(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* TAToo *) (* *) (* Kim Nguyen, LRI UMR8623 *) (* Université Paris-Sud & CNRS *) (* *) (* Copyright 2010-2013 Université Paris-Sud and Centre National de la *) (* Recherche Scientifique. All rights reserved. This file is *) (* distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *) (* License, with the special exception on linking described in file *) (* ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) INCLUDE "utils.ml" open Format module Make (T : Tree.S) : sig val eval : Ata.t -> T.t -> T.node -> T.node list end = struct IFDEF HTMLTRACE THEN DEFINE TRACE(e) = (e) ELSE DEFINE TRACE(e) = () END let html tree node i config msg = let config = config.Ata.Config.node in Html.trace (T.preorder tree node) i "node: %i
sat: %a
unsat: %a
todo: %around: %i
" (T.preorder tree node) msg StateSet.print config.Ata.sat StateSet.print config.Ata.unsat (Ata.TransList.print ~sep:"
") config.Ata.todo i type run = { config : Ata.Config.t array; unstable : Bitvector.t; mutable redo : bool; mutable pass : int; } let top_down_run auto tree node run = let module Array = struct include Array let get a i = if i < 0 then Ata.dummy_config else get a i let unsafe_get a i = if i < 0 then Ata.dummy_config else unsafe_get a i end in let cache = run.config in let unstable = run.unstable in let _i = run.pass in let rec loop node = let node_id = T.preorder tree node in if node == T.nil || not (Bitvector.get unstable node_id) then false else begin let parent = T.parent tree node in let fc = T.first_child tree node in let fc_id = T.preorder tree fc in let ns = T.next_sibling tree node in let ns_id = T.preorder tree ns in let tag = T.tag tree node in let config0 = let c = cache.(node_id) in if c == Ata.dummy_config then Ata.Config.make { c.Ata.Config.node with Ata.todo = Ata.get_trans auto tag auto.Ata.states; summary = Ata.node_summary (node == T.first_child tree parent) (* is_left *) (node == T.next_sibling tree parent) (* is_right *) (fc != T.nil) (* has_left *) (ns != T.nil) (* has_right *) (T.kind tree node) (* kind *) } else c in TRACE(html tree node _i config0 "Entering node"); let ps = cache.(T.preorder tree parent) in let fcs = cache.(fc_id) in let nss = cache.(ns_id) in let config1 = Ata.eval_trans auto fcs nss ps config0 in TRACE(html tree node _i config1 "Updating transitions"); if config0 != config1 then cache.(node_id) <- config1; let unstable_left = loop fc in let fcs1 = cache.(fc_id) in let config2 = Ata.eval_trans auto fcs1 nss ps config1 in TRACE(html tree node _i config2 "Updating transitions (after first-child)"); if config1 != config2 then cache.(node_id) <- config2; let unstable_right = loop ns in let nss1 = cache.(ns_id) in let config3 = Ata.eval_trans auto fcs1 nss1 ps config2 in TRACE(html tree node _i config3 "Updating transitions (after next-sibling)"); if config2 != config3 then cache.(node_id) <- config3; let unstable_self = unstable_left || unstable_right || Ata.(TransList.nil != config3.Config.node.todo) in Bitvector.unsafe_set unstable node_id unstable_self; TRACE((if not unstable_self then Html.finalize_node node_id _i Ata.(StateSet.intersect config3.Config.node.sat auto.selection_states))); unstable_self end in loop node let get_results auto tree node cache = let rec loop node acc = if node == T.nil then acc else let acc0 = loop (T.next_sibling tree node) acc in let acc1 = loop (T.first_child tree node) acc0 in if Ata.( StateSet.intersect cache.(T.preorder tree node).Config.node.sat auto.selection_states) then node::acc1 else acc1 in loop node [] let stats run = let count = ref 0 in let len = Bitvector.length run.unstable in for i = 0 to len - 1 do if not (Bitvector.unsafe_get run.unstable i) then incr count done; Logger.msg `STATS "%i nodes over %i were skipped in iteration %i (%.2f %%), redo is: %b" !count len run.pass (100. *. (float !count /. float len)) run.redo let eval auto tree node = let len = T.size tree in let run = { config = Array.create len Ata.dummy_config; unstable = Bitvector.create ~init:true len; redo = true; pass = 0 } in while run.redo do run.redo <- false; Ata.reset auto; (* prevents the .cache2 and .cache4 memoization tables from growing too much *) run.redo <- top_down_run auto tree node run; stats run; run.pass <- run.pass + 1; done; at_exit (fun () -> Logger.msg `STATS "%i iterations" run.pass); at_exit (fun () -> stats run); let r = get_results auto tree node run.config in TRACE(Html.gen_trace (module T : Tree.S with type t = T.t) (tree)); r end