(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* TAToo *) (* *) (* Kim Nguyen, LRI UMR8623 *) (* Université Paris-Sud & CNRS *) (* *) (* Copyright 2010-2013 Université Paris-Sud and Centre National de la *) (* Recherche Scientifique. All rights reserved. This file is *) (* distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *) (* License, with the special exception on linking described in file *) (* ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) INCLUDE "utils.ml" INCLUDE "debug.ml" open Format open Misc type stats = { mutable pass : int; tree_size : int; mutable fetch_trans_cache_access : int; mutable fetch_trans_cache_miss : int; mutable eval_trans_cache_access : int; mutable eval_trans_cache_miss : int; mutable nodes_per_run : int list; } let dummy_set = StateSet.singleton State.dummy_state IFDEF HTMLTRACE THEN type sat_array = StateSet.t array list DEFINE IFHTML(a,b) = (a) ELSE type sat_array = StateSet.t array DEFINE IFHTML(a,b) = (b) END let unsafe_get a i = if i < 0 then StateSet.empty else Array.unsafe_get (IFHTML(List.hd a, a)) i let unsafe_set a i v = (* if v != old_v then *) Array.unsafe_set (IFHTML(List.hd a, a)) i v type 'node td_action = 'node -> int -> 'node -> 'node -> StateSet.t type 'node bu_action = 'node -> int -> StateSet.t let dummy_action = fun _ _ -> assert false type ('tree, 'node) run = { tree : 'tree ; (* The argument of the run *) auto : Ata.t; (* The automaton to be run *) mutable sat: sat_array; (* A mapping from node preorders to states satisfied at that node *) mutable pass : int; (* Number of run we have performed *) mutable fetch_trans_cache : Ata.Formula.t Cache.N2.t; (* A cache from states * label to list of transitions *) mutable td_cache : 'node td_action Cache.N6.t; mutable bu_cache : 'node bu_action Cache.N6.t; (* Two 6-way caches used during the top-down and bottom-up phase label * self-set * fc-set * ns-set * parent-set * node-shape -> self-set *) stats : stats; } let dummy_form = Ata.Formula.stay State.dummy_state let get_form run tag (q : State.t) = let auto = run.auto in let fetch_trans_cache = run.fetch_trans_cache in let stats = run.stats in let phi = stats.fetch_trans_cache_access <- stats.fetch_trans_cache_access + 1; Cache.N2.find fetch_trans_cache (tag.QName.id :> int) (q :> int) in if phi == dummy_form then let phi = Ata.get_form auto tag q in let () = stats.fetch_trans_cache_miss <- stats.fetch_trans_cache_miss + 1; Cache.N2.add fetch_trans_cache (tag.QName.id :> int) (q :> int) phi in phi else phi let eval_form phi fcs nss ps ss summary = let open Ata in let rec loop phi = begin match Formula.expr phi with | Boolean.False -> false | Boolean.True -> true | Boolean.Atom (a, b) -> begin let open Tree.NodeSummary in match a.Atom.node with | Move (m, q) -> b && StateSet.mem q ( match m with `First_child -> fcs | `Next_sibling -> nss | `Parent | `Previous_sibling -> ps | `Stay -> ss ) | Is_first_child -> b == is_left summary | Is_next_sibling -> b == is_right summary | Is k -> b == (k == kind summary) | Has_first_child -> b == has_left summary | Has_next_sibling -> b == has_right summary end | Boolean.And(phi1, phi2) -> loop phi1 && loop phi2 | Boolean.Or (phi1, phi2) -> loop phi1 || loop phi2 end in loop phi let eval_trans_aux run tag summary fcs nss ps sat todo = StateSet.fold (fun q (a_sat) -> let phi = get_form run tag q in if eval_form phi fcs nss ps a_sat summary then StateSet.add q a_sat else a_sat ) todo sat let rec eval_trans_fix run tag summary fcs nss ps sat todo = let new_sat = eval_trans_aux run tag summary fcs nss ps sat todo in if new_sat == sat then sat else eval_trans_fix run tag summary fcs nss ps new_sat todo let eval_trans run trans_cache tag summary fcs nss ps ss todo action_builder = let stats = run.stats in let fcsid = (fcs.StateSet.id :> int) in let nssid = (nss.StateSet.id :> int) in let psid = (ps.StateSet.id :> int) in let ssid = (ss.StateSet.id :> int) in let tagid = (tag.QName.id :> int) in let res = Cache.N6.find trans_cache tagid summary ssid fcsid nssid psid in stats.eval_trans_cache_access <- 1 + stats.eval_trans_cache_access; if res != dummy_action then res else let new_sat = eval_trans_fix run tag summary fcs nss ps ss todo in stats.eval_trans_cache_miss <- 1 + stats.eval_trans_cache_miss; let new_action = action_builder ps summary tag new_sat in Cache.N6.add trans_cache tagid summary ssid fcsid nssid psid new_action; new_action module NodeSummary = Tree.NodeSummary module Make (T : Tree.S) = struct module Tree : Tree.S with type node = T.node = T module ResultSet : Deque.S with type elem = Tree.node = Deque.Make (struct type t = Tree.node end) let make auto tree = let len = Tree.size tree in { tree = tree; auto = auto; sat = (let a = Array.make len StateSet.empty in IFHTML([a], a)); pass = 0; fetch_trans_cache = Cache.N2.create dummy_form; td_cache = Cache.N6.create dummy_action; bu_cache = Cache.N6.create dummy_action; stats = { pass = 0; tree_size = len; fetch_trans_cache_access = 0; fetch_trans_cache_miss = 0; eval_trans_cache_access = 0; eval_trans_cache_miss = 0; nodes_per_run = []; } } let top_down run mk_update_res = let num_visited = ref 0 in let i = run.pass in let tree = run.tree in let auto = run.auto in let states_by_rank = Ata.get_states_by_rank auto in let td_todo = states_by_rank.(i) in let bu_todo = if i == Array.length states_by_rank - 1 then StateSet.empty else states_by_rank.(i+1) in let run_sat = run.sat in let last_run = i >= Array.length states_by_rank - 2 in let rec common node parent parent_sat action_builder = begin incr num_visited; let tag = Tree.tag tree node in let node_id = Tree.preorder tree node in let summary = Tree.summary tree node in let fc = Tree.first_child tree node in let ns = Tree.next_sibling tree node in (* We enter the node from its parent *) let status0 = unsafe_get run_sat node_id in (* get the node_statuses for the first child, next sibling and parent *) (* evaluate the transitions with all this statuses *) let action = eval_trans run run.td_cache tag summary (unsafe_get run_sat (Tree.preorder tree fc)) (unsafe_get run_sat (Tree.preorder tree ns)) parent_sat status0 td_todo action_builder in action node node_id fc ns end and td_action_builder parent_sat summary tag status1 = let update_res = mk_update_res false status1 in match NodeSummary.(has_left summary, has_right summary) with false, false -> (fun node node_id fc ns -> unsafe_set run_sat node_id status1; update_res node; StateSet.empty) | true, false -> (fun node node_id fc ns -> unsafe_set run_sat node_id status1; update_res node; loop_td fc node status1) | false, true -> (fun node node_id fc ns -> unsafe_set run_sat node_id status1; update_res node; loop_td ns node status1) | _ -> (fun node node_id fc ns -> unsafe_set run_sat node_id status1; (* write the td_states *) update_res node; ignore (loop_td fc node status1); loop_td ns node status1 (* tail call *) ) and td_and_bu_action_builder parent_sat summary tag status1 = match NodeSummary.(has_left summary, has_right summary) with false, false -> (fun node node_id fc ns -> let action = eval_trans run run.bu_cache tag summary StateSet.empty StateSet.empty parent_sat status1 bu_todo bu_action_builder in action node node_id) | true, false -> (fun node node_id fc ns -> let fcs1 = loop_td_and_bu fc node status1 in let action = eval_trans run run.bu_cache tag summary fcs1 StateSet.empty parent_sat status1 bu_todo bu_action_builder in action node node_id ) | false, true -> (fun node node_id fc ns -> let nss1 = loop_td_and_bu ns node status1 in let action = eval_trans run run.bu_cache tag summary StateSet.empty nss1 parent_sat status1 bu_todo bu_action_builder in action node node_id ) | _ -> (fun node node_id fc ns -> let fcs1 = loop_td_and_bu fc node status1 in let nss1 = loop_td_and_bu ns node status1 in let action = eval_trans run run.bu_cache tag summary fcs1 nss1 parent_sat status1 bu_todo bu_action_builder in action node node_id ) and bu_action_builder parent_sat summary tag status2 node node_id = unsafe_set run_sat node_id status2; status2 and td_and_bu_last_action_builder parent_sat summary tag status1 = match NodeSummary.(has_left summary, has_right summary) with false, false -> (fun node node_id fc ns -> let action = eval_trans run run.bu_cache tag summary StateSet.empty StateSet.empty parent_sat status1 bu_todo bu_last_action_builder in action node node_id) | true, false -> (fun node node_id fc ns -> let fcs1 = loop_td_and_bu_last fc node status1 in let action = eval_trans run run.bu_cache tag summary fcs1 StateSet.empty parent_sat status1 bu_todo bu_last_action_builder in action node node_id ) | false, true -> (fun node node_id fc ns -> let nss1 = loop_td_and_bu_last ns node status1 in let action = eval_trans run run.bu_cache tag summary StateSet.empty nss1 parent_sat status1 bu_todo bu_last_action_builder in action node node_id ) | _ -> (fun node node_id fc ns -> let nss1 = loop_td_and_bu_last ns node status1 in let fcs1 = loop_td_and_bu_last fc node status1 in let action = eval_trans run run.bu_cache tag summary fcs1 nss1 parent_sat status1 bu_todo bu_last_action_builder in action node node_id ) and bu_last_action_builder parent_sat summary tag status2 = let update_res = mk_update_res true status2 in (fun node node_id -> unsafe_set run_sat node_id status2; update_res node; status2) and loop_td node parent parent_sat = common node parent parent_sat td_action_builder and loop_td_and_bu node parent parent_sat = common node parent parent_sat td_and_bu_action_builder and loop_td_and_bu_last node parent parent_sat = common node parent parent_sat td_and_bu_last_action_builder in let _ = if bu_todo == StateSet.empty then loop_td (Tree.root tree) Tree.nil dummy_set else if last_run then loop_td_and_bu_last (Tree.root tree) Tree.nil dummy_set else loop_td_and_bu (Tree.root tree) Tree.nil dummy_set in run.pass <- run.pass + 2; run.stats.pass <- run.stats.pass + 1; run.stats.nodes_per_run <- !num_visited :: run.stats.nodes_per_run let mk_update_result auto = let sel_states = Ata.get_selecting_states auto in let res = ResultSet.create () in (fun prepend sat -> if StateSet.intersect sat sel_states then if prepend then (fun n -> ResultSet.push_front n res) else (fun n -> ResultSet.push_back n res) else (fun _ -> ())), (fun () -> res) let mk_update_full_result auto = let sel_states = Ata.get_selecting_states auto in let res_mapper = StateSet.fold_right (fun q acc -> (q, ResultSet.create())::acc) sel_states [] in (fun prepend sat -> StateSet.fold (fun q f_acc -> if StateSet.mem q sel_states then let res = List.assoc q res_mapper in if prepend then (fun n -> ResultSet.push_front n res; f_acc n) else (fun n -> ResultSet.push_back n res; f_acc n) else f_acc) sat (fun _ -> ())), (fun () -> res_mapper) let prepare_run run list = let tree = run.tree in let auto = run.auto in let sat = IFHTML((List.hd run.sat), run.sat) in let sat0 = Ata.get_starting_states auto in ResultSet.iter (fun node -> let node_id = Tree.preorder tree node in sat.(node_id) <- sat0) list let compute_run auto tree nodes mk_update_res = let run = make auto tree in prepare_run run nodes; let rank = Ata.get_max_rank auto in while run.pass <= rank do top_down run mk_update_res; IFHTML((run.sat <- (Array.copy (List.hd run.sat)) :: run.sat), ()); run.td_cache <- Cache.N6.create dummy_action; run.bu_cache <- Cache.N6.create dummy_action; done; IFHTML((run.sat <- List.tl run.sat), ()); IFHTML(Html_trace.gen_trace auto run.sat (module T : Tree.S with type t = Tree.t) tree ,()); run let last_stats = ref None let full_eval auto tree nodes = let mk_update_full,get_full = mk_update_full_result auto in let run = compute_run auto tree nodes mk_update_full in last_stats := Some run.stats; get_full () let eval auto tree nodes = let mk_update_res,get_res = mk_update_result auto in let run = compute_run auto tree nodes mk_update_res in last_stats := Some run.stats; get_res () let stats () = match !last_stats with Some s -> s.nodes_per_run <- List.rev s.nodes_per_run;s | None -> failwith "Missing stats" end