open Table open Table_options open Query_tree let parse_xpath p = Xpath.Parser.parse (Ulexing.from_utf8_string p) let main () = let () = Table_options.parse () in let doc = let fd, close_fd = match !Table_options.input_file with None | Some "-" | Some "/dev/stdin" ->stdin,ignore (*qu'est-ce que c'est ignore?????*) | Some input -> let fd = open_in input in fd, fun() -> close_in fd in (*let inc = open_in Sys.argv.(1) in*) let doc = Naive_tree.load_xml_file fd in close_fd(); (*ca sert a fermer fd????*) doc in let queries = ( fun q -> parse_xpath q) !Table_options.queries in let query_tree_list = (fun query -> compile_xpath query) queries in List.iter ( fun q -> let res = eval_query_tree doc [ (Naive_tree.root doc) ] q in print_string "\n"; print_node_list doc res; print_string "\n" ) query_tree_list ; let _ = if !Table_options.count then Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "there are %i nodes\n" !Query_tree.compteur; in (* let output = match !Options.output_file with | None | Some "-" | Some "/dev/stdout" -> stdout | Some f -> open_out f in List.iter (fun query -> Logger.msg `STATS "Query: %a " Xpath.Ast.print_path query) queries; List.iter (fun query_tree -> Logger.msg `STATS "@[Query_tree: @\n%a@]" print_query_tree Format.std_formatter query_tree) query_tree_list; *) exit 0 let () = main () (* let query = Xpath.Parser.parse (Ulexing.from_utf8_string Sys.argv.(2)) in Format.printf "La requete est: %a\n%!" Xpath.Ast.print_path query; *) (* print_endline "Test 1 root.firstchild"; let c1 = eval_move doc [ (Naive_tree.root doc) ] Firstchild in print_node_list doc c1; print_endline "Test 2 root.firstchild.firstchild"; let c2 = eval_move doc c1 Firstchild in print_node_list doc c2; print_endline "Test 3 root.firstchild.firstchild.nextsibling"; let c3 = eval_move doc c2 Nextsibling in print_node_list doc c3; print_endline "Test 4 root.firstchild.firstchild.nextsibling.firstchild"; let c4 = eval_move doc c3 Firstchild in print_node_list doc c4; print_endline "Test 5 root.firstchild.firstchild.nextsibling.firstchild.ancestor false"; let c5 = eval_axis doc c4 (Ancestor false) in print_node_list doc c5; print_endline "Test 6"; let c6 = eval_move doc c5 Prevsibling in print_node_list doc c6; print_endline "Test 7"; let c7 = eval_move doc c6 Revfirstchild in print_node_list doc c7; print_endline "Test 8 Child [root]"; let c8 = eval_axis doc [Naive_tree.root doc] Child in print_node_list doc c8; print_endline "Test 9 Descendant [b]"; let c9 = eval_axis doc c2 (Descendant false) in print_node_list doc c9; print_endline "Test 10 Descendant or self [b]"; let c10 = eval_axis doc c2 (Descendant true) in print_node_list doc c10; print_endline "Test 11 FollowingSibling [b]"; let c11 = eval_axis doc c2 FollowingSibling in print_node_list doc c11; print_endline "Test 12 Parent [b]"; let c12 = eval_axis doc c2 Parent in print_node_list doc c12; print_endline "Test 13 Ancestor or self [b]"; let c13 = eval_axis doc c2 (Ancestor true) in print_node_list doc c13; print_endline "Test 14 PrecdingSibling [b]"; let c14 = eval_axis doc c2 PrecedingSibling in print_node_list doc c14; print_endline "Test 15 preceding [b]"; let c15 = eval_axis doc c2 Preceding in print_node_list doc c15; print_endline "Test 16 Following [b]"; let c16 = eval_axis doc c2 Following in print_node_list doc c16; print_endline "Test 17 tag [b]"; let c17 = element_by_tag doc (QName.make "b") in print_node_list doc c17; print_endline "Test 18 all nodes"; let c18 = all_nodes doc in print_node_list doc c18; print_endline "Test 19 compile_xpath"; *) (*Format.printf "Le document contient: %i noeuds\n%!" (Naive_tree.size doc); let c19 = compile_xpath (parse_xpath "/child::a[child::b or not(following::]") in Format.printf ">> %a\n%!" print_query_tree c19; print_endline "Test 20 eval_query_tree"; let res = eval_query_tree doc [ (Naive_tree.root doc) ] c19 in print_node_list doc res; print_endline "Fin";*)