(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* TAToo *) (* *) (* Lucca Hirschi, LRI UMR8623 *) (* Université Paris-Sud & CNRS *) (* *) (* Copyright 2010-2012 Université Paris-Sud and Centre National de la *) (* Recherche Scientifique. All rights reserved. This file is *) (* distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *) (* License, with the special exception on linking described in file *) (* ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) module Node = struct type t = int let hash n = n let compare = (-) let equal = (=) end module NodeHash = Hashtbl.Make (Node) type t = (StateSet.t*StateSet.t) NodeHash.t (** Map from nodes to query and recognizing states *) (* Note that we do not consider nil nodes *) exception Oracle_fail exception Over_max_fail exception Max_fail (* Mapped sets for leaves *) let map_leaf asta = (Asta.bot_states_s asta, StateSet.empty) (* Build the Oracle *) let rec bu_oracle asta run tree tnode = let node = Tree.preorder tree tnode in if Tree.is_leaf tree tnode then if tnode == Tree.nil then () else NodeHash.add run node (map_leaf asta) else let tfnode = Tree.first_child tree tnode (* first child *) and tnnode = Tree.next_sibling tree tnode in (* next-sibling *) let fnode,nnode = (* their preorders *) (Tree.preorder tree tfnode, Tree.preorder tree tnnode) in begin bu_oracle asta run tree tfnode; bu_oracle asta run tree tnnode; let q_rec n = (* compute the set for child/sibling *) try NodeHash.find run n with Not_found -> map_leaf asta in let (_,qfr),(_,qnr) = q_rec fnode,q_rec nnode (* computed in rec call *) and lab = Tree.tag tree tnode in let _,list_tr = Asta.transitions_lab asta lab in (* only reco. tran.*) let rec result set flag = function (* add states which satisfy a transition *) | [] -> set,flag | (q,form) :: tl -> if Formula.eval_form (set,qfr,qnr) form (* evaluates the formula*) then if StateSet.mem q set then result set 0 tl else result (StateSet.add q set) 1 tl else result set 0 tl in let rec fix_point set_i = (* compute the fixed point of states of node *) let set,flag = result set_i 0 list_tr in if flag = 0 then set else fix_point set in NodeHash.add run node (StateSet.empty, fix_point StateSet.empty) end (* Build the over-approx. of the maximal run *) let rec bu_over_max asta run tree tnode = if (Tree.is_leaf tree tnode) (* BU_oracle has already created the map *) then () else let tfnode = Tree.first_child tree tnode and tnnode = Tree.next_sibling tree tnode in begin bu_over_max asta run tree tfnode; bu_over_max asta run tree tnnode; let (fnode,nnode) = (Tree.preorder tree tfnode, Tree.preorder tree tnnode) and node = Tree.preorder tree tnode in let q_rec n = try NodeHash.find run n with Not_found -> map_leaf asta in let qf,qn = q_rec fnode,q_rec nnode in let lab = Tree.tag tree tnode in let list_tr,_ = Asta.transitions_lab asta lab (* only take query st. *) and _,resultr = try NodeHash.find run node with _ -> raise Over_max_fail in let rec result set flag = function | [] -> set,flag | (q,form) :: tl -> if Formula.infer_form (set,resultr) qf qn form (* infers the formula*) then if StateSet.mem q set then result set 0 tl else result (StateSet.add q set) 1 tl else result set 0 tl in let rec fix_point set_i = let set,flag = result set_i 0 list_tr in if flag = 0 then set else fix_point set in let result_set = fix_point StateSet.empty in (* we keep the old recognizing states set *) NodeHash.replace run node (result_set, resultr) end (* Build the maximal run *) let rec tp_max asta run tree tnode = if (Tree.is_leaf tree tnode) (* BU_oracle has already created the map *) then () else let node = Tree.preorder tree tnode and tfnode = Tree.first_child tree tnode and tnnode = Tree.next_sibling tree tnode in let (fnode,nnode) = (Tree.preorder tree tfnode, Tree.preorder tree tnnode) in begin if tnode == Tree.root tree (* we must intersect with top states *) then let setq,_ = try NodeHash.find run node with _ -> raise Max_fail in NodeHash.replace run node ((StateSet.inter (Asta.top_states_s asta) setq),StateSet.empty) else (); let q_rec n = try NodeHash.find run n with Not_found -> map_leaf asta in let qf,qn = q_rec fnode,q_rec nnode in let lab = Tree.tag tree tnode in let list_tr,_ = Asta.transitions_lab asta lab in (* only take query. *) let set_node,_ = try NodeHash.find run node with _ -> raise Max_fail in let self = try NodeHash.find run node with Not_found -> raise Max_fail in let rec result = function | [] -> [] | (q,form) :: tl -> if (Formula.infer_form self qf qn form) && (StateSet.mem q set_node) (* infers & trans. can start here *) then form :: (result tl) else result tl in let list_form = result list_tr in (* tran. candidates *) (* compute states occuring in transition candidates *) let rec add_st (ql,qr) = function | [] -> ql,qr | f :: tl -> let sql,sqr = Formula.st f in let ql' = StateSet.union sql ql and qr' = StateSet.union sqr qr in add_st (ql',qr') tl in let ql,qr = add_st (StateSet.empty, StateSet.empty) list_form in let qfq,qfr = try NodeHash.find run fnode with | _ -> map_leaf asta and qnq,qnr = try NodeHash.find run nnode with | _ -> map_leaf asta in begin if tfnode == Tree.nil then () else NodeHash.replace run fnode (StateSet.inter qfq ql,qfr); if tnnode == Tree.nil then () else NodeHash.replace run nnode (StateSet.inter qnq qr,qnr); tp_max asta run tree tfnode; tp_max asta run tree tnnode; end; end let compute tree asta = let flag = 2 in (* debug *) let size_tree = 10000 in (* todo (Tree.size ?) *) let map = NodeHash.create size_tree in bu_oracle asta map tree (Tree.root tree); if flag > 0 then begin bu_over_max asta map tree (Tree.root tree); if flag = 2 then tp_max asta map tree (Tree.root tree) else () end else (); map let selected_nodes tree asta = let run = compute tree asta in NodeHash.fold (fun key set acc -> if not(StateSet.is_empty (StateSet.inter (fst set) (Asta.selec_states asta))) then key :: acc else acc) run [] let print fmt run = let print_d_set fmt (s_1,s_2) = Format.fprintf fmt "(%a,%a)" StateSet.print s_1 StateSet.print s_2 in let print_map fmt run = let pp = Format.fprintf fmt in if NodeHash.length run = 0 then Format.fprintf fmt "ø" else NodeHash.iter (fun cle set -> pp "| %i->%a @ " cle print_d_set set) run in let print_box fmt run = let pp = Format.fprintf fmt in pp "@[@. # Mapping:@. @[%a@]@]" print_map run in Format.fprintf fmt "@[##### RUN #####@, %a@]@." print_box run