val compteur : int ref (**the counter of nodes*) val element_by_tag : Naive_tree.t -> QNameSet.t -> Tree.NodeKind.t -> Bitvector.t (** [element_by_tag t tag] returns all the nodes whose tag equal to [tag] in the tree [t]. *) val compile_single_path : Xpath.Ast.single_path -> Table.query_tree (** il y a un cycle si on met la definition de query_tree dans le fichier [] [compile_single_path spath] returns un query_tree built with [spath] *) val compile_xpath : Xpath.Ast.path -> Table.query_tree (** [compile_xpath path] returns un query_tree built with [xpath] *) val minimize_qtree : Table.query_tree -> Table.query_tree (** [minimize_qtree q] returns the minimum query_tree of [q] [q] query_tree *) val eval_qtree : Naive_tree.t -> Bitvector.t ->Table.query_tree -> Bitvector.t (** [eval_qtree tree start q] returns the set of nodes that evaluate by the query_tree [q]. [start] the set of nodes departing. [q] query_tree *)