# # autoconf input for Objective Caml programs # Copyright (C) 2001 Jean-Christophe Filliâtre # from a first script by Georges Mariano # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # See the GNU Library General Public License version 2 for more details # (enclosed in the file LGPL). # modified by Kim Nguyẽn # the script generated by autoconf from this input will set the following # variables: # OCAMLC "ocamlc" if present in the path, or a failure # or "ocamlc.opt" if present with same version number as ocamlc # OCAMLOPT "ocamlopt" (or "ocamlopt.opt" if present), or "no" # OCAMLBEST either "byte" if no native compiler was found, # or "opt" otherwise # OCAMLDEP "ocamldep" # OCAMLLEX "ocamllex" (or "ocamllex.opt" if present) # OCAMLYACC "ocamlyac" # OCAMLLIB the path to the ocaml standard library # OCAMLVERSION the ocaml version number # OCAMLWEB "ocamlweb" (not mandatory) # OCAMLWIN32 "yes"/"no" depending on Sys.os_type = "Win32" # EXE ".exe" if OCAMLWIN32=yes, "" otherwise # check for one particular file of the sources # ADAPT THE FOLLOWING LINE TO YOUR SOURCES! AC_INIT([tatoo], [0.0.1], [kim.nguyen@lri.fr]) # Check for Ocaml compilers AC_CHECK_PROG(HAS_OCAMLFIND,ocamlfind,yes,no) if test "$HAS_OCAMLFIND" = "no" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find ocamlfind.) else OCAMLFIND=ocamlfind fi # we first look for ocamlc in the path; if not present, we fail OCAMLC="$OCAMLFIND ocamlc" AC_MSG_CHECKING(ocamlc) $OCAMLC if test ! $? ; then AC_MSG_RESULT(not found) AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find ocamlc.) else AC_MSG_RESULT($OCAMLC) fi OCAMLOPT="$OCAMLFIND ocamlopt" AC_MSG_CHECKING(ocamlopt) $OCAMLOPT if test ! $?; then AC_MSG_RESULT(not found) AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find ocamlopt.) else AC_MSG_RESULT($OCAMLOPT) fi # we extract Ocaml version number and library path OCAMLVERSION=$($OCAMLC -version) echo "ocaml version is $OCAMLVERSION" OCAMLLIB=$($OCAMLC -where) echo "ocaml library path is $OCAMLLIB" # ocamldep, ocamllex and ocamlyacc should also be present in the path OCAMLOPT="ocamlfind ocamldep" AC_MSG_CHECKING(ocamldep) $OCAMLDEP if test ! $?; then AC_MSG_RESULT(not found) AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find ocamldep.) else AC_MSG_RESULT($OCAMLDEP) fi AC_CHECK_PROG(OCAMLYACC,ocamlyacc, yes ,no) if test "$OCAMLYACC" = "no" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find ocamlyacc.) fi AC_CHECK_PROG(CAMLP4,camlp4, yes,no) if test "$CAMLP4" = "no" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find camlp4.) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ulex) ULEX_PATH=$($OCAMLFIND query ulex 2>/dev/null) if test -z "$ULEX_PATH"; then AC_MSG_RESULT(no) AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find ulex.) else AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(for expat) EXPAT_PATH=$($OCAMLFIND query expat 2>/dev/null) if test -z "$EXPAT_PATH"; then AC_MSG_RESULT(no) AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find expat.) else AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) fi # substitutions to perform AC_SUBST(OCAMLFIND) AC_SUBST(OCAMLC) AC_SUBST(OCAMLOPT) AC_SUBST(OCAMLDEP) AC_SUBST(OCAMLYACC) AC_SUBST(CAMLP4)