open Ocamlbuild_plugin open Command open Myocamlbuild_config open Format let print_list l = Printf.eprintf "%!["; List.iter (fun s -> Printf.eprintf " '%s' " s) l; Printf.eprintf "]\n%!" (*let cxx_flags = S ( ( fun x -> A x) cxx_flags)*) let _A x = A x let _S ?(extra=N) l = S ( (fun e -> (S [extra; _A e] )) l) ;; let cxx_flags = ref [ _S cxx_flags ] let project_dirs = [ src_path; include_path ] let cxx_include_flags = _S cxx_includes let cxx_link_flags = ref [ _S cxx_lpaths; _S cxx_libs] let native_link_flags = ref ( (fun s -> s ^ ".cmxa") ocaml_link) let byte_link_flags = ref ("-custom" :: ( (fun s -> s ^ ".cma") ocaml_link)) let link_flags = [ A"-linkpkg" ] let native_compile_flags = ref [A"-fno-PIC"] let compile_flags = ref [] let dwsize = sprintf "-DWORDSIZE%i" Sys.word_size (* Utils *) let ( @= ) r l = r := !r @ l let ( =:: ) r e = r := e :: !r (* Pre-processed files *) let pp_macro_options = ref [ A "-parser"; A "macro"; A dwsize; A "-I"; P include_path ] let include_full_path = Pathname.pwd / include_path module Depends = struct open Scanf let scan_include ml = let ic = try open_in ml with _ -> open_in (include_full_path / ml) in let includes = ref [] in try while true do let s = input_line ic in try if String.length s > 0 then sscanf s " INCLUDE \"%s@\"" ((=::) includes) with Scan_failure _ -> () done; [] with End_of_file -> close_in ic; !includes let ocaml ml = let rec loop file = let includes = scan_include file in List.fold_left (fun a i -> (loop i) @ a) includes includes in let includes = loop ml in dep [ "file:" ^ ml ] ( (fun s -> include_path / s) includes) let parse_depends file depfile = let ichan = open_in depfile in let iscan = Scanning.from_channel ichan in let () = bscanf iscan " %s@: " ignore in let () = bscanf iscan " %s " ignore in let includes = ref [] in try while true do try let s = bscanf iscan " %s " (fun s -> s) in if s = "" then raise End_of_file; if s <> "\\" then includes =::s with Scan_failure _ -> () done; [] with End_of_file -> close_in ichan; !includes let uniq l = let rec loop l acc = match l with | [] -> acc | [ e ] -> e::acc | e1 :: ((e2 :: _) as ll) -> loop ll (if e1 = e2 then acc else e1 :: acc) in loop (List.sort compare l) [] let cxx cpp = let depfile = ( cpp ^ ".depends") in let cmd = Cmd (S[ A cxx_cmd ; S !cxx_flags; cxx_include_flags ; A"-MM"; A "-MG"; A "-MF"; P depfile; P cpp]) in let () = Command.execute ~quiet:true ~pretend:false cmd in let includes = parse_depends cpp depfile in List.filter (Pathname.is_relative) (uniq includes) end let cxx_compile env build = let src = env "%.cpp" and obj = env "%.o" in let local_include = Depends.cxx src in let local_dispatch = (fun p -> (fun p' -> p'/p) project_dirs) local_include in let () = ignore (build local_dispatch) in Cmd(S[A cxx_cmd; A "-o" ; P obj; A "-c"; S !cxx_flags; cxx_include_flags; P src]) (* Native compile and link action *) let ocamlfind x = S[ A"ocamlfind"; x ; A "-package"; A ocamlfind_packages ] let ppopt l = (fun e -> S[ A"-ppopt"; e ]) l let () = dispatch begin function | Before_rules -> Options.ocamlc := ocamlfind (A"ocamlc"); Options.ocamlopt := ocamlfind (A"ocamlopt"); Options.ocamldep := ocamlfind (A"ocamldep"); Options.ocamldoc := ocamlfind (A"ocamldoc"); Options.ocamlmktop := ocamlfind (A"ocamlmktop"); if (List.mem "profile" !Options.tags) then begin pp_macro_options @= [ A "-DPROFILE" ]; native_compile_flags @= [A "-p" ]; native_link_flags @= [ "-p" ]; cxx_flags @= [ A "-pg" ]; cxx_link_flags @= [ A "-pg" ]; end; if (List.mem "debug" !Options.tags) then begin pp_macro_options @= [ A "-DDEBUG" ]; cxx_flags @= [ A "-O0"; A "-g" ]; cxx_link_flags @= [ A "-g" ]; end else begin compile_flags @= [A "-noassert"]; pp_macro_options @= [ A "-unsafe" ]; native_compile_flags @= [ A "-inline"; A ocaml_inline ]; cxx_flags @= [ A "-O3" ] end; let dir_path = Pathname.pwd / src_path in let dir = Pathname.readdir dir_path in Array.iter (fun entry -> if Pathname.check_extension entry "ml" then Depends.ocaml (src_path / entry) (* else if Pathname.check_extension entry "cpp" then Depends.cxx (src_path / entry) *) ) dir; | After_rules -> dep [ "link" ] cstub_lib; rule "compile cpp -> o" ~prod:"%.o" ~deps:[ "%.cpp"] cxx_compile; let syntax_flags = S ([ A "-syntax"; A "camlp4o"; S (ppopt [A "-printer" ; A"Camlp4OCamlAstDumper"]); S (ppopt !pp_macro_options) ]) in flag [ "ocaml"; "ocamldep"] syntax_flags; flag [ "ocaml"; "compile" ] (S[ A "-cc"; A cxx_cmd; syntax_flags; S !compile_flags ]); flag [ "ocaml"; "native"; "compile" ] (S !native_compile_flags); flag [ "ocaml"; "link" ] (S [ S link_flags ; A "-cc"; A cxx_cmd; A "-cclib" ; Quote (S [ _S cstub_lib; S !cxx_link_flags]) ]); flag [ "ocaml"; "byte"; "link" ] (_S !byte_link_flags); flag [ "ocaml"; "native"; "link" ] (_S !native_link_flags); flag [ "c"; "ocamlmklib"] (S[ A "-custom"; ]) | _ -> () end