INCLUDE "" open Format module M = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end) type info = { sat : StateSet.t; todo : StateSet.t; msg : string; } let info = Hashtbl.create 2017 let final = Hashtbl.create 2017 let max_round = ref 0 let buff = Buffer.create 20 let fmt = formatter_of_buffer buff let trace ?(msg="") nid r t d = if r > !max_round then max_round := r; let m = try Hashtbl.find info nid with Not_found -> M.empty in let () = pp_print_flush fmt () in let _ = fprintf fmt "node: %i
todo: %a
sat: %a
" nid msg StateSet.print t StateSet.print d in let () = pp_print_flush fmt () in let msg = Buffer.contents buff in let () = Buffer.clear buff in let old_inf = try M.find r m with Not_found -> [] in let m' = M.add r ({ sat = d; todo = t; msg = msg }::old_inf) m in Hashtbl.replace info nid m' let finalize_node n r b = Hashtbl.replace final n (b,r) module K = struct type t = StateSet.t list let hash l = List.fold_left (fun acc set -> HASHINT2(acc, ( :> int))) 17 l let equal l1 l2 = try List.for_all2 (==) l1 l2 with _ -> false end module CTable = Hashtbl.Make (K) let ctable = CTable.create 20 let rgb x = let h = K.hash x in let r = h land 0xff and g = (h lsr 8) land 0xff and b = (h lsr 16) land 0xff in r, g, b let color x = try CTable.find ctable x with Not_found -> let r,g,b = rgb x in let s = "rgb(" ^ (string_of_int r) ^ "," ^ (string_of_int g) ^ "," ^ (string_of_int b) ^ ")" in CTable.add ctable x s; s let text_color x = let r,g,b = rgb x in let av = (r + g + b) / 3 in if av > 128 then "rgb(0,0,0)" else "rgb(255,255,255)" let get_conf sel l i = List.fold_left (fun (accb,accl) a -> accb || StateSet.intersect a.(i) sel, a.(i) :: accl) (false,[]) l let gen_trace (type s) = fun auto sat_arrays t tree -> let module T = (val (t) : Tree.S with type t = s) in let root = T.root tree in let sel = Ata.get_selecting_states auto in let rec loop output node parent prevsib x y = if node != T.nil then begin let node_id = T.preorder tree node in let marked, conf = get_conf sel sat_arrays node_id in let scolor, tcolor = color conf, text_color conf in let tag = QName.to_string (T.tag tree node) in let lbox = (String.length tag + 2) * 10 in let s_node = "node" ^ (string_of_int node_id) in let first = T.first_child tree node in let next = T.next_sibling tree node in fprintf output "%!" s_node s_node x y lbox scolor (if marked then ";stroke-width:4" else ";stroke-width:2;stroke-dasharray:2,2"); fprintf output "node%inode%inode%inode%i\n%!" s_node (T.preorder tree first) s_node (T.preorder tree next) s_node (T.preorder tree parent) s_node (T.preorder tree prevsib) ; fprintf output "%s\n" (x+10) (y+15) tcolor s_node tag; let maxw1, maxy1 = loop output first node T.nil x (y + 40) in let x_next = max (x+lbox) (maxw1+10) in if node != root then begin if prevsib == T.nil then fprintf output "\n" (x + lbox / 2) (y-18) (x + lbox / 2) (y); if next != T.nil then fprintf output "\n" (x + lbox) (y+11) x_next (y+11); end; let maxw2, maxy2 = loop output next parent node x_next y in maxw2, max maxy1 maxy2 end else x, y in ignore (Sys.command "mkdir -p tests/trace"); let ohtml_ = open_out "tests/trace/trace.html" in let ohtml = formatter_of_out_channel ohtml_ in fprintf ohtml "\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\
\n\ \n\
\n \n"; let maxw, maxh = loop ohtml (T.root tree) T.nil T.nil 50 50 in fprintf ohtml "\n
\n%!" maxw maxh; pp_print_flush ohtml (); close_out ohtml_