open Table let compteur = ref 0 let all_nodes tree = let root = Naive_tree.root tree in eval_axis tree [root] (Descendant true) let element_by_tag tree tagset = let dom = all_nodes tree in List.filter (fun c -> QNameSet.mem (Naive_tree.tag tree c) tagset ) dom let rec compile_single_path p = let open Xpath.Ast in match p with | Absolute p | Relative p -> compile_step_list (List.rev p) and compile_step_list p = match p with | [] -> Start | (a,(test,_),el) :: r -> let qtree = compile_step_list r in let res = Binop ( Inter,Axis (a,qtree), Tag (test) ) in List.fold_left (fun acc e -> Binop(Inter, acc, compile_expr e)) res el (*avant j'ai utilise une function compile_expr_list ,c'est pas genial*) and compile_expr (e : Xpath.Ast.expr ) = match e with | Fun_call (f, [ e0 ]) when (QName.to_string f) = "not" -> let qtree = compile_expr e0 in Binop (Diff , Dom, qtree) | Binop (e1,op,e2) -> let qtree1 = compile_expr e1 in let qtree2 = compile_expr e2 in begin match op with | Or -> Binop (Union , qtree1,qtree2) | And -> Binop (Inter ,qtree1,qtree2) | _ -> failwith "Unknown operator" end | Path p -> compile_path_rev p | _ -> failwith "Unknown expression" and compile_path_rev p = match p with | [] -> assert false | [p] -> compile_single_path_rev p | p::r -> List.fold_left (fun acc p -> Binop (Union , acc, compile_single_path_rev p) ) (compile_single_path_rev p) r and compile_single_path_rev p = match p with | Absolute p | Relative p -> compile_step_list_rev p (*(List.rev p)*) and compile_step_list_rev p = match p with | [] -> Dom (*assert false*) (*on fait rien , mais comment signifer ???*) | (a,(test,_),el) :: r -> let qtree = compile_step_list_rev r in let res = Binop (Inter , qtree, Tag(test)) in let qtree2 = List.fold_left (fun acc e -> Binop(Inter, acc, compile_expr e)) res el in let a_rev = axis_rev a in Axis (a_rev , qtree2) and axis_rev a = let open Xpath.Ast in match a with Self -> Self | Attribute -> assert false | Child -> Parent | Descendant b -> if not b then (Ancestor false) else (Ancestor true) (* true = descendant-or-self, false = descendant *) | FollowingSibling -> PrecedingSibling | Parent -> Child | Ancestor b -> if not b then (Descendant false) else (Descendant true) (* true = ancestor-or-self, false = ancestor *) | PrecedingSibling -> FollowingSibling | Preceding -> Following | Following -> Preceding let compile_xpath p = match p with | [] -> assert false | [p] -> compile_single_path p | p::r -> List.fold_left (fun acc p -> Binop (Union , acc, compile_single_path p) ) (compile_single_path p) r let comp_node t n1 n2 = (Naive_tree.preorder t n1) < (Naive_tree.preorder t n2) let rec union_list t l1 l2 = match l1,l2 with | [],l2 -> l2 | l1, [] -> l1 | h1::ll1, h2::ll2 -> if (comp_node t h2 h1) then h2 :: (union_list t l1 ll2) else if (comp_node t h1 h2) then h1::(union_list t ll1 l2) else h1 ::(union_list t ll1 ll2) let rec inter_list t l1 l2 = match l1,l2 with | [],l2 -> [] | l1, [] -> [] | h1::ll1, h2::ll2 -> if (comp_node t h1 h2) then inter_list t ll1 l2 else if (comp_node t h2 h1) then inter_list t l1 ll2 else h1 :: (inter_list t ll1 ll2) let rec diff_list t l1 l2 = match l1,l2 with | [],l2 -> [] | l1, [] -> l1 | h1::ll1, h2::ll2 -> if (comp_node t h1 h2) then h1::(diff_list t ll1 l2) else if (comp_node t h2 h1) then h2 :: (diff_list t l1 ll2) else diff_list t ll1 ll2 let do_debug = ref false let debug tree q l = if !do_debug then begin Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "Evaluation de: "; print_query_tree Format.std_formatter q; Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "\nResultat: %i" (List.length l); Format.pp_print_flush Format.std_formatter (); print_node_list tree l; Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "\n----------------\n"; Format.pp_print_flush Format.std_formatter (); end let rec eval_query_tree tree start q = let resultat = match q with | Start -> start | Dom -> all_nodes tree | Tag t -> element_by_tag tree t | Axis (a,q1) -> let ls = eval_query_tree tree start q1 in eval_axis tree ls a | Binop (op,q1,q2)-> begin let ls1 = eval_query_tree tree start q1 in let ls2 = eval_query_tree tree start q2 in match op with | Union -> union_list tree ls1 ls2 | Inter -> inter_list tree ls1 ls2 | Diff -> diff_list tree ls1 ls2 end in debug tree q resultat; compteur := !compteur + (List.length resultat); resultat