(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* TAToo *) (* *) (* Kim Nguyen, LRI UMR8623 *) (* Université Paris-Sud & CNRS *) (* *) (* Copyright 2010-2016 Université Paris-Sud and Centre National de la *) (* Recherche Scientifique. All rights reserved. This file is *) (* distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *) (* License, with the special exception on linking described in file *) (* ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) type node = int let dummy_tag = QName.of_string "#dummy" (* open Bigarray *) (* type table = (int, int16_unsigned_elt, c_layout) Array1.t *) type table = int array type t = { table : table; kind : Bytes.t; tags : QName.t array; data : string array; } (* encoding : i + 0 -> fc i + 1 -> ns i + 2 -> p *) let next i = i + 3 let idx i = i / 3 let dummy = 0 let nil = next (dummy) let root _t = next (next dummy) let size t = (idx (Array.length t.table)) - 2 let first_child t n = Array.unsafe_get t.table (n + 0) let next_sibling t n = Array.unsafe_get t.table (n + 1) let parent t n = Array.unsafe_get t.table (n + 2) let tag t n = Array.unsafe_get t.tags (idx n) let kind t n : Tree.NodeKind.t = Obj.magic (String.unsafe_get t.kind (idx n)) let preorder t n = (idx n) - 2 let data t n = Array.unsafe_get t.data (idx n) let by_preorder _ i = (i+2) / 3 let output_escape_string out s = for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do match s.[i] with | '<' -> output_string out "<" | '>' -> output_string out ">" | '&' -> output_string out "&" | '"' -> output_string out """ | '\'' -> output_string out "'" | c -> output_char out c done let rec print_attributes ?(sep=true) stop out tree node = if (kind tree node == Tree.NodeKind.Attribute) && node != stop then let tag = QName.to_string (tag tree node) in if sep then output_char out ' '; output_string out tag; output_string out "=\""; output_escape_string out (data tree node); output_char out '\"'; print_attributes stop out tree (next_sibling tree node) else node let rec print_xml stop out tree node = if node != nil && node != stop then let () = let open Tree.NodeKind in match kind tree node with | Node -> () | Text -> output_escape_string out (data tree node) | Element | Document -> let tag = QName.to_string (tag tree node)in output_char out '<'; output_string out tag; let fchild = print_attributes stop out tree (first_child tree node) in if fchild == nil then output_string out "/>" else begin output_char out '>'; print_xml stop out tree fchild; output_string out "' end | Attribute -> ignore (print_attributes stop ~sep:false out tree node) | Comment -> output_string out "" | ProcessingInstruction -> output_string out "" in print_xml stop out tree (next_sibling tree node) let print_xml out tree node = print_xml (next_sibling tree node) out tree node let mk_node table_a data_a kind_a tags_a i kind tag data pre_fc pre_ns pre_p = try data_a.(i+2) <- data; tags_a.(i+2) <- tag; Bytes.unsafe_set kind_a (i+2) (Obj.magic kind); let n = (i+2) * 3 in let fc = (pre_fc + 2) * 3 in let ns = (pre_ns + 2) * 3 in let p = (pre_p + 2) * 3 in table_a.(n) <- fc; table_a.(n + 1) <- ns; table_a.(n + 2) <- p with _ -> assert false let of_naive t = let s = Naive_tree.size t in let len = (s + 2) * 3 in let table = Array.make len ~-1 (* int16_unsigned c_layout len *) in let data = Array.make (s + 2) "" in let tags = Array.make (s+2) dummy_tag in let kind = Bytes.make (s+2) '\000' in mk_node table data kind tags ~-2 Tree.NodeKind.Element dummy_tag "" dummy dummy dummy; mk_node table data kind tags ~-1 Tree.NodeKind.Element QName.nil "" nil nil nil; for i = 0 to s - 1 do let node = Naive_tree.by_preorder t i in mk_node table data kind tags i (Naive_tree.kind t node) (Naive_tree.tag t node) (Naive_tree.data t node) (Naive_tree.preorder t (Naive_tree.first_child t node)) (Naive_tree.preorder t (Naive_tree.next_sibling t node)) (Naive_tree.preorder t (Naive_tree.parent t node)) done; { data; table; tags ; kind } let load_xml_string s = of_naive (Naive_tree.load_xml_string s) let load_xml_file f = of_naive (Naive_tree.load_xml_file f) let print_node fmt n = Format.fprintf fmt "%d" n