open Arg let count = ref false let input_file = ref "" let output_file : string option ref = ref None let query = ref "" let stats = ref false let specs = align [ "-c", Set count, ""; "--count", Set count, " write the number of results only"; "-s", Set stats, ""; "--stats", Set stats, " display timing and various statistics"; ] let usage_msg = Printf.sprintf "usage: %s [options] input.xml query [output.xml]" Sys.argv.(0) let get_anon, anon_arg = let args = ref [] in (fun () -> !args), (fun s -> args := s::!args) let usage () = usage specs usage_msg let parse () = parse specs anon_arg usage_msg; match List.rev (get_anon ()) with input :: q :: maybe_output -> input_file := input; query := q; begin match maybe_output with [] -> () | [ output ] -> output_file := Some output | _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "too many arguments") end | [] | [ _ ] -> raise (Arg.Bad "not enough arguments")