +<screen> Volume in drive C is SYSTEM Serial number is 2350:717C + Directory of C:\ + +10/17/97 9:04 &lt;DIR> bin +10/16/97 14:11 &lt;DIR> DOS +10/16/97 14:40 &lt;DIR> Program Files +10/16/97 14:46 &lt;DIR> TEMP +10/17/97 9:04 &lt;DIR> tmp +10/16/97 14:37 &lt;DIR> WINNT +10/16/97 14:25 119 AUTOEXEC.BAT + 2/13/94 6:21 54,619 COMMAND.COM +10/16/97 14:25 115 CONFIG.SYS +11/16/97 17:17 61,865,984 pagefile.sys + 2/13/94 6:21 9,349 WINA20.386</screen> +<calloutlist> +<callout arearefs="dos"> +<para> +This directory holds <trademark>MS-DOS</trademark>, the +operating system that was installed before <trademark>Windows +NT</trademark>. +</para> +</callout> + +<callout arearefs="autoexec.bat config.sys"> +<para> +System startup code for DOS. +</para> +</callout> + +<callout arearefs="wina20.386"> +<para> +Some sort of <trademark>Windows 3.1</trademark> hack for some 386 processors, +as I recall. +</para> +</callout> +</calloutlist> +</screenco> + + + + + + + Volume in drive C is SYSTEM Serial number is 2350:717C + Directory of C:\ + +10/17/97 9:04 <DIR> bin +10/16/97 14:11 <DIR> DOS +10/16/97 14:40 <DIR> Program Files +10/16/97 14:46 <DIR> TEMP +10/17/97 9:04 <DIR> tmp +10/16/97 14:37 <DIR> WINNT +10/16/97 14:25 119 AUTOEXEC.BAT + 2/13/94 6:21 54,619 COMMAND.COM +10/16/97 14:25 115 CONFIG.SYS +11/16/97 17:17 61,865,984 pagefile.sys + 2/13/94 6:21 9,349 WINA20.386 + + + + +This directory holds MS-DOS, the +operating system that was installed before Windows +NT. + + + + + +System startup code for DOS. + + + + + +Some sort of Windows 3.1 hack for some 386 processors, +as I recall. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +screeninfo +screeninfo +Element + + +screeninfo +Information about how a screen shot was produced + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +screeninfo ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +ScreenInfo contains meta-information about how a +ScreenShot was produced. Note that the content +model of ScreenShot is radically different from the +other info elements, to which it bears little or no +resemblance. + + + +ScreenInfo is a good place to store information +about how and at what resolution a screen shot was produced, +when it was produced, and by whom. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain screeninfo: +screenshot +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in screeninfo: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + screenshot +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +screenshot +screenshot +Element + + +screenshot +A representation of what the user sees or might see on a computer screen + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +screenshot ::= +(screeninfo?, + (graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +linespecific.class +listpreamble.mix + + +para.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A ScreenShot is a graphical environment for +displaying an image of what the user might see on a computer +screen. It is often used to display application screen shots, +dialog boxes, and other components of a graphical user interface. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain screenshot: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +figure +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in screenshot: +graphic +graphicco +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +screeninfo +. + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +lineannotation +literallayout +programlisting +screen +synopsis +userinput +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE screenshot PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> + +<screenshot> +<screeninfo>640x480x256</screeninfo> +<graphic fileref="copilot.gif"></graphic> +</screenshot> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +secondary +secondary +Element + + +secondary +A secondary word or phrase in an index term + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +secondary ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +sortas +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +Secondary contains a secondary word or phrase in an +IndexTerm. The text of a Secondary term +is less significant than the Primary term, but more +significant than the Tertiary term for sorting and +display purposes. + + + +In IndexTerms, you can only have one primary, +secondary, and tertiary term. If you want to index multiple +secondary terms for the same primary, you must repeat the +primary in another IndexTerm. You cannot place +several Secondarys in the same primary. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. This element provides data for processing but +is not rendered in the primary flow of text. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain secondary: +indexterm +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in secondary: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +sortas + + +SortAs specifies the string by which the +element's content is to be sorted. If unspecified, the proper content +is used. + + + + + +See Also + +indexentry +indexterm +primary +primaryie +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +tertiary +tertiaryie +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + chapter + indexterm +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +secondaryie +secondaryie +Element + + +secondaryie +A secondary term in an index entry, rather than in the text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +secondaryie ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linkends +IDREFS +None + + + + + + +Description + + +SecondaryIE identifies a secondary word or +words in an IndexEntry. + + + +In IndexEntrys, you can specify as many secondary terms +that are necessary. Secondary and tertiary terms can be mixed, following +the primary. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. SecondaryIEs occur below the +PrimaryIE, usually aligned with each other and indented +from the primary. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain secondaryie: +indexentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in secondaryie: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +linkends + + +Linkends, if used, points to the IndexTerms indexed +by this entry. + + + + + +See Also + +indexentry +indexterm +primary +primaryie +secondary +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +tertiary +tertiaryie +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + index +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +sect1 +sect1 +Element + + +sect1 +A top-level section of document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sect1 ::= +(sect1info?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + ((refentry)*| + sect2*|simplesect*))| + (refentry)+| + sect2+|simplesect+), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +renderas + +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 + +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bookcomponent.content + + + + + + + + +Description + + +Sect1 is one of the top-level sectioning elements in +a component. There are three types of sectioning elements in +DocBook: + + + + +Explicitly numbered sections, Sect1…Sect5, +which must be properly nested and can only be five levels deep. + + +Recursive Sections, which are alternative to the numbered +sections and have unbounded depth. + + +SimpleSects, which are terminal. SimpleSects can +occur as the leaf sections in either recursive sections or any +of the numbered sections, or directly in components. + + + + +None of the sectioning elements is allowed to float in +a component. You can place paragraphs and other block elements +before a section, but you cannot place anything after it. + + + +This means that you cannot have content in the Sect1 +after the end of a Sect2. This is consistent with +the DocBook book model, because in a printed book it is usually +impossible for a reader to detect the end of the enclosed +second level section and, therefore, all content after a second +level section appears in that section. + + +Processing Expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes sections are numbered. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, the ToC element in the content model +will be replaced by TocChap. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sect1: +appendix +article +chapter +partintro +preface +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sect1: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliography +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glossary +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +index +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +lot +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +sect1info +sect2 +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +simplesect +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +toc +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +renderas + + +The RenderAs attribute identifies how the +section should be rendered. In this way, a section at one level of the +structural hierarchy can be made to appear to be at another level. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Sect1. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +bridgehead +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +simplesect +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + chapter + indexterm + link + olink + sect1info + sidebar + simplesect + title +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +sect1info +sect1info +Element + + +sect1info +Meta-information for a Sect1 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sect1info ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Like the other “info” elements, Sect1Info contains +meta-information about the section of the document in which it occurs. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of Sect1Info in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sect1info: +sect1 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sect1info: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<sect1> + <sect1info> + <legalnotice><para>In the public domain.</para></legalnotice> + <title>Something Pithy</title> + <subtitle>How I Made Up a Silly Example</subtitle> + </sect1info> +<title>Something Pithy</title> +<para> +Content. +</para> +</sect1> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +sect2 +sect2 +Element + + +sect2 +A subsection within a Sect1 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sect2 ::= +(sect2info?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + ((refentry)*| + sect3*|simplesect*))| + (refentry)+| + sect3+|simplesect+), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +renderas + +sect1 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 + +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A Sect2 is a second-level section in a document. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes sections are numbered. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, the ToC element in the content model +will be replaced by TocChap. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sect2: +sect1 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sect2: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliography +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glossary +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +index +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +lot +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +sect2info +sect3 +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +simplesect +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +toc +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +renderas + + +The RenderAs attribute identifies how the +section should be rendered. In this way, a section at one level of the +structural hierarchy can be made to appear to be at another level. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Sect2. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +bridgehead +sect1 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +simplesect +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + link +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +sect2info +sect2info +Element + + +sect2info +Meta-information for a Sect2 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sect2info ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Like the other “info” elements, Sect2Info contains +meta-information about the section of the document in which it occurs. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of Sect2Info in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sect2info: +sect2 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sect2info: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + +Examples + + +See Sect1Info for an analogous example. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +sect3 +sect3 +Element + + +sect3 +A subsection within a Sect2 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sect3 ::= +(sect3info?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + ((refentry)*| + sect4*|simplesect*))| + (refentry)+| + sect4+|simplesect+), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +renderas + +sect1 +sect2 +sect4 +sect5 + +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A Sect3 is a third-level section in a document. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes sections are numbered. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, the ToC element in the content model +will be replaced by TocChap. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sect3: +sect2 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sect3: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliography +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glossary +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +index +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +lot +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +sect3info +sect4 +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +simplesect +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +toc +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +renderas + + +The RenderAs attribute identifies how the +section should be rendered. In this way, a section at one level of the +structural hierarchy can be made to appear to be at another level. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Sect3. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +bridgehead +sect1 +sect2 +sect4 +sect5 +section +simplesect +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +sect3info +sect3info +Element + + +sect3info +Meta-information for a Sect3 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sect3info ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Like the other “info” elements, Sect3Info contains +meta-information about the section of the document in which it occurs. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of Sect3Info in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sect3info: +sect3 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sect3info: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + +Examples + + +See Sect1Info for an analogous example. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +sect4 +sect4 +Element + + +sect4 +A subsection within a Sect3 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sect4 ::= +(sect4info?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + ((refentry)*| + sect5*|simplesect*))| + (refentry)+| + sect5+|simplesect+), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +renderas + +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect5 + +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A Sect4 is a fourth-level section in a document. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes sections are numbered. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, the ToC element in the content model +will be replaced by TocChap. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sect4: +sect3 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sect4: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliography +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glossary +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +index +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +lot +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +sect4info +sect5 +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +simplesect +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +toc +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +renderas + + +The RenderAs attribute identifies how the +section should be rendered. In this way, a section at one level of the +structural hierarchy can be made to appear to be at another level. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Sect4. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +bridgehead +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect5 +section +simplesect +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +sect4info +sect4info +Element + + +sect4info +Meta-information for a Sect4 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sect4info ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Like the other “info” elements, Sect4Info contains +meta-information about the section of the document in which it occurs. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of Sect4Info in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sect4info: +sect4 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sect4info: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + +Examples + + +See Sect1Info for an analogous example. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +sect5 +sect5 +Element + + +sect5 +A subsection within a Sect4 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sect5 ::= +(sect5info?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + ((refentry)*| + simplesect*))| + (refentry)+| + simplesect+), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +renderas + +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 + +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A Sect5 is a fifth-level section in a document. This is the +lowest-level numbered sectioning element. There is no +Sect6. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes sections are numbered. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +In DocBook V4.0, the ToC element in the content model +will be replaced by TocChap. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sect5: +sect4 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sect5: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliography +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glossary +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +index +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +lot +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +sect5info +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +simplesect +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +toc +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +renderas + + +The RenderAs attribute identifies how the +section should be rendered. In this way, a section at one level of the +structural hierarchy can be made to appear to be at another level. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Sect5. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +bridgehead +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +section +simplesect +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +sect5info +sect5info +Element + + +sect5info +Meta-information for a Sect5 + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sect5info ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Like the other “info” elements, Sect5Info contains +meta-information about the section of the document in which it occurs. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of Sect5Info in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sect5info: +sect5 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sect5info: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sectioninfo +setinfo +. + + + +Examples + + +See Sect1Info for an analogous example. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +section +section +Element + + +section +A recursive section + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +section ::= +(sectioninfo?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + ((refentry)*| + (section)*| + simplesect*))| + (refentry)+| + (section)+| + simplesect+), + (toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bookcomponent.content +section.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +Section is one of the top-level sectioning elements in +a component. There are three types of sectioning elements in +DocBook: + + + + +Explicitly numbered sections, Sect1…Sect5, +which must be properly nested and can only be five levels deep. + + +Recursive Sections, which are an alternative to the numbered +sections and have unbounded depth. + + +SimpleSects, which are terminal. SimpleSects can +occur as the leaf sections in either recursive sections or any +of the numbered sections, or directly in components. + + + + +Sections may be more convenient than numbered +sections in some authoring environments because they can be +moved around in the document hierarchy without renaming. + + + +None of the sectioning elements is allowed to float in +a component. You can place paragraphs and other block elements +before a section, but you cannot place anything after it. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes sections are numbered. + + +Use of deeply nested Sections may cause problems +in some processing systems. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain section: +appendix +article +chapter +partintro +preface +section +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in section: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliography +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glossary +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +index +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +lot +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +refentry +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +section +sectioninfo +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +simplesect +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +toc +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Section. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +bridgehead +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +simplesect +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter><title>Test Chapter</title> +<para>This chapter uses recursive sections.</para> +<section> +<sectioninfo> +<abstract><para>A trivial example of recursive sections.</para> +</abstract> +</sectioninfo> +<title>Like a Sect1</title> +<subtitle>Or How I Learned to Let Go of Enumeration +and Love to Recurse</subtitle> +<para>This section is like a Sect1.</para> +<section><title>Like a Sect2</title> +<para>This section is like a Sect2.</para> +<section><title>Like a Sect3</title> +<para>This section is like a Sect3.</para> +<section><title>Like a Sect4</title> +<para>This section is like a Sect4.</para> +<section><title>Like a Sect5</title> +<para>This section is like a Sect5.</para> +<section><title>Would be like a Sect6</title> +<para>This section would be like a Sect6, if there was one.</para> +<section><title>Would be like a Sect7</title> +<para>This section would be like a Sect7, if there was one.</para> +</section> +</section> +</section> +</section> +</section> +</section> +</section> +</chapter> + + +For additional examples, see also + + html-form +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +sectioninfo +sectioninfo +Element + + +sectioninfo +Meta-information for a recursive section + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sectioninfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Like the other “info” elements, SectionInfo contains +meta-information about the section of the document in which it occurs. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of SectionInfo in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sectioninfo: +section +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sectioninfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +setinfo +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + section +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +see +see +Element + + +see +Part of an index term directing the reader instead to another entry in the index + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +see ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The use of See in an IndexTerm indicates that +the reader should be directed elsewhere in the index if they attempt +to look up this term. + + + +The content of See identifies another term in the +index which the reader should consult instead of +the current term. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. This element provides data for processing but it +is not rendered in the primary flow of text. + +It is possible for multiple IndexTerms, taken together, +to form an illogical index. For example, given the following +IndexTerms: + + + +<indexterm><primary>Extensible Markup Language</primary> + <see>XML</see></indexterm> +<indexterm><primary>Extensible Markup Language</primary> + <secondary>definition of</secondary> +</indexterm> + + + + +there's no way to construct a logical index because an entry in +the index should never have both a see and other +content. + + +DocBook cannot detect these errors. You will have to rely on an +external process to find them. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain see: +indexterm +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in see: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +indexentry +indexterm +primary +primaryie +secondary +secondaryie +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +tertiary +tertiaryie +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + indexterm +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +seealso +seealso +Element + + +seealso +Part of an index term directing the reader also to another entry in the index + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +seealso ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The use of SeeAlso in an IndexTerm +indicates that the reader should be directed elsewhere in the +index for additional information. + + + +The content of SeeAlso identifies another term in the +index that the reader should consult in addition to +the current term. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. This element provides data for processing but +is not rendered in the primary flow of text. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain seealso: +indexterm +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in seealso: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +indexentry +indexterm +primary +primaryie +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealsoie +seeie +tertiary +tertiaryie +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + indexterm +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +seealsoie +seealsoie +Element + + +seealsoie +A See also entry in an index, rather than in the text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +seealsoie ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linkends +IDREFS +None + + + + + + +Description + + +SeeAlsoIE identifies a See also cross-reference +in an IndexEntry. IndexEntrys +occur in an Index, not in the flow of the text. They are +part of a formatted index, not markers for indexing. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. IndexEntrys that include a SeeAlsoIE +should be formatted normally, with the See also indented below +the term. + + +SeeAlsoIE is usually expected to generate the text +See Also. + + +The Linkends attribute should point other +IndexEntrys in the same Index. Online systems +may use them to form hypertext links. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain seealsoie: +indexentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in seealsoie: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +linkends + + +Linkends points to a the related IndexEntrys. + + + + + +See Also + +indexentry +indexterm +primary +primaryie +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seeie +tertiary +tertiaryie +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + index +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +seeie +seeie +Element + + +seeie +A See entry in an index, rather than in the text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +seeie ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linkend +IDREF +None + + + + + + +Description + + +SeeIE identifies a See cross reference +in an IndexEntry. IndexEntrys +occur in an Index, not in the flow of the text. They are +part of a formatted index, not markers for indexing. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. IndexEntrys that include a SeeIE +should be formatted normally, with the See also indented below +the term. There should be no other entries for this term. + + +SeeIE is usually expected to generate the text, +See. + + +The Linkend attribute should point to the +referenced IndexEntrys, which should be in the same +Index. Online systems +may use the link information to form a hypertext link. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain seeie: +indexentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in seeie: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +linkend + + +Linkend points to the associated IndexEntry. + + + + + +See Also + +indexentry +indexterm +primary +primaryie +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +tertiary +tertiaryie +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + index +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +seg +seg +Element + + +seg +An element of a list item in a segmented list + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +seg ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A SegmentedList consists of a set of headings +(SegTitles) and a list of parallel sets of elements. +Every SegListItem contains a set of elements that +have a one-to-one correspondence with the headings. Each of these +elements is contained in a Seg. + + +Processing expectations + +Segmented lists can be formatted in a number of ways. Two popular +formats are tabular and as a list of repeated headings and elements. +In a tabular presentation, each Seg is a cell in the body +of the table. In the list presentation, each Seg occurs +next to the appropriate heading. + + +DocBook cannot detect errors caused by too many or too few Segs +in a SegListItem. You will have to rely on external processes +to find those errors. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain seg: +seglistitem +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in seg: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + segmentedlist +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +seglistitem +seglistitem +Element + + +seglistitem +A list item in a segmented list + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +seglistitem ::= +(seg+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A SegmentedList consists of a set of headings +(SegTitles) and a list of parallel sets of elements. +Each set of elements is stored in a SegListItem. + + +Processing expectations + +Segmented lists can be formatted in a number of ways. Two popular +formats are tabular and as a list of repeated headings and elements. +In a tabular presentation, each SegListItem is a row in +the table. In the list presentation, each SegListItem +contains a block of heading/element pairs. + + +DocBook cannot detect errors caused by too many or too few Segs +in a SegListItem. You will have to rely on external processes +to find those errors. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain seglistitem: +segmentedlist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in seglistitem: +seg +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + segmentedlist +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +segmentedlist +segmentedlist +Element + + +segmentedlist +A segmented list, a list of sets of elements + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +segmentedlist ::= +((title,titleabbrev?)?, + segtitle+,seglistitem+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +footnote.mix + + +glossdef.mix +highlights.mix +legalnotice.mix + + +list.class +para.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +A SegmentedList consists of a set of headings +(SegTitles) and a list of parallel sets of elements. +Every SegListItem contains a set of elements that +have a one-to-one correspondence with the headings. Each of these +elements is contained in a Seg. + + +Processing expectations + +Segmented lists can be formatted in a number of ways. Two popular +formats are tabular and as a list of repeated headings and elements. +In a tabular presentation, the SegmentedList is the table. +In the list presentation, the SegmentedList surrounds the +entire list of blocks of heading/element pairs. + + + +Future Changes + +In DocBook V4.0, at least two SegTitles will be required. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain segmentedlist: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +highlights +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in segmentedlist: +seglistitem +segtitle +title +titleabbrev +. + + + +See Also + +calloutlist +itemizedlist +listitem +orderedlist +simplelist +variablelist +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The capitals of the states of the United States of America are: + +<segmentedlist><title>State Capitals</title> +<?dbhtml list-presentation="list"?> +<segtitle>State</segtitle> +<segtitle>Capital</segtitle> +<seglistitem><seg>Alabama</seg><seg>Montgomery</seg></seglistitem> +<seglistitem><seg>Alaska</seg><seg>Juneau</seg></seglistitem> +<seglistitem><seg>Arkansas</seg><seg>Little Rock</seg></seglistitem> +</segmentedlist> + +&hellip; +</para> + + + + +The capitals of the states of the United States of America are: + +State Capitals + +State +Capital +AlabamaMontgomery +AlaskaJuneau +ArkansasLittle Rock + + +… + + + + +Alternatively: + + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +<segmentedlist><title>State Capitals</title> +<?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?> +<segtitle>State</segtitle> +<segtitle>Capital</segtitle> +<seglistitem><seg>Alabama</seg><seg>Montgomery</seg></seglistitem> +<seglistitem><seg>Alaska</seg><seg>Anchorage</seg></seglistitem> +<seglistitem><seg>Arkansas</seg><seg>Little Rock</seg></seglistitem> +</segmentedlist> + +&hellip; +</para> + + + + +State Capitals + +State +Capital +AlabamaMontgomery +AlaskaAnchorage +ArkansasLittle Rock + + +… + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +segtitle +segtitle +Element + + +segtitle +The title of an element of a list item in a segmented list + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +segtitle ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Each heading in a SegmentedList is contained in its own +SegTitle. + + +The relationship between SegTitles and +Segs is implicit in the document; the first +SegTitle goes with the first Seg in each +SegListItem, the second SegTitle goes +with the second Seg, and so on. + + +Processing expectations + +Segmented lists can be formatted in a number of ways. Two popular +formats are tabular and as list of repeated headings and elements. +In a tabular presentation, each SegTitle is a column +heading. +In the list presentation, each SegTitle is repeated +before the corresponding Seg. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain segtitle: +segmentedlist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in segtitle: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + segmentedlist +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +seriesvolnums +seriesvolnums +Element + + +seriesvolnums +Numbers of the volumes in a series of books + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +seriesvolnums ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +SeriesVolNums contains the numbers of the volumes of the +books in a series. It is a wrapper for bibliographic information. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain seriesvolnums: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in seriesvolnums: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +biblioid +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +productnumber +pubsnumber +volumenum +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +TBS. +</para> + + + + +TBS. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +set +set +Element + + +set +A collection of books + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +set ::= +((title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + setinfo?,toc?, + (set|book)+, + setindex?) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +fpi +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A Set is a collection of Books. Placing multiple +Books in a Set, as opposed to publishing each +of them separately, has the advantage that ID/IDREF links can then +be used across all books. + + +Set is the very top of the DocBook structural hierarchy. +There's nothing that contains a Set. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. A Set may generate additional front and back +matter (tables of contents and SetIndexs, for example) around +the Books it contains. + + + + + +Children +The following elements occur in set: +book +set +setindex +setinfo +subtitle +title +titleabbrev +toc +. + + + +Attributes + +fpi + + +FPI holds the Formal Public Identifier for +the Set. + + + +status + + +Status identifies the editorial or publication +status of the Set. + + +Publication status might be used to control formatting (for example, +printing a draft watermark on drafts) or processing (perhaps +a document with a status of final should not include any +components that are not final). + + + + + +See Also + +appendix +article +book +chapter +colophon +dedication +part +partintro +preface +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE set PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> + +<set><title>The Perl Series</title> +<setinfo> + <corpauthor>O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc.</corpauthor> +</setinfo> + +<book><title>Learning Perl</title> +<chapter><title>...</title><para>...</para></chapter> +</book> + +<book><title>Programming Perl</title> +<chapter><title>...</title><para>...</para></chapter> +</book> + +<book><title>Advanced Perl Programming</title> +<chapter><title>...</title><para>...</para></chapter> +</book> + +</set> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +setindex +setindex +Element + + +setindex +An index to a set of books + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +setindex ::= +(setindexinfo?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)*, + (indexdiv*|indexentry*)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +index.class + + + + + + + + +Description + + +A SetIndex contains the formatted index of a complete +Set of Books. +An index may begin with introductory material, followed by +any number of IndexEntrys or IndexDivs. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. An Index in a Set +usually causes a forced page break in print media. + + + +In many processing systems, indexes are generated automatically or +semiautomatically and never appear instantiated as DocBook markup. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain setindex: +book +set +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in setindex: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexdiv +indexentry +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +setindexinfo +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Examples + + +See Index. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +setindexinfo +setindexinfo +Element + + +setindexinfo +Meta-information for a SetIndex + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +setindexinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The SetIndexInfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a SetIndex. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain setindexinfo: +setindex +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in setindexinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +setinfo +setinfo +Element + + +setinfo +Meta-information for a Set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +setinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +contents +IDREFS +None + + + + + + +Description + + +SetInfo contains +meta-information about an entire set of Books. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed +from the inline content of SetInfo in DocBook V4.0. +A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with +authors, editors, and other contributors. + + + +Future Changes + +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 + +The contents attribute will be +removed. + + + +Parents +These elements contain setinfo: +set +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in setinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + +Attributes + +contents + + +Contents, if specified, should contain a list +of all the IDs of the book-level subelements in the Set, +presumably in their natural order. + + + + + +See Also + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +prefaceinfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +screeninfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + set +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +sgmltag +sgmltag +Element + + +sgmltag +A component of SGML markup + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +sgmltag ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +namespace +CDATA +None + + +class + +attribute +attvalue +element +emptytag +endtag +genentity +localname +namespace +numcharref +paramentity +pi +prefix +sgmlcomment +starttag +xmlpi + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +An SGMLTag identifies an SGML markup construct. +The utility of this element is almost +wholly constrained to books about SGML. + + + +SGMLTag is sufficient for most XML constructs, which +are identical to the corresponding SGML constructs, it but does +not have any provisions for handling the special features of XML +markup. A future version of DocBook will address this issue, +probably by adding new Class +values. In the +meantime, you may get by by assigning a Role +attribute for XML. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. SGMLTag generates all the necessary punctuation +before and after the construct it identifies. For example, it generates +both the leading ampersand and the trailing semicolon when the +Class is genentity. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sgmltag: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sgmltag: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class identifies the specific SGML construct +represented. + + + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +constant +literal +markup +option +optional +parameter +prompt +replaceable +userinput +varname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + collab + link + simplelist + wordasword + xref +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +shortaffil +shortaffil +Element + + +shortaffil +A brief description of an affiliation + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +shortaffil ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +ShortAffil contains an abbreviated or brief description +of an individual’s Affiliation. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain shortaffil: +affiliation +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in shortaffil: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +affiliation +corpname +jobtitle +orgdiv +orgname +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + author + authorgroup +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +shortcut +shortcut +Element + + +shortcut +A key combination for an action that is also accessible through a menu + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +shortcut ::= +((keycap|keycombo|keysym|mousebutton)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +otheraction +CDATA +None + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +action + +click +double-click +other +press +seq +simul + +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A Shortcut contains the key combination that is a +shortcut for a MenuChoice. Users that are familiar with +the shortcuts can access the functionality of the corresponding +menu choice, without navigating through the menu structure to find +the right menu item. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain shortcut: +menuchoice +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in shortcut: +keycap +keycombo +keysym +mousebutton +. + + + +Attributes + +action + + +Action identifies the nature of the action +taken. If Shortcut contains more than one action element, +Simul is default value for Action, +otherwise there is no default. + + +If Other is specified, OtherAction +should be used to identify the nature of the action. + + + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +Shortcut. + + + +otheraction + + +OtherAction should be used when +Action is set to Other. It +identifes the nature of the action in some application-specific way. + + + + + +See Also + +accel +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +menuchoice +mousebutton +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +You can exit from GNU Emacs with +<menuchoice> + <shortcut> + <keycombo><keysym>C-x</keysym><keysym>C-c</keysym></keycombo> + </shortcut> + <guimenu>Files</guimenu> + <guimenuitem>Exit Emacs</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice>. +</para> + + + + +You can exit from GNU Emacs with + + + C-xC-c + + Files + Exit Emacs +. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + menuchoice +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +sidebar +sidebar +Element + + +sidebar +A portion of a document that is isolated from the main narrative flow + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sidebar ::= +(sidebarinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|procedure|anchor|bridgehead| + remark|highlights|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +compound.class +divcomponent.mix +refcomponent.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +A Sidebar is a short piece of text, rarely longer than a +single column or page, that is presented outside the narrative flow +of the main text. + + +Sidebars are often used for digressions or interesting observations that +are related, but not directly relevant, to the main text. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sidebars are sometimes boxed. + + +DocBook does not specify the location of the Sidebar within the +final displayed flow of text. The wrapper may float or remain where it is +located. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sidebar: +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +glossary +glossdiv +important +index +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +partintro +preface +procedure +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sidebar: +address +anchor +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebarinfo +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +See Also + +abstract +blockquote +epigraph +highlights +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<sect1><title>An Example Section</title> + +<para> +Some narrative text. +</para> + +<sidebar><title>A Sidebar</title> +<para> +Sidebar content. +</para> +</sidebar> + +<para> +The continuing flow of the narrative text, as if the +sidebar was not present. +</para> + +</sect1> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +sidebarinfo +sidebarinfo +Element + + +sidebarinfo +Meta-information for a Sidebar + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +sidebarinfo ::= +((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| + itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| + authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| + contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| + corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| + orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| + bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| + productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| + releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| + volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| + lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The SidebarInfo element is a wrapper for a large +collection of meta-information about a Sidebar. +Much of this data is bibliographic in nature. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be +used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part +of the formatting of the wrapper. It merely serves to identify +where they occur. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain sidebarinfo: +sidebar +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in sidebarinfo: +abbrev +abstract +address +affiliation +artpagenums +author +authorblurb +authorgroup +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +biblioset +bibliosource +citebiblioid +citetitle +collab +confgroup +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +copyright +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +date +edition +editor +firstname +graphic +honorific +indexterm +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +itermset +keywordset +legalnotice +lineage +mediaobject +modespec +orgname +othercredit +othername +pagenums +personname +printhistory +productname +productnumber +pubdate +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber +releaseinfo +revhistory +seriesvolnums +subjectset +subtitle +surname +title +titleabbrev +volumenum +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +simpara +simpara +Element + + +simpara +A paragraph that contains only text and inline markup, no block elements + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +simpara ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +footnote.mix + + +glossdef.mix +highlights.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +listpreamble.mix +para.class + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +textobject.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +A SimPara is a simple paragraph, one that +may contain only character data and inline elements. The +Para element is less restrictive; it may also +contain block level structures (lists, figures, and so on). + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain simpara: +abstract +answer +appendix +article +authorblurb +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +epigraph +example +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +highlights +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +orderedlist +partintro +personblurb +preface +printhistory +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in simpara: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +formalpara +para +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE simpara PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<simpara> +Just the text, ma'am. +</simpara> + + + + +Just the text, ma'am. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + para +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +simplelist +simplelist +Element + + +simplelist +An undecorated list of single words or short phrases + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +simplelist ::= +(member+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +columns +CDATA +None + + +type + +horiz +inline +vert + +"vert" + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +footnote.mix + + +glossdef.mix +highlights.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +list.class +para.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +textobject.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +A SimpleList is a list of words or phrases. It offers a +convenient alternative to the other list elements for inline content. + + +Processing expectations + +Ironically, the processing expectations of a +SimpleList are quite complex. + + + +The presentation of a SimpleList is controlled by the +Type attribute, which has three possible +values: + + +Inline + + + Indicates that the Members of the list should be + rendered as a comma separated, inline list. + + + + +Horiz + + + Indicates that the Members of the list should be + rendered in a tabular fashion with members running across the + rows. + + + + +Vert + + + Indicates that the Members of the list should be + rendered in a tabular fashion with members running down the + columns. This is the default. + + + + + + + +In both of the tabular cases, the number of columns in the table is +controlled by the Columns attribute. + + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain simplelist: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +highlights +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in simplelist: +member +. + + + +Attributes + +columns + + +Columns specifies the number of columns to +be used in the presentation of a SimpleList with a +Type of Vert or Horiz. +If Columns is unspecified, 1 +is assumed. + + + +type + + +Type specifies how the Members +of the SimpleList are to be formatted. (This attribute +would better fit DocBook semantics if it were named +Class). + + + + + +See Also + +calloutlist +itemizedlist +listitem +orderedlist +segmentedlist +variablelist +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Here is a <sgmltag>SimpleList</sgmltag>, rendered inline: +<simplelist type='inline'> +<member>A</member> +<member>B</member> +<member>C</member> +<member>D</member> +<member>E</member> +<member>F</member> +<member>G</member> +</simplelist> +</para> + + + + +Here is a SimpleList, rendered inline: + +A +B +C +D +E +F +G + + + + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Here is the same <sgmltag>SimpleList</sgmltag> rendered horizontally with +three columns: +<simplelist type='horiz' columns='3'> +<member>A</member> +<member>B</member> +<member>C</member> +<member>D</member> +<member>E</member> +<member>F</member> +<member>G</member> +</simplelist> +</para> + + + + +Here is the same SimpleList rendered horizontally with +three columns: + +A +B +C +D +E +F +G + + + + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Finally, here is the list rendered vertically: +<simplelist type='vert' columns='3'> +<member>A</member> +<member>B</member> +<member>C</member> +<member>D</member> +<member>E</member> +<member>F</member> +<member>G</member> +</simplelist> +</para> + + + + +Finally, here is the list rendered vertically: + +A +B +C +D +E +F +G + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-12-28 22:42:44 +0100 (Sat, 28 Dec 2002) $ +$Revision: 2336 $ + + + +elements +simplemsgentry +simplemsgentry +Element + + +simplemsgentry +A wrapper for a simpler entry in a message set + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +simplemsgentry ::= +(msgtext,msgexplan+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +audience +CDATA +None + + +origin +CDATA +None + + +level +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +SimpleMsgEntry is a simpler alternative to +MsgEntry. In a MsgSet, each +SimpleMsgEntry contains the text of a message +and its explanation. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + +Parents +These elements contain simplemsgentry: +msgset +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in simplemsgentry: +msgexplan +msgtext +. + + + +Attributes + +audience + +Identifies the audience to which this message +is relevant. + + +level + +Identifies the level of importance or severity of this +message. + + +origin + +Indicates the origin of this message. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +simplesect +simplesect +Element + + +simplesect +A section of a document with no subdivisions + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +simplesect ::= +((title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?), + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bookcomponent.content + + + + + + + + +Description + + +SimpleSect is one of the top-level sectioning elements in +a component. There are three types of sectioning elements in +DocBook: + + + + +Explicitly numbered sections, Sect1…Sect5, +which must be properly nested and can only be five levels deep. + + +Recursive Sections, which are alternative to the numbered +sections and have unbounded depth. + + +SimpleSects, which are terminal. SimpleSects can +occur as the leaf sections in either recursive sections or any +of the numbered sections, or directly in components. + + + + +SimpleSects may be more convenient than numbered +sections in some authoring environments because they can be +moved around in the document hierarchy without renaming. + + + +None of the sectioning elements is allowed to float in +a component. You can place paragraphs and other block elements +before a section, but you cannot place anything after it. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes sections are numbered. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain simplesect: +appendix +article +chapter +partintro +preface +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in simplesect: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +subtitle +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + +See Also + +bridgehead +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<sect1><title>Additional Coding</title> + +<para> +Support for the additional features requested will be provided. +</para> + +<simplesect><title>Estimated Time</title> + +<para> +2 to 3 weeks. +</para> + +</simplesect> +</sect1> + + +For additional examples, see also + + productionset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +spanspec +spanspec +Element + + +spanspec +Formatting information for a spanned column in a table + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +spanspec ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +rowsep +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +char +justify +left +right + +None + + +spanname +CDATA +Required + + +namest +CDATA +Required + + +char +CDATA +None + + +nameend +CDATA +Required + + +colsep +CDATA +None + + +charoff +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +tbl.entrytbl.mdl +tbl.tgroup.mdl + + + + + + + +Description + + +A SpanSpec associates a name with a span between two columns +in a table. In the body of the table, cells can refer to the span by name. +Cells that refer to a span will span horizontally from the first column +to the last column, inclusive. + + +Cells can also form spans directly, by naming the start and end +columns themselves. The added benefit of a SpanSpec +is that it can associate formatting information (such as +alignment and table rule specifications) with the span. This information +does not need to be repeated then, on each spanning cell. + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. This element is expected to obey the semantics +of the CALS Table Model +Document Type Definition, as specified by +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995 +. + + +The NameSt and NameEnd attributes of a SpanSpec must +refer to named ColSpecs in the same table. In other +words, if the SpanSpec + + + +<spanspec spanname="fullyear" namest="jan" nameend="dec"/> + + + +exists in a table, ColSpecs named jan +and dec must also exist in the same table. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain spanspec: +entrytbl +tgroup +. + + + +Attributes + +align + + +Align specifies the horizontal alignment +of Entrys (or EntryTbls) in the span. The +default alignment is inherited from the enclosing TGroup. +If Char is specified, see also +Char and +CharOff. +Individual Entrys and +EntryTbls can specify an alternate alignment. + + + +char + + +Char specifies the alignment character when +the Align attribute is set to Char. + + + +charoff + + +CharOff specifies the percentage of the +column's total width that should appear to the left of the first +occurance of the character identified in Char when the Align +attribute is set to Char. This attribute is inherited from +the ColSpec of the column specified in +Namest or from the enclosing TGroup. + + + +colsep + + +If ColSep has the value 1 (true), then +a rule will be drawn to the right of the spanning column described by this +SpanSpec. A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. +The rule to the right of the last column in the table is controlled by the +Frame attribute of the enclosing +Table or InformalTable and the +ColSep of the last column in the table +is ignored. If unspecified, this attribute is inherited from +enclosing elements. + + + +nameend + + +NameEnd is the name (defined in a +ColSpec) of the rightmost column of the span. + + + +namest + + +NameSt is the name (defined in a +ColSpec) of the leftmost column of the span. + + + +rowsep + + +If RowSep has the value 1 (true), then a +rule will be drawn below all the cells in this Span. +A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. The rule below the last row +in the table is controlled by the Frame +attribute of the enclosing Table or +InformalTable and the RowSep +of the last row is ignored. If unspecified, this attribute is +inherited from enclosing elements. + + + +spanname + + +SpanName specifies a name by which +subsequent Entry and EntryTbls can refer to the +span defined in this SpanSpec. + + + + + +See Also + +colspec +entry +entrytbl +informaltable +row +table +tbody +tfoot +tgroup +thead +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +state +state +Element + + +state +A state or province in an address + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +state ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A State is the name or postal abbreviation for a state +(or province) in an Address. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. In an Address, this element may inherit +the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain state: +address +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in state: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +address +city +country +email +fax +otheraddr +phone +pob +postcode +street +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + address + otheraddr +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2003-12-23 16:26:49 +0100 (Tue, 23 Dec 2003) $ +$Revision: 3321 $ + + + +elements +step +step +Element + + +step +A unit of action in a procedure + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +step ::= +(title?, + (((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)+, + ((substeps|stepalternatives), + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|equation|example|figure|table| + msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset| + constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract| + authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)*)?)| + ((substeps|stepalternatives), + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject| + mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure| + informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure| + sidebar|qandaset|task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor| + bridgehead|remark|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph| + indexterm|beginpage)*))) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +performance + +optional +required + +"required" + + + + + + +Description + + +A Step identifies a unit of action in a Procedure. +If a finer level of granularity is required for some steps, you +can embed SubSteps in a Step. Embedded +SubSteps contain Steps, so that substeps can +be nested to any depth. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Steps are almost always numbered. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain step: +procedure +stepalternatives +substeps +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in step: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +stepalternatives +substeps +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +variablelist +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +performance + +Performance specifies whether +particular Step in a Procedure must be performed +or is optional. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + procedure +. + + + + + + + + + + +elements +stepalternatives +stepalternatives +Element + + +stepalternatives +Alternative steps in a procedure + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +stepalternatives ::= +(step+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +performance + +optional +required + +"required" + + + + + + +Description + +Most steps in a procedure +are sequential: do the first, then the second, then the third. Sometimes +procedures provide an explicit ordering: do step 7 next. + +The stepalternatives element was added to +support the semantics of alternative steps: perform exactly one of the +following steps. The reader is presumably given some criteria for deciding +which one to choose, but the significant difference is that only one of +the steps is performed. + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +Parents +These elements contain stepalternatives: +step +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in stepalternatives: +step +. + + + + + +Attributes + +performance + +Performance specifies whether one +of the step alternatives must be performed or if the whole +set is optional. (In no case is more than one alternative performed.) + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +street +street +Element + + +street +A street address in an address + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +street ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +In postal addresses, the Street element contains the +street address portion of the Address. If an address contains +more than one line of street address information, each line should appear +in its own Street. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. In an Address, this element may inherit +the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain street: +address +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in street: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +address +city +country +email +fax +otheraddr +phone +pob +postcode +state +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + address + otheraddr + publisher +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +structfield +structfield +Element + + +structfield +A field in a structure (in the programming language sense) + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +structfield ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A StructField is a wrapper for the name of a field +in a struct (a syntactic element of the C +programming language) or a field in an equivalent construct in +another programming language. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain structfield: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in structfield: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +classname +interface +property +structname +symbol +token +type +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The <structfield>tm_isdst</structfield> field is non-zero when +the time reported is in daylight savings time. +</para> + + + + +The tm_isdst field is non-zero when +the time reported is in daylight savings time. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +structname +structname +Element + + +structname +The name of a structure (in the programming language sense) + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +structname ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +StructName is an inline wrapper for the name of a +struct (a syntactic element of the C programming +language) or an equivalent construct in another programming +language. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain structname: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in structname: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +classname +interface +property +structfield +symbol +token +type +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The <structname>tm</structname> structure, returned by +<function>_get_tm</function>, contains complete information +about the current time of day. +</para> + + + + +The tm structure, returned by +_get_tm, contains complete information +about the current time of day. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + refentry +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +subject +subject +Element + + +subject +One of a group of terms describing the subject matter of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +subject ::= +(subjectterm+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +weight +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A subject categorizes or describes the topic of a +document, or section of a document. In DocBook, a Subject +is defined by the SubjectTerms that it contains. + + +Subject terms should be drawn from a controlled vocabulary, such +as the Library of Congress Subject Headings. If an outside +vocabulary is not appropriate, a local or institutional subject set +should be created. + + +The advantage of a controlled vocabulary is that it places the document +into a known subject space. Searching the subject space with a particular +subject term will find all of the documents that claim +to have that subject. There's no need to worry about terms that are +synonymous with the search item, or homophones of the search term. + + +All of the SubjectTerms in a Subject should +describe the same subject, and be from the same controlled +vocabulary. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Subjects are rarely displayed to a reader. Usually, they +are reserved for searching and retrieval purposes. + + +Unlike Keywords, which may be chosen freely, +subject terms should come from a controlled vocabulary. + + +In order to assure that typographic or other errors are not introduced +into the subject terms, they should be compared against the controlled +vocabulary by an external process. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain subject: +subjectset +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in subject: +subjectterm +. + + + +Attributes + +weight + + +Weight specifies a ranking for this +Subject relative to other subjects in the same set. + + + + + +See Also + +keyword +keywordset +subjectset +subjectterm +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + subjectset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +subjectset +subjectset +Element + + +subjectset +A set of terms describing the subject matter of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +subjectset ::= +(subject+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +scheme +NMTOKEN +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +info.class + + + + + + + + +Description + + +A SubjectSet is a container for a set of +Subjects. All of the Subjects within a +SubjectSet should come from the same +controlled vocabulary. + + +A document can be described using terms from more than one controlled +vocabulary. In order to do this, you should use the +Scheme attribute to distinguish between +controlled vocabularies. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Subjects are rarely displayed to a reader. Usually, they +are reserved for searching and retrieval purposes. + +DocBook does not specify a relationship between SubjectSets +in different parts of a document or between a SubjectSet and +the SubjectSets of enclosing parts of the document. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain subjectset: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in subjectset: +subject +. + + + +Attributes + +scheme + + +Scheme identifies the controlled vocabulary +used by this SubjectSet's terms. + + + + + +See Also + +keyword +keywordset +subject +subjectterm +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE subjectset PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<subjectset scheme="libraryofcongress"> +<subject> + <subjectterm>Electronic Publishing</subjectterm> +</subject> +<subject> + <subjectterm>SGML (Computer program language)</subjectterm> +</subject> +</subjectset> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +subjectterm +subjectterm +Element + + +subjectterm +A term in a group of terms describing the subject matter of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +subjectterm ::= +(#PCDATA) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A SubjectTerm is an individual subject word or phrase that +describes the subject matter of a document or the portion of a +document in which it occurs. + + +Subject terms are not expected to contain any markup. They are external +descriptions from a controlled vocabulary. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Subject terms are rarely displayed to a +reader. Usually, they are reserved for searching and retrieval +purposes. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain subjectterm: +subject +. + + + +See Also + +keyword +keywordset +subject +subjectset +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + subjectset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +subscript +subscript +Element + + +subscript +A subscript (as in H2O, the molecular formula for water) + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +subscript ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|replaceable|symbol| + inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +docinfo.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix + + +other.char.class +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix +word.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +Subscript identifies text that is to be displayed as a subscript +when rendered. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Subscripts are usually printed in a smaller font and shifted +down with respect to the baseline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain subscript: +abbrev +ackno +acronym +action +application +artpagenums +attribution +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +bibliosource +bridgehead +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +city +classsynopsisinfo +code +collabname +command +computeroutput +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +country +database +date +edition +email +emphasis +entry +fax +filename +firstname +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +holder +honorific +interfacename +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +jobtitle +keycap +label +lineage +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +mathphrase +member +modespec +msgaud +olink +option +optional +orgdiv +orgname +otheraddr +othername +pagenums +para +parameter +phone +phrase +pob +postcode +primary +primaryie +productname +productnumber +programlisting +property +pubdate +publishername +pubsnumber +quote +refentrytitle +refmiscinfo +refpurpose +releaseinfo +remark +replaceable +revnumber +revremark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +seriesvolnums +shortaffil +simpara +state +street +subscript +subtitle +superscript +surname +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +volumenum +wordasword +year +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in subscript: +anchor +emphasis +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +symbol +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +equation +informalequation +inlineequation +superscript +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +Thirsty? Have some H<subscript>2</subscript>O. +</para> + + + + +Thirsty? Have some H2O. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +substeps +substeps +Element + + +substeps +A wrapper for steps that occur within steps in a procedure + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +substeps ::= +(step+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +performance + +optional +required + +"required" + + + + + + +Description + + +A Procedure describes a sequence of +Steps that a reader is expected to perform. If a +finer level of granularity is required for some steps, you can +use SubSteps to embed substeps within a +Step. + + +SubSteps contain Steps, so substeps can +be nested to any depth. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. SubSteps are almost always numbered. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain substeps: +step +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in substeps: +step +. + + + +Attributes + +performance + + +Performance specifies whether +particular set of Substep in a Procedure must +be performed or is optional. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + procedure +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +subtitle +subtitle +Element + + +subtitle +The subtitle of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +subtitle ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +bookcomponent.title.content +div.title.content + + +info.class +refsect.title.content +sect.title.content + + + + + + +Description + + +A Subtitle identifies the subtitle of a document, or portion +of a document. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain subtitle: +appendix +appendixinfo +article +articleinfo +bibliodiv +biblioentry +bibliography +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +book +bookinfo +chapter +chapterinfo +colophon +dedication +glossary +glossaryinfo +glossdiv +index +indexdiv +indexinfo +lot +objectinfo +part +partinfo +partintro +preface +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +reference +referenceinfo +refsect1 +refsect1info +refsect2 +refsect2info +refsect3 +refsect3info +refsection +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdiv +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1 +sect1info +sect2 +sect2info +sect3 +sect3info +sect4 +sect4info +sect5 +sect5info +section +sectioninfo +set +setindex +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +simplesect +toc +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in subtitle: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +title +titleabbrev +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + bibliography + sect1info + section +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +superscript +superscript +Element + + +superscript +A superscript (as in x2, the mathematical notation for x multiplied by itself) + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +superscript ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|replaceable|symbol| + inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +docinfo.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix + + +other.char.class +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix +word.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +Superscript identifies text that is to be displayed +as a superscript when rendered. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Superscripts are usually printed in a smaller font and +shifted up with respect to the baseline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain superscript: +abbrev +ackno +acronym +action +application +artpagenums +attribution +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +bibliosource +bridgehead +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +city +classsynopsisinfo +code +collabname +command +computeroutput +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +country +database +date +edition +email +emphasis +entry +fax +filename +firstname +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +holder +honorific +interfacename +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +jobtitle +keycap +label +lineage +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +mathphrase +member +modespec +msgaud +olink +option +optional +orgdiv +orgname +otheraddr +othername +pagenums +para +parameter +phone +phrase +pob +postcode +primary +primaryie +productname +productnumber +programlisting +property +pubdate +publishername +pubsnumber +quote +refentrytitle +refmiscinfo +refpurpose +releaseinfo +remark +replaceable +revnumber +revremark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +seriesvolnums +shortaffil +simpara +state +street +subscript +subtitle +superscript +surname +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +volumenum +wordasword +year +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in superscript: +anchor +emphasis +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +symbol +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +equation +informalequation +inlineequation +subscript +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The equation e<superscript>&pi;i</superscript> + 1 = 0 ties together +five of the most important mathematical constants. +</para> + + + + +The equation eπi + 1 = 0 ties together +five of the most important mathematical constants. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + inlinemediaobject +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +surname +surname +Element + + +surname +A family name; in western cultures the last name + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +surname ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class +person.ident.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +A Surname is a family name; in Western cultures, the +last name. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. In an Address, this element may inherit +the verbatim qualities of an address. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain surname: +address +appendixinfo +articleinfo +author +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +editor +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +othercredit +partinfo +personname +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in surname: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +affiliation +firstname +honorific +lineage +othername +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + ackno + article + author + authorgroup + bibliography + bibliomset + biblioset + book + bookinfo + othercredit + personname +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +svg:svg +svg:svg +Element + + +svg:svg +An SVG graphic + + +Synopsis + +If the SVG Module +is used, ImageObjects can +include svg:svg graphics. + + + +Description + +The +Scalable Vector Graphics +Recommendation from the W3C defines the features and syntax for SVG, a +language for describing two-dimensional vector and mixed vector/raster +graphics in XML. + +A complete description of SVG is outside the scope of this +reference. + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE mediaobject PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook SVG Module V1.0beta1//EN" + "dbsvg.dtd"> +<mediaobject> +<imageobject> +<svg:svg/> +</imageobject> +</mediaobject> + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +symbol +symbol +Element + + +symbol +A name that is replaced by a value before processing + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +symbol ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +class + +limit + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Symbol is a name that represents a value. It should be used +in contexts in which the name will actually be replaced by a value before +processing. The canonical example is a #defined symbol in +a C program where the C preprocessor replaces every occurance of the symbol +with its value before compilation begins. + + + +The Limit value of the Class attribute +identifies those symbols that represent system limitations (for example, the +number of characters allowed in a path name or the largest possible positive +integer). DocBook V3.1 introduced the Constant element, +which may be more suitable for some of these symbols. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain symbol: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subscript +subtitle +superscript +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in symbol: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class indicates the type of Symbol. + + + + + +See Also + +classname +interface +property +structfield +structname +token +type +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +No filename may be more than <symbol class='limit'>MAXPATHLEN</symbol> +characters long. +</para> + + + + +No filename may be more than MAXPATHLEN +characters long. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +synopfragment +synopfragment +Element + + +synopfragment +A portion of a CmdSynopsis broken out from the main body of the synopsis + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +synopfragment ::= +((arg|group)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A complex CmdSynopsis can be made more manageable +with SynopFragments. Rather than attempting to +present the entire synopsis in one large +piece, parts of the synopsis can be extracted out and presented +elsewhere. These extracted pieces are placed in SynopFragments +at the end of the CmdSynopsis. + + + +At the point in which each piece was extracted, insert a +SynopFragmentRef that points to the fragment. The +content of the reference element will be presented inline. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +The presentation system is responsible for generating text that +makes the reader aware of the link. This can be done with +numbered bullets, or any other appropriate mechanism. Whatever +mark is generated for the reference must also be generated for +the fragment. + + +Online systems have additional flexibility. They may generate +hot links between the references and the fragments, for example, +or place the fragments in pop-up windows. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain synopfragment: +cmdsynopsis +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in synopfragment: +arg +group +. + + + +See Also + +arg +cmdsynopsis +group +refsynopsisdiv +sbr +synopfragmentref +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE cmdsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<cmdsynopsis> + <command>cccp</command> + <arg>-$</arg> + <arg>-C</arg> + <arg rep='repeat'>-D<replaceable>name</replaceable> + <arg>=<replaceable>definition</replaceable></arg></arg> + <arg>-dD</arg> + <arg>-dM</arg> + <sbr/> + <arg rep='repeat'>-I <replaceable>directory</replaceable></arg> + <arg>-H</arg> + <arg>-I-</arg> + <arg rep='repeat'>-imacros <replaceable>file</replaceable></arg> + <sbr/> + <arg rep='repeat'>-include <replaceable>file</replaceable></arg> + <group> + <synopfragmentref linkend="langs">languages</synopfragmentref> + </group> + <arg>-lint</arg> + <sbr/> + <group> + <arg>-M</arg> + <arg>-MD</arg> + <arg>-MM</arg> + <arg>-MMD</arg> + </group> + <arg>-nostdinc</arg> + <arg>-P</arg> + <arg>-pedantic</arg> + <sbr/> + <arg>-pedantic-errors</arg> + <arg>-trigraphs</arg> + <arg>-U<replaceable>name</replaceable></arg> + <sbr/> + <arg>-undef</arg> + <arg choice="plain"><synopfragmentref linkend="warn">warnings + </synopfragmentref></arg> + <group choice='req'> + <arg><replaceable>infile</replaceable></arg> + <arg>-</arg> + </group> + <group choice='req'> + <arg><replaceable>outfile</replaceable></arg> + <arg>-</arg> + </group> + + <synopfragment id="langs"> + <group choice="plain"> + <arg>-lang-c</arg> + <arg>-lang-c++</arg> + <arg>-lang-objc</arg> + </group> + </synopfragment> + + <synopfragment id="warn"> + <arg>-Wtrigraphs</arg> + <arg>-Wcomment</arg> + <arg>-Wall</arg> + <arg>-Wtraditional</arg> + </synopfragment> + +</cmdsynopsis> + + + + + cccp + -$ + -C + -Dname + =definition + -dD + -dM + + -I directory + -H + -I- + -imacros file + + -include file + + languages + + -lint + + + -M + -MD + -MM + -MMD + + -nostdinc + -P + -pedantic + + -pedantic-errors + -trigraphs + -Uname + + -undef + warnings + + + infile + - + + + outfile + - + + + + + -lang-c + -lang-c++ + -lang-objc + + + + + -Wtrigraphs + -Wcomment + -Wall + -Wtraditional + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +synopfragmentref +synopfragmentref +Element + + +synopfragmentref +A reference to a fragment of a command synopsis + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +synopfragmentref ::= +(#PCDATA) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linkend +IDREF +Required + + + + + + +Description + + +A complex CmdSynopsis can be made more manageable +with SynopFragments. Rather than attempting to +present the entire synopsis in one large +piece, parts of the synopsis can be extracted out and presented +elsewhere. + + +At the point where each piece was extracted, insert a +SynopFragmentRef that points to the fragment. The +content of the SynopFragmentRef will be presented inline. + + +The extracted pieces are placed in SynopFragments +at the end of the CmdSynopsis. + + + +The content model of SynopFragmentRef is unique in +the SGML version of DocBook because it contains RCDATA +declared content. What this means is that all markup inside a +SynopFragmentRef is ignored, except for entity references. + + +How, you might ask, is this different from a content model that +includes only #PCDATA? The difference is only +apparent when you consider inclusions. Recall that an inclusion +provides a list of elements that can occur anywhere +inside an element. So, for example, the fact that +Chapter lists IndexTerm as an inclusion +means that IndexTerm can legally occur inside of a +SynopFragmentRef that's nested inside a chapter, +even if the content model of SynopFragmentRef does +not explicitly allow IndexTerms. Making the content +RCDATA ensures that the markup will not be recognized, +even if it's allowed by inclusion. A neat trick. + + +XML does not support RCDATA. + + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +The presentation system is responsible for generating text that +makes the reader aware of the link. This can be done with +numbered bullets, or any other appropriate mechanism. + + +Online systems have additional flexibility. They may generate +hot links between the references and the fragments, for example, +or place the fragments in pop-up windows. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain synopfragmentref: +arg +group +. + + + +Attributes + +linkend + + +Linkend points to the SynopFragment referenced. + + + + + +See Also + +arg +cmdsynopsis +group +refsynopsisdiv +sbr +synopfragment +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + synopfragment +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +synopsis +synopsis +Element + + +synopsis +A general-purpose element for representing the syntax of commands or functions + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +synopsis ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage|graphic|mediaobject|co|coref|textobject|lineannotation)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linenumbering + +numbered +unnumbered + +None + + +language +CDATA +None + + +xml:space + +preserve + +None + + +continuation + +continues +restarts + +None + + +format + +linespecific + +"linespecific" + + +startinglinenumber +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +figure.mix + + +footnote.mix +glossdef.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +para.char.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +synop.class +tbl.entry.mdl + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Synopsis is a verbatim environment for displaying command, +function, and other syntax summaries. + + + +Unlike CmdSynopsis and FuncSynopsis which have a +complex interior structure, +Synopsis is simply a verbatim environment. + + +Processing expectations + +This element is displayed “verbatim”; +whitespace and linebreaks within this element are significant. Synopsis elements are usually +displayed in a fixed width font. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain synopsis: +answer +appendix +application +article +attribution +bibliodiv +bibliography +bibliomisc +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +citation +citetitle +constraintdef +emphasis +entry +example +figure +firstterm +footnote +foreignphrase +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +informalfigure +itemizedlist +lineannotation +link +listitem +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +msgexplan +msgtext +note +olink +orderedlist +para +partintro +phrase +preface +procedure +productname +programlisting +qandadiv +qandaset +question +quote +refentrytitle +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +remark +revdescription +screen +screeninfo +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +seg +setindex +sidebar +simpara +simplesect +step +synopsis +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +term +termdef +th +tip +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in synopsis: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +co +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +coref +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +graphic +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +lineannotation +link +literal +markup +medialabel +mediaobject +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +textobject +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +format + + +The Format attribute applies the +linespecific notation to all synopses. +All white space and line breaks must be preserved. + + + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying number or string +that may be used in presentation. + + + +linenumbering + +Line numbering indicates whether or not the lines +of a Synopsis are to be automatically numbered. The details +of numbering (every line or only selected lines, on the left or right, etc.) +are left up to the processing application. Be aware that not all processors +are capable of numbering lines. + + + + +See Also + +cmdsynopsis +computeroutput +funcsynopsis +lineannotation +literallayout +programlisting +screen +screenshot +userinput +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE synopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<synopsis> +chgrp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f] group file... +</synopsis> + + + + +chgrp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f] group file... + + + + +<!DOCTYPE synopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<synopsis> +int max(int int1, int int2); +</synopsis> + + + + +int max(int int1, int int2); + + + +For additional examples, see also + + optional + refentry + reference +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +systemitem +systemitem +Element + + +systemitem +A system-related item or term + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +systemitem ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage| + acronym|co)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +class + +constant +daemon +domainname +etheraddress +event +eventhandler +filesystem +fqdomainname +groupname +ipaddress +library +macro +netmask +newsgroup +osname +process +protocol +resource +server +service +systemname +username + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A SystemItem identifies any system-related item or term. +The Class attribute defines a +number of common system-related terms. + + + +Many inline elements in DocBook are, in fact, system-related. Some of +the objects identified by the Class +attribute on SystemItem may eventually migrate out to be +inline elements of their own accord…and vice versa. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. + + + +Future Changes +DocBook DTDChanges for V4.0 +In DocBook V4.0, the content model of +SystemItem will be constrained to (#PCDATA +| Replaceable | InlineGraphic). + + +Also, the EnvironVar and Prompt values of +Class will be discarded (use +EnVar and Prompt instead). + + + +Future Changes +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 +The register class value will be added +to support CPU registers. The constant class value +will be removed. + + +Parents +These elements contain systemitem: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in systemitem: +acronym +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +co +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class indicates the type of +SystemItem. + + + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +SystemItem. + + + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +envar +filename +prompt +userinput +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +For many years, O'Reilly's primary web server, +<ulink url=""></ulink>, +was hosted by <application>WN</application> on +<systemitem class="systemname"></systemitem>. +</para> + + + + +For many years, O'Reilly's primary web server, +, +was hosted by WN on + + + +For additional examples, see also + + part +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2005-04-15 15:18:54 +0200 (Fri, 15 Apr 2005) $ +$Revision: 4549 $ + + + +elements +table +table +Element + + +table +A formal table in a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +table ::= +(((blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?), + (indexterm)*, + textobject*, + (graphic+|mediaobject+|tgroup+))| + (caption, + (col*|colgroup*), + thead?,tfoot?, + (tbody+|tr+)))) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +rowsep +CDATA +None + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +floatstyle +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +left +right + +None + + +pgwide +CDATA +None + + +orient + +land +port + +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +width +CDATA +None + + +frame + +above +all +below +border +bottom +box +hsides +lhs +none +rhs +sides +top +topbot +void +vsides + +None + + +rules +CDATA +None + + +summary +CDATA +None + + +bgcolor +CDATA +None + + +tabstyle +CDATA +None + + +cellspacing +CDATA +None + + +colsep +CDATA +None + + +shortentry +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +border +CDATA +None + + +rowheader + +firstcol +norowheader + +None + + +cellpadding +CDATA +None + + +tocentry +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +formal.class +glossdef.mix + + +para.mix +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix + + +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +The Table element identifies a formal table. DocBook uses the +CALS table model, which describes tables geometrically using rows, columns, +and cells. + + + +Tables may include column headers and footers, but there is no provision for +row headers. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. This element is expected to obey the semantics +of the CALS Table Model +Document Type Definition, as specified by +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995 +. + + + +Future Changes +DocBook DTDChanges for V5.0 +The +OASIS +Exchange Table Model +will replace the full OASIS Table Model. + + + +Parents +These elements contain table: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caution +chapter +constraintdef +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +important +index +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +th +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in table: +blockinfo +caption +col +colgroup +graphic +indexterm +mediaobject +tbody +textobject +tfoot +tgroup +thead +title +titleabbrev +tr +. + + + + +CALS Attributes + +colsep + + +If ColSep has the value 1 (true), then +a rule will be drawn to the right of all columns in this table. +A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. +The rule to the right of the last column in the table is controlled by the +Frame attribute, not the +ColSep. + + + +frame + +Frame specifies how the table is to be framed: + + + + + + +ValueMeaning + + + + + all + Frame all four sides of the table. In some environments with limited +control over table border formatting, such as HTML, this may imply additional borders. + + + + bottom + Frame only the bottom of the table. + + + none + Place no border on the table. In some environments with limited +control over table border formatting, such as HTML, this may disable other borders as +well. + + + sides + Frame the left and right sides of the table. + + + top + Frame the top of the table. + + + topbot + Frame the top and bottom of the table. + + + + + +There is no way to obtain a border on only the starting edge +(left, in left-to-right writing systems) of the table. + + + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +orient + + +Orient specifies the orientation of the +Table. An orientation of Port is +the upright, the same orientation as the rest of the text flow. +An orientation of Land is 90 degrees counterclockwise +from the upright orientation. + + + +pgwide + + +If Pgwide has the value 0 (false), then the +Table is rendered in the current text flow (with flow +column width). A value of 1 (true) specifies that the table should be +rendered across the full text page. + + + +rowsep + + +If RowSep has the value 1 (true), then a +rule will be drawn below all the rows in the Table +(unless other, interior elements, suppress some or all of the rules). +A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. The rule below the last row +in the table is controlled by the Frame +attribute and the RowSep +of the last row is ignored. + + + +shortentry + + +If ShortEntry has the value 1 (true), then the +Table's TitleAbbrev will be used in the +LoT, Index, etc. A value of 0 (false) indicates +that the full Title should be used in those places. + + + +tabstyle + + +TabStyle holds the name of a table style +defined in a stylesheet (e.g., a FOSI) that will be used +to process this document. + + + +tocentry + + +If ToCEntry has the value 1 (true), then the +Table will appear in a generated List of Tables. +The default value of 0 (false) indicates that it will not. + + + + + + +HTML Attributes + +This element has the HTML event attributes. + + + +align + +TBD. + + + + +bgcolor + +TBD. + + + + +border + +TBD. + + + + +cellpadding + +TBD. + + + + +cellspacing + +TBD. + + + + +class + +TBD. + + + + +frame + +TBD. + + + + +label + +TBD. + + + + +rules + +Controls the rules used inside the table. The legal values are +“none”, “groups”, “rows”, “cols”, and “all”. The DTD does not enforce this +constraint because it introduces a conflict in attribute values that violates an +SGML constraint. + + + + +shortentry + +TBD. + + + + +summary + +TBD. + + + + +tabstyle + +TBD. + + + + +title + +TBD. + + + + + + + +See Also + +colspec +entry +entrytbl +equation +example +figure +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +row +spanspec +tbody +tfoot +tgroup +thead +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE table PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<table frame='all'><title>Sample Table</title> +<tgroup cols='5' align='left' colsep='1' rowsep='1'> +<colspec colname='c1'/> +<colspec colname='c2'/> +<colspec colname='c3'/> +<colspec colnum='5' colname='c5'/> +<thead> +<row> + <entry namest="c1" nameend="c2" align="center">Horizontal Span</entry> + <entry>a3</entry> + <entry>a4</entry> + <entry>a5</entry> +</row> +</thead> +<tfoot> +<row> + <entry>f1</entry> + <entry>f2</entry> + <entry>f3</entry> + <entry>f4</entry> + <entry>f5</entry> +</row> +</tfoot> +<tbody> +<row> + <entry>b1</entry> + <entry>b2</entry> + <entry>b3</entry> + <entry>b4</entry> + <entry morerows='1' valign='middle'><para> <!-- Pernicous Mixed Content --> + Vertical Span</para></entry> +</row> +<row> + <entry>c1</entry> + <entry namest="c2" nameend="c3" align='center' morerows='1' valign='bottom'>Span Both</entry> + <entry>c4</entry> +</row> +<row> + <entry>d1</entry> + <entry>d4</entry> + <entry>d5</entry> +</row> +</tbody> +</tgroup> +</table> + + + +Sample Table + + + + + + + + Horizontal Span + a3 + a4 + a5 + + + + + f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5 + + + + + b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 + + Vertical Span + + + c1 + Span Both + c4 + + + d1 + d4 + d5 + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + +elements +task +task +Element + + +task +A task to be completed + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +task ::= +(blockinfo?, + (indexterm)*, + (title,titleabbrev?), + tasksummary?,taskprerequisites?,procedure,example*,taskrelated?) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bookcomponent.content +component.mix +compound.class + + +divcomponent.mix +refcomponent.mix + + + + + + + +Description + +A task encapsulates a procedure providing an +explicit location for summary information, identifying prerequisites +for the task, examples, and pointers to related information. + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +Parents +These elements contain task: +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +chapter +glossary +glossdiv +index +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +partintro +preface +procedure +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in task: +blockinfo +example +indexterm +procedure +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +title +titleabbrev +. + + + + + + + + + + + +elements +taskprerequisites +taskprerequisites +Element + + +taskprerequisites +The prerequisites for a task + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +taskprerequisites ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + +The taskprerequisites element is used to +describe preparations that must be made before a task is attempted. + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +Parents +These elements contain taskprerequisites: +task +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in taskprerequisites: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockinfo +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + + + + + + + + + +elements +taskrelated +taskrelated +Element + + +taskrelated +Information related to a task + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +taskrelated ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + +The taskrelated element provides other, relevant +information about a task (cross references to other parts of the document, +suggested next steps, etc.). + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +Parents +These elements contain taskrelated: +task +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in taskrelated: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockinfo +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + + + + + + + + + +elements +tasksummary +tasksummary +Element + + +tasksummary +A summary of a task + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +tasksummary ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis| + classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis| + destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara| + address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco| + informalequation|informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable| + equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset| + task|productionset|constraintdef|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + +A tasksummary provides introductory or summary +information about a task. + +Processing expectations +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +Parents +These elements contain tasksummary: +task +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tasksummary: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +bibliolist +blockinfo +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constraintdef +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +msgset +note +orderedlist +para +procedure +productionset +programlisting +programlistingco +qandaset +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +task +tip +title +titleabbrev +variablelist +warning +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +tbody +tbody +Element + + +tbody +A wrapper for the rows of a table or informal table + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +tbody ::= +((tr+|row+)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +valign + +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +informal.tbl.table.mdl +tbl.entrytbl.mdl +tbl.table.mdl + + +tbl.tgroup.mdl + + + + + + + + +Description + + +The TBody wrapper identifies the Rows of a +table that form the body of the table, as distinct from the header +(THead) and footer (TFoot) rows. + + +In most tables, the TBody contains most of the rows. + + +Processing expectations + +This element is expected to obey the semantics +of the CALS Table Model +Document Type Definition, as specified by +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995 +. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain tbody: +entrytbl +informaltable +table +tgroup +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tbody: +row +tr +. + + + +Attributes + +valign + + +VAlign specifies the vertical alignment +of text (and other elements) within the cells of this TBody. + + + + + +See Also + +colspec +entry +entrytbl +informaltable +row +spanspec +table +tfoot +tgroup +thead +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + entrytbl + footnoteref + informaltable + table +. + + + + + + + + + + +elements +td +td +Element + + +td +A table entry in an HTML table + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +td ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage|calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist| + orderedlist|segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution| + important|note|tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting| + programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot|formalpara|para| + simpara|graphic|mediaobject|table|informaltable)* + + +Attributes + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +arch +CDATA +None + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +axis +CDATA +None + + +os +CDATA +None + + +abbr +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +userlevel +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +id +ID +None + + +wordsize +CDATA +None + + +scope + +col +colgroup +row +rowgroup + +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +char +justify +left +right + +None + + +lang +CDATA +None + + +xreflabel +CDATA +None + + +valign + +baseline +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +xml:base +CDATA +None + + +revision +CDATA +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +security +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +width +CDATA +None + + +conformance +NMTOKENS +None + + +headers +IDREFS +None + + +nowrap + +nowrap + +None + + +dir + +lro +ltr +rlo +rtl + +None + + +bgcolor +CDATA +None + + +colspan +CDATA +"1" + + +rowspan +CDATA +"1" + + +charoff +CDATA +None + + +remap +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +height +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +char +CDATA +None + + +revisionflag + +added +changed +deleted +off + +None + + +vendor +CDATA +None + + +condition +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + +Identifies an entry in an HTML table. + +Processing expectations +Processed like an HTML td. + + +Parents +These elements contain td: +tr +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in td: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +bibliolist +biblioref +calloutlist +caution +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +formalpara +funcsynopsis +function +glosslist +glossterm +graphic +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +important +indexterm +informaltable +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +itemizedlist +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +literallayout +markup +medialabel +mediaobject +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +note +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orderedlist +orgname +othercredit +package +para +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +programlisting +programlistingco +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sgmltag +simpara +simplelist +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +table +termdef +tip +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +variablelist +varname +warning +wordasword +xref +. + + + + + +Attributes + +FIXME: common HTML attributes... + + +abbr + +FIXME: + + +align + +FIXME: + + +axis + +FIXME: + + +bgcolor + +FIXME: + + +char + +FIXME: + + +charoff + +FIXME: + + +colspan + +FIXME: + + +headers + +FIXME: + + +height + +FIXME: + + +nowrap + +FIXME: + + +rowspan + +FIXME: + + +scope + +FIXME: + + +style + +FIXME: + + +title + +FIXME: + + +valign + +FIXME: + + +width + +FIXME: + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +term +term +Element + + +term +The word or phrase being defined or described in a variable list + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +term ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The Term in a VarListEntry identifies the +thing that is described or defined by that entry. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Terms are usually formatted to make +them stand out with respect to the text that follows. The best +presentation depends on several factors, including the number +and length of the terms. The TermLength attribute on the containing +VariableList may influence the presentation of +Terms. See VariableList. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain term: +varlistentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in term: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + variablelist +. + + + + + + + + + + +elements +termdef +termdef +Element + + +termdef +An inline term definition + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +termdef ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + +A termdef is an inline term definition. Some styles +of documentation collect all terms together in a Glossary of some sort, +but another style is to place the definitions inline. + +The glossary and glosslist +elements support the former style, termdef the +latter. + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. + + + +Parents +These elements contain termdef: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in termdef: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +tertiary +tertiary +Element + + +tertiary +A tertiary word or phrase in an index term + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +tertiary ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +sortas +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +Tertiary contains a third-level word or phrase in an +IndexTerm. The text of a Tertiary term +is less significant than the Primary and +Secondary terms for sorting and display purposes. + + + +DocBook does not define any additional levels. You cannot use +IndexTerms to construct indexes with more than three +levels without extending the DTD. + + + +In IndexTerms, you can only have one primary, +secondary, and tertiary term. If you want to index multiple +tertiary terms for the same primary and secondary, you must +repeat the primary and secondary in another +IndexTerm. You cannot place several +Tertiarys in the same primary. + + +Processing expectations + +Suppressed. This element provides data for processing but +is not rendered in the primary flow of text. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain tertiary: +indexterm +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tertiary: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +sortas + + +SortAs specifies the string by which the +element's content is to be sorted. If unspecified, the proper content +is used. + + + + + +See Also + +indexentry +indexterm +primary +primaryie +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +tertiaryie +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +tertiaryie +tertiaryie +Element + + +tertiaryie +A tertiary term in an index entry, rather than in the text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +tertiaryie ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linkends +IDREFS +None + + + + + + +Description + + +TertiaryIE identifies a third-level word or +words in an IndexEntry. + + + +In IndexEntrys, you can specify as many tertiary terms +that are necessary. Secondary and tertiary terms can be mixed, following +the primary. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. TertiaryIEs occur below the +SecondaryIE, and are usually aligned with each other and indented +from the secondary. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain tertiaryie: +indexentry +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tertiaryie: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +linkends + + +Linkends, if used, points to the IndexTerms indexed +by this entry. + + + + + +See Also + +indexentry +indexterm +primary +primaryie +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +tertiary +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +textdata +textdata +Element + + +textdata +Pointer to external text data + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +textdata ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +srccredit +CDATA +None + + +entityref +ENTITY +None + + +encoding +CDATA +None + + +fileref +CDATA +None + + +format + +BMP +CGM-BINARY +CGM-CHAR +CGM-CLEAR +DITROFF +DVI +EPS +EQN +FAX +GIF +GIF87a +GIF89a +IGES +JPEG +JPG +linespecific +PCX +PDF +PIC +PNG +PS +SGML +SVG +SWF +TBL +TEX +TIFF +WMF +WPG + +None + + + + + + +Description + +This element points to an external entity containing text +to be inserted. + + + +Any markup in the text identified with textdata +will be escaped. In other words, this element is for inserting things +like program listings, not parts of an XML document. To break a document +into separate physical files, use entities. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Insert the text. + + +There are two ways to provide content for textdata: +entityref or fileref. It is best to use only one of these +methods, however, if multiple sources are provided, +entityref will be used in favor of +fileref. + + + +Parents +These elements contain textdata: +textobject +. + + + + + +Attributes + +encoding + +Identifies the encoding of the text in the external file. +Recommended best practice suggests that character encodings +registered +(as charsets) with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority +be referred to using their registered names. + + +entityref + +EntityRef identifies the general entity +which contains (or points to) the external text. + + + +fileref + +FileRef specifies the name of the file +which contains the external text. + + + +format + +Format identifies the format of the +external text. The Format must be a defined +notation. + + + +srccredit + +SrcCredit contains details about the source +of the external text. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +textobject +textobject +Element + + +textobject +A wrapper for a text description of an object and its associated meta-information + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +textobject ::= +(objectinfo?, + (phrase|textdata| + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note| + tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco| + screen|screenco|screenshot|formalpara|para|simpara|blockquote)+)) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +informal.tbl.table.mdl +mediaobject.mix +tbl.table.mdl + + + + + + +Description + + +A TextObject is a wrapper containing a textual description +of a media object, and its associated meta-information. +TextObjects are only allowed in MediaObjects as +a fall-back option, they cannot be the primary content. + + + +There are two different forms of TextObject, and it is +not unreasonable for a media object to contain both of them. + + + +In the first form, the content of a TextObject is +simply a Phrase. This form is a mechanism for +providing a simple alt text for a media object. The +phrase might be used, for example, as the value of the +ALT attribute on an HTML IMG, +with the primary content of the image coming from one of the other +objects in the media object. + + + +In the second form, the content of TextObject is a longer, +prose description. This form could be used when rendering to devices +that are incapable of displaying any of the other alternatives. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. It might not be rendered at all, depending on its placement +within a MediaObject or InlineMediaObject and +the constraints on the publishing system. For a more detailed description +of the semantics involved, see MediaObject. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain textobject: +classsynopsisinfo +funcsynopsisinfo +informaltable +inlinemediaobject +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +programlisting +screen +synopsis +table +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in textobject: +bibliolist +blockquote +calloutlist +caution +formalpara +glosslist +important +itemizedlist +literallayout +note +objectinfo +orderedlist +para +phrase +programlisting +programlistingco +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +simpara +simplelist +textdata +tip +variablelist +warning +. + + + +See Also + +alt +audioobject +caption +graphic +imageobject +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +videoobject +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + audioobject + imageobject + informalfigure + inlinemediaobject + videoobject +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +tfoot +tfoot +Element + + +tfoot +A table footer consisting of one or more rows + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +tfoot ::= +((tr+| + (colspec*,row+))) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +valign + +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +informal.tbl.table.mdl +tbl.table.mdl +tbl.tgroup.mdl + + + + + + +Description + + +The TFoot wrapper identifies the Rows of a +table that form the foot of the table, as distinct from the header +(THead) and body (TBody) rows. + + +Footer rows are always rendered at the end of the table, despite thier +logical placement near the beginning. + + +Processing expectations + +This element is expected to obey the semantics +of the CALS Table Model +Document Type Definition, as specified by +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995 +. Footer rows are often presented in an alternate typographic +style, such as boldface. + + +In paged media, if a table spans across multiple pages, footer +rows are printed on the bottom of each page. + + +In our experience, relatively few formatters handle footer rows +correctly. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain tfoot: +informaltable +table +tgroup +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tfoot: +colspec +row +tr +. + + + +Attributes + +valign + + +VAlign specifies the vertical alignment +of text (and other elements) within the cells of this TFoot. + + + + + +See Also + +colspec +entry +entrytbl +informaltable +row +spanspec +table +tbody +tgroup +thead +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + table +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +tgroup +tgroup +Element + + +tgroup +A wrapper for the main content of a table, or part of a table + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +tgroup ::= +(colspec*,spanspec*,thead?,tfoot?,tbody) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +rowsep +CDATA +None + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +cols +CDATA +Required + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +char +justify +left +right + +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +tgroupstyle +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +charoff +CDATA +None + + +colsep +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +char +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +informal.tbl.table.mdl +tbl.table-main.mdl +tbl.table.mdl + + + + + + +Description + + +A TGroup surrounds a logically complete portion of a table. +Most tables consist of a single TGroup, but complex tables +with widely varying column specifications may be easier to code using +multiple TGroups. + + + +The TGroup specifies the number of columns in the table, +and contains all of the header, body, and footer +rows, along with any additional column or span specifications +necessary to express the geometry of the table. + + + +Most of the properties of rows, columns, and cells inherit their +default characteristics from the enclosing TGroup. + + +Processing expectations + +This element is expected to obey the semantics +of the CALS Table Model +Document Type Definition, as specified by +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995 +. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain tgroup: +informaltable +table +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tgroup: +colspec +spanspec +tbody +tfoot +thead +. + + + +Attributes + +align + + +Align specifies the horizontal alignment +of Entrys (or EntryTbls) in cells of the +TGroup. +If Char is specified, see also +Char and +CharOff. +Individual columns, spans, and cells can +provide an alternate alignment. + + + +char + + +Char specifies the alignment character when +the Align attribute is set to Char. + + + +charoff + + +CharOff specifies the percentage of the +column's total width that should appear to the left of the first +occurance of the character identified in Char when the Align +attribute is set to Char. + + + +cols + + +Cols specifies the number of columns +in the table. + + + +colsep + + +If ColSep has the value 1 (true), then +a rule will be drawn to the right of all columns in this TGroup. +A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. +The rule to the right of the last column in the table is controlled by the +Frame attribute of the enclosing +Table or InformalTable and not the +ColSep. + + + +rowsep + + +If RowSep has the value 1 (true), then a +rule will be drawn below all the rows in this TGroup +(unless other, interior elements, suppress some or all of the rules). +A value of 0 (false) suppresses the rule. The rule below the last row +in the table is controlled by the Frame +attribute of the enclosing Table or +InformalTable and the RowSep +of the last row is ignored. If unspecified, this attribute is +inherited from enclosing elements. + + + +tgroupstyle + + +TGroupstyle holds the name of a +table group style defined in a stylesheet (e.g., a FOSI) that +will be used to process this document. + + + + + +See Also + +colspec +entry +entrytbl +informaltable +row +spanspec +table +tbody +tfoot +thead +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + entrytbl + footnoteref + informaltable + table +. + + + + + + + + + + +elements +th +th +Element + + +th +A table header entry in an HTML table + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +th ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage|calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist| + orderedlist|segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|caution| + important|note|tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting| + programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot|formalpara|para| + simpara|graphic|mediaobject|table|informaltable)* + + +Attributes + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +arch +CDATA +None + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +axis +CDATA +None + + +os +CDATA +None + + +abbr +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +userlevel +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +id +ID +None + + +wordsize +CDATA +None + + +scope + +col +colgroup +row +rowgroup + +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +char +justify +left +right + +None + + +lang +CDATA +None + + +xreflabel +CDATA +None + + +valign + +baseline +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +xml:base +CDATA +None + + +revision +CDATA +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +security +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +width +CDATA +None + + +conformance +NMTOKENS +None + + +headers +IDREFS +None + + +nowrap + +nowrap + +None + + +dir + +lro +ltr +rlo +rtl + +None + + +bgcolor +CDATA +None + + +colspan +CDATA +"1" + + +rowspan +CDATA +"1" + + +charoff +CDATA +None + + +remap +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +height +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +char +CDATA +None + + +revisionflag + +added +changed +deleted +off + +None + + +vendor +CDATA +None + + +condition +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + +Identifies a “head” entry in an HTML table. + +Processing expectations +Processed like an HTML th. + + +Parents +These elements contain th: +tr +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in th: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +bibliolist +biblioref +calloutlist +caution +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +formalpara +funcsynopsis +function +glosslist +glossterm +graphic +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +important +indexterm +informaltable +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +itemizedlist +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +literallayout +markup +medialabel +mediaobject +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +note +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orderedlist +orgname +othercredit +package +para +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +programlisting +programlistingco +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sgmltag +simpara +simplelist +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +table +termdef +tip +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +variablelist +varname +warning +wordasword +xref +. + + + + + +Attributes + +FIXME: common HTML attributes... + + +abbr + +FIXME: + + +align + +FIXME: + + +axis + +FIXME: + + +bgcolor + +FIXME: + + +char + +FIXME: + + +charoff + +FIXME: + + +colspan + +FIXME: + + +headers + +FIXME: + + +height + +FIXME: + + +nowrap + +FIXME: + + +rowspan + +FIXME: + + +scope + +FIXME: + + +style + +FIXME: + + +title + +FIXME: + + +valign + +FIXME: + + +width + +FIXME: + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +thead +thead +Element + + +thead +A table header consisting of one or more rows + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +thead ::= +((tr+| + (colspec*,row+))) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +valign + +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +informal.tbl.table.mdl +tbl.entrytbl.mdl +tbl.table.mdl + + +tbl.tgroup.mdl + + + + + + + + +Description + + +The THead wrapper identifies the Rows of a +table that form the head of the table, as distinct from the body +(TBody) and foot (TFoot) rows. + + +Header rows are always rendered at the beginning of the table. + + +Processing expectations + +This element is expected to obey the semantics +of the CALS Table Model +Document Type Definition, as specified by +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995 +. Header rows are often presented in an alternate typographic +style, such as boldface. + + +In paged media, if a table spans across multiple pages, header +rows are printed at the top of each new page. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain thead: +entrytbl +informaltable +table +tgroup +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in thead: +colspec +row +tr +. + + + +Attributes + +valign + + +VAlign specifies the vertical alignment +of text (and other elements) within the cells of this THead. + + + + + +See Also + +colspec +entry +entrytbl +informaltable +row +spanspec +table +tbody +tfoot +tgroup +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + table +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +tip +tip +Element + + +tip +A suggestion to the user, set off from the text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +tip ::= +(title?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|literallayout| + programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|equation|example|figure|table| + procedure|sidebar|anchor|bridgehead|remark|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.class +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +highlights.mix +legalnotice.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +para.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +A Tip is an admonition set off +from the main text. + + + +In some types of documentation, the semantics of admonitions are clearly +defined (Caution might imply the possibility of harm to +equipment whereas Warning might imply harm to a person), +but DocBook makes no such assertions. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Often outputs the generated text Tip +or some other visible indication of the type of admonition, +especially if a Title is not present. Sometimes +outputs a graphical icon or other symbol as well. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain tip: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +chapter +colophon +dedication +entry +glossary +glossdiv +highlights +index +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +variablelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tip: +address +anchor +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +title +variablelist +. + + + +See Also + +caution +important +note +warning +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE tip PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<tip> +<para> +If you tie your shoelaces, you're less likely to trip and +fall down. +</para> +</tip> + + + + + +If you tie your shoelaces, you're less likely to trip and +fall down. + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +title +title +Element + + +title +The text of the title of a section of a document or of a formal block-level element + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +title ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +pagenum +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +bookcomponent.title.content +div.title.content + + +formalobject.title.content +info.class +refsect.title.content + + +sect.title.content +tbl.table-titles.mdl +tbl.table.mdl + + +titles + + + + + + + + +Description + + +Title is widely used in DocBook. It identifies the +titles of documents and parts of documents, and is the required +caption on formal objects. It is also allowed as an optional +title or caption on many additional block elements. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Titles are often repeated in several locations, +for example, at the location where the object occurs, in the +table of contents, and in running headers and +footers. + + +DocBook does not offer any mechanism for indicating where a line +break should occur in long titles. Titles are often repeated +and no single line break is likely to be correct in all of the +places where a title is used. Instead, you will have to rely on +your processing system to provide a mechanism, such as a +processing instruction, for identifing the location of forced +line breaks. + + + +There are some contexts in which a Title can appear more than +once. For example, it may appear in both Book and +BookInfo: + + +<book><title>Some Book Title</title> +<bookinfo> + <title>Some Book Title</title> + <author><firstname>Some</firstname><surname>Author</surname> + </author> +</bookinfo> +… + + + + +In these contexts, if the Title occurs more than once, +the same title must be used in both places. +It is an error to use different titles, although DocBook has +no way to detect the error. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain title: +abstract +appendix +appendixinfo +article +articleinfo +authorblurb +bibliodiv +biblioentry +bibliography +bibliographyinfo +bibliolist +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +blockquote +book +bookinfo +calloutlist +caution +chapter +chapterinfo +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +equation +example +figure +formalpara +glossary +glossaryinfo +glossdiv +glosslist +important +index +indexdiv +indexinfo +itemizedlist +legalnotice +lot +msg +msgexplan +msgmain +msgrel +msgset +msgsub +note +objectinfo +orderedlist +part +partinfo +partintro +personblurb +preface +prefaceinfo +procedure +productionset +qandadiv +qandaset +refentryinfo +reference +referenceinfo +refsect1 +refsect1info +refsect2 +refsect2info +refsect3 +refsect3info +refsection +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdiv +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1 +sect1info +sect2 +sect2info +sect3 +sect3info +sect4 +sect4info +sect5 +sect5info +section +sectioninfo +segmentedlist +set +setindex +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebar +sidebarinfo +simplesect +step +table +task +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +tip +toc +variablelist +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in title: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +pagenum + + +PageNum identifies the page on which this +Title appears in some version of the printed document. + + + + + +See Also + +subtitle +titleabbrev +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<sect1><title>A Sect One</title> +<para> +Actual content. +</para> +</sect1> + + +For additional examples, see also + + abstract + appendix + article + audioobject + beginpage + bibliography + bibliomset + biblioset + book + bookinfo + caution + chapter + collab + contractsponsor + equation + example + figure + formalpara + glossary + graphic + highlights + html-form + index + indexterm + link + lot + note + olink + othercredit + para + part + procedure + productionset + qandaset + refentry + reference + remark + sect1info + section + segmentedlist + set + sidebar + simplesect + table + titleabbrev + variablelist + xref +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +titleabbrev +titleabbrev +Element + + +titleabbrev +The abbreviation of a Title + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +titleabbrev ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +bookcomponent.title.content +div.title.content + + +formalobject.title.content +info.class +refsect.title.content + + +sect.title.content +tbl.table.mdl + + + + + + + +Description + + +TitleAbbrev holds an abbreviated version of a +Title. One common use of TitleAbbrev is +for the text used in running headers or footers, when the proper +title is too long to be used conveniently. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Abbreviated titles are usually used only in specific +contexts, such as headers and footers, and suppressed everywhere else. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain titleabbrev: +appendix +appendixinfo +article +articleinfo +bibliodiv +biblioentry +bibliography +bibliographyinfo +bibliolist +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +book +bookinfo +calloutlist +chapter +chapterinfo +colophon +dedication +equation +example +figure +glossary +glossaryinfo +glossdiv +glosslist +index +indexdiv +indexinfo +itemizedlist +lot +msgset +objectinfo +orderedlist +part +partinfo +partintro +preface +prefaceinfo +procedure +productionset +qandadiv +qandaset +refentryinfo +reference +referenceinfo +refsect1 +refsect1info +refsect2 +refsect2info +refsect3 +refsect3info +refsection +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdiv +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1 +sect1info +sect2 +sect2info +sect3 +sect3info +sect4 +sect4info +sect5 +sect5info +section +sectioninfo +segmentedlist +set +setindex +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebar +sidebarinfo +simplesect +table +task +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +toc +variablelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in titleabbrev: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +See Also + +subtitle +title +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter><title>How to Configure the Menu Subsystem +of the Graphical User Interface</title> +<titleabbrev>Configuring Menus</titleabbrev> +<para> +Actual content. +</para> +</chapter> + + +For additional examples, see also + + article + book + xref +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +toc +toc +Element + + +toc +A table of contents + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +toc ::= +(beginpage?, + (title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?)?, + tocfront*, + (tocpart|tocchap)*, + tocback*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +pagenum +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +nav.class +partcontent.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The ToC element defines a table of +contents in a document. + + + +The general structure of elements in a ToC is analogous to the +structure of the document described. For example, a ToC for +a Book might contain TocFront elements for the +front-matter of the book, TocChap elements for the body of the +book, and TocBack elements for the back matter. Inside each +of these are additional elements reflecting the structure of each +component. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +In real life, ToCs are usually generated automatically +by the presentation system and never have to be represented explicitly +in the document source. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain toc: +appendix +article +book +chapter +part +preface +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +set +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in toc: +beginpage +subtitle +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocchap +tocfront +tocpart +. + + + +Attributes + +pagenum + + +PageNum indicates the page on which this +Table of Contents appears in the printed document + + + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE toc PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<toc> +<tocfront pagenum="i">Preface</tocfront> +<tocpart> + <tocentry>Part I</tocentry> + <tocchap> + <tocentry pagenum="1">Getting Started with SGML/XML</tocentry> + <toclevel1> + <tocentry pagenum="1">HTML and SGML vs. XML</tocentry> + </toclevel1> + <toclevel1> + <tocentry pagenum="3">How Does DocBook Fit In?</tocentry> + <toclevel2> + <tocentry pagenum="3">A Short DocBook History</tocentry> + </toclevel2> + </toclevel1> + <!-- ... --> + </tocchap> +</tocpart> +<!-- ... --> +<tocback pagenum="305">Bibliography</tocback> +</toc> + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +tocback +tocback +Element + + +tocback +An entry in a table of contents for a back matter component + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +tocback ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +pagenum +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +linkend +IDREF +None + + + + + + +Description + + +The ToCback element is a chapter-level ToC element +for back matter (Bibliographys, Indexs, and so on). + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +In real life, ToCs are usually generated automatically +by the presentation system and never have to be represented explicitly +in the document source. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain tocback: +toc +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tocback: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +linkend + + +Linkend points to the associated back matter element. + + + +pagenum + + +PageNum indicates the page on which the +element of backmatter appears in some version of the printed document. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + toc +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +tocchap +tocchap +Element + + +tocchap +An entry in a table of contents for a component in the body of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +tocchap ::= +(tocentry+,toclevel1*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +label +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +The ToCchap element is a chapter-level ToC element +for components in the main body of a document. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +In real life, ToCs are usually generated automatically +by the presentation system and never have to be represented explicitly +in the document source. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain tocchap: +appendix +article +chapter +preface +toc +tocpart +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tocchap: +tocentry +toclevel1 +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + toc +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +tocentry +tocentry +Element + + +tocentry +A component title in a table of contents + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +tocentry ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +pagenum +CDATA +None + + +linkend +IDREF +None + + + + + + +Description + + +A ToCentry contains the title of an entry in a +ToC. In entries that allow nested structure, such as +ToCchap, this additional wrapper is necessary in order to +require that a title be present. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +In real life, ToCs are usually generated automatically +by the presentation system and never have to be represented explicitly +in the document source. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain tocentry: +tocchap +toclevel1 +toclevel2 +toclevel3 +toclevel4 +toclevel5 +tocpart +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tocentry: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +linkend + + +Linkend points to the associated element in the document. + + + +pagenum + + +PageNum indicates the page on which this +ToC element appears in some version of the printed document. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + toc +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +tocfront +tocfront +Element + + +tocfront +An entry in a table of contents for a front matter component + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +tocfront ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +pagenum +CDATA +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +linkend +IDREF +None + + + + + + +Description + + +The ToCfront element is a chapter-level ToC element +for front matter such as Prefaces. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +In real life, ToCs are usually generated automatically +by the presentation system and never have to be represented explicitly +in the document source. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain tocfront: +toc +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tocfront: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +label + + +Label specifies an identifying number or string +that may be used in presentation. + + +Generally, an explicit Label attribute is +used only if the processing system is incapable of generating the label +automatically. If present, the Label +is normative; it will used even +if the processing system is capable of automatic labelling. + + + +linkend + + +Linkend points to the associated front matter element. + + + +pagenum + + +PageNum indicates the page on which the +element of frontmatter appears in som version of the printed document. + + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + toc +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +toclevel1 +toclevel1 +Element + + +toclevel1 +A top-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +toclevel1 ::= +(tocentry+,toclevel2*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The ToClevel1 element is a ToC entry for +a first-level section in a component. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +In real life, ToCs are usually generated automatically +by the presentation system and never have to be represented explicitly +in the document source. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain toclevel1: +tocchap +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in toclevel1: +tocentry +toclevel2 +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + toc +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +toclevel2 +toclevel2 +Element + + +toclevel2 +A second-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +toclevel2 ::= +(tocentry+,toclevel3*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The ToClevel2 element is a ToC entry for +a second-level section in a component. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +In real life, ToCs are usually generated automatically +by the presentation system and never have to be represented explicitly +in the document source. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain toclevel2: +toclevel1 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in toclevel2: +tocentry +toclevel3 +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + toc +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +toclevel3 +toclevel3 +Element + + +toclevel3 +A third-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +toclevel3 ::= +(tocentry+,toclevel4*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The ToClevel3 element is a ToC entry for +a third-level section in a component. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +In real life, ToCs are usually generated automatically +by the presentation system and never have to be represented explicitly +in the document source. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain toclevel3: +toclevel2 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in toclevel3: +tocentry +toclevel4 +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +toclevel4 +toclevel4 +Element + + +toclevel4 +A fourth-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +toclevel4 ::= +(tocentry+,toclevel5*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The ToClevel4 element is a ToC entry for +a fourth-level section in a component. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +In real life, ToCs are usually generated automatically +by the presentation system and never have to be represented explicitly +in the document source. + + + +Parents +These elements contain toclevel4: +toclevel3 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in toclevel4: +tocentry +toclevel5 +. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +toclevel5 +toclevel5 +Element + + +toclevel5 +A fifth-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +toclevel5 ::= +(tocentry+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The ToClevel5 element is a ToC entry for +a fifth-level section in a component. + + + +The ToC machinery in DocBook has not been extended to handle +the infinitely recursive nature of Sections. It may never +be extended. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +In real life, ToCs are usually generated automatically +by the presentation system and never have to be represented explicitly +in the document source. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain toclevel5: +toclevel4 +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in toclevel5: +tocentry +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +tocpart +tocpart +Element + + +tocpart +An entry in a table of contents for a part of a book + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +tocpart ::= +(tocentry+,tocchap*) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +The ToCpart element is a division-level ToC element +for Parts and References. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +In real life, ToCs are usually generated automatically +by the presentation system and never have to be represented explicitly +in the document source. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain tocpart: +toc +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tocpart: +tocchap +tocentry +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + toc +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +token +token +Element + + +token +A unit of information + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +token ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A Token identifies a unit of information. Usually, +tokens are the result of some processing pass that +has performed lexical analysis and divided a data set into the +smallest units of information used for subsequent processing. + + +Exactly what constitutes a token varies by context. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain token: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in token: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +classname +interface +property +structfield +structname +symbol +type +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +In parsing, line ends are turned into the <token>CRLF</token>, all other +whitespace becomes <token>WHITESP</token>. +</para> + + + + +In parsing, line ends are turned into the CRLF, all other +whitespace becomes WHITESP. + + + + + + + + + + + + + +elements +tr +tr +Element + + +tr +A row in an HTML table + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +tr ::= +(th|td)+ + + +Attributes + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +arch +CDATA +None + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +os +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +userlevel +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +id +ID +None + + +wordsize +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +char +justify +left +right + +None + + +lang +CDATA +None + + +xreflabel +CDATA +None + + +valign + +baseline +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +xml:base +CDATA +None + + +revision +CDATA +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +security +CDATA +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +conformance +NMTOKENS +None + + +dir + +lro +ltr +rlo +rtl + +None + + +bgcolor +CDATA +None + + +charoff +CDATA +None + + +remap +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +char +CDATA +None + + +revisionflag + +added +changed +deleted +off + +None + + +vendor +CDATA +None + + +condition +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +informal.tbl.table.mdl +tbl.hdft.mdl +tbl.table.mdl + + +tbl.tbody.mdl + + + + + + + + +Description + +Identifies a row in an HTML table. + +Processing expectations +Processed like an HTML tr. + + +Parents +These elements contain tr: +informaltable +table +tbody +tfoot +thead +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in tr: +td +th +. + + + + + +Attributes + +FIXME: common HTML attributes... + + +align + +FIXME: + + +bgcolor + +FIXME: + + +char + +FIXME: + + +charoff + +FIXME: + + +class + +FIXME: + + +style + +FIXME: + + +title + +FIXME: + + +valign + +FIXME: + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +trademark +trademark +Element + + +trademark +A trademark + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +trademark ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|emphasis)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +class + +copyright +registered +service +trade + +"trade" + + +Parameter Entities + + +docinfo.char.mix +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix + + +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +title.char.mix +word.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +Trademark identifies a legal trademark. + + + +One of the values of the Class +attribute on Trademark is Copyright. +DocBook also has a Copyright element, but it is +confined to meta-information. A copyright in running text is +best represented as trademark +class=copyright. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + +In addition to Trademark, two of the values of the +Class attribute on +ProductName make assertions about trademarks; +presumably the same markup is intended for both +Trademark and ProductName when they make +assertions about trademarks. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain trademark: +abbrev +ackno +acronym +application +artpagenums +attribution +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +bibliosource +bridgehead +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +city +collabname +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +country +date +edition +email +emphasis +entry +fax +firstname +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +holder +honorific +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +jobtitle +label +lineage +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +member +modespec +msgaud +olink +orgdiv +orgname +otheraddr +othername +pagenums +para +phone +phrase +pob +postcode +primary +primaryie +productname +productnumber +programlisting +pubdate +publishername +pubsnumber +quote +refentrytitle +refmiscinfo +refpurpose +releaseinfo +remark +revnumber +revremark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +seriesvolnums +shortaffil +simpara +state +street +subtitle +surname +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +volumenum +wordasword +year +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in trademark: +action +anchor +application +classname +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +class + + +Class indicates the type of +Trademark. The default is Trade. + + + + + +See Also + +copyright +legalnotice +productname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The name <trademark class='registered'>WebSite</trademark> is a +registered trademark of O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc. +</para> + + + + +The name WebSite is a +registered trademark of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + audioobject + productname + screenco +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +type +type +Element + + +type +The classification of a value + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +type ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +In general usage, Type identifies one member of a +class of values. + + + +In documenting computer programs, it identifies specifically a +type, as might be declared with typedef +in the C programming language. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + +Parents +These elements contain type: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcdef +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +methodparam +methodsynopsis +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +paramdef +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in type: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +classname +interface +property +structfield +structname +symbol +token +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +The <function>geteuid</function> function returns a <type>uid_t</type> that +contains the user's <emphasis>effective</emphasis> user id. +</para> + + + + +The geteuid function returns a uid_t that +contains the user's effective user id. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2004-05-19 17:56:44 +0200 (Wed, 19 May 2004) $ +$Revision: 3588 $ + + + +elements +ulink +ulink +Element + + +ulink +A link that addresses its target by means of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +ulink ::= +(#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|biblioref|abbrev|acronym|citation| + citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis|firstterm| + foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase|orgname|quote| + trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink|ulink|action| + application|classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname| + ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|package|command|computeroutput| + database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext| + filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem| + guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym| + literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton| + option|optional|parameter|prompt|property|replaceable| + returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri| + token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|author| + authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| + productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +xrefstyle +CDATA +None + + +url +CDATA +Required + + +type +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +docinfo.char.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +link.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + +word.char.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + +The ULink element forms the equivalent of an HTML anchor +(A HREF="...") +for cross reference by a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. When rendered online, it is natural to make the content +of the ULink element an active link. When rendered in print +media, the URL might be ignored, printed after the +text of the link, or printed as a footnote. + + +When the content of the ULink element is empty, i.e., for +either of the following cases: +<ulink url="..."/> and +<ulink url="..."></ulink>, the content +of the url attribute should be +rendered as the text of the link. + + +Linking elements must not be nested within other linking +elements (including themselves). Because DocBook is harmonizing +towards XML, this restriction cannot easily be enforced by the DTD. The +processing of nested linking elements is undefined. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain ulink: +abbrev +ackno +acronym +action +application +artpagenums +attribution +authorinitials +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliomisc +bibliorelation +bibliosource +bridgehead +citation +citebiblioid +citetitle +city +classsynopsisinfo +code +collabname +command +computeroutput +confdates +confnum +confsponsor +conftitle +contractnum +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname +country +database +date +edition +email +emphasis +entry +fax +figure +filename +firstname +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +holder +honorific +indexdiv +informalfigure +interfacename +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +jobtitle +keycap +label +lineage +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +manvolnum +member +modespec +msgaud +olink +option +optional +orgdiv +orgname +otheraddr +othername +pagenums +para +parameter +phone +phrase +pob +postcode +primary +primaryie +productname +productnumber +programlisting +property +pubdate +publishername +pubsnumber +quote +refentry +refentrytitle +refmiscinfo +refnamediv +refpurpose +releaseinfo +remark +replaceable +revnumber +revremark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +seriesvolnums +shortaffil +simpara +state +street +subscript +subtitle +superscript +surname +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +volumenum +wordasword +year +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in ulink: +abbrev +acronym +action +anchor +application +author +authorinitials +beginpage +biblioref +citation +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle +classname +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +code +command +computeroutput +constant +constructorsynopsis +corpauthor +corpcredit +database +destructorsynopsis +email +emphasis +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase +funcsynopsis +function +glossterm +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +methodsynopsis +modespec +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +orgname +othercredit +package +parameter +personname +phrase +productname +productnumber +prompt +property +quote +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +revhistory +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +synopsis +systemitem +termdef +token +trademark +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +wordasword +xref +. + + + +Attributes + +type + + +Type is available for application-specific +customization of the linking behavior. + + + +url + + +URL specifies the Uniform Resource Locator +that is the target of the ULink. + + + + + +See Also + +anchor +link +olink +xref +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +For more information, see the O'Reilly catalog entry for +<ulink url=""><citetitle>Making TeX +Work</citetitle></ulink>. +</para> + + + + +For more information, see the O'Reilly catalog entry for +Making TeX +Work. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + olink + productnumber + systemitem +. + + + + + + + + + + +elements +uri +uri +Element + + +uri +A Uniform Resource Identifier + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +uri ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +type +CDATA +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + +The uri element identifies a Uniform +Resource Identifier (URI) in content. + +Processing expectations +Formatted inline. The uri element does not +automatically generate a link to the URI it identifies. + + +Parents +These elements contain uri: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in uri: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + + + +Attributes + +type + +Identifies the type of the URI. + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +userinput +userinput +Element + + +userinput +Data entered by the user + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +userinput ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|action|application|classname|methodname| + interfacename|exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception| + package|command|computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode| + errorname|errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton| + guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware| + interface|keycap|keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant| + markup|medialabel|menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional| + parameter|prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag| + structfield|structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type| + userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor|remark|subscript| + superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm|beginpage| + co)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo + +none +refentry + +"none" + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +The UserInput element identifies words or phrases +that the user is expected to provide as input to a computer +program. + + +Note that UserInput is not a verbatim +environment, but an inline. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. The MoreInfo attribute +can help generate a link or query to retrieve additional information. Often presented in a fixed width font. + + + +Future Changes + + +The InterfaceDefinition +element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available +in the content model of this element. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain userinput: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in userinput: +action +anchor +application +beginpage +classname +co +code +command +computeroutput +constant +database +email +envar +errorcode +errorname +errortext +errortype +exceptionname +filename +function +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +interface +interfacename +keycap +keycode +keycombo +keysym +link +literal +markup +medialabel +menuchoice +methodname +mousebutton +nonterminal +olink +ooclass +ooexception +oointerface +option +optional +package +parameter +prompt +property +remark +replaceable +returnvalue +sgmltag +structfield +structname +subscript +superscript +symbol +systemitem +token +type +ulink +uri +userinput +varname +. + + + +Attributes + +moreinfo + + +If MoreInfo is set to RefEntry, +it implies that a RefEntry exists which further describes the +UserInput. + + + + + +See Also + +computeroutput +constant +envar +filename +lineannotation +literal +literallayout +markup +option +optional +parameter +programlisting +prompt +replaceable +screen +screenshot +sgmltag +synopsis +systemitem +varname +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +At the system prompt, enter <userinput>xyzzy</userinput> to gain +supervisor access to the system. +</para> + + + + +At the system prompt, enter xyzzy to gain +supervisor access to the system. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +varargs +varargs +Element + + +varargs +An empty element in a function synopsis indicating a variable number of arguments + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +varargs ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +VarArgs indicates that a function takes a variable +number of arguments. + + +Processing expectations + +The VarArgs element produces generated text that indicates +that the function takes a variable number of arguments. The +exact generated text may vary. One common result is +(…). + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain varargs: +funcprototype +. + + + +See Also + +funcdef +funcparams +funcprototype +funcsynopsisinfo +function +paramdef +parameter +returnvalue +void +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE funcsynopsis PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<funcsynopsis> +<funcsynopsisinfo> +#include &lt;varargs.h&gt; +</funcsynopsisinfo> +<funcprototype> + <funcdef>int <function>max</function></funcdef> + <varargs/> +</funcprototype> +</funcsynopsis> + + + + + +#include <varargs.h> + + + int max + + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + funcsynopsis +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +variablelist +variablelist +Element + + +variablelist +A list in which each entry is composed of a set of one or more terms and an associated description + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +variablelist ::= +(blockinfo?, + (title,titleabbrev?)?, + (caution|important|note|tip|warning|literallayout|programlisting| + programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis| + cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|anchor|bridgehead|remark| + highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph|indexterm|beginpage)*, + varlistentry+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +termlength +CDATA +None + + +spacing + +compact +normal + +None + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.mix +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +example.mix +footnote.mix + + +glossdef.mix +highlights.mix +indexdivcomponent.mix + + +legalnotice.mix +list.class +para.mix + + +qandaset.mix +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix + + +sidebar.mix +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +textobject.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +A VariableList is a list consisting of Terms and +their definitions or descriptions. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +There are many ways to deal with the problems presented in +formatting a variable list with long Terms. DocBook +does not mandate any particular presentation. The +TermLength attribute may influence +the presentation of Terms. + + + +Future Changes +Introductory material may appear before the first list item. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain variablelist: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +caution +chapter +colophon +constraintdef +dedication +entry +example +footnote +glossary +glossdef +glossdiv +highlights +important +index +indexdiv +informalexample +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +note +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +tip +warning +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in variablelist: +abstract +address +anchor +authorblurb +beginpage +blockinfo +blockquote +bridgehead +caution +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +epigraph +fieldsynopsis +formalpara +funcsynopsis +graphic +graphicco +highlights +important +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +note +para +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +simpara +synopsis +tip +title +titleabbrev +varlistentry +warning +. + + + +Attributes + +termlength + + +TermLength indicates a length beyond +which the presentation engine may consider the Term(s) too +long and select an alternate presentation of the Term(s) +and/or, the associated ListItem. + + + + + +See Also + +calloutlist +itemizedlist +listitem +orderedlist +segmentedlist +simplelist +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE variablelist PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<variablelist><title>Font Filename Extensions</title> +<varlistentry><term><filename>TTF</filename></term> +<listitem> +<para> +TrueType fonts. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry><term><filename>PFA</filename></term> + <term><filename>PFB</filename></term> +<listitem> +<para> +PostScript fonts. <filename>PFA</filename> files are common on +<acronym>UNIX</acronym> systems, <filename>PFB</filename> files +are more common on Windows systems. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + + + +Font Filename Extensions +TTF + + +TrueType fonts. + + + +PFA + PFB + + +PostScript fonts. PFA files are common on +UNIX systems, PFB files +are more common on Windows systems. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +varlistentry +varlistentry +Element + + +varlistentry +A wrapper for a set of terms and the associated description in a variable list + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +varlistentry ::= +(term+,listitem) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +A VarListEntry is an entry in a VariableList. +Each VarListEntry contains one or more Terms and +their description or definition. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. + + +Terms are usually formatted to make them stand +out with respect to the text that follows. The best presentation depends +on several factors, including the number and length of the terms. +See VariableList. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain varlistentry: +variablelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in varlistentry: +listitem +term +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + variablelist +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +varname +varname +Element + + +varname +The name of a variable + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +varname ::= +(#PCDATA|replaceable|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm| + beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +cptr.char.mix +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +refname.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl + + +tech.char.class +title.char.mix + + + + + + + +Description + + +A VarName identifies a variable name in a programming or +expression language. Variables most often get their values from +Literals, Replaceable values, Constants, +or Symbols. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain varname: +action +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +classsynopsisinfo +code +command +computeroutput +database +emphasis +entry +fieldsynopsis +filename +firstterm +foreignphrase +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo +function +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +hardware +interfacename +keycap +lineannotation +link +literal +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +option +optional +para +parameter +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +property +quote +refdescriptor +refentrytitle +refname +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +systemitem +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +trademark +ulink +userinput +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in varname: +beginpage +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +replaceable +. + + + +See Also + +command +computeroutput +constant +literal +markup +option +optional +parameter +prompt +replaceable +sgmltag +userinput +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +In Perl, <varname>@ARGV</varname> contains the command line parameters +used when the script was run. +</para> + + + + +In Perl, @ARGV contains the command line parameters +used when the script was run. + + + +For additional examples, see also + + literal +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-11 03:20:20 +0200 (Tue, 11 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1615 $ + + + +elements +videodata +videodata +Element + + +videodata +Pointer to external video data + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +videodata ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +width +CDATA +None + + +srccredit +CDATA +None + + +contentdepth +CDATA +None + + +entityref +ENTITY +None + + +contentwidth +CDATA +None + + +scalefit +CDATA +None + + +align + +center +left +right + +None + + +valign + +bottom +middle +top + +None + + +depth +CDATA +None + + +fileref +CDATA +None + + +format + +BMP +CGM-BINARY +CGM-CHAR +CGM-CLEAR +DITROFF +DVI +EPS +EQN +FAX +GIF +GIF87a +GIF89a +IGES +JPEG +JPG +linespecific +PCX +PDF +PIC +PNG +PS +SGML +SVG +SWF +TBL +TEX +TIFF +WMF +WPG + +None + + +scale +CDATA +None + + + + + + +Description + + +This element points to an external entity containing video data. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Rendering a video is usually accomplished by reserving +a rectangular area on the display and running the video in +that frame. + + +There are two ways to provide content for VideoData: +EntityRef or FileRef. It is best to use only one of these +methods. However, if multiple sources are provided, +EntityRef will be used in favor of +FileRef. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain videodata: +videoobject +. + + + +Attributes + +align + + +Align specifies the horizontal alignment +of the image data on the page or within the element that frames it. + + + +depth + + +Depth specifies the desired depth (vertical +distance, at least in horizontal writing systems) of the +video data. + + + +entityref + + +EntityRef identifies the general entity +which points to the content of the video data. + + + +fileref + + +FileRef specifies the name of the file +which contains the content of the video data. + + + +format + + +Format identifies the format of the video +data. The Format must be a defined +notation. + + + +scale + + +Scale specifies integer representing a +percentage scaling factor (retaining the relative dimensions of the +original video frame). If unspecified, the value 100 (100%) is assumed. + + + +scalefit + + +If ScaleFit has the value 1 (true), then +the video frame is to be scaled (uniformly) to the specified width or depth. +The default value of 0 (false) indicates that the image will not be +scaled to fit (although it may still be scaled by the +Scale attribute). + + + +srccredit + + +SrcCredit contains details about the source +of the video data. + + + +width + + +Width indicates the width of the graphic. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +videoobject +videoobject +Element + + +videoobject +A wrapper for video data and its associated meta-information + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +videoobject ::= +(objectinfo?,videodata) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +mediaobject.mix + + + + + + + + +Description + + +A VideoObject is a wrapper containing VideoData +and its associated meta-information. + + +Processing expectations + +May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. It might not be rendered at all, depending on its placement +within a MediaObject or InlineMediaObject and +the constraints on the publishing system. For a more detailed description +of the semantics involved, see MediaObject. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain videoobject: +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in videoobject: +objectinfo +videodata +. + + + +See Also + +alt +audioobject +caption +graphic +imageobject +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject +textobject +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE mediaobject PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<mediaobject> +<videoobject> +<videodata fileref='movie.avi'/> +</videoobject> +<imageobject> +<imagedata fileref='movie-frame.gif'/> +</imageobject> +<textobject> +<para>This video illustrates the proper way to assemble an +inverting time distortion device. +</para> +<warning> +<para> +It is imperative that the primary and secondary temporal +couplings not be mounted in the wrong order. Temporal +catastrophe is the likely result. The future you destroy +may be your own. +</para> +</warning> +</textobject> +</mediaobject> + + + + + + + + + + + +This video illustrates the proper way to assemble an +inverting time distortion device. + + + +It is imperative that the primary and secondary temporal +couplings not be mounted in the wrong order. Temporal +catastrophe is the likely result. The future you destroy +may be your own. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +void +void +Element + + +void +An empty element in a function synopsis indicating that the function in question takes no arguments + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +void ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +tbl.frame.attval + + + + + + + + +Description + + +The Void element indicates explicitly that a +Function has no arguments. + + +Processing expectations + +The Void element produces generated text that indicates +the function has no arguments (or returns nothing). The +exact generated text may vary. One common result is +void. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain void: +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +funcprototype +methodsynopsis +. + + + +See Also + +funcdef +funcparams +funcprototype +funcsynopsisinfo +function +paramdef +parameter +returnvalue +varargs +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + funcdef + funcsynopsis +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +volumenum +volumenum +Element + + +volumenum +The volume number of a document in a set (as of books in a set or articles in a journal) + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +volumenum ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +bibliocomponent.mix +info.class + + + + + + + +Description + + +VolumeNum identifies the volume number of a +Book in a Set, or a periodical. +It is a wrapper for bibliographic information. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain volumenum: +appendixinfo +articleinfo +biblioentry +bibliographyinfo +bibliomixed +bibliomset +biblioset +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in volumenum: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +biblioid +invpartnumber +isbn +issn +issuenum +productnumber +pubsnumber +seriesvolnums +. + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + article + bibliography + bibliomset +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +warning +warning +Element + + +warning +An admonition set off from the text + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +warning ::= +(title?, + (calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist| + segmentedlist|simplelist|variablelist|literallayout| + programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot| + synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| + constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis| + formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco| + mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation|informalexample| + informalfigure|informaltable|equation|example|figure|table| + procedure|sidebar|anchor|bridgehead|remark|indexterm|beginpage)+) + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +admon.class +bookcomponent.content +component.mix + + +divcomponent.mix +highlights.mix +legalnotice.mix + + +listpreamble.mix +para.mix +qandaset.mix + + +refcomponent.mix +revdescription.mix +sidebar.mix + + +tabentry.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +textobject.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +A Warning is an admonition, usually set off +from the main text. + + + +In some types of documentation, the semantics of admonitions are clearly +defined (Caution might imply the possibility of harm to +equipment whereas Warning might imply harm to a person), +but DocBook makes no such assertions. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted as a displayed block. Often outputs the generated text Warning +or some other visible indication of the type of admonition, +especially if a Title is not present. Sometimes +outputs a graphical icon or other symbol as well. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain warning: +answer +appendix +article +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote +callout +caption +chapter +colophon +dedication +entry +glossary +glossdiv +highlights +index +itemizedlist +legalnotice +listitem +msgexplan +msgtext +orderedlist +para +partintro +preface +procedure +qandadiv +qandaset +question +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection +refsynopsisdiv +revdescription +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 +section +setindex +sidebar +simplesect +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated +tasksummary +td +textobject +th +variablelist +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in warning: +address +anchor +beginpage +bibliolist +blockquote +bridgehead +calloutlist +classsynopsis +cmdsynopsis +constructorsynopsis +destructorsynopsis +equation +example +fieldsynopsis +figure +formalpara +funcsynopsis +glosslist +graphic +graphicco +indexterm +informalequation +informalexample +informalfigure +informaltable +itemizedlist +literallayout +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +methodsynopsis +orderedlist +para +procedure +programlisting +programlistingco +remark +screen +screenco +screenshot +segmentedlist +sidebar +simpara +simplelist +synopsis +table +title +variablelist +. + + + +See Also + +caution +important +note +tip +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE warning PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<warning> +<para> +Striking your thumb with a hammer may cause severe pain and discomfort. +</para> +</warning> + + + + + +Striking your thumb with a hammer may cause severe pain and discomfort. + + + + +For additional examples, see also + + videoobject +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +wordasword +wordasword +Element + + +wordasword +A word meant specifically as a word and not representing anything else + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +wordasword ::= +(#PCDATA|acronym|emphasis|trademark|link|olink|ulink|anchor| + remark|subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject| + indexterm|beginpage)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Parameter Entities + + +gen.char.class +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix + + +refinline.char.mix +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix + + + + + + +Description + + +A lot of technical documentation contains words that have +overloaded meanings. Sometimes it is useful to be able to use a +word without invoking its technical meaning. The +WordAsWord element identifies a word or phrase that +might otherwise be interpreted in some specific way, and asserts +that it should be interpreted simply as a word. + + + +It is unlikely that the presentation of this element will be able +to help readers understand the variation in meaning; good writing +will have to achieve that goal. +The real value of WordAsWord lies in the fact +that full-text searching and indexing tools can use it to avoid +false-positives. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + + +Parents +These elements contain wordasword: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in wordasword: +acronym +anchor +beginpage +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + +See Also + +abbrev +acronym +emphasis +foreignphrase +phrase +quote +. + + + +Examples + + +<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<para> +A <wordasword>Term</wordasword> in Algebra has a very different meaning +than a <sgmltag>Term</sgmltag> in DocBook. +</para> + + + + +A Term in Algebra has a very different meaning +than a Term in DocBook. + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-12-28 22:33:24 +0100 (Sat, 28 Dec 2002) $ +$Revision: 2334 $ + + + +elements +xref +xref +Element + + +xref +A cross reference to another part of the document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Content Model + + +xref ::= +EMPTY + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + +Name +Type +Default + + +xrefstyle +CDATA +None + + +endterm +IDREF +None + + +linkend +IDREF +Required + + +Parameter Entities + + +ndxterm.char.mix +para.char.mix +refinline.char.mix + + +tbl.entry.mdl +title.char.mix +xref.char.class + + + + + + +Description + + +The XRef element forms a cross-reference from the location +of the XRef to the element to which it points. Unlike +Link and the other cross-referencing elements, XRef +is empty. The processing system has to generate appropriate cross-reference +text for the reader. + + +Processing expectations + +Under ordinary circumstances, the xref +points to the some element with its +linkend attribute and the processing system +generates appropriate cross reference text. There are three +ways for the author to influence the generated text: + + + +If the endterm attribute is specified +on xref, the +content of the element pointed to by endterm +will be used as the text of the cross-reference. + + + + +Otherwise, if the object pointed to has a +specified XRefLabel, the content of +that attribute will be used as the cross-reference text. + + + + +Finally, the author may specify a keyword (or other information) in the +xrefstyle attribute. Unlike +endterm and +xreflabel which have rigid semantics, +the content of the xrefstyle attribute is simply +additional information for the processing system. What effect it has, if any, +is dependent on the processing system. + + + + + +Parents +These elements contain xref: +application +attribution +bibliomisc +bridgehead +citation +citetitle +emphasis +entry +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation +link +literallayout +lotentry +member +msgaud +olink +para +phrase +primary +primaryie +productname +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle +refpurpose +remark +screen +screeninfo +secondary +secondaryie +see +seealso +seealsoie +seeie +seg +segtitle +simpara +subtitle +synopsis +td +term +termdef +tertiary +tertiaryie +th +title +titleabbrev +tocback +tocentry +tocfront +ulink +. + + + + +Attributes + +endterm + + +Endterm points to the element whose content +is to be used as the text of the link. + + + +linkend + + +Linkend points to the target of the cross reference. + + + + + +See Also + +anchor +link +olink +ulink +. + + + +Examples + + +Consider the following example: + + + +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<book><title>An Example Book</title> +<chapter id="ch01"><title>XRef Samples</title> +<para> +This paragraph demonstrates several features of +<sgmltag>XRef</sgmltag>. +</para> +<itemizedlist> +<listitem><para>A straight link generates the +cross-reference text: <xref linkend="ch02"/>. +</para></listitem> +<listitem><para>A link to an element with an +<sgmltag class="attribute">XRefLabel</sgmltag>: +<xref linkend="ch03"/>. +</para></listitem> +<listitem><para>A link with an +<sgmltag class="attribute">EndTerm</sgmltag>: +<xref linkend="ch04" endterm="ch04short"/>. +</para></listitem> +</itemizedlist> +</chapter> + +<chapter id="ch02"> + <title>The Second Chapter</title> + <para>Some content here</para> +</chapter> + +<chapter id="ch03" xreflabel="Chapter the Third"> + <title>The Third Chapter</title> + <para>Some content here</para> +</chapter> + +<chapter id="ch04"> + <title>The Fourth Chapter</title> + <titleabbrev id="ch04short">Chapter 4</titleabbrev> + <para>Some content here</para> +</chapter> +</book> + + + +One reasonable rendering for the content of the first chapter of +this book is the following: + + + +This paragraph demonstrates several features of +XRef. + + + +A straight link generates the +cross-reference text: Chapter 2, The Second Chapter + +A link to an element with an +XRefLabel: +Chapter the Third. + +A link with an +EndTerm: +Chapter 4. + + + + +Of course, in an online system, these references would also +be links to the appropriate chapters. + + +For additional examples, see also + + part +. + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-06-12 13:19:37 +0200 (Wed, 12 Jun 2002) $ +$Revision: 1666 $ + + + +elements +year +year +Element + + +year +The year of publication of a document + + +Synopsis + + + + + + + +Mixed Content Model + + +year ::= +(#PCDATA|link|olink|ulink|emphasis|trademark|replaceable|remark| + subscript|superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|indexterm)* + + +Attributes +Common attributes + + + + + + +Description + + +Year identifies a year. In DocBook V3.0, this is +only used in Copyright, to identify the year or +years in which copyright is asserted. + + +Processing expectations + +Formatted inline. + + + +Parents +These elements contain year: +copyright +. + + +Children +The following elements occur in year: +emphasis +indexterm +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject +link +olink +remark +replaceable +subscript +superscript +trademark +ulink +. + + + + +Examples + +For examples, see + + bibliography + biblioset + bookinfo + copyright +. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +DocBook Parameter Entity Reference + + + + + +parameter entities + reference +customizing + DocBook DTD + parameter entities, using +The reference pages in this section describe each of the parameter +entities used in DocBook. This information is most useful when you are +writing a customization +layer. + + + +In the print version of this book, these reference pages provide only +a brief summary of the function of each broad family of parameter +entities. There are nearly 2,000 parameter entity declarations in +DocBook, and displaying long lists of parameter entity names on paper +seemed wasteful. The online version provides more detailed, hyperlinked +information about each parameter entity family. + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +*.attlist +*.attlist Parameter Entities + + + +*.attlist Parameter Entities +Control individual attribute list declarations + + + +Synopsis + +Used to control marked sections around the declarations of individual +attribute lists. + + + +Description + + +The *.attlist parameter entities +provide marked sections around individual attribute list +declarations. You can selectively include or remove attribute +list declarations from DocBook by changing these parameter +entities. + + +The following sections identify all of the attlist module +parameter entities in DocBook. + + +%abbrev.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%abstract.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%accel.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ackno.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%acronym.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%action.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%address.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%affiliation.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%alt.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%anchor.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%answer.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%appendix.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%appendixinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%application.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%area.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%areaset.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%areaspec.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%arg.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%article.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%articleinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%artpagenums.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%attribution.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%audiodata.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%audioobject.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%author.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%authorblurb.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%authorgroup.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%authorinitials.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%beginpage.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliocoverage.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliodiv.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%biblioentry.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliography.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliographyinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%biblioid.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliolist.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliomisc.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliomixed.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliomset.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%biblioref.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliorelation.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%biblioset.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliosource.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%blockinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%blockquote.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%book.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bookinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bridgehead.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%callout.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%calloutlist.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%caption.attlist.content; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + + + role CDATA #IMPLIED + id ID #IMPLIED + lang CDATA #IMPLIED + remap CDATA #IMPLIED + xreflabel CDATA #IMPLIED + revisionflag (changed + |added + |deleted + |off) #IMPLIED + arch CDATA #IMPLIED + condition CDATA #IMPLIED + conformance NMTOKENS #IMPLIED + os CDATA #IMPLIED + revision CDATA #IMPLIED + security CDATA #IMPLIED + userlevel CDATA #IMPLIED + vendor CDATA #IMPLIED + wordsize CDATA #IMPLIED + + dir (ltr + |rtl + |lro + |rlo) #IMPLIED + xml:base CDATA #IMPLIED + + class CDATA #IMPLIED + style CDATA #IMPLIED + title CDATA #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED onclick CDATA #IMPLIED + ondblclick CDATA #IMPLIED + onmousedown CDATA #IMPLIED + onmouseup CDATA #IMPLIED + onmouseover CDATA #IMPLIED + onmousemove CDATA #IMPLIED + onmouseout CDATA #IMPLIED + onkeypress CDATA #IMPLIED + onkeydown CDATA #IMPLIED + onkeyup CDATA #IMPLIED + align (top|bottom|left|right) #IMPLIED + + +%caption.attlist.content; appears in: + + +caption + + + + + + + + +%caption.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%caution.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%chapter.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%chapterinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%citation.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%citebiblioid.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%citerefentry.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%citetitle.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%city.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%classname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%classsynopsis.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%classsynopsisinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%cmdsynopsis.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%co.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%code.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%collab.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%collabname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%colophon.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%command.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%computeroutput.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confdates.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confgroup.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confnum.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confsponsor.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%conftitle.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%constant.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%constructorsynopsis.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%contractnum.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%contractsponsor.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%contrib.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%copyright.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%coref.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%corpauthor.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%corpcredit.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%corpname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%country.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%database.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%date.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%dedication.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%destructorsynopsis.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%edition.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%editor.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%email.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%emphasis.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%envar.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%epigraph.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%equation.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%errorcode.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%errorname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%errortext.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%errortype.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%example.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%exceptionname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%fax.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%fieldsynopsis.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%figure.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%filename.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%firstname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%firstterm.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%footnote.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%footnoteref.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%foreignphrase.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%formalpara.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcdef.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcparams.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcprototype.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcsynopsis.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcsynopsisinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%function.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossary.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossaryinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossdef.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossdiv.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossentry.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glosslist.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glosssee.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossseealso.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossterm.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%graphic.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%graphicco.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%group.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guibutton.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guiicon.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guilabel.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guimenu.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guimenuitem.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guisubmenu.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%hardware.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%highlights.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%holder.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%honorific.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%imagedata.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%imageobject.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%imageobjectco.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%important.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%index.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexdiv.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexentry.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexterm.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%informalequation.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%informalexample.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%informalfigure.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%informaltable.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%initializer.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%inlineequation.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%inlinegraphic.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%inlinemediaobject.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%interface.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%interfacename.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%invpartnumber.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%isbn.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%issn.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%issuenum.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%itemizedlist.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%itermset.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%jobtitle.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keycap.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keycode.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keycombo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keysym.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keyword.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keywordset.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%label.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%legalnotice.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lineage.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lineannotation.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%link.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%listitem.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%literal.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%literallayout.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lot.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lotentry.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%manvolnum.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%markup.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mathphrase.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%medialabel.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mediaobject.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mediaobjectco.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%member.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%menuchoice.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%methodname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%methodparam.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%methodsynopsis.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%modespec.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%modifier.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mousebutton.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msg.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgaud.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgentry.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgexplan.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msginfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msglevel.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgmain.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgorig.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgrel.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgset.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgsub.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgtext.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%note.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%objectinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%olink.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ooclass.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ooexception.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%oointerface.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%option.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%optional.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%orderedlist.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%orgdiv.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%orgname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%otheraddr.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%othercredit.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%othername.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%package.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%pagenums.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%para.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%paramdef.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%parameter.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%part.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%partinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%partintro.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%personblurb.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%personname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%phone.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%phrase.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%pob.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%postcode.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%preface.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%prefaceinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%primary.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%primaryie.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%printhistory.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%procedure.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%productname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%productnumber.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%programlisting.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%programlistingco.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%prompt.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%property.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%pubdate.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%publisher.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%publishername.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%pubsnumber.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%qandadiv.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%qandaentry.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%qandaset.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%question.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%quote.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refclass.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refdescriptor.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refentry.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refentryinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refentrytitle.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%reference.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%referenceinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refmeta.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refmiscinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refnamediv.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refpurpose.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect1.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect1info.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect2.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect2info.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect3.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect3info.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsection.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsectioninfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsynopsisdiv.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsynopsisdivinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%releaseinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%remark.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%replaceable.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%returnvalue.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revdescription.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revhistory.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revision.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revnumber.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revremark.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sbr.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screen.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screenco.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screeninfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screenshot.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%secondary.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%secondaryie.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect1.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect1info.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect2.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect2info.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect3.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect3info.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect4.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect4info.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect5.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect5info.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%section.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sectioninfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%see.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seealso.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seealsoie.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seeie.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seg.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seglistitem.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%segmentedlist.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%segtitle.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seriesvolnums.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%set.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%setindex.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%setindexinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%setinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sgmltag.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%shortaffil.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%shortcut.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sidebar.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sidebarinfo.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simpara.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simplelist.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simplemsgentry.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simplesect.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%state.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%step.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%stepalternatives.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%street.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%structfield.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%structname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subject.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subjectset.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subjectterm.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subscript.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%substeps.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subtitle.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%superscript.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%surname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%symbol.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%synopfragment.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%synopfragmentref.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%synopsis.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%systemitem.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%task.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%taskprerequisites.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%taskrelated.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tasksummary.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%term.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%termdef.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tertiary.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tertiaryie.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%textdata.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%textobject.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tip.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%title.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%titleabbrev.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toc.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocback.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocchap.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocentry.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocfront.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel1.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel2.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel3.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel4.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel5.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocpart.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%token.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%trademark.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%type.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ulink.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%uri.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%userinput.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%varargs.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%variablelist.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%varlistentry.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%varname.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%videodata.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%videoobject.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%void.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%volumenum.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%warning.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%wordasword.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%xref.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%year.attlist; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +*.attrib + +*.attrib Parameter Entities + + + +*.attrib Parameter Entities +Define attributes on selected elements + + + +Synopsis + +These entities parameterize the attribute declarations on +selected elements. + + + +Description + + +Each of the following sections describes an individual parameter entity. + + +%bibliorelation.type.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +type +Enumerated:isversionof +hasversion +isreplacedby +replaces +isrequiredby +requires +ispartof +haspart +isreferencedby +references +isformatof +hasformat +othertype + +None + + +othertype +CDATA +None + + +%bibliorelation.type.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliorelation + + + + + + + + +%common.table.attribs; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + + + floatstyle CDATA #IMPLIED + rowheader (firstcol|norowheader) #IMPLIED + label CDATA #IMPLIED + + id ID #IMPLIED + lang CDATA #IMPLIED + remap CDATA #IMPLIED + xreflabel CDATA #IMPLIED + revisionflag (changed + |added + |deleted + |off) #IMPLIED + arch CDATA #IMPLIED + condition CDATA #IMPLIED + conformance NMTOKENS #IMPLIED + os CDATA #IMPLIED + revision CDATA #IMPLIED + security CDATA #IMPLIED + userlevel CDATA #IMPLIED + vendor CDATA #IMPLIED + wordsize CDATA #IMPLIED + + dir (ltr + |rtl + |lro + |rlo) #IMPLIED + xml:base CDATA #IMPLIED + + class CDATA #IMPLIED + style CDATA #IMPLIED + title CDATA #IMPLIED + xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED + onclick CDATA #IMPLIED + ondblclick CDATA #IMPLIED + onmousedown CDATA #IMPLIED + onmouseup CDATA #IMPLIED + onmouseover CDATA #IMPLIED + onmousemove CDATA #IMPLIED + onmouseout CDATA #IMPLIED + onkeypress CDATA #IMPLIED + onkeydown CDATA #IMPLIED + onkeyup CDATA #IMPLIED + role CDATA #IMPLIED + + +%common.table.attribs; appears in: + + +informaltable + + + + + + + + +%condition.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +condition +CDATA +None + + + + + + +%dir.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +dir +Enumerated:ltr +rtl +lro +rlo + +None + + + + + + +%graphics.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +entityref +ENTITY +None + + +fileref +CDATA +None + + +format +Enumerated:BMP +CGM-CHAR +CGM-BINARY +CGM-CLEAR +DITROFF +DVI +EPS +EQN +FAX +GIF +GIF87a +GIF89a +JPG +JPEG +IGES +PCX +PIC +PNG +PS +SGML +TBL +TEX +TIFF +WMF +WPG +SVG +PDF +SWF +linespecific + +None + + +srccredit +CDATA +None + + +width +CDATA +None + + +contentwidth +CDATA +None + + +depth +CDATA +None + + +contentdepth +CDATA +None + + +align +Enumerated:left +right +center + +None + + +valign +Enumerated:top +middle +bottom + +None + + +scale +CDATA +None + + +scalefit +CDATA +None + + +%graphics.attrib; appears in: + + +graphic +inlinegraphic + + + + + + + +%keyaction.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +action +Enumerated:click +double-click +press +seq +simul +other + +None + + +otheraction +CDATA +None + + +%keyaction.attrib; appears in: + + +keycombo +shortcut + + + + + + + +%label.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +label +CDATA +None + + +%label.attrib; appears in: + + +appendix +area +areaset + + +book +chapter +cmdsynopsis + + +co +coref +equation + + +example +figure +footnote + + +footnoteref +funcsynopsis +informalfigure + + +lot +part +partintro + + +reference +sect1 +sect2 + + +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 + + +section +synopsis +tocback + + +tocchap +tocfront + + + + + + + +%linespecific.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +format +Enumerated notation:linespecific + +'linespecific' + + +xml:space +Enumerated:preserve + +None + + +linenumbering +Enumerated:numbered +unnumbered + +None + + +continuation +Enumerated:continues +restarts + +None + + +startinglinenumber +CDATA +None + + +language +CDATA +None + + +%linespecific.attrib; appears in: + + +address +classsynopsisinfo +funcsynopsisinfo + + +literallayout +programlisting +screen + + +synopsis + + + + + + + + +%linkend.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linkend +IDREF +None + + +%linkend.attrib; appears in: + + +firstterm +glossterm +lotentry + + +seeie +tocback +tocentry + + +tocfront + + + + + + + + +%linkendreq.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linkend +IDREF +Required + + +%linkendreq.attrib; appears in: + + +biblioref +coref +footnoteref + + +link +synopfragmentref +xref + + + + + + +%linkends.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +linkends +IDREFS +None + + +%linkends.attrib; appears in: + + +area +co +primaryie + + +secondaryie +seealsoie +tertiaryie + + + + + + +%mark.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +mark +CDATA +None + + +%mark.attrib; appears in: + + +itemizedlist + + + + + + + + +%moreinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +moreinfo +Enumerated:refentry +none + +'none' + + +%moreinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +action +application +command + + +computeroutput +database +errorcode + + +filename +function +guibutton + + +guiicon +guilabel +guimenu + + +guimenuitem +guisubmenu +hardware + + +interface +keycap +keycombo + + +literal +menuchoice +mousebutton + + +parameter +prompt +property + + +shortcut +systemitem +userinput + + + + + + +%objectdata.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +entityref +ENTITY +None + + +fileref +CDATA +None + + +format +Enumerated:BMP +CGM-CHAR +CGM-BINARY +CGM-CLEAR +DITROFF +DVI +EPS +EQN +FAX +GIF +GIF87a +GIF89a +JPG +JPEG +IGES +PCX +PIC +PNG +PS +SGML +TBL +TEX +TIFF +WMF +WPG +SVG +PDF +SWF +linespecific + +None + + +srccredit +CDATA +None + + +%objectdata.attrib; appears in: + + +audiodata +imagedata +textdata + + +videodata + + + + + + + + +%pagenum.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +pagenum +CDATA +None + + +%pagenum.attrib; appears in: + + +anchor +beginpage +indexterm + + +lotentry +title +toc + + +tocback +tocentry +tocfront + + + + + + +%required-IDREF-to-constraintdef-ID; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +linkend IDREF #REQUIRED + + +%required-IDREF-to-constraintdef-ID; appears in: + + +constraint + + + + + + + + +%required-IDREF-to-production-ID; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +linkend IDREF #REQUIRED + + +%required-IDREF-to-production-ID; appears in: + + +productionrecap + + + + + + + + +%required-XLink-to-production-ID; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +def CDATA #REQUIRED + + +%required-XLink-to-production-ID; appears in: + + +nonterminal + + + + + + + + +%role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%role.attrib; appears in: + + +constraint +constraintdef +lhs + + +nonterminal +production +productionrecap + + +productionset +rhs + + + + + + + +%security.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +security +CDATA +None + + + + + + +%status.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +status +CDATA +None + + +%status.attrib; appears in: + + +appendix +article +bibliodiv + + +bibliography +book +chapter + + +colophon +dedication +glossary + + +glossdiv +part +preface + + +refentry +reference +refsect1 + + +refsect2 +refsect3 +refsection + + +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 + + +sect4 +sect5 +section + + +set + + + + + + + + +%width.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +width +CDATA +None + + +%width.attrib; appears in: + + +example +informalexample +literallayout + + +programlisting +screen + + + + + + + +%wordsize.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +wordsize +CDATA +None + + + + + + +%xml-base.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +xml:base +CDATA +None + + + + + + +%xml-space.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +xml:space +Enumerated:preserve + +None + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +*.attval + +*.attval Parameter Entities + + + +*.attval Parameter Entities +Define attribute values + + + +Synopsis + +These parameter entities define attribute values used on selected attributes. + + + +Description + + +The following parameter entities define attribute values in DocBook: + + +%tbl.frame.attval; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +void|above|below|hsides|lhs|rhs|vsides|box|border| +top|bottom|topbot|all|sides|none + + +%tbl.frame.attval; appears in: + + +informaltable +table + + + + + + + +%tbl.valign.attval; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +top|middle|bottom|baseline + + + + + + +%yesorno.attvals; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +CDATA + + +%yesorno.attvals; appears in: + + +figure +imagedata +informalfigure + + +informaltable +videodata + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +CALS Table Model Parameter Entities + + + +CALS Table Model Parameter Entities +Parameter entities which control the CALS Table Model + + + +Synopsis + +The CALS Table Model is incorporated into DocBook by reference +to the standard CALS Table Model DTD. The CALS Table Model DTD, +like DocBook, can be customized by defining a number of +parameter entities before including it. The parameter entities +in the following sections are the table-model related parameter +entities defined by DocBook for use in the CALS Table Model. + + + +Description + + +The following parameter entities are related to the CALS Table Model: + + +%bodyatt; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +floatstyle +CDATA +None + + +rowheader +Enumerated:firstcol +norowheader + +None + + +label +CDATA +None + + +%bodyatt; appears in: + + +table + + + + + + + + +%informal.tbl.table.mdl; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +(textobject*, + (graphic+|mediaobject+|tgroup+)) + | ((col*|colgroup*), thead?, tfoot?, (tbody+|tr + + +%informal.tbl.table.mdl; appears in: + + +informaltable + + + + + + + + +%paracon; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +#PCDATA + + + + + + +%secur; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +id +ID +None + + +lang +CDATA +None + + +remap +CDATA +None + + +xreflabel +CDATA +None + + +revisionflag +Enumerated:changed +added +deleted +off + +None + + +arch +CDATA +None + + +condition +CDATA +None + + +conformance +NMTOKENS +None + + +os +CDATA +None + + +revision +CDATA +None + + +security +CDATA +None + + +userlevel +CDATA +None + + +vendor +CDATA +None + + +wordsize +CDATA +None + + +dir +Enumerated:ltr +rtl +lro +rlo + +None + + +xml:base +CDATA +None + + +class +CDATA +None + + +style +CDATA +None + + +title +CDATA +None + + +xml:lang +NMTOKEN +None + + +onclick +CDATA +None + + +ondblclick +CDATA +None + + +onmousedown +CDATA +None + + +onmouseup +CDATA +None + + +onmouseover +CDATA +None + + +onmousemove +CDATA +None + + +onmouseout +CDATA +None + + +onkeypress +CDATA +None + + +onkeydown +CDATA +None + + +onkeyup +CDATA +None + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%secur; appears in: + + +entry +entrytbl +row + + +table +tbody +tfoot + + +tgroup +thead + + + + + + + +%tabentry.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot + |formalpara|para|simpara |graphic|mediaobject + + +%tabentry.mix; appears in: + + +td +th + + + + + + + +%tablemodel; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: -//OASIS//DTD DocBook CALS Table Model V4.5//EN +System identifier: calstblx.dtd + + + + + + + +%tbl.entry.mdl; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +#PCDATA + |footnoteref|xref|biblioref |abbrev|acronym|citation|citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis + |firstterm|foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase + |orgname|quote|trademark|wordasword + |personname + |link|olink|ulink |action|application + |classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname + |ooclass|oointerface|ooexception + |package + |command|computeroutput + |database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext|filename + |function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem + |guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap + |keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel + |menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter + |prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield + |structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname + |nonterminal + + |anchor |author|authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit + |productname|productnumber|revhistory + + |remark|subscript|superscript |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation + |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |indexterm |beginpage + + | calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot + |formalpara|para|simpara |graphic|mediaobject + + +%tbl.entry.mdl; appears in: + + +entry + + + + + + + + +%tbl.entrytbl.mdl; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +colspec*,spanspec*,thead?,tbody + + +%tbl.entrytbl.mdl; appears in: + + +entrytbl + + + + + + + + +%tbl.hdft.mdl; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +(tr+|(colspec*,row + + +%tbl.hdft.mdl; appears in: + + +tfoot +thead + + + + + + + +%tbl.row.mdl; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +(entry|entrytbl + + +%tbl.row.mdl; appears in: + + +row + + + + + + + + +%tbl.table-main.mdl; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +(tgroup+|graphic + + + + + + +%tbl.table-titles.mdl; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +title + + + + + + +%tbl.table.att; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +tabstyle +CDATA +None + + +tocentry +CDATA +None + + +shortentry +CDATA +None + + +orient +Enumerated:port +land + +None + + +pgwide +CDATA +None + + +summary +CDATA +None + + +width +CDATA +None + + +border +CDATA +None + + +rules +CDATA +None + + +cellspacing +CDATA +None + + +cellpadding +CDATA +None + + +align +Enumerated:left +center +right + +None + + +bgcolor +CDATA +None + + +%tbl.table.att; appears in: + + +informaltable +table + + + + + + + +%tbl.table.mdl; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +((blockinfo?, + (title, titleabbrev?), + (indexterm )*, + textobject*, + (graphic+|mediaobject+|tgroup+)) + |(caption, (col*|colgroup*), thead?, tfoot?, (tbody+|tr + + +%tbl.table.mdl; appears in: + + +table + + + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +(table|chart + + + + + + +%tbl.tbody.mdl; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +(tr+|row + + +%tbl.tbody.mdl; appears in: + + +tbody + + + + + + + + +%tbl.tgroup.att; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +tgroupstyle +CDATA +None + + +%tbl.tgroup.att; appears in: + + +entrytbl +tgroup + + + + + + + +%tbl.tgroup.mdl; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +colspec*,spanspec*,thead?,tfoot?,tbody + + +%tbl.tgroup.mdl; appears in: + + +tgroup + + + + + + + + +%titles; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +title + + + + + + +%yesorno; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +CDATA + + +%yesorno; appears in: + + +colspec +entry +entrytbl + + +row +spanspec +table + + +tgroup + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +*.class + +*.class Parameter Entities + + + +*.class Parameter Entities +Parameter entities which define the DocBook classes + + + +Synopsis +Classes group elements of a similar type, for example all the lists +are in the list.class +If you want to add a new kind of something (a new kind of list or a +new kind of verbatim environment, for example), you generally want to add +the name of the new element to the appropriate class. + + +Description + +The following sections identify all of the class parameter entities +in DocBook. + + +%admon.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +caution|important|note|tip|warning + + + + + + +%appendix.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +appendix + + +%appendix.class; appears in: + + +article +book + + + + + + + +%article.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +article + + +%article.class; appears in: + + +book + + + + + + + + +%base.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +anchor + + +%base.char.class; appears in: + + +replaceable +subscript +superscript + + +trademark + + + + + + + + +%biblio.class.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +class +Enumerated:uri +doi +isbn +isrn +issn +libraryofcongress +pubnumber +other + +None + + +otherclass +CDATA +None + + +%biblio.class.attrib; appears in: + + +biblioid +bibliorelation +bibliosource + + +citebiblioid + + + + + + + + +%book.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +book + + +%book.class; appears in: + + +set + + + + + + + + +%chapter.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +chapter + + +%chapter.class; appears in: + + +book + + + + + + + + +%compound.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset|task + |productionset|constraintdef + + + + + + +%descobj.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +abstract|authorblurb|epigraph + + + + + + +%docinfo.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +author|authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit + |productname|productnumber|revhistory + + + + + + +%formal.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +equation|example|figure|table + + + + + + +%gen.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +abbrev|acronym|citation|citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis + |firstterm|foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase + |orgname|quote|trademark|wordasword + |personname + + + + + + +%genobj.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights + + + + + + +%index.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +index|setindex + + +%index.class; appears in: + + +book + + + + + + + + +%info.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +graphic | mediaobject | legalnotice | modespec + | subjectset | keywordset | itermset | abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author + |authorgroup|authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset + |collab|confgroup|contractnum|contractsponsor + |copyright|corpauthor|corpname|corpcredit|date|edition + |editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum|orgname + |biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation|bibliocoverage + |othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname + |productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername + |pubsnumber|releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums + |subtitle|title|titleabbrev|volumenum|citetitle + |personname|honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername|affiliation + |authorblurb|contrib + |indexterm + + +%info.class; appears in: + + +appendixinfo +articleinfo +bibliographyinfo + + +blockinfo +bookinfo +chapterinfo + + +glossaryinfo +indexinfo +objectinfo + + +partinfo +prefaceinfo +refentryinfo + + +referenceinfo +refsect1info +refsect2info + + +refsect3info +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdivinfo + + +sect1info +sect2info +sect3info + + +sect4info +sect5info +sectioninfo + + +setindexinfo +setinfo +sidebarinfo + + + + + + +%informal.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + + + + + + +%inlineobj.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation + + + + + + +%linespecific.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot + + + + + + +%link.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +link|olink|ulink + + +%link.char.class; appears in: + + +figure +informalfigure +refentry + + +refnamediv +replaceable +subscript + + +superscript +trademark + + + + + + + +%list.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist + + + + + + +%method.synop.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + + +%method.synop.class; appears in: + + +classsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%nav.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography + + +%nav.class; appears in: + + +appendix +article +chapter + + +preface +sect1 +sect2 + + +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 + + +section + + + + + + + + +%ndxterm.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +indexterm + + +%ndxterm.class; appears in: + + +formalpara +glossentry +refentry + + +refmeta +task + + + + + + + +%notation.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +BMP| CGM-CHAR | CGM-BINARY | CGM-CLEAR | DITROFF | DVI + | EPS | EQN | FAX | GIF | GIF87a | GIF89a + | JPG | JPEG | IGES | PCX + | PIC | PNG | PS | SGML | TBL | TEX | TIFF | WMF | WPG + | SVG | PDF | SWF + | linespecific + + +%notation.class; appears in: + + +modespec + + + + + + + + +%other.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +remark|subscript|superscript + + +%other.char.class; appears in: + + +replaceable +subscript +superscript + + +trademark + + + + + + + + +%para.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +formalpara|para|simpara + + +%para.class; appears in: + + +abstract +authorblurb +epigraph + + +personblurb +printhistory + + + + + + + +%refentry.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +refentry + + +%refentry.class; appears in: + + +reference +sect1 +sect2 + + +sect3 +sect4 +sect5 + + +section + + + + + + + + +%section.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +section + + +%section.class; appears in: + + +section + + + + + + + + +%synop.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + + + + + + +%tech.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +action|application + |classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname + |ooclass|oointerface|ooexception + |package + |command|computeroutput + |database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext|filename + |function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem + |guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap + |keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel + |menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter + |prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield + |structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname + |nonterminal + + +%tech.char.class; appears in: + + +trademark + + + + + + + + +%xref.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +footnoteref|xref|biblioref + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Content Model Parameter Entities + + + +Content Model Parameter Entities +Control groups of element definitions + + + +Synopsis + +The content model parameter entities provide marked sections around +groups of related elements. You can selectively include or remove these +elements from DocBook by changing these parameter entities. + + + +Description + +The following sections identify all of the content +model parameter entities +in DocBook. + + +FIXME: This is probably a DTD typo. This should be the +sidebar.content.module parameter entity, surely? + +%sidebar.content.model; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Content Module Parameter Entities + + + +Content Module Parameter Entities +Control groups of element definitions + + + +Synopsis + +The content module parameter entities provide marked sections around +groups of related elements. You can selectively include or remove these +elements from DocBook by changing these parameter entities. + + + +Description + +The following sections identify all of the content +module parameter entities +in DocBook. + + +%address.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%affiliation.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%areaspec.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%authorgroup.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliography.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%book.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%calloutlist.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%classsynopsis.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%cmdsynopsis.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%collab.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confgroup.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%copyright.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%docinfo.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcsynopsis.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossary.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossentry.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%index.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexterm.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keywordset.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lot.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mediaobject.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%menuchoice.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgset.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%procedure.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%publisher.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%qandaset.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refentry.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revhistory.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screenshot.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%section.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%segmentedlist.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%set.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simplelist.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subjectset.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%task.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toc.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%variablelist.content.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Common Attribute Parameter Entities +Common Attribute Parameter Entities + + + +Common Attribute Parameter Entities +Parameter entities which define the common attributes + + + +Synopsis + +These parameter entities define the attributes that are considered +“common”. Common attributes occur on every element. +They are provided by either +the common.attrib parameter entity +or the idreq.common.attrib +parameter entity. Those parameter entities are defined in terms of the +others, listed here. + + + +Description + + +The following parameter entities define the common attributes in +DocBook: + + +%arch.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +arch +CDATA +None + + + + + + +%common.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +id +ID +None + + +lang +CDATA +None + + +remap +CDATA +None + + +xreflabel +CDATA +None + + +revisionflag +Enumerated:changed +added +deleted +off + +None + + +arch +CDATA +None + + +condition +CDATA +None + + +conformance +NMTOKENS +None + + +os +CDATA +None + + +revision +CDATA +None + + +security +CDATA +None + + +userlevel +CDATA +None + + +vendor +CDATA +None + + +wordsize +CDATA +None + + +dir +Enumerated:ltr +rtl +lro +rlo + +None + + +xml:base +CDATA +None + + +%common.attrib; appears in: + + +abbrev +abstract +accel + + +ackno +acronym +action + + +address +affiliation +alt + + +answer +appendix +appendixinfo + + +application +areaspec +arg + + +article +articleinfo +artpagenums + + +attribution +audiodata +audioobject + + +author +authorblurb +authorgroup + + +authorinitials +beginpage +bibliocoverage + + +bibliodiv +biblioentry +bibliography + + +bibliographyinfo +biblioid +bibliolist + + +bibliomisc +bibliomixed +bibliomset + + +biblioref +bibliorelation +biblioset + + +bibliosource +blockinfo +blockquote + + +book +bookinfo +bridgehead + + +callout +calloutlist +caution + + +chapter +chapterinfo +citation + + +citebiblioid +citerefentry +citetitle + + +city +classname +classsynopsis + + +classsynopsisinfo +cmdsynopsis +code + + +collab +collabname +colophon + + +command +computeroutput +confdates + + +confgroup +confnum +confsponsor + + +conftitle +constant +constraint + + +constructorsynopsis +contractnum +contractsponsor + + +contrib +copyright +coref + + +corpauthor +corpcredit +corpname + + +country +database +date + + +dedication +destructorsynopsis +edition + + +editor +email +emphasis + + +envar +epigraph +equation + + +errorcode +errorname +errortext + + +errortype +example +exceptionname + + +fax +fieldsynopsis +figure + + +filename +firstname +firstterm + + +footnote +footnoteref +foreignphrase + + +formalpara +funcdef +funcparams + + +funcprototype +funcsynopsis +funcsynopsisinfo + + +function +glossary +glossaryinfo + + +glossdef +glossdiv +glossentry + + +glosslist +glosssee +glossseealso + + +glossterm +graphic +graphicco + + +group +guibutton +guiicon + + +guilabel +guimenu +guimenuitem + + +guisubmenu +hardware +highlights + + +holder +honorific +imagedata + + +imageobject +imageobjectco +important + + +index +indexdiv +indexentry + + +indexinfo +indexterm +informalequation + + +informalexample +informalfigure +initializer + + +inlineequation +inlinegraphic +inlinemediaobject + + +interface +interfacename +invpartnumber + + +isbn +issn +issuenum + + +itemizedlist +itermset +jobtitle + + +keycap +keycode +keycombo + + +keysym +keyword +keywordset + + +label +legalnotice +lhs + + +lineage +lineannotation +link + + +listitem +literal +literallayout + + +lot +lotentry +manvolnum + + +markup +mathphrase +medialabel + + +mediaobject +mediaobjectco +member + + +menuchoice +methodname +methodparam + + +methodsynopsis +modespec +modifier + + +mousebutton +msg +msgaud + + +msgentry +msgexplan +msginfo + + +msglevel +msgmain +msgorig + + +msgrel +msgset +msgsub + + +msgtext +nonterminal +note + + +objectinfo +olink +ooclass + + +ooexception +oointerface +option + + +optional +orderedlist +orgdiv + + +orgname +otheraddr +othercredit + + +othername +package +pagenums + + +para +paramdef +parameter + + +part +partinfo +partintro + + +personblurb +personname +phone + + +phrase +pob +postcode + + +preface +prefaceinfo +primary + + +primaryie +printhistory +procedure + + +productionrecap +productionset +productname + + +productnumber +programlisting +programlistingco + + +prompt +property +pubdate + + +publisher +publishername +pubsnumber + + +qandadiv +qandaentry +qandaset + + +question +quote +refclass + + +refdescriptor +refentry +refentryinfo + + +refentrytitle +reference +referenceinfo + + +refmeta +refmiscinfo +refname + + +refnamediv +refpurpose +refsect1 + + +refsect1info +refsect2 +refsect2info + + +refsect3 +refsect3info +refsection + + +refsectioninfo +refsynopsisdiv +refsynopsisdivinfo + + +releaseinfo +remark +replaceable + + +returnvalue +revdescription +revhistory + + +revision +revnumber +revremark + + +rhs +sbr +screen + + +screenco +screeninfo +screenshot + + +secondary +secondaryie +sect1 + + +sect1info +sect2 +sect2info + + +sect3 +sect3info +sect4 + + +sect4info +sect5 +sect5info + + +section +sectioninfo +see + + +seealso +seealsoie +seeie + + +seg +seglistitem +segmentedlist + + +segtitle +seriesvolnums +set + + +setindex +setindexinfo +setinfo + + +sgmltag +shortaffil +shortcut + + +sidebar +sidebarinfo +simpara + + +simplelist +simplemsgentry +simplesect + + +state +step +stepalternatives + + +street +structfield +structname + + +subject +subjectset +subjectterm + + +subscript +substeps +subtitle + + +superscript +surname +symbol + + +synopfragmentref +synopsis +systemitem + + +task +taskprerequisites +taskrelated + + +tasksummary +term +termdef + + +tertiary +tertiaryie +textdata + + +textobject +tip +title + + +titleabbrev +toc +tocback + + +tocchap +tocentry +tocfront + + +toclevel1 +toclevel2 +toclevel3 + + +toclevel4 +toclevel5 +tocpart + + +token +trademark +type + + +ulink +uri +userinput + + +varargs +variablelist +varlistentry + + +varname +videodata +videoobject + + +void +volumenum +warning + + +wordasword +xref +year + + + + + + +%conformance.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +conformance +NMTOKENS +None + + + + + + +%effectivity.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +arch +CDATA +None + + +condition +CDATA +None + + +conformance +NMTOKENS +None + + +os +CDATA +None + + +revision +CDATA +None + + +security +CDATA +None + + +userlevel +CDATA +None + + +vendor +CDATA +None + + +wordsize +CDATA +None + + +%effectivity.attrib; appears in: + + +anchor + + + + + + + + +%id.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +id +ID +None + + + + + + +%idreq.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +id +ID +Required + + +%idreq.attrib; appears in: + + +anchor + + + + + + + + +%idreq.common.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +id +ID +Required + + +lang +CDATA +None + + +remap +CDATA +None + + +xreflabel +CDATA +None + + +revisionflag +Enumerated:changed +added +deleted +off + +None + + +arch +CDATA +None + + +condition +CDATA +None + + +conformance +NMTOKENS +None + + +os +CDATA +None + + +revision +CDATA +None + + +security +CDATA +None + + +userlevel +CDATA +None + + +vendor +CDATA +None + + +wordsize +CDATA +None + + +dir +Enumerated:ltr +rtl +lro +rlo + +None + + +xml:base +CDATA +None + + +%idreq.common.attrib; appears in: + + +area +areaset +co + + +constraintdef +production +synopfragment + + + + + + +%lang.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +lang +CDATA +None + + + + + + +%os.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +os +CDATA +None + + + + + + +%remap.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +remap +CDATA +None + + +%remap.attrib; appears in: + + +anchor + + + + + + + + +%revision.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +revision +CDATA +None + + + + + + +%revisionflag.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +revisionflag +Enumerated:changed +added +deleted +off + +None + + +%revisionflag.attrib; appears in: + + +anchor + + + + + + + + +%userlevel.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +userlevel +CDATA +None + + + + + + +%vendor.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +vendor +CDATA +None + + + + + + +%xreflabel.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +xreflabel +CDATA +None + + +%xreflabel.attrib; appears in: + + +anchor + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +DocBook Content Parameter Entities + + + +DocBook Content Parameter Entities +Specify content of selected elements + + + +Synopsis + +These parameter entities control the content of selected elements. + + + +Description + + +The content model of several elements in DocBook are controlled by +parameter entities. + + +The following sections identify all of the module parameter entities +in DocBook. + + +%bookcomponent.content; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +((calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |equation|example|figure|table |msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset|task + |productionset|constraintdef + + |anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights + |abstract|authorblurb|epigraph + + |indexterm |beginpage + + )+, + (sect1*|(refentry )*|simplesect*|(section )*)) + | (sect1+|(refentry )+|simplesect+|(section + + +%bookcomponent.content; appears in: + + +appendix +article +chapter + + +partintro +preface + + + + + + + +%bookcomponent.title.content; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +title, subtitle?, titleabbrev + + +%bookcomponent.title.content; appears in: + + +appendix +bibliography +chapter + + +glossary +index +lot + + +part +preface +reference + + +setindex +toc + + + + + + + +%div.title.content; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +title, subtitle?, titleabbrev + + +%div.title.content; appears in: + + +article +book +partintro + + +set + + + + + + + + +%equation.content; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +(alt?, (graphic+|mediaobject+|mathphrase + + +%equation.content; appears in: + + +equation +informalequation + + + + + + + +%formalobject.title.content; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +title, titleabbrev + + +%formalobject.title.content; appears in: + + +bibliolist +calloutlist +equation + + +example +figure +glosslist + + +itemizedlist +msgset +orderedlist + + +procedure +productionset +qandadiv + + +qandaset +segmentedlist +sidebar + + +task +taskprerequisites +taskrelated + + +tasksummary +variablelist + + + + + + + +%inlineequation.content; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +(alt?, (graphic+|inlinemediaobject+|mathphrase + + +%inlineequation.content; appears in: + + +inlineequation + + + + + + + + +%refsect.title.content; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +title, subtitle?, titleabbrev + + +%refsect.title.content; appears in: + + +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 + + +refsection +refsynopsisdiv + + + + + + + +%sect.title.content; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +title, subtitle?, titleabbrev + + +%sect.title.content; appears in: + + +bibliodiv +colophon +dedication + + +glossdiv +indexdiv +sect1 + + +sect2 +sect3 +sect4 + + +sect5 +section +simplesect + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +db* + +db* Parameter Entities + + + +db* Parameter Entities +Control inclusion of DocBook modules + + + +Synopsis + +These parameter entities control the inclusion of DocBook modules. + + + +Description + + +The modules listed here are included in DocBook DTD via parameter entity +reference. For more information about these modules, and additional modules +that can be defined, see . + + +The following sections identify all of the module parameter entities +in DocBook. + + +%dbcent.euro; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%dbcent.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%dbcent; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: -//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Character Entities V4.5//EN +System identifier: dbcentx.mod + + + + + + + +%dbgenent.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%dbgenent; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: -//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Additional General Entities V4.5//EN +System identifier: dbgenent.mod + + + + + + + +%dbhier.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%dbhier; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: -//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Document Hierarchy V4.5//EN +System identifier: dbhierx.mod + + + + + + + +%dbhier.redecl.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +IGNORE + + + + + + +%dbhier.redecl2.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +IGNORE + + + + + + +%dbnotn.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%dbnotn; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: -//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Notations V4.5//EN +System identifier: dbnotnx.mod + + + + + + + +%dbpool.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%dbpool; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: -//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Information Pool V4.5//EN +System identifier: dbpoolx.mod + + + + + + + +%dbpool.redecl.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +IGNORE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +*.element +*.element Parameter Entities + + + +*.element Parameter Entities +Control individual element declarations + + + +Synopsis + +Used to control marked sections around the declarations of individual +elements. + + + +Description + + +The *.element parameter entities +provide marked sections around individual element +declarations. You can selectively include or remove element +declarations from DocBook by changing these parameter +entities. + + +The following sections identify all of the element parameter entities +in DocBook. + + +%abbrev.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%abstract.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%accel.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ackno.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%acronym.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%action.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%address.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%affiliation.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%alt.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%anchor.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%answer.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%appendix.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%appendixinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%application.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%area.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%areaset.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%areaspec.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%arg.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%article.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%articleinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%artpagenums.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%attribution.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%audiodata.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%audioobject.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%author.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%authorblurb.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%authorgroup.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%authorinitials.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%beginpage.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliocoverage.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliodiv.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%biblioentry.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliography.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliographyinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%biblioid.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliolist.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliomisc.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliomixed.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliomset.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%biblioref.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliorelation.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%biblioset.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliosource.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%blockinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%blockquote.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%book.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bookinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bridgehead.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%callout.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%calloutlist.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%caption.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%caution.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%chapter.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%chapterinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%citation.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%citebiblioid.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%citerefentry.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%citetitle.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%city.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%classname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%classsynopsis.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%classsynopsisinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%cmdsynopsis.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%co.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%code.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%collab.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%collabname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%colophon.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%command.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%computeroutput.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confdates.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confgroup.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confnum.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confsponsor.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%conftitle.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%constant.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%constructorsynopsis.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%contractnum.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%contractsponsor.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%contrib.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%copyright.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%coref.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%corpauthor.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%corpcredit.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%corpname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%country.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%database.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%date.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%dedication.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%destructorsynopsis.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%edition.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%editor.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%email.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%emphasis.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%envar.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%epigraph.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%equation.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%errorcode.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%errorname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%errortext.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%errortype.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%example.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%exceptionname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%fax.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%fieldsynopsis.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%figure.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%filename.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%firstname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%firstterm.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%footnote.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%footnoteref.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%foreignphrase.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%formalpara.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcdef.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcparams.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcprototype.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcsynopsis.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcsynopsisinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%function.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossary.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossaryinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossdef.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossdiv.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossentry.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glosslist.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glosssee.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossseealso.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossterm.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%graphic.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%graphicco.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%group.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guibutton.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guiicon.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guilabel.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guimenu.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guimenuitem.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guisubmenu.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%hardware.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%highlights.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%holder.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%honorific.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%imagedata.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%imageobject.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%imageobjectco.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%important.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%index.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexdiv.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexentry.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexterm.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%informalequation.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%informalexample.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%informalfigure.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%informaltable.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%initializer.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%inlineequation.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%inlinegraphic.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%inlinemediaobject.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%interface.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%interfacename.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%invpartnumber.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%isbn.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%issn.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%issuenum.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%itemizedlist.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%itermset.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%jobtitle.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keycap.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keycode.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keycombo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keysym.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keyword.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keywordset.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%label.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%legalnotice.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lineage.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lineannotation.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%link.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%listitem.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%literal.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%literallayout.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lot.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lotentry.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%manvolnum.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%markup.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mathphrase.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%medialabel.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mediaobject.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mediaobjectco.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%member.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%menuchoice.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%methodname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%methodparam.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%methodsynopsis.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%modespec.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%modifier.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mousebutton.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msg.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgaud.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgentry.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgexplan.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msginfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msglevel.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgmain.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgorig.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgrel.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgset.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgsub.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgtext.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%note.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%objectinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%olink.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ooclass.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ooexception.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%oointerface.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%option.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%optional.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%orderedlist.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%orgdiv.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%orgname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%otheraddr.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%othercredit.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%othername.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%package.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%pagenums.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%para.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%paramdef.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%parameter.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%part.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%partinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%partintro.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%personblurb.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%personname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%phone.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%phrase.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%pob.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%postcode.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%preface.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%prefaceinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%primary.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%primaryie.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%printhistory.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%procedure.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%productname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%productnumber.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%programlisting.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%programlistingco.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%prompt.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%property.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%pubdate.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%publisher.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%publishername.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%pubsnumber.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%qandadiv.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%qandaentry.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%qandaset.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%question.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%quote.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refclass.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refdescriptor.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refentry.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refentryinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refentrytitle.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%reference.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%referenceinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refmeta.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refmiscinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refnamediv.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refpurpose.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect1.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect1info.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect2.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect2info.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect3.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect3info.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsection.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsectioninfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsynopsisdiv.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsynopsisdivinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%releaseinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%remark.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%replaceable.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%returnvalue.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revdescription.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revhistory.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revision.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revnumber.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revremark.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sbr.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screen.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screenco.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screeninfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screenshot.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%secondary.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%secondaryie.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect1.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect1info.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect2.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect2info.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect3.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect3info.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect4.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect4info.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect5.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect5info.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%section.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sectioninfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%see.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seealso.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seealsoie.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seeie.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seg.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seglistitem.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%segmentedlist.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%segtitle.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seriesvolnums.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%set.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%setindex.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%setindexinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%setinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sgmltag.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%shortaffil.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%shortcut.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sidebar.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sidebarinfo.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simpara.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simplelist.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simplemsgentry.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simplesect.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%state.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%step.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%stepalternatives.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%street.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%structfield.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%structname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subject.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subjectset.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subjectterm.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subscript.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%substeps.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subtitle.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%superscript.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%surname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%symbol.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%synopfragment.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%synopfragmentref.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%synopsis.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%systemitem.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%task.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%taskprerequisites.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%taskrelated.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tasksummary.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%term.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%termdef.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tertiary.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tertiaryie.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%textdata.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%textobject.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tip.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%title.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%titleabbrev.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toc.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocback.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocchap.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocentry.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocfront.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel1.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel2.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel3.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel4.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel5.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocpart.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%token.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%trademark.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%type.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ulink.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%uri.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%userinput.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%varargs.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%variablelist.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%varlistentry.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%varname.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%videodata.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%videoobject.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%void.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%volumenum.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%warning.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%wordasword.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%xref.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%year.element; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +*.exclusion +*.exclusion Parameter Entities + + + +*.exclusion Parameter Entities +Control SGML exclusions + + + +Synopsis + +Used to control the exclusion declarations on elements with exclusions. + + + +Description + + +The *.exclusion parameter entities +parameterize element exclusions. +You can selectively include or remove elements from the exclusion +by changing the appropriate parameter entity. + + +In the XML version of DocBook V4, there are no inclusion entities +because inclusions are not part of XML. + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +*.hook +*.hook Parameter Entities + + + +*.hook Parameter Entities +Control access to additional modules + + + +Synopsis + +The hook parameter entitiesParameter Entities +Hooks + +provide a mechanism for including additional modules (EBNF, MathML, +HTML Forms, etc.). +Each of these hooks exists so that the module can insert additional content +in appropriate places without interfering with the normal user-level +customization provided by the local.* entities. + + + +Description + +The following sections identify all of the hook parameter entities +in DocBook. + + +%ebnf.block.hook; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +|productionset|constraintdef + + + + + + +%ebnf.inline.hook; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +|nonterminal + + + + + + +%forminlines.hook; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%forms.hook; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +*.inclusion +*.inclusion Parameter Entities + + + +*.inclusion Parameter Entities +Control SGML inclusions + + + +Synopsis + +Used to control the inclusion declarations on elements with inclusions. + + + +Description + + +The *.inclusion parameter entities +parameterize element inclusions. +You can selectively include or remove elements from the inclusion +by changing the appropriate parameter entity. For example, if you remove +BeginPage from the +ubiq.inclusion parameter entity, it +is no longer included everywhere in DocBook. + + +In the XML version of DocBook V4, there are no inclusion entities +because inclusions are not part of XML. + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +iso* + +iso* Parameter Entities + + + +iso* Parameter Entities +Parameter entities which control ISO Entity Sets + + + +Synopsis + +These parameter entitiesParameter Entities +ISO Entity Sets + +pull in the corresponding ISO entity set. + + + +Description + +The following sections identify all of the ISO entity sets +in DocBook. + + +%ISOamsa; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isoamsa.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOamsb; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isoamsb.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOamsc; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Delimiters//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isoamsc.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOamsn; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isoamsn.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOamso; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Ordinary//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isoamso.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOamsr; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Relations//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isoamsr.ent + + + + + + + +%ISObox; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Box and Line Drawing//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isobox.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOcyr1; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Russian Cyrillic//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isocyr1.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOcyr2; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Non-Russian Cyrillic//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isocyr2.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOdia; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isodia.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOgrk1; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isogrk1.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOgrk2; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Monotoniko Greek//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isogrk2.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOgrk3; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Symbols//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isogrk3.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOgrk4; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Alternative Greek Symbols//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isogrk4.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOlat1; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isolat1.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOlat2; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 2//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isolat2.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOnum; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isonum.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOpub; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isopub.ent + + + + + + + +%ISOtech; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN//XML +System identifier: ent/isotech.ent + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +local.*.attrib + +local.*.attrib Parameter Entities + + + +local.*.attrib Parameter Entities +Allow attribute extension + + + +Synopsis + +These parameter entities offer a place where you can easily add new +attributes to DocBook elements. + + + +Description + +The following sections identify all of the local attribute +parameter entities in DocBook. +Each of the entities is defined as empty. + + +%local.abbrev.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.abbrev.attrib; appears in: + + +abbrev + + + + + + + + +%local.abstract.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.abstract.attrib; appears in: + + +abstract + + + + + + + + +%local.accel.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.accel.attrib; appears in: + + +accel + + + + + + + + +%local.ackno.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.ackno.attrib; appears in: + + +ackno + + + + + + + + +%local.acronym.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.acronym.attrib; appears in: + + +acronym + + + + + + + + +%local.action.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.action.attrib; appears in: + + +action + + + + + + + + +%local.address.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.address.attrib; appears in: + + +address + + + + + + + + +%local.admon.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.admon.attrib; appears in: + + +caution +important +note + + +tip +warning + + + + + + + +%local.affiliation.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.affiliation.attrib; appears in: + + +affiliation + + + + + + + + +%local.alt.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.alt.attrib; appears in: + + +alt + + + + + + + + +%local.anchor.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.anchor.attrib; appears in: + + +anchor + + + + + + + + +%local.answer.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.answer.attrib; appears in: + + +answer + + + + + + + + +%local.appendix.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.appendix.attrib; appears in: + + +appendix + + + + + + + + +%local.appendixinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.appendixinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +appendixinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.application.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.application.attrib; appears in: + + +application + + + + + + + + +%local.area.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.area.attrib; appears in: + + +area + + + + + + + + +%local.areaset.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.areaset.attrib; appears in: + + +areaset + + + + + + + + +%local.areaspec.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.areaspec.attrib; appears in: + + +areaspec + + + + + + + + +%local.arg.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.arg.attrib; appears in: + + +arg + + + + + + + + +%local.article.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.article.attrib; appears in: + + +article + + + + + + + + +%local.articleinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.articleinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +articleinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.artpagenums.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.artpagenums.attrib; appears in: + + +artpagenums + + + + + + + + +%local.attribution.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.attribution.attrib; appears in: + + +attribution + + + + + + + + +%local.audiodata.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.audiodata.attrib; appears in: + + +audiodata + + + + + + + + +%local.audioobject.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.audioobject.attrib; appears in: + + +audioobject + + + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + +; appears in: + + +author + + + + + + + + +%local.authorblurb.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.authorblurb.attrib; appears in: + + +authorblurb + + + + + + + + +%local.authorgroup.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.authorgroup.attrib; appears in: + + +authorgroup + + + + + + + + +%local.authorinitials.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.authorinitials.attrib; appears in: + + +authorinitials + + + + + + + + +%local.beginpage.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.beginpage.attrib; appears in: + + +beginpage + + + + + + + + +%local.bibliocoverage.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.bibliocoverage.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliocoverage + + + + + + + + +%local.bibliodiv.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.bibliodiv.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliodiv + + + + + + + + +%local.biblioentry.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.biblioentry.attrib; appears in: + + +biblioentry + + + + + + + + +%local.bibliography.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.bibliography.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliography + + + + + + + + +%local.bibliographyinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.bibliographyinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliographyinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.biblioid.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.biblioid.attrib; appears in: + + +biblioid + + + + + + + + +%local.bibliolist.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.bibliolist.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliolist + + + + + + + + +%local.bibliomisc.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.bibliomisc.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliomisc + + + + + + + + +%local.bibliomixed.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.bibliomixed.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliomixed + + + + + + + + +%local.bibliomset.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.bibliomset.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliomset + + + + + + + + +%local.biblioref.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.biblioref.attrib; appears in: + + +biblioref + + + + + + + + +%local.bibliorelation.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.bibliorelation.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliorelation + + + + + + + + +%local.bibliorelation.types; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.biblioset.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.biblioset.attrib; appears in: + + +biblioset + + + + + + + + +%local.bibliosource.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.bibliosource.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliosource + + + + + + + + +%local.blockinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.blockinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +blockinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.blockquote.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.blockquote.attrib; appears in: + + +blockquote + + + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + +; appears in: + + +book + + + + + + + + +%local.bookinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.bookinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +bookinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.bridgehead.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.bridgehead.attrib; appears in: + + +bridgehead + + + + + + + + +%local.callout.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.callout.attrib; appears in: + + +callout + + + + + + + + +%local.calloutlist.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.calloutlist.attrib; appears in: + + +calloutlist + + + + + + + + +%local.caption.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.chapter.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.chapter.attrib; appears in: + + +chapter + + + + + + + + +%local.chapterinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.chapterinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +chapterinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.citation.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.citation.attrib; appears in: + + +citation + + + + + + + + +%local.citebiblioid.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.citebiblioid.attrib; appears in: + + +citebiblioid + + + + + + + + +%local.citerefentry.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.citerefentry.attrib; appears in: + + +citerefentry + + + + + + + + +%local.citetitle.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.citetitle.attrib; appears in: + + +citetitle + + + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + +; appears in: + + +city + + + + + + + + +%local.classname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.classname.attrib; appears in: + + +classname + + + + + + + + +%local.classsynopsis.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.classsynopsis.attrib; appears in: + + +classsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%local.classsynopsisinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.classsynopsisinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +classsynopsisinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.cmdsynopsis.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.cmdsynopsis.attrib; appears in: + + +cmdsynopsis + + + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + +; appears in: + + +co + + + + + + + + +%local.code.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.code.attrib; appears in: + + +code + + + + + + + + +%local.collab.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.collab.attrib; appears in: + + +collab + + + + + + + + +%local.collabname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.collabname.attrib; appears in: + + +collabname + + + + + + + + +%local.colophon.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.colophon.attrib; appears in: + + +colophon + + + + + + + + +%local.command.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.command.attrib; appears in: + + +command + + + + + + + + +%local.common.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.computeroutput.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.computeroutput.attrib; appears in: + + +computeroutput + + + + + + + + +%local.confdates.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.confdates.attrib; appears in: + + +confdates + + + + + + + + +%local.confgroup.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.confgroup.attrib; appears in: + + +confgroup + + + + + + + + +%local.confnum.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.confnum.attrib; appears in: + + +confnum + + + + + + + + +%local.confsponsor.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.confsponsor.attrib; appears in: + + +confsponsor + + + + + + + + +%local.conftitle.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.conftitle.attrib; appears in: + + +conftitle + + + + + + + + +%local.constant.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.constant.attrib; appears in: + + +constant + + + + + + + + +%local.constructorsynopsis.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.constructorsynopsis.attrib; appears in: + + +constructorsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%local.contractnum.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.contractnum.attrib; appears in: + + +contractnum + + + + + + + + +%local.contractsponsor.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.contractsponsor.attrib; appears in: + + +contractsponsor + + + + + + + + +%local.contrib.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.contrib.attrib; appears in: + + +contrib + + + + + + + + +%local.copyright.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.copyright.attrib; appears in: + + +copyright + + + + + + + + +%local.coref.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.coref.attrib; appears in: + + +coref + + + + + + + + +%local.corpauthor.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.corpauthor.attrib; appears in: + + +corpauthor + + + + + + + + +%local.corpcredit.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.corpcredit.attrib; appears in: + + +corpcredit + + + + + + + + +%local.corpname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.corpname.attrib; appears in: + + +corpname + + + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + +; appears in: + + +country + + + + + + + + +%local.database.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.database.attrib; appears in: + + +database + + + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + +; appears in: + + +date + + + + + + + + +%local.dedication.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.dedication.attrib; appears in: + + +dedication + + + + + + + + +%local.destructorsynopsis.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.destructorsynopsis.attrib; appears in: + + +destructorsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%local.edition.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.edition.attrib; appears in: + + +edition + + + + + + + + +%local.editor.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.editor.attrib; appears in: + + +editor + + + + + + + + +%local.effectivity.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + +; appears in: + + +email + + + + + + + + +%local.emphasis.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.emphasis.attrib; appears in: + + +emphasis + + + + + + + + +%local.envar.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.envar.attrib; appears in: + + +envar + + + + + + + + +%local.epigraph.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.epigraph.attrib; appears in: + + +epigraph + + + + + + + + +%local.equation.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.equation.attrib; appears in: + + +equation + + + + + + + + +%local.errorcode.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.errorcode.attrib; appears in: + + +errorcode + + + + + + + + +%local.errorname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.errorname.attrib; appears in: + + +errorname + + + + + + + + +%local.errortext.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.errortext.attrib; appears in: + + +errortext + + + + + + + + +%local.errortype.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.errortype.attrib; appears in: + + +errortype + + + + + + + + +%local.example.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.example.attrib; appears in: + + +example + + + + + + + + +%local.exceptionname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.exceptionname.attrib; appears in: + + +exceptionname + + + + + + + + +%local.fax.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.fax.attrib; appears in: + + +fax + + + + + + + + +%local.fieldsynopsis.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.fieldsynopsis.attrib; appears in: + + +fieldsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%local.figure.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.figure.attrib; appears in: + + +figure + + + + + + + + +%local.filename.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.filename.attrib; appears in: + + +filename + + + + + + + + +%local.firstname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.firstname.attrib; appears in: + + +firstname + + + + + + + + +%local.firstterm.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.firstterm.attrib; appears in: + + +firstterm + + + + + + + + +%local.footnote.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.footnote.attrib; appears in: + + +footnote + + + + + + + + +%local.footnoteref.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.footnoteref.attrib; appears in: + + +footnoteref + + + + + + + + +%local.foreignphrase.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.foreignphrase.attrib; appears in: + + +foreignphrase + + + + + + + + +%local.formalpara.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.formalpara.attrib; appears in: + + +formalpara + + + + + + + + +%local.funcdef.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.funcdef.attrib; appears in: + + +funcdef + + + + + + + + +%local.funcparams.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.funcparams.attrib; appears in: + + +funcparams + + + + + + + + +%local.funcprototype.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.funcprototype.attrib; appears in: + + +funcprototype + + + + + + + + +%local.funcsynopsis.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.funcsynopsis.attrib; appears in: + + +funcsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%local.funcsynopsisinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.funcsynopsisinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +funcsynopsisinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.function.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.function.attrib; appears in: + + +function + + + + + + + + +%local.glossary.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.glossary.attrib; appears in: + + +glossary + + + + + + + + +%local.glossaryinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.glossaryinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +glossaryinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.glossdef.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.glossdef.attrib; appears in: + + +glossdef + + + + + + + + +%local.glossdiv.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.glossdiv.attrib; appears in: + + +glossdiv + + + + + + + + +%local.glossentry.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.glossentry.attrib; appears in: + + +glossentry + + + + + + + + +%local.glosslist.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.glosslist.attrib; appears in: + + +glosslist + + + + + + + + +%local.glosssee.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.glosssee.attrib; appears in: + + +glosssee + + + + + + + + +%local.glossseealso.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.glossseealso.attrib; appears in: + + +glossseealso + + + + + + + + +%local.glossterm.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.glossterm.attrib; appears in: + + +glossterm + + + + + + + + +%local.graphic.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.graphic.attrib; appears in: + + +graphic + + + + + + + + +%local.graphicco.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.graphicco.attrib; appears in: + + +graphicco + + + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + +; appears in: + + +group + + + + + + + + +%local.guibutton.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.guibutton.attrib; appears in: + + +guibutton + + + + + + + + +%local.guiicon.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.guiicon.attrib; appears in: + + +guiicon + + + + + + + + +%local.guilabel.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.guilabel.attrib; appears in: + + +guilabel + + + + + + + + +%local.guimenu.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.guimenu.attrib; appears in: + + +guimenu + + + + + + + + +%local.guimenuitem.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.guimenuitem.attrib; appears in: + + +guimenuitem + + + + + + + + +%local.guisubmenu.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.guisubmenu.attrib; appears in: + + +guisubmenu + + + + + + + + +%local.hardware.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.hardware.attrib; appears in: + + +hardware + + + + + + + + +%local.highlights.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.highlights.attrib; appears in: + + +highlights + + + + + + + + +%local.holder.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.holder.attrib; appears in: + + +holder + + + + + + + + +%local.honorific.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.honorific.attrib; appears in: + + +honorific + + + + + + + + +%local.imagedata.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.imagedata.attrib; appears in: + + +imagedata + + + + + + + + +%local.imageobject.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.imageobject.attrib; appears in: + + +imageobject + + + + + + + + +%local.imageobjectco.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.imageobjectco.attrib; appears in: + + +imageobjectco + + + + + + + + +%local.indexdiv.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.indexdiv.attrib; appears in: + + +indexdiv + + + + + + + + +%local.indexentry.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.indexentry.attrib; appears in: + + +indexentry + + + + + + + + +%local.indexes.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.indexes.attrib; appears in: + + +index +setindex + + + + + + + +%local.indexinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.indexinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +indexinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.indexterm.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.indexterm.attrib; appears in: + + +indexterm + + + + + + + + +%local.informalequation.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.informalequation.attrib; appears in: + + +informalequation + + + + + + + + +%local.informalexample.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.informalexample.attrib; appears in: + + +informalexample + + + + + + + + +%local.informalfigure.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.informalfigure.attrib; appears in: + + +informalfigure + + + + + + + + +%local.informaltable.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.informaltable.attrib; appears in: + + +informaltable + + + + + + + + +%local.initializer.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.initializer.attrib; appears in: + + +initializer + + + + + + + + +%local.inlineequation.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.inlineequation.attrib; appears in: + + +inlineequation + + + + + + + + +%local.inlinegraphic.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.inlinegraphic.attrib; appears in: + + +inlinegraphic + + + + + + + + +%local.inlinemediaobject.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.inlinemediaobject.attrib; appears in: + + +inlinemediaobject + + + + + + + + +%local.interface.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.interface.attrib; appears in: + + +interface + + + + + + + + +%local.interfacename.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.interfacename.attrib; appears in: + + +interfacename + + + + + + + + +%local.invpartnumber.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.invpartnumber.attrib; appears in: + + +invpartnumber + + + + + + + + +%local.isbn.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.isbn.attrib; appears in: + + +isbn + + + + + + + + +%local.issn.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.issn.attrib; appears in: + + +issn + + + + + + + + +%local.issuenum.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.issuenum.attrib; appears in: + + +issuenum + + + + + + + + +%local.itemizedlist.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.itemizedlist.attrib; appears in: + + +itemizedlist + + + + + + + + +%local.itermset.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.itermset.attrib; appears in: + + +itermset + + + + + + + + +%local.jobtitle.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.jobtitle.attrib; appears in: + + +jobtitle + + + + + + + + +%local.keyaction.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.keycap.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.keycap.attrib; appears in: + + +keycap + + + + + + + + +%local.keycode.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.keycode.attrib; appears in: + + +keycode + + + + + + + + +%local.keycombo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.keycombo.attrib; appears in: + + +keycombo + + + + + + + + +%local.keysym.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.keysym.attrib; appears in: + + +keysym + + + + + + + + +%local.keyword.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.keyword.attrib; appears in: + + +keyword + + + + + + + + +%local.keywordset.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.keywordset.attrib; appears in: + + +keywordset + + + + + + + + +%local.label.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.label.attrib; appears in: + + +label + + + + + + + + +%local.legalnotice.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.legalnotice.attrib; appears in: + + +legalnotice + + + + + + + + +%local.lineage.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.lineage.attrib; appears in: + + +lineage + + + + + + + + +%local.lineannotation.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.lineannotation.attrib; appears in: + + +lineannotation + + + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + +; appears in: + + +link + + + + + + + + +%local.listitem.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.listitem.attrib; appears in: + + +listitem + + + + + + + + +%local.literal.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.literal.attrib; appears in: + + +literal + + + + + + + + +%local.literallayout.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.literallayout.attrib; appears in: + + +literallayout + + + + + + + + +%local.lot.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.lot.attrib; appears in: + + +lot + + + + + + + + +%local.lotentry.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.lotentry.attrib; appears in: + + +lotentry + + + + + + + + +%local.manvolnum.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.manvolnum.attrib; appears in: + + +manvolnum + + + + + + + + +%local.mark.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.markup.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.markup.attrib; appears in: + + +markup + + + + + + + + +%local.mathphrase.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.mathphrase.attrib; appears in: + + +mathphrase + + + + + + + + +%local.medialabel.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.medialabel.attrib; appears in: + + +medialabel + + + + + + + + +%local.mediaobject.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.mediaobject.attrib; appears in: + + +mediaobject + + + + + + + + +%local.mediaobjectco.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.mediaobjectco.attrib; appears in: + + +mediaobjectco + + + + + + + + +%local.member.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.member.attrib; appears in: + + +member + + + + + + + + +%local.menuchoice.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.menuchoice.attrib; appears in: + + +menuchoice + + + + + + + + +%local.methodname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.methodname.attrib; appears in: + + +methodname + + + + + + + + +%local.methodparam.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.methodparam.attrib; appears in: + + +methodparam + + + + + + + + +%local.methodsynopsis.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.methodsynopsis.attrib; appears in: + + +methodsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%local.modespec.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.modespec.attrib; appears in: + + +modespec + + + + + + + + +%local.modifier.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.modifier.attrib; appears in: + + +modifier + + + + + + + + +%local.mousebutton.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.mousebutton.attrib; appears in: + + +mousebutton + + + + + + + + +%local.msg.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.msg.attrib; appears in: + + +msg + + + + + + + + +%local.msgaud.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.msgaud.attrib; appears in: + + +msgaud + + + + + + + + +%local.msgentry.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.msgentry.attrib; appears in: + + +msgentry + + + + + + + + +%local.msgexplan.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.msgexplan.attrib; appears in: + + +msgexplan + + + + + + + + +%local.msginfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.msginfo.attrib; appears in: + + +msginfo + + + + + + + + +%local.msglevel.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.msglevel.attrib; appears in: + + +msglevel + + + + + + + + +%local.msgmain.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.msgmain.attrib; appears in: + + +msgmain + + + + + + + + +%local.msgorig.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.msgorig.attrib; appears in: + + +msgorig + + + + + + + + +%local.msgrel.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.msgrel.attrib; appears in: + + +msgrel + + + + + + + + +%local.msgset.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.msgset.attrib; appears in: + + +msgset + + + + + + + + +%local.msgsub.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.msgsub.attrib; appears in: + + +msgsub + + + + + + + + +%local.msgtext.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.msgtext.attrib; appears in: + + +msgtext + + + + + + + + +%local.objectdata.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.objectinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.objectinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +objectinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.olink.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.olink.attrib; appears in: + + +olink + + + + + + + + +%local.ooclass.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.ooclass.attrib; appears in: + + +ooclass + + + + + + + + +%local.ooexception.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.ooexception.attrib; appears in: + + +ooexception + + + + + + + + +%local.oointerface.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.oointerface.attrib; appears in: + + +oointerface + + + + + + + + +%local.option.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.option.attrib; appears in: + + +option + + + + + + + + +%local.optional.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.optional.attrib; appears in: + + +optional + + + + + + + + +%local.orderedlist.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.orderedlist.attrib; appears in: + + +orderedlist + + + + + + + + +%local.orgdiv.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.orgdiv.attrib; appears in: + + +orgdiv + + + + + + + + +%local.orgname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.orgname.attrib; appears in: + + +orgname + + + + + + + + +%local.otheraddr.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.otheraddr.attrib; appears in: + + +otheraddr + + + + + + + + +%local.othercredit.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.othercredit.attrib; appears in: + + +othercredit + + + + + + + + +%local.othername.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.othername.attrib; appears in: + + +othername + + + + + + + + +%local.package.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.package.attrib; appears in: + + +package + + + + + + + + +%local.pagenums.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.pagenums.attrib; appears in: + + +pagenums + + + + + + + + +%local.para.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.para.attrib; appears in: + + +para + + + + + + + + +%local.paramdef.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.paramdef.attrib; appears in: + + +paramdef + + + + + + + + +%local.parameter.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.parameter.attrib; appears in: + + +parameter + + + + + + + + +%local.part.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.part.attrib; appears in: + + +part + + + + + + + + +%local.partinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.partinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +partinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.partintro.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.partintro.attrib; appears in: + + +partintro + + + + + + + + +%local.personblurb.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.personblurb.attrib; appears in: + + +personblurb + + + + + + + + +%local.personname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.personname.attrib; appears in: + + +personname + + + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + +; appears in: + + +phone + + + + + + + + +%local.phrase.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.phrase.attrib; appears in: + + +phrase + + + + + + + + +%local.pob.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.pob.attrib; appears in: + + +pob + + + + + + + + +%local.postcode.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.postcode.attrib; appears in: + + +postcode + + + + + + + + +%local.preface.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.preface.attrib; appears in: + + +preface + + + + + + + + +%local.prefaceinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.prefaceinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +prefaceinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.primsecter.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.primsecter.attrib; appears in: + + +primary +secondary +tertiary + + + + + + +%local.primsecterie.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.primsecterie.attrib; appears in: + + +primaryie +secondaryie +tertiaryie + + + + + + +%local.printhistory.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.printhistory.attrib; appears in: + + +printhistory + + + + + + + + +%local.procedure.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.procedure.attrib; appears in: + + +procedure + + + + + + + + +%local.productname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.productname.attrib; appears in: + + +productname + + + + + + + + +%local.productnumber.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.productnumber.attrib; appears in: + + +productnumber + + + + + + + + +%local.programlisting.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.programlisting.attrib; appears in: + + +programlisting + + + + + + + + +%local.programlistingco.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.programlistingco.attrib; appears in: + + +programlistingco + + + + + + + + +%local.prompt.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.prompt.attrib; appears in: + + +prompt + + + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + +; appears in: + + +property + + + + + + + + +%local.pubdate.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.pubdate.attrib; appears in: + + +pubdate + + + + + + + + +%local.publisher.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.publisher.attrib; appears in: + + +publisher + + + + + + + + +%local.publishername.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.publishername.attrib; appears in: + + +publishername + + + + + + + + +%local.pubsnumber.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.pubsnumber.attrib; appears in: + + +pubsnumber + + + + + + + + +%local.qandadiv.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.qandadiv.attrib; appears in: + + +qandadiv + + + + + + + + +%local.qandaentry.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.qandaentry.attrib; appears in: + + +qandaentry + + + + + + + + +%local.qandaset.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.qandaset.attrib; appears in: + + +qandaset + + + + + + + + +%local.question.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.question.attrib; appears in: + + +question + + + + + + + + +%local.quote.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.quote.attrib; appears in: + + +quote + + + + + + + + +%local.refclass.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refclass.attrib; appears in: + + +refclass + + + + + + + + +%local.refdescriptor.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refdescriptor.attrib; appears in: + + +refdescriptor + + + + + + + + +%local.refentry.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refentry.attrib; appears in: + + +refentry + + + + + + + + +%local.refentryinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refentryinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +refentryinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.refentrytitle.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refentrytitle.attrib; appears in: + + +refentrytitle + + + + + + + + +%local.reference.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.reference.attrib; appears in: + + +reference + + + + + + + + +%local.referenceinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.referenceinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +referenceinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.refmeta.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refmeta.attrib; appears in: + + +refmeta + + + + + + + + +%local.refmiscinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refmiscinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +refmiscinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.refname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refname.attrib; appears in: + + +refname + + + + + + + + +%local.refnamediv.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refnamediv.attrib; appears in: + + +refnamediv + + + + + + + + +%local.refpurpose.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refpurpose.attrib; appears in: + + +refpurpose + + + + + + + + +%local.refsect1.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refsect1.attrib; appears in: + + +refsect1 + + + + + + + + +%local.refsect1info.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refsect1info.attrib; appears in: + + +refsect1info + + + + + + + + +%local.refsect2.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refsect2.attrib; appears in: + + +refsect2 + + + + + + + + +%local.refsect2info.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refsect2info.attrib; appears in: + + +refsect2info + + + + + + + + +%local.refsect3.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refsect3.attrib; appears in: + + +refsect3 + + + + + + + + +%local.refsect3info.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refsect3info.attrib; appears in: + + +refsect3info + + + + + + + + +%local.refsection.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refsection.attrib; appears in: + + +refsection + + + + + + + + +%local.refsectioninfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refsectioninfo.attrib; appears in: + + +refsectioninfo + + + + + + + + +%local.refsynopsisdiv.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refsynopsisdiv.attrib; appears in: + + +refsynopsisdiv + + + + + + + + +%local.refsynopsisdivinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.refsynopsisdivinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +refsynopsisdivinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.releaseinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.releaseinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +releaseinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.remark.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.remark.attrib; appears in: + + +remark + + + + + + + + +%local.replaceable.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.replaceable.attrib; appears in: + + +replaceable + + + + + + + + +%local.returnvalue.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.returnvalue.attrib; appears in: + + +returnvalue + + + + + + + + +%local.revdescription.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.revdescription.attrib; appears in: + + +revdescription + + + + + + + + +%local.revhistory.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.revhistory.attrib; appears in: + + +revhistory + + + + + + + + +%local.revision.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.revision.attrib; appears in: + + +revision + + + + + + + + +%local.revnumber.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.revnumber.attrib; appears in: + + +revnumber + + + + + + + + +%local.revremark.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.revremark.attrib; appears in: + + +revremark + + + + + + + + +%local.sbr.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sbr.attrib; appears in: + + +sbr + + + + + + + + +%local.screen.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.screen.attrib; appears in: + + +screen + + + + + + + + +%local.screenco.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.screenco.attrib; appears in: + + +screenco + + + + + + + + +%local.screeninfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.screeninfo.attrib; appears in: + + +screeninfo + + + + + + + + +%local.screenshot.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.screenshot.attrib; appears in: + + +screenshot + + + + + + + + +%local.sect1.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sect1.attrib; appears in: + + +sect1 + + + + + + + + +%local.sect1info.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sect1info.attrib; appears in: + + +sect1info + + + + + + + + +%local.sect2.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sect2.attrib; appears in: + + +sect2 + + + + + + + + +%local.sect2info.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sect2info.attrib; appears in: + + +sect2info + + + + + + + + +%local.sect3.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sect3.attrib; appears in: + + +sect3 + + + + + + + + +%local.sect3info.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sect3info.attrib; appears in: + + +sect3info + + + + + + + + +%local.sect4.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sect4.attrib; appears in: + + +sect4 + + + + + + + + +%local.sect4info.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sect4info.attrib; appears in: + + +sect4info + + + + + + + + +%local.sect5.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sect5.attrib; appears in: + + +sect5 + + + + + + + + +%local.sect5info.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sect5info.attrib; appears in: + + +sect5info + + + + + + + + +%local.section.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.section.attrib; appears in: + + +section + + + + + + + + +%local.sectioninfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sectioninfo.attrib; appears in: + + +sectioninfo + + + + + + + + +%local.seealsoie.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.seealsoie.attrib; appears in: + + +seealsoie + + + + + + + + +%local.seeie.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.seeie.attrib; appears in: + + +seeie + + + + + + + + +%local.seeseealso.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.seeseealso.attrib; appears in: + + +see +seealso + + + + + + + +%local.seg.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.seg.attrib; appears in: + + +seg + + + + + + + + +%local.seglistitem.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.seglistitem.attrib; appears in: + + +seglistitem + + + + + + + + +%local.segmentedlist.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.segmentedlist.attrib; appears in: + + +segmentedlist + + + + + + + + +%local.segtitle.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.segtitle.attrib; appears in: + + +segtitle + + + + + + + + +%local.seriesvolnums.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.seriesvolnums.attrib; appears in: + + +seriesvolnums + + + + + + + + +%local.set.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.set.attrib; appears in: + + +set + + + + + + + + +%local.setindexinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.setindexinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +setindexinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.setinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.setinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +setinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.sgmltag.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sgmltag.attrib; appears in: + + +sgmltag + + + + + + + + +%local.shortaffil.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.shortaffil.attrib; appears in: + + +shortaffil + + + + + + + + +%local.shortcut.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.shortcut.attrib; appears in: + + +shortcut + + + + + + + + +%local.sidebar.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sidebar.attrib; appears in: + + +sidebar + + + + + + + + +%local.sidebarinfo.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.sidebarinfo.attrib; appears in: + + +sidebarinfo + + + + + + + + +%local.simpara.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.simpara.attrib; appears in: + + +simpara + + + + + + + + +%local.simplelist.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.simplelist.attrib; appears in: + + +simplelist + + + + + + + + +%local.simplemsgentry.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.simplemsgentry.attrib; appears in: + + +simplemsgentry + + + + + + + + +%local.simplesect.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.simplesect.attrib; appears in: + + +simplesect + + + + + + + + +%local.ssscript.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.ssscript.attrib; appears in: + + +subscript +superscript + + + + + + + +%local.state.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.state.attrib; appears in: + + +state + + + + + + + + +%local.status.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.step.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.step.attrib; appears in: + + +step + + + + + + + + +%local.stepalternatives.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.stepalternatives.attrib; appears in: + + +stepalternatives + + + + + + + + +%local.street.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.street.attrib; appears in: + + +street + + + + + + + + +%local.structfield.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.structfield.attrib; appears in: + + +structfield + + + + + + + + +%local.structname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.structname.attrib; appears in: + + +structname + + + + + + + + +%local.subject.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.subject.attrib; appears in: + + +subject + + + + + + + + +%local.subjectset.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.subjectset.attrib; appears in: + + +subjectset + + + + + + + + +%local.subjectterm.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.subjectterm.attrib; appears in: + + +subjectterm + + + + + + + + +%local.substeps.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.substeps.attrib; appears in: + + +substeps + + + + + + + + +%local.subtitle.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.subtitle.attrib; appears in: + + +subtitle + + + + + + + + +%local.surname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.surname.attrib; appears in: + + +surname + + + + + + + + +%local.symbol.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.symbol.attrib; appears in: + + +symbol + + + + + + + + +%local.synopfragment.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.synopfragment.attrib; appears in: + + +synopfragment + + + + + + + + +%local.synopfragmentref.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.synopfragmentref.attrib; appears in: + + +synopfragmentref + + + + + + + + +%local.synopsis.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.synopsis.attrib; appears in: + + +synopsis + + + + + + + + +%local.systemitem.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.systemitem.attrib; appears in: + + +systemitem + + + + + + + + +%local.task.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.task.attrib; appears in: + + +task + + + + + + + + +%local.taskprerequisites.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.taskprerequisites.attrib; appears in: + + +taskprerequisites + + + + + + + + +%local.taskrelated.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.taskrelated.attrib; appears in: + + +taskrelated + + + + + + + + +%local.tasksummary.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.tasksummary.attrib; appears in: + + +tasksummary + + + + + + + + +%local.term.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.term.attrib; appears in: + + +term + + + + + + + + +%local.termdef.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.termdef.attrib; appears in: + + +termdef + + + + + + + + +%local.textdata.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.textdata.attrib; appears in: + + +textdata + + + + + + + + +%local.textobject.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.textobject.attrib; appears in: + + +textobject + + + + + + + + +%local.title.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.title.attrib; appears in: + + +title + + + + + + + + +%local.titleabbrev.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.titleabbrev.attrib; appears in: + + +titleabbrev + + + + + + + + +%local.toc.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.toc.attrib; appears in: + + +toc + + + + + + + + +%local.tocback.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.tocback.attrib; appears in: + + +tocback + + + + + + + + +%local.tocchap.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.tocchap.attrib; appears in: + + +tocchap + + + + + + + + +%local.tocentry.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.tocentry.attrib; appears in: + + +tocentry + + + + + + + + +%local.tocfront.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.tocfront.attrib; appears in: + + +tocfront + + + + + + + + +%local.toclevel1.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.toclevel1.attrib; appears in: + + +toclevel1 + + + + + + + + +%local.toclevel2.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.toclevel2.attrib; appears in: + + +toclevel2 + + + + + + + + +%local.toclevel3.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.toclevel3.attrib; appears in: + + +toclevel3 + + + + + + + + +%local.toclevel4.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.toclevel4.attrib; appears in: + + +toclevel4 + + + + + + + + +%local.toclevel5.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.toclevel5.attrib; appears in: + + +toclevel5 + + + + + + + + +%local.tocpart.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.tocpart.attrib; appears in: + + +tocpart + + + + + + + + +%local.token.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.token.attrib; appears in: + + +token + + + + + + + + +%local.trademark.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.trademark.attrib; appears in: + + +trademark + + + + + + + + +%local.type.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.type.attrib; appears in: + + +type + + + + + + + + +%local.ulink.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.ulink.attrib; appears in: + + +ulink + + + + + + + + +%local.uri.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.uri.attrib; appears in: + + +uri + + + + + + + + +%local.userinput.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.userinput.attrib; appears in: + + +userinput + + + + + + + + +%local.varargs.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.varargs.attrib; appears in: + + +varargs + + + + + + + + +%local.variablelist.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.variablelist.attrib; appears in: + + +variablelist + + + + + + + + +%local.varlistentry.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.varlistentry.attrib; appears in: + + +varlistentry + + + + + + + + +%local.varname.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.varname.attrib; appears in: + + +varname + + + + + + + + +%local.videodata.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.videodata.attrib; appears in: + + +videodata + + + + + + + + +%local.videoobject.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.videoobject.attrib; appears in: + + +videoobject + + + + + + + + +%local.void.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.void.attrib; appears in: + + +void + + + + + + + + +%local.volumenum.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.volumenum.attrib; appears in: + + +volumenum + + + + + + + + +%local.wordasword.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.wordasword.attrib; appears in: + + +wordasword + + + + + + + + +%local.xref.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.xref.attrib; appears in: + + +xref + + + + + + + + +%local.year.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + +%local.year.attrib; appears in: + + +year + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +local.*.class + +local.*.class Parameter Entities + + + +local.*.class Parameter Entities +Allow class extension + + + +Synopsis + +These parameter entities offer a place where you can easily add new +elements to the DocBook classes. + + + +Description + +The following sections identify all of the local class +parameter entities in DocBook. +Each of the entities is defined as empty. + + +%local.admon.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.appendix.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.article.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.base.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.chapter.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.compound.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.descobj.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.docinfo.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.formal.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.gen.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.genobj.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.index.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.informal.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.inlineobj.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.linespecific.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.list.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.method.synop.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.nav.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.ndxterm.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.notation.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.other.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.para.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.refentry.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.section.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.synop.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + +; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.xref.char.class; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +local.*.mix + +local.*.mix Parameter Entities + + + +local.*.mix Parameter Entities +Allow mixture extension + + + +Synopsis + +These parameter entities offer a place where you can easily add new +elements to the DocBook mixtures. + + + +Description + +The following sections identify all of the local mixture +parameter entities in DocBook. +Each of the entities is defined as empty. + + +%local.admon.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.bibliocomponent.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.component.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.cptr.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.divcomponent.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.docinfo.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.example.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.figure.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.footnote.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.glossdef.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.highlights.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.indexdivcomponent.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.legalnotice.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.listpreamble.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.mediaobject.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.ndxterm.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.para.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.para.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.partcontent.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.person.ident.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.qandaset.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.refclass.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.refcomponent.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.refinline.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.refname.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.revdescription.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.sidebar.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.smallcptr.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.tabentry.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.textobject.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.title.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.ubiq.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%local.word.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +*.mix + +*.mix Parameter Entities + + + +*.mix Parameter Entities +Parameter entities which define the DocBook mixtures + + + +Synopsis +Mixtures are collections of classes that appear in content models. For +example, the content model of Example element includes +the example.mix. Not every element's +content model is a single mixture, but elements in the same class tend to +have the same mixture in their content model. +If you want to change the content model of some class of elements (lists +or admonitions, perhaps), you generally want to change the definition of the +appropriate mixture. + + +Description + +The following sections identify all of the mixture parameter entities +in DocBook. + + +%admon.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |equation|example|figure|table |procedure|sidebar + |anchor|bridgehead|remark + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%admon.mix; appears in: + + +caution +constraintdef +important + + +note +tip +warning + + + + + + +%bibliocomponent.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author + |authorgroup|authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset + |collab|confgroup|contractnum|contractsponsor + |copyright|corpauthor|corpname|corpcredit|date|edition + |editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum|orgname + |biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation|bibliocoverage + |othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname + |productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername + |pubsnumber|releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums + |subtitle|title|titleabbrev|volumenum|citetitle + |personname|honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername|affiliation + |authorblurb|contrib + |indexterm + + +%bibliocomponent.mix; appears in: + + +biblioentry +bibliomixed +bibliomset + + +biblioset + + + + + + + + +%component.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |equation|example|figure|table |msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset|task + |productionset|constraintdef + + |anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights + |abstract|authorblurb|epigraph + + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%component.mix; appears in: + + +bibliodiv +bibliography +blockquote + + +callout +glossary +glossdiv + + +index +listitem +msgexplan + + +msgtext +procedure +setindex + + +step +taskprerequisites +taskrelated + + +tasksummary + + + + + + + + +%cptr.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +#PCDATA + |link|olink|ulink |action|application + |classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname + |ooclass|oointerface|ooexception + |package + |command|computeroutput + |database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext|filename + |function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem + |guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap + |keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel + |menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter + |prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield + |structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname + |nonterminal + + |anchor + |remark|subscript|superscript |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%cptr.char.mix; appears in: + + +action +classsynopsisinfo +code + + +command +computeroutput +database + + +filename +funcparams +funcsynopsisinfo + + +function +hardware +interfacename + + +keycap +literal +option + + +optional +parameter +property + + +systemitem +userinput + + + + + + + +%divcomponent.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |equation|example|figure|table |msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset|task + |productionset|constraintdef + + |anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights + |abstract|authorblurb|epigraph + + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%divcomponent.mix; appears in: + + +sect1 +sect2 +sect3 + + +sect4 +sect5 +section + + +simplesect + + + + + + + + +%docinfo.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +#PCDATA + |link|olink|ulink + |emphasis|trademark + |replaceable + |remark|subscript|superscript |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject + |indexterm + + +%docinfo.char.mix; appears in: + + +ackno +artpagenums +authorinitials + + +bibliocoverage +biblioid +bibliorelation + + +bibliosource +citebiblioid +city + + +collabname +confdates +confnum + + +confsponsor +conftitle +contractnum + + +contractsponsor +contrib +corpauthor + + +corpcredit +corpname +country + + +date +edition +email + + +fax +firstname +holder + + +honorific +invpartnumber +isbn + + +issn +issuenum +jobtitle + + +lineage +modespec +orgdiv + + +orgname +otheraddr +othername + + +pagenums +phone +pob + + +postcode +productnumber +pubdate + + +publishername +pubsnumber +refmiscinfo + + +releaseinfo +revnumber +revremark + + +seriesvolnums +shortaffil +state + + +street +surname +volumenum + + +year + + + + + + + + +%example.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |indexterm |beginpage + |procedure + + +%example.mix; appears in: + + +example +informalexample + + + + + + + +%figure.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%figure.mix; appears in: + + +figure +informalfigure + + + + + + + +%footnote.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + + +%footnote.mix; appears in: + + +footnote + + + + + + + + +%glossdef.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |equation|example|figure|table + |remark + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%glossdef.mix; appears in: + + +glossdef + + + + + + + + +%highlights.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |formalpara|para|simpara + |indexterm + + +%highlights.mix; appears in: + + +highlights + + + + + + + + +%indexdivcomponent.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +itemizedlist|orderedlist|variablelist|simplelist + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |anchor|remark + |link|olink|ulink + |beginpage + + +%indexdivcomponent.mix; appears in: + + +indexdiv + + + + + + + + +%legalnotice.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot + |formalpara|para|simpara |blockquote + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%legalnotice.mix; appears in: + + +dedication +legalnotice + + + + + + + +%listpreamble.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + + caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights + |abstract|authorblurb|epigraph + + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%listpreamble.mix; appears in: + + +itemizedlist +orderedlist +variablelist + + + + + + +%mediaobject.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +videoobject|audioobject|imageobject|imageobjectco|textobject + + +%mediaobject.mix; appears in: + + +inlinemediaobject +mediaobject + + + + + + + +%ndxterm.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +#PCDATA + |footnoteref|xref|biblioref |abbrev|acronym|citation|citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis + |firstterm|foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase + |orgname|quote|trademark|wordasword + |personname + |link|olink|ulink |action|application + |classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname + |ooclass|oointerface|ooexception + |package + |command|computeroutput + |database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext|filename + |function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem + |guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap + |keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel + |menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter + |prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield + |structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname + |nonterminal + + |anchor |author|authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit + |productname|productnumber|revhistory + + |remark|subscript|superscript |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject + + +%ndxterm.char.mix; appears in: + + +primary +primaryie +secondary + + +secondaryie +see +seealso + + +seealsoie +seeie +tertiary + + +tertiaryie + + + + + + + + +%para.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +#PCDATA + |footnoteref|xref|biblioref |abbrev|acronym|citation|citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis + |firstterm|foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase + |orgname|quote|trademark|wordasword + |personname + |link|olink|ulink |action|application + |classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname + |ooclass|oointerface|ooexception + |package + |command|computeroutput + |database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext|filename + |function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem + |guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap + |keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel + |menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter + |prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield + |structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname + |nonterminal + + |anchor |author|authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit + |productname|productnumber|revhistory + + |remark|subscript|superscript |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation + |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%para.char.mix; appears in: + + +application +attribution +bibliomisc + + +citation +citetitle +emphasis + + +firstterm +foreignphrase +glosssee + + +glossseealso +glossterm +lineannotation + + +link +literallayout +lotentry + + +member +msgaud +olink + + +para +phrase +productname + + +programlisting +quote +refentrytitle + + +remark +screen +screeninfo + + +seg +simpara +synopsis + + +td +term +termdef + + +th +tocback +tocentry + + +tocfront +ulink + + + + + + + +%para.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot + |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |equation|example|figure|table + + +%para.mix; appears in: + + +para + + + + + + + + +%partcontent.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +appendix |chapter |toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography + |article + |preface|refentry |reference + + +%partcontent.mix; appears in: + + +part + + + + + + + + +%person.ident.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername|affiliation + |authorblurb|contrib + + +%person.ident.mix; appears in: + + +address +author +editor + + +othercredit + + + + + + + + +%qandaset.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |equation|example|figure|table |procedure + |anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights + + |indexterm + + +%qandaset.mix; appears in: + + +answer +qandadiv +qandaset + + +question + + + + + + + + +%refclass.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +#PCDATA + |application + + +%refclass.char.mix; appears in: + + +refclass + + + + + + + + +%refcomponent.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |equation|example|figure|table |msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset|task + |productionset|constraintdef + + |anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights + |abstract|authorblurb|epigraph + + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%refcomponent.mix; appears in: + + +refsect1 +refsect2 +refsect3 + + +refsection +refsynopsisdiv + + + + + + + +%refinline.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +#PCDATA + |footnoteref|xref|biblioref |abbrev|acronym|citation|citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis + |firstterm|foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase + |orgname|quote|trademark|wordasword + |personname + |link|olink|ulink |action|application + |classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname + |ooclass|oointerface|ooexception + |package + |command|computeroutput + |database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext|filename + |function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem + |guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap + |keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel + |menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter + |prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield + |structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname + |nonterminal + + |anchor |author|authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit + |productname|productnumber|revhistory + + |remark|subscript|superscript + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%refinline.char.mix; appears in: + + +refpurpose + + + + + + + + +%refname.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +#PCDATA + |action|application + |classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname + |ooclass|oointerface|ooexception + |package + |command|computeroutput + |database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext|filename + |function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem + |guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap + |keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel + |menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter + |prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield + |structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname + |nonterminal + + +%refname.char.mix; appears in: + + +refdescriptor +refname + + + + + + + +%revdescription.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |equation|example|figure|table |procedure + |anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights + + |indexterm + + +%revdescription.mix; appears in: + + +revdescription + + + + + + + + +%sidebar.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot |synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis + |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis + |constructorsynopsis + |destructorsynopsis + |methodsynopsis + |formalpara|para|simpara |address|blockquote + |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco + |informalequation + |informalexample + |informalfigure + |informaltable + |equation|example|figure|table |procedure + |anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights + + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%sidebar.mix; appears in: + + +sidebar + + + + + + + + +%smallcptr.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +#PCDATA + |replaceable + |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%smallcptr.char.mix; appears in: + + +accel +classname +constant + + +envar +errorcode +errorname + + +errortext +errortype +exceptionname + + +guibutton +guiicon +guilabel + + +guimenu +guimenuitem +guisubmenu + + +initializer +interface +keycode + + +keysym +markup +medialabel + + +methodname +modifier +mousebutton + + +msglevel +msgorig +package + + +prompt +returnvalue +sgmltag + + +structfield +structname +symbol + + +token +type +uri + + +varname + + + + + + + + +%textobject.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist + |simplelist|variablelist |caution|important|note|tip|warning + |literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen + |screenco|screenshot + |formalpara|para|simpara |blockquote + + +%textobject.mix; appears in: + + +caption +colophon +textobject + + + + + + +%title.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +#PCDATA + |footnoteref|xref|biblioref |abbrev|acronym|citation|citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis + |firstterm|foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase + |orgname|quote|trademark|wordasword + |personname + |link|olink|ulink |action|application + |classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname + |ooclass|oointerface|ooexception + |package + |command|computeroutput + |database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext|filename + |function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem + |guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap + |keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel + |menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter + |prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield + |structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname + |nonterminal + + |anchor |author|authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit + |productname|productnumber|revhistory + + |remark|subscript|superscript |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation + |indexterm + + +%title.char.mix; appears in: + + +bridgehead +segtitle +subtitle + + +title +titleabbrev + + + + + + + +%ubiq.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +The replacement text for this entity is empty. + + + + + + +%word.char.mix; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +#PCDATA + |acronym|emphasis|trademark + |link|olink|ulink + |anchor + |remark|subscript|superscript |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject + |indexterm |beginpage + + +%word.char.mix; appears in: + + +abbrev +acronym +label + + +manvolnum +wordasword + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +*.module +*.module Parameter Entities + + + +*.module Parameter Entities +Control element definitions + + + +Synopsis + +The module parameter entitiesParameter Entities +Modules + +provide marked sections around a single pair of +element and attribute declarations. You can selectively include or remove +elements from DocBook by changing these parameter entities. + + + +Description + +The following sections identify all of the module parameter entities +in DocBook. + + +%ISOamsa.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOamsb.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOamsc.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOamsn.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOamso.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOamsr.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISObox.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOcyr1.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOcyr2.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOdia.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOgrk1.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOgrk2.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOgrk3.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOgrk4.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOlat1.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOlat2.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOnum.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOpub.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ISOtech.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%abbrev.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%abstract.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%accel.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ackno.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%acronym.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%action.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%address.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%admon.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%affiliation.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%alt.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%anchor.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%answer.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%appendix.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%appendixinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%application.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%area.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%areaset.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%areaspec.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%arg.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%article.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%articleinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%artpagenums.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%attribution.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%audiodata.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%audioobject.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%author.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%authorblurb.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%authorgroup.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%authorinitials.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%beginpage.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliocoverage.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliodiv.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%biblioentry.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliography.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliographyinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%biblioid.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliolist.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliomisc.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliomixed.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliomset.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%biblioref.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliorelation.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%biblioset.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bibliosource.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%blockinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%blockquote.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%book.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bookinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%bridgehead.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%callout.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%calloutlist.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%cals.table.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%caption.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%chapter.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%chapterinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%citation.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%citebiblioid.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%citerefentry.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%citetitle.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%city.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%classname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%classsynopsis.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%classsynopsisinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%cmdsynopsis.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%co.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%code.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%collab.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%collabname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%colophon.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%command.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%computeroutput.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confdates.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confgroup.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confnum.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%confsponsor.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%conftitle.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%constant.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%constructorsynopsis.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%contractnum.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%contractsponsor.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%contrib.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%copyright.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%coref.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%corpauthor.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%corpcredit.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%corpname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%country.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%database.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%date.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%dedication.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%destructorsynopsis.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%docbook; + + + + + + + +External Entity + + +Public identifier: -//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN +System identifier: + + + + + + + +%edition.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%editor.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%email.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%emphasis.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%envar.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%epigraph.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%equation.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%errorcode.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%errorname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%errortext.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%errortype.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%example.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%exceptionname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%exchange.table.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +IGNORE + + + + + + +%fax.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%fieldsynopsis.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%figure.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%filename.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%firstname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%firstterm.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%footnote.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%footnoteref.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%foreignphrase.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%formalpara.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcdef.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcparams.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcprototype.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcsynopsis.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%funcsynopsisinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%function.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossary.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossaryinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossdef.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossdiv.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossentry.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glosslist.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glosssee.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossseealso.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%glossterm.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%graphic.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%graphicco.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%group.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guibutton.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guiicon.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guilabel.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guimenu.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guimenuitem.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%guisubmenu.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%hardware.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%highlights.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%holder.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%honorific.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%imagedata.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%imageobject.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%imageobjectco.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexdiv.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexentry.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexes.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%indexterm.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%informalequation.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%informalexample.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%informalfigure.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%informaltable.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%initializer.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%inlineequation.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%inlinegraphic.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%inlinemediaobject.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%interface.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%interfacename.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%intermod.redecl.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +IGNORE + + + + + + +%invpartnumber.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%isbn.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%issn.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%issuenum.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%itemizedlist.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%itermset.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%jobtitle.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keycap.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keycode.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keycombo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keysym.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keyword.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%keywordset.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%label.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%legalnotice.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lineage.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lineannotation.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%link.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%listitem.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%literal.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%literallayout.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lot.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%lotentry.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%manvolnum.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%markup.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mathphrase.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%medialabel.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mediaobject.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mediaobjectco.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%member.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%menuchoice.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%methodname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%methodparam.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%methodsynopsis.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%modespec.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%modifier.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%mousebutton.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msg.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgaud.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgentry.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgexplan.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msginfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msglevel.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgmain.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgorig.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgrel.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgset.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgsub.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%msgtext.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%objectinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%olink.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ooclass.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ooexception.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%oointerface.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%option.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%optional.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%orderedlist.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%orgdiv.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%orgname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%otheraddr.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%othercredit.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%othername.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%package.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%pagenums.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%para.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%paramdef.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%parameter.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%part.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%partinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%partintro.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%person.ident.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%personblurb.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%personname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%phone.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%phrase.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%pob.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%postcode.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%preface.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%prefaceinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%primsecter.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%primsecterie.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%printhistory.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%procedure.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%productname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%productnumber.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%programlisting.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%programlistingco.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%prompt.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%property.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%pubdate.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%publisher.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%publishername.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%pubsnumber.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%qandadiv.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%qandaentry.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%qandaset.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%question.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%quote.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refclass.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refdescriptor.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refentry.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refentryinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refentrytitle.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%reference.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%referenceinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refmeta.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refmiscinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refnamediv.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refpurpose.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect1.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect1info.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect2.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect2info.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect3.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsect3info.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsection.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsectioninfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsynopsisdiv.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%refsynopsisdivinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%releaseinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%remark.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%replaceable.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%returnvalue.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revdescription.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revhistory.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revision.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revnumber.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%revremark.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sbr.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screen.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screenco.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screeninfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%screenshot.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect1.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect2.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect3.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect4.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sect5.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%section.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sectioninfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seealsoie.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seeie.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seeseealso.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seg.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seglistitem.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%segmentedlist.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%segtitle.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%seriesvolnums.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%set.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%setindexinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%setinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sgmltag.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%shortaffil.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%shortcut.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sidebar.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%sidebarinfo.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simpara.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simplelist.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simplemsgentry.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%simplesect.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ssscript.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%state.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%step.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%stepalternatives.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%street.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%structfield.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%structname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subject.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subjectset.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subjectterm.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%substeps.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%subtitle.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%surname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%symbol.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%synopfragment.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%synopfragmentref.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%synopsis.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%systemitem.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%table.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%task.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%taskprerequisites.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%taskrelated.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tasksummary.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%term.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%termdef.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%textdata.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%textobject.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%title.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%titleabbrev.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toc.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocback.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocchap.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocentry.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocfront.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel1.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel2.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel3.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel4.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%toclevel5.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%tocpart.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%token.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%trademark.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%type.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%ulink.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%uri.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%userinput.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%varargs.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%variablelist.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%varlistentry.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%varname.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%videodata.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%videoobject.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%void.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%volumenum.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%wordasword.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%xref.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + +%year.module; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +INCLUDE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Parameter Entities +*.role.attrib + +*.role.attrib Parameter Entities + + + +*.role.attrib Parameter Entities +Parameter entities which control definition of role attributes + + + +Synopsis + +RoleParameter Entities +Role Attribute + +is a string used to classify or subclassify an element. + +The declaration for the role attribute is +parameterized in such a way that every element's role can be +independently redefined. This provides an easy mechanism +for modifying the legal values of the role attribute for particular +elements. + + + +Description + +The following sections identify all of the role parameter entities +in DocBook. + + +%abbrev.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%abbrev.role.attrib; appears in: + + +abbrev + + + + + + + + +%abstract.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%abstract.role.attrib; appears in: + + +abstract + + + + + + + + +%accel.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%accel.role.attrib; appears in: + + +accel + + + + + + + + +%ackno.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%ackno.role.attrib; appears in: + + +ackno + + + + + + + + +%acronym.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%acronym.role.attrib; appears in: + + +acronym + + + + + + + + +%action.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%action.role.attrib; appears in: + + +action + + + + + + + + +%address.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%address.role.attrib; appears in: + + +address + + + + + + + + +%admon.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%admon.role.attrib; appears in: + + +caution +important +note + + +tip +warning + + + + + + + +%affiliation.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%affiliation.role.attrib; appears in: + + +affiliation + + + + + + + + +%alt.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%alt.role.attrib; appears in: + + +alt + + + + + + + + +%anchor.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%anchor.role.attrib; appears in: + + +anchor + + + + + + + + +%answer.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%answer.role.attrib; appears in: + + +answer + + + + + + + + +%appendix.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%appendix.role.attrib; appears in: + + +appendix + + + + + + + + +%appendixinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%appendixinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +appendixinfo + + + + + + + + +%application.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%application.role.attrib; appears in: + + +application + + + + + + + + +%area.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%area.role.attrib; appears in: + + +area + + + + + + + + +%areaset.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%areaset.role.attrib; appears in: + + +areaset + + + + + + + + +%areaspec.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%areaspec.role.attrib; appears in: + + +areaspec + + + + + + + + +%arg.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%arg.role.attrib; appears in: + + +arg + + + + + + + + +%article.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%article.role.attrib; appears in: + + +article + + + + + + + + +%articleinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%articleinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +articleinfo + + + + + + + + +%artpagenums.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%artpagenums.role.attrib; appears in: + + +artpagenums + + + + + + + + +%attribution.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%attribution.role.attrib; appears in: + + +attribution + + + + + + + + +%audiodata.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%audiodata.role.attrib; appears in: + + +audiodata + + + + + + + + +%audioobject.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%audioobject.role.attrib; appears in: + + +audioobject + + + + + + + + +%author.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%author.role.attrib; appears in: + + +author + + + + + + + + +%authorblurb.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%authorblurb.role.attrib; appears in: + + +authorblurb + + + + + + + + +%authorgroup.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%authorgroup.role.attrib; appears in: + + +authorgroup + + + + + + + + +%authorinitials.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%authorinitials.role.attrib; appears in: + + +authorinitials + + + + + + + + +%beginpage.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%beginpage.role.attrib; appears in: + + +beginpage + + + + + + + + +%bibliocoverage.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%bibliocoverage.role.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliocoverage + + + + + + + + +%bibliodiv.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%bibliodiv.role.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliodiv + + + + + + + + +%biblioentry.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%biblioentry.role.attrib; appears in: + + +biblioentry + + + + + + + + +%bibliography.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%bibliography.role.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliography + + + + + + + + +%bibliographyinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%bibliographyinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliographyinfo + + + + + + + + +%biblioid.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%biblioid.role.attrib; appears in: + + +biblioid + + + + + + + + +%bibliolist.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%bibliolist.role.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliolist + + + + + + + + +%bibliomisc.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%bibliomisc.role.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliomisc + + + + + + + + +%bibliomixed.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%bibliomixed.role.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliomixed + + + + + + + + +%bibliomset.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%bibliomset.role.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliomset + + + + + + + + +%biblioref.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%biblioref.role.attrib; appears in: + + +biblioref + + + + + + + + +%bibliorelation.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%bibliorelation.role.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliorelation + + + + + + + + +%biblioset.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%biblioset.role.attrib; appears in: + + +biblioset + + + + + + + + +%bibliosource.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%bibliosource.role.attrib; appears in: + + +bibliosource + + + + + + + + +%blockinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%blockinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +blockinfo + + + + + + + + +%blockquote.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%blockquote.role.attrib; appears in: + + +blockquote + + + + + + + + +%book.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%book.role.attrib; appears in: + + +book + + + + + + + + +%bookinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%bookinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +bookinfo + + + + + + + + +%bridgehead.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%bridgehead.role.attrib; appears in: + + +bridgehead + + + + + + + + +%callout.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%callout.role.attrib; appears in: + + +callout + + + + + + + + +%calloutlist.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%calloutlist.role.attrib; appears in: + + +calloutlist + + + + + + + + +%caption.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + + + + + +%chapter.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%chapter.role.attrib; appears in: + + +chapter + + + + + + + + +%chapterinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%chapterinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +chapterinfo + + + + + + + + +%citation.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%citation.role.attrib; appears in: + + +citation + + + + + + + + +%citebiblioid.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%citebiblioid.role.attrib; appears in: + + +citebiblioid + + + + + + + + +%citerefentry.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%citerefentry.role.attrib; appears in: + + +citerefentry + + + + + + + + +%citetitle.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%citetitle.role.attrib; appears in: + + +citetitle + + + + + + + + +%city.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%city.role.attrib; appears in: + + +city + + + + + + + + +%classname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%classname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +classname + + + + + + + + +%classsynopsis.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%classsynopsis.role.attrib; appears in: + + +classsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%classsynopsisinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%classsynopsisinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +classsynopsisinfo + + + + + + + + +%cmdsynopsis.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%cmdsynopsis.role.attrib; appears in: + + +cmdsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%co.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%co.role.attrib; appears in: + + +co + + + + + + + + +%code.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%code.role.attrib; appears in: + + +code + + + + + + + + +%collab.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%collab.role.attrib; appears in: + + +collab + + + + + + + + +%collabname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%collabname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +collabname + + + + + + + + +%colophon.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%colophon.role.attrib; appears in: + + +colophon + + + + + + + + +%command.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%command.role.attrib; appears in: + + +command + + + + + + + + +%computeroutput.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%computeroutput.role.attrib; appears in: + + +computeroutput + + + + + + + + +%confdates.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%confdates.role.attrib; appears in: + + +confdates + + + + + + + + +%confgroup.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%confgroup.role.attrib; appears in: + + +confgroup + + + + + + + + +%confnum.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%confnum.role.attrib; appears in: + + +confnum + + + + + + + + +%confsponsor.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%confsponsor.role.attrib; appears in: + + +confsponsor + + + + + + + + +%conftitle.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%conftitle.role.attrib; appears in: + + +conftitle + + + + + + + + +%constant.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%constant.role.attrib; appears in: + + +constant + + + + + + + + +%constructorsynopsis.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%constructorsynopsis.role.attrib; appears in: + + +constructorsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%contractnum.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%contractnum.role.attrib; appears in: + + +contractnum + + + + + + + + +%contractsponsor.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%contractsponsor.role.attrib; appears in: + + +contractsponsor + + + + + + + + +%contrib.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%contrib.role.attrib; appears in: + + +contrib + + + + + + + + +%copyright.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%copyright.role.attrib; appears in: + + +copyright + + + + + + + + +%coref.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%coref.role.attrib; appears in: + + +coref + + + + + + + + +%corpauthor.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%corpauthor.role.attrib; appears in: + + +corpauthor + + + + + + + + +%corpcredit.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%corpcredit.role.attrib; appears in: + + +corpcredit + + + + + + + + +%corpname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%corpname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +corpname + + + + + + + + +%country.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%country.role.attrib; appears in: + + +country + + + + + + + + +%database.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%database.role.attrib; appears in: + + +database + + + + + + + + +%date.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%date.role.attrib; appears in: + + +date + + + + + + + + +%dedication.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%dedication.role.attrib; appears in: + + +dedication + + + + + + + + +%destructorsynopsis.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%destructorsynopsis.role.attrib; appears in: + + +destructorsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%edition.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%edition.role.attrib; appears in: + + +edition + + + + + + + + +%editor.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%editor.role.attrib; appears in: + + +editor + + + + + + + + +%email.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%email.role.attrib; appears in: + + +email + + + + + + + + +%emphasis.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%emphasis.role.attrib; appears in: + + +emphasis + + + + + + + + +%envar.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%envar.role.attrib; appears in: + + +envar + + + + + + + + +%epigraph.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%epigraph.role.attrib; appears in: + + +epigraph + + + + + + + + +%equation.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%equation.role.attrib; appears in: + + +equation + + + + + + + + +%errorcode.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%errorcode.role.attrib; appears in: + + +errorcode + + + + + + + + +%errorname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%errorname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +errorname + + + + + + + + +%errortext.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%errortext.role.attrib; appears in: + + +errortext + + + + + + + + +%errortype.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%errortype.role.attrib; appears in: + + +errortype + + + + + + + + +%example.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%example.role.attrib; appears in: + + +example + + + + + + + + +%exceptionname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%exceptionname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +exceptionname + + + + + + + + +%fax.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%fax.role.attrib; appears in: + + +fax + + + + + + + + +%fieldsynopsis.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%fieldsynopsis.role.attrib; appears in: + + +fieldsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%figure.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%figure.role.attrib; appears in: + + +figure + + + + + + + + +%filename.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%filename.role.attrib; appears in: + + +filename + + + + + + + + +%firstname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%firstname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +firstname + + + + + + + + +%firstterm.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%firstterm.role.attrib; appears in: + + +firstterm + + + + + + + + +%footnote.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%footnote.role.attrib; appears in: + + +footnote + + + + + + + + +%footnoteref.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%footnoteref.role.attrib; appears in: + + +footnoteref + + + + + + + + +%foreignphrase.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%foreignphrase.role.attrib; appears in: + + +foreignphrase + + + + + + + + +%formalpara.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%formalpara.role.attrib; appears in: + + +formalpara + + + + + + + + +%funcdef.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%funcdef.role.attrib; appears in: + + +funcdef + + + + + + + + +%funcparams.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%funcparams.role.attrib; appears in: + + +funcparams + + + + + + + + +%funcprototype.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%funcprototype.role.attrib; appears in: + + +funcprototype + + + + + + + + +%funcsynopsis.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%funcsynopsis.role.attrib; appears in: + + +funcsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%funcsynopsisinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%funcsynopsisinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +funcsynopsisinfo + + + + + + + + +%function.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%function.role.attrib; appears in: + + +function + + + + + + + + +%glossary.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%glossary.role.attrib; appears in: + + +glossary + + + + + + + + +%glossaryinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%glossaryinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +glossaryinfo + + + + + + + + +%glossdef.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%glossdef.role.attrib; appears in: + + +glossdef + + + + + + + + +%glossdiv.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%glossdiv.role.attrib; appears in: + + +glossdiv + + + + + + + + +%glossentry.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%glossentry.role.attrib; appears in: + + +glossentry + + + + + + + + +%glosslist.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%glosslist.role.attrib; appears in: + + +glosslist + + + + + + + + +%glosssee.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%glosssee.role.attrib; appears in: + + +glosssee + + + + + + + + +%glossseealso.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%glossseealso.role.attrib; appears in: + + +glossseealso + + + + + + + + +%glossterm.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%glossterm.role.attrib; appears in: + + +glossterm + + + + + + + + +%graphic.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%graphic.role.attrib; appears in: + + +graphic + + + + + + + + +%graphicco.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%graphicco.role.attrib; appears in: + + +graphicco + + + + + + + + +%group.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%group.role.attrib; appears in: + + +group + + + + + + + + +%guibutton.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%guibutton.role.attrib; appears in: + + +guibutton + + + + + + + + +%guiicon.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%guiicon.role.attrib; appears in: + + +guiicon + + + + + + + + +%guilabel.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%guilabel.role.attrib; appears in: + + +guilabel + + + + + + + + +%guimenu.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%guimenu.role.attrib; appears in: + + +guimenu + + + + + + + + +%guimenuitem.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%guimenuitem.role.attrib; appears in: + + +guimenuitem + + + + + + + + +%guisubmenu.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%guisubmenu.role.attrib; appears in: + + +guisubmenu + + + + + + + + +%hardware.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%hardware.role.attrib; appears in: + + +hardware + + + + + + + + +%highlights.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%highlights.role.attrib; appears in: + + +highlights + + + + + + + + +%holder.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%holder.role.attrib; appears in: + + +holder + + + + + + + + +%honorific.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%honorific.role.attrib; appears in: + + +honorific + + + + + + + + +%imagedata.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%imagedata.role.attrib; appears in: + + +imagedata + + + + + + + + +%imageobject.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%imageobject.role.attrib; appears in: + + +imageobject + + + + + + + + +%imageobjectco.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%imageobjectco.role.attrib; appears in: + + +imageobjectco + + + + + + + + +%indexdiv.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%indexdiv.role.attrib; appears in: + + +indexdiv + + + + + + + + +%indexentry.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%indexentry.role.attrib; appears in: + + +indexentry + + + + + + + + +%indexes.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%indexes.role.attrib; appears in: + + +index +setindex + + + + + + + +%indexinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%indexinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +indexinfo + + + + + + + + +%indexterm.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%indexterm.role.attrib; appears in: + + +indexterm + + + + + + + + +%informalequation.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%informalequation.role.attrib; appears in: + + +informalequation + + + + + + + + +%informalexample.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%informalexample.role.attrib; appears in: + + +informalexample + + + + + + + + +%informalfigure.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%informalfigure.role.attrib; appears in: + + +informalfigure + + + + + + + + +%initializer.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%initializer.role.attrib; appears in: + + +initializer + + + + + + + + +%inlineequation.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%inlineequation.role.attrib; appears in: + + +inlineequation + + + + + + + + +%inlinegraphic.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%inlinegraphic.role.attrib; appears in: + + +inlinegraphic + + + + + + + + +%inlinemediaobject.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%inlinemediaobject.role.attrib; appears in: + + +inlinemediaobject + + + + + + + + +%interface.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%interface.role.attrib; appears in: + + +interface + + + + + + + + +%interfacename.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%interfacename.role.attrib; appears in: + + +interfacename + + + + + + + + +%invpartnumber.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%invpartnumber.role.attrib; appears in: + + +invpartnumber + + + + + + + + +%isbn.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%isbn.role.attrib; appears in: + + +isbn + + + + + + + + +%issn.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%issn.role.attrib; appears in: + + +issn + + + + + + + + +%issuenum.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%issuenum.role.attrib; appears in: + + +issuenum + + + + + + + + +%itemizedlist.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%itemizedlist.role.attrib; appears in: + + +itemizedlist + + + + + + + + +%itermset.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%itermset.role.attrib; appears in: + + +itermset + + + + + + + + +%jobtitle.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%jobtitle.role.attrib; appears in: + + +jobtitle + + + + + + + + +%keycap.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%keycap.role.attrib; appears in: + + +keycap + + + + + + + + +%keycode.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%keycode.role.attrib; appears in: + + +keycode + + + + + + + + +%keycombo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%keycombo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +keycombo + + + + + + + + +%keysysm.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%keysysm.role.attrib; appears in: + + +keysym + + + + + + + + +%keyword.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%keyword.role.attrib; appears in: + + +keyword + + + + + + + + +%keywordset.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%keywordset.role.attrib; appears in: + + +keywordset + + + + + + + + +%label.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%label.role.attrib; appears in: + + +label + + + + + + + + +%legalnotice.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%legalnotice.role.attrib; appears in: + + +legalnotice + + + + + + + + +%lineage.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%lineage.role.attrib; appears in: + + +lineage + + + + + + + + +%lineannotation.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%lineannotation.role.attrib; appears in: + + +lineannotation + + + + + + + + +%link.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%link.role.attrib; appears in: + + +link + + + + + + + + +%listitem.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%listitem.role.attrib; appears in: + + +listitem + + + + + + + + +%literal.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%literal.role.attrib; appears in: + + +literal + + + + + + + + +%literallayout.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%literallayout.role.attrib; appears in: + + +literallayout + + + + + + + + +%lot.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%lot.role.attrib; appears in: + + +lot + + + + + + + + +%lotentry.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%lotentry.role.attrib; appears in: + + +lotentry + + + + + + + + +%markup.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%markup.role.attrib; appears in: + + +markup + + + + + + + + +%mathphrase.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%mathphrase.role.attrib; appears in: + + +mathphrase + + + + + + + + +%medialabel.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%medialabel.role.attrib; appears in: + + +medialabel + + + + + + + + +%mediaobject.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%mediaobject.role.attrib; appears in: + + +mediaobject + + + + + + + + +%mediaobjectco.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%mediaobjectco.role.attrib; appears in: + + +mediaobjectco + + + + + + + + +%member.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%member.role.attrib; appears in: + + +member + + + + + + + + +%menuchoice.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%menuchoice.role.attrib; appears in: + + +menuchoice + + + + + + + + +%methodname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%methodname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +methodname + + + + + + + + +%methodparam.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%methodparam.role.attrib; appears in: + + +methodparam + + + + + + + + +%methodsynopsis.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%methodsynopsis.role.attrib; appears in: + + +methodsynopsis + + + + + + + + +%modespec.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%modespec.role.attrib; appears in: + + +modespec + + + + + + + + +%modifier.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%modifier.role.attrib; appears in: + + +modifier + + + + + + + + +%mousebutton.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%mousebutton.role.attrib; appears in: + + +mousebutton + + + + + + + + +%msg.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%msg.role.attrib; appears in: + + +msg + + + + + + + + +%msgaud.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%msgaud.role.attrib; appears in: + + +msgaud + + + + + + + + +%msgentry.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%msgentry.role.attrib; appears in: + + +msgentry + + + + + + + + +%msgexplan.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%msgexplan.role.attrib; appears in: + + +msgexplan + + + + + + + + +%msginfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%msginfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +msginfo + + + + + + + + +%msglevel.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%msglevel.role.attrib; appears in: + + +msglevel + + + + + + + + +%msgmain.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%msgmain.role.attrib; appears in: + + +msgmain + + + + + + + + +%msgorig.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%msgorig.role.attrib; appears in: + + +msgorig + + + + + + + + +%msgrel.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%msgrel.role.attrib; appears in: + + +msgrel + + + + + + + + +%msgset.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%msgset.role.attrib; appears in: + + +msgset + + + + + + + + +%msgsub.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%msgsub.role.attrib; appears in: + + +msgsub + + + + + + + + +%msgtext.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%msgtext.role.attrib; appears in: + + +msgtext + + + + + + + + +%namvolnum.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%namvolnum.role.attrib; appears in: + + +manvolnum + + + + + + + + +%objectinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%objectinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +objectinfo + + + + + + + + +%olink.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%olink.role.attrib; appears in: + + +olink + + + + + + + + +%ooclass.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%ooclass.role.attrib; appears in: + + +ooclass + + + + + + + + +%ooexception.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%ooexception.role.attrib; appears in: + + +ooexception + + + + + + + + +%oointerface.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%oointerface.role.attrib; appears in: + + +oointerface + + + + + + + + +%option.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%option.role.attrib; appears in: + + +option + + + + + + + + +%optional.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%optional.role.attrib; appears in: + + +optional + + + + + + + + +%orderedlist.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%orderedlist.role.attrib; appears in: + + +orderedlist + + + + + + + + +%orgdiv.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%orgdiv.role.attrib; appears in: + + +orgdiv + + + + + + + + +%orgname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%orgname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +orgname + + + + + + + + +%otheraddr.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%otheraddr.role.attrib; appears in: + + +otheraddr + + + + + + + + +%othercredit.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%othercredit.role.attrib; appears in: + + +othercredit + + + + + + + + +%othername.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%othername.role.attrib; appears in: + + +othername + + + + + + + + +%package.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%package.role.attrib; appears in: + + +package + + + + + + + + +%pagenums.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%pagenums.role.attrib; appears in: + + +pagenums + + + + + + + + +%para.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%para.role.attrib; appears in: + + +para + + + + + + + + +%paramdef.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%paramdef.role.attrib; appears in: + + +paramdef + + + + + + + + +%parameter.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%parameter.role.attrib; appears in: + + +parameter + + + + + + + + +%part.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%part.role.attrib; appears in: + + +part + + + + + + + + +%partinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%partinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +partinfo + + + + + + + + +%partintro.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%partintro.role.attrib; appears in: + + +partintro + + + + + + + + +%personblurb.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%personblurb.role.attrib; appears in: + + +personblurb + + + + + + + + +%personname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%personname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +personname + + + + + + + + +%phone.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%phone.role.attrib; appears in: + + +phone + + + + + + + + +%phrase.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%phrase.role.attrib; appears in: + + +phrase + + + + + + + + +%pob.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%pob.role.attrib; appears in: + + +pob + + + + + + + + +%postcode.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%postcode.role.attrib; appears in: + + +postcode + + + + + + + + +%preface.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%preface.role.attrib; appears in: + + +preface + + + + + + + + +%prefaceinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%prefaceinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +prefaceinfo + + + + + + + + +%primsecter.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%primsecter.role.attrib; appears in: + + +primary +secondary +tertiary + + + + + + +%primsecterie.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%primsecterie.role.attrib; appears in: + + +primaryie +secondaryie +tertiaryie + + + + + + +%printhistory.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%printhistory.role.attrib; appears in: + + +printhistory + + + + + + + + +%procedure.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%procedure.role.attrib; appears in: + + +procedure + + + + + + + + +%productname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%productname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +productname + + + + + + + + +%productnumber.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%productnumber.role.attrib; appears in: + + +productnumber + + + + + + + + +%programlisting.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%programlisting.role.attrib; appears in: + + +programlisting + + + + + + + + +%programlistingco.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%programlistingco.role.attrib; appears in: + + +programlistingco + + + + + + + + +%prompt.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%prompt.role.attrib; appears in: + + +prompt + + + + + + + + +%property.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%property.role.attrib; appears in: + + +property + + + + + + + + +%pubdate.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%pubdate.role.attrib; appears in: + + +pubdate + + + + + + + + +%publisher.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%publisher.role.attrib; appears in: + + +publisher + + + + + + + + +%publishername.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%publishername.role.attrib; appears in: + + +publishername + + + + + + + + +%pubsnumber.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%pubsnumber.role.attrib; appears in: + + +pubsnumber + + + + + + + + +%qandadiv.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%qandadiv.role.attrib; appears in: + + +qandadiv + + + + + + + + +%qandaentry.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%qandaentry.role.attrib; appears in: + + +qandaentry + + + + + + + + +%qandaset.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%qandaset.role.attrib; appears in: + + +qandaset + + + + + + + + +%question.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%question.role.attrib; appears in: + + +question + + + + + + + + +%quote.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%quote.role.attrib; appears in: + + +quote + + + + + + + + +%refclass.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refclass.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refclass + + + + + + + + +%refdescriptor.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refdescriptor.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refdescriptor + + + + + + + + +%refentry.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refentry.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refentry + + + + + + + + +%refentryinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refentryinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refentryinfo + + + + + + + + +%refentrytitle.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refentrytitle.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refentrytitle + + + + + + + + +%reference.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%reference.role.attrib; appears in: + + +reference + + + + + + + + +%referenceinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%referenceinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +referenceinfo + + + + + + + + +%refmeta.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refmeta.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refmeta + + + + + + + + +%refmiscinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refmiscinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refmiscinfo + + + + + + + + +%refname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refname + + + + + + + + +%refnamediv.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refnamediv.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refnamediv + + + + + + + + +%refpurpose.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refpurpose.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refpurpose + + + + + + + + +%refsect1.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refsect1.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refsect1 + + + + + + + + +%refsect1info.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refsect1info.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refsect1info + + + + + + + + +%refsect2.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refsect2.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refsect2 + + + + + + + + +%refsect2info.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refsect2info.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refsect2info + + + + + + + + +%refsect3.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refsect3.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refsect3 + + + + + + + + +%refsect3info.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refsect3info.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refsect3info + + + + + + + + +%refsection.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refsection.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refsection + + + + + + + + +%refsectioninfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refsectioninfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refsectioninfo + + + + + + + + +%refsynopsisdiv.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refsynopsisdiv.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refsynopsisdiv + + + + + + + + +%refsynopsisdivinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%refsynopsisdivinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +refsynopsisdivinfo + + + + + + + + +%releaseinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%releaseinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +releaseinfo + + + + + + + + +%remark.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%remark.role.attrib; appears in: + + +remark + + + + + + + + +%replaceable.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%replaceable.role.attrib; appears in: + + +replaceable + + + + + + + + +%returnvalue.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%returnvalue.role.attrib; appears in: + + +returnvalue + + + + + + + + +%revdescription.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%revdescription.role.attrib; appears in: + + +revdescription + + + + + + + + +%revhistory.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%revhistory.role.attrib; appears in: + + +revhistory + + + + + + + + +%revision.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%revision.role.attrib; appears in: + + +revision + + + + + + + + +%revnumber.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%revnumber.role.attrib; appears in: + + +revnumber + + + + + + + + +%revremark.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%revremark.role.attrib; appears in: + + +revremark + + + + + + + + +%sbr.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sbr.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sbr + + + + + + + + +%screen.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%screen.role.attrib; appears in: + + +screen + + + + + + + + +%screenco.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%screenco.role.attrib; appears in: + + +screenco + + + + + + + + +%screeninfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%screeninfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +screeninfo + + + + + + + + +%screenshot.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%screenshot.role.attrib; appears in: + + +screenshot + + + + + + + + +%sect1.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sect1.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sect1 + + + + + + + + +%sect1info.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sect1info.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sect1info + + + + + + + + +%sect2.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sect2.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sect2 + + + + + + + + +%sect2info.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sect2info.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sect2info + + + + + + + + +%sect3.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sect3.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sect3 + + + + + + + + +%sect3info.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sect3info.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sect3info + + + + + + + + +%sect4.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sect4.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sect4 + + + + + + + + +%sect4info.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sect4info.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sect4info + + + + + + + + +%sect5.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sect5.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sect5 + + + + + + + + +%sect5info.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sect5info.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sect5info + + + + + + + + +%section.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%section.role.attrib; appears in: + + +section + + + + + + + + +%sectioninfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sectioninfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sectioninfo + + + + + + + + +%seealsoie.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%seealsoie.role.attrib; appears in: + + +seealsoie + + + + + + + + +%seeie.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%seeie.role.attrib; appears in: + + +seeie + + + + + + + + +%seeseealso.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%seeseealso.role.attrib; appears in: + + +see +seealso + + + + + + + +%seg.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%seg.role.attrib; appears in: + + +seg + + + + + + + + +%seglistitem.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%seglistitem.role.attrib; appears in: + + +seglistitem + + + + + + + + +%segmentedlist.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%segmentedlist.role.attrib; appears in: + + +segmentedlist + + + + + + + + +%segtitle.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%segtitle.role.attrib; appears in: + + +segtitle + + + + + + + + +%seriesvolnums.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%seriesvolnums.role.attrib; appears in: + + +seriesvolnums + + + + + + + + +%set.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%set.role.attrib; appears in: + + +set + + + + + + + + +%setindexinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%setindexinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +setindexinfo + + + + + + + + +%setinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%setinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +setinfo + + + + + + + + +%sgmltag.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sgmltag.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sgmltag + + + + + + + + +%shortaffil.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%shortaffil.role.attrib; appears in: + + +shortaffil + + + + + + + + +%shortcut.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%shortcut.role.attrib; appears in: + + +shortcut + + + + + + + + +%sidebar.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sidebar.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sidebar + + + + + + + + +%sidebarinfo.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%sidebarinfo.role.attrib; appears in: + + +sidebarinfo + + + + + + + + +%simpara.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%simpara.role.attrib; appears in: + + +simpara + + + + + + + + +%simplelist.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%simplelist.role.attrib; appears in: + + +simplelist + + + + + + + + +%simplemsgentry.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%simplemsgentry.role.attrib; appears in: + + +simplemsgentry + + + + + + + + +%simplesect.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%simplesect.role.attrib; appears in: + + +simplesect + + + + + + + + +%ssscript.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%ssscript.role.attrib; appears in: + + +subscript +superscript + + + + + + + +%state.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%state.role.attrib; appears in: + + +state + + + + + + + + +%step.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%step.role.attrib; appears in: + + +step + + + + + + + + +%stepalternatives.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%stepalternatives.role.attrib; appears in: + + +stepalternatives + + + + + + + + +%street.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%street.role.attrib; appears in: + + +street + + + + + + + + +%structfield.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%structfield.role.attrib; appears in: + + +structfield + + + + + + + + +%structname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%structname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +structname + + + + + + + + +%subject.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%subject.role.attrib; appears in: + + +subject + + + + + + + + +%subjectset.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%subjectset.role.attrib; appears in: + + +subjectset + + + + + + + + +%subjectterm.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%subjectterm.role.attrib; appears in: + + +subjectterm + + + + + + + + +%substeps.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%substeps.role.attrib; appears in: + + +substeps + + + + + + + + +%subtitle.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%subtitle.role.attrib; appears in: + + +subtitle + + + + + + + + +%surname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%surname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +surname + + + + + + + + +%symbol.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%symbol.role.attrib; appears in: + + +symbol + + + + + + + + +%synopfragment.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%synopfragment.role.attrib; appears in: + + +synopfragment + + + + + + + + +%synopfragmentref.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%synopfragmentref.role.attrib; appears in: + + +synopfragmentref + + + + + + + + +%synopsis.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%synopsis.role.attrib; appears in: + + +synopsis + + + + + + + + +%systemitem.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%systemitem.role.attrib; appears in: + + +systemitem + + + + + + + + +%tables.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + + + + + +%task.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%task.role.attrib; appears in: + + +task + + + + + + + + +%taskprerequisites.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%taskprerequisites.role.attrib; appears in: + + +taskprerequisites + + + + + + + + +%taskrelated.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%taskrelated.role.attrib; appears in: + + +taskrelated + + + + + + + + +%tasksummary.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%tasksummary.role.attrib; appears in: + + +tasksummary + + + + + + + + +%term.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%term.role.attrib; appears in: + + +term + + + + + + + + +%termdef.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%termdef.role.attrib; appears in: + + +termdef + + + + + + + + +%textdata.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%textdata.role.attrib; appears in: + + +textdata + + + + + + + + +%textobject.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%textobject.role.attrib; appears in: + + +textobject + + + + + + + + +%title.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%title.role.attrib; appears in: + + +title + + + + + + + + +%titleabbrev.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%titleabbrev.role.attrib; appears in: + + +titleabbrev + + + + + + + + +%toc.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%toc.role.attrib; appears in: + + +toc + + + + + + + + +%tocback.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%tocback.role.attrib; appears in: + + +tocback + + + + + + + + +%tocchap.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%tocchap.role.attrib; appears in: + + +tocchap + + + + + + + + +%tocentry.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%tocentry.role.attrib; appears in: + + +tocentry + + + + + + + + +%tocfront.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%tocfront.role.attrib; appears in: + + +tocfront + + + + + + + + +%toclevel1.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%toclevel1.role.attrib; appears in: + + +toclevel1 + + + + + + + + +%toclevel2.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%toclevel2.role.attrib; appears in: + + +toclevel2 + + + + + + + + +%toclevel3.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%toclevel3.role.attrib; appears in: + + +toclevel3 + + + + + + + + +%toclevel4.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%toclevel4.role.attrib; appears in: + + +toclevel4 + + + + + + + + +%toclevel5.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%toclevel5.role.attrib; appears in: + + +toclevel5 + + + + + + + + +%tocpart.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%tocpart.role.attrib; appears in: + + +tocpart + + + + + + + + +%token.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%token.role.attrib; appears in: + + +token + + + + + + + + +%trademark.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%trademark.role.attrib; appears in: + + +trademark + + + + + + + + +%type.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%type.role.attrib; appears in: + + +type + + + + + + + + +%ulink.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%ulink.role.attrib; appears in: + + +ulink + + + + + + + + +%uri.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%uri.role.attrib; appears in: + + +uri + + + + + + + + +%userinput.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%userinput.role.attrib; appears in: + + +userinput + + + + + + + + +%varargs.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%varargs.role.attrib; appears in: + + +varargs + + + + + + + + +%variablelist.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%variablelist.role.attrib; appears in: + + +variablelist + + + + + + + + +%varlistentry.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%varlistentry.role.attrib; appears in: + + +varlistentry + + + + + + + + +%varname.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%varname.role.attrib; appears in: + + +varname + + + + + + + + +%videodata.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%videodata.role.attrib; appears in: + + +videodata + + + + + + + + +%videoobject.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%videoobject.role.attrib; appears in: + + +videoobject + + + + + + + + +%void.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%void.role.attrib; appears in: + + +void + + + + + + + + +%volumenum.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%volumenum.role.attrib; appears in: + + +volumenum + + + + + + + + +%wordasword.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%wordasword.role.attrib; appears in: + + +wordasword + + + + + + + + +%xref.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%xref.role.attrib; appears in: + + +xref + + + + + + + + +%year.role.attrib; + + + + + + + +Parameter Entity + + + +Name +Type +Default + + +role +CDATA +None + + +%year.role.attrib; appears in: + + +year + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +DocBook Character Entity Reference + + + + + +entity sets + characters +characters + entity setsentity sets +ISO standards + entity sets + characters +glyphs (Unicode character references) +Unicode character set + character numbers and reference glyphs +The reference pages in this section describe each of the ISO character +entity sets referenced in DocBook. + + +A Note on Unicode Character References and Glyphs + +Most of the glyphs this reference are from the TmsPF Roman font +by +Production First Software. A few glyphs are from +Everson Mono, +and are provided with the permission of Michael Everson. + + +The Unicode character numbers and reference glyphs in this +section are examples only. Some characters have more than one +Unicode representation and different Unicode characters may be +appropriate in different contexts. Similarly, the glyph images +offer only one of many possible representations for the specified +character. + + +Unicode character set + Unicode Standard, Version 2.0 (online information) + +Unicode support requires much more than a simple character to glyph +mapping; for more information on Unicode, consult +The +Unicode Standard, Version 2.0 and + +Unicode +Technical Report #8, which describes Unicode Version 2.1. + + + + + + + + + +ISO Entity Sets +Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations +%isoamsa; +ISO Entity Sets, Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations +Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations Character Entities (%isoamsa;) + + + +%isoamsa; +Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations Character Entities + + + +The %isoamsa; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + +ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsAdded Math Symbols: Binary Operators + + + %isoamsb;ISO Entity Sets, Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators + + +Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators Character Entities (%isoamsb;) + + + + +%isoamsb; +Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators Character Entities + + + + + +The %isoamsb; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsAdded Math Symbols: Delimiters + + + %isoamsc;ISO Entity Sets, Added Math Symbols: Delimiters + + +Added Math Symbols: Delimiters Character Entities (%isoamsc;) + + + + +%isoamsc; +Added Math Symbols: Delimiters Character Entities + + + + + +The %isoamsc; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Delimiters//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsAdded Math Symbols: Negated Relations + + + %isoamsn;ISO Entity Sets, Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations + + +Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations Character Entities (%isoamsn;) + + + + +%isoamsn; +Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations Character Entities + + + + + +The %isoamsn; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsAdded Math Symbols: Ordinary + + + %isoamso;ISO Entity Sets, Added Math Symbols: Ordinary + + +Added Math Symbols: Ordinary Character Entities (%isoamso;) + + + + +%isoamso; +Added Math Symbols: Ordinary Character Entities + + + + + +The %isoamso; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Ordinary//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsAdded Math Symbols: Relations + + + %isoamsr;ISO Entity Sets, Added Math Symbols: Relations + + +Added Math Symbols: Relations Character Entities (%isoamsr;) + + + + +%isoamsr; +Added Math Symbols: Relations Character Entities + + + + + +The %isoamsr; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Relations//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsBox and Line Drawing + + + %isobox;ISO Entity Sets, Box and Line Drawing + + +Box and Line Drawing Character Entities (%isobox;) + + + + +%isobox; +Box and Line Drawing Character Entities + + + + + +The %isobox; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Box and Line Drawing//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsRussian Cyrillic + + + %isocyr1;ISO Entity Sets, Russian Cyrillic + + +Russian Cyrillic Character Entities (%isocyr1;) + + + + +%isocyr1; +Russian Cyrillic Character Entities + + + + + +The %isocyr1; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Russian Cyrillic//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsNon-Russian Cyrillic + + + %isocyr2;ISO Entity Sets, Non-Russian Cyrillic + + +Non-Russian Cyrillic Character Entities (%isocyr2;) + + + + +%isocyr2; +Non-Russian Cyrillic Character Entities + + + + + +The %isocyr2; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Non-Russian Cyrillic//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsDiacritical Marks + + + %isodia;ISO Entity Sets, Diacritical Marks + + +Diacritical Marks Character Entities (%isodia;) + + + + +%isodia; +Diacritical Marks Character Entities + + + + + +The %isodia; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsGreek Letters + + + %isogrk1;ISO Entity Sets, Greek Letters + + +Greek Letters Character Entities (%isogrk1;) + + + + +%isogrk1; +Greek Letters Character Entities + + + + + +The %isogrk1; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsMonotoniko Greek + + + %isogrk2;ISO Entity Sets, Monotoniko Greek + + +Monotoniko Greek Character Entities (%isogrk2;) + + + + +%isogrk2; +Monotoniko Greek Character Entities + + + + + +The %isogrk2; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Monotoniko Greek//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsGreek Symbols + + + %isogrk3;ISO Entity Sets, Greek Symbols + + +Greek Symbols Character Entities (%isogrk3;) + + + + +%isogrk3; +Greek Symbols Character Entities + + + + + +The %isogrk3; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Symbols//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsAlternative Greek Symbols + + + %isogrk4;ISO Entity Sets, Alternative Greek Symbols + + +Alternative Greek Symbols Character Entities (%isogrk4;) + + + + +%isogrk4; +Alternative Greek Symbols Character Entities + + + + + +The %isogrk4; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Alternative Greek Symbols//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsISO Latin 1 + + + %isolat1;ISO Entity Sets, ISO Latin 1 + + +ISO Latin 1 Character Entities (%isolat1;) + + + + +%isolat1; +ISO Latin 1 Character Entities + + + + + +The %isolat1; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsAdded Latin 2 + + + %isolat2;ISO Entity Sets, Added Latin 2 + + +Added Latin 2 Character Entities (%isolat2;) + + + + +%isolat2; +Added Latin 2 Character Entities + + + + + +The %isolat2; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 2//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsNumeric and Special Graphic + + + %isonum;ISO Entity Sets, Numeric and Special Graphic + + +Numeric and Special Graphic Character Entities (%isonum;) + + + + +%isonum; +Numeric and Special Graphic Character Entities + + + + + +The %isonum; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsPublishing + + + %isopub;ISO Entity Sets, Publishing + + +Publishing Character Entities (%isopub;) + + + + +%isopub; +Publishing Character Entities + + + + + +The %isopub; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + + + + ISO Entity SetsGeneral Technical + + + %isotech;ISO Entity Sets, General Technical + + +General Technical Character Entities (%isotech;) + + + + +%isotech; +General Technical Character Entities + + + + + +The %isotech; parameter entity includes the ISO +character entities with the public identifier: + + + ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN + + + + +Description + +ISO and the W3C are cooperating to provide an official set +of character entity references for XML. A description of this set +is available at + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +Appendixes + + + +$Date: 2001-08-02 12:27:50 +0200 (Thu, 02 Aug 2001) $ +$Revision: 546 $ + +Installation + +Installing the DocBook DTD + +DocBook DTD + installation + +This appendix describes how to install the DocBook DTD on your system +so that popular command-line tools like SP can +use it. If you are installing DocBook for use with a commercial application, +consult the documentation for your application as well. + +This appendix describes the installation of DocBook V3.1. If you are using +another distribution, the process should be about the same, but there +may be minor differences. DocBook V3.1 is backward compatible with DocBook +V3.0, and is the recommended distribution at the time of this writing. + + +Unpacking the DocBook V3.1 Distribution + +DocBook DTD + online copies +DocBook is distributed on the DocBook web +site. You will also find a copy of the distribution on +the CD-ROM. + + +files + DocBook DTD distribution + +The distribution consists of 14 files: + + + + + + +31chg.txt +Describes the changes in DocBook +V3.1 from the preceding version (3.0) + + +40issues.txt +Summarizes backwards-incompatible +changes planned for DocBook V4.0 + + +50issues.txt +Summarizes backwards-incompatible +changes planned for DocBook V5.0 + + +cals-tbl.dtd +The CALS Table Model DTD + + +ChangeLog +A GNU-style ChangeLog +summarizing the individual edits made on each file in the distribution +since V3.0. + + + +dbcent.mod +The character entity module + + + +dbgenent.mod +The general entity module + + + +dbhier.mod +The document hierarchy module + + +dbnotn.mod +The notations module + + +dbpool.mod +The information pool module + + + +A sample OASIS catalog +for DocBook + + +docbook.dcl +An SGML Declaration suitable +for DocBook + + +docbook.dtd +The DocBook DTD + + +readme.txt +The DocBook V3.1 readme file + + + + +Unpack the distribution into a directory on your system. The exact location +is irrelevant. On UNIX systems it's common to put it somewhere under +/usr/local or /share (for example, /usr/local/sgml/docbook or /share/sgml/docbook). +On a PC, perhaps c:\sgml\docbook. + + +Getting the ISO Entity Sets + +entity sets + ISO standard, obtaining +entities + entity setsentity sets +ISO standards + entity sets + obtaining +OASIS + entity sets (ISO standard), obtaining + +DocBook refers to a number of standard entity sets that +are not distributed with DocBook. (They aren't distributed with +DocBook because they aren't maintained by the DocBook +TC. They're maintained by ISO.) If you've installed other SGML +DTDs or tools, they may already be on your system. +If you are missing some of them, they are available from +Robin Cover's pages at OASIS: + +The names of the entity files in this distribution do not +exactly match the names of the files used in the catalog file +distributed with DocBook ( Make sure your +catalog file points to the right files. See +for more information. + + + + +The DocBook Catalog + +public identifiers + DocBook DTD + V3.1 +DocBook DTD + public identifiers + +DocBook uses public identifiers to refer to its +constituent parts. In some sense, DocBook is +DocBook because it has the formal public +identifier -//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN. +In order for tools on your system to +find your locally installed copy of DocBook, you must map these +public identifiers into system identifiers, i.e., filenames, on +your system. For a complete discussion of catalog files, +see . + + +catalog files + DocBook distribution, installing + +The DocBook distribution includes a sample catalog, +, which provides a mapping for all of the public identifiers referenced +by DocBook. This mapping won't work out of the box for two +reasons: first, your tools won't be able to find it, and second, the mappings +for the ISO entity sets probably don't point to the right place on your system. + + +Finding the Catalog +If you've already got some other SGML DTDs installed, you probably already +have a catalog file. In this case, the easiest thing to do is append +the DocBook catalog entries to the end of your existing catalog and then change +them to point to the files on your system. + +If DocBook is the first DTD that you're installing, make a +copy of and call it +catalog. Put this file in a higher-level +directory and edit the relative pathnames that it contains to point to +the actual locations of the files on your system. For example, if you installed DocBook +in /share/sgml/docbk30/, put the +catalog in /share/sgml/. + + +environment + variables, setting (catalog files) +SGML_CATALOG_FILES environment variable, setting + +In order for applications to find your catalog file(s), you may have +to change the application preferences or set an environment variable. For +SP and Jade, set the environment +variable SGML_CATALOG_FILES to the delimited list of catalog +filenames. On my system, this looks like: +SGML_CATALOG_FILES=./catalog;n:/share/sgml/catalog;n:/adept80/doctypes/catalog.jade;j:/jade/catalog + + +(On a UNIX machine, use colons instead of semicolons to delimit the +filenames.) +If you don't wish to set the environment variable, you can explicitly +pass the name of each catalog to the SP application +with the option, like this: +nsgmls -c ./catalog -c n:/share/sgml/catalog -c othercatalogs + ... + + +Fixing the Catalog + +catalog files + mapping to system + +The basic format of each entry in the DocBook catalog is: +PUBLIC "some public id" "some filename" +What you have to do is change each of the some filenames +to point to the actual name of the file on your system. + + +filenames + catalog file + +Filenames should be supplied using absolute filenames, +or paths relative to the location of +the catalog file. + +To continue with the example above, let's say that you've got: + +DocBook in /share/sgml/docbk30/, + +The ISO entities in /share/sgml/entities/8879/, +and + +Your catalog in /share/sgml/catalog + + +Then you would change the catalog entry for the DTD to be: +PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" "docbk30/docbook.dtd" + +You would change the catalog entry for the general technical character entities to: + +PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN" "entities/8879/iso-tech.gml" + +And similarly for the other public identifiers used by DocBook. In each +case, the filename specified for the public identifier should be the name +of the file on your system, specified as an absolute filename, or +relative to the location of the catalog +in which it occurs. + + +Mapping System Identifiers for XML + +XML + system identifiers + mapping +system identifiers + XML + mapping for +Since XML documents are required to have system identifiers, but are not +required to have public identifiers, it's likely that some of the documents +you want to process will only have system identifiers. + + +It turns out that you can still take advantage of the catalog in this case. +The SYSTEM directive allows you to map the system +identifier used in the document to the actual location on your system. + + +Suppose that you work with a colleague who uses the system identifier +file:///c:/sgml/db3xml/db3xml.dtd to identify the XML version +of DocBook on her system. On your system, you want to map that to +/share/sgml/db3xml/db3xml.dtd. The following entry in +your catalog will do the trick: + + +SYSTEM "" "/share/sgml/db3xml/db3xml.dtd" + + +Unfortunately, this technique only works with applications that read and +understand catalog files. + + + + +Testing Your Installation + +DocBook DTD + installation + testing +nsgmls parser + DocBook installation, testing +testing + DocBook installation + +The best way to test your installation is with a simple command-line +parser like nsgmls from SP. +Create a small test document, like this: +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<chapter><title>Test Chapter</title> +<para> +This is a test document. +</para> +</chapter> +and run the following command: +nsgmls -sv test.sgm + +declarations + passing explicitly +DTDDECL + warnings (unsupported) + +If the nsgmls command produces errors, review your +catalog and resolve the errors. You can ignore warnings about DTDDECL + being unsupported. It is unsupported, and there's no way to disable +the warning message. Note, however, that this may also affect which SGML declaration +gets used. When in doubt, pass the correct declaration explicitly and see +if that corrects any problems. (To parse test.sgm with +the declaration docbook.dcl explicitly, run +nsgmls -sv docbook.dcl test.sgm.) +For some suggestions about how to work around these problems in +SP and Jade, see the next section, +. + + + + +Installing Jade + +Jade + installing + +For simplicity, the instructions assume that you are working with +Jade on a Microsoft Windows machine. These instructions should be just as +useful if you are working on another platform, except for the normal cross-platform +idiosyncracies (path and filename separator characters, use of drive letters, +etc.). +Download and unpack the Jade + distribution. Binary distributions are available for some platforms, +which makes installation a simple matter of unpacking the distribution. Or +you can build Jade from the source (consult the documentation that comes with +Jade for more detail about building it from source). +You may wish to add the directory where you installed Jade to your +PATH. If not, make sure that you use the fully qualified name of the +executable when you run the commands below. + +Setting Up the Catalog + +catalog files + Jade, setting up for + +First, the catalog needs to be set up as described in + +in order for Jade to be able to parse your DocBook documents. In addition, +Jade comes with its own catalog file that you must add +to the SGML_CATALOG_FILES environment variable or otherwise +make available to Jade. + + +Testing Jade + +testing + Jade + +Download +jtest.sgm and +jtest.dsl. (Or get them off the CD-ROM in +FIXME.) These are self-contained +test documents. Test Jade by running: +jade -t rtf -d jtest.dsl jtest.sgm +This command should silently produce +jtest.rtf. If you encounter warnings or errors here, Jade is not installed +correctly. One possible culprit is your catalog setup. See . + +DTDDECL Warnings + +DTDDECL + Jade, not supporting + +One annoying shortcoming in Jade is that it does not support the +DTDDECL catalog directive and it complains loudly if it encounters +one. In Jade, it's almost always possible to work around the problems that +DTDDECL would solve, so you can generally ignore the warnings. +If you also use applications that do understand DTDDECL, +and find the warnings too distracting to bear, setup alternate catalogs +for SP applications, catalog.jade, +that are identical to your normal catalogs but do not contain any +DTDDECL entries. You can then avoid the warnings by putting catalog.jade + in your SGML_CATALOG_FILES path, instead of +catalog. + + + + +Installing the Modular<?lb?>DocBook Stylesheets + +stylesheets + installing modular (DocBook) +DocBook DTD + stylesheets + installing +DSSSL + stylesheets + downloading +Norman Walsh (one of your +intrepid authors ;-) maintains two DSSSL stylesheets for DocBook, one for +print and one for online (HTML) output. You can obtain both of these stylesheets +from +. (A recent version is also on +the CD-ROM.) + +If you have not already done so, download and install the DocBook +DTD as described in . + +Likewise, if Jade is not installed on your system, download +and install it as described in . + +Download and unpack the +stylesheet distribution. + + +testing + DSSSL stylesheets installation +HTML + stylesheets + testing (DocBook) + +Test the installation by processing test.sgm +(from the previous section) with Jade: +jade -t rtf -d d:\where-you-unpacked-the-stylesheets\docbook\print\docbook.dsl test.sgm + +This command should silently produce +test.rtf. If not, and the preceding test succeeded, something +has gone wrong—contact +the maintainer. +To test the HTML stylesheet, run: +jade -t sgml -d d:\where-you-unpacked-the-stylesheets\docbook\html\docbook.dsl test.sgm + +This command should silently produce +c01.htm. If not, and the preceding test succeeded, something +has gone wrong—contact +the maintainer. + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2001-08-02 12:27:50 +0200 (Thu, 02 Aug 2001) $ +$Revision: 546 $ + +DocBook and <acronym>XML</acronym> + +DocBook DTD + XML +XML + DocBook and +SGML + XML and +XML + SGML, processing + +XML, the Extensible +Markup Language, is a simple dialect of SGML. In the words of the +XML specification, “the goal [of XML] is to enable generic SGML to be +served, received, and processed on the Web in the way that is now possible +with HTML.” +XML raises two issues with respect to DocBook: +Are DocBook SGML instances valid XML instances? + +Can the DocBook DTD be made into a valid XML DTD? + + +If you have an existing SGML system, and your primary goal is +to serve DocBook documents over the Web as XML, only the first of +these issues is relevant. As the popularity of XML grows, we will +see more and more XML-aware tools that don't implement full +ISO 8879 SGML. If your goal is to author DocBook +documents with one of this new generation of tools, you will only be +able to achieve validity with an XML DocBook DTD. + +OASIS + XML DocBook version + +Although not yet officially adopted by the OASIS DocBook Technical +Committee, an XML version of DocBook is available now and +provided on the CD-ROM. + + +DocBook Instances as <acronym>XML</acronym> + +DocBook DTD + instances, converting to XML +XML + DocBook instances, converting to + +Most DocBook documents can be made into well-formed XML documents very +easily. With few exceptions, valid DocBook SGML instances are also well-formed +XML instances. The following areas may need to be addressed. + +System Identifiers + +system identifiers + SGML +public identifiers + SGML +parameter entities + SGML declarations +declarations + document type and parameter entity (SGML) + +It is common for SGML instances to use only a public identifier in document +type and parameter entity declarations: +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<para> +This <emphasis>paragraph</paragraph> is important. +</para> +</chapter> +XML requires a system identifier: + +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<para> +This <emphasis>paragraph</paragraph> is important. +</para> +</chapter> + +catalog files + system identifiers, resolving +URN + XML system identifiers, future +public identifiers + system identifiers, overriding + +If you're used to using catalog files to resolve system identifiers, +you may be dismayed to learn that system identifiers are required. Because most +tools favor system identifiers over public identifiers, all of the portability +that was gained by the use of catalog files seems to have been lost. In the +long run, it'll be regained by the fact that XML system identifiers can be +URNs, which will have a resolution scheme like catalogs, but what about the +short run? +Luckily, there are a couple of options. First, you can tell your tools to use the public identifiers even +though system identifiers are present. Simply add: +OVERRIDE YES + +system identifiers + remapping with SYSTEM catalog directive + +to your catalog files. Alternatively, you can remap system identifers +with the SYSTEM catalog directive. If you are faced with +documents that don't use public identifiers at all, this is probably your +only option. + + + +Minimization + +markup + minimization + SGML/XML conversion problems +minimization + markup + SGML/XML conversion problems + +If you have used SGML minimization features in your instances: + +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<chapter id=chap1><title>Chapter Title</title> +<para> +This <emphasis>paragraph</> is important. +</para> +</chapter> + +they will not be well-formed XML instances. In particular, XML + + +quotes + attribute values +attributes + values + quoting + +Requires that all attribute values +be quoted. + +Does not allow short tag minization. + + +XML also forbids tag omission, and there are +probably a half dozen or so more exotic +examples of minimization that you have used. They're all illegal. The +easiest way to remove these minimizations is probably with a tool like +sgmlnorm (included in the SP and Jade distributions, on +the CD-ROM). +The result will be something like this: +<?xml version='1.0'?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter id="chap1"><title>Chapter Title</title> +<para> +This <emphasis>paragraph</emphasis> is important. +</para> +</chapter> + + +Attribute Default Values + +attributes + default values + +Correct processing of this document may require access to the default +attributes: +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<para> +Write to us at: +<address> +90 Sherman Street +Cambridge, MA 02140 +</address> +</para> +</chapter> + +Address expresses +that its content is line-specific with an attribute. + +Some XML processing environments are going to ignore the doctype declaration +in your document, even if it's present. This is relevant when your instance +uses elements that have attributes with default values. The default values +are expressed in the DTD, but may not be expressed in your instance. In the +case of DocBook, there are relatively few of these, and your stylesheet can +probably be constructed to do the right thing in either case. (It essentially +treats the attributes as if they had implied values.) +The result will be something like this: +<?xml version='1.0'?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<para> +Write to us at: +<address format="linespecific"> +90 Sherman Street +Cambridge, MA 02140 +</address> +</para> +</chapter> + + +Character and <literal moreinfo="none">SDATA</literal> Entities +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<para> +This book was published by O'Reilly&trade;. +</para> +</chapter> + + +characters + entities +SDATA entities +entities + characters +entities + SDATA +XML + SDATA entities, not allowing +ISO standards + entity sets + SDATA entities, problems with (XML) +Unicode character set + ISO standard entity sets and + +The DocBook DTD defines all of the standard ISO +entities automatically, but the ISO definitions use +SDATA, which is not allowed in XML. Eventually, +ISO (or someone else) will release official +ISO standard entity sets that make reference to the +appropriate Unicode character for each entity. Until then, the XML +version of DocBook is +distributed with an unofficial set. + +internal subset + entity declarations +external subset + entity declarations (SGML/XML conversion) + +If you use entities in your document, it may be wise to put declarations +for them in the internal subset of each instance, because some +XML browsers are going to parse the internal subset but not the external subset. +If the entity declarations are in your DTD, and the browser does not parse +the external subset, the browser won't know how to display the entities in +your document. + +The result will be something like this: +<?xml version='1.0'?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + "" [ +<!ENTITY trade "&#x2122;"> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<para> +This book was published by O'Reilly&trade;. +</para> +</chapter> + + +Case-Sensitivity +<!DocType Book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<book><title>Book Title</title> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</Title> +<para> +Paragraph test. +</para> +<PARA> +A second paragraph. +</PARA> +</chapter> +</book> + +case sensitivity + DocBook SGML declaration +elements + case sensitivity (DocBook) +attributes + case sensitivity (DocBook) +XML + case sensitivity + +With the standard DocBook SGML declaration, DocBook instances are not +case-sensitive with respect to element and attribute names. XML is always +case-sensitive. As long as you have used the same case consistently, your +XML instances will be well-formed, but it may still be advantageous to do some +case-folding because it will simplify the construction of stylesheets. + +Keywords in XML are case-sensitive, +and must be in uppercase. +keywords + case sensitivity, XML + + +The name declared in the document +type declaration, like all other names, is case-sensitive. +names + case sensitivity + + + +Start and end tags must use the same +case. +start tags + case sensitivity +end tags + case sensitivity + + +In XML, Para is not the +same as PARA. Note that this is a validity error (against +the XML version of DocBook), but it is not an XML well-formedness error. The use of +para and PARA as distinct names is as legitimate +as using foo and bar, as long as they +are properly nested. +Para element + PARA vs. (XML) + + +The result will be something like this: +<?xml version='1.0'?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<book><title>Book Title</title> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<para> +Paragraph test. +</para> +<para> +A second paragraph. +</para> +</chapter> +</book> + + +No #CONREF Attributes +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<indexterm id="idx-bor"><primary>Something</primary></indexterm> +<para> +Paragraph test. +</para> +<indexterm startref="idx-bor"> +</chapter> + +#CONREF attributes +Startref attribute +IndexTerm element +OtherTerm attribute +GlossSee element +GlossSeeAlso element +empty tags + #CONREF attributes + +The StartRef attribute on +indexterm and the OtherTerm +attribute on GlossSee and GlossSeeAlso +are #CONREF attributes. +In SGML terms, this means that when these attributes are used, the content +of the tag is taken to be the same as the content of the tag pointed to by +the attribute. +If you +have used these attributes, your instance will contain both empty and non-empty +versions of these tags. + +Your best bet is to transform the #CONREF +version into an empty tag and let your stylesheet deal with it appropriately. + +The result will be something like this: +<?xml version='1.0'?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<indexterm id="idx-bor"><primary>Something</primary></indexterm> +<para> +Paragraph test. +</para> +<indexterm startref="idx-bor"/> +</chapter> + + +Only Explicit CDATA-Marked Sections Are Allowed +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [ +<!ENTITY % draft "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % sourcecode "CDATA"> +]> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<![ %draft; [ +<para> +Draft paragraph. +</para> +]]> +<para> +The following code is totally out of context: +<programlisting> +<![ %sourcecode; [ +if (x < 3) { + y = 3; +} +]]> +</programlisting> +</chapter> + + +parameter entities + XML document body +XML + parameter entities +internal subset + parameter entities (XML) + +Parameter entities are not +allowed in the body of XML documents (they are allowed in the internal subset). + + +XML instances cannot contain +IGNORE, INCLUDE, TEMP, or +RCDATA marked sections. +marked sections + XML, restrictions +IGNORE keyword (marked section) +INCLUDE keyword (marked section) + XML, not allowing +TEMP marked section (XML) +RCDATA + + +CDATA marked sections +must use the “CDATA” keyword literally because +parameter entities are not allowed. +CDATA + marked sections + + +The result will be something like this: +<?xml version='1.0'?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<para> +The following code is totally out of context: +<programlisting> +<![CDATA[ +if (x < 3) { + y = 3; +} +]]> +</programlisting> +</chapter> + + +No SUBDOC or CDATA External Entities +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [ +<!ENTITY % sourcecode SYSTEM "program.c" CDATA> +]> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<para> +The following code is totally out of context: +<programlisting> +&sourcecode; +</programlisting> +</chapter> + +external general entities + XML restrictions +XML + external entities, restrictions +CDATA + XML instances, restrictions +XML instances cannot use CDATA or SUBDOC + external entities. One option for integrating external +CDATA content into a document is to employ a pre-processing pass +that inserts the content inline, wrapped in a CDATA marked +section. + +SUBDOC entities +namespaces + +SUBDOC entities may be more problematic. If you do +not require validation, it may be sufficient to simply put them inline. XML +namespaces may offer another possible solution. +The result will be something like this: +<?xml version='1.0'?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" + ""> +<chapter><title>Chapter Title</title> +<para> +The following code is totally out of context: +<programlisting> +<![CDATA[ +int main () { +.. +} +]]> +</programlisting> +</chapter> + + +No Data Attributes on Notations +They're not allowed in XML, so don't add any. +data attributes, notations (XML prohibiting) + + + + +No Attribute Value Specifications on<?lb?>Entity Declarations + +attributes + values + specifying (entity declarations) +declarations + entities + attribute values, prohibiting (XML) +entities + declarations, attribute values (XML) + +They're not allowed in XML, so don't add any. + + + +The DocBook <acronym>DTD</acronym> as <acronym>XML</acronym> +DocBook DTD + XML + converting to +XML + DocBook DTD, converting to + +Converting the DocBook DTD to XML is much more challenging +than converting the instances. It is probably not possible to +construct an XML DTD that is identical to the validation power +of DocBook. The list below identifies most of the issues that +must be addressed, and describes how the DocBook XML DTD; deals with +them: + + +Comments are not allowed inside markup declarations + + +comments + markup declarations (DocBook XML) +declarations + comment declarations + +Most of them have been moved to comment declarations preceding the markup +declaration that used to contain them. A few small, inline comments that seemed +like they would be out of context if moved before the declaration were simply +deleted. + + +Name groups are not allowed in element or attribute list +declarations + + +name groups (DocBook XML) +elements + declarations + name groups, prohibiting +attributes + declarations + name groups, prohibiting + +The small number of places in which DocBook uses name groups have +been expanded. +There's one downside: DocBook uses %admon.class; in a name +group to define the content model, and attribute lists for elements in the +admonitions class. In DocBook XML, this convenience cannot be expressed. If additional +admonitions are added, the element and attribute list declarations will have +to be copied for them. + + +No CDATA or RCDATA +declared content + + +CDATA + declared content, prohibiting +RCDATA + +Graphic and InlineGraphic have +been made EMPTY. The content model for SynopFragmentRef +, the only RCDATA element in DocBook, has been +changed to (arg | group)+. + + +No exclusions or inclusions on element declarations + + +inclusions + element declarations, prohibiting (DocBook XML) +exclusions + element declarations, prohibiting (DocBook XML) + +They had to be removed. + +exclusions + DocBook, uses + +In DocBook, exclusions are used to exclude the following: +Ubiquitous elements (indexterm +and BeginPage) from a number of contexts in which they +should not occur (such as metadata, for example). + + +formal objects, exclusions (DocBook) + +Formal objects from Highlights, +Examples, Figures and LegalNotices. + + + +tables + exclusions (DocBook) +InformalTable element + excluding from tables + +Formal objects and InformalTables +from tables. + + +footnotes, exclusions (DocBook) +block elements + excluding from footnotes + +Block elements and Footnotes +from Footnotes + +Admonitions, EntryTbls, and +Acronyms from themselves. +admonitions + exclusions (DocBook) +acronyms (DocBook XML) + + + +Removing these exclusions from DocBook XML means that it is now valid, in +the XML sense, to do some things that don't make a lot of sense (like put +a Footnote in a Footnote). Be careful. + + +inclusions + DocBook, uses +IndexTerm element + inclusions, DocBook +BeginPage element (DocBook inclusions) +parameter entities + DbXML, ubiquitous element inclusions +#PCDATA keyword + DbXML, ubiquitous elements + +Inclusions in DocBook are used to add the ubiquitious elements ( +indexterm and BeginPage) unconditionally to a +large number of contexts. In order to make these elements available in +DocBook XML, +they have been added to most of the parameter entities that include +#PCDATA. If new locations are discovered where these terms are desired, DocBook XML +will be updated. + + +Elements with mixed content must have #PCDATA + first. + + +elements + mixed content (DocBook XML) +content models + elements, updating (DocBook XML) + +The content models of many elements have been updated to make them a +repeatable OR group beginning with #PCDATA. + + +Many declared attribute types (NAME, +NUMBER, NUTOKEN, and so on) are not allowed + + +attributes + declared types, prohibiting (DocBook XML) +NMTOKEN(S) attribute + DbXML +CDATA + DbXML + +They have all been replaced by NMTOKEN or +CDATA. + + +No #CONREF attributes allowed. + + +#CONREF attributes + DbXML, prohibiting +#IMPLIED attribute (DocBook XML) +GlossSee element + DbXML +GlossSeeAlso element + DbXML +IndexTerm element + empty (DocBook XML) + +The #CONREF attributes on indexterm, +GlossSee, and GlossSeeAlso were changed to +#IMPLIED. The content model of indexterm was +modified so that it can be empty. + + +Attribute default values must be quoted. + + +quotes + attribute values + DbXML +attributes + values + quoting + +Quotes were added wherever necessary. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2002-03-23 21:58:33 +0100 (Sat, 23 Mar 2002) $ +$Revision: 1324 $ + +DocBook Versions + +DocBook DTD + versions +versions + DocBook DTD +OASIS + DocBook Technical Committee +DocBook Technical Committee (OASIS) +TCDocBook Technical Committee (OASIS) + +The OASIS DocBook Technical Committee (TC) is committed to the continued +evolution of DocBook. As new needs are expressed by the DocBook-user +community, the committee will adapt DocBook so it +continues to meet the needs of its users. + + + +compatibility, DocBook versions +The TC observes a very cautious policy regarding changes to the DTD. +Backward-incompatible changes can only be introduced: + + + +major releases, DocBook DTD + +In major releases (4.0, 5.0, 6.0, and so on) + + + + +comments + DocBook DTD, changes to + +Only if the change was described in comments in the DTD in the +previous major release + + + +point-releases (DocBook DTD), compatibility + +Changes made at point-releases are always backward-compatible to the +previous major release. This policy assures that DocBook users always +have time to prepare for any coming changes. + + +This appendix describes the changes planned for +DocBook. + +DocBook V3.1 +DocBook V3.1, released in February 1999, +introduced a number of new elements: +elements + new (DocBook V3.1) +MediaObject elements +VideoObject element +AudioObject element +ImageObject element +TextObject element + + + +MediaObject + +MediaObject is a wrapper around +VideoObject, AudioObject, +ImageObject, and TextObject. The +purpose of MediaObject is twofold: first, it introduces +new element types to include video and audio content; second, it +provides the option of alternative representations, including text, for +objects in a document. MediaObjects also allow +Captions that may be longer than a simple title. + + +InlineMediaObject element +MediaObjectCO element +Callout (MediaObject) + +Parallel to MediaObject are InlineMediaObject, +an inline version, and MediaObjectCO, a media object +with Callouts. + + +Graphic element + removal (v5.0) +InlineGraphic element + removal (v5.0) +For now, media objects and graphics exist together +in version 5.0. Graphic and InlineGraphic will +be removed from DocBook. + + + + +InformalFigure + +InformalFigure element + +A figure wrapper without a title. This element was added +largely for symmetry. + + + +Colophon + +colophon element +elements + Colophon + +An end-of-the-book Colophon. + + + +Section + + +Section element +Section is a recursive section. It exists +parallel to, and must be used as an alternative to, +Sect1. + + + + +QandASet + +QandASet element + +A set of questions and answers. + + + +Constant + +Constant element +elements + Constant +Class attribute + constant element + +The Constant inline is for identifying +constants. It has a Class attribute for +identifying “limits” as a specific kind of constant. + + + +VarName + +VarName element +elements + VarName +names + variable (VarName element) + +Many authors have requested a tag for identifying +variable names. Most often Literal (with or without a role) +has been chosen as a compromise, but you can't question the utility of identifying variable +names, so VarName was added. + +A tag for identifying variable values does not seem as necessary. +For immutable values, a specific tag other than Literal +seems unnecessary, and Replaceable exists for values that +are supposed to be filled in by the user. + + + + + +DocBook V4.1 and DocBook <acronym>XML</acronym> V4.1.2 + +DocBook DTD + versions + V4.1 +versions + DocBook DTD + V4.1 +DocBook XML DTD + versions + V4.1.2 +versions + DocBook XML DTD + V4.1.2 +DocBook V4.1 and DocBook XML V4.1.2 +became an OASIS Standard in +February 2001. + +DocBook V4 introduced +a number of backward-incompatible +changes. +The policy of the DocBook TC is that backward-incompatible changes +can only be introduced in a full version release. They must also be described +in comments in the DTD at least one full version earlier. In other words, +all the planned version 4.0 incompatibilities were announced with version 3.0. + + +Backward-incompatible changes to DocBook that are planned for version 4.0: + + + + +DocInfo element + changes V4.0 +ChapterInfo element (V4.0) +AppendixInfo element (V4.0) +ArtHeader element + V4.0 +ArticleInfo element (V4.0) +SeriesInfo element, changes V4.0 +BiblioSet element +BookBiblio element, changes V4.0 +BookInfo element + changes, v4.0 + +The DocInfo element will be split out into ChapterInfo, AppendixInfo, + and so on. ArtHeader will be renamed to ArticleInfo. SeriesInfo may be + discarded because it has become a special case of BiblioSet. + BookBiblio will be discarded in favor of a new, more inclusive, + structure for BookInfo (and for ArticleInfo, whose earlier ArtHeader + form contained BookBiblio). + + + +article.class entity, removing (V4.0) +Book element + article.class entity, removing (V4.0) + +The article.class entity may be removed from the Book content model, + and made part of a new top-level document hierarchy. + + + +nav.class entity, changes V4.0 +ToC + changes, V4.0 + +The nav.class entity, which appears in several divisions, will allow + ToCchap instead of ToC. + + + +MsgText element + changes, V4.0 +tech.char.class parameter entity + redefining +MsgText will be moved from tech.char.class to a more appropriate + parameter entity. + + + +smallcptr.char.mix parameter entity, changes V4.0 +Action element + changes, V4.0 +Command element + changes, V4.0 +Database element + changes, V4.0 +Filename element + changes, V4.0 +Hardware element + changes, V4.0 +Interface element + changes, V4.0 +KeyCap element + changes, V4.0 +Literal element + changes, V4.0 +Option element + changes, V4.0 +Parameter element + changes, V4.0 +Property element + changes, V4.0 +SystemItem element + changes, V4.0 + +The following elements will have their content constrained to the + smallcptr.char.mix mixture: Action, Command, Database, Filename, + Hardware, Interface, KeyCap, Literal, Option, Parameter, Property, and + SystemItem. + + + +AuthorBlurb element, changes V4.0 +person.ident.mix parameter entity, changes V4.0 +Author element + changes, V4.0 +Affiliation element, changes V4.0 + +AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed from person.ident.mix + and a new wrapper element will be created to allow association of those two + elements with Author name information. + + + +Epigraph element + changes, V4.0 +BlockQuote element + changes, V4.0 + +Epigraph will not be appearing in BlockQuote. + + + +Comment element, changes V4.0 +Remark element, changes V4.0 + +Comment will be renamed to Remark and will be excluded from itself. + + + +GlossTerm element + changes, V4.0 +Glossary element + changes, V4.0 + +GlossTerm will be excluded from itself, and may be split into an + element that appears in a Glossary and an element that can appear in + the main text. + + + +Subject attribute, changes V4.0 +GlossDef element, changes V4.0 +Keyword attribute (V4.0) + +The Subject attribute on GlossDef will be renamed Keyword. + + + +SetTitle elements (V4.0) +SegmentedList element + changes, V4.0 + +Two SegTitle elements will be required in SegmentedList. + + + +Graphic element +InlineGraphic element +empty elements + Graphic and InlineGraphic, V4.0 +EntityRef attribute (graphics), V4.0 +graphics + embedded, storing outside SGML source + +Graphic and InlineGraphic will be declared EMPTY. This change will + require that end tags be removed and that any embedded graphic content + be stored outside the SGML source and pointed to from an Entityref or + Fileref attribute. + + + +OptMult attribute value (Choice), V4.0 +ReqMult attribute value (Choice), V4.0 +Choice attribute, changes V4.0 +Group element, changes V4.0 +Rep attribute, changes V4.0 + +The OptMult and ReqMult values for the Choice attribute on Group + will be removed. Use the Rep attribute instead to indicate that the + choice is repeatable. + + + +FuncSynopsis element + changes, V4.0 +FuncDef element, changes V4.0 +FuncPrototype element, changes V4.0 +FuncSynopsisInfo element (V4.0) + +The content model group inside FuncSynopsis starting with FuncDef + will not be available; you will have to use FuncPrototype. Also, you + will be able to have a mixture of FuncPrototypes and FuncSynopsisInfos + (this is not backward-incompatible all by itself). + + + +EnvironVar element (V4.0) +Prompt element + changes, V4.0 +Class attribute + changes, V4.0 +SysItem element (V4.0) +EnVar element + V4.0 + +The EnvironVar and Prompt values for the Class attribute on SystemItem + will be eliminated; use the EnVar and Prompt elements instead. + + + + +DocBook V4.2 +DocBook V4.2 fixed a couple of small bugs and introduced a number of +new features. Changes in DocBook V4.2 are explained in the +DocBook +Document Type Version 4.2. + + +EBNF Module +FIXME: write this section + + +HTML Forms Module +FIXME: write this section + + +MathML Module +FIXME: write this section + + +SVG Module +FIXME: write this section + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2003-06-04 14:22:51 +0200 (Wed, 04 Jun 2003) $ +$Revision: 2902 $ + +Resources +XML + resources, reference +SGML + resources, reference + +The quantity of information about SGML and XML is growing +on a daily basis. This appendix strives to provide both a +complete bibliography of the references mentioned explicitly in +this book, and a sampling of resources for additional +information about DocBook and about SGML and XML in general. +Although not all of these resources are focused specifically on +DocBook, they still provide helpful information for DocBook +users. + + +Latest Versions of DocBook +As of July 1998, responsibility for the advancement and maintenance +of the DocBook DTD has been transferred from the Davenport Group, which originated +it, to the DocBook Technical Committee of OASIS (Organization for the Advancement +of Structured Information Standards) at + + + +The latest releases of DocBook can be obtained from the official DocBook +home page at + + + + +Resources for Resources +Here's where to find pointers to the subjects you want to find. + +The Most Recent Version of This Book + +The most recent online version of this book can be found at + + + +The Most Recent Version of DocBook + +The most recent version of DocBook, and the most recent information +about the DTD, can be found at the DocBook home page: + + + +Robin Cover's SGML/XML Web page + +Easily the largest and most up-to-date list of SGML/XML resources; can be found at + + +comp.text.sgml +and comp.text.xml + +USENET newsgroups devoted to SGML and XML issues. + + +FAQs + +For pointers to several SGML FAQs, see + +The XML FAQ is +available at + + + +, run jointly +by Songline Studios and Seybold, is a site devoted to making XML +accessible. + + + + + +Introductory Material on the Web +These documents provide a good background for a better understanding of +SGML and XML. + +A Gentle Introduction to SGML + +A useful and simple document available in its original form at +. + + +A Technical Introduction to XML + +A close look at the ins-and-outs of XML is available at + + + + + + + +References and Technical Notes <?lb?>on the Web + +Entity Management + +OASIS Technical +Resolution 9401:1997 (Amendment 2 to TR 9401). + +This document describes OASIS catalog files. + + + +The SGML Declaration + +The SGML Declaration, by Wayne Wholer. + + + +Table Interoperability: Issues for the CALS Table Model + + +OASIS +Technical Research Paper 9501:1995. + + +Exchange Table Model Document Type Definition + +OASIS +Technical Resolution TR 9503:1995. + + +CALS Table Model Document Type Definition + +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9502:1995 + + +XML Exchange Table Model Document Type Definition + +OASIS +Technical Memorandum TM 9901:1999. + + + + + + +Internet <acronym>RFC</acronym>s + +RFCs (Request for Comments) are standards documents +produced by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). + + + +RFC 1630 + +Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW. + + + +RFC 1736 + +Functional recommendations for Internet Resource Locators. + + + +RFC 1737 + +Functional requirements for Uniform Resource Names. + + + +RFC 1738 + +Uniform Resource Locators (URL). + + + +RFC 3066 + +Tags for the identification of languages + + + + + + +Specifications +Here are pointers to the specifications. + +The XML Specification + + +The W3C technical recommendation that defines XML 1.0. + + +Namespaces +in XML + +The W3C technical recommendation that defines XML namespaces. + + +Mathematical +Markup Language (MathML) 1.0 Specification + +The W3C technical recommendation that defines MathML, an XML +representation of mathematical equations. + + + +The Unicode Standard, Version 2.0 + +The Unicode standard. + + + +Unicode Technical Report #8 + +Version 2.1 of the Unicode standard. + + + + +Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1: Reference Description + +Version 1.1 of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative's Metadata Element +Set. + + + + +Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names + +A controlled vocabulary of geographic place names. + + + + + + +Books and Printed Resources +There are also a number of books worth checking out: + + + Developing <acronym>SGML</acronym> <acronym>DTD</acronym>s + From Text to Model to Markup + + + Eve + Maler + + + Jeanne + El Andaloussi + + + 0-13-309881-8 + + Prentice-Hall PTR +
+ Upper Saddle River + New Jersey +
+ 1996 +
+ + Practical <acronym>SGML</acronym> + + + Erik + van Herwijnen + + + 2 + 0-7923-9434-8 + + Kluwer Academic Press + + 1994 + An introductory book, but not a simple one. + + + The <acronym>SGML</acronym> Handbook + + + Charles + Goldfarb + + + Yuri + Rubinksy + + + 0-7923-9434-8 + 1991 + + Oxford University Press + + A reference book by the author of the SGML ISO Standard. + + + SGML: an author's guide to the Standard Generalized Markup Language + + + Martin + Bryan + + + 0-201-17535-5 + 1988 + + Addison-Wesley Publishing Company + + + + $GML: The Billion Dollar Secret + + + Chet + Ensign + + + 0-13-226705-5 + 1998 + + Prentice Hall + + Effective SGML evangelism. + + + Creating Documents with <acronym>XML</acronym> + + + Chris + Maden + + + 1-56592-518-1 + 1999 + + O'Reilly & Associates + + An introductory book about XML. + + + <acronym>XML</acronym>: A Primer + + + Simon + St. Laurent + + + 1-5582-8592-X + 1998 + + MIS:Press/IDG Books Worldwide + + Another introductory book about XML. + + + Understanding SGML and XML Tools + + + Peter + Flynn + + + 0-7923-8169-6 + 1998 + + Kluwer Academic Publishers + +The standard work on SGML/XML software. + + + The LaTeX Web Companion + Integrating TeX, HTML, and XML + + MichelGoosens + SebastianRahtz + + 0-201-43311-7 + 1999 + + Addison-Wesley Publishing Company + + +
+ +<acronym>SGML</acronym>/<acronym>XML</acronym> Tools +An attempt to provide a detailed description of all of the SGML/XML +tools available is outside the scope of this book. + + +For a list of recent +of SGML tools, check out Robin Cover's SGML/XML page at OASIS: + + +For a list of XML tools, +check out + + +
+ + + + + + +$Date: 2003-06-04 14:22:51 +0200 (Wed, 04 Jun 2003) $ +$Revision: 2902 $ + +What's on the<?lb?><acronym>CD-ROM</acronym>? + +DocBook DTD + CD-ROM, resourcesAppendix D in this book +The CD-ROM that accompanies the print version of this book contains +a number of useful resources. + + +Please read the readme.txt file in the root directory +of the CD-ROM. It describes any last-minute changes or additions +that were made to the CD-ROM after this appendix was written. + + +DocBook: The Definitive Guide + +/sgml/ contains the sources for this book in SGML. + + +/html/ contains an online version of this book in HTML. + + +/help/ contains a compiled HTML Help version of this book. + + +/examples/ contains the complete examples from +this book. + + + + +The DocBook <acronym>DTD</acronym> + +/dtds/docbook/db30 contains DocBook V3.0. + + +/dtds/docbook/db31 contains DocBook V3.1. + + +/dtds/docbk/db315 contains DocBk XML V3.1.5. + + +/dtds/docbk/sdb3151 contains a simplified DocBk XML +V3.1.5.1. + + +/dtds/isoents contains ISO entity sets +needed for the DTDs. + + +/dtds/usadod contains the CALS table +model DTD needed for the SGML DocBook DTDs. + + + +Stylesheets + +/style/ contains various stylesheets. + + +/style/dsssl/docbook/ contains the Modular DocBook +DSSSL stylesheets. These are the Jade stylesheets +described in . + + +/dtds/dsssl/anotess/ contains the Annotated +DSSSL stylesheet DTD and related files. + + +/style/xsl/ contains various XSL stylesheets. + + +/style/xsl/docbook/ contains the XSL DocBook +Stylesheets V0.12. + + + +Other Programs + +The /apps directory contains source and binary releases +of other, related software, including the Jade and XT +distributions. The /bin directory contains the format +script briefly discussed in . + + + + + + + + + +$Date: 2001-08-13 23:42:26 +0200 (Mon, 13 Aug 2001) $ +$Revision: 625 $ + +Interchanging DocBook Documents +DocBook DTD + documents + interchanging +questionnaire, DocBook document interchange issues + + +One of the early factors that motivated the development of the DocBook +DTD was the desire for companies to interchange documents. In particular, +UNIX vendors wanted to be able to interchange common UNIX documentation. + + + +A great deal of effort went into making sure that DocBook could handle +most (probably all) of the documents that were likely to be exchanged. +This avoids the guaranteed interchange problem of DTD extension. + + +However, simply using DocBook or a subset of it is not +enough to ensure successful interchange. If you send someone +your DocBook files, you must also tell the recipient about the +markup your documents use and any of your additional markup +conventions and processing expectations that impose constraints +on processing. + + + +This appendix provides a sample interchange questionnaire to +help draw your attention to those areas that might be problematic. + + +For maximum portability, delivered DocBook documents +should be accompanied by a filled-out interchange +questionnaire. Because each situation is unique, you may need to +supply additional information (such as layout specifications) in +order to deliver a complete package. + +DocBook and SGML Usage + + +What version of the DTD are you using? +Did you use any markup features of the DTD that +have been flagged as obsolete (to be removed at the next major version +of DocBook)? If so, which ones? +Did you extend DocBook in any way, inside or outside +the provided customization mechanisms? How? All extensions must be negotiated +with the recipient. +Did you remove markup from DocBook to create a +subset? If you used a subset of DocBook, supply the subset you used. (Note +that even the removal of references to ISO entity sets creates a subset.) + +Did you use the supplied SGML declaration or another +one? If you used another one, provide it. +Did you use the supplied catalog or another one, +or none at all? If you used a catalog other than the one supplied, provide +it. +If your documents bear no document type declaration, +and you parsed them with a document declaration (with or without an internal +subset), supply it. +Did you add NOTATION declarations? +If so, what are they? List all data content notations used in your documents. + +Did you use the SUBDOC feature? +If so, how did you manage the name spaces of their IDs, if you managed +them at all? +Did you use character sets other than ISO 8859-1 +(Latin 1)? If so, which ones? How did you use them? +Did you declare and use character entities and +other general entities besides the ISO entity sets? If so, supply the entity +declarations and the desired appearance of the additional character entities. + +Are your document files normalized to include all +markup explicitly? +Are you supplying a document fragment? If so, have +you provided any necessary auxiliary information (such as meta-information) +for the fragment? Are there any attribute values that haven't been specified +that you expect to inherit from a parent that isn't present? + + +Processing Requirements and Markup Interpretation + +What formatting that you applied do you +require your interchange partner to apply? For example, +where and how must text be generated in order for the documents to make sense? + +Did you supply your stylesheet and +information regarding its format and version? +How did you create tables of contents, +lists of titles, and indexes? Are they stored in DocBook form? If so, +did you generate them (and according to what rules) or create them by +hand? If you used the Lang common attribute, why, and to what +effect? If you used the Remap common attribute, why, and to what +effect? If you used the Role common attribute, why, and to what +effect? If you used the effectivity +attributes, which did you use, why, and to what effect? +What values did you give to the Label attribute and how are they to be +interpreted for rendering? What +values did you give to the Mark +and Override attributes for lists +and how are they to be interpreted for rendering? +Did you use the Renderas attribute on sections and/or +BridgeHeads? +Did you supply all keyword values you used for +attributes whose declared values are not enumerated tokens, along with +the expected processing for the occurrence of each keyword? +Did you use markup to control width, size, +and/or positioning settings (such as fold-out or +centered) for graphics, line specific regions, and +tables? If so, how? For rendering of +Sidebars, must these appear in the flow of the text +where they appear in your files, or may they float? + +Did you use Callouts? If so, what are the +processing expectations for callout marks? + + +Did you use ItemizedLists? If so, what are the +processing expectations for the marks on list items and nested lists? + + +For Graphic and InlineGraphic, what method(s) did +you use for providing graphic data: element content, Fileref attribute, or +Entityref attribute? + +For MediaObject and InlineMediaObject, +what method(s) did +you use for selecting between alternative presentations? +How did you specify column widths in tables? Did +you use vertical spans? Did you use horizontal spans? +Did you use EntryTbls? + +If you used the Type attribute on the link elements, +why, and to what effect? +If you used XRef, do your interchange +partners need additional information about the semantic of the link? +Have you provided it, perhaps with Role? +Did you use the Subject attribute on GlossDef? +If so, did you use a thesaurus of terms? If so, what is it? +If you used the Class attribute on RefMiscInfo, +why and to what effect? +If you used ULink and provided URLs that are queries, +what back-end processing is required to resolve those queries? + +FileRef or +EntityRef is supplied on every +Graphic, +InlineGraphic, +AudioData, +ImageData, and +VideoData element. If one is not present, what is the expectation? + + +If your Bibliographys or +Glossarys have special processing expectations, +such as the ability to display only those entries that are cited, +have you described them? + + + +If your Bibliographys contain +BiblioEntrys, what are the processing expectations? +Which fields are selected for display? +What punctuation is added, and where? + + + +Do GlossTerms or other elements have +implicit linking relationships that must be obeyed or handled in +presentation? + + +Did you use any processing instructions? Why and what for? +Are they in entities? + + +What copyfitting have you already done, and for what outputs? + + +Are the Revisions in your +RevHistorys sorted in any particular way? + + + +Miscellaneous +Have you checked your +files for viruses? +If you used BridgeHead, have you joined a recovery +support group? + + + + + + + + + + +DocBook Quick Reference + +
DocBook <acronym>V3.1</acronym> + + + + + + +ElementBrief Description + + +AbbrevAn abbreviation, especially one followed by a period +AbstractA summary +AccelA graphical user interface (GUI) keyboard shortcut +AcknoAcknowledgements in an Article +AcronymAn often pronounceable word made from the initial (or selected) letters of a name or phrase +ActionA response to a user event +AddressA real-world address, generally a postal address +AffiliationThe institutional affiliation of an individual +AltText representation for a graphical element +AnchorA spot in the document +AnswerAn answer to a question posed in a QandASet +AppendixAn appendix in a Book or Article +ApplicationThe name of a software program +AreaA region defined for a Callout in a graphic or code example +AreaSetA set of related areas in a graphic or code example +AreaSpecA collection of regions in a graphic or code example +ArgAn argument in a CmdSynopsis +ArtHeaderMeta-information for an Article +ArtPageNumsThe page numbers of an article as published +ArticleAn article +AttributionThe source of a block quote or epigraph +AudioDataPointer to external audio data +AudioObjectA wrapper for audio data and its associated meta-information +AuthorThe name of an individual author +AuthorBlurbA short description or note about an author +AuthorGroupWrapper for author information when a document has multiple authors or collabarators +AuthorInitialsThe initials or other short identifier for an author +BeginPageThe location of a page break in a print version of the document +BiblioDivA section of a Bibliography +BiblioEntryAn entry in a Bibliography +BiblioMSetA cooked container for related bibliographic information +BiblioMiscUntyped bibliographic information +BiblioMixedAn entry in a Bibliography +BiblioSetA raw container for related bibliographic information +BibliographyA bibliography +BlockQuoteA quotation set off from the main text +BookA book +BookBiblioMeta-information about a book used in a bibliographical citation +BookInfoMeta-information for a Book +BridgeHeadA free-floating heading +COThe location of a callout embedded in text +CalloutA “called out” description of a marked Area +CalloutListA list of Callouts +CaptionA caption +CautionA note of caution +ChapterA chapter, as of a book +CitationAn inline bibliographic reference to another published work +CiteRefEntryA citation to a reference page +CiteTitleThe title of a cited work +CityThe name of a city in an address +ClassNameThe name of a class, in the object-oriented programming sense +CmdSynopsisA syntax summary for a software command +ColSpecSpecifications for a column in a table +CollabIdentifies a collaborator +CollabNameThe name of a collaborator +ColophonText at the back of a book describing facts about its production +CommandThe name of an executable program or other software command +CommentA comment intended for presentation in a draft manuscript +ComputerOutputData, generally text, displayed or presented by a computer +ConfDatesThe dates of a conference for which a document was written +ConfGroupA wrapper for document meta-information about a conference +ConfNumAn identifier, frequently numerical, associated with a conference for which a document was written +ConfSponsorThe sponsor of a conference for which a document was written +ConfTitleThe title of a conference for which a document was written +ConstantA programming or system constant +ContractNumThe contract number of a document +ContractSponsorThe sponsor of a contract +ContribA summary of the contributions made to a document by a credited source +CopyrightCopyright information about a document +CorpAuthorA corporate author, as opposed to an individual +CorpNameThe name of a corporation +CountryThe name of a country +DatabaseThe name of a database, or part of a database +DateThe date of publication or revision of a document +DedicationA wrapper for the dedication section of a book +DocInfoMeta-data for a book component +EditionThe name or number of an edition of a document +EditorThe name of the editor of a document +EmailAn email address +EmphasisEmphasized text +EnVarA software environment variable +EntryA cell in a table +EntryTblA subtable appearing in place of an Entry in a table +EpigraphA short inscription at the beginning of a document or component +EquationA displayed mathematical equation +ErrorCodeAn error code +ErrorNameAn error name +ErrorTypeThe classification of an error message +ExampleA formal example, with a title +FaxA fax number +FigureA formal figure, generally an illustration, with a title +FilenameThe name of a file +FirstNameThe first name of a person +FirstTermThe first occurrence of a term +FootnoteA footnote +FootnoteRefA cross reference to a footnote (a footnote mark) +ForeignPhraseA word or phrase in a language other than the primary language of the document +FormalParaA paragraph with a title +FuncDefA function (subroutine) name and its return type +FuncParamsParameters for a function referenced through a function pointer in a synopsis +FuncPrototypeThe prototype of a function +FuncSynopsisThe syntax summary for a function definition +FuncSynopsisInfoInformation supplementing the FuncDefs of a FuncSynopsis +FunctionThe name of a function or subroutine, as in a programming language +GUIButtonThe text on a button in a GUI +GUIIconGraphic and/or text appearing as a icon in a GUI +GUILabelThe text of a label in a GUI +GUIMenuThe name of a menu in a GUI +GUIMenuItemThe name of a terminal menu item in a GUI +GUISubmenuThe name of a submenu in a GUI +GlossDefA definition in a GlossEntry +GlossDivA division in a Glossary +GlossEntryAn entry in a Glossary or GlossList +GlossListA wrapper for a set of GlossEntrys +GlossSeeA cross-reference from one GlossEntry to another +GlossSeeAlsoA cross-reference from one GlossEntry to another +GlossTermA glossary term +GlossaryA glossary +GraphicA displayed graphical object (not an inline) +GraphicCOA graphic that contains callout areas +GroupA group of elements in a CmdSynopsis +HardwareA physical part of a computer system +HighlightsA summary of the main points of the discussed component +HolderThe name of the individual or organization that holds a copyright +HonorificThe title of a person +ISBNThe International Standard Book Number of a document +ISSNThe International Standard Serial Number of a periodical +ITermSetA set of index terms in the meta-information of a document +ImageDataPointer to external image data +ImageObjectA wrapper for image data and its associated meta-information +ImageObjectCOA wrapper for an image object with callouts +ImportantAn admonition set off from the text +IndexAn index +IndexDivA division in an index +IndexEntryAn entry in an index +IndexTermA wrapper for terms to be indexed +InformalEquationA displayed mathematical equation without a title +InformalExampleA displayed example without a title +InformalFigureA untitled figure +InformalTableA table without a title +InlineEquationA mathematical equation or expression occurring inline +InlineGraphicAn object containing or pointing to graphical data that will be rendered inline +InlineMediaObjectAn inline media object (video, audio, image, and so on) +InterfaceAn element of a GUI +InterfaceDefinitionThe name of a formal specification of a GUI +InvPartNumberAn inventory part number +IssueNumThe number of an issue of a journal +ItemizedListA list in which each entry is marked with a bullet or other dingbat +JobTitleThe title of an individual in an organization +KeyCapThe text printed on a key on a keyboard +KeyCodeThe internal, frequently numeric, identifier for a key on a keyboard +KeyComboA combination of input actions +KeySymThe symbolic name of a key on a keyboard +KeywordOne of a set of keywords describing the content of a document +KeywordSetA set of keywords describing the content of a document +LegalNoticeA statement of legal obligations or requirements +LineAnnotationA comment on a line in a verbatim listing +LineageThe portion of a person's name indicating a relationship to ancestors +LinkA hypertext link +ListItemA wrapper for the elements of a list item +LiteralInline text that is some literal value +LiteralLayoutA block of text in which line breaks and white space are to be reproduced faithfully +LoTA list of the titles of formal objects (as tables or figures) in a document +LoTentryAn entry in a list of titles +ManVolNumA reference volume number +MarkupA string of formatting markup in text that is to be represented literally +MediaLabelA name that identifies the physical medium on which some information resides +MediaObjectA displayed media object (video, audio, image, etc.) +MediaObjectCOA media object that contains callouts +MemberAn element of a simple list +MenuChoiceA selection or series of selections from a menu +ModeSpecApplication-specific information necessary for the completion of an OLink +MouseButtonThe conventional name of a mouse button +MsgA message in a message set +MsgAudThe audience to which a message in a message set is relevant +MsgEntryA wrapper for an entry in a message set +MsgExplanExplanatory material relating to a message in a message set +MsgInfoInformation about a message in a message set +MsgLevelThe level of importance or severity of a message in a message set +MsgMainThe primary component of a message in a message set +MsgOrigThe origin of a message in a message set +MsgRelA related component of a message in a message set +MsgSetA detailed set of messages, usually error messages +MsgSubA subcomponent of a message in a message set +MsgTextThe actual text of a message component in a message set +NoteA message set off from the text +OLinkA link that addresses its target indirectly, through an entity +ObjectInfoMeta-information for an object +OptionAn option for a software command +OptionalOptional information +OrderedListA list in which each entry is marked with a sequentially incremented label +OrgDivA division of an organization +OrgNameThe name of an organization other than a corporation +OtherAddrUncategorized information in address +OtherCreditA person or entity, other than an author or editor, credited in a document +OtherNameA component of a persons name that is not a first name, surname, or lineage +POBA post office box in an address +PageNumsThe numbers of the pages in a book, for use in a bibliographic entry +ParaA paragraph +ParamDefInformation about a function parameter in a programming language +ParameterA value or a symbolic reference to a value +PartA division in a book +PartIntroAn introduction to the contents of a part +PhoneA telephone number +PhraseA span of text +PostcodeA postal code in an address +PrefaceIntroductory matter preceding the first chapter of a book +PrimaryThe primary word or phrase under which an index term should be sorted +PrimaryIEA primary term in an index entry, not in the text +PrintHistoryThe printing history of a document +ProcedureA list of operations to be performed in a well-defined sequence +ProductNameThe formal name of a product +ProductNumberA number assigned to a product +ProgramListingA literal listing of all or part of a program +ProgramListingCOA program listing with associated areas used in callouts +PromptA character or string indicating the start of an input field in a computer display +PropertyA unit of data associated with some part of a computer system +PubDateThe date of publication of a document +PublisherThe publisher of a document +PublisherNameThe name of the publisher of a document +PubsNumberA number assigned to a publication other than an ISBN or ISSN or inventory part number +QandADivA titled division in a QandASet +QandAEntryA question/answer set within a QandASet +QandASetA question-and-answer set +QuestionA question in a QandASet +QuoteAn inline quotation +RefClassThe scope or other indication of applicability of a reference entry +RefDescriptorA description of the topic of a reference page +RefEntryA reference page (originally a UNIX man-style reference page) +RefEntryTitleThe title of a reference page +RefMetaMeta-information for a reference entry +RefMiscInfoMeta-information for a reference entry other than the title and volume number +RefNameThe name of (one of) the subject(s) of a reference page +RefNameDivThe name, purpose, and classification of a reference page +RefPurposeA short (one sentence) synopsis of the topic of a reference page +RefSect1A major subsection of a reference entry +RefSect1InfoMeta-information for a RefSect1 +RefSect2A subsection of a RefSect1 +RefSect2InfoMeta-information for a RefSect2 +RefSect3A subsection of a RefSect2 +RefSect3InfoMeta-information for a RefSect3 +RefSynopsisDivA syntactic synopsis of the subject of the reference page +RefSynopsisDivInfoMeta-information for a RefSynopsisDiv +ReferenceA collection of reference entries +ReleaseInfoInformation about a particular release of a document +ReplaceableContent that may or must be replaced by the user +ReturnValueThe value returned by a function +RevHistoryA history of the revisions to a document +RevNumberA document revision number +RevRemarkA description of a revision to a document +RevisionAn entry describing a single revision in the history of the revisions to a document +RowA row in a table +SBRAn explicit line break in a command synopsis +SGMLTagA component of SGML markup +ScreenText that a user sees or might see on a computer screen +ScreenCOA screen with associated areas used in callouts +ScreenInfoInformation about how a screen shot was produced +ScreenShotA representation of what the user sees or might see on a computer screen +SecondaryA secondary word or phrase in an index term +SecondaryIEA secondary term in an index entry, rather than in the text +Sect1A top-level section of document +Sect1InfoMeta-information for a Sect1 +Sect2A subsection within a Sect1 +Sect2InfoMeta-information for a Sect2 +Sect3A subsection within a Sect2 +Sect3InfoMeta-information for a Sect3 +Sect4A subsection within a Sect3 +Sect4InfoMeta-information for a Sect4 +Sect5A subsection within a Sect4 +Sect5InfoMeta-information for a Sect5 +SectionA recursive section +SectionInfoMeta-information for a recursive section +SeePart of an index term directing the reader instead to another entry in the index +SeeAlsoPart of an index term directing the reader also to another entry in the index +SeeAlsoIEA See also entry in an index, rather than in the text +SeeIEA See entry in an index, rather than in the text +SegAn element of a list item in a segmented list +SegListItemA list item in a segmented list +SegTitleThe title of an element of a list item in a segmented list +SegmentedListA segmented list, a list of sets of elements +SeriesInfoInformation about the publication series of which a book is a part +SeriesVolNumsNumbers of the volumes in a series of books +SetA collection of books +SetIndexAn index to a set of books +SetInfoMeta-information for a Set +ShortAffilA brief description of an affiliation +ShortcutA key combination for an action that is also accessible through a menu +SidebarA portion of a document that is isolated from the main narrative flow +SimParaA paragraph that contains only text and inline markup, no block elements +SimpleListAn undecorated list of single words or short phrases +SimpleSectA section of a document with no subdivisions +SpanSpecFormatting information for a spanned column in a table +StateA state or province in an address +StepA unit of action in a procedure +StreetA street address in an address +StructFieldA field in a structure (in the programming language sense) +StructNameThe name of a structure (in the programming language sense) +SubStepsA wrapper for steps that occur within steps in a procedure +SubjectOne of a group of terms describing the subject matter of a document +SubjectSetA set of terms describing the subject matter of a document +SubjectTermA term in a group of terms describing the subject matter of a document +SubscriptA subscript (as in H2O, the molecular formula for water) +SubtitleThe subtitle of a document +SuperscriptA superscript (as in x2, the mathematical notation for x multiplied by itself) +SurnameA family name; in western cultures the last name +SymbolA name that is replaced by a value before processing +SynopFragmentA portion of a CmdSynopsis broken out from the main body of the synopsis +SynopFragmentRefA reference to a fragment of a command synopsis +SynopsisA general-purpose element for representing the syntax of commands or functions +SystemItemA system-related item or term +TBodyA wrapper for the rows of a table or informal table +TFootA table footer consisting of one or more rows +TGroupA wrapper for the main content of a table, or part of a table +THeadA table header consisting of one or more rows +TableA formal table in a document +TermThe word or phrase being defined or described in a variable list +TertiaryA tertiary word or phrase in an index term +TertiaryIEA tertiary term in an index entry, rather than in the text +TextObjectA wrapper for a text description of an object and its associated meta-information +TipA suggestion to the user, set off from the text +TitleThe text of the title of a section of a document or of a formal block-level element +TitleAbbrevThe abbreviation of a Title +ToCA table of contents +ToCbackAn entry in a table of contents for a back matter component +ToCchapAn entry in a table of contents for a component in the body of a document +ToCentryA component title in a table of contents +ToCfrontAn entry in a table of contents for a front matter component +ToClevel1A top-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component +ToClevel2A second-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component +ToClevel3A third-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component +ToClevel4A fourth-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component +ToClevel5A fifth-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component +ToCpartAn entry in a table of contents for a part of a book +TokenA unit of information +TrademarkA trademark +TypeThe classification of a value +ULinkA link that addresses its target by means of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) +UserInputData entered by the user +VarArgsAn empty element in a function synopsis indicating a variable number of arguments +VarListEntryA wrapper for a set of terms and the associated description in a variable list +VarNameThe name of a variable +VariableListA list in which each entry is composed of a set of one or more terms and an associated description +VideoDataPointer to external video data +VideoObjectA wrapper for video data and its associated meta-information +VoidAn empty element in a function synopsis indicating that the function in question takes no arguments +VolumeNumThe volume number of a document in a set (as of books in a set or articles in a journal) +WarningAn admonition set off from the text +WordAsWordA word meant specifically as a word and not representing anything else +XRefA cross reference to another part of the document +YearThe year of publication of a document + + + + +
+ +
DocBook <acronym>V4.1.2</acronym> + +All of the elements in DocBook V3.1 except + +ArtHeader +BookBiblio +Comment +DocInfo +InterfaceDefinition +SeriesInfo + plus the following additional elements: + + + + + + +ElementBrief Description + + + + appendixinfo + Meta-information for an Appendix + + + articleinfo + Meta-information for an Article + + + bibliographyinfo + Meta-information for a Bibliography + + + chapterinfo + Meta-information for a Chapter + + + classsynopsis + The syntax summary for a class definition + + + classsynopsisinfo + Information supplementing the contents of a ClassSynopsis + + + constructorsynopsis + A syntax summary for a constructor + + + destructorsynopsis + A syntax summary for a destructor + + + exceptionname + The name of an exception + + + fieldsynopsis + The name of a field in a class definition + + + glossaryinfo + Meta-information for a Glossary + + + indexinfo + Meta-information for an Index + + + initializer + The initializer for a FieldSynopsis + + + interfacename + The name of an interface + + + methodname + The name of a method + + + methodparam + Parameters to a method + + + methodsynopsis + A syntax summary for a method + + + modifier + Modifiers in a synopsis + + + ooclass + A class in an object-oriented programming language + + + ooexception + An exception in an object-oriented programming language + + + oointerface + An interface in an object-oriented programming language + + + partinfo + Meta-information for a Part + + + prefaceinfo + Meta-information for a Preface + + + refentryinfo + Meta-information for a Refentry + + + referenceinfo + Meta-information for a Reference + + + remark + A remark (or comment) intended for presentation in a draft manuscript + + + revdescription + A extended description of a revision to a document + + + setindexinfo + Meta-information for a SetIndex + + + sidebarinfo + Meta-information for a Sidebar + + + simplemsgentry + A wrapper for a simpler entry in a message set + + + + + +
DocBook <acronym>EBNF</acronym> Module V1.0 + +The following elements in addition to the elements in the version +of DocBook to which this module is added: + + + + + + +ElementBrief Description + + + + constraint + A constraint in an EBNF production + + + constraintdef + The definition of a constraint in an EBNF production + + + lhs + The left-hand side of an EBNF production + + + nonterminal + A non-terminal in an EBNF production + + + production + A production in a set of EBNF productions + + + productionrecap + A cross-reference to an EBNF production + + + productionset + A set of EBNF productions + + + rhs + The right-hand side of an EBNF production + + + + + +
DocBook HTML Forms Module V1.0 + +The HTML Forms Module adds +the HTML Form element and related elements. + + +
+ +
DocBook MathML Module V1.0 + +The MathML Module adds +the elements from the MathML namespace. + + +
+ +
DocBook SVG Module V1.0 + +The SVG Module adds +the elements from the SVG namespace. + + +
+ +
+ + + + +GNU Free Documentation License + + Version 1.1, March 2000 + +
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies +of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. +
+ + + PREAMBLE + + The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, + or other written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to + assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, + with or without modifying it, either commercially or + noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the + author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not + being considered responsible for modifications made by + others. + + This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that + derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the + same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which + is a copyleft license designed for free software. + + We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals + for free software, because free software needs free documentation: + a free program should come with manuals providing the same + freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited + to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, + regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a + printed book. We recommend this License principally for works + whose purpose is instruction or reference. + + + + APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS + + This License applies to any manual or other work that + contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be + distributed under the terms of this License. The "Document", + below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the + public is a licensee, and is addressed as "you". + + A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work + containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied + verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another + language. + + A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter + section of the Document that deals exclusively with the + relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the + Document's overall subject (or to related matters) and contains + nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. + (For example, if the Document is in part a textbook of + mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) + The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with + the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, + philosophical, ethical or political position regarding + them. + + The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections + whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, + in the notice that says that the Document is released under this + License. + + The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that + are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the + notice that says that the Document is released under this + License. + + A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a + machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification + is available to the general public, whose contents can be viewed + and edited directly and straightforwardly with generic text + editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs + or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that + is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic + translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text + formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format + whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage subsequent + modification by readers is not Transparent. A copy that is not + "Transparent" is called "Opaque". + + Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include + plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input + format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and + standard-conforming simple HTML designed for human modification. + Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF, proprietary formats that + can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML + or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally + available, and the machine-generated HTML produced by some word + processors for output purposes only. + + The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page + itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, + the material this License requires to appear in the title page. + For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, + "Title Page" means the text near the most prominent appearance of + the work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the + text. + + + + VERBATIM COPYING + + You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, + either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this + License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this + License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and + that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this + License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or + control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or + distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for + copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you + must also follow the conditions in section 3. + + You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated + above, and you may publicly display copies. + + + + COPYING IN QUANTITY + + If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more + than 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, + you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and + legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front + cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must + also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these + copies. The front cover must present the full title with all + words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add + other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes + limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the + Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim + copying in other respects. + + If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to + fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit + reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto + adjacent pages. + + If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document + numbering more than 100, you must either include a + machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or + state in or with each Opaque copy a publicly-accessible + computer-network location containing a complete Transparent copy + of the Document, free of added material, which the general + network-using public has access to download anonymously at no + charge using public-standard network protocols. If you use the + latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you + begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that + this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated + location until at least one year after the last time you + distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or + retailers) of that edition to the public. + + It is requested, but not required, that you contact the + authors of the Document well before redistributing any large + number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an + updated version of the Document. + + + + MODIFICATIONS + + You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the + Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided + that you release the Modified Version under precisely this + License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the + Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the + Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, + you must do these things in the Modified Version: + + + Use in the Title Page + (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the + Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if + there were any, be listed in the History section of the + Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if + the original publisher of that version gives permission. + + + List on the Title Page, + as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for + authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, + together with at least five of the principal authors of the + Document (all of its principal authors, if it has less than + five). + + + State on the Title page + the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the + publisher. + + + Preserve all the + copyright notices of the Document. + + + Add an appropriate + copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other + copyright notices. + + + Include, immediately + after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public + permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this + License, in the form shown in the Addendum below. + + + Preserve in that license + notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover + Texts given in the Document's license notice. + + + Include an unaltered + copy of this License. + + + Preserve the section + entitled "History", and its title, and add to it an item stating + at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the + Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no + section entitled "History" in the Document, create one stating + the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given + on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified + Version as stated in the previous sentence. + + + Preserve the network + location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a + Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network + locations given in the Document for previous versions it was + based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You + may omit a network location for a work that was published at + least four years before the Document itself, or if the original + publisher of the version it refers to gives permission. + + + In any section entitled + "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications", preserve the section's + title, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of + each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications + given therein. + + + Preserve all the + Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and + in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not + considered part of the section titles. + + + Delete any section + entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may not be included in + the Modified Version. + + + Do not retitle any + existing section as "Endorsements" or to conflict in title with + any Invariant Section. + + + + If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections + or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no + material copied from the Document, you may at your option + designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, + add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified + Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any + other section titles. + + You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it + contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by + various parties--for example, statements of peer review or that + the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative + definition of a standard. + + You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover + Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the + end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one + passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be + added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the + Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, + previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity + you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may + replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous + publisher that added the old one. + + The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by + this License give permission to use their names for publicity for + or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version. + + + + COMBINING DOCUMENTS + + You may combine the Document with other documents released + under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for + modified versions, provided that you include in the combination + all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, + unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your + combined work in its license notice. + + The combined work need only contain one copy of this + License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced + with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with + the same name but different contents, make the title of each such + section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the + name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, + or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section + titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of + the combined work. + + In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled + "History" in the various original documents, forming one section + entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections entitled + "Acknowledgements", and any sections entitled "Dedications". You + must delete all sections entitled "Endorsements." + + + + COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS + + You may make a collection consisting of the Document and + other documents released under this License, and replace the + individual copies of this License in the various documents with a + single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you + follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of + the documents in all other respects. + + You may extract a single document from such a collection, + and distribute it individually under this License, provided you + insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and + follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim + copying of that document. + + + + AGGREGATION WITH INDEPENDENT WORKS + + A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other + separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of + a storage or distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a + Modified Version of the Document, provided no compilation + copyright is claimed for the compilation. Such a compilation is + called an "aggregate", and this License does not apply to the + other self-contained works thus compiled with the Document, on + account of their being thus compiled, if they are not themselves + derivative works of the Document. + + If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to + these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than + one quarter of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts + may be placed on covers that surround only the Document within the + aggregate. Otherwise they must appear on covers around the whole + aggregate. + + + + TRANSLATION + + Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may + distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section + 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires + special permission from their copyright holders, but you may + include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition + to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may + include a translation of this License provided that you also + include the original English version of this License. In case of + a disagreement between the translation and the original English + version of this License, the original English version will + prevail. + + + + TERMINATION + + You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the + Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any + other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the + Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights + under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or + rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses + terminated so long as such parties remain in full + compliance. + + + + FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE + + The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised + versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. + Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present + version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or + concerns. See + + Each version of the License is given a distinguishing + version number. If the Document specifies that a particular + numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to + it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions + either of that specified version or of any later version that has + been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. + If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, + you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the + Free Software Foundation. + + + + How to use this License for your documents + + To use this License in a document you have written, include + a copy of the License in the document and put the following + copyright and license notices just after the title page: + +
+ Copyright (c) YEAR YOUR NAME. + Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document + under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 + or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; + with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the + Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST. + A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU + Free Documentation License". +
+ + If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant + Sections" instead of saying which ones are invariant. If you have + no Front-Cover Texts, write "no Front-Cover Texts" instead of + "Front-Cover Texts being LIST"; likewise for Back-Cover + Texts. + + If your document contains nontrivial examples of program + code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your + choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public + License, to permit their use in free software. +
+ +
+ + + + +$Date: 2006-02-16 22:11:15 +0100 (Thu, 16 Feb 2006) $ +$Revision: 5566 $ + +ChangeLog + +This appendix details the changes made between versions. + +
Version 2.0.14: Changes since version 2.0.12 (2005-04-18) + +I forgot to update the ChangeLog for +version 2.0.13. That's the difference between 2.0.13 and 2.0.14. +This change log is slightly abbreviated; there were hundreds of uninteresting +changes to generated files. + +Changes to en/* + + | 2006-02-16 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * Makefile, VERSION.xml: Updated for DocBook V4.5 + | + | 2005-11-12 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * ch04.xml: Fix some markup typos + | + +Changes to en/entities/* + + | 2006-02-16 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * elements.e.ent, elements.ent, elements.u.ent, refpurps.ent: + | Updated for DocBook V4.5 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/* + + | 2006-02-16 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * intro.elements.xml, references.xml: Updated for DocBook V4.5 + | + +Changes to en/stylesheets/* + + | 2006-02-16 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * tdg.xsl: Updated for DocBook V4.5 + | + +Changes to en/build/bin/* + + | 2006-02-16 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * bash.paths, nutparse: Updated for DocBook V4.5 + | + +Changes to en/build/lib/* + + | 2006-02-16 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * ebnf-4.5.dtd.xml, Updated for DocBook V4.5 + | + +Changes to en/figures/100dpi/* + + | 2006-02-16 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * rev_4.5.png: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/paraments/* + + | 2006-02-16 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * attlist.e.gen, attlist.u.gen, cals.e.gen, cals.u.gen, + | class.e.gen, class.u.gen, common.e.gen, common.u.gen, + | content.e.gen, content.u.gen, db.e.gen, db.u.gen, + | element.e.gen, element.u.gen, htmltables.e.gen, + | htmltables.u.gen, lattrib.e.gen, lattrib.u.gen, mix.e.gen, + | mix.u.gen, module.e.gen, module.u.gen, role.e.gen, + | role.u.gen: Updated for DocBook V4.5 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/equation/* + + | 2006-02-16 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, example.2.gen, + | example.2.txt, example.2.xml, refentry.xml, synopsis.e.gen: + | Updated for DocBook V4.5 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/mathphrase/* + + | 2006-02-16 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, example.1.gen, + | example.1.txt, example.1.xml, parents.gen, refentry.xml, + | reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, synopsis.e.gen, + | synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/termdef/* + + | 2006-02-16 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + +
+ +
Version 2.0.12: Changes since version 2.0.10 (2004-05-19) + +I forgot to update the ChangeLog for +version 2.0.11. That's the difference between 2.0.11 and 2.0.12. +This change log is slightly abbreviated; there were hundreds of uninteresting +changes to generated files. + +Changes to en/* + + | 2005-04-18 Jirka Kosek <> + | + | * makechm.bat: Updates to HTML Help processing + | + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * VERSION.xml: Version 2.0.11 Released + | + | * ch02.xml: Fixed example + | + | * unexbook.xml: Point at right DTD + | + +Changes to en/entities/* + + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * elements.e.ent, elements.ent, elements.u.ent, refpurps.ent: + | Added DocBook V4.4 entities + | + +Changes to en/refpages/* + + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * references.xml: Updated + | + +Changes to en/schema/* + + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * calstblx.dtd, catalog.xml, dbcentx.mod, dbebnf.dtd, + | dbgenent.mod, dbhierx.mod, dbnotnx.mod, dbpoolx.mod, + |, docbookx.dtd, htmltblx.mod, soextblx.dtd, + | tdg.dtd: Updated to DocBook V4.4 + | + +Changes to en/stylesheets/* + + | 2005-04-18 Jirka Kosek <> + | + | * htmlhelp.xsl: Updates to HTML Help processing + | + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * identity.xsl: Point to correct doctype + | + | * tdg.xsl: Support revision=4.4 + | + +Changes to en/build/bin/* + + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * bash.paths, nutparse: Updated for V4.4 + | + +Changes to en/build/lib/* + + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * .cvsignore, alphalist.xsl, parament.classes: Updated for + | V4.4 + | + | * Updated + | + +Changes to en/figures/100dpi/* + + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * rev_4.4.png: New file. + | + +Changes to en/figures/300dpi/* + + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * fermat.png: Fixed equation + | + | * rev_4.4.png: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/paraments/* + + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * attlist.e.gen, attlist.u.gen, attrib.e.gen, attrib.u.gen, + | cals.e.gen, cals.u.gen, class.e.gen, class.u.gen, + | common.e.gen, common.u.gen, content.e.gen, content.u.gen, + | db.e.gen, db.u.gen, element.e.gen, element.u.gen, + | htmltables.e.gen, htmltables.u.gen, iso.e.gen, iso.u.gen, + | lattrib.e.gen, lattrib.u.gen, mix.e.gen, mix.u.gen, + | module.e.gen, module.u.gen, role.e.gen, role.u.gen: Updated + | + +[...] + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/bibliolist/* + + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + | * refentry.xml, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/biblioref/* + + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, refentry.xml, + | reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, synopsis.e.gen, + | synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + | * refentry.xml, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/package/* + + | 2005-04-15 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + | * refentry.xml, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated +
+ +
Version 2.0.10: Changes since version 2.0.9 (2003-12-31) + +Changes to en/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * appi.xml: Fix the 2.0.9 changelog, add 2.0.10 changelog + | + | * book.xml: Make a local copy of the reference schema + | + | * ch04.xml: Added section on MIME type + | + +Changes to en/stylesheets/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * dbv5.xsl, tdg.xsl: Hacking for V5/NG presentation + | + | * html-titlepage.xml: Make attributes namespace-qualified per + | some change I made to the template system + | + +Changes to en/schema/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * calstblx.dtd, catalog.xml, dbcentx.mod, dbebnf.dtd, + | dbgenent.mod, dbhierx.mod, dbnotnx.mod, dbpoolx.mod, + |, docbookx.dtd, htmltblx.mod, soextblx.dtd, + | tdg.dtd: New file. + | + +Changes to en/build/bin/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * attrcheck: New file. + | + +Changes to en/build/lib/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * docbook-rng.xml: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/address/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/code/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/col/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/colgroup/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/corpcredit/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/mediaobjectco/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.xml: Fixed misleading URI + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/option/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/orderedlist/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/procedure/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/stepalternatives/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/task/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/taskprerequisites/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/taskrelated/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tasksummary/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/td/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/th/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tr/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/ulink/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/uri/* + + | 2004-05-19 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: First pass at some updates for V4.3 + +
+ +
Version 2.0.9: Changes since version 2.0.8 (2003-01-01) + +Changes to en/* + + | 2003-12-31 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * .cvsignore: Ignore the tdgex.xml too + | + | * .cvsignore: Ignore bookinfo.xml + | + | * Makefile: Updates + | + | * VERSION.xml: Version 2.0.9 released + | + | * appi.xml: Added ChangeLog for 2.0.9; fixed metadata + | + | * book.xml, unexbook.xml: Update to 4.3CR2 + | + | * bookinfo.xml: Built automatically from VERSION.xml + | + | * legalnotice.xml: Now part of VERSION.xml + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * Makefile: Don't build the index twice by default + | + | * Makefile, VERSION.xml, unexbook.xml: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + | 2003-06-04 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * appd.xml, appe.xml: Fixed typo + | + | * ch04.xml: Point to more up-to-date language list + | + | 2003-01-25 Jirka Kosek <> + | + | * makechm.bat: Updated HTML Help generation. Character + | entities' images are now compiled into CHM. + | + +Changes to en/entities/* + + | 2003-12-31 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * charents.ent: Remove character tables + | + | * content.ent: Remove entities for VERSION.xml and + | legalnotice.xml + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * elements.e.ent, elements.ent, elements.u.ent, refpurps.ent: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * references.xml: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/stylesheets/* + + | 2003-12-31 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * dbv5.xsl: New file. + | + | * tdg.xsl: Table presentation cleanup and optionally handle + | RNG code + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * identity.xsl, tdg.xsl: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + | 2003-01-25 Jirka Kosek <> + | + | * htmlhelp.xsl: Updated HTML Help generation. Character + | entities' images are now compiled into CHM. + | + +Changes to en/build/bin/* + + | 2003-12-31 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * bash.paths: Update to 4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * bash.paths, nutparse: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/build/lib/* + + | 2003-12-31 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * .cvsignore: Ignore db5doc.xml + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * .cvsignore, parament.classes, First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/figures/100dpi/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * fermat.png: Fix equation + | + | * rev_4.3.png: New file. + | + +Changes to en/figures/300dpi/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * rev_4.3.png: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/charents/* + + | 2003-12-31 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * iso-amsa.gen, iso-amsb.gen, iso-amsc.gen, iso-amsn.gen, + | iso-amso.gen, iso-amsr.gen, iso-box.gen, iso-cyr1.gen, + | iso-cyr2.gen, iso-dia.gen, iso-grk1.gen, iso-grk2.gen, + | iso-grk3.gen, iso-grk4.gen, iso-lat1.gen, iso-lat2.gen, + | iso-num.gen, iso-pub.gen, iso-tech.gen: Remove character + | table + | + | * iso-amsa.xml, iso-amsb.xml, iso-amsc.xml, iso-amsn.xml, + | iso-amso.xml, iso-amsr.xml, iso-box.xml, iso-cyr1.xml, + | iso-cyr2.xml, iso-dia.xml, iso-grk1.xml, iso-grk2.xml, + | iso-grk3.xml, iso-grk4.xml, iso-lat1.xml, iso-lat2.xml, + | iso-num.xml, iso-pub.xml, iso-tech.xml: Remove character + | tables; point to W3C 2003/entities + | + +Changes to en/refpages/notations/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * notations.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * notations.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/paraments/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * attlist.e.gen, attlist.u.gen, attrib.e.gen, attrib.u.gen, + | cals.e.gen, cals.u.gen, common.e.gen, common.u.gen, + | db.e.gen, db.u.gen, htmltables.e.gen, htmltables.u.gen, + | lattrib.e.gen, lattrib.u.gen, mix.e.gen, mix.u.gen, + | module.e.gen, module.u.gen, role.e.gen, role.u.gen: Updated + | to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * attlist.e.gen, attlist.u.gen, attrib.e.gen, attrib.u.gen, + | attval.e.gen, attval.u.gen, cals.e.gen, cals.u.gen, + | class.e.gen, class.u.gen, cmodule.e.gen, cmodule.u.gen, + | common.e.gen, common.u.gen, content.e.gen, content.u.gen, + | db.e.gen, db.u.gen, element.e.gen, element.u.gen, + | hook.e.gen, hook.u.gen, htmltables.e.gen, htmltables.u.gen, + | lattrib.e.gen, lattrib.u.gen, mix.e.gen, mix.u.gen, + | module.e.gen, module.u.gen, role.e.gen, role.u.gen: First + | attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/abbrev/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/abstract/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/acronym/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/action/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/address/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/anchor/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/appendix/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/appendixinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/application/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/area/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + | 2003-08-17 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: Identify lower left corner + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/areaset/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/arg/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/article/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/articleinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/attribution/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/audiodata/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/author/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/authorblurb/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/authorgroup/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/authorinitials/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/beginpage/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/bibliocoverage/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/bibliodiv/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/biblioentry/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/bibliography/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/bibliographyinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/bibliomisc/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/bibliomixed/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/bibliomset/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/bibliorelation/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/biblioset/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/blockinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/blockquote/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/book/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/bookinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, example.1.txt, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/bridgehead/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/callout/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/calloutlist/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/caption/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/caution/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/chapter/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/chapterinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/citation/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/citerefentry/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/citetitle/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/classname/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/classsynopsis/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/classsynopsisinfo/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/cmdsynopsis/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/co/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, example.1.gen, + | example.1.txt, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/code/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to + | DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/col/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, refentry.xml, + | reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, synopsis.e.gen, + | synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/colgroup/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/colspec/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/command/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/computeroutput/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/constant/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/constraintdef/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/constructorsynopsis/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/coref/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/corpauthor/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/corpcredit/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/database/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/destructorsynopsis/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/email/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/emphasis/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/entry/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/entrytbl/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/envar/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/epigraph/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/equation/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.gen, example.1.txt: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.gen, example.1.txt, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, + | synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + | * example.1.xml: Fix equation + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/errorcode/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.gen, example.1.txt, parents.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/errorname/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/errortext/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/errortype/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/example/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/exceptionname/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/fieldsynopsis/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/figure/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.gen, example.1.txt, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, + | synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + | 2003-08-18 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.xml: Fix spelling error in title + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/filename/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/firstterm/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/footnote/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/footnoteref/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to + | DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/foreignphrase/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/formalpara/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/funcparams/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, example.1.gen, example.1.txt, synopsis.e.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/funcprototype/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/funcsynopsis/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/funcsynopsisinfo/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/function/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/glossary/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/glossaryinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/glossdiv/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/glosslist/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/glosssee/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/glossseealso/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/glossterm/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/graphic/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/graphicco/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/group/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/guibutton/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/guiicon/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/guilabel/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/guimenu/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/guimenuitem/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/guisubmenu/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/hardware/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/highlights/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/imagedata/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/important/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/index/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/indexinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/indexterm/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/informalequation/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/informalexample/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/informalfigure/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/informaltable/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/initializer/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/inlineequation/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/inlinegraphic/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/inlinemediaobject/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/interface/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/interfacename/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/itemizedlist/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/keycap/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to + | DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/keycode/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/keycombo/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to + | DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/keysym/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/lhs/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/lineannotation/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/link/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/listitem/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/literal/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/literallayout/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/lotentry/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/markup/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/medialabel/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/mediaobject/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/mediaobjectco/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/member/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/menuchoice/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/methodname/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/methodparam/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/methodsynopsis/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, refentry.xml, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/modespec/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/modifier/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/mousebutton/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/msgaud/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/msgexplan/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/msgset/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/msgtext/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/nonterminal/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/note/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/objectinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/olink/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, example.1.txt, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, + | synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/ooclass/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/ooexception/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/oointerface/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/option/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/optional/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/orderedlist/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/orgname/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/othercredit/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/para/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/paramdef/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/parameter/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/part/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/partinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/partintro/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/personname/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/phrase/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/preface/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/prefaceinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/primary/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/primaryie/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/procedure/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/productionset/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.txt, parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 + | book + | + | 2003-08-18 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.xml: Fix defs in example + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/productname/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/productnumber/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/programlisting/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/programlistingco/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/prompt/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/property/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/qandaset/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/quote/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refdescriptor/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refentry/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refentryinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refentrytitle/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/reference/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/referenceinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refname/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refpurpose/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refsect1/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refsect1info/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refsect2/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refsect2info/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refsect3/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refsect3info/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refsection/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/refsectioninfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 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+Changes to en/refpages/elements/revhistory/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/revision/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/rhs/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/row/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/screen/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/screenco/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.txt, parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 + | book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/screeninfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/screenshot/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/secondary/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/secondaryie/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sect1/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sect1info/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sect2/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sect2info/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sect3/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sect3info/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sect4/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sect4info/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sect5/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sect5info/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/section/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sectioninfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/see/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/seealso/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/seealsoie/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/seeie/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/seg/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/segmentedlist/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/segtitle/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/set/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/setindex/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/setindexinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/setinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sgmltag/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/shortcut/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sidebar/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/sidebarinfo/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/simpara/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/simplelist/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/simplemsgentry/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/simplesect/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/spanspec/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/step/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, refentry.xml, synopsis.e.gen, + | synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/stepalternatives/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/structfield/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/structname/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/subscript/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/subtitle/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/superscript/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/symbol/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/synopsis/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to + | DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, example.1.gen, example.1.txt, parents.gen, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/systemitem/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/table/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/task/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/taskprerequisites/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/taskrelated/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tasksummary/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tbody/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/td/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/term/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tertiary/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tertiaryie/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/textdata/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/textobject/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tfoot/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tgroup/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/th/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/thead/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tip/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/title/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/titleabbrev/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tocback/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tocentry/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tocfront/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/token/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/tr/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/trademark/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/type/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/ulink/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: + | First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/uri/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, entities.e.ent, entities.u.ent, parents.gen, + | refentry.xml, reference.e.xml, reference.u.xml, + | synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/userinput/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * children.gen, parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen: First attempt at + | building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/variablelist/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/varname/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/videodata/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/void/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt at building a + | V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/warning/* + + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/wordasword/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: Updated to DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen: First attempt at building a V4.3 book + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/xref/* + + | 2003-12-30 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: Updated to + | DocBook V4.3CR2 + | + | 2003-12-23 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * parents.gen, synopsis.e.gen, synopsis.u.gen: First attempt + | at building a V4.3 book + +
+ +
Changes since version 2.0.7 (2002-06-17) + +Changes to en/* + + | 2002-12-29 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * ch00.xml, ch01.xml, ch05.xml: Patches from jrdaily + | + | * ch04.xml: Patches from jrdaily: I'm attaching yet another + | revision of the patch. Updated changelog: * Use CDATA + | sections in screen and programlisting blocks containing + | sample SGML and XML code. * Put quotes around attribute + | values in one sample block. Some of the attributes are + | attached to <xref> tags; so far as I know, there is no way + | to represent an <xref> that is legal in both DocBook SGML + | and XML, so I left them SGML-compliant (without a closing + | /). * Replace XML with &XML; when not in index terms, and + | SGML with &SGML;. This only affects latter parts of the + | chapter; older portions already use those entities. * + | Replace <literal> with tags such as sgmltag, varname, and + | parameter. * Update the Emacs comments at the end of the + | document. * Replace &ldquo;/&rdquo; pairs with <quote> tags. + | * Eliminate &ldquo;/&rdquo; entities used following an + | <xref>; this may be an outdated stylesheet workaround. * + | Replace a quoted reference to a section with an <xref> + | (Scheme). + | + | * ch04.xml: Fix typo + | + | 2002-09-21 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * ch02.xml: Fixed SGML minimization bug; not that it'll matter + | in 2e, I suppose + | + | 2002-06-26 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * ch02.xml: Add ID to Making an Index section + | + +Changes to en/stylesheets/* + + | 2002-12-29 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * tdg.xsl: Improve linking + | + +Changes to en/build/lib/* + + | 2002-12-29 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * Attempt to support run-time prefix for output + | files. This will allow multiple versions of the book to be + | built. (This may not work yet) + | + | * seealso: Fixed category title + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/bookinfo/* + + | 2002-09-25 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.xml: Defguide bug #613988: fix bug in copyright + | holders + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/callout/* + + | 2002-11-26 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: Corrected typos and thinkos reported by Robert + | P. J. Day + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/co/* + + | 2002-11-26 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.xml: New file. + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/emphasis/* + + | 2002-08-06 <> + | + | * refentry.xml: Changed Emphasis in refentrytitle to emphasis + | to make it consistent with other refentrytitles + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/equation/* + + | 2002-09-21 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.xml: Try spelling Theorem correctly + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/errorcode/* + + | 2002-12-28 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.xml: Fix errorname usage + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/figure/* + + | 2002-09-21 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.xml: Use mediaobject instead of graphic + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/funcparams/* + + | 2002-11-26 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.xml: Fix typo + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/imagedata/* + + | 2002-11-26 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: Add an ID so we can xref to a section + | + | 2002-09-21 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: Specify scalefit=0 on example + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/index/* + + | 2002-11-26 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: Corrected typos and thinkos reported by Robert + | P. J. Day + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/nonterminal/* + + | 2002-12-29 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: Fix tracker #599968, clarify semantics of def + | attribute + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/olink/* + + | 2002-07-17 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.xml: Fix typo in entity declaration + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/qandaset/* + + | 2002-11-26 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: Corrected typos and thinkos reported by Robert + | P. J. Day + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/screenco/* + + | 2002-11-26 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.xml: Corrected typos and thinkos reported by + | Robert P. J. Day + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/simplemsgentry/* + + | 2002-12-28 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: Remove reference to a future change that's + | already been made + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/synopsis/* + + | 2002-11-26 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * example.1.xml: Corrected typos and thinkos reported by + | Robert P. J. Day + | + +Changes to en/refpages/elements/xref/* + + | 2002-12-28 Norman Walsh <> + | + | * refentry.xml: Clarify processing expectations + | + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + +$Date: 2001-08-02 12:27:50 +0200 (Thu, 02 Aug 2001) $ +$Revision: 546 $ + +Glossary +attribute + + +attributes +elements + attributes + +Attributes augment the element on which they appear; they also +provide additional information about the element. + + +start tags + attribute ID, containing + +Attributes appear as name-value pairs in the element's start-tag. +For example, to assign the value hostname to the +Role attribute of SystemItem, +you would use the mark up: +systemitem role="hostname". + + + +callout + + +callouts +A pointer, verbal or graphical or both, to a +component of an illustration +or a text object. + + +cooked + + +cooked data +appearance + cooked data + +Cooked data, as distinct from raw, is a collection +of elements and character data that's ready for presentation. The processor +is not expected to rearrange, select, or suppress any of the elements, but +simply present them as specified. + +Raw + + +document type declaration (DTD) + + +document type declaration +declarations + document type declaration + +A set of declarations that defines the names of the elements +and their attributes, and that specifies rules for their combination +or sequence. + + + +DSSSL + + +DSSSL +stylesheets + languages + DSSSL + +Document Style Semantics and Specification Language +(ISO/IEC 10179:1996). An international standard stylesheet language +for SGML/XML documents. + + + +element + + +elements +hierarchical structure + elements, defining +empty elements +start tags + empty element + +Elements define the hierarchical structure of a document. +Most elements have start and end tags and contain some part of the +document content. Empty elements have only a start tag and have no content. + + + +entity + + +entities +data entities + +A name assigned (by means of a declaration) to some chunk of +data so it can be referred to by that name; the data can be +of various kinds (a special character or a chapter or a set of +declarations in a DTD, for instance), and the way in which it is referred +to depends on the type of data and where it is being referenced: +SGML has parameter, general, external, internal, and data entities. + + +exclusion + + +exclusions +DTDs + exclusions +elements + exclusions + +An exclusion is used in a DTD to indicate that, within the element on +which the exclusion occurs, the excluded elements are not valid anywhere +within the content of the element. + + +Footnote element + exclusions +nesting + footnotes + +For example, in DocBook, Footnote excludes Footnote. +This means that footnotes cannot nest, even though Footnote +contains Para, and Footnote occurs in the proper +content model of Para. + + +See . + + +external entity + + +external general entities +general entities + external +references + external documents +documents + external, references to + +An external entity is a general entity that refers to another +document. External entities are often used to incorporate +parsable text documents, like legal notices or chapters, into larger +units, like chapters or books. + + +external subset + + +external subset +document type declaration + external subset +public identifiers + external subset +system identifiers + external subset +declarations + document type declaration + + +Element, attribute, and other declarations that compose +(part of) a document type definition that are stored in an +external entity, and referenced from a document's document type +declaration using a public or system identifier. + + +float + + +float +text + float + +Text objects like sidebars, figures, tables, and graphics are said +to float when their actual place in the document is not fixed. For presentation +on a printed page, for instance, a graphic may float to the top of the next page if it +is too tall to fit on the page in which it actually falls, in the sequence of words and the sequence of +other like objects in a document. + + +formal public identifier + + +FPI +public identifiers + formal +A public identifier that conforms to the specification of formal +public identifers in ISO 8879. + + +FOSI + + + +FOSI stylesheets + +Formatting Output Specification Instance, an SGML document that +specifies the appearance or presentation of another SGML document in +accordance +with the Output Specification DTD defined by MIL-STD-28001C. + + +general entity + + +general entities +entities + general +special characters, encoding as entities +internal general entities + +An entity referenced by a name that starts with an +ampersand (&) and ends with a semicolon. Most of the +time general entities are used in SGML documents, not in the DTD. +There are two types, external and internal entities, and they +refer either to special characters or to text objects +like commonly repeated phrases or names or chapters. + + +GI + + +generic identifiers (GI) +GI (generic identifiers) +identifiers, generic +elements + generic identifiers +names + elements (generic identifiers) + +Generic identifier, proper term for the actual name of an element; +Para is the generic identifier of the para element. + + +inclusion + + +inclusions +DTDs + inclusions +elements + inclusions +nesting + elements + +An inclusion is used in a DTD to indicate that, within the element on +which the inclusion occurs, the included elements are valid anywhere +within the content of the element. + + +For example, in DocBook, Chapter includes IndexTerm. +This means that IndexTerms can occur anywhere inside chapters, +even inside elements that do not have IndexTerms in their +proper content models. + + +See . + + + +internal entity + + +internal general entities +general entities + internal +entities + general + +A general entity that references a piece of text (including +its markup and even other internal entities), usually as a +keyboard shortcut. + + +internal subset + + +internal subset +document type declaration + internal subset +declarations + document type declaration + +Element, attribute, and other declarations that compose +(part of) a document type definition that are stored in a document, +within the document type declaration. + + + +meta-information + + +meta-information +documents + meta-information + +Meta-information is information about a document, such as the +specification of its author or its date of composition, as opposed +to the content of a document itself. + + +parameter entity + + +parameter entities +DocBook DTD + customizing + parameter entities +customization (DocBook DTD) + parameter entities, using +marked sections + parameter entities, controlling + +An entity usually referenced in the DTD by a name that +starts with a percent sign (%) and ends with a semicolon. +In DocBook, parameter entities are mainly used to facilitate +customization of the DTD, but they can also be used to control +marked sections of a document. + + +processing instruction + + +processing instructions + +An essentially arbitrary string preceded by a question mark and +delimited by angle brackets that is intended to convey +information to an application that processes an SGML instance. +For example, the processing instruction <?linebreak> +might cause the formatter to introduce a line break at the position where +the processing instruction occurs. + + +XML + processing instructions +PIprocessing instructions + +In XML documents, processing instructions should have the form: + +<?pitarget param1="value1" param2="value2"?> + + + +The pitarget should be a name that the processing application +will recognize. Additional information in the PI should be added using +attribute syntax. + + + +public identifier + + +public identifiers +external general entities + public identifiers +SGML + public identifiers +XML + public identifiers +DTDs + public identifiers + +An abstract identifier for an SGML or XML document, DTD, or +external entity. + + +raw + + +raw data +appearance + raw data +raw datacooked data +cooked dataraw data + +Raw data is just a collection of elements, with no additional +punctation or information about presentation. To continue the cooking +metaphor, raw data is just a set of ingredients. It's up to the processor +to select appropriate elements, arrange them for display, and add +required presentational information. + +Cooked + + +SGML + + +SGML +ISO standards + SGML + +Standard Generalized Markup Language, an international standard (ISO 8879) that specifies +the rules for the creation of platform-independent markup languages for electronic texts. + + + +stylesheet + + +stylesheets +appearance + stylesheets + +A file that specifies the presentation or appearance of a document; +there are several standards for such stylesheets, including +CSS, FOSIs, DSSSL, and, most recently, XSL. Vendors often have proprietary +stylesheet formats as well. + + + +system identifier + + +system identifiers + SGML +SGML + system identifiers + +In SGML, a local, system-dependent identifier for a document, +DTD, or external entity. Usually a filename on the local system. + +system identifiers + XML +URI + XML system identifiers +XML + system identifiers + +In XML, a system identifer is required to be a URI. + + + +tag + + +tags +elements + tags +angle brackets + SGML tags +SGML + tags + +An SGML element name enclosed in angle brackets +(<>), used to mark up the semantics or structure of a +document. Para is a tag in DocBook +used to mark the beginning of a paragraph. + + +URI + + +URI +Internet names and addresses +addresses, Internet syntax +names + Internet, syntax + +Uniform Resource Identifier, the W3C's codification of the name and +address syntax of present and future objects on the Internet. In its most basic +form, a URI consists of a scheme name (such as file, http, ftp, news, mailto, +gopher) followed by a colon, followed by a path whose nature is determined +by the scheme that precedes it (see RFC 1630). + + +URN +URL + +URI is the umbrella term for URNs, URLs, and all other Uniform Resource +Identifiers. + + + +URL + +Uniform Resource Locator, a name and address for an existing object +accessible over the Internet. +is an example of a URL (see RFC 1738). + + +URN + +Uniform Resource Name, the result of an evolving attempt to +define a name and address syntax for persistent +objects accessible over the Internet; urn:foo:a123,456 +is a legal URN consisting of three colon-separated fields: +urn +followed by a namespace identifier, followed by a namespace specifier +(see RFC 1737 and RFC 2141 for details). + + +W3C + + +W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) +World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) + +The World Wide Web Consortium ( + + +wrapper + + +wrappers +meta-information + wrappers +elements + wrappers + +Some elements, such as Chapter, have important semantic +significance. Other elements serve no obvious purpose except to contain +a number of other elements. For example, BookInfo has no +important semantics; it merely serves as a container for the meta-information +about a book. Elements that are just containers are sometimes called +wrappers. + + + +XML + + +XML +SGML + XML and +Extensible Markup LanguageXML + +The Extensible Markup Language, a subset of SGML +designed specifically for use over the Web. + + +XSL + + +XSL +XML + XSL stylesheets +XML Style Language, an evolving language for stylesheets +to be attached to XML documents. The stylesheet is itself an XML +document. + + + + + + + + + + + + +About this Book + +This is an alpha edition of this book. +This version may contain glaring inconsistencies, missing sections, +and other misfeatures indicative of a work in progress. + + +About the Authors + +Norman Walsh is an XML Standards Engineer +with Sun Microsystems, Inc.. + + +Norm is an active participant in a number of standards efforts +worldwide, including the XML Core, XSL and XML Schema Working Groups +of the World Wide Web Consortium, the OASIS XSLT Conformance and +RELAX NG Committees, the OASIS Entity Resolution Committee for +which he is the editor, and the OASIS DocBook Technical Committee, +which he chairs. + + +Leonard Muellner has been implementing and supporting the +production of O'Reilly books marked up in DocBook since 1994. + + +Colophon + +Our look is the result of reader comments, our own +experimentation, and feedback from distribution channels. +Distinctive covers complement our distinctive approach to +technical topics, breathing personality and life into +potentially dry subjects. + + +The bird on the cover of DocBook: The Definitive +Guide is a wood duck. Often considered one of the most +beautiful ducks in North America, the male wood duck has a metallic +purple and green head with white streaks extending from its bill +around the eyes and down to its blue and green, gold-flecked +wings. It has a white neck, chestnut-colored chest, a white or red +bill, and yellow-orange legs and feet. Females have more brown, gray, +and subdued hues. + + +Edie Freedman designed the cover of this book, using a +19th-century engraving from the Dover Pictorial Archive. The +cover layout was produced by Kathleen Wilson using QuarkXPress +3.32 and Adobe's ITC Garamond font. The inside layout was +designed by Alicia Cech, based on a series design by Nancy +Priest. The text was formatted from SGML into FrameMaker 5.5 +with Jade, using a DSSSL conversion stylesheet written by +Chris Maden. The interior fonts are ITC Garamond Light, +Garamond Book, and ConstantWillison. + + +Whenever possible, our books use RepKover(TM), a durable and +flexible lay-flat binding. If the page count exceeds RepKover's +limit, perfect binding is used. + + +The illustrations that appear in this book were produced by +Robert Romano using Macromedia Freehand 8 and Adobe Photoshop +5. David Futato was the production editor; Madeleine Newell guided +the book through the early stages of production. +Mark Nigara was the copyeditor for DocBook: The Definitive Guide. +Claire LeBlanc was the production manager. Ellie Cutler was the +proofreader; quality assurance was provided by Jeff Holcomb and +Claire LeBlanc. This colophon was written by Nicole Arigo. + + + + +
diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ebd9ad --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +module type BINARY = +sig + type node_content + type string_content + type descr = Nil | Node of node_content |String of string_content + type t + val parse_xml_uri : string -> t + val parse_xml_string : string -> t + val string : t -> string + val descr : t -> descr + val left : t -> t + val right : t -> t + val id : t -> int + val tag : t -> Tag.t + val print_xml_fast : out_channel -> t -> unit + val compare : t -> t -> int + val equal : t -> t -> bool +end + +module Binary = +struct + + type string_content = string + type descr = Nil | Node of node_content | String of string_content + and node_content = int*Tag.t * descr * descr * (descr ref) + type t = descr + + let descr t = t + + let string = function String s -> s | _ -> failwith "string" + + + external parse_xml_uri : string -> t = "caml_call_shredder_uri" + external parse_xml_string : string -> t = "caml_call_shredder_string" + + let parse_xml_uri s = Node(0,Tag.tag "",parse_xml_uri s,Nil,ref Nil) + let parse_xml_string s = Node(0,Tag.tag "",parse_xml_string s,Nil,ref Nil) + let tstring = function Nil -> "Nil" + | Node (_,_,_,_,_) -> "Node" + | String _ -> "String" + + +let print_xml fmt t = + let pp_str = Format.pp_print_string fmt in + let rec loop = function Nil -> () + | String (s) -> pp_str s + | Node (_,t,l,r,_) when Tag.equal t Tag.pcdata -> loop l;loop r + | Node (_,t,l,r,_) -> + pp_str ("<" ^ (Tag.to_string t)); + ( match l with + Nil -> pp_str "/>" + | Node(_,t',atts,children,_) when Tag.equal t' Tag.attribute -> + (loop_attributes atts; + match children with + | Nil -> pp_str "/>" + | _ -> + pp_str ">"; + loop children; + pp_str ("" ) + ) + | _ -> pp_str ">"; loop l; + pp_str ("" ); + );loop r + and loop_attributes = function + | Node(_,t,Node(_,_,String(s),_,_),r,_) -> + pp_str (" "^(Tag.to_string t)^"=\""^ s ^"\"") ; + loop_attributes r + | _ -> () + + in + loop t + +let print_xml fmt = + function Node(i,t,l,_,_) -> print_xml fmt (Node(i,t,l,Nil,ref Nil)) + | t -> print_xml fmt t + + +(* a bit ugly but inlining like this makes serialization faster *) + +let print_xml_fast outc t = + let rec loop = function Nil -> () + | String (s) -> output_string outc s + | Node (_,t,l,r,_) when Tag.equal t Tag.pcdata -> loop l;loop r + | Node (_,t,l,r,_) -> let t = Tag.to_string t in + output_char outc '<'; + output_string outc t; + ( match l with + Nil -> output_string outc "/>" + | Node(_,t',atts,children,_) when Tag.equal t' Tag.attribute -> + (loop_attributes atts; + match children with + | Nil -> output_string outc "/>" + | _ -> + output_char outc '>'; + loop children; + output_string outc "' ) + | _ -> + output_char outc '>'; + loop l; + output_string outc "' + );loop r + and loop_attributes = function + | Node(_,t,Node(_,_,String(s),_,_),r,_) -> + output_char outc ' '; + output_string outc (Tag.to_string t); + output_string outc "=\""; + output_string outc s; + output_char outc '"'; + loop_attributes r + | _ -> () + + in + loop t + +let print_xml_fast outc = + function Node(i,t,l,_,_) -> print_xml_fast outc (Node(i,t,l,Nil,ref Nil)) + | t -> print_xml_fast outc t + + + +let tabs = ref 0 + +let prtabs fmt = + for i = 0 to !tabs + do + Format.fprintf fmt " " + done + + +let rec dump fmt t = + incr tabs; + let _ = match t with + | Nil -> prtabs fmt; Format.fprintf fmt "#" + | String s -> prtabs fmt; Format.fprintf fmt "(String %s)" s + | Node(id,t,l,r,_) -> + prtabs fmt; + Format.fprintf fmt " (tag='"; + Tag.print fmt t; + Format.fprintf fmt "', id='%i')\n" id; + prtabs fmt; + dump fmt l; + Format.fprintf fmt "\n"; + prtabs fmt; + dump fmt r; + Format.fprintf fmt "\n"; + prtabs fmt;prtabs fmt; + Format.fprintf fmt "(id='%i'end )\n" id + in decr tabs + + +let dump fmt t = + tabs:=0; + dump fmt t; + tabs:=0 + +let id = function Node(i,_,_,_,_) -> i + | _ -> failwith "id" + +let tag = function Node(_,t,_,_,_) -> t + | _ -> failwith "tag" + +let left = function Node(_,_,l,_,_) -> l + | _ -> failwith "left" + +let right = function Node(_,_,_,r,_) -> r + | _ -> failwith "right" + +let first_child = left +let next_sibling = right + +let is_root = function Node (_,_,_,_,{contents=Nil}) -> true | _ -> false +let is_left n = match n with + | Node (_,_,_,_,{contents=p}) when not(is_root n) && (left p) == n -> true + | _ -> false + +let is_right n = match n with + | Node (_,_,_,_,{contents=p}) when not(is_root n) && (right p) == n -> true + | _ -> false + + +let compare t1 t2 = match t1,t2 with + | Nil,Nil -> 0 + | String s1, String s2 -> s1 s2 + | Nil, String _ -> -1 + | String _, Nil -> 1 + | Node(i1,_,_,_,_), Node(i2,_,_,_,_) -> i1 - i2 + | _, Node _ -> -1 + | Node _ , _ -> 1 +let equal t1 t2 = (compare t1 t2) == 0 + +let int_size = Sys.word_size/8 +let ssize s = ((String.length s)/4 +1)*4 +let rec size = + function Nil -> (int_size,1,0,0) + | String s -> (int_size + (ssize s),0,1,0) + | Node(_,_,l,r,_) -> + let sizel,nl,sl,il = size l + and sizer,nr,sr,ir = size r + in + (sizel+sizer+(7*int_size),nl+nr,sl+sr,il+ir+1) +let size t = + let s,n,st,i = size t in + s/1024,n,st,i +end + + +module XML = +struct + + type t + type 'a node = int + type node_kind = [`Text | `Tree ] + + let compare : 'a node -> 'a node -> int = fun x y -> x - y + let equal : 'a node -> 'a node -> bool = fun x y -> x == y + + (* abstract type, values are pointers to a XMLTree C++ object *) + + + external parse_xml_uri : bool -> float -> string -> t = "caml_call_shredder_uri" + let parse_xml_uri uri = parse_xml_uri true 1.0 uri + + external parse_xml_string : bool -> float -> string -> t = "caml_call_shredder_string" + let parse_xml_string = parse_xml_string true 1.0 + + + module Text = + struct + type t (* pointer to the text collection *) + (* Todo *) + + external get_text : t -> [`Text] node -> string = "caml_text_collection_get_text" + let is_empty t (n : [`Text] node) = "" = (get_text t n) + + end + module Tree = + struct + + + external serialize : string -> unit = "caml_xml_tree_serialize" + external unserialize : string -> t = "caml_xml_tree_unserialize" + + external root : t -> [`Tree] node = "caml_xml_tree_root" + external nullt : unit -> [`Tree ] node = "caml_xml_tree_nullt" + + let nil = nullt () + let is_nil x = equal x nil + + external parent : t -> [`Tree] node -> [`Tree] node = "caml_xml_tree_first_child" + external parent_doc : t -> [`Text ] node -> [`Tree ] node = "caml_xml_tree_parent_doc" + external first_child : t -> [`Tree] node -> [`Tree] node = "caml_xml_tree_first_child" + external next_sibling : t -> [`Tree] node -> [`Tree] node = "caml_xml_tree_next_sibling" + + external is_leaf : t -> [`Tree] node -> bool = "caml_xml_tree_is_leaf" + + external tag : t -> [`Tree ] node -> Tag.t = "caml_xml_tree_tag" + + external text_collection : t -> Text.t = "caml_xml_tree_text_collection" + + let is_last t n = equal nil (next_sibling t n) + + external prev_text : t -> [`Tree] node -> [`Text ] node = "caml_xml_tree_prev_text" + external my_text : t -> [`Tree] node -> [`Text ] node = "caml_xml_tree_my_text" + external next_text : t -> [`Tree] node -> [`Text ] node = "caml_xml_tree_next_text" + + external text_xml_id : t -> [`Text ] node -> int = "caml_xml_tree_text_xml_id" + external node_xml_id : t -> [`Tree ] node -> int = "caml_xml_tree_node_xml_id" + + end + + + module Binary : BINARY = struct + + type node_content = + [ `Node of [`Tree ] node + | `String of [`Text ] node * [`Tree ] node ] + type string_content = [ `Text ] node + type descr = + | Nil + | Node of node_content + | String of string_content + + type doc = t + + type t = { doc : doc; + node : descr } + + + open Tree + let node_of_t t = { doc= t; node= Node(`Node (root t)) } + + + let parse_xml_uri str = node_of_t (parse_xml_uri str) + let parse_xml_string str = node_of_t (parse_xml_string str) + + let compare a b = match a.node,b.node with + | Node(`Node i),Node(`Node j) -> compare i j + | _, Node(`Node( _ )) -> 1 + | Node(`String (i,_)),Node(`String (j,_)) -> compare i j + | Node(`Node( _ )),Node(`String (_,_)) -> -1 + | _, Node(`String (_,_)) -> 1 + | String i, String j -> compare i j + | Node _ , String _ -> -1 + | _ , String _ -> 1 + | Nil, Nil -> 0 + | _,Nil -> -1 + + let equal a b = (compare a b) == 0 + + let string t = match t.node with + | String i -> Text.get_text (text_collection t.doc) i + | _ -> assert false + + let norm (n : [`Tree ] node ) = if is_nil n then Nil else Node (`Node n) + + let descr t = t.node + + let first_child n = + let node' = + match n.node with + | Nil | String _ -> failwith "first_child" + | Node (`Node t) -> + let fs = first_child n.doc t in + let txt = prev_text n.doc t in + if Text.is_empty (text_collection n.doc) txt + then norm fs + else Node (`String (txt, fs)) + + | Node(`String (i,_)) -> String i + in + { n with node = node'} + + let next_sibling n = + let node' = + match n.node with + | Nil | String _ -> failwith "next_sibling" + | Node (`String (_,ns)) -> norm ns + | Node(`Node t) -> + let ns = next_sibling n.doc t in + let txt = next_text n.doc t in + if Text.is_empty (text_collection n.doc) txt + then norm ns + else Node (`String (txt, ns)) + in + { n with node = node'} + + + let left = first_child + let right = next_sibling + let id = + function { doc=d; node=Node(`Node n)} -> text_xml_id d n + | { doc=d; node=Node(`String (i,_) )} -> node_xml_id d i + | _ -> failwith "id" + + let tag = + function { node=Node(`String _) } -> Tag.pcdata + | { doc=d; node=Node(`Node n)} -> tag d n + | _ -> failwith "Tag" + + + + let print_xml_fast outc t = + let rec loop ?(print_right=true) t = match t.node with + | Nil -> () + | String (s) -> output_string outc (string t) + | Node _ when Tag.equal (tag t) Tag.pcdata -> loop (left t); loop (right t) + + | Node (_) -> + let tg = Tag.to_string (tag t) in + let l = left t + and r = right t + in + output_char outc '<'; + output_string outc tg; + ( match l.node with + Nil -> output_string outc "/>" + | Node(_) when Tag.equal (tag l) Tag.attribute -> + (loop_attributes (left l); + match (right l).node with + | Nil -> output_string outc "/>" + | _ -> + output_char outc '>'; + loop (right l); + output_string outc "' ) + | _ -> + output_char outc '>'; + loop (left l); + output_string outc "' + );if print_right then loop r + and loop_attributes a = match a.node with + | Node(_) -> let value = string (left(left a)) in + output_char outc ' '; + output_string outc (Tag.to_string (tag a)); + output_string outc "=\""; + output_string outc value; + output_char outc '"'; + loop_attributes (right a) + | _ -> () + in + loop ~print_right:false t + + end + +end diff --git a/tree.mli b/tree.mli new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bc38b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tree.mli @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +module type BINARY = +sig + type node_content + type string_content + type descr = Nil| Node of node_content | String of string_content + type t + val parse_xml_uri : string -> t + val parse_xml_string : string -> t + val string : t -> string + val descr : t -> descr + val left : t -> t + val right : t -> t + val id : t -> int + val tag : t -> Tag.t + val print_xml_fast : out_channel -> t -> unit + val compare : t -> t -> int + val equal : t -> t -> bool +end + +module Binary : BINARY diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab41b34 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,269 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +open Camlp4.PreCast + +module Loc = struct + type t = int * int + + let mk _ = (0,0) + let ghost = (-1,-1) + + let of_lexing_position _ = assert false + let to_ocaml_location _ = assert false + let of_ocaml_location _ = assert false + let of_lexbuf _ = assert false + let of_tuple _ = assert false + let to_tuple _ = assert false + + let merge (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = (min x1 y1, max x2 y2) + let join (x1, _) = (x1, x1) + let move _ _ _ = assert false + let shift _ _ = assert false + let move_line _ _ = assert false + let file_name _ = assert false + let start_line _ = assert false + let stop_line _ = assert false + let start_bol _ = assert false + let stop_bol _ = assert false + let start_off = fst + let stop_off = snd + let start_pos _ = assert false + let stop_pos _ = assert false + let is_ghost _ = assert false + let ghostify _ = assert false + let set_file_name _ = assert false + let strictly_before _ = assert false + let make_absolute _ = assert false + let print _ = assert false + let dump _ = assert false + let to_string _ = assert false + exception Exc_located of t * exn + let raise loc exn = + match exn with + | Exc_located _ -> raise exn + | _ -> raise (Exc_located (loc, exn)) + let name = ref "_loc" +end + +type token = + | TAG of string + | STRING of string + | INT of int + | KWD of string + | ATT of string + | EOI + +module Token = struct + open Format + module Loc = Loc + type t = token + type token = t + + let sf = Printf.sprintf + + let to_string = + function + | TAG s -> sf "TAG <%s>" s + | STRING s -> sf "STRING \"%s\"" s + | KWD s -> sf "KWD %s" s + | INT i -> sf "INT %i" i + | ATT s -> sf "ATT %s" s + | EOI -> sf "EOI" + + let print ppf x = pp_print_string ppf (to_string x) + + let match_keyword kwd = + function + | KWD kwd' when kwd = kwd' -> true + | _ -> false + + let extract_string = + function + | KWD s | STRING s | TAG s | ATT s -> s + | INT i -> string_of_int i + | tok -> + invalid_arg ("Cannot extract a string from this token: "^ + to_string tok) + + module Error = struct + type t = string + exception E of string + let print = pp_print_string + let to_string x = x + end + + module Filter = struct + type token_filter = (t, Loc.t) Camlp4.Sig.stream_filter + + type t = + { is_kwd : string -> bool; + mutable filter : token_filter } + + let mk is_kwd = + { is_kwd = is_kwd; + filter = (fun s -> s) } + + let filter x = + let f tok loc = + let tok' = tok in + (tok', loc) + in + let rec filter = + parser + | [< '(tok, loc); s >] -> [< ' f tok loc; filter s >] + | [< >] -> [< >] + in + fun strm -> x.filter (filter strm) + + let define_filter x f = x.filter <- f x.filter + + let keyword_added _ _ _ = () + let keyword_removed _ _ = () + end + +end +module Error = Camlp4.Struct.EmptyError + +module L = Ulexing + +exception Error of int * int * string + +let error i j s = raise (Error (i,j,s)) + +(***********************************************************) +(* Buffer for string literals *) + +let string_buff = Buffer.create 1024 + +let store_lexeme lexbuf = + Buffer.add_string string_buff (Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf) +let store_ascii = Buffer.add_char string_buff +let store_code = string_buff +let clear_buff () = Buffer.clear string_buff +let get_stored_string () = + let s = Buffer.contents string_buff in + clear_buff (); + Buffer.clear string_buff; + s + +(***********************************************************) +(* Lexer *) + +let illegal lexbuf = + error + (L.lexeme_start lexbuf) + (L.lexeme_end lexbuf) + "Illegal character" + +let return lexbuf tok = (tok, L.loc lexbuf) +let return_loc i j tok = (tok, (i,j)) + +let regexp ncname_char = + xml_letter | xml_digit | [ '-' '_' ] | xml_combining_char | xml_extender | "\\." + +let hexa_digit = function + | '0'..'9' as c -> (Char.code c) - (Char.code '0') + | 'a'..'f' as c -> (Char.code c) - (Char.code 'a') + 10 + | 'A'..'F' as c -> (Char.code c) - (Char.code 'A') + 10 + | _ -> -1 + + +let regexp ncname = ( xml_letter ncname_char* ) | ('_' ncname_char+) + +let parse_char lexbuf base i = + let s = L.latin1_sub_lexeme lexbuf i (L.lexeme_length lexbuf - i - 1) in + let r = ref 0 in + for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do + let c = hexa_digit s.[i] in + if (c >= base) || (c < 0) then + error (L.lexeme_start lexbuf) (L.lexeme_end lexbuf) "invalid digit"; + r := !r * base + c; + done; + !r + +let rec token = lexer + | [' ' '\t'] -> token lexbuf + | "text()" | "node()" | "and" | "not" | "or" + | "self" | "descendant" | "child" | "descendant-or-self" + | "attribute" | "following-sibling" + | "parent" + | "(" |")" | "," | "::" | "/" | "//" | "[" | "]" | "*" | "." + -> return lexbuf (KWD (L.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)) + | ncname -> return lexbuf (TAG(L.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)) + | '@' (ncname|'*') -> + let s = L.utf8_sub_lexeme lexbuf 1 + (L.lexeme_length lexbuf - 2) + in return lexbuf (ATT(s)) + | '-'? ['0'-'9']+ -> let i = INT (int_of_string(L.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)) in return lexbuf i + | '"' | "'" -> + let start = L.lexeme_start lexbuf in + let double_quote = L.latin1_lexeme_char lexbuf 0 = '"' in + string (L.lexeme_start lexbuf) double_quote lexbuf; + let s = get_stored_string () in + return_loc start (L.lexeme_end lexbuf) (STRING s) + + | eof -> return lexbuf EOI + | _ -> illegal lexbuf + +and string start double = lexer + | '"' | "'" -> + let d = L.latin1_lexeme_char lexbuf 0 = '"' in + if d != double then (store_lexeme lexbuf; string start double lexbuf) + | '\\' ['\\' '"' '\''] -> + store_ascii (L.latin1_lexeme_char lexbuf 1); + string start double lexbuf + | "\\n" -> + store_ascii '\n'; string start double lexbuf + | "\\t" -> + store_ascii '\t'; string start double lexbuf + | "\\r" -> + store_ascii '\r'; string start double lexbuf + | '\\' ['0'-'9']+ ';' -> + store_code (parse_char lexbuf 10 1); + string start double lexbuf + | '\\' 'x' ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F']+ ';' -> + store_code (parse_char lexbuf 16 2); + string start double lexbuf + | '\\' -> + illegal lexbuf; + | eof -> + error start (start+1) "Unterminated string" + | _ -> + store_lexeme lexbuf; + string start double lexbuf + + + +(***********************************************************) + +let enc = ref L.Latin1 +let lexbuf = ref None +let last_tok = ref (KWD "DUMMY") + +let raise_clean e = + clear_buff (); + raise e + +let mk () _loc cs = + let lb = L.from_var_enc_stream enc cs in + lexbuf := Some lb; + let next _ = + let tok, loc = + try token lb + with + | Ulexing.Error -> + raise_clean (Error (Ulexing.lexeme_end lb, Ulexing.lexeme_end lb, + "Unexpected character")) + | Ulexing.InvalidCodepoint i -> + raise_clean (Error (Ulexing.lexeme_end lb, Ulexing.lexeme_end lb, + "Code point invalid for the current encoding")) + | e -> raise_clean e + in + last_tok := tok; + Some (tok, loc) + in + Stream.from next diff --git a/ulexer.mli b/ulexer.mli new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fdac83 --- /dev/null +++ b/ulexer.mli @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +open Camlp4.Sig + +exception Error of int*int*string +type token = + TAG of string + | STRING of string + | INT of int + | KWD of string + | ATT of string + | EOI +module Loc : Loc with type t = int * int +module Token : Token with module Loc = Loc and type t = token +module Error : Error + +val mk : unit -> (Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t) diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..727c25e --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,402 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) + + +INCLUDE "";; +#load "pa_extend.cmo";; + + +module Ast = +struct + +type path = Absolute of step list | AbsoluteDoS of step list| Relative of step list +and step = axis*test*predicate +and axis = Self | Attribute | Child | Descendant | DescendantOrSelf | FollowingSibling + | Parent + +and test = TagSet.Xml.t + +and predicate = Or of predicate*predicate + | And of predicate*predicate + | Not of predicate + | Expr of expression +and expression = Path of path + | Function of string*expression list + | Int of int + | String of string + | True | False +type t = path + + +let pp fmt = Format.fprintf fmt +let print_list printer fmt sep l = + match l with + [] -> () + | [e] -> printer fmt e + | e::es -> printer fmt e; List.iter (fun x -> pp fmt sep;printer fmt x) es + + +let rec print fmt p = + let l = match p with + | Absolute l -> pp fmt "/"; l + | AbsoluteDoS l -> pp fmt "/"; + print_step fmt (DescendantOrSelf,TagSet.Xml.node,Expr True); + pp fmt "/"; l + | Relative l -> l + in + print_list print_step fmt "/" (List.rev l) +and print_step fmt (axis,test,predicate) = + print_axis fmt axis;pp fmt "::";print_test fmt test; + pp fmt "["; print_predicate fmt predicate; pp fmt "]" +and print_axis fmt a = pp fmt "%s" (match a with + Self -> "self" + | Child -> "child" + | Descendant -> "descendant" + | DescendantOrSelf -> "descendant-or-self" + | FollowingSibling -> "following-sibling" + | Attribute -> "attribute" + | Parent -> "parent") +and print_test fmt ts = + try + pp fmt "%s" (List.assoc ts + [ (TagSet.Xml.pcdata,"text()"); (TagSet.Xml.node,"node()"); + (,"*"]) + with + Not_found -> pp fmt "%s" + (if TagSet.Xml.is_finite ts + then Tag.to_string (TagSet.Xml.choose ts) + else "") + +and print_predicate fmt = function + | Or(p,q) -> print_predicate fmt p; pp fmt " or "; print_predicate fmt q + | And(p,q) -> print_predicate fmt p; pp fmt " and "; print_predicate fmt q + | Not p -> pp fmt "not "; print_predicate fmt p + | Expr e -> print_expression fmt e + +and print_expression fmt = function + | Path p -> print fmt p + | Function (f,l) -> pp fmt "%s(" f;print_list print_expression fmt "," l;pp fmt ")" + | Int i -> pp fmt "%i" i + | String s -> pp fmt "\"%s\"" s + | t -> pp fmt "%b" (t== True) + +end +module Parser = +struct + open Ast + open Ulexer + let predopt = function None -> Expr True | Some p -> p + + module Gram = Camlp4.Struct.Grammar.Static.Make(Ulexer) + let query = "query" + + exception Error of Gram.Loc.t*string + let test_of_keyword t loc = + match t with + | "text()" -> TagSet.Xml.pcdata + | "node()" -> TagSet.Xml.node + | "*" -> + | "and" | "not" | "or" -> TagSet.Xml.singleton (Tag.tag t) + | _ -> raise (Error(loc,"Invalid test name "^t )) + + let axis_to_string a = let r = Format.str_formatter in + print_axis r a; Format.flush_str_formatter() +EXTEND Gram + +GLOBAL: query; + + query : [ [ p = path; `EOI -> p ]] +; + + path : [ + [ "//" ; l = slist -> AbsoluteDoS l ] + | [ "/" ; l = slist -> Absolute l ] + | [ l = slist -> Relative l ] + ] +; + +slist: [ + [ l = slist ;"/"; s = step -> s::l ] +| [ l = slist ; "//"; s = step -> s::(DescendantOrSelf,TagSet.Xml.node,Expr True)::l] +| [ s = step -> [ s ] ] +]; + +step : [ + (* yurk, this is done to parse stuff like + a/b/descendant/a where descendant is actually a tag name :( + if OPT is None then this is a child::descendant if not, this is a real axis name + *) +[ axis = axis ; o = OPT ["::" ; t = test -> t ] ; p = top_pred -> + match o with + | Some(t) -> (axis,t,p) + | None -> (Child,TagSet.Xml.singleton (Tag.tag (axis_to_string axis)),p) ] + +| [ "." ; p = top_pred -> (Self,TagSet.Xml.node,p) ] +| [ test = test; p = top_pred -> (Child,test, p) ] +| [ att = ATT ; p = top_pred -> + match att with + | "*" -> (Attribute,,p) + | _ -> (Attribute, TagSet.Xml.singleton (Tag.tag att) ,p )] +] +; +top_pred : [ + [ p = OPT [ "["; p=predicate ;"]" -> p ] -> predopt p ] +] +; +axis : [ + [ "self" -> Self | "child" -> Child | "descendant" -> Descendant + | "descendant-or-self" -> DescendantOrSelf + | "following-sibling" -> FollowingSibling + | "attribute" -> Attribute + | "parent" -> Parent + ] + + +]; +test : [ + [ s = KWD -> test_of_keyword s _loc ] +| [ t = TAG -> TagSet.Xml.singleton (Tag.tag t) ] +]; + + +predicate: [ + [ p = predicate; "or"; q = predicate -> Or(p,q) ] +| [ p = predicate; "and"; q = predicate -> And(p,q) ] +| [ "not" ; p = predicate -> Not p ] +| [ "("; p = predicate ;")" -> p ] +| [ e = expression -> Expr e ] +]; + +expression: [ + [ f = TAG; "("; args = LIST0 expression SEP "," ; ")" -> Function(f,args)] +| [ `INT(i) -> Int (i) ] +| [ s = STRING -> String s ] +| [ p = path -> Path p ] +| [ "("; e = expression ; ")" -> e ] +] +; +END +;; + let parse_string = Gram.parse_string query ( "") + let parse = Gram.parse_string query ( "") +end + +module Functions = struct + + type value = [ `NodeSet of Automaton.BST.t + | `Int of int | `String of string + | `Bool of bool | `True | `False ] + type expr = [ value | `Call of (string*(expr list)) + | `Auto of Automaton.t ] + + + let count = function [`NodeSet(s) ] -> `Int(Automaton.BST.cardinal s) + | _ -> failwith "count" + + + let equal = function [ `Int i; `Int j ] -> `Bool (i == j) + |_ -> failwith "equal" + + let globals : (string*(value list -> value)) list = [ + + ("count",count); + ("equal",equal); +] + + let text t = Tree.Binary.string (Tree.Binary.left t) + + let rec eval_expr tree (e:expr) : value = match e with + | `Call (f,args) -> (List.assoc f globals) ( (eval_expr tree) args) + | `Auto(a) -> `NodeSet(ignore (Automaton.BottomUp.accept a tree);a.Automaton.result) + | #value as x -> x + + let truth_value = + function `NodeSet s -> Automaton.BST.is_empty s + |`Bool(b) -> b + | _ -> failwith "truth_value" + +end +module Compile = struct + open Ast + open Automaton + + + type direction = Left | Right | Final + let (==>) a (b,c,d) = Transition.Label(a,b,c,d) + let (@@) b (c,d) = (b,c,d) + + let star = + let any = TagSet.Xml.any + let notstar = TagSet.Xml.add Tag.pcdata (TagSet.Xml.add Tag.attribute TagSet.Xml.empty) + let swap dir a b = match dir with + | Left | Final -> (a,b) + | Right -> (b,a) + + let split_dest q l = + let rec aux ((qacc,nqacc) as acc) = function + | [] -> acc + | t::r -> + aux (if State.equal (Transition.dest1 t) q + || State.equal (Transition.dest2 t) q + then t::qacc , nqacc + else qacc , (t::nqacc)) r + in + aux ([],[]) l + + + let mk_tag_t dir s ts q1 q2 = (s==> ts @@ (swap dir q1 q2));; + let mk_self_trs ts acc l = + List.fold_left + (fun acc t -> + let s = Transition.source t in + let d1 = Transition.dest1 t in + let d2 = Transition.dest2 t in + let tself = (s ==> ts @@ (d1,d2)) in + (Transition.cap t tself)::acc ) (acc) l + + let mk_pred_trs f acc l = + List.fold_left + (fun acc t -> + let s = Transition.source t in + let d1 = Transition.dest1 t in + let d2 = Transition.dest2 t in + let tself = Transition.External(s,f,d1,d2) in + (Transition.cap t tself)::acc ) (acc) l + + let mk_dself_trs q' ts acc l = + List.fold_left + (fun acc t -> + let t',s,d2 = match t with + | Transition.Label(s,ts,_,d2) -> Transition.Label(s,ts,q',d2),s,d2 + | Transition.External (s,f,_,d2) -> Transition.External(s,f,q',d2),s,d2 + in + let tself = (s ==> ts @@ (q',d2)) in + (Transition.cap t' tself)::acc ) (acc) l + + let from_list = List.fold_left (fun acc e -> SSet.add e acc) SSet.empty + + let dir = function (FollowingSibling,_,_) -> Right + | _ -> Left + + let rev_map_dir p = + let rec map_dir (d,acc) = function + | [] -> acc + | s::r -> map_dir ((dir s),(s,d)::acc) r + in let l = match p with + | Absolute p | Relative p -> map_dir (Final,[]) p + | AbsoluteDoS p -> + let l = (map_dir (Final,[]) p) + in ((DescendantOrSelf,TagSet.Xml.node,Expr True),dir (fst(List.hd l)))::l + in ((Child,TagSet.Xml.node,Expr True),dir (fst(List.hd l)))::l + + + let rec compile_step q dir trs final initial ignore (axis,test,pred) = + let q' = in + let trs,final,initial = match axis,test with + | Self,ts -> + let tchange,tkeep = split_dest q trs in + let trs' = mk_self_trs ts tkeep tchange in + (trs',q::final,initial) + + | Child,ts -> + (mk_tag_t dir q ts q' ignore) ::( q==> any @@ (ignore,q))::trs, q'::final,initial + + | Descendant,ts -> + (mk_tag_t dir q ts q' ignore) :: + (q==> star @@ (q,q))::(q==> notstar @@ (ignore,q))::trs,q'::final,initial + + | DescendantOrSelf,ts -> + let tchange,tkeep = split_dest q trs in + let trs' = mk_dself_trs q' ts trs tchange in + (mk_tag_t dir q ts q' ignore) :: + (q==> star @@ (q,q))::(q==> notstar @@ (ignore,q))::trs',q'::final,initial + + | FollowingSibling,ts -> + (mk_tag_t dir q ts q' ignore) :: (q ==> any @@ (ignore,q))::trs,q'::final,initial + + (* q' is not returned and thus not added to the set of final states. + It's ok since we should never be in a final state on a node + <@> *) + | Attribute,ts -> let q'' = in + (mk_tag_t Left q (TagSet.Xml.attribute) q' ignore):: + (mk_tag_t Left q' (ts) q'' ignore)::( q==> any @@ (ignore,q))::trs, q''::q'::final,initial + + | Parent,ts -> let q'' = List.hd initial in + (mk_tag_t Left q' (star) q q'):: + ( q'' ==> ts @@ (q',q'')):: + ( q'' ==> star @@ (q'',q'')):: + ( q'' ==> notstar @@ (ignore,q''))::trs,q'::q''::final,q''::initial + + in + let q_out = List.hd final in + let tchange,tkeep = split_dest q_out trs in + let trs' = compile_pred q_out tkeep tchange pred in + (trs',final,initial) + + and compile_pred q_out tkeep tchange p = + let rec pred_rec = function + + | Or(p1,p2) -> cup (pred_rec p1) (pred_rec p2) + | And(p1,p2) -> cap (pred_rec p1) (pred_rec p2) + | Not(p) -> neg (pred_rec p) + | Expr e -> match compile_expr e with + | `True -> `Label (TagSet.Xml.any) + | `False -> `Label (TagSet.Xml.empty) + | e -> `Fun (fun t -> Functions.truth_value (Functions.eval_expr t e)) + + in match pred_rec p with + `Fun f -> mk_pred_trs f tkeep tchange + | `Label ts -> mk_self_trs ts tkeep tchange + + and compile_expr = function + True -> `True + | False -> `False + | Path p -> `Auto(compile p) + | Int i -> `Int i + | String s -> `String s + | Function (f,elist) -> `Call(f, compile_expr elist) + + and cup a b = match a,b with + | `Label l1 , `Label l2 -> `Label(TagSet.Xml.cup l1 l2) + | `Fun f1 , `Fun f2 -> `Fun (fun x -> (f1 x)||(f2 x)) + | `Fun f , `Label l | `Label l, `Fun f -> + `Fun (fun x -> + (TagSet.Xml.mem (Tree.Binary.tag x) l) + || (f x)) + + and cap a b = match a,b with + | `Label l1, `Label l2 -> `Label (TagSet.Xml.cap l1 l2) + | `Fun f1,`Fun f2 -> `Fun (fun x -> (f1 x)&&(f2 x)) + | `Fun f,`Label l | `Label l,`Fun f -> + `Fun (fun x -> + (TagSet.Xml.mem (Tree.Binary.tag x) l) + && f x) + and neg = function + `Label l -> `Label(TagSet.Xml.neg l) + | `Fun f -> `Fun (fun x -> not (f x)) + + and compile p = + let p = rev_map_dir p in + let ignore = + in + let q0 = in + let transitions = Transition.empty () in + let tlist,qlist,initacc = List.fold_left + (fun (tlist,qlist,initacc) (s,dir) -> + let q = List.hd qlist in + compile_step q dir tlist qlist initacc ignore s ) ([],[q0;ignore],[q0]) p + in + List.iter (Transition.add transitions) tlist; + let qmark = List.hd qlist in + { with + initial = from_list initacc; + final = from_list qlist; + transitions = transitions; + marking = from_list [qmark]; + ignore = from_list [qmark;ignore]; + } +end diff --git a/xPath.mli b/xPath.mli new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4e523b --- /dev/null +++ b/xPath.mli @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +(******************************************************************************) +(* SXSI : XPath evaluator *) +(* Kim Nguyen ( *) +(* Copyright NICTA 2008 *) +(* Distributed under the terms of the LGPL (see LICENCE) *) +(******************************************************************************) +module Ast : + sig + type path = Absolute of step list | AbsoluteDoS of step list| Relative of step list + and step = axis * test * predicate + and axis = Self | Attribute | Child | Descendant | DescendantOrSelf | FollowingSibling + | Parent + and test = TagSet.Xml.t + and predicate = Or of predicate*predicate + | And of predicate*predicate + | Not of predicate + | Expr of expression + and expression = Path of path + | Function of string*expression list + | Int of int + | String of string + | True | False + type t = path + val print : Format.formatter -> path -> unit + val print_step : Format.formatter -> step -> unit + val print_axis : Format.formatter -> axis -> unit + val print_test : Format.formatter -> test -> unit + val print_predicate : Format.formatter -> predicate -> unit + val print_expression : Format.formatter -> expression -> unit + end +module Parser : + sig + val parse_string : string -> Ast.path + val parse : string -> Ast.path + end +module Compile : +sig + val compile : Ast.path -> Automaton.t +end -- 2.17.1