open Format module M = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end) let info = Hashtbl.create 2017 let final = Hashtbl.create 2017 let max_round = ref 0 let add_info (nodeid:int) (i:int) s = if i > !max_round then max_round := i; let m = try Hashtbl.find info nodeid with Not_found -> M.empty in let old_s = try M.find i m with Not_found -> "" in let s' = old_s ^ s in let m' = M.add i s' m in Hashtbl.replace info nodeid m' let buff = Buffer.create 20 let fmt = formatter_of_buffer buff let trace nodeid i = let () = pp_print_flush fmt (); Buffer.clear buff in kfprintf (fun fmt -> pp_print_flush fmt (); let s = Buffer.contents buff in add_info nodeid i s) fmt let finalize_node n r b = Hashtbl.replace final n (b,r) let gen_trace (type s) = (); fun t tree -> let module T = (val (t) : Tree.S with type t = s) in let rec loop odot ohtml node parent = if node == T.nil then () else begin let m = try Hashtbl.find info (T.preorder tree node) with Not_found -> M.empty in let node_id = T.preorder tree node in let marked, last_round = try Hashtbl.find final node_id with Not_found -> Printf.eprintf ">>> %i\n%!" node_id; false, !max_round; in let s_node = "node" ^ (string_of_int node_id) in fprintf odot "%s[ id=\"%s\" label=\"%s\" style=filled fillcolor=\"%f,1.0,1.0\"\ shape=\"%s\" ];\n" s_node s_node (QName.to_string (T.tag tree node)) (1.0 -. (float (last_round+1) /. float (!max_round+1))) (if marked then "oval" else "box") ; fprintf ohtml "data['%s'] = new Array();\n" s_node; M.iter (fun i s -> fprintf ohtml "data['%s'][%i] = '%s';\n" s_node i s) m; if parent != T.nil then fprintf odot "node%i -> %s;\n" (T.preorder tree parent) s_node; loop odot ohtml (T.first_child tree node) node; loop odot ohtml (T.next_sibling tree node) parent end in ignore (Sys.command "mkdir -p tests/trace"); let odot_ = open_out "tests/trace/" in let ohtml_ = open_out "tests/trace/trace.html" in let odot = formatter_of_out_channel odot_ in let ohtml = formatter_of_out_channel ohtml_ in fprintf odot "digraph G {\n node[shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=white];splines=false;"; fprintf ohtml "\ \ \ \ \
\ \n
\n"; let fi = open_in "tests/trace/trace2.svg" in try while true do let s = input_line fi in fprintf ohtml "%s\n" s; done with End_of_file -> fprintf ohtml "
\n%!"; pp_print_flush ohtml (); close_out ohtml_; close_in fi