Query: A1 : /site/closed_auctions/closed_auction/annotation/description/text/keyword STATS: parsing xml document: 1.941919ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.118971ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.624895ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::closed_auctions/child::closed_auction/child::annotation/child::description/child::text/child::keyword STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 13.736010ms STATS: serializing results: 1.666784ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 1 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 140 entries, cache6: 2831 entries STATS: cache2: length: 210, used: 70, occupation: 0.333333 STATS: cache4: length: 3099, used: 268, occupation: 0.086480 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: A2 : //closed_auction//keyword STATS: parsing xml document: 1.976013ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.051975ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.267982ms STATS: Query: /descendant-or-self::node()/child::closed_auction/descendant-or-self::node()/child::keyword STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 7.214785ms STATS: serializing results: 1.543045ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 1 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 140 entries, cache6: 2253 entries STATS: cache2: length: 210, used: 70, occupation: 0.333333 STATS: cache4: length: 2452, used: 199, occupation: 0.081158 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: A3 : /site/closed_auctions/closed_auction//keyword STATS: parsing xml document: 1.937866ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.067949ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.401974ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::closed_auctions/child::closed_auction/descendant-or-self::node()/child::keyword STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 8.767843ms STATS: serializing results: 1.557112ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 1 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 140 entries, cache6: 2969 entries STATS: cache2: length: 210, used: 70, occupation: 0.333333 STATS: cache4: length: 3212, used: 243, occupation: 0.075654 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: A4 : /site/closed_auctions/closed_auction[annotation/description/text/keyword]/date STATS: parsing xml document: 2.266884ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.097036ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.423908ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::closed_auctions/child::closed_auction[ child::annotation/child::description/child::text/child::keyword ]/child::date STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1046 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (90.56 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 13.612032ms STATS: serializing results: 1.475811ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 2 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 269 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 341, used: 72, occupation: 0.211144 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: A5 : /site/closed_auctions/closed_auction[descendant::keyword]/date STATS: parsing xml document: 1.949072ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.077963ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.340939ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::closed_auctions/child::closed_auction[ descendant::keyword ]/child::date STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1046 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (90.56 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 8.916855ms STATS: serializing results: 1.583099ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 2 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 201 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 274, used: 73, occupation: 0.266423 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: A6 : /site/people/person[profile/gender and profile/age]/name STATS: parsing xml document: 1.895189ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.103951ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.425816ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::people/child::person[ child::profile/child::gender and child::profile/child::age ]/child::name STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1129 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (97.75 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 10.172129ms STATS: serializing results: 3.078938ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 2 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 66 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 95, used: 29, occupation: 0.305263 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: A7 : /site/people/person[phone or homepage]/name STATS: parsing xml document: 1.924038ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.078917ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.349045ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::people/child::person[ child::phone or child::homepage ]/child::name STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1129 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (97.75 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 8.696079ms STATS: serializing results: 1.600027ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 2 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 88 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 140, used: 52, occupation: 0.371429 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: A8 : /site/people/person[address and (phone or homepage) and (creditcard or profile)]/name STATS: parsing xml document: 1.899004ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.114918ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.459909ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::people/child::person[ child::address and (child::phone or child::homepage) and (child::creditcard or child::profile) ]/child::name STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1129 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (97.75 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 11.929989ms STATS: serializing results: 1.475811ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 2 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 92 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 139, used: 47, occupation: 0.338129 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B1 : /site/regions/*/item[parent::namerica or parent::samerica]/name STATS: parsing xml document: 2.445936ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.091076ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.488997ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::regions/child::*/child::item[ parent::namerica or parent::samerica ]/child::name STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 8.671999ms STATS: serializing results: 1.447201ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 1 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 140 entries, cache6: 2553 entries STATS: cache2: length: 210, used: 70, occupation: 0.333333 STATS: cache4: length: 2784, used: 231, occupation: 0.082974 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B2 : //keyword/ancestor::listitem/text/keyword STATS: parsing xml document: 1.924992ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.075102ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.345945ms STATS: Query: /descendant-or-self::node()/child::keyword/ancestor::listitem/child::text/child::keyword STATS: Automaton: STATS: 838 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (72.55 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 11.610985ms STATS: serializing results: 1.956940ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 2 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 1079 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 1225, used: 146, occupation: 0.119184 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B3 : /site/open_auctions/open_auction/bidder[following-sibling::bidder] STATS: parsing xml document: 1.966000ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.071049ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.307083ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::open_auctions/child::open_auction/child::bidder[ following-sibling::bidder ] STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 7.487059ms STATS: serializing results: 1.948833ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 1 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 140 entries, cache6: 2328 entries STATS: cache2: length: 210, used: 70, occupation: 0.333333 STATS: cache4: length: 2549, used: 221, occupation: 0.086701 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B4 : /site/open_auctions/open_auction/bidder[preceding-sibling::bidder] STATS: parsing xml document: 1.992941ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.087023ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.313997ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::open_auctions/child::open_auction/child::bidder[ preceding-sibling::bidder ] STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 7.298946ms STATS: serializing results: 2.054930ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 1 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 140 entries, cache6: 1951 entries STATS: cache2: length: 210, used: 70, occupation: 0.333333 STATS: cache4: length: 2138, used: 187, occupation: 0.087465 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B5 : /site/regions/*/item[following::item]/name STATS: parsing xml document: 1.929998ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.079155ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.583172ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::regions/child::*/child::item[ ancestor-or-self::node()/following-sibling::node()/descendant-or-self::item ]/child::name STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (0.09 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 15.670061ms STATS: serializing results: 1.724005ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 2 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 1372 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 1624, used: 252, occupation: 0.155172 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B6 : /site/regions/*/item[preceding::item]/name STATS: parsing xml document: 2.002954ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.078917ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.535965ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::regions/child::*/child::item[ ancestor-or-self::node()/preceding-sibling::node()/descendant-or-self::item ]/child::name STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 14.605999ms STATS: serializing results: 1.614094ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 1 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 140 entries, cache6: 3069 entries STATS: cache2: length: 210, used: 70, occupation: 0.333333 STATS: cache4: length: 3392, used: 323, occupation: 0.095224 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B7 : //person[profile/@income]/name STATS: parsing xml document: 1.917839ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.077963ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.272036ms STATS: Query: /descendant-or-self::node()/child::person[ child::profile/attribute::@income ]/child::name STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1129 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (97.75 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 3.632784ms STATS: serializing results: 1.396894ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 2 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 58 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 84, used: 26, occupation: 0.309524 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B8 : /site/open_auctions/open_auction[bidder and not(bidder/preceding-sibling::bidder)]/interval STATS: parsing xml document: 1.998901ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.102043ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.397921ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::open_auctions/child::open_auction[ child::bidder and not(child::bidder/preceding-sibling::bidder) ]/child::interval STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1091 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (94.46 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 10.616779ms STATS: serializing results: 1.590967ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 2 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 124 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 184, used: 60, occupation: 0.326087 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B9 : /site/open_auctions/open_auction[(not(bidder/following::bidder) or not(bidder/preceding::bidder)) or (bidder/following::bidder and bidder/preceding::bidder)]/interval STATS: parsing xml document: 1.937151ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.144005ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 1.156092ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::open_auctions/child::open_auction[ not(child::bidder/ancestor-or-self::node()/following-sibling::node()/descendant-or-self::bidder) or not(child::bidder/ancestor-or-self::node()/preceding-sibling::node()/descendant-or-self::bidder) or child::bidder/ancestor-or-self::node()/following-sibling::node()/descendant-or-self::bidder and child::bidder/ancestor-or-self::node()/preceding-sibling::node()/descendant-or-self::bidder ]/child::interval STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (0.09 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 18.059015ms STATS: serializing results: 1.640081ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 2 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 977 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 1250, used: 273, occupation: 0.218400 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B10 : /site/open_auctions/open_auction[(not(bidder/following::bidder) or not(bidder/preceding::bidder)) and (bidder/following::bidder and bidder/preceding::bidder)]/interval STATS: parsing xml document: 1.865864ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.143051ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 1.295090ms STATS: Query: /child::site/child::open_auctions/child::open_auction[ (not(child::bidder/ancestor-or-self::node()/following-sibling::node()/descendant-or-self::bidder) or not(child::bidder/ancestor-or-self::node()/preceding-sibling::node()/descendant-or-self::bidder)) and child::bidder/ancestor-or-self::node()/following-sibling::node()/descendant-or-self::bidder and child::bidder/ancestor-or-self::node()/preceding-sibling::node()/descendant-or-self::bidder ]/child::interval STATS: Automaton: STATS: 1 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (0.09 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 27.679920ms STATS: serializing results: 1.658916ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 2 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 978 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 1247, used: 269, occupation: 0.215718 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B11 : //open_auction/bidder/../bidder/../bidder/../interval STATS: parsing xml document: 1.846075ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.068903ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.643015ms STATS: Query: /descendant-or-self::node()/child::open_auction/child::bidder/parent::node()/child::bidder/parent::node()/child::bidder/parent::node()/child::interval STATS: Automaton: STATS: 0 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (0.00 %), redo is: true STATS: 1091 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (94.46 %), redo is: true STATS: 1091 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (94.46 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 3 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 18.645048ms STATS: serializing results: 1.463175ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 4 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 4 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 93 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 149, used: 56, occupation: 0.375839 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B12 : //item/@id/../@id/../@id/../@id/../name STATS: parsing xml document: 1.981020ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.072002ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.829935ms STATS: Query: /descendant-or-self::node()/child::item/attribute::@id/parent::node()/attribute::@id/parent::node()/attribute::@id/parent::node()/attribute::@id/parent::node()/child::name STATS: Automaton: STATS: 0 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (0.00 %), redo is: true STATS: 891 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (77.14 %), redo is: true STATS: 891 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (77.14 %), redo is: true STATS: 891 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 3 (77.14 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 4 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 20.490885ms STATS: serializing results: 1.349926ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 5 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 5 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 304 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 384, used: 80, occupation: 0.208333 Diff: ok ------------------------------------------- Query: B13 : //keyword/ancestor::parlist/descendant::keyword/ancestor::parlist/descendant::keyword/ancestor::parlist/descendant::keyword STATS: parsing xml document: 1.920938ms STATS: parsing XPath query: 0.090837ms STATS: compiling XPath query: 0.641108ms STATS: Query: /descendant-or-self::node()/child::keyword/ancestor::parlist/descendant::keyword/ancestor::parlist/descendant::keyword/ancestor::parlist/descendant::keyword STATS: Automaton: STATS: 798 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 0 (69.09 %), redo is: true STATS: 798 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 1 (69.09 %), redo is: true STATS: 798 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 2 (69.09 %), redo is: true STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 3 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: evaluating query: 24.297953ms STATS: serializing results: 1.913071ms STATS: 1155 nodes over 1155 were skipped in iteration 4 (100.00 %), redo is: false STATS: 4 iterations STATS: automaton 0, cache2: 0 entries, cache6: 660 entries STATS: cache2: length: 0, used: 0, occupation: -nan STATS: cache4: length: 817, used: 157, occupation: 0.192166 Diff: ok -------------------------------------------